W1198: Socio-Economic Sustainability of Operations and Communities that Rely on Rangelands
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
DJ Augustine, JP Ritten, DL Hoover, JD Derner. 2024. Does Drought Intensify the Effects of Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs on Livestock Production and Net Revenue in Semiarid Rangelands? Rangeland Ecology & Management
JD Derner, JP Ritten, T Baldwin, T Jorns, M Mortenson, DJ Augustine. 2024. Flexible Stocking: Livestock Production and Economic Responses in Mixed-Grass Prairie Rangeland Ecology & Management
ND DeLay, DF Mooney, J Ritten. 2024. Climate and Consolidation in the US Beef Cow Sector Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1-20
M Hart, J Ritten, BA Mealor. 2024. A ranching economic analysis of ventenata (Ventenata dubia) control in northeast Wyoming. Invasive Plant Science and Management 16 (1), 56-63
Thayer, Anastasia W., Justin R. Benavidez, and David P. Anderson. "Exploring the Impact of Fed Cattle Grade on Transaction Type." Journal of the ASFMRA 2024 (2024): 141-146.
Thayer, Anastasia W., Nikolas Berg, Matthew Fischer, Dillon Feuz. " Feeder Cattle Basis in the Western United States Over the Last Decade." submitted.
Ramos-Coronado, L., Miller, M., Angadi, S., Lauriault, L. M., Marsalis, M. A., Evaluating the economic merit of guar as a forage replacement crop during drought-induced water restrictions. Submitted to: Agronomy.
Gonell-Trail, S., Miller, M., Ward, F. A. (2024) Economic performance of range livestock grazing for adapting to drought and climate stressed forage. Rangeland Ecology & Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2024.02.003
AT Maher, NEQ Ashwell, JA Tanaka, JP Ritten, KA Maczko. 2023. Financial barriers and opportunities for conservation adoption on US rangelands: A region-wide, ranch-level economic assessment of NRCS-sponsored Greater Sage-grouse habitat …. Journal of Environmental Management 329, 116420
Tanaka, JA, KA Maczko, and JL Windh. (Accepted w/ revisions) Economics of lesser prairie chicken conservation. Rangeland Ecology and Management
Acharya, B. (M.S. thesis, 2024) Economic Impacts of Grazing Management Practices in Riparian Areas. Advised by K. Lee, J. Windh, and A. Maas.