NC1170: Advanced Technologies for the Genetic Improvement of Poultry

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


Sparling BA, Ng TT, Carlo-Allende A, McCarthy FM, Taylor RL Jr, Drechsler Y: Immunoglobulin-like Receptors in Chickens: identification, functional characterization, and renaming to Cluster Homolog of Immunoglobulin-like Receptors. Poultry Science Volume 103, Issue 2, 2024.

Schmidt CJ, Kim DK, Pendarvis GK, Abasht B, McCarthy FM. Proteomic insight into human directed selection of the domesticated chicken Gallus gallus. PLoS One. 2023 Aug 7;18(8):e0289648. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289648.

Rhoads, D.D., N.S. Ekesi, A.A.K. Alrubaye, J. Pummill (2023) Horizontal transfer of a probable chicken-pathogenicity mobile genetic element from Staphylococcus aureus to Staphylococcus agnetis. PLoS One 18: e0283914.

Pritchett, E.,M., Van Goor, A., Schneider,  B.K., Young, M., Lamont, S.J., Schmidt, C.K. 2023. Chicken pituitary transcriptomic responses to acute heat stress. Mol. Biol. Rep.

Warren, W.C., Rice, E.S., Meyer, A., Hearn, C.J., Steep, A., Hunt, H.D., Monson, M.S., Lamont, S.J., Cheng, H.H. 2023. The immune cell landscape and response of Marek’s disease resistant and susceptible chickens infected with Marek’s disease virus. Scientific Rep. 13:5355. 

Wang, Y., Saelao, P., Kern, C., Zhao, B., Gallardo, R.A., Kelly, T., Dekkers, J.M., Lamont, S.J., Zhou, H. 2023. Distinct hypothalamus and breast muscle transcriptomic response to heat stress under Newcastle Disease virus infection.  Cytogenet. Genome Res. 

Smith J., Alfieri, J.M., Anthony, N., Arensburger, P., Athrey, G.N., Balacco, J., Balic, A., Bardou, P., Barela, P., Bigot, Y., Blackmon, H., Borodin, P.M., Rachel Carroll, R., Casono, M.C., Charles, M., Cheng, H., Chiodi, M., Cigan, L., Coghill, L.M., Crooijmans, R., Neelabja Das, N., Davey, S., Davidian, A., Degalez, F., Dekkers, J.M., Derks, M., Diack, A.B., Djikeng, A., Drechsler, Y., Dyomin, A., Fedrigo, O., Fiddaman, S.R., Giulio Formenti, G., Frantz, L.A.F., Fulton, J.E., Gaginskaya, E., Galkina, S., Gallardo, R.A., Geibel, J., Gheyas, A., Godinez, C.J.P., Goodell, A., Graves, J.A.M., Griffin, D.K., Haase, B., Han, J.-L., Hanotte, O., Henderson, L.J., Hou, Z.-C., Howe, K., Huynh, L., Ilatsia, E., Jarvis, E., Johnson, S.M., Kaufman, J., Kelly, T., Kemp, S., Kern, C., Keroack, J.H., Klopp, C., Lagarrigue, S., Lamont, S.J., Lange, M., Lanke, A., Larkin, D., Larson, G., Layos, J.K.N., Lebrasseur, O., Malinovskaya, L.P., Martin, R.J., Martin Cerezo, M.L., Mason, A.S., McCarthy, F.M., McGrew, M.J., Mountcastle, J., Kamidi Muhonja, C., Muir, W., Muret, K.,  Murphy, T., Ng’ang’a, I., Nishibori, M., O’Connor, R.E., Ogugo, M., Okimoto, R., Ouko, O., Patel, H.R., Perini, F., María Pigozzi, M., Potter, K.C., Price, P.D., Reimer, C., Rice, E.S., Rocos, N., Rogers, T.F., Saelao, P., Schauer, J., Schnabel, R., Schneider, V., Simianer, H., Smith, A., Stevens, M.P., Stiers, K., Keambou Tiambo, C., Tixier-Boichard, M., Torgasheva, A.A., Tracey, A., Tregaskes, C.A., Vervelde, L., Wang, Y., Warren, W.C., Waters, P., Webb, D., Weigend, S., Wolc, A., Wright, A.E., Wright, D., Wu, Z., Yamagata, M., Yang, C., Yin, Z.-T., Young, M.C., Zhang, G., Zhao, B., Zhou, H.  2023. Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 162:405–527.

Reed KM, Mendoza KM, Kono T, Powell AA, Strasburg GM, Velleman SG. Expression of miRNAs in turkey muscle satellite cells and differential response to thermal challenge. Front Physiol. 2023 Nov 23;14:1293264. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1293264. 

Xu J, Strasburg GM, Reed KM, Bello NM, Velleman SG. Differential effects of temperature and mTOR and Wnt-planar cell polarity pathways on syndecan-4 and CD44 expression in growth-selected turkey satellite cell populations. PLoS One. 2023 Feb 3;18(2):e0281350. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281350..

Bierla K, Szpunar J, Lobinski R, Sunde RA. Effect of graded levels of selenium supplementation as selenite on expression of selenosugars, selenocysteine, and other selenometabolites in rat liver. Metallomics 2023;15:mfad066. PMID: 37898555

Bierla K, Szpunar J, Lobinski R, Sunde RA. Selenomethionine supplementation and expression of selenosugars, selenocysteine, and other selenometabolites in rat liver. Metallomics 2023;15:mfad067. PMID: 37898557



Aggrey, S. E. and R. Rekaya, 2024. Genetic factors affecting feed efficiency in meat-type chickens. In: Advances in Poultry Nutrition. (T. J. Applegate, Ed), Burleigh Dodds, Science Publishing, Cambridge, U. K. 17pp   


Adomako, K., S. Sovi, B. Kyei, J. A. Hamidu, O. S. Olympio and S. E. Aggrey, 2024. Phenotypic characterization and analysis of genetic diversity between commercial crossbred and indigenous chickens from three different agro-ecological zones using DArT-Seq technology. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0297643.   


Ariyo, O. W., J. Kwakye, S. Sovi, B. Aryal, E. Hartono, A. F. A. Ghareed, M. C. Milfort, A. L. Fuller, R. Rekaya and S. E. Aggrey, 2024. mRNA expression of kidney aquaporins and blood composition of meat-type chickens raised with or without glucose supplementation under cyclic heat or thermoneutral condition. Thermal Biology 126, 104003   


Asnayanti, A., Do, A., and Alrubaye, A. (2024). Microbiology, induction, and management practices to mitigate lameness caused by bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis in broiler chickens. Ger. J. Vet. Res 2024. pp:14-30. Doi:   


Assumpcao, ALFV; K Arsi, A Asnayanti, KS Alharbi, ADT Do, QD Read, R Perera, A Shwani, A Hasan, SD Pillai, RC Anderson. AM Donoghue, DD Rhoads, PRR Jesudhasan, AAK Alrubaye (2024). Electron-Beam-Killed Staphylococcus Vaccine Reduced Lameness in Broiler Chickens. Vaccines 12, 1203.   


Bierla K, Szpunar J, Lobinski R, Sunde RA. Use of laser-ablation inductively-coupled mass spectroscopy for analysis of selenosugars bound to proteins. Metallomics, 2025 (accepted 1/7/25, in press; submitted 9/26/24; revision submitted 11/4/2024)   


Bordini, M., Wang, Z., Soglia, F., Petracci, M., Schmidt, C.J. and Abasht, B., 2024. RNA-sequencing revisited data shed new light on wooden breast myopathy. Poultry Science, p.103902.   


Botchway, P.K., Amuzu-Aweh, E.N., Naazie, A., Aning, G.K., Otsyina, H.R., Saelao, P., Wang, Y., Zhou, H., Dekkers, J.C., Lamont, S.J. and Gallardo, R.A., 2024. Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of three local chicken ecotypes of Ghana based on principal component analysis and body measurements. Plos one, 19(8), p.e0308420.   


Chen Y, Kosonsiriluk S, Ehresmann L, Reed KM, Noll S, Wileman B, Studniski M, and Boukherroub K. 2024. Changes in adaptive immune cell count and localization in the reproductive tract of turkey breeder hens in response to artificial insemination throughout their laying cycle. Poultry Science, 2024:104448,   


Degalez F, Charles M, Foissac S, Zhou H, Guan D, Fang L, Klopp C, Allain C, Lagoutte L, Lecerf F, Acloque H, Giuffra E, Pitel F, Lagarrigue S. Enriched atlas of IncRNA and protein-coding genes for the GRCg7b chicken assembly and its functional annotation across 47 tissues. Sci Rep. 2024 Mar 19;14(1):6588. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-56705-y.   


Drechsler Y, Ng T, Sparling B, Hawkins RD. 177 Functional Annotation of an Array of Immune Cells and Various Tissues in the Chicken. Journal of Animal Science. 2023 Nov 1;101(Supplement_2):24-5.   


Ghareeb AFA, Foutz JC, Schneiders GH, Richter JN, Milfort MC, Fuller AL, Rekaya R, Aggrey SE, 2024. Host transcriptome response to heat stress and Eimeria maxima infection in meat-type chickens.   


House, LC, A Hasan, A Asnayanti, AAK Alrubaye, J Pummill, DD Rhoads (2024) Phylogenomic analysis of three distinct lineages uniting Staphylococcus cohnii and Staphylococcus urealyticus from diverse hosts. Microorganisms 12:1549.   


Jorud K, Mendoza KM, Kono T, Coulombe RA, and Reed KM. 2024. Differential hepatic expression of miRNA in response to aflatoxin B1 challenge in domestic and wild turkeys. Toxins, 16(11), 453.   


Kanlisi, R. A. E. N. Amuzu-Aweh, A. Naazie, H. R. Otsyina, T. R. Kelly, R. A. Gallardo, S. J. Lamont, H. Zhou, J. Dekkers and B. B. Kayang. 2024. Genetic architecture of body weight, carcass, and internal organs traits of Ghanaian local chickens. Front. Genet. 15:1297034. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2024.1297034   


Klünemann, M., L. F. Romero, M. Acman, M. C. Milfort, A. L. Fuller, R. Rekaya, S. E. Aggrey, L. M. Payling and A. Lemme, 2024. Multitissue transcriptomics demonstrates the systemic physiology of methionine deficiency in broiler chickens. Animal 18, 101143.   


Milfort, M. C., A. F. A. Ghareeb, O. W. Ariyo, J. Kwakye, E. Hartono, S. Sovi, B. Aryal, A. L. Fuler, M. I. El Sabry, F. Stino, R. Rekaya and S. E. Aggrey, 2024. Renal Sugar Metabolites and mRNA Expression of Glucose Transporters in Meat-Type Chickens with Differing Residual Water Intake. Animals 2024, 14(19), 2912;   


Paez, S., N. Mapholi, L. T. Nesengani, S. J. Lamont, S. E. Aggrey, O. Hanotte, C. Bottema, and C. Gill, 2024. Supporting social justice through equity-based actions for a sustainable future in animal genetics (at the 39th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference). Animal Genetics (Accepted: 12/24/2024)   


Peichel C, Nair DVT, Manjankattil S, Reed KM, Cox RB, Donoghue AM, and Kollanoor Johny A. 2024. Effect of trans-cinnamaldehyde and peracetic 1 acid alone or in combination on multidrug resistant Salmonella Heidelberg on broiler drumsticks under scalding alone or with chilling and storage in sequence. Journal of Applied Poultry Research,   



Poku, R. A., E. Agyeman-Dua, S. Donkor, R. A. Ayizanga, R. Osei-Amponsah, R. Rekaya and S. E. Aggrey, 2024. Changes in rectal temperature as a means of assessing heat tolerance and sensitivity in chickens. Tropical Animal Health and Production 56: 391.


Powell AA, Velleman SG, Strasburg G, Abrahante Lloréns JE, and Reed KM. 2024. Circular RNA expression in turkey skeletal muscle satellite cells is significantly altered by thermal challenge. Frontiers in Physiology, Avian Physiology, 15:1476487.doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1476487. Special Issue: Rising Stars in Physiology.


Prabhakaran DM, Nair DVT, Johnson T, Noll S, Dean C, Reed K, and Johny AK. Shotgun metagenomics unveils beneficial cecal microbiome modulation in turkeys exposed to probiotics and vaccine after multidrug-resistant Salmonella Heidelberg challenge. Frontiers in Microbiology, in review.


Rhoads, D.D., J Pummill, and A.A.K. Alrubaye (2024). Molecular Genomic Analyses of Enterococcus cecorum from Sepsis Outbreaks in Broilers. Microorganisms 2024 Vol. 12 Issue 2 Pages 250


Salem, M., Al-Tobasei, R., Ali, A., An, L., Wang, Y., Bai, X.,... & Zhou, H. (2024). Functional annotation of regulatory elements in rainbow trout uncovers roles of the epigenome in genetic selection and genome evolution. GigaScience, 13, giae092.


Santativongchai P, Klaeui C, Kosonsiriluk S, Saqui-Salces M, Reed KM, Wileman BW, Studniski MM, and Boukherroub KS. 2024. Protocol to establish turkey oviductal organoids as a long-term in vitro model. STAR Protocols, 5(4):103384. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2024.103384.


Sculley ER, Rice ES, Carroll RA, Driver JP, Smith J, Kaufman J, Hearn C, Balic A, Chen P, Lamont SJ, Kramer S. A single-nucleus census of immune and non-immune cell types for the major immune organ systems of chicken. bioRxiv. 2024:2024-08.


Shwani, A.; B. Zuo, A. Alrubaye, J. Zhao, D.D. Rhoads (2024) A Simple, Inexpensive Alkaline Method for Bacterial DNA Extraction from Environmental Samples for PCR Surveillance and Microbiome Analyses. Applied Sciences 14:141.  


Sovi, S., K. Adomako, B. Kyei, A. W. Kena, O. S. Olympio and S. E. Aggrey, 2024. A comparative study of population structure and genetic diversity of commercial and indigenous chickens from different agro-ecological zones in Ghana using SilicoDArT and SNP markers. Gene 929, 148823.


Sparling BA, Ng TT, Carlo-Allende A, McCarthy FM, Taylor Jr RL, Drechsler Y. Immunoglobulin-like receptors in chickens: identification, functional characterization, and renaming to cluster homolog of immunoglobulin-like receptors. Poultry Science. 2024 Feb 1;103(2):103292.  


Tsaxra, J.B., Abolnik, C., Chengula, A.A., Mushi, J.R., Msoffe, P.L.M, Muhairwa, A.P. Phiri, T., Jude, R., Chouicha, N., Mollel, E.L., Zhou, H., Gallardo, R. Kelly, T.R. 2024. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Distribution and Risk Factors for Newcastle Disease Virus Among Chickens in a Tanzania Live Bird Market. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, vol. 2024, Article ID 5597050, 9 pages, 2024.


Velleman, S.G., Coy, C.S. and Abasht, B., 2024. Research Note: Chicken breast muscle satellite cell function: effect of expression of CNN1 and PHRF1. Poultry Science, 103(7), p.103781.


Wang, Y., P. Saelao, G. Chanthavixay, R. A. Gallardo, A. Wolc, J. E. Fulton, J. C. Dekkers, S. J. Lamont, T. R. Kelly, H. Zhou. 2024. Genomic regions and candidate genes affecting response to heat stress with Newcastle virus infection in commercial layers chicks using chicken 600K SNP array. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(5),2640; doi:10.3390/ijms25052640  


Wang, Z., Khondowe, P., Brannick, E. and Abasht, B., 2024. Spatial transcriptomics reveals alterations in perivascular macrophage lipid metabolism in the onset of Wooden Breast myopathy in broiler chickens. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.3450.  


Yamashita, T., D.D. Rhoads, J. Pummill. (2024) A robust genome assembly with transcriptomic data from the striped scorpion, Centruroides vittatus. G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics, August 2024, August 2024, jkae120,


Yu. H, Li. Z, Yimiletey. J, Wan. C, Velleman S. Molecular Characterization of the Heterogeneity of Satellite Cell Populations Isolated from an Individual Turkey Pectoralis Major Muscle. (Frontiers in Physiology, under minor revision, 2025)


Zhou, H., E. L. Clark, D. Guan, S. Lagarrigue, L. Fang, et al.. 2024. Comparative Genomics and Epigenomics of Transcriptional Regulation. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 14 (1), ff10.1146/annurev-animal-111523-ff. ffhal-04802793


Zhou, H., I. Baltenweck, J. Dekkers, R. Gallardo, B.B. Kayang, T. Kelly, P. L. M. Msoffe, A. Muhairwa, J. Mushi, A. Naazie, H. R. Otsyina, E. Ouma, S. J. Lamont. 2024. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Genomics to Improve Poultry: A Holistic Approach to Improve Indigenous Chicken Production Focusing on Resilience to Newcastle Disease. World's Poultry Science Journal. 80:2, 273-297, DOI: 10.1080/00439339.2024.2321350  


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