NCAC6: Livestock Production

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Active

Date of Annual Report: 04/14/2003

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/27/2003 - 01/28/2003
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2002 - 01/01/2003


Chairs/Heads: John Mabry (Iowa), Margaret Benson (Michigan), Lou Armentano (Wisconsin), Daniel Schaefer (Wisconsin), Donald Beermann (Nebraska), Donald Boggs (South Dakota), James Kinder (Ohio), Neal Merchen (Illinois), Jack Riley (Kansas), Abel Ponce de Leon (Minnesota), Vikram Mistry (South Dakota), Alan Grant (Indiana)

Administrative Advisor: Dale Vanderholm (Nebraska)

USDA-CSREES Representative: Larry Miller (Washington D.C.)

Absent: Michael Smith (Missouri), Ken Odde (North Dakota).

Brief Summary of Minutes


See copy of minutes


Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 03/13/2004

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/30/2004 - 01/31/2004
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2003 - 01/01/2004


Members: Benson, Margaret ( Michigan; Beermann, Don ( Nebraska; Boggs, Don ( South Dakota; Grant, Alan ( Indiana; Hogberg, Maynard ( Iowa; Kinder, Jim ( Ohio; Merchen, Neal (, Illinois; Mistry, Vikram ( South Dakota; Odde, Ken ( North Dakota; Ponce de Leon, Abel ( Minnesota ; Schaefer, Dan ( Wisconsin; Administrative Advisor: Aberle, Elton ( Wisconsin; CSREES Liaison: Miller, Larry ( USDA; Reynnels, Richard ( USDA; Absent: Armentano, Lou ( Wisconsin; Riley, Jack ( Kansas; Smith, Mike ( Missouri

Brief Summary of Minutes

See attached minutes file.


See minutes attachment


Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 05/04/2005

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/01/2005 - 02/02/2005
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2004 - 01/01/2005


Beermann,Donald ( University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Boggs, Don ( South Dakota State University; Grant, Alan ( Purdue University; Grummer, Ric ( University of Wisconsin-Madison; Hogberg, Maynard ( Iowa State University; Kinder, James ( The Ohio State University; Merchen, Neal ( University of Illinois; Mistry, Vikram ( South Dakota State University; Odde, Ken ( North Dakota State University; Plaut, Karen ( Michigan State University; Ponce de Leon, Abel ( University of Minnesota; Schaefer, Dan ( University of Wisconsin-Madison; Swanson, Janice ( Kansas State University; Aberle, Elton ( University of Wisconsin-Madison (administrative advisor); Qureshi, Muquarrah (

Brief Summary of Minutes

NCA-6 Livestock Production
Minutes of Annual Meeting
February 2, 2005
San Antonio, TX

Attendees: Don Beermann (NE), Don Boggs (SD), Alan Grant (IN), Ric Grummer (WI), Maynard Hogberg (IA), James Kinder (OH), Neal Merchen (IL), Vikram Mistry (SD), Ken Odde (ND), Karen Plaut (MI), Abel Ponce de Leon (MN), Dan Schaefer (WI), Janice Swanson (KS), Muquarrah Qureshi (USDA-CSREES), Elton Aberle (WI), administrative advisor . Absent:Mike Smith (MO).

James Kinder called the meeting to order. The agenda was approved as distributed.

Review of Multi-State Committees: Renewals and New Projects
NC temp 1861 (NC 131)  Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation - Grant and Beerman Reviewers
· Very productive committee in the past
· Well attended -18 stations involved
· Generate fundamental knowledge regarding regulation of skeletal mussel growth
· Methods clearly address objectives for each station
· Outreach plan and publication in scientific journals
· Well leveragedno central project but excellent interactivity and productivity
· Grant moved to approve. Ponce de Leon seconded. Approved.

NC temp 1981- Applied Animal Behavior - Schaefer and Merchen Reviewers
· Optimize animal welfare and productivity, assessment of fear and pain
· Outgrowth of NCR 131transitioning to funded status rather than coordinating
· Excellent governance and participation plan
· Important research areaneed more linkage, more evidence of collaborative research
· Schaefer moved to approve. Hogberg seconded. Approved.

Mid-Term Reviews:
NC 1004  Genetic and Functional Approaches to Improve Pork Production and Quality of Pork - Ponce de Leon and Merchen Reviewers
· Did not meet in 2004met in January 2005
· Only 20% of publications were collaborative
· Need stronger international linkages and linkages with commodity groups
· Leverage believed to be good, but not reported
· Recommend that collaboration (or reporting of collaboration) be strengthened and funding reporting
· Ponce de Leon moved to approve, Beermann seconded. Approved.

NC 1006  Methods to Increase Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle - Kinder and Odde Reviewers
· Progress has been good. Committee is moving toward objectives
· Linkagesappears to be interdependence and interaction
· Funding - participants have funding but not interdependent
· Need to improve funding of interdependent projects
· Odde  questioned the groups lack of attention to dairy reproduction
o Need interdisciplinary approach to dairy reproduction
· Kinder suggested this should be addressed at re-write
· Abel moved to continue, Odde seconded. Approved

NC 1007  Enteric Diseases of Swine and cattle: Prevention, Control and Food Safety - Odde and Boggs Reviewers
· Project started in 2002, no recent report in system
· Eight stations, 16 participants
· Good collaborations and publication record
· Odde moved to approve. Beermann seconded. Approved.

NC 1009  Metabolic relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows - Mistry and Merchen Reviewers
· Project in 2nd of 5 years, very productive committee
· 27 participants includes USDA and industry, good attendance
· Consortium established through industry collaborative
· Report does not document funding
· Mistry moved to approve, Merchen seconded. Approved.

NC 1010  Interpreting Cattle Genomic Data: Biology Applications and Outreach - Ponce de Leon and Schaefer Reviewers
· No meeting in 2004met in January 2005
· 16 stations, 26 participating scientists, poor attendance, poor linkages
· Only 8% of publications were collaborative
· No evidence of leveraging on report, excellent technology transfer
· Needs more collaboration, evidence of leveraging, increase in participation
· Committee has very broad objectives
· Need to find better way of summarizing reports for objectives
· Encourage more collaborationhighlight leverage
· Recommend that the committee redefine objectives and develop more focus
· Need to improve attendance and they need to determine if they are going to operate as an NC or NCR committee
· Ponce de Leon moved to approve with changes, Plaut seconded. Approved.

NC 1119  Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises  Grummer and Mistry reviewers
· Excellent progress, good linkages, numerous industry collaboration
· Poor attendance, participation waning by some stations
· Economics and environment lagging behind nutrition
· Funding not reported but assumed to be good
· Good technology transferCES represented in committee members
· Need to focus on stated objectives
· Need to report impacts and accomplishments by stated objectives
· Grummer moved to approve, Mistry seconded. Approved.

NCR 131  Animal Behavior and Welfare - Merchen and Schaefer Reviewers
· Have initiated transition to NC committee (NC temp 1981)
· Committee is functioning well to bring animal behavior researchers together
· Good linkages to industry - active in welfare audit process
· Need to update Appendix E and show evidence of collaborative research
· Encourage collaboration and develop clear statements of outcome and impact, need to include industry at meetings
· Merchen moved continuation; Grant seconded. Approved.

NCR 204  The Interface of Molecular and Quantitative Genetics in Plant and Animal Breeding - Hogberg and Ponce de Leon Reviewers
· Good progress toward objectives 1 and 2, need more work on 3
· Excellent linkage based on publications
· Need to interface between molecular and quantitative
· Participation - good core group; however some need to be dropped for missing two meetings
· Hogberg moved to approve, Schaefer seconded. Approved.

Primary reviews are responsible for getting reviews to Aberle (word document) who will submit to NIMSS.

Other Items Discussed
· Discussion was held regarding the duties/purpose of the committee liaisons. Aberle will contact administrative advisors regarding liaison from NCA 6. Liaisons need to make contact with committees and work with them on reviews, forms, etc.
· Odde suggested some training on regional committee process. Aberle will ask Daryl Lund develop PowerPoint on multi-state structure and administrative advisor responsibilities
· Aberle discussed high requirement for reporting research activity. Odde felt compliance requirements were cutting into productivity. Qureshi indicated that CSREES was receptive to changes in protocol and the review process.

Minutes recorded by Don Boggs.


NCAC006 continues to monitor closely the multi-state projects in the NCRA that relate to livestock production. The committee assigns a lead reviewer and a second reviewer to each project that is subject to either mid-term or new/revised project reviews each year. The reviewers bring a written review to the committee meeting and lead discussion of the project progress or prospect for success and impact. Substantive recommendations are offered for the various project committees to maximize the impact of their work.<br /> <br /> The 2005 meeting was held jointly with animal science department chairs and heads from the other three regions. More than 40 department administrators were in attendance. The first day of the two-day meeting was devoted to a combined session of all in attendance. The agenda focussed on issues common to all animal science department administrators and included the following topics: National Academy of Science National Research Council Restructuring and Impact on the Nutrient Requirement Publications; National Academy of Science Evaluation of Research Doctorate Programs and the Inclusion of Animal Sciences in the Study; CSREES Updates; Animal ID and Homeland Security; Federation of Animal Science Societies Update; American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists Update; Mega Issues Facing the Beef Industry; Establishment of a National Swine Research and Information Center; Animal Science Department Salary and Student Survey; National Institute for Food and Agriculture Proposal; University/Department Farms: Management, Location, Pressures, Future Viability; Non-equine Companion Animals as Part of the Animal Sciences Curriculum.<br /> <br /> The second day was devoted regional meetings.


Not applicable.

Impact Statements

  1. Assistance to the NCRA to maximize the relevance and productivity of the multi-state research portfolio in animal sciences.
  2. Improvement of animal science programs at the respective land grant universities through effective information exchange.
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Date of Annual Report: 02/24/2006

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/23/2006 - 01/24/2006
Period the Report Covers: 02/01/2005 - 02/01/2006


Brief Summary of Minutes

NCAC-6 Livestock Production
Minutes of Annual Meeting
January 24, 2006
Atlanta, GA

Attendees: Donald Marshall (SD), NCAC-6 Administrative Advisor; Jim Kinder (OH), Neal Merchen (IL), Abel Ponce de Leon (MN), Maynard Hogberg (IA), Vikram Mistry (SD), Janice Swanson (KS), Karen Plaut (MI), Don Beermann (NE), Alan Grant (IN), Don Kirby (ND), Dan Schaefer (WI), Muquarrab Qureshi (USDA-CSREES)

Absent: Bob Thaler (SD), Ric Grummer (WI), Mike Smith (MO)

Jim Kinder, NCAC-6 Chair, called the meeting to order. The committee moved immediately to reviews of new/revised projects and mid-term project reviews.

New/Revised Project Reviews

NC_temp107 - An Integrated Approach to Control of Bovine Respiratory Diseases
Grant and Swanson, reviewers
This is a very well-written proposal with an overall goal of conducting a coordinated research effort to better understand the etiology of bovine diarrheal virus and develop methods for combating it. The committee has an excellent array of multi-disciplinary expertise and the strengths and contributions of individual participants are well defined. Objectives are clearly stated and probability of successfully addressing the objectives is high. Past annual reports from this committee reflect good teamwork and productivity.
Grant recommended approval without revision. Moved by Hogberg, second by Plaut, the committee unanimously recommends approval without revision.

NCERA _temp89  Swine Production Management to Enhance Animal Welfare
Hogberg and Ponce de Leon, reviewers
Objectives of the project are very general and vague. It is difficult to determine what the committee intends to do from the objectives and objectives do not seem to be aligned with expected outcomes and impacts. The committee is unique in the sense that it is the only committee that addresses management issues in swine production. While the committee has changed its name to include animal welfare, there is no expertise in animal behavior or welfare among the participants on the committee. The committee does have a long history of collaboration among participants in research and dissemination of research findings has been good because several participants have extension responsibilities.
Hogberg recommended that the proposal be revised before approval. Moved by Ponce de Leon, second by Kinder, to recommend approval following revision as follows:
" The proposal must be revised to reflect more focused objectives
" The committee should consider recruiting participant(s) that have expertise in animal behavior/welfare
The NCAC-6 committee recommends approval following revision.

NCERA_temp199  Implementation and Strategies for National Beef Cattle Genetic Evaluation
Beermann and Schaefer, reviewers
Objectives are clear and well-stated and the issue is important. The potential to attain objectives is difficult to assess (in research) because the research approach is stated only in very general terms. Objectives and the approach for extension and outreach activities are well-defined and of high priority.
Beermann recommended that the project be approved following revision to include more specificity in the research approach to achieve objectives. Moved by Schaefer, second by Hogberg, to recommend approval after revision to provide greater clarity and specificity in the research approach. The NCAC-6 committee recommends approval following revision.

NCERA_temp87  Beef Cow Calf Nutrition and Management Committee
Hogberg and Grant, reviewers
Objectives are clearly stated and include several strategic directions to address nutritional, management, and reproductive considerations in beef cow enterprises. The proposal would benefit from more detail regarding the ways in which strengths of different participants will be used to accomplish the objectives. However, it was assessed that probability of successfully addressing objectives is high. There is a strong educational component to the proposal and past activities of the committee include effective programs for dissemination of results. Overall, there appears to be good collaboration and synergy among participants.
Hogberg recommended approval without revision. Moved by Beermann, second by Swanson, the NCAC-6 recommends approval without revision.

Mid-Term Project Reviews

NC1008  Advanced Technologies for the Genetic Improvement of Poultry (formerly NC-168)
Plaut and Swanson, reviewers
This is an excellent project that fulfills all expectations for multistate research in exemplary fashion. Objectives are cutting-edge and well-defined. Roles of participants are well-described and productivity of the committee has been outstanding. The progress on the project is excellent with publication of the chicken genome at 6X coverage in Nature as a highlight. Linkages among participants are numerous as evidenced by many papers with multiple authorships, sharing of reagents, cell lines, sequences, etc. The working relationships go across 5 international centers. The project clearly has global implications. The science is highly competitive and will provide significant benefit for the industry. It has tremendous potential in terms of commercialization of some of the resources and(or) technology.
Plaut recommended continuation of the project without revision. Moved by Beermann, second by Hogberg, the committee recommends continuation without revision.

NC1012  Improved Crop and Livestock Management for Protecting the Non-Glaciated Upper Mississippi Valley
Schaefer and Plaut, reviewers
This is a well-written project with good objectives and goals and a good interdisciplinary make-up of participants. Annual reports provide evidence of impact of the research of individual committee participants. However, tangible collaboration among NC1012 scientists and across disciplines seems to be lacking. Committee member attendance at annual meetings is difficult to discern from minutes and annual reports. Progress towards joint publications should intensify and collaboration among participants should be more evident. The intended outputs of this committee would be significant accomplishments. The committee is encouraged to document progress towards these goals in its annual reports and to follow through with its original intentions.
Schaefer recommended continuation of the project with significant revision. Moved by Schaefer, second by Merchen, to recommend continuation with the following points addressed in revision:
" The committee must document the nature of interdisciplinary collaboration in the project
" Efforts to generate extramural funding for the project should be reported
" Publication of co-authored papers that reflect collaborations among disciplines should be completed
The NCAC-6 committee recommends continuation of the project with revisions as identified. If these points are not effectively addressed, this project may not receive a favorable recommendation for renewal in the future by NCAC-6.

NCR173  Biochemistry and Genetics of Plant-Fungal Interactions
Merchen and Mistry, reviewers
NCAC-6 questions why this project is reviewed by our committee given the lack of any linkage to livestock production. Accomplishments of the committee have been excellent based on annual reports filed for the 2003 and 2004 meetings. A website has been developed where experimental protocols are posted to encourage development of standardized methods. Evidence of collaboration is very good  committee members have published at least five refereed papers since 1999 that reflect collaboration. Attendance and participation at annual meetings appears excellent.
Merchen recommended continuation of the project without revision. Moved by Merchen, second by Plaut, the NCAC-6 committee recommends continuation of the project without revision.

NCR206  Nutrition and Management of Feedlot Cattle to Optimize Performance, Carcass Value and Environmental Compatibility
Beermann and Grummer, reviewers
This project presents clear goals and objectives and accomplishments of the committee have been good. There is a reasonable record of publication by participants. Accomplishments and impact statements provide evidence of good progress on objectives one and two of the project (develop and document improved management strategies that improve efficiency, environmental impact, beef quality and beef safety). There is less evidence of attention to work on animal health and well-being, although this is identified as an objective. Linkages among participants in research are not readily identifiable but the educational linkages are quite strong. There is strong participation at annual meetings and joint discussions with industry representatives is commendable.
Recommended by Beermann that project be continued without revision. Moved by Beermann, second by Hogberg, the committee recommends continuation of the project without revision.

Primary reviewers of the above-mentioned projects will forward word files to AA Don Marshall with final reviews and recommendations. Dr. Marshall will arrange for posting of reviews on NIMSS.

The committee briefly discussed the need for an additional project review. NC_temp1981 has submitted a revision of an earlier proposal that would change the status of that committee from its current NCR status to NC. The proposal was received too late to be reviewed at this meeting. Hogberg and Plaut will conduct a review on behalf of NCAC-6 and forward a recommendation to the full committee for consideration.

The committee discussed the recurrent problems of incomplete reporting by NC and NCR committees to allow full evaluation of progress in mid-term reviews and at the time of applications for project renewals. It is perceived that the problem originates due to a lack of guidance and advice that committees receive on expectations in progress reports. Committees often do not have a clear understanding of the kinds of evidence (e.g., review of accomplishments, clear indications of impact, productivity, evidence of collaboration and synergy, extramural funding, etc.) that is used in evaluation. Annual reports often do not clearly report attendance and participation by members. NCAC-6 believes that reporting would be improved if guidelines and expectations were more clearly conveyed. Schaefer and Merchen will communicate with the NCRA office to obtain a checklist of guidelines that are used in evaluation of project progress. NCAC-6 will develop a draft of recommendations to the NCRA office for guidelines that administrative and CSREES advisors can share with committees to make them more fully aware of expectations for progress.

Other Business

The North Central region will host the 2007 meetings. Discussion of location considered the advantages and disadvantages of holding the meeting in conjunction with another major meeting (e.g., NCBA, World Poultry Congress). Past history indicates better attendance when the meeting has been held in conjunction with NCBA and there are advantages in making meeting arrangements. Therefore, the North Central region will plan to host the 2007 meeting in conjunction with the NCBA meeting in Nashville in late January. The Chair of NCAC-6 will take leadership in making meeting arrangements and establishing an agenda. Specific dates will be forthcoming following communication with NCBA.

The committee adopted a change in term length of committee officers. Previous governance involved election of a Secretary to a three-year term followed by a three-year term as Chair. Moved by Schaefer, second by Ponce de Leon, to change the term lengths to two years. The motion passed unanimously.

Merchen is currently serving as Secretary by appointment to complete the term of Don Boggs. Merchen will assume the Chair of the committee for the next two years. Nominations were opened for Secretary. Plaut was nominated by Ponce de Leon, second by Schaefer. Grant was nominated by Plaut, second by Kinder. After spirited campaigning by both candidates, Plaut was elected Secretary for a two-year term.

Minutes recorded by Neal Merchen, NCAC-6 Secretary.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 01/29/2007

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/29/2007 - 01/29/2007
Period the Report Covers: 02/01/2006 - 02/01/2007


Attendees: Don Marshall (SD) NCAC-6 Administrative Advisor; Ken Odde, (KSU); Don Kirby (ND); Alan Grant (Purdue), Don Beerman (UNL), Vikram Mistry (SD Dairy); Muquarrab Querreshi (CSREES rep); Jim Kinder (OSU); Rod Geisert (Mo); Jim Linn (Minn); Karen Plaut (MSU); Neal Merchen (Ill); Bob Thaler (SD Animal Science), Dan Schaefer (Wisc-Animal Science); Ric Grummer (Wisc-Dairy)

Absent: Maynard Hogberg (ISU)

Brief Summary of Minutes


The committee reviewed regional projects that were up for renewal or were new projects. they discussed the importance of the work as well as how well the project group was interacting.


There were no publications from this group as it is a review committee of the North Central Chairs which evaluated and makes reccomendations about multi-state projects.

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/06/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/05/2008 - 02/06/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007


Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/27/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/27/2009 - 01/28/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008


Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/07/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/26/2010 - 01/28/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009


Brief Summary of Minutes

Minutes and actions from North Central Regional Project Reviews (NCAC6)
Meeting was held in the Marriott River Center, San Antonio, TX on January 27, 2010

Larry Berger  University of Nebraska
Maynard Hogberg  Iowa State University
Rod Geisert  University of Missouri
Jim Kinder  The Ohio State University
Greg Lardy  North Dakota State University
Jim Linn  University of Minnesota
Don Marshall  South Dakota State University, Administrative Advisor
Neal Merchen  University of Illinois
Vikram Mystry  South Dakota State University
Ken Odde  Kansas State University
Karen Plaut  Michigan State University
Clint Rusk  South Dakota State University
Alan Sutton  Purdue University
Adelle Turzillo  NIFA  National Program Leader: Plant and Animal Systems

Karen Plaut  Chair
Jim Linn  Secretary
Jim Linn moved up to chair of NCA6 for 2011-13.
Vikram Mistry was elected secretary for 2011-13..

The North Central Region will host the Animal Science Department Head meeting in 2011. The meeting will be held in Denver, CO in conjunction with NCBA. Dates for the meeting are Feb 1 and 2.

Regional Project Reviews

NC Temp 184  Greg Lardy and Dan Schaefer reviewed.
Status - New

This is a renewed project. Determined to be a good project previously and project future has good potential. However, project renewal proposal appears to be repetitious of past project with limited new writing in proposal. Project scientists should update this proposal to reflect current research questions building on results and finding s from previous project proposal (1131).

Motion to accept and approve report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED

NC 1037  Maynard Hogberg and Larry Berger
Status  Midterm review

This is a continued project. Only 1 meeting has been held since project started in 2007. Second meeting is planned for 2010. There really wasnt a good reason offered for not meeting except all participants meet at the PAG meetings each January. The committee is questioning whether they should continue to exist as a multi-state committee. Could not find meeting report in NIMSS, but is located on another website. Need to get report in NIMSS. Overall, project has been productive holding a symposium every other year at which time project participants met. Difficult to determine if they are meeting their objectives since they have not met. No publications were listed in the annual meeting report of 2008.

Motion to continue project, but recommend they meet more regularly (yearly). Seconded and PASSED.
NC 1040 - Karen Plaut and Ric Grummer
Status  Midterm review

Based on history and knowledge of personnel this is a very active and productive group using both old and new technologies (genomics and proteonomics). Good outreach. Individuals from across the country speak at most of the nutrition conferences. In addition, a joint symposium was held previously. External funding is very good. This project is truly multi-institutional with participants from across the country participating regularly.

Motion to approve with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED

NC 1041  Neal Merchen and Rod Geisert

Status  Midterm review

Meeting was held this past December (09), but report had not been submitted. There are 20 participants and 10 stations in project with most participants in Veterinary Medicine or Food Science. Project is microbiology based. Group has been very productive with 2 to 3 significant collaborations and holding a biennial conference in Rapid City, SD. Committee is very good at scholarly publications and dispensing of information to academics. Research from this committee has a high potential for application in the area of food safety, but dispensing of the research to end users appears to be minimal. Extramural funding was suggested as being very good based on knowledge of personnel in project, but no report was available to confirm.

Motion was made to accept report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED

NC 1042  Jim Linn and Alan Sutton
Status  Midterm review

Very active and diverse project contributing to both scholarly and outreach information. Research is aligned well with project objectives. Good extramural funding. Interaction and discussions amongst project participants is very good, but no demonstration of collaborative research efforts. Need to develop computer models or other tools to integrate research findings, especially in the calf and business management areas. An economist would be a very good addition to this committee.

Motion was made to accept report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED

NCCC 204  Ken Odde, Vikram Mistry and Jim Linder.
Status  Midterm review

Committee met last in February, 2009. Nine stations were in attendance, but minutes of annual meeting are essentially a compilation of station reports. Project appears to have a good integration of molecular and quantitative techniques and research; however, there is no indication of collaboration across stations other than sharing of reports. Publications reported for year was 52.

Motion was made to accept report with standard revisions, seconded and PASSED

Submitted by Jim Linn, January 30, 2010



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/23/2011

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/01/2011 - 02/02/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010


Annual Meeting Attendees:
Committee Chair: Jim Linn
Administrative Advisor: Donald Marshall
Secretary: Vikram Mistry

Larry Berger  University of Nebraska
Rod Geisert  University of Missouri
Maynard Hogberg  Iowa State University
Karen Jones  Southern Illinois University
Greg Lardy  North Dakota State University
Jim Linn  University of Minnesota
Donald Marshall  South Dakota State University
Vikram Mistry  South Dakota State University
Kenneth Odde  Kansas State University
Muquarrab Qureshi - USDA
Clint Rusk  South Dakota State University
Alan Sutton  Purdue University
Janice Swanson  Michigan State University
David Thomas  University of Wisconsin (Animal Science)

Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/08/2012

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/31/2012 - 02/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012


Apgar,Gary ( SIU Carbondale; Berger, Larry ( - University of Nebraska; Kensinger, Ron ( - Ohio State University; Lamberson, Bill ( - University of Missouri; Lardy, Greg ( - North Dakota State University; Mathew, Alan ( - Purdue University; Merchen, Neal ( - University of Illinois; Mistry, Vikram ( - South Dakota State University; Odde, Ken ( - Kansas State University; Schaefer, Dan ( - University of Wisconsin; Swanson, Janice ( - Michigan State University; White, Mike ( - University of Minnesota; Marshall, Don ( - South Dakota State University; Turzillo, Adele ( - USDA-NIFA

Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/12/2013

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/05/2013 - 02/06/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please see attached file for NCAC's 2013 meeting minutes and reviewed projects.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/19/2014

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/30/2014 - 01/31/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013


Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/17/2015

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/03/2015 - 02/04/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014


Please see meeting minutes for list of participants.

Brief Summary of Minutes

See attached file.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/08/2016

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/26/2016 - 01/27/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015


D. Beerman, Iowa State University
L. Berger, Chair, University of Nebraska
J. Cassady, South Dakota State University
S. Loerch, University of Illinois
A. Mathew, Purdue University
T. McFadden, Secretary, University of Missouri
V. Mistry, South Dakota State University
K. Odde, Kansas State University
D. Schaefer, University of Wisconsin
D. Marshall, Administrative Advisor

Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/07/2017

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/31/2017 - 02/01/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016


Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/15/2019

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/29/2019 - 01/30/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018


Brief Summary of Minutes



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/13/2020

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/03/2020 - 02/03/2020
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2019


Brief Summary of Minutes

See attached file below.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 02/12/2021

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/03/2021 - 02/03/2021
Period the Report Covers: 03/01/2020 - 02/01/2021


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please see attached file below for NCAC6's annual meeting minutes and report.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 01/27/2023

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/26/2023 - 01/26/2023
Period the Report Covers: 01/31/2022 - 12/31/2022


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please see attached file below for NCAC6's 2023 meeting minutes.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 01/27/2023

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/28/2022 - 01/28/2022
Period the Report Covers: 01/31/2021 - 12/31/2021


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please see file below for the minutes from the 1/28/2022 NCAC6 meeting.



Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 06/29/2023

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/26/2023 - 01/26/2023
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2022


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please see attached file below for NCAC6's annual meeting minutes.



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Date of Annual Report: 02/07/2024

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/25/2024 - 01/25/2024
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023


Michael Day (K State), Catherine Ernst (MSU), Rod Johnson (Illinois), Pasha A. Lyvers Peffer (OSU), Guillermo Scaglia (NDSU), Michael Schutz (U of MN), Kent Weigel (UW-Madison), John Jaeger (SDSU), Deborah VanOverbeke (UNL), Bryon Wiegand (MU), Suresh Marulasiddappa (UW), Gary Pierzynski (OSU and NCAC6 AA)

Brief Summary of Minutes

The committee met via Zoom videoconference on January 25, 2024, at 9:00 am. CST with administrative advisor Gary Pierzynski (OSU) joining at 10:00 am CST. NCAC6 members present were Michael Day (K State), Catherine Ernst (MSU), Rod Johnson (Illinois), Pasha A. Lyvers Peffer (OSU), Guillermo Scaglia (NDSU), Michael Schutz (U of MN), Kent Weigel (UW-Madison), John Jaeger (SDSU), Deborah VanOverbeke (UNL), Bryon Wiegand (MU), and administrator Suresh Marulasiddappa (UW). The meeting was chaired by Michael Day. Pasha A Lyvers Peffer volunteered to record minutes of the meeting.

After self-introductions, Day asked for nominations to elect committee chair and secretary. Both appointments begin 2025 for a 3-year term. Day commented that the primary responsibility of the chair is to coordinate the annual meeting and committee review of multistate projects, and the secretary submits the meeting minutes. Since there is the national department heads meeting, NCAC6 does not hold a second in person meeting.

· Johnson self-nominated for the position of chair. Moved and seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Lyvers Peffer self-nominated for the position of secretary. Moved and seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Committee proceeded to multistate project reviews.



The renewal of Swine Viral Diseases was reviewed by Marulasiddappa (secondary reviewer Lyvers Peffer). The proposal was reviewed under Appendix H review criteria.



1. Etiology, pathogenesis, and genetic analysis of viruses

2. Epidemiological investigation of viral pathogens that affect swine population in the United States.

· Diagnostics and surveillance, risk factors, outbreak investigations, disease prevention, disease control and elimination, biosecurity, and animal production and economic impact

3. Immunology, Vaccinology, and Antiviral drug development

The project is relevant and timely and takes a broad and multi-disciplinary approach to the etiology, epidemiology, and prevention of swine diseases. The project has made significant progress in disease surveillance and real-time monitoring. High rate of publication by participants. Approaches to sharing data in real-time is commended. Participants have changed somewhat but this demonstrates how the group is evolving in expertise for continued future success. Outcomes, such as the symposia, are evidence of strong collaborations, but overall the responsibilities of participants to achieving collaborative outcomes is not clear. Suggestions are to improve the report by clearly defining responsibilities and contributions of participants. Reviewer recommended approval with minor revision. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.



The renewal of Committee on Swine Nutrition was reviewed by Lyvers Peffer (secondary reviewer Day). The proposal was reviewed under Appendix J review criteria.



1. Conduct weanling and growing-finishing pig research using a standardized protocol to allow pooling of the data from participating stations.

2. Conduct swine research on environmental temperature effect on feedstuff quality and animal productivity and efficiency.

3. Collaboratively conduct swine research on improving nutrient use efficiency for pork production.

4. Discuss research in progress at participating stations in order to enhance collaboration among stations and prevent duplication of efforts.

5. Discuss graduate student training at participating stations in order to ensure future personnel in swine nutrition.


This is a long-standing committee with a publication record that dates to the late 1960s. Objectives remain largely unchanged with the exception that a focus of studying impacts of environmental temperature on feed ingredient quality has replaced the objective to conduct sow nutrition studies. The group commits to developing projects on an annual basis that considers input from representatives of the swine and feed industries to address industry needs. Evidence of collaboration and coordination of research across participating institutions. Over 30 publications have resulted in the last 5-years; however, it was noted that only three publications were reported for 2023. The review committee discussed decreasing resources and researchers in the field of swine nutrition, which may account for the decrease in participants noted in the current report compared to the prior report. The decrease in participating institutions was not considered a critical concern. Reviewer recommended approval. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.



The renewal of Swine Reproductive Physiology was reviewed by Day (secondary reviewer VanOverbeke). The proposal was reviewed under Appendix J2 review criteria.


This is another long-standing committee entering its 6th decade. Participation is holding and project demonstrates significant collaboration. Objectives focus on boar and gilt performance using applied and basic approaches that translate to maximizing performance for the swine industry. Objectives have not changed significantly over time; however, the science has adapted to meet advancing research needs (e.g. -omics and gene modification studies). A primary mechanism of communicating outcomes is through a biennial symposium targeted to the swine industry. Good evidence of collaboration. Limited evidence of teaching materials planned or produced (objective 6). Reviewer recommended approval. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.



The mid-term review of Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare was reviewed by Ernst (secondary

reviewer Schutz). The proposal was reviewed under Appendix I review criteria.



1. To develop novel behavioral and physiological indicators of animal welfare or apply existing measures to generate novel knowledge or applications.

2. To strengthen the scientific basis of animal welfare assessments and standards.

The project aims to work across species and groups. Timely and important area of study but linkages between participants are difficult to discern. Recent meeting noted only seven participants despite the large group size officially recorded. Overall, individual productivity is strong, but collaboration appears lacking. There is no mention of joint funding, and while joint publication is mentioned, there is not a goal or plan for accomplishing. It was noted that the primary linkage between its member is the sharing of research methodologies for application across species; however, this was not captured in the report. The review committee also discussed that the group appears to be in transition with realignment of research to include neonate and companion animal studies. It was suggested that the committee review the current objectives to confirm that the objectives adequately represent the expected outcomes. The amount of overlap with NCERA219 was raised but overlap was discussed as minimal. Additional suggestions are to place greater emphasis in annual reports on collaborative efforts and outcomes and to seek opportunities to disseminate joint conclusions that result from group efforts. Reviewer recommended approve with revision. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


Administrative Advisor Update

Gary Pierzynski joined as the new Administrative Advisor and provided an introduction. Discussed three topics: 1. role and importance of academic chairs/heads in multi-state project review; 2. federal budget continuing resolution with next deadline of March; 3. consideration by department chairs/heads for service as an Academic Advisor. Pierzynski reviewed the process for multi-state project submission, review, and approval. Day asked who should initiate annual multi-state project review meeting. Pierzynski noted that the chair of the committee initiates the process of meeting (when, where). He commented on the importance of collaboration among members of the committee but noted challenges to in-person meetings. He informed the committee that once the meeting is determined, chair sends notice to AA to authorize annual meeting. The committee proceeded to discuss the 2025 meeting. Johnson asked for committee agreement to continue the virtual meeting format. Committee agreed and recommended January 23, 2025 for the annual NCAC6 meeting.



The mid-term review of An Integrated Approach to Control of Bovine Respiratory Diseases was completed by Johnson (secondary reviewer Wiegand). The proposal was reviewed under Appendix I review criteria.



1. To elucidate pathways by which host characteristics, pathogen virulence mechanisms, and environmental impacts interact to produce BRD.

2. To develop and validate methodologies for accurate BRD diagnosis, comprehensive and objective risk assessment, and surveillance to detect new patterns in BRD occurrence.

3. To develop and validate management practices and responsibly applied therapeutic and preventative interventions, such as vaccines, antimicrobials, and immunomodulators, to minimize the impact of BRD on cattle, producers, and society.

4. To determine how attributes of cattle production systems including epidemiologic, societal, and economic forces contribute to BRD, and to develop ways to promote changes in those systems to reduce the occurrence of BRD and improve cattle health, welfare, productivity and antimicrobial stewardship.

5. To promote dialogue and exchange among scientists, veterinarians, allied industry professionals and cattle producers to advance BRD research initiatives, to implement outreach, to disseminate research results, and to facilitate the translation of research findings to practical field applications.

6. To assess the economic impact of BRD across different sectors of cattle industry.


This is an active and productive committee. Evidence of consistent engagement through meetings. Report indicates good progress toward most goals. An exception is objective 6. There is little indication from the report regarding this objective, which should be captured in the report. There is also clear evidence of collaboration with most objectives involving two or more institutions. Publications also provide evidence of successful collaborations. Reviewers did not see plans for seeking additional funding. Technology transfer and plans to accomplish was discussed as a strength of this group and embedded within their objectives. Communication of results through meetings, symposia, webinars, podcasts, etc. reaches a broad audience. Reviewer recommended approval. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.



The mid-term review of Precision Management of Animals for Improved Care, Health, and Welfare of Livestock and Poultry was completed by Weigel. The proposal was reviewed under Appendix I review criteria.


This is a large project with impressive representation including industry and international scientist. The group aims to improve animal welfare through precision management and is at the interface of animal production, engineering (sensor) technologies, and data science. Breadth of work that considers data access, storage, and interpretation. Some overlap with two other groups (NE-1942 and NC1029) but overlap is minimal and there are clear differences in the objectives of this project compared to the other two. Regular interactions and productive collaborations captured in publications and grant submissions. Evidence of 29 grants and under 100 peer reviewed articles. Overall, a highly productive and collaborative group. Reviewer recommended approval. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.



The mid-term review of Swine Production Management to Enhance Animal Welfare was completed by Weigand. The proposal was reviewed under Appendix K review criteria.


From a topic standpoint the project participants think broadly in the swine production and welfare space. Limited information uploaded into the system made review of the project a challenge. Extension was a noted strength. Industry linkage is strong and the potential for translation of research has great application. This is a large group with a number of productive members, and although metrics indicate productivity, collaborative research is lacking. Only four groups submitted materials for the report. Notes from the groups indicate challenges in swine facilities for conducting research and thus contributing to the project. Report noted 13 participants, or potential participants, yet only five institutions officially registered, suggesting the group is in transition. A suggestion was made for the committee to consider revising their research focus and to clearly demonstrate how the group is meeting expectations for collaboration. Reviewer recommended approval with revision. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.



The renewal of Nitrogen Cycling, Loading, and Use Efficiency in Forage-Based Livestock Production Systems was reviewed by Jaeger and Day. The proposal was reviewed under Appendix H review criteria.


1. Quantify biophysical effects of grassland-based management strategies and climate change on N-use efficiency by ruminant animals, N cycling in herbage and soils, aquatic N losses, and GHG and other pollutant emissions from grassland agro-ecosystems.

2. Determine the role of plant secondary metabolites in ensuring improve pasture sustainability, enhancing animal health and performance, and decreasing the animal environmental footprint

3. Assess the efficacy of dietary factors on N-use efficiency in ruminant animals in forage-based livestock production systems and how these practices affect composition of feces and urine and rumen microbial efficiency.

The report referenced 13 researchers from 12 states, but only four participants are registered. It was discussed why there were so few registered users, and this was dismissed as a critical concern. No clear indication of participation by objective. There is a lack of collaborative outcomes with a greater focus on individual products. Historically good attendance at meetings and good output but evidence of cohesive efforts is missing. A suggestion was made to further develop the report and define collaborations that contribute to meeting the objectives. Species studies are captured as sub-objectives that roll up into main objectives. While this approach attempts to connect the efforts of the group, it appears more as a list of projects without a focus. It was further noted that there was little development of the teaching and Extension/outreach efforts of the group. Opportunities for methodology sharing that can be applied across species and environments was a noted strength. Reviewer recommended approval with revision. The question was called. Hands were raised. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


There being no further business, Day adjourned the meeting at 11:00 am.


Pasha A Lyvers Peffer, OSU

Acting Secretay NCAC6



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Date of Annual Report: 02/17/2025

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/23/2025 - 01/23/2025
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024


Brief Summary of Minutes

Please refer to the attached file for the minutes of the 01/23/2025 NCAC6 review meeting.



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