WERA_OLD77: Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Lyon, Drew dlyon1@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension 308-632-1266 |
Morgan, Gaylon gmorgan@ag.tamu.edu |
Texas AgriLife Research Soil & Crop Sciences 979-589-1461 |
Westra, Philip Philip.Westra@ColoState.EDU |
Colorado - Colorado State University Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management 970-491-5261 |
Mallory-Smith, Carol carol.mallory-smith@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon - Oregon State University Crop and Soil Sciences 541-737-5883 |
Ball, Daniel daniel.ball@oregonstate.edu |
Oregon - Oregon State University Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center 541-278-4394 |
Yenish, Joseph F. yenish@wsu.edu |
Yes |
Washington - Washington State University Crop and Soil Sciences 509-335-2961 |
Kniss, Andrew R akniss@uwyo.edu |
Yes |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming Plant Sciences 307.766.3949 |
White, Anthony twhite@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University KSU Agricultural Research Center - Hays 785-625-3425 |
Stahlman, Phillip stahlman@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University KSU Agricultural Research Center - Hays 785-625-3425 |
Menalled, Fabian menalled@montana.edu |
Montana - Montana State University |
Ransom, Corey V corey.ransom@usu.edu |
Yes |
Utah - Utah State University |
Hulting, Andrew andrew.hulting@oregonstate.edu |
Yes |
Oregon Cooperative Extension |
Holman, John D jholman@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University Southwest Res-Ext Center 620-276-8286 |