S1030: Flies Impacting Livestock, Poultry and Food Safety
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Ahmad, A., T. G. Nagaraja, and L. Zurek. 2007. Transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to cattle by house flies. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 80: 74-81.
Butler, S. M., A. C. Gerry, and B. A. Mullens. 2007. House fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Activity near Baits Containing (Z)-9-tricosene and Efficacy of Commercial Toxic Fly Baits on a Southern California Dairy. Journal of Economic Entomology. 100(4): 1489 1495.
Chakrabarti, S., D. J. King, C. Afonso, D. Swayne, C. J. Cardona, D. R. Kuney, and A. C. Gerry. 2007. Detection and Isolation of Exotic Newcastle Disease Virus from Field-Collected Flies. Journal of Medical Entomology 44(5): 840-844.
Deacutis, J. M., C. A. Leichter, A. C. Gerry, D. A. Rutz, W. D. Watson, C. J. Geden, and J. G. Scott. 2006. Susceptibility of field collected house flies to spinosad before and after a season of use. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 23(2): 105-110.
Geden, C.J. and P.E. Kaufman. 2007. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) on live house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae and pupae killed by heat shock, irradiation and cold. Environmental entomology. Environmental Entomology 36: 34-39.
Geden C. J., V. Lietze, and D.G. Boucias. 2008. Seasonal prevalence and transmission of salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies (Diptera:Muscidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 42-51.
Holt, P. S., C. J. Geden, R. W. Moore, and R. K. Gast. 2007. Isolation of Salmonella enterica serovar enteriditis from houseflies (Musca domestica) found in rooms containing Salmonella serovar enteriditis-challenged hens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 6030-6035.
Kaufman, P.E., A. C. Gerry, D.A. Rutz, and J.G. Scott. Monitoring house fly susceptibility to imidacloprid in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology (Accepted 10/07).
Kaufman, P. E., C. Strong, and D.A. Rutz. 2008. Susceptibility of lesser mealworm (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) adults and larvae exposed to two commercial insecticides on unpainted plywood panels. Pest Management Science 64: 108-111.
Lietze, V., C. J. Geden, P. Blackburn, and D G. Boucias. 2007. Effects of salivary gland hypertrophy virus on the reproductive behavior of the housefly, Musca domestica. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 6811-6818.
Macovei, L. and L. Zurek. 2007. Influx of enterococci and associated antibiotic resistance and virulence genes from ready-to-eat food to the human digestive tract. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 6740-6747.
Mramba F., A. Broce, and L. Zurek. 2007. Vector competence of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) for Enterobacter sakazakii. Journal of Vector Ecology 69: 671-673.
Macovei, L., B. Miles, and L. Zurek. 2008. The potential of house flies to contaminate ready-to-eat food with antibiotic resistant enterococci. Journal of Food Protection (in press).
Quinn, B., U. R. Bernier, C. J. Geden, J. A. Hogsette, and D. A. Carlson. 2007. Analysis of extracted components in blackstrap molasses. Journal of Chromatography, Series A. 1139: 279-284.
Rinkevich, F.D., R.L. Hamm, C.J. Geden and J.G. Scott. 2007. Dynamics of insecticide resistance alleles in house fly populations from New York and Florida. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37:550-558.
Taylor, D. B., D. R. Berkebile, and P. J. Scholl. 2007. Stable fly population dynamics in eastern Nebraska in relation to climatic variables. Journal of Medical Entomology 44: 765-771.
Watson, D. W., C. K. Boohene, and S. S. Denning. 2007. Tank Mixes: Reducing fly and bacteria populations using insecticide and disinfectant mixtures. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (Accepted).
Watson, D. W., E. Lastro, K. Rochon, S. Denning, L. Smith and J. Guy. 2007. Role of house flies in the transmission of Newcastle disease virus. Journal of Medical Entomology 44: 666-671.
Extension Publications:
Gerry, A. C. and N. G. Peterson. 2007. Stable Flies and March Rains. Progressive Dairyman Magazine. March Issue. pp. 1-2.
Gerry, A. C., B. A. Mullens, and N. G. Peterson. 2007. Predicting and Controlling Stable Flies on California Dairies. Oakland: University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8258. pp. 1-11.
Tomberlin, J.K. and G.L. Schuster. 2004. Suppression of arthropod pests on small flocks of domestic fowl in Texas. Texas Cooperative Extension, September 1, 2204, EEE-00011.
Berkebile, D. R., and D.B. Taylor. Emergence of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) from winter feeding sites of hay during the spring and summer. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; Dec. 2007.
Butler, S. M., R. D. Moon, N. C. Hinkle, J. G. Millar, J. S. McElfresh and B. A. Mullens. "Age distribution and amount of (Z)-9-tricosene on wild house flies collected from dairies." Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Lexington, KY, Jun. 10-14, 2007.
Chakrabarti, S., D. J. King, C. J. Cardona, C. L. Afonso, D. W. Swayne, and A. C. Gerry. "Flies and exotic Newcastle disease virus (ENDV)". Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Lexington, KY. Jun. 14, 2007.
Dennis J. and D. A. Rutz. Confinement dairy fly IPM. Amish Farmer Training Program Eden, NY. Jul., 2007.
Ferrero, K. M. and C. J. Geden. 2007. The effect of behavioral conditioning on determining host choice in a parasitoid of filth flies, Trichopria nigra. 51st Livestock Insect Workers' Conference and 9th International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, Kentucky, Jun. 10-14, 2007.
Ferrero, K.M. and C. J. Geden. 2007. Learning and host preference in a parasitoid of filth flies, Trichopria nigra. ESA National Meeting, Dec. 2007, San Diego, CA.
Geden, C. J. 2007. New attractants in fly trapping and control, in Filth Flies session, Department of Defense Pest Management Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, Feb. 2007.
Geden, C. J. 2007. Fly traps and treated targets, in Deployed WarFighter Protection Research Program session, Department of Defense Pest Management Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, Feb. 2007.
Geden, J. J., B. A. Quinn, U. R. Bernier and J. A. Hogsette. 2007. An attractant for house flies based on components identified in blackstrap molasses. 51st Livestock Insect Workers' Conference and 9th International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, Kentucky, Jun. 10-14, 2007.
Geden, C. J. 2007. Attractants, visual targets and traps for fly control. In symposium Deployed War Fighter Protection Program Research Activities at the Mosquito and Fly Research Unit, USDA, ARS, CMAVE, Gainesville, FL. Annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society, Sarasota, Florida, Jul. 2007.
Geden, C. J. 2007. Impact of protozoans on parasitic Hymenoptera, in symposium Effect of Infection on Infection,ESA National Meeting, Dec. 2007, San Diego, CA.
Geden, C. J. 2007. Update on fly traps, targets, and baits, DWFP Research Program Review, Nov. 27-28, 2007, Oxford, Mississippi.
Gerry, A. C. and B. A. Mullens. "Canyon Flies: An emerging problem". Mosquito and Vector Control Association Continuing Education Series. Visalia, CA. Mar. 7, 2007.
Gerry, A. C. "Nuisance Flies as Mechanical Vectors of Animal Pathogens". Mosquito and Vector Control Association Continuing Education Series. Visalia, CA. Mar. 7, 2007.
Gerry, A. C. "Vector management at poultry facilities: Current practices and future directions", California Poultry Federation Annual Quality Assurance Seminar Series, Modesto, CA. Aug. 16, 2007.
Hambley, J., G. Schuster, M. Brown, C. Pouce, J. Talley, D. Britten, and J. Tomberlin. 2006. Efficacy of Diflubenzuron, an Insect Growth Regulator, for Control of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Confined Feeding Dairy Facilities. TAMU Agriculture Program, College Station.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Food Animal Health and Safety: the Georgia Experience." University of California, Riverside, Department of Entomology, departmental seminar, Nov. 5, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C. "Animal Pests: Insects and Their Eight-Legged Relatives that Affect Livestock, Poultry, and Pets." Winter School, Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Putnam Co., Georgia, Jan. 16-18, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C. "Fly Control." Southeast Georgia Master Cattlemen's Program, Screven County, Feb. 27, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C. "Cattle and Horse Pests - Flies." White County Cattlemen's Association, Cleveland, GA, Mar. 22, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C. "Effective Fly Control." Saluda County Cattlemen's Association, Hollywood, SC, Apr. 26, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C. "External Parasites." Northwest Georgia Master Cattlemen's Program, Walker County, Nov. 1, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C. and T. W. Wilson. "Livestock and Poultry Pest Management Options." Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America 81st Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, Mar. 4-7. 2007.
Hinkle, N. C., T. W. Wilson, and P. C. Worley. "Comparison of Endosulfan (Avenger) and Diazinon-Chlorpyrifos Combination (Warrior) Cattle Ear Tags for Horn Fly Control." Georgia Entomological Society annual meeting, Athens, GA, May 17-18, 2007.
Hinkle, N. C., T. W. Wilson and P. C. Worley. "Horn fly suppression: Field comparison of Avenger (endosulfan) and Warrior (diazinon-chlorpyrifos) ear tags." Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Lexington, KY, Jun. 10-14, 2007.
Kaufman, P. E. and L. A. Wood. 2007. Diversity of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) in North Central Florida Cattle Pastures. 55th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA.
Kaufman, P.E. Techniques for Evaluating Insecticide Resistance in Filth Flies. 2007 DoD Pest Management Workshop, Jacksonville, FL. February 14, 2007. Kaufman, P. E., J. K. Waldron and D. A. Rutz. Dairy Fly IPM National Webcast. May 2007.
Kaufman, P. E., D. A. Rutz and C. Strong. Susceptibility of lesser mealworm (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) adults and larvae exposed to two commercial insecticides on unpainted plywood panels. Joint Meeting of the LIWC and the ISEP, Lexington, KY. Jun. 10, 2007.
King, D. J., S. Chakrabarti, C. Cardona, C. L. Afonso, D. E. Swayne, and A. C. Gerry. Isolation of Exotic Newcastle Disease Virus (ENDV) from Field Collected Flies and Experimental ENDV Infections of Three Arthropod Species". American Association of Avian Pathologists, Washington, D. C. Jul. 14, 2007.
Loftin, K., Sheri Brazil , Tanja McKay, Wes Watson , Justin Edwards, Dayton Steelman, Allen Szalanski, Jodie Pennington, Kark VanDevender and Scott Willard, House fly (Musca domestica) parasitism following sustained releases of pteromalid wasps in southern dairies Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Dec. 9-12, 2007.
Loftin, K., J. Pennington, S. Brazill, D. Steelman, A. Szalanski, K. VanDevender. T. McKay, W. Watson, S. Willard and J. Edwards. 2007. Using parasitic wasps as an IPM approach to manage filth flies in southern dairies. LIWC ISEP Meeting Lexington, KY. Jun. 10-14.
Loftin, K. 2007. Managing Flies in Organic Milk Production. Organic Milk Production Meetings. Fayetteville, Damascus, Cane Hill and Siloam Springs, AR.
Loftin, K. 2007 Using a Walk-through Trap to Control Horn Flies. Organic Milk Production Meetings. Fayetteville, Damascus, Cane Hill and Siloam Springs, AR.
Loftin, K. 2007 Project Update: Using Parasitoids in an IPM Approach to Control Flies on Dairies Dairy field day in Beebe, AR.
Loneragan, S., G. Schuster, G. H. Loneragan, L. M. Chichester , and D.J. Kunze 2006. Flies as Potential Vectors of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Feedlots. TAMU Agriculture Program, College Station.
Moon, R. D. and E. S. Krafsur. Overwintering, density dependence and weather effects in dynamics of stable fly in Iowa. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; Dec. 2007.
Pennington, J., S. Brazil, K. Loftin, D. Steelman, A. Szalanski, K. VanDevender, T. McKay, W. Watson and S. Willard , Using parasitic wasps as an IPM approach to manage filth flies in southern dairies Southern Dairy Conference, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 29-31, 2007.
Roberts, J., J. Ward, J. Foltz, P. Kaufman, C. Daniels, J. Donahue, C. Schuman and L. Harrison. Fall equine abortion associated with exposure to walnut caterpillars, Datana integerrima (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in Pasco County Florida. Joint Meeting of the Livestock Insect Workers Conference and the International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, KY. Jun. 13, 2007.
Rutz, D.A. Biological control of house flies and stable flies through releases of Muscidifurax raptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus in dairy calf coveralls. NOFA-NY Teleconference, Dec., 2007.
Rutz, D. A., P. E. Kaufman, C. Strong and J. K. Waldron. A self-contained automated sprayer system for control of flies on pastured dairy cattle. Joint Meeting of the LIWC and the ISEP, Lexington, KY. Jun. 10, 2007.
Schuster, G. L., S. J. Loneragan, L. M. Chichester, D. J. Kunze, and G. H. Loneragan. 2006. Flies as potential vectors of resistance determinants in feedlots International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) Conference, Cairns, Australia, Aug. 6-11, 2006, Pg. 453.
Schuster, G., K. McDonald, and S. Presley. 2006. Impact of coat color, gender, and weather on the attack rate of mosquito populations on horses in the Texas Panhandle. International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) Conference, Cairns, Australia, Aug. 6-11, 2006, Pg. 439.
Talley, J. A. Wayadande, J. Fletcher, S. Gililand, and A. C. Gerry. "Survey of insect fauna in leafy green production areas near livestock pastures". Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. Dec. 11, 2007.
Taylor, D. B. D. Marx, and D. R. Berkebile. Spatial dynamics of a Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) population in eastern Nebraska. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; Dec. 2007.
Waldron, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Dairy pasture fly IPM. NOFA-NY Meeting, Warsaw, NY Aug., 2007.
Waldron, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Dairy pasture fly IPM. NOFA-NY Meeting, Oneonta, NY. Sep., 2007.
Waldron, J. K., P. E. Kaufman, C. Strong and D. A. Rutz. Comparison of trap efficacy to enhance management of horse, deer and stable flies affecting dairy animals on northeast US pastures. Joint Meeting of the Livestock Insect Workers Conference and the International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, KY. Jun. 10, 2007.
Watson, D. W. 2007. Fly-borne mechanical transmission of Newcastle and Turkey Corona Viruses. Invited speaker. Symposium: Vector-borne Pathogens of Livestock and Wildlife. SOVE Sep. 16-20. Springfield, IL.
Watson, D. W., MaryAnne Drake, Steve Washburn, and Jerry Butler. 2007. Detection and quantification of an insect repellent in bovine milk. LIWC ISEP Meeting Lexington, KY. Jun. 10-14.
Media Contacts:
Hinkle, N. "Be a Good Neighbor." Alaina Burt, Beef Magazine, Apr. 1, 2007. (http://beef-mag.com/mag/good_neighbor/index.html)
Gerry, A. C. "Why did the chicken cross the road? - To escape deadly exotic disease" (article on END isolation from flies associated with poultry manure). UCANR News. Jun. 20, 2007.
Gerry, A. C. "Flies suspected in transmitting deadly poultry disease." Central Valley Business Times. Jun. 20, 2007.
Gerry, A. C. "Fly management strategies on dairies." Ag Alert Weekly Newspaper, California Farm Bureau. Aug. 29, 2007.
Ascunce, M. S., S. Yang, C.J. Geden and D.D. Shoemaker. 2008. Twenty-three new microsatellite loci in the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae). Mol. Ecol. Resources (in press).
Bernier, U. R., D. F. Hoel, J. A. Hogsette, H. A. Hanafi, and D. L. Kline. 2008. Effect of lures and trap placement on sand fly and mosquito traps, pp. 171-175. In W.H. Robinson, W. H. and D. Bajomi, D. [eds.], Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Pests, OOK-Press Kft., Budapest, Hungary.
Floate, K.D., Coghlin, P.C. and Taylor, D. B.. 2008. An update on the diversity of Wolbachia in Spalangia spp. (Hymneoptera: Pteromalidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 18: 733 - 739.
Geden, C. J., D. E. Szumlas and T.W. Walker. 2008. Evaluation of commercial and field-expedient baited traps for house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Vector Ecol. (in press).
Geden, C. J. and R.D. Moon. 2008. Host ranges of gregarious muscoid fly parasitoids: Muscidifurax raptorellus (Kogan and Legner) (Hymenoptera: Pteromlaidae), Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead (Hymenopter: Encyrtidae), and Trichopria nigra (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae). Environ. Entomol. (in press)
Geden C. J., V. U. Lietze, and D. G. Boucias. 2008. Seasonal prevalence and transmission of salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies (Diptera : Muscidae) J. Med. Entomol. 45: 42-5.
Hogsette, J. A., A. Nalli and L. D. Foil. 2008. Evaluation of Different Insecticides and Fabric Types for Development of Treated Targets for Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Control. J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 1034-1038.
Hogsette, J. A. 2008. House fly (Diptera: Muscidae) ultraviolet light traps: Design affects attraction and capture, pp. 193-196. In W.H. Robinson, W. H. and D. Bajomi, D. [eds.], Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Pests, OOK-Press Kft., Budapest, Hungary.
Hogsette, J.A., H. A. Hanafi, U. R. Bernier, D. L. Kline, E. Y. Fawaz, B. D. Furman and D. F. Hoel. 2008. Discovery of diurnal resting sites of phlebotomine sand flies in a village in southern Egypt. J. Am. Mosq. Cntrl. Assn. 24: 601-603.
Jarzen, D. A. and J. A. Hogsette. 2008. Pollen recovered from the exoskeleton of stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.). Palynology 32: 77-81.
Kaufmann, P. E., A. C. Gerry, D. A. Rutz, and J. G. Scott. 2008. Monitoring susceptibility of house flies (Musca domestica L.) in the United States to Imidacloprid. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. 23(4): 195-200.
Kaufman, P.E., L.A. Wood, J.I. Goldberg, S.J. Long and D.A. Rutz. 2008. Host age and pathogen exposure level as factors in the susceptibility of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) to Beauveria bassiana. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 18: 841-847.
Kaufman, P. E. and C. J. Geden. 2009. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenopter: Pteromalidae) on live and freeze-killed house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae. Submitted to Florida Entomologist Dec. 16, 2008.
Lietze, V.U., K. Sims, T. Z. Salem, C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2009. Transmission of MdSGHV among adult house flies, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), via salivary secretions and excreta. Submitted to J. Invertebr. Pathol. Dec 2, 2008.
Lloyd, A. M., D. L. Kline, J. A. Hogsette, P. E. Kaufman and S. A. Allen. 2008. Evaluation of two commercial traps for the collection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). J. Am. Mosq. Cntrl. Assn. 24: 253-262.
Linthicum, K., S.A. Allan, D.R. Barnard, J.J. Becnel. U.R. Bernier, D.A. Carlson, G.G. Clark. C.J. Geden, J.A. Hogsette, D.L. Kline. 2008. Overview of the mosquito research programs at the Unites States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service, Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology. Wing Beats 19 (1):31-36.
Quinn, B. Q., U. R. Bernier and J.A. Hogsette. 2008. Chemical analysis and identification of compounds present in stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) feces. Proceedings of the 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 1-5, 2008, Denver, CO.
Taylor, D. B. and Berkebile, D. R. 2008. Sugar feeding in adult stable flies. Environ. Entomol. Environ. Entomol. 37: 625-629.
Wood, L.A. and P.E. Kaufman. 2008. Euoniticellus intermedius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Tribe Coprini): Its presence and relative abundance in cattle pastures in Northcentral Florida. Florida Entomologist, 91: 128-130.
Invited Chapters:
Hinkle, Nancy C. and Leslie A. Hickle. 2008. External Parasites and Poultry Pests. Chapter 26 in Diseases of Poultry, 12th Edition, Mo Saif, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Ames, IA.
Hogsette, J. A. and J. Amendt. 2008. Flies, pp. 209-237. In X. Bonnefoy, H. Kampen and K. Sweeney [eds.], Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. World Health Organization Regional Office Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, xiv + 570 pages, English.
Student theses & dissertations:
Ferrero, K. M. 2008. "Life history, host choice and behavioral plasticity of Trichopria nigra, a parasitoid of higher Diptera". MS thesis, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida.
Rochon K. 2008. Vector Potential of Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) for the
Transmission of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University.
Research Presentations:
Berkebile, D. R. and D. B. Taylor. The effect of preservatives in rearing media on stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) survival. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV; November 2008.
Butler, Sarah, Roger Moon, Nancy Hinkle, Jocelyn Millar, Steve McElfresh and Brad Mullens. "Age, Gonotrophic State, and Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profiles of Mating House Flies Collected on Dairies." 52nd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 15-18, 2008.
Doyle, M. A. and C. J. Geden. 2008. Longevity of house flies maintained on food resources collected from dairy farms. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 2008.
Geden, C. J. 2008. Discovery of novel pathogens and parasitoids of muscoid flies. Seminar presented at the Royal Veterinary Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2008.
Geden, C. J. 2008. Diapriid and viral natural enemies of stable flies in the U.S. and Denmark. Seminar presented at Aarhus University, Denmark, September 2008.
Geden, C. J. 2008. Status of the larval parasitoid Tachinaephagus zealandicus in the U.S. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 2008.
Geden, C. J. 2008. "Dr Richard Axtell some reflections on mentoring, macrochelids, and manure." In symposium "Metamorphosis Through Mentoring in Medical and Veterinary Entomology---Highlights from the Career of R.C. Axtell", ESA national meeting, November 2008, Reno, Nevada.
Gerry, A. C. "Nuisance fly identification, control, and resistance management". US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Professional Training Series, Ft. Lewis, WA. January 31, 2008.
Gerry, A. C., S. Butler, B. A. Mullens. "Evaluating and Managing Pesticide Resistance in House Flies". Symposium: Efficacy Validation and Resistance Management. Annual Conference of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. Palm Springs, CA. January 15, 2008.
Hinkle, N.C. and P.C. Worley. Horn flies on beef cattle: seasonality and host individual variation. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Jacksonville, FL, March 2-5, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Nuisance Fly Biology, Ecology and Management, an International Approach. Koppert Biological Systems International Fly Mini-symposium, February 14-22, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Flying Insects in the Commercial Environment. Waltham Chemical's Bi-annual Exposition, Waltham, MA, March 10-14, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Stable fly management. 5th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Workshop, St. Augustine, FL, March 26-28, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Comparison of the Attractiveness of Three Different Conformations of Blue-Black Cloth Targets to Stable Flies. 52nd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 15-18, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Ultraviolet Light Traps: Design Affects Attraction and Capture. 6th International Conference on Urban Pests, Budapest, Hungary, July 13-16, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Fly Traps Different traps for different situations. 11th Annual Force Health Protection Meeting, Joint Operational Entomology Workshop (JOEW), Albuquerque, NM, August 10-11, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Impacts of insects on livestock and crops in developing countries. Symposium: An Entomological Perspective Addressing Challenges in the Developing World: New Frontiers in Food and Bio-Security. Entomological Society of America Meeting, Reno, NV, Nov 16-19, 2008.
Hogsette, J. A. Increasing Problems with Filth Flies and Small Flies. 73rd Annual Purdue University Pest Management Conference, West Lafayette, IN, January 5-9, 2009.
Lietze, V. U., C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2008. "Here's spitting at you, kid - Oral transmission of the Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) via salivary secretions", Annual meeting, Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Warwickshire, U.K. July 2008.
Loftin, K., T. McKay, J. Pennington, D. Steelman, W. Watson, K. VanDevender,
S. Willard and S. Brazil. 2008. Survey and release of Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae of filth flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Annual ESA meeting, Reno, NV.
Rochon, K., W. Watson, A. Perez de Leon, I. Gimeno, M. McCaw and R. Baker. 2008. Vector potential of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) for transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). International Congress of Entomology, Durban, South Africa.
Taylor, D. B., A. Broce, and D. R. Berkebile. Detection of Blood in Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) with Hemoccult® Test Strips. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV; November 2008.
Taylor, D. B. and D. R. Berkebile. Economic Impact of Stable Flies. Livestock Insect Workers Conference. Kansas City, MO; July 2008.
Watson, D. M., J. P. Evans, R. E. Miracle, M. A. Drake, S. P. Washburn, and D. W. Watson. 2008. Presence of geraniol in bovine milk following topical application as a natural insecticide. J. Dairy Sci. 91, E - Suppl. 1: 216 (Abstr.) http://adsa.asas.org/meetings/2008/abstracts/0215.PDF
Watson, D. W. 2008. Flies and Disease: Blind Alleys and Open Roads. NCSU Department of Entomology Seminar Series.
Watson, D. W. 2008. Push-pull management of horn fly, Haematobia irritans, using botanically derived insect repellents. Symposium, National ESA Meeting, Reno, NV.
Zhu, J. J., D. R. Berkebile, and L. Zurek. Novel approaches using Push-Pull strategy for stable fly control. Livestock Insect Workers Conference. Kansas City, MO; July 2008.
Extension publications:
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 714-715.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 716-730.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 731-744.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Cattle Ear Tags." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 745.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Swine - External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 746-748.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Horses - External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 749-750.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Fly Control in Horse Facilities." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 751-752.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Sheep and Goats - External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 753-754.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Poultry - Fly Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 755-757.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Poultry External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 758.
Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Poultry Housing Pest Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 759.
Loftin, K., S. Brazil and J. Pennington. 2008. Fly Control for Organic Dairies. Univ. of Ark. Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. FSA 7072-PD-2-08N.
Stringham, S. M., and D. W. Watson. 2008. Insect control for livestock and poultry. In the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. CALS, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Waldron, J.K., P.E. Kaufman and D.A. Rutz. 2008. Expanding livestock integrated pest management in the Northeast: An IPM training opportunity for Northeast US Animal Agriculture Industry Personnel. Project Reports 2007-2008, Agricultural and Community IPM, NYS IPM Pub. No. 506. pp. 102-109.
Extension Presentations:
Gerry, A. C. "Fly management for the pest management professional". Urban Pest Management Conference. Riverside, CA. March 27, 2008.
Gerry, A. C. "Biology and control of little house fly (Fannia femoralis)". Yucaipa City Managers Panel on Fly Control at Poultry Operations. Yucaipa, CA. May 28, 2008.
Gerry, A. C. "Canyon fly biology and control". San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. Azusa, CA. August 11, 2008.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Controlling Pests on Cattle and Horses." Franklin County Cattlemens Association, Carnesville, GA, February 11, 2008.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Flies: Biology and Management Update." Target Anaheim Seminar and Exhibit, Anaheim, CA, February 19, 2008.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Flies 101: Biology and Habits." Target Annual Winter Workshop, San Marcos General Pest Workshop, San Marcos, CA, February 21, 2008.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Fly Control on Georgia Beef Herds." Laurens County Cattlemens Association, Dudley, GA, June 19, 2008.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Control Darkling Beetles & Flies in and Around Poultry Houses." Dawson and Lumpkin Counties Extension Offices, Dawson County Rock Creek Park, Dawsonville, GA, August 5, 2008.
Hinkle, Nancy C. "Poultry Pests." California Poultry Federation Quality Assurance Seminar, Modesto, CA, Sept. 4, 2008.
Loftin, K. 2008. Recognizing Flies Associated with Dairy Production. Regional Dairy Conference. Bee Branch, AR Mar. 13.
Loftin, K. 2008. Fly Control for Dairies. Regional Dairy Conference. Bee Branch, AR Mar. 13.
Loftin, K. 2008. IPM and manure breeding flies. NWA dairy field day at the
Prairie Grove, AR. April 30.
Loftin, K. 2008. Pasture Fly Management and Anaplasmosis. Crawford County Cattlemans Association. Chester, AR. May 20.
Loftin, K. 2008. Fly IPM in Organic and Convention Dairies. Regional dairy
producer meetings/in-service trainings in Beebe, Evansville, Formosa and Green
Forest, AR. Oct. 24, Oct. 31, Nov. 5, and Dec. 9.
Watson, D.W. 2008. External Parasite and Premise Fly Control. Blue Ridge Stocker Conference. Sept. 11, 2008.
Watson, D.W. 2008. Pasture fly management: Innovative research at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Dairy Grazing Workshop. July 17, 2008.
Watson, D. W. 2008. Novel Fly Management Strategies for 2008. Guilford Co. Cattleman's Association. April 15. Greensboro, NC.
Watson, D. W. 2008. Pasture Fly Management Strategies. Rockingham Co. Cattlemans Association. April 10. Reidsville, NC.
Watson, D. W. 2008. New Pasture Fly Management Strategies for 2008. Wautaga Co. Cattleman's Association. April 8. Boone, NC.
Watson, D. W. 2008. Fly Management Strategies. Johnston Co. Cattleman's Association. March 11. Smithfield, NC.
Watson, D. W. 2008. New and Novel Fly Management Strategies. NC Statewide Beef Conference. Jan 3. Statesville, NC.
Trade journal articles:
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2008. How do external parasites impact dairy cattle? Progressive Dairyman. January, Issue 1. pp. 31-35.
Research Publications
Ahmad, A. and L. Zurek (2009). Evaluation of metaflumizone granular bait for management of house flies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 23: 167-169.
Akhtar, M., H. Hirt, and L. Zurek (2009). Horizontal transfer of the tetracycline resistance gene tetM mediated by pCF10 among Enterococcus faecalis in the house fly alimentary canal. Microbial Ecology 58: 509-518.
Arika, C., J. L. Nieber, D. L. Wyse and R. D. Moon. 2009. Implementation of methodology for weed management practices - Phase II. Final report. Minnesota Department of Transportation, Research Services Section. 95 pp.
Ascunce, M. S., S. Yang, C.J. Geden and D.D. Shoemaker. 2009. Twenty-three new microsatellite loci in the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae). Mol. Ecol. Resources 9, 271273.
Berkebile, D.R., Weinhold, A.P., Taylor, D.B. 2009. A New Method for Collecting Clean Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Pupae of Known Age. Southwestern Entomologist. 34: 469-476.
Burrus, R.G., J.A. Hogsette and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Prevalence and population dynamics of Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on north central Florida dairy farms. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN.
Butler, S.M., R.D. Moon, N.C. Hinkle, J.G. Millar, J.S. McElfresh and B.A. Mullens. 2009. Characterization of age and cuticular hydrocarbon variation in mating pairs of house fly, Musca domestica, collected in the field. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 23: 426-442.
Calvo, M.S., A. C. Gerry, J. McGarvey, T. L. Armitage, F. M. Mitloehner. 2010. Acidification of calf bedding reduces fly development and bacterial abundance. Journal of Dairy Science. 93:1059-1064.
Crane, D. M. and R. D. Moon. 2010. Checklist of mosquitoes in Savanna Portage State park, north central Minnesota. J. Am. Mosq. Control. Assoc. submitted.
Geden, C. J., D. E. Szumlas and T.W. Walker. 2009. Evaluation of commercial and field-expedient baited traps for house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Vector Ecol. 34(1): 99-103.
Geden, C. J. and R.D. Moon. 2009. Host ranges of gregarious muscoid fly parasitoids: Muscidifurax raptorellus (Kogan and Legner) (Hymenoptera: Pteromlaidae), Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead (Hymenopter: Encyrtidae), and Trichopria nigra (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae). Environ. Entomol. 38(3): 700-707.
Gerry A, Zhang D. 2009. Behavioral resistance of house flies, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) to Imidacloprid. Army Med Dept J. July-September 2009: 54-59.
Hamm, R. L., Gao, J.-R., Lin, G. G.-H. and Scott, J. G. 2009. Selective advantage for IIIM males over YM males in competition over 12 generations in Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) Environ. Entomol. 38: 499-504.
Hamm, R. L. and Scott, J. G. 2009. A high frequency of male determining factors in male house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), from Ipswich, Australia. J. Med. Entomol. 46: 169-172.
Higginbotham, G. E., L. N. Pereira, and A. C. Gerry. 2009. Improving IPM of house flies at commercial dairy operations through pest monitoring and determination of nuisance threshold. J. Dairy Sci. 92: 413, E-Suppl. 1.
Hoffmann, W. C., M. Farooq, T. W. Walker, B. Fritz, D. Szumlas, B. Quinn, U. R. Bernier, J. A. Hogsette, Y. Lan, and Y. Huang. 2009. Canopy penetration and deposition of barrier sprays from electrostatic and conventional sprayers. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assn. 25: 323-331.
Kaufman, P.E. and C.J. Geden. 2009. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenopter: Pteromalidae) on live and freeze-killed house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae. Florida Entomologist, 92: 492-496.
Kaufman, P.E., S. Nunez, R.S. Mann, C.J. Geden and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticide resistance in house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from Florida dairies. Pest Management Science 66: 290-294.
Kaufman, P. E. and C. J. Geden. 2009. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenopter: Pteromalidae) on live and freeze-killed house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae. Florida Entomologist 92: 492-496
Kaufman, P. E., S. Nunez, R. S. Mann, C. J. Geden and M. E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticide resistance in house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from Florida dairies. Pest Manag Sci 66: (in press)
Kozaki, T., Brady, S. and Scott, J. G. 2009. Frequencies and evolution of organophosphate insensitive acetylcholinesterase alleles in laboratory and field populations of the house fly, Musca domestica L. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 95: 6-11.
Lee, K. V., R. D. Moon, E. C. Burkness, W. D. Hutchison, and M. Spivak. 2010. Practical sampling plans for Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies and apiaries. J. Econ. Entomol. accepted, in revision.
Lietze, V.U., K. Simms, T. Z. Salem, C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2009. Transmission of MdSGHV among adult house flies, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), occurs via oral secretions and excreta. J. Invertebrate Pathol. 101:49-55.
Moon, R. D. 2009. Chapt. 16. Muscid flies (Muscidae) (revised), pp. 267287 in: Mullen, G. and L. Durden (eds.), Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 2nd ed., Academic Press, NY. 720 pp.
Moon, R. D. 2010. Design of tables and figures for display of scientific data. Chapter 2, in Scientific Communication for Natural Resource Professionals, American Fisheries Society, in revision.
Paluch, G., J. Coats, J. Zhu and L. Bartholomay. Amyris and Siam-wood Essential Oils: Insect Activity of Sesquiterpenes 2009. American Chemistry Society. pp 1-16.
Pitkin A, Deen J, Otake S, Moon R, Dee S. 2009. Further assessment of houseflies (Musca domestica) as vectors for the mechanical transport and transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus under field conditions. Can J Vet Res. 73(2):91-96.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak and S.A. TenBroeck. 2009. Identification of blood meals from stable flies collected at four equine facilities. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN.
Prompiboon P, Lietze VU, Denton JS, Geden CJ, Steenberg T, Boucias DG. 2010. Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus, a globally distributed insect virus that infects and sterilizes female houseflies. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 994-998
Rochon, K., R. B. Baker, G. W. Almond and D. W. Watson.
Assessment of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) as a Vector of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. J. Med. Entomol.**
Romero, A., J. A. Hogsette and A. Coronado. 2010. Distribution and abundance of natural parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) populations of house flies and stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) at the University of Florida Dairy Research Unit. Neotropical Entomol. (Accepted Dec, 2009).
Scott, J. G., Liu, N., Kristensen, M. and Clark, A. G. 2009. A case for sequencing the genome of the house fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Med. Entomol. 46: 175-82.
Talley J., A. Broce, and L. Zurek (2009). Characterization of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) larval developmental habitat at round hay bale feeding sites. Journal of Medical Entomology 46: 1310-1319
Talley, J. L., A. C. Wayadande, L. P. Wasala, A. C. Gerry, J. Fletcher, U. DeSilva, and S. E. Gilliland. 2009. Association of Escherichia coli O157:H7 with filth flies (Muscidae and Calliphoridae) captured in leafy greens fields and experimental transmission of E. coli O157:H7 to spinach leaves by house flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Food Protection. 72(7): 1547-1552.
Taylor, D. B., R. D. Moon and D. R. Mark. 2010. Economic impact of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on cattle production. J. Med. Entomol submitted.
Taylor, D. B., R. D. Moon, J. B. Campbell, D. R. Berkebile, P. J. Scholl, A. B. Broce and J. Hogsette. 2010. Dispersal of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from larval development sites in a Nebraska landscape. Environ. Entomol. submitted.
Zhu, Junwei J., X. Zeng, D. Berkebile, H. Du, Y. Tong, and K. Qian. Efficacy and safety of catnip (Nepeta cataria) as a novel filth fly repellent. 2009 Medical and Veterinary Entomology 23:209-216.
Extension Publications:
Berkebile, D. and D. Taylor. 2009. Comparison of developmental substrates of the immature stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). Poster presentation. ESA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. December 12-16.
Gerry, A. C. 2009. Attraction of house flies to homopteran honeydew. MVCAC Quarterly Newsletter, Spring 2009.
Gerry, A. C. and B. A. Mullens. 2009. Efficacy of dimilin for control of house flies in poultry and dairy manure, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests. In Press.
Gerry, A. C. and D. Zhang. 2009a. House fly resistance to imidacloprid in California, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests. 34:K1.
Gerry, A. C. and D. Zhang. 2009b. House fly resistance to permethrin in California, 2008. Arthropod Management Tests. 34:K2.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 740-741.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 742-756.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 757-771.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Cattle Ear Tags. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 772.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Swine - External Parasite Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 773-776.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Horses - External Parasite Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 777-779.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Fly Control in Horse Facilities. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 779-780.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Sheep and Goats - External Parasite Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 781-782.
Hinkle, N.C. 2009. Poultry - Fly Control. 2009 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 783-785.
Hogsette, J.A., P.G. Koehler and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Pesticide Safety Around Animals. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 4 pp. DLN: IG128 (Revised).
Juneau, K.J. and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Little Blue Cattle Louse, Solenopotes capillatus (Enderlein) (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Anoplura: Linognathidae). Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 4 pp. EENY-422 (IN798).
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites Around Animal Facilities. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 10 pp. DLN: IG054 (Revised).
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites of Dairy Cattle. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG050 (Revised).
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites on Beef Cattle. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG130 (Revised).
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. External Parasites on Horses. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG139 (Revised).
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2009. Management of External Parasites with Forced-Use Dust Bags. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 7 pp. DLN: IG135 (Revised).
Koehler, P.G. and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Horn Flies. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 3 pp. DLN: IG137 (Revised).
Talley, J.L. 2009. Fly Control for Suburban or Small Acreage Horse Owners. Stillwater, OK: EPP-7018. 4 pp.
Talley, J.L. and D. Sparks. 2009. External Parasites of Goats. Stillwater, OK: EPP-7019. 8 pp.
Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Fly and Fire Ant Management Strategies. Franklin Co. Nov. 20, 2009
Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Pasture Pest Control Strategies. Bladen Co. Dec. 1, 2009
Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Fly and Fire Ant Management in the Piedmont of NC. Lexington, NC. Dec. 9, 2009
Watson, D. W. and S. M. Stringham 2009. Pasture Fly and Fire Ant Management Strategies. Chatham Co. Dec. 11, 2009.
Burrus, R. G., Hogsette, J. A., Kaufman, P. E., Maruniak, J. E., Mai. V. and Simonne, A. H. 2009. House fly, Musca domestica, (Diptera: Muscidae) dispersal from and Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on dairy farms in North Central Florida. Student Competition for Presidents Prize, SVPHS: Veterinary and Stored Products Pests. Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, December 14. (First Prize Winner)
Butler, S. and L. Foil. Potential use of treated targets for control of stable flies. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 13, 2009.
Foil, L., S. Butler, V. Hilbun and M. Becker. Evaluating the effect of target size on numbers of stable flies captured at targets: Do larger targets attract more stable flies? S-1030 Multi-state workshop. Riverside, CA. January 14, 2010.
Geden, C.J. 2009. Status of our understanding of SGH virus transmission in Musca domestica. Invited presentation, IAEA Workshop, Improving SIT for Tsetse Flies through Research on their Symbionts and Pathogens, February 16-20, 2009, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Geden, C. J. 2009. Prospects for development of salivary gland hypertrophy virus of Musca domestica as a population management tool. Invited Presentation, 5th International Conference on Biopesticides: Stakeholders' Perspectives, New Delhi, India, April 26-30, 2009.
Geden, C. J. 2009. Fly control update - treated targets and traps, Florida Mosquito Control Association Fall Meeting, Nov 8-11, 2009, Tampa, FL.
Geden, C. J. 2009. Attractants, traps, treated targets and insecticides for fly control, Sixth Annual Review of the Deployed War Fighter Protection Research Program, Dec 1-3, 2009, College Station TX.
Gerry, A. C. Manure management considerations relative to house fly production. Western Dairy Air Quality Symposium. Albuquerque, NM. March 24, 2009.
Gerry, A. C. About those flies & Canyon fly ecology. Santa Lucia Conservancy, Carmel, CA. May 21, 2009.
Gerry, A. C. Highlights in veterinary entomology. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 13, 2009.
Gerry, A. C. and Zhang, D. Behavioral resistance to insecticides exhibited by house flies. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. March 29, 2009.
Higginbotham, G. E., L. N. Pereira, and A. C. Gerry. Improving IPM of house flies at commercial dairy operations through pest monitoring and determination of nuisance threshold. American Dairy Science Association. Montreal, Canada. July 12, 2009.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2009. Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. Georgia Pest Control Association Annual Winter Conference, Athens, GA, January 13-15, 2009.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2009. Updates on Beef Cattle Fly Control. Saluda County Cattlemen's Association, Hollywood, SC, June 8, 2009.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2009. External Parasites of Livestock in Georgia. 2009 Northeast Georgia Master Cattlemen's Program, Elberton, GA, November 9, 2009.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Nuisance Flies and International Significance. Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Jan 22.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Discovery of diurnal resting sites of phlebotomine sand flies in a village in southern Egypt. International Symposium of Ectoparasites of Pets, Toulouse, France, Jun 3-5.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Stable fly biology, ecology and control. 53rd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN, Jun 21-24.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. The house fly: Synanthropic behavior enhances vector competency. USDA-ARS Symposium. 113th Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association and the 52nd Annual Conference of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, San Diego, CA, October 8-14.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Air curtains for restricting mosquito and fly entry into or exit from aircraft. 81st Annual Florida Mosquito Control Meeting, Tampa, FL, Nov 2.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Evaluation of traps for house flies, stable flies and phlebotomine sand flies in Egypt. Deployed War Fighter Protection Program Annual Review, College Station, TX, Nov 30-Dec 3.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Nuisance flies and international (mis)-adventures. Member Symposium. Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, Dec 13-16.
Hogsette, J. A. 2009. Blue and black cloth targets: status of target development and stable management programs. SVPHS Section Symposium, Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, Dec 13-16.
Moon, Roger. 2009. What's the harm in a few flies? A meta-analysis of economic effects of stable flies on dairy and beef cattle. Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
Moon, Roger. 2009. Dynamics in some multivoltine muscid fly populations. Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside.
Moon, Roger. 2009. Overwintering dynamics of stable flies in North America. Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
Moon, R. D, E. S. Krafsur and S. E. Weisberg. 2009. Timing of spring reappearance by stable flies in temperate North America. Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN.
Moon, Roger and D. E. Taylor. 2009. Economic impact of stable flies on cattle production. Section symposium, Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. 15 December.
Moon, Roger and D. E. Taylor. 2009. Overwintering and spring dispersal of stable flies. Section symposium, Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. 15 December.
Pitzer, J.B, P.E. Kaufman, and C. J. Geden. 2009. Hymenopteran pupal parasitoids attacking filth flies in Florida. ESA National Meeting, December 2009, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Taylor, D.B. 2009. Flies in Livestock Production. Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
Taylor, D.B. 2009. Evaluation of Solarization for control of stable flies in hay feeding circles. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, French Lick, IN.
Taylor, D.B., R.D. Moon. 2009. Economic Impact of Stable Flies. In Symposium Celebration of Entomology: Advances in Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) Research. Entomological Society of America Meeting. Indianapolis, IN December 2009.
Wasik, D. and A. C. Gerry. House fly behavioral resistance to imidacloprid. Southern California Conference of Undergraduate Research. Northridge, CA. November 12, 2009.
Zhu, J. 2009. ESA, Section Symposium, Celebration of Entomology-Advances in stable fly research, titled - "New advances in stable fly chemical ecology and its potential practical control".
Zhu, J. 2009. 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Chemical Ecology, Oct. 26-30 (Honolulu, Hawaii). Symposium, Semiochemical research and application in agriculture, Forestry, Urban, Veterinary and Military uses titled "Development of novel strategies for integrated biting fly management".
Media Contacts:
Jarzen, D. and J. Hogsette. 2009. A novel approach to fly control. Equus. Issue 381 (June 2009): 18.
Thomas, H. S. Flies and Bugs, & The Horse. January 1, 2009. (http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=13344&src=SV
Ahmad A, A. Ghosh, C. Schal, and L. Zurek (2010). Insects in confined swine operations carry a large antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent enterococcal community. BMC Microbiology 11:23.
Calvo, M.S., Gerry, A., McGarvey, J., Armitage, T.L., Mitloehner, F.M. 2010. Acidification of calf bedding reduces fly development and bacterial abundance. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 93: p.1059-1064.
Chakrabarti, S, S. Kambhampati, and L. Zurek (2010). Assessment of house fly dispersal between rural and urban habitats in Kansas, USA. Journal of Kansas Entomological Society 83:172-188.
Doyle, M. S., B.N. Swope, J.A. Hogsette, H.M. Savage, and R.S. Nasci. 2010. Vector Competence of the Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) for West Nile virus. J. Med. Entomol. (in press).
Geden, C. J., T. Steenberg, V.-U. Lietze, and D. G. Boucias. 2010. Salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies in Denmark: Prevalence, host range, and comparison with a Florida isolate. J. Vector Ecol. (in press).
Geden,C. J., A. G. Maruniak, V.-U. Lietze, J. Maruniak, and D. G. Boucias. 2011. Impact of house fly salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) on a heterologous host, stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). J. Med. Entomol. (in press).
Gerry, A. C., Wayadande, A. C., Talley, J. L., Wasala, L. P. 2010. Protecting food crops from contamination with filth fly transmitted human pathogens. HortScience 45(8). p.S 33. Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Palm Springs, CA.
Gerry, A.C., Mullens, B.A.Efficacy of dimilin for control of house flies in poultry and dairy manure. Arthropod Mangement Tests 35. (Submitted 11/15/2010).
Gerry, A., Higginbotham, G., Pereira, L., Lam, A., Shelton, C. 2010. Evaluation of Surveillance Methods for Monitoring House Fly (Musca domestica) Abundance and Activity on Large Commercial Dairy Operations. Journal of Economic Entomology. (Submitted 10/20/2010.)
Higginbotham, G., Gerry, A., Collar, C., Reed, L. 2010. Nuisance fly production capacity of three types of manure handling systems. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1. p.610.
Hogsette, J. A., R. Urech, P. E. Green, A. G. Skerman, M. M. Elson-Harris, R. L. Bright, and G. W. Brown. 2010. Nuisance flies on Australian cattle feedlots: Immature populations. J. Med. Vet. Entomol. (in press).
Kaufman, P.E., R.S. Mann, and J.F. Butler. 2011. Insecticidal potency of novel compounds on multiple insect species of medical and veterinary importance. Pest Management Science 67: 26-35.
Kaufman, P. E., S. Nunez, R. S. Mann, C. J. Geden and M. E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticide resistance in house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from Florida dairies. Pest Manag. Sci 66: 290294.
Kaufman, P.E., S.C. Nunez, C.J. Geden, and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Selection for resistance to imidacloprid in the house fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 103: 1937-1942.
Lietze, V-U., A. M. M. Abd-Alla, M. Vreysen, C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2011. Salivary gland hypertrophy viruses (SGHVs): a novel group of insect pathogenic viruses. Annual Review of Entomol. 56:63-80.
Mann, R.S., P.E. Kaufman, and J.F. Butler. 2010. Evaluation of semiochemical toxicity to houseflies and stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Pest Management Science 66: 816-824.
Mohr, R., Mullens, B. A., Gerry, A. 2010. Diel Patterns of Female Host-Seeking, Male Swarming, and Sugar Feeding in the Canyon Fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae) in Southern California. Journal of Medical Entomology. (Accepted 10/13/2010. 27 manuscript pages.)
Mohr, R., Mullens, B. A., Gerry, A. 2010. Evaluation of ammonia, human sweat, and bovine blood as attractants for the Canyon Fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae), in southern California. Journal of Vector Ecology. (Submitted 05/27/2010.)
Mullens, B. A. , Gerry, Alec. , Diniz, A. N. 2010. Field and Laboratory Trials of a Novel Metaflumizone House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Bait in California. Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol. 103: 2 p.550-556.
Peck, G. W., H. J. Ferguson, J. T. LePage, V. R. Hebert, S. D. ONeal, and D. B. Walsh. 2011. Evaluation of sunlight-exposed pyrethroid-treated netting for control of face fly (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Econ. Entomol. (submitted)
Pitzer, J. B., P. E. Kaufman, C. J. Geden, and J. A. Hogsette. 2011. The ability of selected pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to locate stable fly hosts in a soiled equine bedding substrate. Environ. Entomol. 40: 88-93.
Pitzer, J. B. P. E. Kaufman, J. A. Hogsette, C. J. Geden and S. H. TenBroeck. 2010. Seasonal abundance of stable flies and filth fly pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) at Florida equine facilities. J. Econ. Entomol. (in press).
Prompiboon P., V-U Lietze J. S. Denton, C.J. Geden, T. Steenberg and D. Boucias. 2010. Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus, a globally distributed insect virus that infects and sterilizes female houseflies. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 994-998.
Rochon, K, R. B. Baker, G. W. Almond and D. W. Watson. 2010. Assessment of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) as a Vector of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. J. Med. Entomol. In Review.
Taylor, D.B., and D. R. Berkebile. 2011. Phenology of Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Larvae in Round Bale Hay Feeding Sites in Eastern Nebraska. Environ. Entomol. [in press].
Schole, L.A., D.B. Taylor, and D.R. Brink. 2011. Response of growing calves to stable flies. The Professional Animal Scientist. [in press].
Taylor, D. B., R. D. Moon, J. B. Campbell, D. R. Berkebile, P. J. Scholl, A. B. Broce and J. Hogsette. 2010. Dispersal of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from larval development sites in a Nebraska landscape. Environ. Entomol. 39: 1101-1110.
Turell, M. J., D. J. Dohm, C. J. Geden, J. A. Hogsette, K. J. Linthicum. 2010. Potential for stable flies and house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) to transmit Rift Valley fever virus. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 26:445-448.
Wasik, D., Gerry, A. 2010. Behavioral adaptations of house flies (Musca domestica L.) to avoid the insecticide imidacloprid. Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. IV. . University of California, Riverside. p.39-43. (Refereed) Website: http://ugrj.ucr.edu/.
Extension Publications:
Ferguson, H. 2010. Estimating horn fly density in your cattle herd. Washington Animal Agricultural Team Round-Up summer e-newsletter and Washington Cattlemens Association September newsletter Ketch Pen.
Ferguson, H. J. Livestock: Beef cattle pests. Revised section for 2011 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, (http://uspest.org/pnw/insects (also available in hard-copy)
Gerry, A. 2010. New cattle ear tag for horn fly management. California UC Cooperative Extension Newsletters.
Golombeski, G., J. Starcevich and R. D. Moon. 2010. Impact of bedding source on calf performance during summer. Dairy Star Newsletter. 1 p.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 30-31.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 32-46.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 47-61.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Cattle Ear Tags. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 62.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Swine External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 63-66.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Horses External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 67-69.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Fly Control in Horse Facilities. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 69-70.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Sheep and Goats External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 71-72.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Poultry Fly Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 73-75.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Poultry External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 76.
Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Poultry Housing Pest Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 77-78.
Loftin, K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2010. Arthropod Pests of Equines (MP 484), University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. MP484-PD-6-10N, 14 pages. (http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/MP484.pdf)
Loftin, K.M. 2010. Animal Insect Control 2011 Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas (MP144). Edited by Glenn Studebaker, pp. 27-56. (http://www.uaex.edu/Other_Areas/publications/PDF/MP144/MP-144.asp)
Loftin, K.M. 2010. Face Flies Appear on Cattle in North Arkansas. University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Pest Management News May 31, 2010. (http://www.aragriculture.org/News/pestmgmt/default.htm)
Loftin, K.M. 2010. New Insecticide Ear Tags. University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Pest Management News July 31, 2010. (http://www.aragriculture.org/News/pestmgmt/default.htm).
Moon, R. D. 2010. Fly and pest control. 2010 Horse Owners Education Program, St. Paul, MN, 2 October.
Thomas E., D. A. Rutz and J. K. Waldron. 2010. Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies. NYS IPM Pub # 323, 23pp
Burrus, R.G., J.A. Hogsette, P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak, V. Mai, and A.H. Simonne. 2009. House fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), dispersal from and Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on dairy farms in north central Florida. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 14, 2009.
Burrus, R.G., J.A. Hogsette, P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak, V. Mai, and A.H. Simonne. 2010. Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on north-central Florida dairies with comparison of prevalence rates from house flies, manure and grain. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN.
Burrus, R.A., J.A. Hogsette, P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak, V. Mai, and A.H. Simonne. 2010. House fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) dispersal from and Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on dairy farms in North Central Florida. 7th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop. St. Augustine, FL. March 23, 2010.
Doyle, M.S., B.N. Swope, J.A. Hogsette, H.M. Savage and R.S. Nasci. 2010. Potential for mechanical and biological transmission of West Nile virus by stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans). 76th Annual meeting of the American Mosquito Control Association, Lexington, KY, March 28- April 1, 2010.
Ferguson, H., D. Walsh, S. ONeal. Estimation of horn fly abundance with digital photography. Symposium paper. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America. Boise, ID, April 13, 2010.
Ferguson, H. Integrated pest management for livestock on the small farm. Fair University, Central Washington State Fair, September 24 and October 2, 2010.
Ferguson, H. IPM for cattle in Washington State: Summary of research and extension programs 2005-2010. Annual Meeting of the Washington Cattlemens Association. Cle Elum, WA, November 11, 2010.
Ferguson, H., G. Peck, D. Walsh, and S. ONeal. Estimation of horn fly abundance with digital photography. Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA, December 15, 2010.
Geden, C. J. 2010. House fly SGHV: Prevalence in Denmark, host range, comparison of Florida and Danish isolates, and update on transmission. IAEA Workshop Improving SIT for Tsetse Flies through Research on their Symbionts and Pathogens, July 26-30, 2010, Nairobi, Kenya.
Geden, C. J. 2010. Traps, attractants, targets and insecticides for house flies. DoD Pest Management Workshop, February 2010, Jacksonville, FL.
Geden, C. J., T. Steenberg, V-U. Lietze, and D. G, Boucias. 2010. Salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies in Denmark: prevalence, host range, and comparison with a Florida isolate. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, June 2010, Knoxville, TN.
Geden, C. J. and M. A. Doyle. 2010. Feeding ecology of house flies on dairies. Society of Vector Ecology Annual Meeting, Sept 26-30, 2010, Raleigh. NC.
Geden, C. J. 2010. Impact of salivary gland hypertrophy virus on higher Diptera of medical and veterinary importance. Society of Vector Ecology Annual Meeting, Sept 26-30, 2010, Raleigh. NC.
Gerry, A. C. "Waiter there is a fly in my soup". 19th Annual Urban Pest Management Conference. Riverside, CA. March 2010.
Gerry, A. C., G. E. Higginbotham, and C. Collar. Nuisance fly production in dairy wastewater holding systems. Livestock Insect Workers Conference. Knoxville, TN. June 2010.
Gerry, A. C., Wayadande, A. C., Talley, J. L., Wasala, L. P. Protecting food crops from contamination with filth fly transmitted human pathogens. Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Palm Springs, CA. August 2010.
Gerry, A. C. Research update on arthropod pests of poultry. California Poultry Federation. Tulare, CA. September 2010.
Gerry, A. C. Management of nuisance flies at confined animal facilities. San Joaquin Co. Environmental Health Dept. Stockton, CA. October 2010.
Gerry, A., J. Talley, and A. Wayadande. Filth fly attraction to honeydew increases risk of pathogen contaminated food crops. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. December 2010.
Gerry, A. C. IPM of house flies on commercial dairies: monitoring changes in house fly activity. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. December 2010.
Guisewite, L., D. Bermudez, E. Susick, S. Thakur, and D. W. Watson. 2010. Potential of houser flies to transmit Salmonella and Campylobacter in an antibiotic free swine system. SOVE Meeting, Sept. 26, Raleigh, NC.
Higginbotham, G. E., L. Periera, and A. C. Gerry. Nuisance fly production capacity of three types of manure handling systems. American Dairy Science Association. Denver, CO. July 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Poultry Ectoparasites and Environmental Pests. Georgia International Poultry Course, Athens, GA, February 3, 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Flies and Other External Parasites of Livestock in Georgia. 2010 Southeast Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Douglas, GA, February 22, 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. What Can I Do About Flies on My Cattle This Year? Lexington County Cattlemens Association, Gilbert, SC, May 17, 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. What Can I Do About Flies on My Cattle and Horses This Summer? Richland County Cattlemens Association, Hopkins, SC, May 18, 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Fly Control. Pasture and Hay Land Management Educational Field Day, Lilburn, GA, September 7, 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Flies and External Parasites. 2010 Northwest Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Newnan, GA, October 19, 2010.
Hinkle, N.C. Not Just for the Birds: Poultry Pests and Community Consternation. Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Alabama Vector Management Society, Auburn, AL, March 17-18, 2010.
Hinkle, Nancy C. and Tanya McKay. The Future of Cooperative Extension and its Relationship with the Agricultural Experiment Station Scientist as Related to Control of Arthropods Affecting Livestock. 54th Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN, June 27-30, 2010.
Hinkle, N.C. Houseflies May Contribute to Cases of Foodborne Illness. April Reese Sorrow, FACES, April 12, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. What are the best traps and methods to kill a fly? in the Armed Forces Pest Management Board Equipment Committee Symposium: Evaluation of fly traps under desert conditions. 2010 DoD Pest Management Workshop (Tri-Service Meeting), Jacksonville Naval Air Station, February 8-12, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Fly Biology (1 hr lecture), and Fly Management (1-hr lecture). Rose Pest Solutions Conference, Eagle Crest Conference Resort, Ypsilanti, MI, March 3-5, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Update on blue-black cloth targets for stable fly management: Size matters, or does it? 7th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, St. Augustine, FL, March 23- 25, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Consultation Report for the Equipment, Pesticides and Medical Entomology Committees. 190th Armed Forces Pest Management Board Meeting, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Forest Glen Annex, Silver Spring, Maryland, April 20-22, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Survey and Management of Stable Flies at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. 54th Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 27-30, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Survey and Management of Stable Flies at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San Jose, Costa Rica, August 8-13, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Co-organized (with Chris Geden) the symposium Ecology of Higher Diptera in relation to Emerging Human and Animal Health Issues and presented the paper Complex of higher Diptera associated with livestock and poultry in Europe and the US and implications for transmission of zoonotic diseases in the symposium. Society for Vector Ecology, 42nd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, Sept 26-30, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Biology, ecology and control of Stomoxys calcitrans in the agricultural environment. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, Campo Grande, Brazil, October 8-18, 2010.
Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Co-organized (with Justin Talley) the Section Symposium Tapping into the Diversity of Universities and USDA to Collaboratively Tackle Formidable Pests of Livestock through a Regional Project and presented the Summary and Conclusions for the symposium. Entomological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 12-15, 2010.
Kaufman, P.E. 2009. Integrated pest management of house flies, Musca domestica L., on livestock facilities. 6th Asian-Pacific Congress of Entomology, Beijing, China. October 19-21, 2009.
Kaufman, P.E. 2010. The role and future of universities in animal health product evaluations. 54th Annual Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. June 27, 2010.
Kaufman, P.E., and J.B. Pitzer. 2009. Celebrating a lack of insecticide resistance in stable flies! 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 15, 2009.
Kaufman, P.E., S.C. Nunez, R.S. Mann, C.J. Geden, and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid resistance in house flies from Florida dairies. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. June 29, 2010.
Kaufman, P.E., S.C. Nunez, C.J. Geden, and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Selection for resistance to imidacloprid in the house fly. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. June 29, 2010.
Kaufman, P. 2010. Insecticide resistance and management of house flies. 7th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, St. Augustine, FL. March 23, 2010.
Kaufman, P.E. 2010. Dung beetle diversity and ecology on Florida cattle pastures following the introduction of several exotic species. Departmental Seminar, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. March 18, 2010.
Loftin, K.M. Horn Flies: Importance, Biology and Management. Four-States Agriculture Expo. Texarkana, AR. Feb. 11, 2010.
Loftin, K.M. Management of Pasture and Premise Breeding Flies. University of Arkansas Monticello. Monticello, AR Feb. 16, 2010.
Loftin, K.M. Arthropod Pests of Beef Cattle. Hempstead County Cattlemens Association. Hope, AR. April 26, 2010.
Loftin, K.M. Identification and Management of Cattle Pests. New Agriculture Agent Core Training. Pottsville, AR. May 2010.
Loftin, K.M. Organic Fly Control Options. Southern Region SARE PDP Organic Dairy Study Tour. Beebe, AR. June 21, 2010.
Loftin, K.M. Management of Pasture Breeding Flies. Sebastian County Conservation District. Mansfield, AR. July 19, 2010.
Loftin , K/M. Horn Flies, Face Flies and Pinkeye. Carroll County Cattlemens Association. Berryville, AR. July 26, 2010.
Moon, R. D. 2010. Process-based approaches to analysis of population dynamics data. Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA.
Moon, R. D., D. B. Taylor and J. A. Hogsette. 2010. Dispersal of adult stable flies on a Nebraska landscape. Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA.
Olafson, P., P.E. Kaufman, and J.B. Pitzer. 2009. Selecting for pyrethroid resistance in stable flies: screening the sodium channel for mutations associating with the resistant phenotype. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 15, 2009.
Olfson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2010. Identification of a mutation associated with permethrin resistance in the para-type sodium channel of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN.
Periera, L., G. E. Higginbotham, and A. C. Gerry. Improving IPM of house flies at commercial dairy operations through pest monitoring and determination of nuisance threshold. 31st Annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA. April 2010.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, J.A. Hogsette, C.J. Geden, and S.A. TenBroeck. 2010. Seasonal abundance of stable flies and filth fly pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) at Florida equine facilities. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, and S.A. TenBroeck. 2010. Permethrin resistance status of the stable fly in Florida. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, and C.J. Geden. 2009. Hymenopteran pupal parasitoids attacking filth flies in Florida. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 14, 2009.
Rutz, D.A., P.E. Kaufman, and J.K. Waldron. 2009. Delivering scientific information in applied terms to our stakeholder colleagues. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 15, 2009.
Rutz, D. A. Fly Control in and around Animal Facilities: Current Challenges and Solutions to an Age Old Problem. Regional Spring Dairy Producer Meeting. Penn Yan, NY. March 10, 2010.
Rutz, D. A. Fly Control in and around Animal Facilities: Current Challenges and Solutions to an Age Old Problem. Regional Spring Dairy Producer Meeting. Geneva, NY. March 17, 2010.
Schuster, G., K. E. Moulton, P. R. Broadway, S. Willard, J. Behrends, and T. B. Schmidt. 2010. Use of a biophotonic E. coli XEN-14 to determine time of contamination in the life cycle of the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). 2010 ADSA®-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, July 11-15, 2010, Denver, CO. http://adsa.asas.org/meetings/2010/.
Starcevich , J., R. Moon, B. Clymer, H. Chester-Jones and D. Ziegler . 2010. Choice of bedding material affects production of pestiferous stable flies and house flies in replacement heifer housing. 21st Annual (MOSES) Organic Farming Conference, 25-27 February, LaCrosse, WI.
Waldon, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Fly Camp I Video Conference with Penn State University. April 20, 2010.
Waldron, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Fly Camp II Webinar with Penn State University. June 18, 2010.
Waldron. J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Pasture Fly IPM on Organic Dairies. Sherman Farms, Dryden, NY. Sponsored by the Northeast Organic Farming Association. June 11, 2010.
Wasik, D. and A. C. Gerry. Behavioral adaptation of house flies (Musca domestica L.) to avoid the insecticide imidacloprid. Fourth Annual UCR Symposium of Undergraduate Research. Riverside, CA. May 2010.
Watson, D. W., S. Denning, R. Lyman, and K. Anderson. 2010. Mastitis in dairy heifers: Prevalence of Staphyloccus aureus genotypes among NC horn fly (Haematobia irritans) populations. SOVE Meeting, Sept. 26, Raleigh, NC
Watson, D. W. 2010. Pest management for goats and sheep. Feb. 27. NC Goat Producers, CVM.
Watson, D. W. 2010. Fly Management in the Piedmont of NC. Lee Co. Cattlemans Assoc. Sanford, NC. Nov. 9, 2010.
Ahmad A, A. Ghosh, C. Schal, and L. Zurek. 2011. Insects in confined swine operations carry a large antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent enterococcal community. BMC Microbiology 11:23.
Anderson, K. L., R. Lyman, K. Moury, D. Ray, W. Watson, and M.T. Correa. In Review. Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy heifers. J. Dairy Science.
Diclaro, II J.W., L.W. Cohnstaedt, R.M. Pereira, S.A. Allan, P.G. Koehler, 2012. Behavioral and physiological response of Musca domestica to colored visual targets. Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 49: p. 94-100.
Diclaro, J.W., J.C. Hertz, R.M. Welch, P.G. Koehler, and R.M. Pereira. 2011. Integration of fly baits, traps, and cords to kill house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) and reduce annoyance. Journal of Entomological Science (in press).
Doud C.W., and L. Zurek. 2012. Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF:pMV158 survives and proliferates in the house fly digestive tract. Journal of Medical Entomology 9:15-155.
Doyle, M. S., B.N. Swope, J.A. Hogsette, H.M. Savage and R.S. Nasci. 2011. Vector competence of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) for West Nile virus. J. Med. Entomol. 48: 656-668.
Gerry, A. C., G. Higginbotham, L. Pereira, A. Lam, and C. Shelton. 2011. Evaluation of Surveillance Methods for Monitoring House Fly Abundance and Activity on Large Commercial Dairy Operations. Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol. 104: 3 p.1093-1102.
Hertz, J.C., R.M. Pereira, P.G. Koehler, 2011. House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) resting preference on various cords and potential of fipronil- or indoxacarb- impregnation on cords for fly control. Journal of Entomological Science. Vol. 46: p. 325-334.
Hogsette, J. A., R. Urech, P. E. Green, A. G. Skerman, M. M. Elson-Harris, R. L. Bright, and G. W. Brown. 2012. Nuisance flies on Australian cattle feedlots: Immature populations. Med. Vet. Entomol. 26: 46-55.
Mohr, R., B. A. Mullens, and A. C. Gerry. 2011. Diel Patterns of Female Host-Seeking, Male Swarming, and Sugar Feeding in the Canyon Fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae) in Southern California. Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 48: p.188-195.
Mohr, R., B. A. Mullens, and A. C. Gerry. 2011. Evaluation of ammonia, human sweat, and bovine blood as attractants for the female canyon fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae), in southern California. Journal of Vector Ecology. Vol. 36: 1 p.55-58.
Müller, G. C., J. A. Hogsette, V. D. Kravchenko, E. E. Revay and Y. Schlein. 2011. New records and ecological remarks regarding the tribe Stomoxyini (Diptera: Muscidae) from Israel. J. Vector Ecol. 36: 468-470.
Müller, G. C., J. A. Hogsette, E. E. Revay ,V. D. Kravchenko and Y. Schlein. 2011. New records for the horse fly fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Jordan with remarks on ecology and zoogeography. J. Vector Ecol. 36: 447-450.
Müller, G., J. A. Hogsette, J. C. Beier, S. F. Traore, M. B. Toure, M. M. Traore, S. Bah, S. Doumbia, Y. Schlein.. 2012. Attraction of Stomoxys sp. to various flowers and fruits in Mali. Med. Vet. Entomol. 26: DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.01001.x.
Olafson, P.U., S. E. Dowd, and K.H. Lohmeyer. 2010. Analysis of expressed sequence tags from a significant livestock pest, the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans), identified transcripts with a putative role in chemosensation and sex determination. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. Vol. 74: p. 179-204.
Olafson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Identification of a mutation associated with permethrin resistance in the para-type sodium channel of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol 104:1 p. 250-257.
Parks, C., R. Lyman, W. Watson, and K. Anderson. (In Review). Evaluation of the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) as a potential vector of Staphylococcus aureus in bovine mastitis. J. Dairy Science.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, C.J. Geden, and J.A. Hogsette. 2011. The ability of selected pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to locate stable fly hosts in a soiled equine bedding substrate. Environmental Entomology 40: 88-93.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, J.A. Hogsette, C.J. Geden, and S.H. TenBroeck. 2011. Seasonal abundance of stable flies and filth fly pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) at Florida equine facilities. Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 1108-1115.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, S.H. TenBroeck, and J.E. Maruniak. 2011. Host blood meal identification by multiplex polymerase chain reaction for dispersal evidence of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) between livestock facilities. Journal of Medical Entomology. 48: 53-60.
Rochon, K, R. B. Baker, G. W. Almond and D. W. Watson. 2011. Assessment of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) as a Vector of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. J. Med. Entomol. 48: 876-883.
Schole, L.A., D.B. Taylor, and D.R. Brink. 2011. Response of growing calves to stable flies. The Professional Animal Scientist 27: 133-140.
Tangtrakulwanich, K., H. Chen, F. Baxendale, G. Brewer, and J. J. Zhu. 2011. Characterization of olfactory sensilla of Stomoxys calcitrans and electrophysiological responses to odorant compounds associated with hosts and oviposition media. Med. Vet. Entomol. 25 (3): 327-336.
Taylor, D.B., and D. R. Berkebile. 2011. Phenology of Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Larvae in Round Bale Hay Feeding Sites in Eastern Nebraska. Environ. Entomol. 40: 184-193.
Taylor, D.B., R.D. Moon, and D.R. Mark. 2012. Economic Impact of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on Cattle Production. J. Med. Entomol. 49: 198-209.
Urech, R., R. L. Bright, P. E. Green, G. W. Brown, J. A. Hogsette, A. G. Skerman, M. M. Elson-Harris, D. G. Mayer. 2012. Temporal and spatial trends in adult nuisance fly populations on Australian cattle feedlots. Australian J. Entomol. (Accepted 13 October 2011). (in press)
Zhu, J., D. Berkebile, C. Dunlap, A. Zhang, D. Boxler, K. Tangtrakulwanich, R. Behle, F. Baxendale, G. Brewer. 2011. Nepetalactones from essential oil of Nepeta cataria represent a stable fly feeding and ovipositional repellent. Med. Vet. Entomol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.00972.x.
Zhu, J., A. Y. Li, S. Pritchard, K. Tangtrakulwanich, F. P. Baxendale, and G. Brewer. 2011. Contact and fumigant toxicity of a botanical-based feeding deterrent of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Agric. Food Chem. 59 (18): 10394-10400.
Zhu, J. 2011. Contact and spatial repellency from catnip essential, Nepeta cataria, against stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, and other filth flies, pp 79-96. in Recent Developments in Invertebrate Repellents (eds. Coats and Paluch). Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 1090 (Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter).
Extension Publications:
Anderson, M., and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Common green bottle fly, sheep blow fly, Lucillia sericata (Meigen) (Insecta: Diptera: Calliphoridae). Featured Creatures. 4 pp. EENY-406. http://entomology.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/livestock/flies/lucilia_sericata.htm
Boxler, D. J. 2011. Do You Have an Effective Fly Control Program In Place. Tri-State Livestock News.
Boxler, D. J. 2011. Revision of Nebraska Management Guide for Arthropod Pests of Livestock and Horses - EC1550.
Diaz, L.A., and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. A flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Marquart (Insecta: Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Featured Creatures. 6 pp. EENY-503. http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/flies/sarcophaga_crassipalpis.htm
Ferguson, H. J. 2011. Livestock: Beef cattle pests. Revised section for 2012 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, (http://uspest.org/pnw/insects (also available in hard-copy).
Fitzpatrick, D. and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Horn fly, Haematobia irritans irritans (Linnaeus) Insecta: Diptera: Muscidae). Featured Creatures. 7 pp. EENY-490 (IN885) http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in885
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities.2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 728-729.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control.2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 730-744.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 745-758.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Cattle Ear Tags.2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 759.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Fly Control in Horse Facilities.2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 766-767.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Poultry - Fly Control.2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 770-772.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Where Are All of those Flies Coming From? The Answer May Surprise You. Proceedings of the Florida Equine Institute & Allied Trade Show. Ocala, FL. 09/15/2011.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. University of Florida Veterinary Entomology program web site: http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/kaufman/vetentlab/
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler, and J.F. Butler. 2011. External Parasites on Beef Cattle. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG130 (Revised). http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/document_ig130
Loftin, K.M. 2011. Animal Insect Control and Pasture Chapters of the 2011 Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas (MP 144), Glenn Studebaker (editor), 23 pp.
Loftin, K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2011. Arthropod Pests of Equines (MP 484). University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. MP484-PD-6-10N, 14 pages.
Loftin, K.M. and R.F Corder. 2011. Controlling Horn Flies on Cattle (FSA 7031). University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. FSA 7031 PD 12-09RV. 6 pp.
Machtinger, E. and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Eye gnats, grass flies, eye flies, fruit flies, Liohippelates spp. (Insecta: Diptera: Chloropidae). 6 pp. EENY-485 (IN485). http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in884.
Sowerby, M. E. and J. A. Hogsette. 2011. Effectiveness of fly traps and baits at three primary fly sites on Florida dairy farms. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 1: 733.
Sowerby, M.E. and J.A. Hogsette. 2011. Strategies for Converting Dairy Farms into Low (House) fly Zones. Proceedings of the 25th Southeast Dairy Herd Management Conference, Macon, GA (November 2, 2011), pp. 77-81.
Boxler, D. J. Rangeland Fly Control Strategies. University of Nebraska Ranching for Profitabiltiy Educational Programs. Febraury-March 2011. Five Programs.
Boxler, D. J. The Significance of a Pasture Fly Control Program. University of Nebraska, Barta Brothers Ranch Field Day. June 28, 2011.
Boxler, D. J. The Importance of a Pasture Fly Control Program. University of Nebraska, Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory Open House. August 24, 2011.
Boxler, D. J. Fly Control Strategies in Feedlots, Dairies, and Pastures. University of Nebraska, Cropping System Practicum. June 23, 2011.
Broce, A. B., J. A. Hogsette (presenter) and J. S. Drouillard. Overwintering of stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans L., populations in the Midwest USA. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, in conjunction with the AAVP and ISEP, July 16-19, St Louis, MO.
Corder, R.F., and K.M. Loftin. Evaluation of the essential oil, geraniol, as a horn fly repellent on cattle. Arkansas Entomological Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR. Presented on 10/14/2011.
Ferguson, H. J. Integrated pest management for beef cattle. Controlling pests in alfalfa. Central Klickitat Conservation District Annual Meeting. Feb. 17, 2011. Centerville, WA.
Ferguson, H. J. Integrated pest management for beef cattle. Benton County Cattlemens Association monthly meeting. April 12, 2011. Prosser, WA.
Gerry, A. C. Monitoring house fly activity on commercial dairy operations: the start of a dairy IPM program. Annual Meeting. Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. Waikoloa, HI. Presented on 03/2011.
Gerry, A. C. Management of flies associated with food preparation areas. Integrated Pest Management for School Facilities. CA Department of Pesticide Regulation. Norwalk, CA. Presented on 10/2011.
Gerry, A. C. Management of Urban Flies. MVCAC Seminar Series. Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. San Leandro, CA. Presented on 11/2011.
Guisewite, L. M., S. S. Denning, and D. W. Watson. 2011. Susceptibility of vinegar flies, Drosophila repleta, to two strains of Beauveria bassiana isolated from house flies. Entomological Society of America. 59th Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Flies: Biology and Control.Winter School, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (via Wimba), January 5, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Poultry Ectoparasites and Pests.Georgia International Poultry Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, February 1, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Pastured Cattle: External Parasites.Southwest Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Blakely, GA, February 7, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Flies and External Parasites of Cattle.Franklin County Cattlemens Association, Carnesville, GA, February 14, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Basic Insect Management.Georgia National Guard Training, University of Georgia, Athens, February 15, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Insect Management on Small Ruminants.Georgia National Guard Training, University of Georgia, Athens, February 15, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011.Poultry Pest Management.Georgia National Guard Training, University of Georgia, Athens, February 16, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Fly Control on Cattle and Horses. Hart County Cattlemens Association, Hartwell, GA, April 14, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. External Parasites.2011 Northeast Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Madison, GA, September 6, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Fly Control on Georgia Cattle. Coffee County Cattlemen, Douglas, GA, November 29, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Poultry Pest Control: Mites, Flies and Darkling Beetles. Coffee County Poultry Producers, Douglas, GA, November 29, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Midges and Gnats - Some Bite and Some Don't (1 hr lecture). 73rd Annual Purdue Pest Management Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Jan 9-11, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Behavior and Management of Pest Flies (1 hr lecture). North Carolina Pest Management Association, PCT School, North Raleigh/Midtown Hilton, Raleigh, NC, Jan 18-19, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Co-taught [with Dan Kline (Culicoides) and Jim Cilek (Tabanids)] the stable fly portion of the course Biting Flies at the Dodd Short Course, Ocala Hilton, Ocala, FL, Jan 27, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Biology and Management of House Flies and Bottle Flies (1 hr lecture). McCloud Pest Invasion, Pest Seminar for the Food Industry, Stonegate Conference Center, Hoffman Estates IL, Mar 15, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. A Summary of the USDA Mosquito and Fly Research Unit Research Program. Southeast Branch, Entomological Society of America, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 19-22, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. House flies: Specific traps for specific locations on farms. 8th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, Anastasia Island Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, FL, March 29-31, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Management of Nuisance Flies (1 hr lecture). Wal-Mart Corporate headquarters, Bentonville, AR, Sept 6-7, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Management of house flies (Musca domestica) on dairies by strategic placement of traps. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, November 13-16, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Management of house flies (Musca domestica) on dairies by strategic placement of traps. Deployed War Fighter Program Review, Beltsville, MD, November 26-December 2, 2011.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Using Traditional Techniques and Modern Tools to Answer Rural:Rural and Rural:Urban Interface Questions in Medical and Veterinary Entomology. Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Dermatological reactions to insect bites and associated diseases. Dermatology Grand Rounds at Shands Medical Plaza, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Applied Management of Fly Control. Florida Beef Cattle Short Course. Gainesville, FL.
Kaufman, P.E., R.S. Mann, and J.F. Butler. 2011. Performance of novel semiochemicals in the control of veterinary pests. Joint meeting of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, the Livestock Insect Workers Conference and the International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, St. Louis, MO.
Kaufman, P.E., R.S. Mann, and J.F. Butler. 2011. Insecticidal activity of novel compounds against pests of medical and veterinary importance. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV.
Koehler, P.G. and J.W. Diclaro. Development of a novel fly control device. Arbovirus Conference, St. Augustine, FL. Presented on 03/2011.
Loftin, K.M. Controlling pasture flies on cattle. Calhoun County Cattlemen's Association Annual Meeting, Hampton, AR. Presented on 10/ 3/2011.
Loftin, K.M. External Parasites of Cattle. Four-States Agriculture Expo, Texarkana. Arkansas. Presented on 2/10/2011.
Loftin, K.M. Managing Arthropod Pests of Beef and Dairy Cattle. Beef IQ Short Course. Southwest Research and Extension Center, Hope, AR. Presented on 5/16/2011.
Moon, R., D. Berkebile, H. Ferguson, P. Tobin, L. Zurek, G. Johnson, S. Butler, N. Hinkle, and others. 2011. Winter debris-cleanup deadlines based on a ground-truthed degree-day model. 55th Annual Livestock Insect Workers Conference. July 16-19. St. Louis, MO.
Moon, R., D. Berkebile, H. Ferguson, P. Tobin, L. Zurek, G. Johnson, S. Butler, and N. Hinkle. 2011. Phenology of spring emergence by first generation stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) in North America. Poster at national ESA annual meeting. Nov. 13-16. Reno, NV.
Mullens, B. A. and A. C. Gerry. The Remarkable Canyon Fly. Annual Conference. American Mosquito Control Association. Anaheim, CA. Presented on 03/2011.
Olafson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Selecting for pyrethroid resistance in the stable fly: Screening the stable fly sodium channel coding sequence for mutations that associate with permethrin non-susceptibility. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, presented on 12/2009.
Olafson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2010. Identification of a mutation associated with permethrin resistance in the para-type sodium channel of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. Annual Livestock Insects Workers Conference, presented on 6/2010.
Olafson, P.U., S. Liu, A.Y. Li, and S.E. Dowd. 2010. Insight into stable fly larvae: Salivary gland-specific polypeptides and evidence for genes that may have a role in the stable fly innate immune system. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, presented on 11/2010.
Scott, J. G. 2011. Molecular mechanisms of pesticide resistance in insects. Advances in the knowledge of parasite resistance of ruminant hosts and parasites, Embrapa, San Carlos, Brazil.
Scott, J. G. 2011. Have high resolution molecular analyses offered new insights into the evolution of insecticide resistance? Plenary Lecture, AAVP-LIWC-ISEP Joint Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Scott, J. G. 2011. Unraveling the mystery of spinosad resistance in insects. University of Florida, Department of Entomology, Gainesville, FL.
Starcevich , J., R. Moon, B. Clymer, H. Chester-Jones and D. Ziegler. Choice of bedding material affects production of pestiferous stable flies and house flies in replacement heifer housing. 21st Annual (MOSES) Organic Farming Conference, 25-27 February, 2011, LaCrosse, WI.
Starcevich , J. and R. Moon. Filth flies and associated beneficial wasps on organic dairy farms in east-central Minnesota and west-central Wisconsin. 21st Annual (MOSES) Organic Farming Conference, 25-27 February, 2011, LaCrosse, WI.
Starcevich , J., R. Moon, B. Clymer, H. Chester-Jones and D. Ziegler. Filth fly production and parasitism in heifer rearing pens bedded with straw, hardwood sawdust, or pine shavings. 66th Annual Meeting, North Central Branch, Entomological Society of America. March, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
Taylor, D. B., K. Hale, and K. Sievert. Efficacy of cyromazine for the control of immature stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) developing in winter hay feeding sites. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV; November 2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. Flies on Pastured Cattle: What's the buzz? Northeast Organic Farm Association Annual Conference. Saratoga, NY. Presented 1/2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. Flies on Pastured Cattle? What's the Buzz? Farming for the Future Conference - Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture. State College, PA. Presented 2/2011.
Waldron K. and D. A. Rutz. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Washington County, Greenwich, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron K. and D. A. Rutz. NY Livestock IPM Update. 2011 AAV, ISEP and National Meeting Livestock Insect Workers Conf. St. Louis, MO. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron K. and D. A. Rutz. Pasture Fly IPM eOrganic Webinar. National. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Clinton County, Pavilion, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Essex County, Port Henry, NY. Presented 7/20111.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Pasture Fly IPM Field Day. Pavilion, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Pasture Fly IPM Field Day. Chester, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Columbia County, Valatie, NY. Presented 8/2011.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Dutchess County, Millbrook, NY. Presented 8/2011.
Waldron K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Fly IPM. N. Haverhill, NH. Presented 8/2011.
Watson, D.W. 2011. Integrated Pest Management in Livestock Systems. Louis Jackai, NC A&T., April 5, 2011.
Watson, D. W. 2011. Fly and Darkling Beetle Management. Poultry Supervisors Short Course. Monroe, NC. April 14, 2011
Watson, D. W. 2011. Pest management for pastured cattle. June 23-24. Orangeburg Cattlemans Assoc. Orangeburg, SC.
Watson, D. W. 2011. Pasture Fly Management, NCSU Agent Training Program, An. Sci. May 18, 2011.
Watson, D. W. 2011. Fly management in Organic Dairy Systems. Illuminate Discussion, eOrganic. J. K. Waldron and D. A. Rutz. Hosted by Cornell University. July 6, 2011.
Zhu, J. J. DWFP prospectus on fly research. DWFP-5th Annual Review. Gainesville, presented on Dec. 2008.
Zhu, J. J. Push-Pull strategy for stable fly control. 52nd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Kansas City, presented on June, 2008.
Zhu, J. J. Novel technology development for stable fly management. Pfizer Animal Health, Kalamazoo, presented on May, 2009.
Zhu, J. J. New Advances in stable fly chemical ecology and its potential in practical control, ESA Meeting, Indianapolis, presented on Dec, 2009.
Zhu, J. J. Novel approaches for integrated fly management. Kansas State University, Manhattan, presented on Feb, 2010.
Zhu, J. J. Progresses in research for stable fly control via Push-Pull strategy, ESA Meeting, San Diego, presented on Dec, 2010.
Zhu, J. J. Infochemical interactions between microbial community and pest flies: Oviposition Selection, APACE Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, presented on Oct, 2011.
Other Extension:
Coats, J., G.E. Schultz, and J. Zhu. 2011. Biorational repellents obtained from terpenoids for use against arthropods. (US Patent Number: 7,939,091).
Hinkle, Nancy C. Fly Control on Cattle, interviewed by Eddie McGriff, Coffee County, GA, Extension Coordinator, for On the Farm radio program Nov. 30, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Regional Science Fair Judge, Middle School and High School Zoology Projects, Santa Fe College, Gainesville, FL, Jan 28, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Manned USDA Entomology booth at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, Feb 11, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Interviewed by Brittany Risher, Associate Editor, Women's Health Magazine, about house fly pathogen transmission when flies land on food, March 2, and 7, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. State Science Fair Judge, Middle School and High School Zoology Projects, Orlando Convention Center, Orlando, FL, Mar 24, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Attended Armed Forces Pest Management Board Meeting to consult with the Equipment Committee on traps for fly management and projects being conducted cooperatively with military personnel. Silver Spring, MD, April 4-7, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Attended Armed Forces Pest Management Board Meeting to consult with the Equipment Committee on traps for fly management and projects being conducted cooperatively with military personnel. Silver Spring, MD, November 1-3, 2011.
Loftin K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2011. Fly IPM on Dairies (FY 11, on-line Moodle training course). University of Arkansas, Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service. Little Rock, AR
Loftin, K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2011. Insect Pests of Livestock portion of Animal Science Core Training (FY 11, on-line Moodle and field training course). University of Arkansas, Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service. Little Rock, AR.
Moon, R. D. 2011. Manure management to prevent fly infestations. Minnesota Horse Expo 2011, St. Paul, MN, April 29 and 30.
Moon, R. D. 2011. Manure management to prevent fly infestations. Horse Owners Education Program, St. Paul, MN, 15 October.
Watson, D. W. Pest and Disease Management in Dairy Ecosystems. Center for Environmental Farming Systems Intern Program, 2011. Patrick Miles, NC A&T; Jamie Berger, UNC; Beth Chapman, NDSU; & Sindhu Siva, U. Delaware.
Zhu, J. J. Interviewed and wrote info (2010-2011) for scientific journals and magazines on stable fly research (American Chemistry Society News Press, Chemical Education, USDA NewsMaker, MidWest Producer, Feed-Lot Magazine, The IPM Practitioner, The Horse magazines, etc).
Zhu, J. J. Interviewed (2010-2011) By Radio stations on biting fly management and botanical-based repellent development (Canada Discovery Channel, Voice of America, Meredith National Radio, and WALO-Puerto Rico).
Research Publications:
Ahmad, A., A. Ghosh, C. Schal, and L. Zurek. 2011. Insects in confined swine operations carry a large antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent enterococcal community. BMC Microbiology 11:23.
Anderson, K. L., R. Lyman, K. Moury, D. Ray, W. Watson, and M.T. Correa. In Review. Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in dairy heifers. J. Dairy Science.
Diclaro, II J.W., L.W. Cohnstaedt, R.M. Pereira, S.A. Allan, and P.G. Koehler. 2012. Behavioral and physiological response of Musca domestica to colored visual targets. Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 49: p. 94-100.
Diclaro, J.W., J.C. Hertz, R.M. Welch, P.G. Koehler, and R.M. Pereira. 2011. Integration of fly baits, traps, and cords to kill house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) and reduce annoyance. Journal of Entomological Science (in press).
Doud, C.W., and L. Zurek. 2012. Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF:pMV158 survives and proliferates in the house fly digestive tract. Journal of Medical Entomology 9:15-155.
Doyle, M. S., B.N. Swope, J.A. Hogsette, H.M. Savage and R.S. Nasci. 2011. Vector competence of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) for West Nile virus. J. Med. Entomol. 48: 656-668.
Gerry, A. C., G. Higginbotham, L. Pereira, A. Lam, and C. Shelton. 2011. Evaluation of Surveillance Methods for Monitoring House Fly Abundance and Activity on Large Commercial Dairy Operations. Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol. 104: 3 p.1093-1102.
Hertz, J.C., R.M. Pereira, P.G. Koehler, 2011. House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) resting preference on various cords and potential of fipronil- or indoxacarb- impregnation on cords for fly control. Journal of Entomological Science. Vol. 46: p. 325-334.
Hogsette, J. A., R. Urech, P. E. Green, A. G. Skerman, M. M. Elson-Harris, R. L. Bright, and G. W. Brown. 2012. Nuisance flies on Australian cattle feedlots: Immature populations. Med. Vet. Entomol. 26: 46-55.
Mohr, R., B. A. Mullens, and A. C. Gerry. 2011. Diel Patterns of Female Host-Seeking, Male Swarming, and Sugar Feeding in the Canyon Fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae) in Southern California. Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 48: p.188-195.
Mohr, R., B. A. Mullens, and A. C. Gerry. 2011. Evaluation of ammonia, human sweat, and bovine blood as attractants for the female canyon fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae), in southern California. Journal of Vector Ecology. Vol. 36: 1 p.55-58.
Müller, G. C., J. A. Hogsette, V. D. Kravchenko, E. E. Revay and Y. Schlein. 2011. New records and ecological remarks regarding the tribe Stomoxyini (Diptera: Muscidae) from Israel. J. Vector Ecol. 36: 468-470.
Müller, G. C., J. A. Hogsette, E. E. Revay ,V. D. Kravchenko and Y. Schlein. 2011. New records for the horse fly fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae) of Jordan with remarks on ecology and zoogeography. J. Vector Ecol. 36: 447-450.
Müller, G., J. A. Hogsette, J. C. Beier, S. F. Traore, M. B. Toure, M. M. Traore, S. Bah, S. Doumbia, Y. Schlein.. 2012. Attraction of Stomoxys sp. to various flowers and fruits in Mali. Med. Vet. Entomol. 26: DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.01001.x.
Olafson, P.U., S. E. Dowd, and K.H. Lohmeyer. 2010. Analysis of expressed sequence tags from a significant livestock pest, the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans), identified transcripts with a putative role in chemosensation and sex determination. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. Vol. 74: p. 179-204.
Olafson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Identification of a mutation associated with permethrin resistance in the para-type sodium channel of the stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol 104:1 p. 250-257.
Parks, C., R. Lyman, W. Watson, and K. Anderson. (In Review). Evaluation of the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) as a potential vector of Staphylococcus aureus in bovine mastitis. J. Dairy Science.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, C.J. Geden, and J.A. Hogsette. 2011. The ability of selected pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to locate stable fly hosts in a soiled equine bedding substrate. Environmental Entomology 40: 88-93.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, J.A. Hogsette, C.J. Geden, and S.H. TenBroeck. 2011. Seasonal abundance of stable flies and filth fly pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) at Florida equine facilities. Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 1108-1115.
Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, S.H. TenBroeck, and J.E. Maruniak. 2011. Host blood meal identification by multiplex polymerase chain reaction for dispersal evidence of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) between livestock facilities. Journal of Medical Entomology. 48: 53-60.
Rochon, K, R. B. Baker, G. W. Almond and D. W. Watson. 2011. Assessment of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) as a Vector of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. J. Med. Entomol. 48: 876-883.
Schole, L.A., D.B. Taylor, and D.R. Brink. 2011. Response of growing calves to stable flies. The Professional Animal Scientist 27: 133-140.
Tangtrakulwanich, K., H. Chen, F. Baxendale, G. Brewer, and J. J. Zhu. 2011. Characterization of olfactory sensilla of Stomoxys calcitrans and electrophysiological responses to odorant compounds associated with hosts and oviposition media. Med. Vet. Entomol. 25 (3): 327336.
Taylor, D.B., and D. R. Berkebile. 2011. Phenology of Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Larvae in Round Bale Hay Feeding Sites in Eastern Nebraska. Environ. Entomol. 40: 184-193.
Taylor, D.B., R.D. Moon, and D.R. Mark. 2012. Economic Impact of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on Cattle Production. J. Med. Entomol. 49: 198-209.
Urech, R., R. L. Bright, P. E. Green, G. W. Brown, J. A. Hogsette, A. G. Skerman, M. M. Elson-Harris, D. G. Mayer. 2012. Temporal and spatial trends in adult nuisance fly populations on Australian cattle feedlots. Australian J. Entomol. (Accepted 13 October 2011). (in press)
Zhu, J., D. Berkebile, C. Dunlap, A. Zhang, D. Boxler, K. Tangtrakulwanich, R. Behle, F. Baxendale, G. Brewer. 2011. Nepetalactones from essential oil of Nepeta cataria represent a stable fly feeding and ovipositional repellent. Med. Vet. Entomol. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.00972.x.
Zhu, J., A. Y. Li, S. Pritchard, K. Tangtrakulwanich, F. P. Baxendale, and G. Brewer. 2011. Contact and fumigant toxicity of a botanical-based feeding deterrent of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Agric. Food Chem. 59 (18): 10394-10400.
Zhu, J. 2011. Contact and spatial repellency from catnip essential, Nepeta cataria, against stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, and other filth flies, pp 79-96. in Recent Developments in Invertebrate Repellents (eds. Coats and Paluch). Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 1090 (Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter).
Extension Publications:
Anderson, M., and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Common green bottle fly, sheep blow fly, Lucillia sericata (Meigen) (Insecta: Diptera: Calliphoridae). Featured Creatures. 4 pp. EENY-406. http://entomology.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/livestock/flies/lucilia_sericata.htm
Boxler, D. J. 2011. Do You Have an Effective Fly Control Program In Place. Tri-State Livestock News.
Boxler, D. J. 2011. Revision of Nebraska Management Guide for Arthropod Pests of Livestock and Horses EC1550.
Diaz, L.A., and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. A flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Marquart (Insecta: Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Featured Creatures. 6 pp. EENY-503. http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/creatures/misc/flies/sarcophaga_crassipalpis.htm
Ferguson, H. J. 2011. Livestock: Beef cattle pests. Revised section for 2012 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, (http://uspest.org/pnw/insects (also available in hard-copy).
Fitzpatrick, D. and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Horn fly, Haematobia irritans irritans (Linnaeus) Insecta: Diptera: Muscidae). Featured Creatures. 7 pp. EENY-490 (IN885) http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in885
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 728-729.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 730-744.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 745-758.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Cattle Ear Tags. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 759.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Fly Control in Horse Facilities. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 766-767.
Hinkle, N.C. 2011. Poultry Fly Control. 2011 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 770-772.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Where Are All of those Flies Coming From? The Answer May Surprise You. Proceedings of the Florida Equine Institute & Allied Trade Show. Ocala, FL. 09/15/2011.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. University of Florida Veterinary Entomology program web site: http://entnemdept.ifas.ufl.edu/kaufman/vetentlab/
Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler, and J.F. Butler. 2011. External Parasites on Beef Cattle. Gainesville, FL: IFAS Communications. 24 pp. DLN: IG130 (Revised). http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/document_ig130
Loftin, K.M. 2011. Animal Insect Control and Pasture Chapters of the 2011 Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas (MP 144), Glenn Studebaker (editor), 23 pp.
Loftin, K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2011. Arthropod Pests of Equines (MP 484). University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. MP484-PD-6-10N, 14 pages.
Loftin, K.M. and R.F Corder. 2011. Controlling Horn Flies on Cattle (FSA 7031). University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. FSA 7031 PD 12-09RV. 6 pp.
Machtinger, E. and P.E. Kaufman. 2011. Eye gnats, grass flies, eye flies, fruit flies, Liohippelates spp. (Insecta: Diptera: Chloropidae). 6 pp. EENY-485 (IN485). http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in884.
Sowerby, M. E. and J. A. Hogsette. 2011. Effectiveness of fly traps and baits at three primary fly sites on Florida dairy farms. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 1: 733.
Sowerby, M.E. and J.A. Hogsette. 2011. Strategies for Converting Dairy Farms into Low (House) fly Zones. Proceedings of the 25th Southeast Dairy Herd Management Conference, Macon, GA (November 2, 2011), pp. 77-81.
Boxler, D. J. Rangeland Fly Control Strategies. University of Nebraska Ranching for Profitabiltiy Educational Programs. Febraury-March 2011. Five Programs.
Boxler, D. J. The Significance of a Pasture Fly Control Program. University of Nebraska, Barta Brothers Ranch Field Day. June 28, 2011.
Boxler, D. J. The Importance of a Pasture Fly Control Program. University of Nebraska, Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory Open House. August 24, 2011.
Boxler, D. J. Fly Control Strategies in Feedlots, Dairies, and Pastures. University of Nebraska, Cropping System Practicum. June 23, 2011.
Broce, A. B., J. A. Hogsette (presenter) and J. S. Drouillard. Overwintering of stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans L., populations in the Midwest USA. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, in conjunction with the AAVP and ISEP, July 16-19, St Louis, MO.
Corder, R.F., and K.M. Loftin. Evaluation of the essential oil, geraniol, as a horn fly repellent on cattle. Arkansas Entomological Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR. Presented on 10/14/2011.
Ferguson, H. J. Integrated pest management for beef cattle. Controlling pests in alfalfa. Central Klickitat Conservation District Annual Meeting. Feb. 17, 2011. Centerville, WA.
Ferguson, H. J. Integrated pest management for beef cattle. Benton County Cattlemens Association monthly meeting. April 12, 2011. Prosser, WA.
Gerry, A. C. Monitoring house fly activity on commercial dairy operations: the start of a dairy IPM program. Annual Meeting. Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. Waikoloa, HI. Presented on 03/2011.
Gerry, A. C. Management of flies associated with food preparation areas. Integrated Pest Management for School Facilities. CA Department of Pesticide Regulation. Norwalk, CA. Presented on 10/2011.
Gerry, A. C. Management of Urban Flies. MVCAC Seminar Series. Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. San Leandro, CA. Presented on 11/2011.
Guisewite, L. M., S. S. Denning, and D. W. Watson. 2011. Susceptibility of vinegar flies, Drosophila repleta, to two strains of Beauveria bassiana isolated from house flies. Entomological Society of America. 59th Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Flies: Biology and Control. Winter School, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (via Wimba), January 5, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Poultry Ectoparasites and Pests. Georgia International Poultry Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, February 1, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Pastured Cattle: External Parasites. Southwest Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Blakely, GA, February 7, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Flies and External Parasites of Cattle. Franklin County Cattlemens Association, Carnesville, GA, February 14, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Basic Insect Management. Georgia National Guard Training, University of Georgia, Athens, February 15, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Insect Management on Small Ruminants. Georgia National Guard Training, University of Georgia, Athens, February 15, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Poultry Pest Management. Georgia National Guard Training, University of Georgia, Athens, February 16, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Fly Control on Cattle and Horses. Hart County Cattlemens Association, Hartwell, GA, April 14, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. External Parasites. 2011 Northeast Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Madison, GA, September 6, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Fly Control on Georgia Cattle. Coffee County Cattlemen, Douglas, GA, November 29, 2011.
Hinkle, Nancy C. 2011. Poultry Pest Control: Mites, Flies and Darkling Beetles. Coffee County Poultry Producers, Douglas, GA, November 29, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Midges and Gnats Some Bite and Some Dont (1 hr lecture). 73rd Annual Purdue Pest Management Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Jan 9-11, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Behavior and Management of Pest Flies (1 hr lecture). North Carolina Pest Management Association, PCT School, North Raleigh/Midtown Hilton, Raleigh, NC, Jan 18-19, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Co-taught [with Dan Kline (Culicoides) and Jim Cilek (Tabanids)] the stable fly portion of the course Biting Flies at the Dodd Short Course, Ocala Hilton, Ocala, FL, Jan 27, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Biology and Management of House Flies and Bottle Flies (1 hr lecture). McCloud Pest Invasion, Pest Seminar for the Food Industry, Stonegate Conference Center, Hoffman Estates IL, Mar 15, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. A Summary of the USDA Mosquito and Fly Research Unit Research Program. Southeast Branch, Entomological Society of America, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 19-22, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. House flies: Specific traps for specific locations on farms. 8th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, Anastasia Island Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, FL, March 29-31, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Management of Nuisance Flies (1 hr lecture). Wal-Mart Corporate headquarters, Bentonville, AR, Sept 6-7, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Biology, Ecology and Management of the Stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (1 hr seminar). National Livestock Resources Research Institute, Tororo, Uganda, Sept 22, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Management of house flies (Musca domestica) on dairies by strategic placement of traps. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, November 13-16, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Management of house flies (Musca domestica) on dairies by strategic placement of traps. Deployed War Fighter Program Review, Beltsville, MD, November 26-December 2, 2011.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Using Traditional Techniques and Modern Tools to Answer Rural:Rural and Rural:Urban Interface Questions in Medical and Veterinary Entomology. Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Dermatological reactions to insect bites and associated diseases. Dermatology Grand Rounds at Shands Medical Plaza, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Kaufman, P.E. 2011. Applied Management of Fly Control. Florida Beef Cattle Short Course. Gainesville, FL.
Kaufman, P.E., R.S. Mann, and J.F. Butler. 2011. Performance of novel semiochemicals in the control of veterinary pests. Joint meeting of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, the Livestock Insect Workers Conference and the International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, St. Louis, MO.
Kaufman, P.E., R.S. Mann, and J.F. Butler. 2011. Insecticidal activity of novel compounds against pests of medical and veterinary importance. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV.
Koehler, P.G. and J.W. Diclaro. Development of a novel fly control device. Arbovirus Conference, St. Augustine, FL. Presented on 03/2011.
Loftin, K.M. Controlling pasture flies on cattle. Calhoun County Cattlemens Association Annual Meeting, Hampton, AR. Presented on 10/ 3/2011.
Loftin, K.M. External Parasites of Cattle. Four-States Agriculture Expo, Texarkana. Arkansas. Presented on 2/10/2011.
Loftin, K.M. Managing Arthropod Pests of Beef and Dairy Cattle. Beef IQ Short Course. Southwest Research and Extension Center, Hope, AR. Presented on 5/16/2011.
Moon, R., D. Berkebile, H. Ferguson, P. Tobin, L. Zurek, G. Johnson, S. Butler, N. Hinkle, and others. 2011. Winter debris-cleanup deadlines based on a ground-truthed degree-day model. 55th Annual Livestock Insect Workers Conference. July 16-19. St. Louis, MO.
Moon, R., D. Berkebile, H. Ferguson, P. Tobin, L. Zurek, G. Johnson, S. Butler, and N. Hinkle. 2011. Phenology of spring emergence by first generation stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) in North America. Poster at national ESA annual meeting. Nov. 13-16. Reno, NV.
Mullens, B. A. and A. C. Gerry. The Remarkable Canyon Fly. Annual Conference. American Mosquito Control Association. Anaheim, CA. Presented on 03/2011.
Olafson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2009. Selecting for pyrethroid resistance in the stable fly: Screening the stable fly sodium channel coding sequence for mutations that associate with permethrin non-susceptibility. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, presented on 12/2009.
Olafson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2010. Identification of a mutation associated with permethrin resistance in the para-type sodium channel of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. Annual Livestock Insects Workers Conference, presented on 6/2010.
Olafson, P.U., S. Liu, A.Y. Li, and S.E. Dowd. 2010. Insight into stable fly larvae: Salivary gland-specific polypeptides and evidence for genes that may have a role in the stable fly innate immune system. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, presented on 11/2010.
Scott, J. G. 2011. Molecular mechanisms of pesticide resistance in insects. Advances in the knowledge of parasite resistance of ruminant hosts and parasites, Embrapa, San Carlos, Brazil.
Scott, J. G. 2011. Have high resolution molecular analyses offered new insights into the evolution of insecticide resistance? Plenary Lecture, AAVP-LIWC-ISEP Joint Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Scott, J. G. 2011. Unraveling the mystery of spinosad resistance in insects. University of Florida, Department of Entomology, Gainesville, FL.
Starcevich, J., R. Moon, B. Clymer, H. Chester-Jones and D. Ziegler. Choice of bedding material affects production of pestiferous stable flies and house flies in replacement heifer housing. 21st Annual (MOSES) Organic Farming Conference, 25-27 February, 2011, LaCrosse, WI.
Starcevich, J. and R. Moon. Filth flies and associated beneficial wasps on organic dairy farms in east-central Minnesota and west-central Wisconsin. 21st Annual (MOSES) Organic Farming Conference, 25-27 February, 2011, LaCrosse, WI.
Starcevich, J., R. Moon, B. Clymer, H. Chester-Jones and D. Ziegler. Filth fly production and parasitism in heifer rearing pens bedded with straw, hardwood sawdust, or pine shavings. 66th Annual Meeting, North Central Branch, Entomological Society of America. March, 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
Taylor, D. B., K. Hale, and K. Sievert. Efficacy of cyromazine for the control of immature stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) developing in winter hay feeding sites. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV; November 2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. Flies on Pastured Cattle: Whats the buzz? Northeast Organic Farm Association Annual Conf.. Saratoga, NY. Presented 1/2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. Flies on Pastured Cattle? What's the Buzz? Farming for the Future Conference Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture. State College, PA. Presented 2/2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Washington County, Greenwich, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. NY Livestock IPM Update. 2011 AAV, ISEP and National Meeting Livestock Insect Workers Conf. St. Louis, MO. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron, K. and D. A. Rutz. Pasture Fly IPM eOrganic Webinar. National. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Clinton County, Pavilion, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Essex County, Port Henry, NY. Presented 7/20111.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Pasture Fly IPM Field Day. Pavilion, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Pasture Fly IPM Field Day. Chester, NY. Presented 7/2011.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Columbia County, Valatie, NY. Presented 8/2011.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Pasture Fly IPM. Dutchess County, Millbrook, NY. Presented 8/2011.
Waldron, K. and K. Wise. Dairy Cattle Fly IPM. N. Haverhill, NH. Presented 8/2011.
Watson, D.W. 2011. Integrated Pest Management in Livestock Systems. Louis Jackai, NC A&T., April 5, 2011.
Watson, D. W. 2011. Fly and Darkling Beetle Management. Poultry Supervisors Short Course. Monroe, NC. April 14, 2011
Watson, D. W. 2011. Pest management for pastured cattle. June 23-24. Orangeburg Cattlemans Assoc. Orangeburg, SC.
Watson, D. W. 2011. Pasture Fly Management, NCSU Agent Training Program, An. Sci. May 18, 2011.
Watson, D. W. 2011. Fly management in Organic Dairy Systems. Illuminate Discussion, eOrganic. J. K. Waldron and D. A. Rutz. Hosted by Cornell University. July 6, 2011.
Zhu, J. J. DWFP prospectus on fly research. DWFP-5th Annual Review. Gainesville, presented on Dec. 2008.
Zhu, J. J. Push-Pull strategy for stable fly control. 52nd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Kansas City, presented on June, 2008.
Zhu, J. J. Novel technology development for stable fly management. Pfizer Animal Health, Kalamazoo, presented on May, 2009.
Zhu, J. J. New Advances in stable fly chemical ecology and its potential in practical control, ESA Meeting, Indianapolis, presented on Dec, 2009.
Zhu, J. J. Novel approaches for integrated fly management. Kansas State University, Manhattan, presented on Feb, 2010.
Zhu, J. J. Progresses in research for stable fly control via Push-Pull strategy, ESA Meeting, San Diego, presented on Dec, 2010.
Zhu, J. J. Infochemical interactions between microbial community and pest flies: Oviposition Selection, APACE Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, presented on Oct, 2011.
Other Extension:
Coats, J., G.E. Schultz, and J. Zhu. 2011. Biorational repellents obtained from terpenoids for use against arthropods. (US Patent Number: 7,939,091).
Hinkle, Nancy C. Fly Control on Cattle, interviewed by Eddie McGriff, Coffee County, GA, Extension Coordinator, for On the Farm radio program Nov. 30, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Regional Science Fair Judge, Middle School and High School Zoology Projects, Santa Fe College, Gainesville, FL, Jan 28, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Manned USDA Entomology booth at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, Feb 11, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Interviewed by Brittany Risher, Associate Editor, Women's Health Magazine, about house fly pathogen transmission when flies land on food, March 2, and 7, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. State Science Fair Judge, Middle School and High School Zoology Projects, Orlando Convention Center, Orlando, FL, Mar 24, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Attended Armed Forces Pest Management Board Meeting to consult with the Equipment Committee on traps for fly management and projects being conducted cooperatively with military personnel. Silver Spring, MD, April 4-7, 2011.
Hogsette, J. A. Attended Armed Forces Pest Management Board Meeting to consult with the Equipment Committee on traps for fly management and projects being conducted cooperatively with military personnel. Silver Spring, MD, November 1-3, 2011.
Loftin K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2011. Fly IPM on Dairies (FY 11, on-line Moodle training course). University of Arkansas, Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service. Little Rock, AR
Loftin, K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2011. Insect Pests of Livestock portion of Animal Science Core Training (FY 11, on-line Moodle and field training course). University of Arkansas, Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service. Little Rock, AR.
Moon, R. D. 2011. Manure management to prevent fly infestations. Minnesota Horse Expo 2011, St. Paul, MN, April 29 and 30.
Moon, R. D. 2011. Manure management to prevent fly infestations. Horse Owners Education Program, St. Paul, MN, 15 October.
Watson, D. W. Pest and Disease Management in Dairy Ecosystems. Center for Environmental Farming Systems Intern Program, 2011. Patrick Miles, NC A&T; Jamie Berger, UNC; Beth Chapman, NDSU; & Sindhu Siva, U. Delaware.
Zhu, J. J. Interviewed and wrote info (2010-2011) for scientific journals and magazines on stable fly research (American Chemistry Society News Press, Chemical Education, USDA NewsMaker, MidWest Producer, Feed-Lot Magazine, The IPM Practitioner, The Horse magazines, etc).
Zhu, J. J. Interviewed (2010-2011) by radio stations on biting fly management and botanical-based repellent development (Canada Discovery Channel, Voice of America, Meredith National Radio, and WALO-Puerto Rico).