WERA_OLD77: Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Ball, D. A. 2004. Biology and management of rattail fescue in direct-seed systems. Pg. 93-97 in: NW Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conf. Proceedings. Jan. 7-9, 2004, Pendleton, OR.
Ball, D. A., J. Peterson, and L. H. Bennett. 2004. CLEARFIELD" wheat varietal tolerance to imazamox application rates and timings. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Res. Prog. Rpt. 146.
Ball, D. A., L. H. Bennett, and L. Lutcher. 2004. Agronomic considerations for chemical fallow. In: 2004 Columbia Basin Ag. Res. Ctr. Annual Rpt. OSU Ag. Exp. Stn. Spec Rpt. 1054. Pg. 15-19.
Ball, D. A., L. H. Bennett, S. M. Frost, and E. Jacobsen. 2004. Post-harvest tillage is inconsistent for managing jointed goatgrass. In: 2004 Columbia Basin Ag. Res. Ctr. Annual Rpt. OSU Ag. Exp. Stn. Spec Rpt. 1054. Pg. 77-83.
Ball, D. A., S. M. Frost, and A. I. Gitelman. 2004. Predicting timing of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) seed production using growing degree-days. Weed Science 52:518-524.
Frihauf, J. and S. Miller. 2003. Clearfield winter wheat system: a new technology for selective control of winter annual grasses. Reflections 13:16-17.
Gallagher, R. S., K. J. Steadman, A. D. Crawford. 2004. Alleviation of dormancy in annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) seeds by hydration and after-ripening. Weed Sci. 52:968-975
Kroiss, L., P. Tempalli, J.L. Hansen, M.I. Vales, O. Riera-Lizarazu, R.S. Zemetra, and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2004. Marker-assessed retention of wheat chromatin in wheat (Triticum aestivum) by jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrical) backcross hybrids. Crop Sci. 44:1429-1433.
Lyon, D. J. 2003. Olympus herbicide released for downy brome control in wheat. Crop Watch No. 2004-23:216. Available online at http://cropwatch.unl.edu/.
Lyon, D. J., S. D. Miller, and S. Seifert-Higgins. 2003. MON 37500 soil residues affect rotational crops in the High Plains. Weed Technol. 17:792-798.
Medlin, C.R., D.S. Murray, and T.F. Peeper. 2005. 2005 Weed Control Guidelines for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Bulletin E-978.
Miller, S., C. Alford, and W. Stump. 2004. Feral rye - a serious threat to high quality wheat. WY Coop. Ext. Bull 1175, 8 pp.
Morgan, G.D. and P.A. Baumann. 2003. Weed Management Guide for Wheat. Texas Coop. Ext.
Park, K.W. and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2004. Physiological and molecular basis for ALS inhibitor resistance in Bromus tectorum biotypes. Weed Research 44:71-77.
Park, K. W., C. A. Mallory-Smith, D. A. Ball, and G. W. Mueller-Warrant. 2004. Ecological fitness of acetolactate synthase inhibitor-resistant and susceptible downy brome (Bromus tectorum) biotypes. Weed Science. 52:768-773.
Park, K.W., L. Fandrich, and C.A Mallory-Smith. 2004. Absorption, translocation and metabolism of propoxycarbazone-sodium in ALS-inhibitor Bromus tectorum biotypes. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 79:18-24.
Rainbolt, C., D. A. Ball, D. Thill, J. Yenish. 2004. Management Strategies for Preventing Herbicide-Resistant Grass Weeds in Clearfield Wheat Systems. PNW Extension Publication (PNW 572). p. 8.
Rainbolt, C. R., D. C. Thill, and F. L. Young. 2004. Control of Volunteer Herbicide-Resistant Wheat and Canola. Weed Technol. 18:711-718.
Rainbolt, C. R., D. C. Thill, J. Yenish, and D. A. Ball. 2004. Herbicide-resistant grass weed development in imidazolinone-resistant wheat: Weed biology and herbicide rotation. Weed Technology 18 (3): 860-868.
Stone, A.E. and T.F. Peeper. 2004. Characterizing jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) x winter wheat hybrids in Oklahoma. Weed Sci. 52:742-745.
White, A.D., P.W. Geier, P.W. Stahlman, and J.C. Friahuf. 2004. Nitrogen, adjuvant, and application timing effects on imazamox efficacy in wheat. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 57:75-76.
White, A.D., P.W. Stahlman, and F.E. Northam. 2004. Impact of integrated management systems on jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) populations. Weed Sci. 52: 1010-1017.
Yenish, J. P. and F. L. Young. 2004. Winter wheat competition against jointed goatgrass as influenced by wheat plant height, seeding rate, and seed size. Weed Sci. 52:996-1001.
Young, F. L. 2004. Symposium: Long-term weed management studies in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Sci. 52:897-903.
Young, F. L. and M. E. Thorne. 2004. Weed-species dynamics and management in no-till and reduced-till fallow cropping systems for the semi-arid agricultural region of the Pacific Northwest. Crop Protect. 23:1097-1110.
Belles, D., P. Westra, and B. Hanson. 2005. Managing imazamox resistant wheat in crop rotations for jointed goatgrass control. Proc. WSWS 58:22.
Gaines, T., P. Byrne, P. Westra, and S. J. Nissen. 2005. Estimation of landscape level gene flow in wheat and jointed goatgrass. Proc. WSWS 58:15.
Gaines, T. A., C. Preston, P. F. Byrne, S. J. Nissen, D. L. Shaner, W. Brien Henry, and P. H. Westra. 2005. Detecting gene flow from imidazolinone resistant wheat to conventional wheat varieties. Proc. NCWSS: In Press.
Hanson, B. D., D. L. Shaner, P. Westra, S. J. Nissen, and D. S. Belles. 2005. Do environmental stresses affect Clearfield wheat response to imazamox? Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 58:29.
Maxwell, Rick. 2005. Evaluation and Characterization od Herbicide Resistance in Ryegrass Cultivars to Hoelon Herbicide. M.S. Thesis. Texas A&M Commerce.
Sterling, Reginald. Examining the effectiveness of imazamox using laboratory and field studies in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and annual grasses. MS Thesis. Colorado State University. 90 pages.
Tucker, K., S. Senseman, T. Miller, P. Baumann, and G. Morgan. 2005. Identification, Distribution, and Control of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) Ecotypes with Varying Levels of Sensitivity to Triasulfuron in Texas. Weed Tech. In review.
Westra, P., Brad D. Hanson, David S. Belles, and Todd Gaines. 2005. Jointed goatgrass by winter wheat hybrid dynamics in Colorado wheat fields. Proc. WSWS 58:22.
Westra, P., Pat Byrne, Todd Gaines, Scott Nissen, Dale Shaner, Brien Henry, and Christopher Preston. 2005. Landscape-level gene flow from Clearfield winter wheat to conventional wheat over three years. Proceedings NCWSS: In Press
White, A. D., D. J. Lyon, C. Mallory-Smith, C. R. Medlin,
and J. P. Yenish. 2006. Feral rye (Secale cereale) in agricultural
production systems. Weed Technol. 20:815-823.
Baenziger, P. S., B. Beecher, R. A. Graybosch, D. D. Baltensperger, L. A.
Nelson, J. M. Krall, Yue Jin, J. E. Watkins, D. J. Lyon, A. R. Martin,
Ming-Shun Chen, and Guiha Bai. 2006. Registration of Infinity CL wheat.
Crop Sci. 46:975-977.
Klein, R. N., and D. J. Lyon. 2006. Fall weed management in winter wheat.
Available at: cropwatch.unl.edu/archives/2006/crop23/wheat_weeds.htm.
Lyon, D. J. 2006. Plant clean wheat seed; watch for jointed goatgrass.
Available at: cropwatch.unl.edu/archives/2006/crop21/goatgrass.htm.
Tucker, K., G.D. Morgan, S.A. Senseman, T.D. Miller, and P.A. Baumann. 2006. Identification, Distribution, and Control of Triasulfuron-resistant Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) in Central Texas. Weed Technology. 20:245-250.
Morgan, G.D., P.A. Baughman, T. A. Baughman, and B. Bean. 2006. Weed Control Recommendations in Wheat. Texas Cooperative Extension. B-6139.
Quinn, M., D. Morishita, J. Evans, R. Whitesides, and T. White. 2007. Jointed Goatgrass Best Management Practices (BMP) Intermountain Region. Washington State University Extension Bulletin, EB2003.
Gaines, T., P.F. Byrne, P. Westra, S.J. Nissen, W.B. Henry, D.L. Shaner, and P.L. Chapman. 2007. An empirically derived model of field-scale gene flow in winter wheat. Crop Sci. 47:2308-2316.
Gaines, T., C. Preston, W. Brien Henry, P. Byrne, and P. Westra. 2007. Adventitious presence of herbicide resistant wheat in certified and farm-saved seed lots. Crop Sci. 47:479-454.
Gaines, T., W.B. Henry, P.F. Byrne, P. Westra, S.J. Nissen, and D.L. Shaner. 2008. Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) by imidazolinone-resistant wheat hybridization under field conditions. Weed Sci. 56:32-36
Lyon, D. J., R. N. Klein. 2007. Controlling jointed goatgrass. NebGuide G1252, University of Nebraska
Lyon, D. J., and R. N. Klein. 2007. Rye control in winter wheat. NebGuide G1483, University of Nebraska.
Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Their Management. PNW 437. Carol Mallory-Smith, Oregon State University; Andy Hulting, Oregon State University; Donn Thill, University of Idaho; Don Morishita, University of Idaho; Jen Krenz, Oregon State University
Quinn, M., D. Morishita, J. Evans, R. Whitesides, and T. White. 2007. Jointed Goatgrass Best Management Practices (BMP) Intermountain Region. Washington State University Extension Bulletin, EB2003.
Dyer, W.E. 2008. Inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis and elongation. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 37:132. Featured article, American Society of Agronomy, August, 2008 web page (https://www.agronomy.org/).
Dyer, W.E. 2008. Herbicide discovery and screening. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 37:132.
Gaines, T., W.B. Henry, P.D. Byrn, P. Westra, S.J. Nissen, and D.L. Shaner. 2008. Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrical) by Imidazolinone-Resistant Wheat Hybridization Under Field Conditions. Weed Science. 56:32-36.
Jasieniuk, M., M. Taper, N. Wagner, M. Brelsford, and B. Maxwell. .2008. Selection of a barley yield model using information-theoretic criteria. Weed Sci. 56: 628-636
Pollnac, F.W., L Rew, B. Maxwell, and F. Menalled. 2008. Spatial patterns, species richness, and cover in weed communities of organic and conventional no-tillage spring wheat systems. Weed Res. 48:398-407.
Kniss, A.R. D.J. Lyon, and S.D. Miller. 2008. Jointed Goatgrass Management with Imazamox-Resistant Cultivars in a Winter Wheat-Fallow Rotation. Crop Sci. 48:2414-2420.
Jemmett, E. D., D. C. Thill, T. A. Rauch, D. A. Ball, S. M. Frost, L. H. Bennett, J. P. Yenish, and R. J. Rood. 2008. Rattail Fescue (Vulpia myuros) Control in Chemical-Fallow Cropping Systems. Weed Technol. (22:435-441)
Young, F. L., L. S. Bewick, E. Zakarison, J. P. Yenish, and J. W. Burns. 2008. Effect of No-till, Deep Plowing, and Herbicide-resistant Winter Wheat on Jointed Goatgrass Population Dynamics. Proc. West. Soc. of Weed Sci. 61:27.
Fandrich, L., C. A. Mallory-Smith, A. D. White, T. F. Peeper, A. Roberson, J. P. Yenish. 2008. Environmental and Genetic Effects on Seed Dormancy and Germination in Jointed Goatgrass. Proc. West. Soc. of Weed Sci. 61:54.
Yenish, J. P., R. Rood, and J. Nelson. 2008. 2006 eastern Washington weed control report. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Tech. Rep. 06-1, 98pp.
Yenish, J. P., R. Rood, and J. Nelson. 2008. 2005 eastern Washington weed control report. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Tech. Rep. 06-1, 91pp.
Rood, J. R., T. A. Rauch, D. C. Thill, B. Shafii, R. J. Rood, J. P. Yenish, D. A. Ball, and L. Bennett. 2008. Tillage affects imazamox carryover in yellow mustard. 2008 Res. Prog. Rep. West. Soc. Weed Sci., p.128-130.
Rood, J. R., T. A. Rauch, D. C. Thill, B. Shafii, R. J. Rood, J. P. Yenish, D. A. Ball, and L. Bennett. 2008. Tillage affects imazamox persistence in soil (Year 2). 2008 Res. Prog. Rep. West. Soc. Weed Sci., p.131-134.
Scheinost, P., M. Stannard, T. Prather, J. Yenish. 2008. Ventenata. EB2038E, 2pp.
McVay, K. M. Burrows, C. Jones, K. Wanner, and F. Menalled. 2009. Montana barley production guide. Montana State University Extension Service.
Menalled, F., T. Bass, D. Buschena, D. Cash, M. Malone, B. Maxwell, K. McVay, P. Miller, R. Soto, and D. Weaver. 2008. An introduction to the principles and practices of sustainable farming. MT200813AG issued 11/08
Menalled, F. C. Jones, D. Buschena, and P. Miller. 2009. From conventional to organic cropping: what to expect during the transition years. MT 200901Ag issued 2/09
Menalled, F. J. Mangold, and E. Davis. 2008. Cheatgrass: identification, biology and Integrated management. MT200811AG issued 10/08
Menalled, F. 2008. Weed seedbank dynamics and integrated management of agricultural weeds. MT200808AG issued 7/08
Schonbeck, M and F. Menalled. 2008. Manage the weed seedbank - minimize "deposits" and maximize "withdrawals". eOrganic available on-line at http://eorganic.info/node/2806.
Klein, R. N., D. J. Lyon, and R. G. Wilson. 2008. Downy brome control. (G422). Available at: http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/g422/build/g422.pdf.
Schmale, D., R. Anderson, D. Lyon, and R. Klein. 2008. Jointed goatgrass: best management practices central Great Plains. EB2033. Washington State Univ., Pullman. Available at: http://jointedgoatgrass.wsu.edu/jointedgoatgrass/pdf/EB2033.pdf.