W4001: Social, Economic and Environmental Causes and Consequences of Demographic Change in Rural America
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 10/02/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/20/2018
- 09/22/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018
see MinutesBrief Summary of Minutes
<p>PUBLICATIONS. Members published 56 refereed-journal articles in line with project objectives (see list of publications). Over 50 presentations based on these findings were made to fellow researchers at annual meetings of professional associations and other research conferences, including Population Association of America, Rural Sociological Society, American Association of Geographers, American Agricultural Economics Association, American Academy of Political and Social Science, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Australia Population Association, European Population Conference, American Sociological Association.</p><br /> <p>OUTREACH. During its first year, project members engaged in significant outreach and research dissemination. Members published 33 policy briefs, fact sheets, research reports, and web data products aimed at providing policy-relevant demographic information to a wide audience (see publications list). Members conducted five Congressional briefings and over 60 other briefings and consultations to state and federal policymakers, extension officials, community organizations, and other stakeholder groups, including: USDA Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett, USDA Rural Development State Directors, USDA Forest Service, National Institutes of Health, General Accountability Office, Health and Human Services, Stanford Center for Poverty and Inequality, American Enterprise Institute, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Delta Regional Forum, Advancing Mississippi Conference, Vermont Council on Rural Development, New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire State Legislators, the Aspen Institute, and Cooperative Extension officials in Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin.</p><br /> <p>MEDIA OUTREACH. Members communicated research findings to the public with numerous interviews through many media outlets, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, CBS News, Sirius XM, Washington Times, Penn State radio, US News, NPR, New Republic, Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times, Daily Yonder, New York Daily News, Canada’s Public Broadcaster Michigan Public Radio, Detroit Free Press, and Forbes.</p><br /> <p>NEW FUNDING. Members received external funding to extend and build on research to meet project objectives: “Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women: Exploring Policy Options to Increase Access and Utilization of Prenatal Care in Mississippi.” Center for Mississippi Health Policy, $14,680; “Understanding Opioid Risks in Rural and Micropolitan Communities: Economic Restructuring, Social Disorganization, and Local Responses,” USDA-NIFA, $498,401; “Identifying and Informing Strategies for Disrupting Drug Distribution Networks: An Application to Opiate Flows in Pennsylvania.” National Institute of Justice, $990,002; “Despair, Death, and Democracy: Understanding Associations between Place-Level Economic Conditions, Population Health, and U.S. Election Outcomes.” Institute for New Economic Thinking. Institute for New Economic Thinking, $43,468; "Economic Restructuring, Demographic Change, and Income Inequality in Rural America," USDA-NIFA, $482,505.00; "Economic Implications of Pennsylvania's Foreign-Born Population." Center for Rural Pennsylvania. $50,000; “Disparities in the quality of care across Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Partnership Program, $791,841; “Synthesizing population, environmental, and economic data to model human migration responses to environmental events,” University of Wisconsin, $40,218. ). “RAPID: A Longitudinal Assessment of Risk and Resilience in the Gulf of Mexico Following Hurricane Harvey.” National Science Foundation, $200,000; “The Oregon Poverty Measure: A Proposal to Create a More Accurate Measure of Poverty in Oregon,” The Ford Family Foundation and the Providence/OSU Foundation, $200,000; “The Oregon Earned Income Credits Impact on Poverty in Early Childhood,” Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, $25,000; “Interactive Effects of Catchment and Climate Change on Water Quality,” NASA, $1,478,000; “State Policy and Local Fiscal Stress: Implications for Rural Governments,” USDA-NIFA, $499,000;</p><br /> <p>AWARDS. Dan Lichter received the Distinguished Rural Sociologist Award, Rural Sociological Society, and the Career Achievement Award from the American Sociological Association’s Section on Family Sociology. Anne Tickameyer received the Fred H. Buttel award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement from the Rural Sociological Society. John Green received the award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement from the College of Liberal Arts, University of Mississippi. Leif Jensen received the Distinguished Rural Sociologist Award, Rural Sociological Society. Katherine Curtis was chosen a Vilas Associate, University of Wisconsin-Madison University Housing’s Honored Instructor Award. Richelle Winkler received the 2018 Distinguished Teaching Award from Michigan Technological University. Ken Johnson received the University of New Hampshire’s Class of 1940 Professor award for outstanding interdisciplinary teaching and research;</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Research brought into the classroom raised awareness of issues related to the project’s objective to over 800 undergraduate and graduate students across the country. New knowledge resulted from mentoring over 20 PhD students as lead advisors or PhD committee members.
Date of Annual Report: 11/27/2019
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/27/2019
- 09/28/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2019
See Summary of MinutesBrief Summary of Minutes
<p>The collective work of W-4001 and its predecessors was instrumental in our receipt of a National Institutes of Health National Institute on Aging R24 grant to develop an interdisciplinary network on rural population health and aging. The PI (Jensen) and 2 of the Co-PIs (Monnat and Green) are W-4001 members. Through multiple mechanisms (pilot grants, working groups, annual meetings, mentoring activities, methods training), the proposed Network will bring together scientists with expertise in various health and aging outcomes (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, chronic diseases, behavioral health, mortality), social determinants of health, rural economies, population and environment, and policy, along with data and methods across multiple sources, levels, and dimensions of health and aging to study the multilevel and multidimensional exposures shaping and being shaped by health and aging trends among different rural populations and regions. The Network will disseminate findings to academic, policy, and public audiences through presentations, academic publications, public research briefs and webinars, and congressional briefings, and will develop and disseminate data and analytic resources and training materials to ensure sustained and powerful impact in the area of rural population health and aging.</p><br /> <p>PUBLICATIONS. Members published over 50 refereed-journal articles in line with project objectives (see list of publications). Over 40 presentations were made to fellow researchers at annual meetings of professional associations and other research conferences, including Population Association of America, Rural Sociological Society, American Association of Geographers, American Agricultural Economics Association, Southern Demographic Association, and the Penn State Family Symposium.</p><br /> <p>OUTREACH. During its second year, project members engaged in significant outreach and research dissemination. Members published over 25 policy briefs, fact sheets, research reports, web data products, and newspaper articles or editorials aimed at providing policy-relevant demographic information to a wide audience (see publications list). Members consulted at the highest levels of federal policy as members of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Office of Management and Budget’s Committee on Metropolitan and Micropolitan Standards, and the National Academies of Sciences Committee on Rising Midlife Mortality. Members conducted over 20 briefings, workshops and consultations to state and federal policymakers, extension officials, community organizations, and other stakeholder groups, including: USDA Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development Anne Hazlett, USDA Rural Development State Directors, National Academies of Sciences, Health and Human Services Office of Rural Health Policy, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, New Hampshire State Legislators, and Cooperative Extension officials in Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Wisconsin.</p><br /> <p>MEDIA OUTREACH. Members communicated research findings to the public with numerous interviews through many media outlets, including in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, US News & World Report, NPR, Daily Yonder, Bloomberg News, USA Today, BBC World Service, Wisconsin Public Radio, and Mississippi Public Broadcasting.</p><br /> <p>NEW FUNDING. Members received external funding to extend and build on research to meet project objectives: </p><br /> <p>National Institute on Aging, 2019-2024. “Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging.” Leif Jensen (PI), Shannon Monnat, Lori Hunter, and John Green. ($1,616,856).</p><br /> <p>National Institute on Aging, 2019-2024. “Network on Life Course Health Dynamics and Disparities in 21st Century America” Shannon Monnat, Jennifer Karas Montez, Jennifer Ailshire, Sarah Burgard, & Robert Hummer. ($1,871,732).</p><br /> <p>Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Policies for Action. 2018-2020. “Local Initiatives, State Preemption, and Public Health.” Shannon Monnat, Doug Wolf & Jennifer Karas Montez. ($150,000).</p><br /> <p>USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). 06/01/18-05/31/22. “Understanding Opioid Risks in Rural and Micropolitan Communities: Economic Restructuring, Social Disorganization, and Local Responses.” Shannon Monnat. ($498,401).</p><br /> <p>David Rothwell: “The Oregon Poverty Measure: A Proposal to Create a More Accurate Measure of Poverty in Oregon.” The Ford Family Foundation and the Providence/OSU Foundation: $200,000 (2018-2020).</p><br /> <p>David Rothwell: “Are Rural Americans Disadvantaged? Inequalities in Life Course Trajectories across the Rural-Urban Divide” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grants: $175,024 (2019-2024).</p><br /> <p>David Rothwell, M. Edwards and S. Grutzmacher: “Explaining SNAP Enrollment Among Young-Old and Older Americans.” University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research $293,000 (2019-2022).</p><br /> <p>Green, John J., Jamiko Deleveaux, and Lynn Woo (Co-PIs on University of Mississippi subcontract). “Mississippi 2020 Count Review” U.S. Census Bureau as part of the Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates. ($32,087)</p><br /> <p>Green, John J. and Lynn Woo (Co-PIs on University of Mississippi subcontract). “Mississippi YOU Count 2020 Census Initiative and Amplifying Rural Voices for the 2020 Census Initiative.” The Mississippi Kids Count Program with originating funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. ($10,000) 2018 through 2019.</p><br /> <p>AWARDS.</p><br /> <p>Helen Berry received the Lifetime Award for Service and Research from the Utah State Center for Women and Gender.</p><br /> <p>John Green received the Lift Every Voice Award, Black Faculty and Staff Organization and Center for Inclusion and Cross Cultural Engagement, University of Mississippi.</p><br /> <p>Daniel Veroff received the 2019 Randy Gustafason Memorial Award for outstanding service to the State Data Center Program and the U.S. Census Bureau. Dan also received the Distinguished Extension Outreach Specialist awarded by University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.</p><br /> <p>Shannon Monnat received the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Connections Program Thought Leadership Award in Outreach and Communications.</p><br /> <p>Members received the Highly Commended Paper, 2018 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence, for: Tim Slack, Michael R. Cope, Leif Jensen, Ann R. Tickamyer. 2017. “Social Embeddedness, Formal Labor Supply, and Informal Work.” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 37: 248-264.</p><br /> <p>David Rothwell received the Annie E. Casey Foundation Rural Poverty Research Fellow (2018-2019).</p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Research on the Oregon Poverty Measure and related to the Annie E. Casey Foundation Poverty Research Fellowship informed state policymakers and current debates around the cost of living and geographic adjustment in the Supplemental Poverty Measure.
Date of Annual Report: 01/07/2021
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/18/2020
- 09/18/2020
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020
See Summary of MinutesBrief Summary of Minutes
<p>PUBLICATIONS. Members published over 50 refereed-journal articles in line with project objectives (see list of publications).</p><br /> <p>PRESENTATIONS: Despite widespread cancellations due to COVID-19, over 20 presentations were made to fellow researchers at annual meetings of professional associations and other research conferences, including Rural Sociological Society, American Sociological Association, North American Regional Science Association, Population Association of America, Southern Demographic Association, Demographic Responses to Changes in the Natural Environment, Natural Hazards Researchers Meeting, Western Water Conference, Wisconsin Public Health Association Annual Conference, Demographic Responses to Changes in the Natural Environment Conference, and Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science.</p><br /> <p>OUTREACH. During its second year, project members engaged in significant outreach and research dissemination. Members published over 30 policy briefs, fact sheets, research reports, web data products, and newspaper articles or editorials aimed at providing policy-relevant demographic information to a wide audience (see publications list). Members consulted at the highest levels of federal policy as members of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Rising Midlife Mortality and Socioeconomic Disparities, the National Institutes of Health Initiative on the Social Determinants of Opioid Use, and the Office of Management and Budget’s Interagency Committee on Metropolitan and Micropolitan Standards. Members conducted over 20 briefings, workshops and consultations to state and federal policymakers, extension officials, community organizations, and other stakeholder groups, including: the Montana Congressional delegation; extension specialists and county-based educators for training of on the upcoming 2020 Census; Syracuse University Maxwell School Advisory Board and Alumni; Dana Balter, NY candidate for U.S. House of Representatives; the Vermont Community Foundation and the Vermont Council on Rural Development; Penn State Extension; Center for Immigrant Rights Clinic, Penn State University; the Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging; 2M Research Services on Human Services in Rural Contexts 2020-22; Broom Center for Demography Seminar Series, University of California, Santa Barbara; Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University; Center for Demographic Research, University of Louvain la-Neuve, Belgium; CaRDI Community Development Institute, Cornell University; Duke Population Research Institute; Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire; the Aspen Institute; Louisiana Education Policy Fellowship Program; Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop; the Vermont Conference on Recreation; Conference on Taxing the Rich: Why and How, sponsored by the Patriotic Millionaires; the Institute for New Economic Thinking; Active Retirees Association; New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services; University of New Hampshire’s College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Advisory Board; League of Women Voters of the Northwoods, Rhinelander, WI.; Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians, Eau Claire, WI.; League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Eau Claire, WI.; University of Wisconsin Extension Local Government Leadership Academy; and the Wisconsin Policy Forum and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalists.</p><br /> <p>MEDIA OUTREACH. Members communicated research findings to the public with over 30 interviews through many media outlets, including in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, National Public Radio, Daily Yonder, Baltimore Sun, Pennsylvania Capital-Star, The Advocate (Louisiana), Wisconsin Public Radio Morning Show, Concord Monitor, Union Leader, Miami Herald, and Buzzfeed News</p><br /> <p> NEW FUNDING. Members received external funding to extend and build on research to meet project objectives: </p><br /> <p> “Age-Specific Net Migration Estimates for US Counties, 2010-2020: Data Generation & Archiving.” PI (Ken Johnson and Richelle Winkler co-PI). NICHD. (4/1/20-3/31/22), $160,872.</p><br /> <p>Li, A.Q., et. al. 2019. ”Computational Methods and Autonomous Robotics Systems for Modeling and Predicting Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms.” National Science Foundation. EPSCOR Track-2. $5,989,336. 2019-2023. Role: Co-Investigator.</p><br /> <p>Monnat, S. Mother Cabrini Health Foundation. 2020-2021. “Implementing and Evaluating the Efficacy of a New Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Plan of Safe Care.” Role: PI ($75,817).</p><br /> <p>Monnat, S. National Institute of Justice. 2019-2022. “The New York Opioid Court Treatment Enhancement Project.” ($1,347,267).</p><br /> <p>“Dynamic Risk Perception and Behavior in Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‑19).” 2020–2021. Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Research Program (with the support from the National Science Foundation Award #1635593), University of Colorado Boulder. $3,000; Missouri Foundation for Health. $2,000; Division of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia. $28,750.</p><br /> <p>Nelson, Peter. “Migration, Mobility, and the Spread of COVID-19 into and within Rural America.” A cooperative agreement with the Economic Research Service in collaboration with John Cromartie. Project length: 1 year. Amount of award: $27,827.</p><br /> <p>Sexsmith, K., Castellanos, P., Glenna, L. “Identifying Success Factors for Scaling Up Saving for Change.” Oxfam America, $48,594, 01/2020 – 10/2020</p><br /> <p>Singh, S., Fox, C. Ramsaroop, C., Xiuhtecutli, N., Sexsmith, K. “Farmworkers’ Participatory Research Project on Automation, Technology, and SurveillanceSociological Initiatives Foundation, $20,000, 01/2020 – 02/2021</p><br /> <p>Singh, S., Fox, C., Sexsmith, K. “Impacts of automation on farmworkers.” Center for Democracy and Organizing, University of California, Berkeley, $5,000, 11/2019 - 06/2020</p><br /> <p>Penn State-Monash University Collaboration Fund. Transformative Resilience in the Context of Climate Change. Paige Castellanos (PI), Becky Batagol (Monash PI), Elizabeth Ransom (co-I), Ann Tickamyer (co-I), Carolyn Sachs (co-I), Heather Randell (co-I), Margaret Alston (Monash co-I), Annet Hoek (Monash co-I), Eli Court (Monash co-I). AUD$45,000. 2019-2020.</p><br /> <p>"Graduate Student Workshop and Summer Internship Program with Oxfam on the Gender Dynamics of the Agri-Food System." USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Higher Education Challenge Grant. Ann Tickameyer, Kathleen Sexsmith and four others. 4/1/20-3/31/21. $30,000.</p><br /> <p>Ann R. Tickamyer, “Understanding Natural Resource Economic Development in Rural America.” USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. $500,000. 2020-2023. </p><br /> <p>Ann R. Tickamyer and Guangqing Chi, “NNA Track 1: Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society.” National Science Foundation. $3,000,000. 2020-24.</p><br /> <p>NSF Office of Polar Program. "RAPID: Collaborative Research: COVID-19 Preparedness in Remote Fishing Communities in Rural Alaska" (Award # OPP-2032790). $44,337. PI: Guangqing Chi. Project dates: 6/15/2020–5/31/2021.</p><br /> <p>Social Science Research Council. "Are We More Willing to Speak Up When We Share Without Clicking? A Study of Political Content Sharing on Facebook." Co-PI Guangqing Chi with Shyam Sundar (PI). Project dates: 1/10/2020–1/9/2021. $49,017.</p><br /> <p>DOD. "Permanent Change of Station and Variation in Cancer Prevention and Care in the Military Health System." $717,562. Co-I Guangqing Chi with Joel Segel (PI) and other co-Is. Project dates: 9/29/2019–9/28/2021.</p><br /> <p>AWARDS.</p><br /> <p>Ken Johnson received the University of New Hampshire, Class of 1940 Professor, for outstanding interdisciplinary teaching and research.</p><br /> <p>Kathleen Sexsmith received the ASA Section on Sociological Practice and Public Sociology (SPPS) Publication Award for “Milked: Immigrant Farmworkers in New York State.”</p><br /> <p>Kathleen Sexsmith received the NACTA Teaching Award of Merit, College of Agricultural Sciences, Penn State University.</p><br /> <p>Heather Randall received the 2019 Roy C. Buck Faculty Award, College of Agricultural Sciences, Penn State.</p><br /> <p>TEACHING</p><br /> <p>Number of students taught: 973</p><br /> <p>Number of Ph.D. candidates advised: 51</p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Research on changing levels of income inequality within non-metropolitan and metropolitan counties raised awareness about the persistently high levels of inequality in rural U.S communities. It also raised awareness of the convergence in rural and urban inequality levels, which is driven by growing income disparities in urban places.
Date of Annual Report: 10/27/2021
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/09/2021
- 09/10/2021
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p>PRESENTATIONS. Despite widespread cancellations due to COVID-19, over 40 presentations were made to fellow researchers at annual meetings of professional associations and other research conferences, including the Rural Sociological Society, the American Sociological Association, the Population Association of America, the American Association of Geographers, and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.</p><br /> <p> OUTREACH. Members consulted at the highest levels of federal policy as members or consultants for: the Office of Management and Budget’s Interagency Committee on Metropolitan and Micropolitan Standards; the U.S. Census Bureau’s Census Scientific Advisory Committee and their Differential Privacy Working Group; the Summer at the Census Program; and the National Academy of Sciences Committee on High and Rising Working-Age Mortality Rates. Members conducted briefings, workshops and consultations to state and federal policymakers, extension officials, community organizations, and other stakeholder groups, including: the Census Bureau’s Center for Behavioral Science Methods; the Gateway and Natural Amenity Region Seminar Series, Utah State University; the Michigan Governor’s Council on Climate Solutions; Michigan’s Upper Peninsula Energy Task Force; the International City/County Management Association, American Planning Association; the New Hampshire House/Senate Ways and Means Committee; the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation; the New Hampshire Black Heritage Board of Directors; the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station; the Rural & Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE) Program at the University of Utah School of Medicine; the Water Security in the Western U.S. Summit; the National Academy of Sciences webinars on High and Rising Mortality Rates among Working-Age Adults (2 public webinars; 1 webinar to funders); the U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy-National Opioids and Synthetics Coordination Group Webinar; staffers from Bernie Sanders’ and Susan Collins’ offices to discuss educational and geographic disparities in life expectancy to inform a congressional hearing; member of Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Health Equity Task force to discuss issues related to rural population health and community development; Director of Homeland Security for the Minority Staff of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs (Rob Portman’s Office) about overdoses; N.Y. State Senator Peter Harkham about drivers of substance use and policy priorities; the Office of the Missouri Public Defender on COVID-19 trends; the Wisconsin Legislative Technology Services Bureau; the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau; the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction; the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; the People’s Map Commission; the Mississippi Humanities Council; the Southern Region Program Leaders Network (1862, 1890, and 1994 land grant universities); the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi; the Maddox Foundation; the Roosevelt Project; the United Nations Inter-Agency Expert Group on Implementation of the Third United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2018-2027); the Montana Food Bank Network and local food banks in Montana.</p><br /> <p>MEDIA OUTREACH. Members communicated research findings to the public with over 50 interviews through many media outlets, including in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, NPR, AP News, Bloomberg News, Salon, The Hill, Daily Yonder, SLATE, The Guardian, WNMU-TV and Public Radio 90, Daily Mining Gazette, Iron Mountain Daily News, The Mining Journal, CBS News Radio, NBCLX, Buzzfeed News, Vice, Reuters, Kansas City Public Radio, Time Magazine, The Advocate, Monroe News-Star, LSU Reveille, Wisconsin Public Radio, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Wisconsin State Journal, Wisconsin Eye, Wisconsin Watch, Montgomery Advertiser, Facing South, SuperTalk Radio, Mississippi Public Broadcasting Radio. CHNI News, Roll Call, National Geographic, and Cache Valley Daily.</p><br /> <p>NEW FUNDING. Members received external funding to extend and build on research to meet project objectives: </p><br /> <p>Mildred Warner (PI), Linda Lobao (co-PI), Paige Kelly and Yuanshuo Xu, “Local Government, Inequality, and Rural Well-being” National Institute of Food and Agriculture USDA 2021-67023-34437, March 2021-February 2024, total $500,000</p><br /> <p>Richelle Winkler (PI), “Pandemic Migration in Michigan's Upper Peninsula” InvestUP, May 2021-Nov 2021, total $5,420</p><br /> <p>Danielle Rhubart (PI), “Social Infrastructure and Mental Health among Older Adults in Rural America” NIH Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging ($11,323) - 4/1/2021–6/30/2022.</p><br /> <p>Sexsmith, Kathleen (PI), Paige Castellanos (co-PI), Kathryn Maich (co-PI), and Leland Glenna (co-PI), “Impacts of COVID-19 crisis on unpaid and underpaid care work among food system workers.” Oxfam America ($15,000).</p><br /> <p>Guangqing Chi (PI), Heather Randell (co-PI), Megan Mucioki (co-PI), and Rebecca Napolitano (co-PI). "EAGER: SAI: Collaborative Research: Community-Driven Innovation for Resilient Bridges in Remote Communities." National Science Foundation (Award # BCS-2121909). 10/1/2021–9/30/2023. $259,112.</p><br /> <p>Guangqing Chi (PI). "RAPID: Collaborative Research: COVID-19 Preparedness in Remote Fishing Communities in Rural Alaska." National Science Foundation (Award # OPP-2032790). 6/15/2020–5/31/2022. $119,868.</p><br /> <p>Jennifer Glick (PI), Sara Damaske (co-I), and Guangqing Chi (PI of the Computational and Spatial Analysis Core). "Population Research Institute" (Award # 2P2C HD041025). The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 6/1/2021–5/31/2026. $3,530,135.</p><br /> <p>Cory Anderson (PI), Mary Shenk (co-I), and Guangqing Chi (co-I). "Aging Amish: Toward Usable Population Microdata and an Investigation of Residence Proximity, Occupational Change, and Informal Care Practices for the Elderly." NIA-funded Interdisciplinary Network on Rural Population Health and Aging (INRPHA). 4/15/2021–6/30/2022. $15,000.</p><br /> <p>Shannon Monnat (PI). “Demographic, Geographic, and Temporal Trends in Mortality from Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide among Working-Age Adults.” Center for Aging and Policy Studies Pilot Grant funded through NIA P30AG066583. 2020-2022. $45,000.</p><br /> <p>Shannon Monnat (PI). “States’ COVID-19 Mitigation Policies and Psychological Health, Drug Overdose, and Suicide among U.S. Adults.” National Institute on Drug Abuse. U01DA055972. 2021-2025. $1,951,923.</p><br /> <p>Heather Randell (co-PI). “IRES Track I: Manifestations of Climate Change in Extreme Events.” National Science Foundation OISE-2107275. 2021-2024. $379,004.</p><br /> <p>Tim Slack (PI). “BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Exposure and Family Health.” Manship Summer Research Fellowship, Louisiana State University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2020. $5,000</p><br /> <p>Anne Cafer (Co-PI), John Green (Co-PI), and Emma Scott (Co-PI). “Food Is Medicine Summit Series.” FEED Fund with the Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi and Maddox Foundation. 2020-2021. $15,000.</p><br /> <p>John Green (PI, taking over for retiring PI Steven Turner), Ardian Harri (Co-PD), Robert Zabawa (Co-PD), Jennie Stephens (Co-PD), Cassandra Johnson Gaither (Co-PD), Rebecca Smith (Co-PI), John Garner (Co-PD), and Ayoung Kim (Co-PD). “The Racial Wealth Gap, Persistent Poverty, and Heirs’ Property: Analysis, Connections, and Solutions.” U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. 2021-67023-34425. 2021-2024. $499,997.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>AWARDS.</p><br /> <p>Linda Lobao was awarded the title of Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, at The Ohio State University. The description of the award notes that it “is an honorific, not a new faculty rank. This award honors colleagues at the rank of Professor who have excelled in teaching, research, or outreach/engagement, and whose work has demonstrated significant impact on their fields, students, CFAES, and University, and/or the public.”</p><br /> <p>Kathleen Sexsmith received a 2021 RSS Early Career Award from the Rural Sociological Society for her research project “Assessing Pennsylvania Seasonal Farm Labor Camps: A Comparison of H-2A and non H-2A farms.</p><br /> <p>Shannon Monnat: 2020-21 Rural Sociological Society Excellence in Research Award; 2021 RSS Fred Buttell Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award (with W4001 member David Peters).</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>TEACHING</p><br /> <p>Lobao: 67 students taught, 3 Ph.D. candidates</p><br /> <p>Winkler: 182 students taught, 3 Ph.D. students</p><br /> <p>Johnson: 2 students; 3 PhD students.</p><br /> <p>Schad: 30 students; Chair/Co-chair 3 PhD students</p><br /> <p>Berry: 32 students; 3 PhD students, 1 MS student</p><br /> <p>Sexsmith: 68 students taught; 5 PhD students, 1 MS student</p><br /> <p>Chi: 10 students taught, 5 Ph.D. students supervised/co-supervised</p><br /> <p>Monnat: 14 students taught, 7 Ph.D. students, 1 postdoc</p><br /> <p>Randell: 37 students taught, 2 PhD students supervised/co-supervised</p><br /> <p>Slack: 226 students taught, 1 PhD student</p><br /> <p>Veroff: 20 students taught</p><br /> <p>John Green: 86 students taught</p><br /> <p>Shaun Golding: 85 Students Taught</p><br /> <p>Tom Mueller: 99 Students Taught, 1 PhD Student</p><br /> <p>Brian Thiede: 55 students taught, 4 PhD students</p><br /> <p>Mary Arends-Kuenning: 8 students taught, 6 PhD students</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Dissertations</p><br /> <p>Paige Kelly, March 2021. Title of Dissertation: <em>Status-Based Inequalities and Changes in the Welfare State: An Empirical Study of U.S. County Governments.</em></p><br /> <p>Christian Scott, August 2021. Title of Dissertation: <em>The Pasture, the Village, and the People: Food Security Endowments and Abatements in the Southern Kyrgyz Highlands.</em></p><br /> <p>Kathryn Sweet Keating. 2020. Title of Dissertation: <em>Facets of Family Resilience: South Louisiana and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill</em>. Louisiana State University.</p><br /> <p>Matthew Brooks, 2020. Title of Dissertation: <em>The Changing Landscape of Affordable Housing in the United States</em>. The Pennsylvania State University.</p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Engagements with the Montana Food Bank Network and local food banks in Montana to share insights from the American Community Survey, the Population Estimates Program, and Regional Economic Accounts raised awareness of social, geographic, and economic inequities facing vulnerable populations. (Objectives 1-2)