NC1170: Advanced Technologies for the Genetic Improvement of Poultry

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


Sparling BA, Ng TT, Carlo-Allende A, McCarthy FM, Taylor RL Jr, Drechsler Y: Immunoglobulin-like Receptors in Chickens: identification, functional characterization, and renaming to Cluster Homolog of Immunoglobulin-like Receptors. Poultry Science Volume 103, Issue 2, 2024.

Schmidt CJ, Kim DK, Pendarvis GK, Abasht B, McCarthy FM. Proteomic insight into human directed selection of the domesticated chicken Gallus gallus. PLoS One. 2023 Aug 7;18(8):e0289648. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289648.

Rhoads, D.D., N.S. Ekesi, A.A.K. Alrubaye, J. Pummill (2023) Horizontal transfer of a probable chicken-pathogenicity mobile genetic element from Staphylococcus aureus to Staphylococcus agnetis. PLoS One 18: e0283914.

Pritchett, E.,M., Van Goor, A., Schneider,  B.K., Young, M., Lamont, S.J., Schmidt, C.K. 2023. Chicken pituitary transcriptomic responses to acute heat stress. Mol. Biol. Rep.

Warren, W.C., Rice, E.S., Meyer, A., Hearn, C.J., Steep, A., Hunt, H.D., Monson, M.S., Lamont, S.J., Cheng, H.H. 2023. The immune cell landscape and response of Marek’s disease resistant and susceptible chickens infected with Marek’s disease virus. Scientific Rep. 13:5355. 

Wang, Y., Saelao, P., Kern, C., Zhao, B., Gallardo, R.A., Kelly, T., Dekkers, J.M., Lamont, S.J., Zhou, H. 2023. Distinct hypothalamus and breast muscle transcriptomic response to heat stress under Newcastle Disease virus infection.  Cytogenet. Genome Res. 

Smith J., Alfieri, J.M., Anthony, N., Arensburger, P., Athrey, G.N., Balacco, J., Balic, A., Bardou, P., Barela, P., Bigot, Y., Blackmon, H., Borodin, P.M., Rachel Carroll, R., Casono, M.C., Charles, M., Cheng, H., Chiodi, M., Cigan, L., Coghill, L.M., Crooijmans, R., Neelabja Das, N., Davey, S., Davidian, A., Degalez, F., Dekkers, J.M., Derks, M., Diack, A.B., Djikeng, A., Drechsler, Y., Dyomin, A., Fedrigo, O., Fiddaman, S.R., Giulio Formenti, G., Frantz, L.A.F., Fulton, J.E., Gaginskaya, E., Galkina, S., Gallardo, R.A., Geibel, J., Gheyas, A., Godinez, C.J.P., Goodell, A., Graves, J.A.M., Griffin, D.K., Haase, B., Han, J.-L., Hanotte, O., Henderson, L.J., Hou, Z.-C., Howe, K., Huynh, L., Ilatsia, E., Jarvis, E., Johnson, S.M., Kaufman, J., Kelly, T., Kemp, S., Kern, C., Keroack, J.H., Klopp, C., Lagarrigue, S., Lamont, S.J., Lange, M., Lanke, A., Larkin, D., Larson, G., Layos, J.K.N., Lebrasseur, O., Malinovskaya, L.P., Martin, R.J., Martin Cerezo, M.L., Mason, A.S., McCarthy, F.M., McGrew, M.J., Mountcastle, J., Kamidi Muhonja, C., Muir, W., Muret, K.,  Murphy, T., Ng’ang’a, I., Nishibori, M., O’Connor, R.E., Ogugo, M., Okimoto, R., Ouko, O., Patel, H.R., Perini, F., María Pigozzi, M., Potter, K.C., Price, P.D., Reimer, C., Rice, E.S., Rocos, N., Rogers, T.F., Saelao, P., Schauer, J., Schnabel, R., Schneider, V., Simianer, H., Smith, A., Stevens, M.P., Stiers, K., Keambou Tiambo, C., Tixier-Boichard, M., Torgasheva, A.A., Tracey, A., Tregaskes, C.A., Vervelde, L., Wang, Y., Warren, W.C., Waters, P., Webb, D., Weigend, S., Wolc, A., Wright, A.E., Wright, D., Wu, Z., Yamagata, M., Yang, C., Yin, Z.-T., Young, M.C., Zhang, G., Zhao, B., Zhou, H.  2023. Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 162:405–527.

Reed KM, Mendoza KM, Kono T, Powell AA, Strasburg GM, Velleman SG. Expression of miRNAs in turkey muscle satellite cells and differential response to thermal challenge. Front Physiol. 2023 Nov 23;14:1293264. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1293264. 

Xu J, Strasburg GM, Reed KM, Bello NM, Velleman SG. Differential effects of temperature and mTOR and Wnt-planar cell polarity pathways on syndecan-4 and CD44 expression in growth-selected turkey satellite cell populations. PLoS One. 2023 Feb 3;18(2):e0281350. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281350..

Bierla K, Szpunar J, Lobinski R, Sunde RA. Effect of graded levels of selenium supplementation as selenite on expression of selenosugars, selenocysteine, and other selenometabolites in rat liver. Metallomics 2023;15:mfad066. PMID: 37898555

Bierla K, Szpunar J, Lobinski R, Sunde RA. Selenomethionine supplementation and expression of selenosugars, selenocysteine, and other selenometabolites in rat liver. Metallomics 2023;15:mfad067. PMID: 37898557




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