NCCC9: MWPS: Research and Extension Educational Materials
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
NCCC-09 Publications
NCCC-09 members are developing a new product for publication in the coming year(s) by MWPS.
- Manure Processing and Utilization (MWPS 18-4 1st Edition), In development, R. Larson, E. Cortus, A. Schmidt, D. Andersen, T. Lim, K. Erb, S. Rahmen, Z. Liu, and J. Ni.
Additional publications from the 2018-19 reporting year include:
- Janni, K., & Cortus, E. Common livestock production systems and manure storage methods. Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns and Management. Madison, WI: ASA-SSSA-CSSA.
- Wilson, M. L., Niraula, S., & Cortus, E. L. Characteristics of swine manure and wastewater. Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns and Management. Madison, WI: ASA-SSSA-CSSA.
- Janni, K.A., Salfer, J.A., Cortus, E.L. and Knorr, J. (2018). Thermal environmental performance of a dairy barn cross-ventilated in warm weather and naturally ventilated in cool weather. In: 10th International Livestock Environment Sym Conf Proc, Paper No. ILES18-057 ASABE, St. Joseph, MI
- Janni, K. 2018. Remodel or retire? Hoard’s Dairyman. 25 May 2018. 163(10):337.
- Janni, K. and E. Cortus. 2018. Manure talk at upcoming expo. 14 July 2018. Dairy Star 20(10):28.
- Janni, K & E. Cortus. 2019. Are your sand lanes freezing? 26 January 2019. Dairy Star 20(23):28.
- Jaynes, D., B. Reinhart, C. Hay, T. Isenhart, S. Jacquemin, J. Kjaersgaard, K. Nelson, N. Utt. 2018. Questions and Answers about Saturated Buffers for the Midwest. Purdue Extension ABE-160.
- Cortus, E. L., B. Kasu, J. Jacquet, N. Embertson, A. M. Schmidt, T. T. Lim, and J. Heemstra. 2018. Relevant information sources in the vast and complex manure nutrient management network. Journal of Extension. 56(3):Feature 3FEA6
- Nogueira, R. G. S., Lim, T. T., Perna Junior, F., & Rodrigues, P. H. M. (In-press). Performance, microbial community analysis and fertilizer value of anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure with waste kitchen oil. Transactions of ASABE.
- Brown, J. T., T.-T. Lim, J. M. Zulovich, and C. Costello. 2018. Evaluation of Mechanical Scraper System Finishing Barn for Solid-Liquid Separation. In ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE Paper No. 1801273. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201801273.
- Duong, C. M., T.-T. Lim, and A. H. Wang. 2018. Evaluation of Biological-Based Additive for Pollution Abatement. In ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE Paper No. 1801615. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201801615.
- Hosseini Taleghani, A., T.-T. Lim, and C.-H. Lin. 2018. Degradation of Veterinary Antibiotics in Swine Manure via Anaerobic Digestion. In ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE Paper No. 1801460. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201801460.
- Wang, H. A., T. Lim, D. Brandt, S. Norkaew, R. Miles. 2017. Manure Land Application and Soil Health Indicators. Manure and Soil Health Working Group Data Brief. http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/02/ncrwn-manure-land-application-and-soil-health-indicators-data-brief-FINAL.pdf 8 pages.
- Manure and Soil Health Blog. 2017. 15 articles summarizing science related to manure impact on soil health. http://soilhealthnexus.org/category/manure/.
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations
Cortus, E. L., Hetchler, B., Spiehs, M., Rusche, W. "Seasonal and spatial variations in aerial ammonia concentrations in deep pit beef cattle barns", Waste to Worth 2019, Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. (April 25, 2019).
Felton, R., Cortus, E. L. "Quantitative analysis of words in popular press articles about livestock and environment", Waste to Worth 2019, Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. (April 24, 2019).
Cortus, E. L. "Lessons learned from environmental footprints of Midwest farms", 2018 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. (September 18, 2018).
Cortus, E. L., Watkins, M. "Freezing point depression of sand-laden manure", North American Manure Expo, Brookings, South Dakota, United States. (August 15, 2018).
Janni, K.A., M. M. Torremorell, L.D. Jacobson, C. Alonso, B.P. Hetchler. 2018. Modeling airborne virus concentrations in filtered swine barns with negative-pressure ventilating systems. Trans of ASABE 61(3):1089-1099 doi.org/10.13031/trans.12561.
Sharpe, K.T., M.H. Reese, E.S. Buchanaan, J.E. Tallaksen, K.A. Janni, L.J. Johnston. 2018. Electrical and thermal energy consumption in Midwest commercial swine facilities. Applied Eng. Agriculture. 34(5): 857-864. (doi: 10.13031/aea.12771)
Janni, K.A. and Neu, A. Biosecurity: Understanding its importance when working on livestock farms. Feb 15, 2018. Midwest Rural Energy Council 56th Annual Rural Energy Conference, La Crosse, WI.
Janni, K.A. and M. Torremorell. Model to Assess Risk of Virus Introduction in Filtered Farms. Sep 9, 2018. Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, RiverCentre, St. Paul, MN.
Steinweg, E., Sands, G., Wilson, B. and Dalzell, B. (2019). Watershed Responses to Climate Change Conditions. Paper presented at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International Meeting, Boston, MA.
Utt, N., G. Sands, D. Jaynes, and D. Canelon. Aug-2018. A review of saturated buffer performance across the upper midwest. Presented at the 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Detroit, MI.
Utt, N. 2019. The Science Behind Saturated Buffers for Nutrient Removal. N Champaign, IL.
Utt, N. 2018. Frequently Asked Questions about Saturated Buffer Design. MN Drainage Management Team Meeting, St Paul, MN.
Utt, N. 2018. Saturated Buffer Performance. 2018 Center for Excellence Field Day, Clayton, MI.
Teng-Teeh Lim, Allen Haipeng Wang, Donna Brandt, Saranya Norkaew, and Randy Miles. Can Manure Affect Soil Health? Part of Manure, Water, and Soil Health Webinar. 02/14/2018. North Central Region Water Network Webcast, for Soil Health Nexus.
Blog article: T.-T. Lim, Wang, A. H., D. Brandt, S. Norkaew, and R. Miles. 2018. Manure land application and soil health indicators. In Soil Health Nexus Web Resources, in collaboration with the North Central Region Water Network. https://soilhealthnexus.org/can-manure-improve-soil-health/
Special Video: “An Animal Feeding Operation. What should I know?” 2018. Featured on Youtube “CAFO Central” channel. This video introduces the topic of what people need to know about animal feeding operations and points the viewers to other short videos to answer specific questions. Collaboration with three other faculty, a total of 5 videos produced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asU7_JdLF8E
Fund Leveraging, Specifically, Collaborative Grants Between Stations and Members
- Facilitating “Win-Win” Manure Utilization for Sustained Soil Health, Economic and Environmental Benefits. North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education – Professional Development Grant Program. 10/01/18 – 09/30/21. PI: M. Schmidt; Co-PI: R. Koelsch (University of Nebraska); Sub-awards: D. Andersen (Iowa State) and E. Cortus (University of Minnesota). $74,905
This project will support SARE’s sustainability goals of long term profitability (better utilization of manure’s nutrient value), stewardship of natural resources (improved water and soil quality), and quality of life for rural communities (limit risk of manure’s negative qualities, such as odor). An existing multi-state working group will deliver a professional development program for those advising crop farmers intended to: build awareness of manure’s value; demonstrate benefits locally via on-farm research; and teach crop farmers to confidently identify "win-win" opportunities for manure use on cropland.
- Environmental Footprints for Regional Swine Production Systems Now and in the Future – A Demonstration Pilot Project. National Pork Board. 06/01/18 – 05/31/19. PI: E. Cortus; Co-PI: R. Stowell and A.M. Schmidt. $55,126.
The specific objectives are to (1) engage 65 producers in Environmental Footprint calculations of current production practices; (2) measure the change in knowledge, interest and trust in environmental sustainability and related metrics following engagement with local educators; and (3) identify and evaluate strategies that have potential to help local producers reach sustainability metric goals using Life Cycle Analysis.
- Water and Nutrient Recycling: A decision tool and synergistic innovative technology. USDA-NIFA. 10/01/18 – 9/30/23. L. Greenlee, R. Stowell; A.M. Schmidt, T. Lim, J. Zulovich, etc. $4,342,280.
A collaborative effort between Nebraska, Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas, and Montana. Development of a decision tool allowing scientific assessment of individual farm manure management and energy needs, and subsequent recommendation for technologies to implement, is proposed. Collection of on-farm data, integration of data into the decision-making tool, economic analysis of the proposed technology, and outreach programming to influence utilization of the tool are primary roles of the UNL faculty on this project.
Other relevant accomplishments and activities
- MWPS is in the process of revising Wiring Handbook for Rural Facilities, with a projected release date of Spring 2019. Greg Stark, Texas A&M will update the NEC codes, and Scott Sanford, University of Wisconsin-Madison, will update the lighting portion through the addition of a new chapter. Illustrations and editing have been arranged.
NCCC-09 Publications
Akdeniz, N. 2019. A systematic review of biochar use in animal waste composting. Waste Management, 88: 291-300.
Akdeniz, N., S. Yi. 2020. The feasibility of alkaline hydrolysis of swine mortalities at ambient conditions and using the hydrolysates to hydroponically grow lettuce. Transactions of the ASABE, revisions submitted.
Armstrong, J. & K. Janni. 2020. Heat stress in dairy cattle. UM Extension Article. Accessed online at: https://extension.umn.edu/dairy-milking-cows/heat-stress-dairy-cattle
Barrios, R., H. Khuntia, S. Bartelt-Hunt, J. Gilley, D. Snow, A. Schmidt and X. Li. 2020. Fate and transport of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in runoff and soil as affected by the timing of swine manure slurry application. Science of the Total Environment (712):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136505
Cortus, E., Neu, A.E., Janni, K.A., Noll, S.L., Clanton, C.J. 2019. Simulating risk reduction using biosecurity practices on farm. ASABE Paper No. 1900870. St. Joseph, MI. ASABE.
Cortus, E., Hetchler, B., Spiehs, M., & Rusche, W. 2020. Deep pit beef cattle barn ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations. Paper 2000840, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.2000840
Cortus, E. 2020. By Design: Retrofitting buildings for sick pens or doctoring facilities. Angus Beef Bulletin February 2020 ed.
Cortus, E. L., Hetchler, B., Spiehs, M. J., & Rusche, W. Environmental conditions in deep pit finishing cattle facilities: A descriptive study. Transactions of the ASABE. [Submitted].
Costa, T., N. Akdeniz. 2019. A review of the animal disease outbreaks and biosecure animal mortality composting systems. Waste Management, 90: 121-131.
Ding, T., Fang, L., Ni, J.-Q., Shi, Z., Li, B., Zhao, Y., 2019. Optimization design of agricultural fans based on skewed-swept blade technology. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 35 (2), 249-258.
Duong, C. M., T.-T. Lim, and A. H. Wang. 2019. Evaluation of biological-based additive for pollution abatement. In ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE Paper No. 1900927. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.201900927.
Gilley,J.E., S.L. Bartelt-Hunt, J. Duerschner, X. Li, K. Eskridge, A.M. Schmidt and D.D. Snow. 2020. Swine slurry characteristics as affected by selected additives and disinfectants. Environmental Pollution. 260(2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114058
Janni, K.J. and E.L. Cortus. 2019. Common animal production systems and manure storage methods. In: Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns and Management. Eds. Heidi M. Waldrip, Paulo H. Pagliari, and Zhongqi He. ASA and SSSA. Madison, WI. pp. 27-44. (doi:10.2134/asaspecpub67.c3)
Janni, K.J. 2020. Reflections on odor management for animal feeding operations. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 453; doi:10.3390/atmos11050453
Janni, K., Wilson, M., Cortus, E., & Modderman, C. 2020. What do we do now? Dairy Star, 6th ed., vol. 22, pp. 28.
Janni, K.A. 2019. Modeling lactating cow respiration rates during heat stress based on dry-bulb and dew-point temperatures, daily milk production and air velocity. ASABE Paper No. 1900297. St. Joseph, MI. ASABE.
Janni, K. 2019. Air velocity and production level impact heat stress in dairy cattle. 13 July 2019. Dairy Star 21(10):29.
Janni, K. 2020. Does your herd fit your facilities? 11 January 2020 Dairy Star 21(22):29.
Janni, K., M. Wilson, E. Cortus, C. Modderman. What do we do now? 9 May 2010 Dairy Star 22(6):28.
Koelsch, R., Andersen, D., Cortus, E., Johnson, L., Schmidt, A. M., Siek, S. A., & Wilson, M. 2020. Perceptions of barriers and benefits of manure use in cropping systems. Paper 2000753, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202000753
Lim, T.-T., C. B. Bromfield, C. Payne, L. Delaney, R. E. Massey, and J. A. Zulovich. 2019. Recommendations for effective biosecurity management. In International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare. Rongchang, Chongqing, China.
Liu, S., Ni, J.-Q., Heber, A.J., Liang, W.-Z., 2019. Modeling dynamic ammonia concentrations in layer houses using a distributed lag non-linear model. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 33 (1), 56-67.
Massey, R. E., T.-T. Lim, and J. A. Zulovich. 2019. Economic conditions for implementing solid-liquid separation barn. In International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare. Rongchang, Chongqing, China.
Maria Cecilia Hall, Noelle A. Mware, John E. Gilley, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Daniel D. Snow, Amy M. Schmidt, Kent M. Eskridge, and Xu Li. 2020. Influence of setback distance on antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in runoff and soil following the land application of swine manure slurry. Environmental Science and Technology, 54 (8): 4800-4809.
Meyers, M., L. Durso, J. Gilley, L. Castleberry, H. Waldrip and A. Schmidt. 2020. Antibiotic resistance gene profile changes in cropland soil following manure application and rainfall. Journal of Environmental Quality 2020:1-8. https://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2019.04.0153
Ni, J.-Q., Shi, C., Liu, S., Richert, B.T., Vonderohe, C.E., Radcliffe, J.S., 2019. Effects of antibiotic-free pig rearing on ammonia emissions from five pairs of swine rooms in a wean-to-finish experiment. Environment International. 131, 104931.
Nogueira, R. G. S., T.-T. Lim, H. Wang, and P. H. M. Rodrigues. 2019. Performance, microbial community analysis and fertilizer value of anaerobic co-digestion of cattle manure with waste kitchen oil. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 35(2): 239-248. doi: 10.13031/aea.13023
Nour, M., Field, W.E., Ni, J.-Q., Cheng, C., 2019. Development of methodology to document and code farm-related injuries and fatalities involving manure storage, handling, and transport – with summary of 2017 incidents. Journal of Agromedicine. 24 (1), 90-100.
Nour, M., Field, W.E., Ni, J.-Q., Cheng, C., 2020. Farm-related injuries and fatalities involving children, youth and young workers during manure storage, handling and transport. Journal of Agromedicine. In press.
Perez-Palencia, J. Y., Levesque, C. L., & Cortus, E. 2019. Contributing factors to indoor air quality. National Hog Farmer, 10th ed., vol. 64, pp. 4.
Schmidt, A. 2020. iAMResponsibleTM: Educating food producers & consumers about antimicrobial resistance. Scientia. https://doi.org/10.33548/SCIENTIA460.
Schuster, N., J.A. Peterson, J.E. Gilley, L.R. Schott3 and A.M. Schmidt. 2019. Soil arthropod abundance and diversity following land application of swine slurry. Agricultural Sciences 10(2). DOI:10.4236/as.2019.102013
Staley, Z., X. Li, B. Woodbury, A. Schmidt, L. Durso, K. Eskridge. 2020. Corn stalk residue may add antibiotic resistant bacteria to manure composting piles. Journal of Environmental Quality, 49 (3):745-753. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20017
Tong, X., Zhao, L., Heber, A., Ni, J.-Q., 2020. Mechanistic modelling of ammonia emission from laying hen manure at laboratory scale. Biosyst. Eng. 192 (April), 24-41.
Tong, X., Zhao, L., Heber, A.J., Ni, J.-Q., 2020. Development of a farm-scale, quasi-mechanistic model to estimate ammonia emissions from commercial manure-belt layer houses. Biosyst. Eng. 196, 67-87.
Xie, Q., Ni, J.-Q., Su, Z., Bao, J., 2019. A thermal environmental model for indoor air temperature prediction and energy consumption in pig building. Building and Environment. 161, 106238.
Yang, Y., Ni, J.-Q., Bao, W., Zhao, L., Xie, G.H., 2019. Potential reductions in greenhouse gas and fine particulate matter emissions using corn stover for ethanol production in China. Energies. 12 (3700), 1-13.
Yang, Y., Ni, J.-Q., Xie, G.H., 2020. Comparison of energy performance and environmental impacts of three corn stover-based bioenergy pathways. Journal of Cleaner Production. In press.
Yang, Y., Ni, J.-Q., Zhu, W., Xie, G.H., 2019. Life Cycle Assessment of large-scale compressed bio-natural gas production in China: A case study on manure co-digestion with corn stover. Energies. 12 (429), 1-16.
Wang, A. H., A. Yang, L. Yan, T.-T. Lim, and W. Wang. 2020. Long-term mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion swine manure with corn stover and microbial community analysis. Microorganisms 8(2):188. https://doi.org/110.3390/microorganisms8020188
Wang, Y., M.B. Villamil, P.C. Davidson, N. Akdeniz. 2019. A quantitative understanding of the role of co-composted biochar in plant growth using meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 685: 741-752.
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations
Akdeniz, N. 2019. Are you traveling abroad? Prevent the spread of African swine fever (click here).
Akdeniz, N. 2019. Diseased animal mortality management: why are animal diseases keep coming back? North American Manure Expo, IN.
Akdeniz, N, Yi, S. 2020. Alkaline hydrolysis of swine mortalities and using hydrolysates to hydroponically grow lettuce. ASABE Annual International Meeting, virtual, ASABE, St Joseph, MI.
Cortus, E. 2019. Farm level carbon footprints of Midwest swine farms. 2019 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Cortus, E. 2020. Carbon footprints for Midwest swine systems. 58th Annual Rural Energy Conference. La Crosse, WI.
Costa, T., Akdeniz, N. 2019. Biosecure animal mortality composting for reducing release risk of pathogens and antibiotic-resistant genes. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, ASABE, St Joseph, MI.
Ehlers, S., 2019. Developing a PREPared Community with the Collaboration of Local, State, and University Resources. . North American Manure Expo. Fair Oaks, Indiana.
Field, W., 2019. Enhancing the Safety and Health of Manure Storage and Handling Facilities. . North American Manure Expo. Fair Oaks, Indiana.
Funk, T., Akdeniz, N. 2019. Mortality Management Planning, How to Mitigate the Risk of African Swine Fever, Illinois Pork Producers Association (click here).
Heber, A., 2019. Odor Management: What to Do! North American Manure Expo. Fair Oaks, Indiana.
Janni, K.A. 2019. Odor management concepts for animal feeding operations. Conference on the Environment, Minneapolis, MN. November 7, 2019.
Janni, K., Chastain, J, Prasad, R, 2020. Litter Nutrients and Management in Poultry Systems. Webinar produced by Livestock Poultry and Environmental Learning Community. June 19, 2020
Ni, J.-Q., 2019. What We Need to Know about Additive Products for Manure Treatment. North American Manure Expo. Fair Oaks, Indiana.
Ni, J.-Q., 2019. Manure Management, Treatment & Utilization. Noble County and Whitley County, Indiana.
Noelle Mware, Marissa Golgosky, Amy Schmidt, Galen Erickson, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, Xu Li. 2020. The effectiveness of alkaline stabilization on the reduction of antimicrobial resistance in beef cattle manure. ASABE Annual International Conference, Omaha, NE, July 12-15.
Sabo, R., Sharara, M. & Cortus, E. 2019. Watershed Nutrient Inventories - Opportunities and Needs. Webinar produced by Livestock Poultry and Environmental Learning Community.
Schmidt, A.M and Zelt, M. The iAMResponsible project: Building a communication network to motivate broad action on antimicrobial resistance. Midwest AMR Consortium. May 26-29, 2020. Des Moines, IA
Wang, Y., Yi, S., Akdeniz, N. 2020. Biochar-amended poultry mortality composting to increase compost temperatures, reduce ammonia emissions, and decrease leachate’s chemical oxygen demand. ASABE Annual International Meeting, virtual, ASABE, St Joseph, MI.
West, B., Hamilton, D., Smith, B., & Cortus, E. 2020. Managing Manure Beyond the Farmyard: Manure Management for Less-Typical Species and Settings. Webinar produced by Livestock Poultry and Environmental Learning Community.
Zelt, M., A.M. Schmidt, N. Mware, X. Li, Z. Staley, H. Wilson and G. Erickson. Antimicrobial resistance in beef feedlot manure as impacted by forage concentration and essential oil in finishing cattle diets. 2019 ASABE International Meeting. July 9, 2019. Boston, MA
Fund Leveraging, Specifically, Collaborative Grants Between Stations and Members
- Facilitating “Win-Win” Manure Utilization for Sustained Soil Health, Economic and Environmental Benefits. North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education – Professional Development Grant Program. 10/01/18 – 09/30/21. PI: M. Schmidt; Co-PI: R. Koelsch (University of Nebraska); Sub-awards: D. Andersen (Iowa State) and E. Cortus (University of Minnesota). $74,905
This project will support SARE’s sustainability goals of long term profitability (better utilization of manure’s nutrient value), stewardship of natural resources (improved water and soil quality), and quality of life for rural communities (limit risk of manure’s negative qualities, such as odor). An existing multi-state working group will deliver a professional development program for those advising crop farmers intended to: build awareness of manure’s value; demonstrate benefits locally via on-farm research; and teach crop farmers to confidently identify "win-win" opportunities for manure use on cropland.
- Regional Map Gaming Pilot for Teaching Preferred Land Application Locations. WBS. 09/01/189– 08/31/20. PI: R. Koelsch; Co-PI: A.M. Schmidt. $2,000 | $0 | $2,000 | $1,000.
Nebraska Extension, are creating and pilot testing a collaborative land applicator educational experiences for identifying preferred manure application sites. These educational experiences utilize table top-sized regional map game boards, pre-planned scenarios, and collective knowledge/experience shared among a group of farmers, AFO managers, and manure applicators to select preferred application sites.
- Water and Nutrient Recycling: A decision tool and synergistic innovative technology. USDA-NIFA. 10/01/18 – 9/30/23. L. Greenlee, R. Stowell; A.M. Schmidt, T. Lim, J. Zulovich, etc. $4,342,280.
A collaborative effort between Nebraska, Missouri, Ohio, Arkansas, and Montana. Development of a decision tool allowing scientific assessment of individual farm manure management and energy needs, and subsequent recommendation for technologies to implement, is proposed. Collection of on-farm data, integration of data into the decision-making tool, economic analysis of the proposed technology, and outreach programming to influence utilization of the tool are primary roles of the UNL faculty on this project.
Other relevant accomplishments and activities
- PAFS 40 Facilities & Systems Sub-Committee revised the Design of Ventilation Systems for Livestock and Poultry (Standard number 270.6). The team members will be working to get the revised 270 Standard information into the ASHRAE Handbook.
NCCC-09 Publications
Akdeniz*, N., S. Yi. 2021. The feasibility of alkaline hydrolysis of swine mortalities at ambient conditions and using the hydrolysates to hydroponically grow lettuce. Transactions of the ASABE 64(1): 73-82. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.13992
Akinbile Demilade and Zifei Liu. 2021. Identification of meteorological factors affecting the timing of prescribed burning in Flint Hills through regression modeling using machine learning techniques. ASABE paper number 2100194.
Akinbile Demilade and Zifei Liu. 2021. Regression models to simulate O3 contributions from prescribed burning in Flint Hills using daily burned-area data. ASABE paper number 2100195.
Barrios, R., H. Khuntia, S. Bartelt-Hunt, J. Gilley, D. Snow, A. Schmidt and X. Li. 2020. Fate and transport of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in runoff and soil as affected by the timing of swine manure slurry application. Science of the Total Environment (712):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136505
Canter, T., T.-T. Lim, and J. Zulovich. 2021. Nutrient recovery system for dairy farms: Dissolved air flotation and multi-disk press. https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/eq303
Canter, T., T.-T. Lim, and T. Chockley. 2021. Considerations of pull-plug sedimentation basin for dairy manure management. https://extension.missouri.edu/eq302 [Received the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Educational Aids Blue Ribbon Awards (2021)]
Cortus, E. L., Hetchler, B., Spiehs, M. J., & Rusche, W. (2021). Environmental conditions and gas concentrations in deep pit finishing cattle facilities: A descriptive study. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(1), 31-48. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.14040
Costa, T., N. Akdeniz*, R.S. Gates, J.F. Lowe, Z. Zhang. 2021. Testing the plastic‐wrapped composting system to dispose of swine mortalities during an animal disease outbreak. Journal of Environmental Quality, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20235
Daly, S., 2020. Biochemical methane potential testing and modelling for insight into anaerobic digester performance. Ph.D. dissertation. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Duong, C. M., T.-T. Lim, and A. H. Wang. 2021. Evaluation of biological-based additive for pollution abatement. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 37(2): 309-317. doi: 10.13031/aea.14281.
Gilley, J.E., S.L. Bartelt-Hunt, J. Duerschner, X. Li, K. Eskridge, A.M. Schmidt and D.D. Snow. 2020. Swine slurry characteristics as affected by selected additives and disinfectants. Environmental Pollution. 260(2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114058
Hosseini Taleghani A., T.-T. Lim, C.-H. Lin, A. C. Ericsson, and P. H. Vo. 2020. Degradation of veterinary antibiotics in swine manure via anaerobic digestion. Bioengineering, 7(4): 123. https://doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering7040123
Hall, M.C., J. Duerschner, J. Gilley, A. M. Schmidt, S. Bartelt-Hunt, D.D. Snow, K.M. Eskridge and X. Li. 2020. Antibiotic resistance genes in swine manure slurry as affected by pit additives and facility disinfectants. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143287
Hall, M.C., N.A. Mware, J.E. Gilley, S.L. Bartelt-Hunt, D.D. Snow, A.M. Schmidt, K.M. Eskridge and X. Li. 2020. Influence of setback distance on antibiotic resistance genes in runoff and soil following the land application of swine manure slurry. Environmental Science and Technology 54(8):4800-4809. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b04834
Klimesh, S. E. & Ramirez, B. C. (Jun. 2021). The hard choices during tunnel ventilation.
Li, J., N. Akdeniz, H.H.M. Kim, R.S. Gates, K. Wang, X. Wang. 2021. Quantification of sustainable animal manure utilization strategies in Hangzhou, China. Agricultural Systems, 191: 103150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103150
Li, J., N. Akdeniz, H.H.M. Kim, R.S. Gates, K. Wang, X. Wang. 2021. Optimal manure utilization chain for distributed animal farms: model development and a case study in Hangzhou, China. Agricultural Systems, 187: 102996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102996
Liu, Z. and Haque, M.A. 2020. Evaluate the representativeness of the NAEMS air emission data for swine operations in a changing industry. ASABE paper No. 2001437. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE.
Mao, Y., N.Akdeniz, T.H. Nguyen. 2021. Quantification of pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in backyard and commercial composts. Science of the Total Environment, 797, 149197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149197
Meyers, M., L.M. Durso, J.E. Gilley, D.N. Miller, X. Li and A. Millmier Schmidt. 2020. Setback distance impacts on transport of antibiotic resistance phenotypes of fecal indicators. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 2020; 3:e20081. https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20081
Meyers, M., L. Durso, J. Gilley, L. Castleberry, H. Waldrip and A. Schmidt. 2020. Antibiotic resistance gene profile changes in cropland soil following manure application and rainfall. Journal of Environmental Quality 2020:1-8. https://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2019.04.0153
Miller, D.M., M.E. Jurgens, L.M. Durso and A.M. Schmidt. 2020. Simulated winter incubation of soil with swine manure differentially affects multiple antimicrobial resistance elements. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:611912. (https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.611912)
Nour, M., Field, W.E., Ni, J.-Q., Cheng, C., 2020. Farm-related injuries and fatalities involving children, youth and young workers during manure storage, handling and transport. J. Agromedicine (July), 1-11. http://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2020.1795034.
Pu, S., X. Rong, J. Zhu, Y. Zeng, J. Yue, T. Lim, and D. Long. 2021. Short-term aerial pollutant concentrations in a Southwestern China pig-fattening house. Atmosphere, 12(1):103. doi:10.3390/atmos12010103.
Ramirez, B. C. (Mar. 2021). Optimizing ventilation in small scale production. Acreage Living Newsletter – Small Farm Sustainability, Issue No. 37.
Ramirez, B. C. (Jan. 2021). Proper ventilation vital for building environment management. Iowa Pork Producer Magazine, pg. 22.
Rotz, C. A., Asem-Hiablie, S., Cortus, E. L., Spiehs, M. J., Rahman, S., & Stoner, A. An Environmental Assessment of cattle manure and urea fertilizer treatments for corn production in the Northern Great Plains. Transactions of the ASABE 64(4):1185-1196. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.14275.
Smith, B. C., Ramirez, B. C. & Harmon, J. D. Air filtration sizing worksheet for swine facilities. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Ames, IA. AER3541.
Staley, Z., X. Li, B. Woodbury, A. Schmidt, L. Durso, K. Eskridge. 2020. Corn stalk residue may add antibiotic resistant bacteria to manure composting piles. Journal of Environmental Quality. (2020):1-9. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20017
Tong, X., Zhao, L., Heber, A., Ni, J.-Q., 2020. Mechanistic modelling of ammonia emission from laying hen manure at laboratory scale. Biosyst. Eng. 192 (April), 24-41. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2020.01.004.
Tong, X., Zhao, L., Heber, A.J., Ni, J.-Q., 2020. Development of a farm-scale, quasi-mechanistic model to estimate ammonia emissions from commercial manure-belt layer houses. Biosyst. Eng. 196, 67-87. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2020.05.008.
Wang, Y., Niu, B., Ni, J.-Q., Xue, W., Zhu, Z., Li, X., Zou, G., 2020. New insights into concentrations, sources and transformations of NH3, NOx, SO2 and PM at a commercial manure-belt layer house. Environ. Pollut. 262 (March), 114355. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114355.
Wang, Y., N. Akdeniz*, S. Yi. 2021. Biochar-amended poultry mortality composting to increase compost temperatures, reduce ammonia emissions, and decrease leachate’s chemical oxygen demand. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 315, 107451. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2021.107451
Wang, A. H., A. Yang, L. Yan, T.-T. Lim, and W. Wang. 2020. Long-term mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion swine manure with corn stover and microbial community analysis. Microorganisms, 8(2):188. https://doi.org/110.3390/microorganisms8020188
Wang, A. H., Y. Zhai, A. Yang, L. Yan, T.-T. Lim, H. Zhao, J.-D. Gu, D. Wei and W. Wang. 2020. Anaerobic digestion of dairy manure in a fixed bed CSTR: Methane production performance and microbial diversity. Bioresource, 14(4): 7965-7979.
Yang, Y., Ni, J.-Q., Zhou, S., Xie, G.H., 2020. Comparison of energy performance and environmental impacts of three corn stover-based bioenergy pathways. J. Clean Prod. 272 (122631), 1-10. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122631.
Zeamer, K. M., Levesque, C. L., Cortus L., & Thaler, R. C. (2021). Findings from a survey of finishing-barn management benchmarks with South Dakota pork producers. Applied Animal Science, 37, 320-333. https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2020-02107
Zou B., Heber A. J., Shi Z. X., Du S. H., Jin Y., Lim T.-T. 2020. Comparison of direct and indirect determinations of dynamic ventilation rate in a modern dairy free stall barn. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 13(6): 41–46.
Zulovich, J. M. 2020. “Important Construction Practices for Quality Concrete Slab Floors”. National Frame Builders Magazine. Volume 1, Number 6. October 2020. (https://www.nfba.org/resources/newsletters/magazines/2020-10/?page=1)
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations
Akdeniz, N. 2021. Animal Mortality Composting. Available in English and Japanese. University of Illinois Extension, Animal Manure and Mortality Composting (go.illinois.edu/ammc).
Akdeniz, N., S. Solomon. 2021. Online Certified Livestock Manager Training (updated). University of Illinois Extension, CLMT (go.illinois.edu/clmt).
Akdeniz, N. 2021. Biosecure Disposal of Livestock and Poultry Mortalities. Animal Health Symposium. Annual Meeting of American Society of Animal Science, St, Louisville, KY 40202.
Canter, T., T.-T. Lim, J. Zulovich, R. Stowell, and T. Chockley. Pull-Plug Sedimentation Basin for Solids and Nutrient Removal at Small- and Medium-Scale Flushing Dairies. Pacific and Mountain West Nutrient Cycling, Soil Health and Food Safety Virtual Conference, October 27-29, 2020 (https://extension.wsu.edu/pmwncfsc).
Cortus, E. L., “Balancing Air Quality Needs on and off the Farm”, Virtual 2020 ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting (Nov 11, 2020). Invited.
Cortus, E. L., “Communication and Cooperation Around Sustainability Metrics - Opportunities and Needs”, Virtual 2020 ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meeting (Nov 12, 2020). Invited.
Cortus, E. L., Ramirez, B. §, “Ventilation Workshop”, 2020 Swine Educators & Extension Virtual Conference (October 20, 2020). Invited.
Cortus, E. L., “Gestation/Lactation Ventilation Do's and Don'ts”, SowBridge (Sept 2, 2020). Invited.
Cortus, E. L. (Moderator), West, B. (Presenter), Hamilton, D. (Presenter), Smith, W. B. (Presenter). "Managing Manure Beyond the Farmyard: Manure Management for Less-Typical Species and Settings", Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community. (Jan 17, 2020)
Henning, E., A. Schmidt, A. Olivo, and L. Schott. 2020. Degradation of co-mingled cedar wood chips and livestock manure and its impact on soil health. Virtual Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, July 13 – 15, 2020.
Koelsch, R., D. Andersen, E. Cortus, L. Johnson, A.M. Schmidt, S.A. Siek, and M. Wilson. 2020. Perceptions of barriers and benefits of manure use in cropping systems. Proceedings of the 2020 Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Paper #2000753, Omaha, Nebraska, July 12-15, 2020.
Millmier Schmidt, A., and M. Zelt. 2020. Understand. Adapt. Preserve. Increasing knowledge and motivating behavioral changes among food producers and consumers to preserve the efficacy of antibiotics through the iAMResponsible Project. Virtual World One Health Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 30 – November 3, 2020.
Millmier Schmidt, A., and M. Zelt. 2020. Antibiotic resistance profiles in fallow soil receiving raw, composted or stockpiled beef manure, or inorganic fertilizer. Virtual World One Health Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, October 30 – November 3, 2020.
Mware, N., M. Golgosky, A. Schmidt, G. Erickson, S. Bartelt-Hunt and X. Li. 2020. The effectiveness of alkaline stabilization on the reduction of antimicrobial resistance in beef cattle manure. Virtual Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, July 13 – 15, 2020.
Ni, J.-Q., Erasmus, M.A., Li, C., Li, Y., 2020 of Conference. Nine decades of scientific research on air pollution related to food animal health and welfare. Paper Number 2000184. ASABE Annual Int. Meeting. July 12–15, Omaha, Nebraska, USA, p. 10. http://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202000184.
Olivo, A., A. Schmidt and R. Koelsch. 2020. Impact of manure and cedar mulch application on agronomic and soil health variables in corn production systems. Virtual Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, July 13 – 15, 2020.
Ramirez, B. C. 2021. Environmental control for swine facilities: Improved biosecurity and production. Presented at American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Annual Conference, Virtual.
Ramirez, B. C. 2021. What is a connected barn and how do we use it? Abstract presented at Midwest Section American Society of Animal Science Meeting, Virtual. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.238
Ramirez, B. C. 2021. My pigs are telling me to troubleshoot ventilation: a beginner’s guide. Paper presented at American Society of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting 2021, Virtual.
Ramirez, B. C. 2021. Applying smart technologies to optimize climate conditions for swine populations. Paper presented at American Society of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting, Virtual.
Zelt, M. and A.M. Schmidt. 2020. The iAMResponsible ProjectTM: Building a communication network to motivate broad action on antimicrobial resistance. Proceedings of the 2020 Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Paper #2001042, Omaha, Nebraska, July 12-15, 2020.
Zulovich, J. M. 2020. “Building Design for AMS – New and Retrofit”. Presentation as part of DPC Annual Conference Pre-Conference Workshop – Automated Milking Systems; What We Know, Don’t Know & Learned Along the Way. November 3-6, 2020.
Zulovich, J. M. 2021. “Is Air Change per Hour (h-1), cfm/ft2 or Something Else?”. Debate #1 for ASHRAE Virtual Winter Conference, February 9-11, 2021.
Zulovich, J. M. 2021. “Ventilation Challenges for Animal Environments”. Oral Presentation for Seminar 12, ASHRAE Virtual Annual Conference, June 28-30, 2021.
Zulovich, J. M. 2021. “All Animals Are Not Created Equal”. Panel member for Panel Session Discussion, ASHRAE Virtual Annual Conference, June 28-30, 2021.
Fund Leveraging, Specifically, Collaborative Grants Between Stations and Members
- Facilitating “Win-Win” Manure Utilization for Sustained Soil Health, Economic and Environmental Benefits. North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education – Professional Development Grant Program. 10/01/18 – 09/30/21. PI: M. Schmidt; Co-PI: R. Koelsch (University of Nebraska); Sub-awards: D. Andersen (Iowa State) and E. Cortus (University of Minnesota). $74,905
This project will support SARE’s sustainability goals of long term profitability (better utilization of manure’s nutrient value), stewardship of natural resources (improved water and soil quality), and quality of life for rural communities (limit risk of manure’s negative qualities, such as odor). An existing multi-state working group will deliver a professional development program for those advising crop farmers intended to: build awareness of manure’s value; demonstrate benefits locally via on-farm research; and teach crop farmers to confidently identify "win-win" opportunities for manure use on cropland.
- Modern pigs urgently need facilities with modern ventilation: Updating swine ventilation standards/guidelines. C. Ramirez, M. D. Hayes, T. Brown-Brandl, J. D. Harmon, S. J. Hoff, G. A. Rohrer. $300,000. USDA/NIFA AFRI Critical Agricultural Research and Extension. 9/1/20 to 8/31/23 (3 yr).
Other relevant accomplishments and activities
Joseph Zulovich is serving as director for Task Force 1 which addresses on-farm dairy production issues through the development of written resources called Guidelines. He also serves as member of Dairy Practices Council (DPC) Executive Board of Directors which includes planning for DPC Annual Conference.