WERA1021: Spotted Wing Drosophila Biology, Ecology, and Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Gale, C.C., Ferguson, B., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Shields, V.D.C., and Zhang, A. 2024. Evaluation of a push–pull strategy for spotted-wing drosophila management in highbush blueberry. Insects 15, 47. doi: 10.3390/insects15010047.
Quadrel, A., Urbaneja-Bernat, P., Holdcraft, R., and Rodriguez-Saona, C. 2024. Elicitors of plant defenses as a standalone tactic failed to provide sufficient protection to fruits against spotted-wing drosophila. Frontiers in Agronomy 6:1381342, section Pest Management. Research Topic on “Latest Research Advances in Biology, Ecology, and Integrated Pest Management of Invasive Insects”. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2024.1381342.
Sosa-Calvo, J., M. Forshage, M. L. Buffington. 2024. Circumscription of the Ganaspis brasiliensis (Ihering, 1905) species complex (Hymenoptera, Figitidae), and the description of two new species parasitizing the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, 1931 (Diptera, Drosophilidae).Environmental Entomology, v. 53, 6, https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvae086
Shrestha, B., Hesler, S.P., Meier, L., Cha, D.H., and Loeb, G.M. 2024. Field testing of 2-pentylfuran as a behavioral control tool for spotted-wing drosophila in raspberries. Journal of Applied Entomology, DOI.org/10.1111/.
Gariepy, T.D., Abram, P.K., Adams, C., Beal, D., Berrs, E., Beetle, J., Biddinger, D., Brind’Amour, G., Bruni, A., Buffington, M. Burrack, H., Kaane, K.M., Demchak, K., Fanning, P., Gillett, A., Hamby, K., Hoelmer, K., Hogg, B., Isaacs, R. Johnson, B. Lee, J.C., Levensen, H.K., Loeb, G., 2024. Widespread establishment of adventive populations of Leptopilina japonica (Hymenoptera, Figitidae) in north America and development of a multiplex pcr assay to identify key parasitoids of Drosopohila suzukii (Diptera, Drosophilidae). NeoBiota, 93: 63-90, doi: 10.3897/neobiota.93.121219.
Roh, G.H., Meier, L., Hesler, S., Zhu, J.J., Kendra, P., Roda, A., Loeb, G. Tay, J., Cha, D.H. 2023. A 2-component blend of coconut oil derived fatty acids as an oviposition deterrent against Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116: 1671-1678, DOI.org/10.1093/jee/toad092.
Hubhachen, Z., Fanning, P.F., Abeli, P., Perkins, J., Isaacs, R., and Beaudry, R. 2023. Postharvest control of spotted-wing drosophila and blueberry maggot by low temperature conditions and fumigation with sulfur dioxide. Postharvest Biology and Technology.
Hanna McIntosh, Christelle Guédot, Amaya Atucha. 2023. Plastic mulches improve yield and reduce spotted-wing drosophila in primocane raspberry. Scientia Horticulturae, v320, 112203.
Pablo Urbaneja-Bernat, Robert Holdcraft, Johnattan Hernández-Cumplido, Elena M. Rhodes, Oscar E. Liburd, Ashfaq A. Sial, Agenor Mafra-Neto, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona. 2022. Field, semi-field and greenhouse testing of HOOK SWD, a SPLAT-based attract-and-kill formulation to manage spotted-wing drosophila. Journal of Applied Entomology, https://doi.org/10.1111/jen.13073.
Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Robert Holdcraft, Beth Ferguson. 2022. Control of Spotted-wing Drosophila on Highbush Blueberries. Arthropod Management Tests.
Isaacs, R., Van Timmeren, S., Gress, B. E., Zalom, F.G., Ganjisaffar, F., Hamby, K. A., Lewis, M. T., Liburd, O. E., Sarkar, N., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Holdcraft, R., Burrack, H. J., Toennisson, A., Drummond, F., Spaulding, N., Lanka, S., and Sial, A. 2022. Monitoring of spotted-wing drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) resistance status using a RAPID method for assessing insecticide sensitivity across the United States. Journal of Economic Entomology
Serhan Mermer, Philip Fanning, Gabriella Tait, Ferdinand Pfab, Christopher Adams, Linda Brewer and Vaughn Walton. (2022) Spotted-wing Drosophila, Relative Rankings and Seasonal Strategies for Insecticide Use. OSU Extension bulletin EM 9360.
Carroll, J.E., Marshall, P., Mattoon, N., Weber, C., And Loeb, G. 2022. The impact of ruby-throated hummingbird, Archilochs colubris, predation on spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, in raspberry, Rubus idaeus. Crop Protection, doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2022.106116.
Schwanitz, T.W., Polashock, J.J., Stockton, D.G., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Sotomayor, D., Loeb, G., and Hawkings, C. 2022. Molecular and behavioral studies reveal differences in olfaction between winter and summer morphs of Drosophila suzukii. PeerJ. doi.org/10.7717/peerj.13825.
Jarrett, B.J., Linder, S., Fanning, P.D., Isaacs, R. and Szűcs, M., (2022). Experimental adaptation of native parasitoids to the invasive insect pest, Drosophila suzukii. Biological Control, p.104843.
Stockton, D., and Loeb, G. 2022. Diet hierarchies guide temporal-spatial variation in Drosophila suzukii resource use. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.816557. Isaacs, R., Van Timmeren, S., Gress, B. E., Zalom, F.G., Ganjisaffar, F., Hamby, K. A., Lewis, M. T., Liburd, O. E., Sarkar, N., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Holdcraft, R., Burrack, H. J., Toennisson, A., Drummond, F., Spaulding, N., Lanka, S., and Sial, A. 2022 Monitoring of spotted-wing drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) resistance status using a RAPID method for assessing insecticide sensitivity across the United States. Journal of Economic Entomology https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toac021.
Tait, G., Mermer, S., Stockton, D. Lee, J., Avosani, S., Abrieux, A., Anfora, G., Beers, E., Biondi, A., Burrack, H., Cha, D., Chiu, J., Choi, M., Cloonan, K., Crava, C., Daane, K., Dalton, D., Diepenbrock, L., Fanning, P., Ganjisaffar, F., Gomez, M., Gut, L., Grassi, A., Hamby, K., Hoelmer, K., Ioriatti, C., Issacs, R., Klick, J.,Kraft, L,, Loeb, G., Rossi-Stacconi, M., Nieri, R., Pfab, F., Puppato, S., Rendon, D., Renkema, J., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Rogers, M., Sassu, F., Schoneberg, T., Scott, M., Seagraves, M., Sial, A., Van Timmeren, S., Wallingford, A., Wang, X. Yeh, D., Zalom, F. and Walton, V. 2021. Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A decade of research towards a sustainable integrated pest management program. Journal of Economic Entomology, doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab158.
Lewald, K., Abrieux, A., Wilson, D., Lee, Y., Andreazza, F., Beers, E., Burrack, H., Daane, K., Diepenbrock, L., Drummond, F., Fanning, P., Gaffney, M., Hesler, S., Ioriatti, C., Isaacs, R., Little, B., Loeb, G., Rendon, d., Sial, A., Stockton, D., Van Timmeren, S., Walton, V., Wang, X., Zalom, F., and Chiu, J. 2021. Population structure of Drosophila suzukii and signals of multiple invasions to the continental US. G3, Vol 11, Number 12, doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab343.
Stockton, D.G., Cha, D.H., and Loeb, G.M. 2021. Does habituation affect the efficacy of semiochemical ovisposition repellents developed against Drosophila suzukii? Environmental Entomologist 50 (6), 1322-1321, doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvab099.
Fanning, P, Lanka, S., Mermer, S., Collins, J., Van Timmeran, S, Andrews, H., Hesler, S., Loeb, G., Drummond, F., Wiman, N., Walton, V., Sial, A., Isaacs, R. 2021. Field and laboratory testing of feeding stimulants to enhance insecticide efficacy against spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura). Journal of Economic Entomology, 114: 1638-1646, doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab084.
Stockton, D. G., and Loeb, G. 2021. Winter warm-up frequency and the degree of temperature fluctuations affect survival outcomes of spotted-wing Drosophila winter morphotypes. Journal of Insect Physiology, 131:104246, doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2021/104246.
Bing, X., Winkler, J., Gerlach, J., Loeb, G., and Buchon, N. 2021. Identification of natural pathogens from wild Drosophila suzukii. Pest Management Science, Vol 77, Issue 4, 1594-1606, doi.org/10.1002/ps.6235 Hubhachen, Z., Fanning, P.F., Abeli, P., Perkins, J., Isaacs, R., and Beaudry, R. (2023). Postharvest control of spotted-wing drosophila and blueberry maggot by low temperature conditions and fumigation with sulfur dioxide. Postharvest Biology and Technology.
Lewald, K., Abrieux, A., Wilson, D., Lee, Y., Conner, W., Andreazza, F., Beers, E., Burrack, H., Daane, K., Diepenbrock, L., Drummond, F., Fanning, P., Gaffney, M., Hesler, S., Ioriatti, C., Isaacs, C., Little, B., Loeb, G., Miller, B., Nava, D., Rendon, D., Sial, A., Da Silva, C., Stockton, D., Van Timmeren, S., Wallingford, A., Walton, V., Wang, X., Zhao, B., Zalom, B., Chiu, J. (2021) Population genomics of Drosophila suzukii reveal longitudinal population structure and signals of migrations in and out of the continental United States. G3.
Van Timmeren, S., Davis, A.R., and Isaacs, R. 2021. Optimization of a larval sampling method for monitoring Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in blueberries. Journal of Economic Entomology. 114: 1690–1700. doi: 10.1093/jee/toab096.
Mermer, S., Pfab, F., Tait, G., Isaacs, R., Fanning, P.D., Van Timmeren, S., Loeb, G.M., Hesler, S.P., Sial, A.A., Hunter, J.H., Bal, H.K., Drummond, F., Ballman, E., Collins, J., Xue, L., Jiang, D., and Walton, V.M. 2021. Timing and order of different insecticide classes drive control of Drosophila suzukii; a modeling approach. Journal of Pest Science. 94: 743–755. doi:10.1007/s10340-020-01292-w.