S1000: Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture (S275)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Arogo, J., P. W. Westerman, A. J. Heber, W. P. Robarge and J. J. Classen. 2001. Ammonia emissions from animal feeding operations. White paper sponsored by the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, Published by MWPS (also available on CD), Ames, IA. 63 pg.
Auvermann, B., R. Bottcher, A. Heber, D. Meyer, C.B. Parnell, Jr., B. Shaw, and J. Worley. 2001. Particulate Matter Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations. National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management. Available through midwest plan service at http://www.mwpshq.org.
Chaiprapat, S., J. Cheng, J.J. Classen, J.J. Ducoste, and S.K. Liehr (In press) Modeling nitrogen transport in duckweed pond for secondary treatment of swine wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering.
Cheng, J. and B. Liu. 2002. Swine wastewater treatment in anaerobic digesters with floating medium. Transactions of the ASAE 45(3): 799-805.
Cheng, J., B.A. Bergmann, J.J. Classen, A.M. Stomp, and J.W. Howard. 2002. Nutrient recovery from swine lagoon water by Spirodela punctata. Bioresource Technology 81(1): 81-85.
Cheng, J., L. Landesman, B.A. Bergmann, J.J. Classen, J.W. Howard, and Y.T. Yamamoto. (In press) Nutrient removal from swine lagoon liquid by Lemna minor 8627. Transactions of the ASAE.
De Visscher, A., L. A. Harper, P. W. Westerman, Z. Liang, J. Arogo, R. R. Sharpe and O. Van Cleemput. 2002. Ammonia emissions from anaerobic swine lagoons: Model development. J. Applied Meteorology 41:426-433.
Ekinci, K., H.M. Keener and D.L. Elwell. 2002. Composting short paper fiber with broiler litter and additives. II. Evaluation and optimization of decomposition rate versus mixing ratio. Compost Science & Utilization. 10(1):16-28.
Elwell, D.L. J.-H. Hong, and H.M. Keener. 2002. Composting hog manure/sawdust mixtures using intermittent and continuous aeration. Ammonia emissions. Compost Science & Utilization. 10(2):142-149.
Elwell, D.L., H.M. Keener, M.C. Wiles, D.C. Borger and L.B. Willett. 2001. Odorous emissions and odor control in composting swine manure/sawdust mixes using continuous and intermittent aeration. Transactions of the ASAE. 44(5):1307-1316.
Evers, G. W. 2002. Ryegrass-bermudagrass production and nutrient uptake when combining nitrogen fertilizer with broiler litter. Agron. J. 94:905-910.
Gaudreau, J.E., D.M. Vietor, R.H. White, T.L. Provin, and C.L. Munster. 2002. Response of Turf and Quality of Water Runoff to Manure and Fertilizer. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1316-1322.
Gralapp, A.K., W.J. Powers, M.A. Faust and D.S. Bundy. 2002. Effects of dietary ingredients on manure characteristics and odorous emissions from swine. J. Anim. Sci. 80(6):1512-1519.
Guo, H., L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai. 2001. Calibrating INPUFF-2 Model by Resident-Receptors for Long-Distance Odor Dispersion from Animal Feedlots. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE, Vol. 17(6): 859-868.
Hill, V. R., A. Kantardjieff, M. D. Sobsey and P. W. Westerman. 2002. Reduction of enteric microbes in flushed swine wastewater treated by a biological aerated filter and UV radiation. Water Environ. Res. 74(1):91-99.
Janni, K.A and D. R. Schmidt. 2002. Correlation of Odor with Air and Manure Chemistry. Final report to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB). January 15, 2002.
Janni, K.A and D. R. Schmidt. 2002. Emissions of Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide, Odor, and Particulate Matter. Final report to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). January 15, 2002.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell, and D. Grande. 2001. Atmospheric NH3 concentrations and N-balances for 1.6 million caged layer facility - manure belt/composting system vs deep pit operation. Transactions of ASAE. Accepted.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell K. Ekinci and H.A.J. Hointink. 2001. Composting & value-added utilization of manure from a High-RiseTM swine finishing facility. Compost Science & Utilization. 9(4):312-321.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell, T. Menke and R. Stowell. 2001. Design and performance of a high-rise hog facility manure drying bed. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 17(5):xxxx
Keener, H.M., S.S. Foster, S.J. Moeller, D.L. Elwell. 2002f. Dealing with dead livestock. Resource. 9(8):9-10.
Liang, Z. S., P. W. Westerman and J. Arogo. 2002. Modeling ammonia emission from swine anaerobic lagoons. Transactions of the ASAE 45(3):787-798.
Meyer, D. 2002. Manure/effluent management. Systems design and government regulations in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. Eds. H. Roginski, P. Fox, and J. Fuquay. Academic Press.
Powers, W.J. 2002. ADSA Foundation Lecture: Keeping science in the environmental regulatory process; the role of the animal scientist. J.Dairy Sci. (accepted).
Powers, W.J. and L.A. Flatow. 2002. Effects of flocculent and flocculation rates on solids and phosphorus precipitation in dilute swine manure. Appl. Engng. Agric. (in press).
Sanderson, Matt A., R.M. Jones, M.J.McFarland, Jason Stroup, R.L. Reed, and J.P Muir. 2001. Nutrient movement and removal in a switchgrass biomass-filter strip system treated with dairy manure. J. Environ. Qual. 30:210-216.
Sherlock, R.R., S.G. Sommer, R.Z. Khan, C.W. Wood, E.A. Guertal, J.R. Freney C.O. Dawson, and K.C. Cameron. 2002. Emission of Ammonia, Nitrous Oxide and Methane from Pig Slurry Applied to a Pasture in New Zealand. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1491-1501.
Sutton, A., T. Applegate, S. Hankins, B. Hill, G. Allee, W. Greene, R. Kohn, D. Meyer, W. Powers, T. Van Kempen. 2002. Manipulation of animal diets to affect manure production, composition, and odors: State of the Science. National Center for Waste Management White Paper. Published by Midwest Plan Service, Ames, IA.
Sweeten, J. M., L. Jacobson, A. J. Heber, D. Schmidt, J. Lorimor, P. Westerman, J. R. Miner, R. Zhang, M. Williams and B. W. Auverman. 2001. Odor mitigation for concentrated animal feeding operations. White paper sponsored by the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, Published by MWPS (also available on CD), Ames, IA. 50 pg.
Thompson, R. B. and J. J. Meisinger. 2002. Management factors affecting ammonia volatilization from land-applied cattle slurry in the Mid-Atlantic US. J. Environ. Quality 31:1329-1338.
Traylor, S.L., G.L. Cromwell, M.D. Lindemann, and D.A. Knabe. 2001. Effects of level of supplemental phytase on ileal digestibility of amino acids, calcium, and phosphorus in dehulled soybean meal for growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 79:2634-2642.
University of Iowa and Iowa State University. 2002. Iowa concentrated animal feeding operations air quality study. A peer-reviewed report submitted to Director Vonk, Iowa Department of Natural Resource. Developed at the request of Gov. Vilsak.
Van Kempem, T.A.T.G., W.J. Powers, and A. Sutton. 2002. Technical note: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as an optical nose for predicting odor sensation. J. Anim. Sci. 80(6):1524-1527.
Vietor, D.M., E.N. Griffith, R.H. white, T.L. Provin, J.P. Muir, and J.C. Read. 2002. Export of manure phosphorus and nitrogen in turfgrass sod. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1731-1738.
Westerman, P. W. and J. R. Bicudo. 2002. Application of mixed and aerated pond for nitrification and denitrification of flushed swine manure. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 18(3):351-358.
Wiles, M.C.,D.L. Elwell, H.M. Keener, J.C. Amburgey, D.C. Borger and L.B. Willett. 2001. Volatile fatty acid emissions during composting of swine waste amended with sawdust as a measure of odor potential. Compost Science & Utilization 9(1):27-37.
Willett, L. B., D.C. Borger, D.L. Elwell, and H.M. Keener. 2002. Initial concentrations and disappearance of selected malodorous compounds from fresh and aged dairy manures. Toxicologist 55: (accepted)
Yang, P.Y., Chen, H.J. and Kim, S.J. 2002. Integrating EMMC process for biological removal of carbon and nitrogen from diluted swine wastewater for agricultural reuse. Bioresource Technology. In Press.
Thesis and Dissertations
Anderson, J.B. 2002. Animal Waste Lagoon Renovation by Pumping of Undisturbed Deep Sludge. Masters Thesis. BioSystems Engineering Dept., Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
Ekinci. K. 2001. (H.M. Keener, advisor). Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Effects of Aeration Strategies on the Composting Process. Ph.D. Dissertation. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Nicolai, R.E. 2002. Biofiltration of Livestock Facility Exhaust Air. PhD thesis, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. 55108.
For a complete list of publications including conference proceedings, station reports, and abstracts please visit our website at http://www.ag.auburn.edu/aaes/s1000/pubs_list.htm
Al-Dahmani, J.M., P. A. Abbasi, S.A. Miller and H.A.J. Hoitink. 2003. Suppression of bacterial spot of tomato with foliar sprays of compost extracts under greenhouse and field conditions. Plant Dis. 87:913-919.
Angel, R., N.M. Tamim, T.J. Applegate, A.S. Dhandu, and L.E. Ellestad. 2002. Phytic acid chemistry: Influence on phytin-phosphorus availability and phytase efficacy. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 11: 471-480.
Annamalai, K., B. F. Thien, and J. M. Sweeten. 2003. Co-Firing of coal and cattle feedlot biomass (FB) fuels, Part II: Performance results from 30 kW (100,000 BTU/Hr) laboratory scale boiler burner. Fuel. 82(2003): 1183-1193.
Annamalai, K., M. Freeman, J. M. Sweeten, M. Mathur, W. O. O‘David, G. Walbert, and S. Jones. 2003. Co-Firing of Coal and Cattle Feedlot Biomass (FB) Fuels, Part III: Performance Results from 500,000 BTU/Hr DOE-NETL Boil.
Applegate, T.J., B.C. Joern, D. L. Nussbaum-Wagler, and R. Angel, 2003. Water soluble phosphorus in fresh broiler litter is dependent upon phosphorus concentration fed but not on fungal phytase supplementation. Poultry Sci. 82:1024-1029.
Applegate, T.J., R. Angel, and H.L. Classen, 2003. Effect of dietary calcium, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, and bird strain on small intestinal phytase activity in broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 82:1140-1148.
Arogo, J., P. W. Westerman and A. Heber. 2003. A review of ammonia emissions from confined swine feeding operations. Transactions of the ASAE 46(3):805-817.
Arogo, J., P. W. Westerman, A. J. Heber, W. P. Robarge and J. J. Classen. 2003. Ammonia emissions from animal feeding operations. In: Proceedings of AWRA 2003 Spring Specialty Conference Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality. May 12-14, 2003, Kansas City, MO. AWRA, Middleburg, VA.
Bicudo, J.R. and Goyal, S.M. 2003. Pathogens and manure management systems - a review. Environmental Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 115-130.
Bicudo, J.R., Clanton, C.J., Schmidt, D.R., Tengman, C.L. and Jacobson, L.D. (2003). Odor, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia flux rates from swine manure in southwest Minnesota. Procs. of the International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, CIGR, June 1-4, Horsens, Denmark, pp. 417-425.
Bicudo, J.R., Schmidt, D.R., Gay, S.W., Gates, R.S., Jacobson, L.D., and Hoff, S.J. (2003). Odor emissions from livestock and poultry production/waste management systems. Procs. of the 2003 Spring Specialty Conference on Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality, AWRA, May 12-14, Kansas City, MO (on CD-ROM).
Bicudo, J.R., Janni, K.A., Jacobson, L.D., and Schmidt, D.R. (2003). Odor and hydrogen sulfide emission from a dairy manure storage. Procs. of the 5th International Dairy Housing Conference (K.A. Janni, ed.), January 29-31, Fort Worth, TX, pp. 368-375.
Bicudo, J.R., Tengman, C.L., Schmidt, D.R., and Jacobson, L.D. (2002). Ambient H2S concentrations near swine barns and manure storages. 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting / CIGR XV World Congress, July 28-31, Chicago, IL, Paper No. 024059, ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI (on CD-ROM).
Bicudo, J.R., Schmidt, D.R., Clanton, C.J., Powers, W., Tengman, C.L., and Jacobson, L.D. (2002). A two-year study of the effectiveness of geotextile covers to reduce odor and gas emissions from manure storages. 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting / CIGR XV World Congress, July 28-31, Chicago, IL, Paper No. 024195, ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI (on CD-ROM).
Bowers, K. E. and P. W. Westerman. 2003. Phosphorus removal in a novel fluidized bed crystallizer. ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 27-30, 2003, Las Vegas, NV. ASAE Paper No. 03-4123. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Casey, K.D., R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, J.S. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, H. Xin, and Y. Liang. 2003. Ammonia Emissions from Broiler Houses in Kentucky during Winter. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, 1-4 June. Horsens, Jutland, Denmark.
Chaiprapat, S., J. Cheng, J. J. Classen, J. J. Ducoste and S. K. Liehr. 2003. Modeling nitrogen transport in duckweed pond for secondary treatment of swine wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering 129(8):731-739.
Changa, C.M., P.Wang, M.E.Watson, H.A.J. Hoitink, F.C. Michel Jr. 2003. Assessment of a commercial maturity test kit for composted manures. 2003. Compost Sci. Util. 11:127-145.
Cheng, J., S. Liehr and C. Lyerly. 2003. Swine wastewater treatment in an integrated system of anaerobic digestion and duckweed nutrient removal. ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 27-30, 2003, Las Vegas, NV. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Christopherson, S., D.R. Schmidt, K.A. Janni and J. Zhu. 2003. Evaluation and demonstration of treatment options for dairy parlor and milk house wastewater. ASAE Paper No. 034121. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Cromwell, Gary L. 2002. Impacts of genetically modified, low-phytate corn and soybean meal and transgenic pigs possessing salivary phytase on phosphorus excretion. Proc. Midwest Swine Conf., Indianapolis, IN, Sept 4, 2002. pp. 59-72.
Cromwell, G.L. 2003. Update on phytase utilization in swine. Proc. Roche Pre-Conference Symposium, Eastern Canadian Nutrition Conf., Quebec City. Hoffmann-LaRoche Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario, pp. 29-45.
Cromwell, Gary L. 2002. Impacts of genetically modified, low-phytate corn and soybean meal and transgenic pigs possessing salivary phytase on phosphorus excretion. Proc. Midwest Swine Conf., Indianapolis, IN, Sept 4, 2002. pp. 59-72.
Dhandu, A.S. and R. Angel. 2003. Broiler non-phytin phosphorus requirement in the finisher and withdrawal phases of a commercial four-phase feeding system. Poult. Sci. 82:1257-1265.
Elwell, D.L., D.C. Borger, H.M. Keener and L.B. Willet. 2003b. Reduction of volatile odorous chemicals in composting of dairy manure. ASAE Paper 034049. Presented at 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting. 7/27-30. Riveria Hotel and Convention Centr, Las Vegas, NV. Published on CD (search at asae.frymulti.com)
Fontenot, J.P., R.K. Shanklin, D. Fiske, G. Mullins and L. Harlow. 2003. Nutrient management of broiler litter for cattle on pasture. Proc. Va Tech. Shenandoah Valley Agric. Res. Ext. Center Field Day. pp 13-15.
Funk, T.L., M. J. Robert, Y. Zhang and R.E. Fonner. 2003. Precision nutrient management plan for liquid manure application: expectations and reality. ASAE Paper No 03-412x. ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659. (17 pages).
Gerrish, J. B., S. H. Davies, S. J. Masten, R. L. Ledebuhr, and R. D. von Bernuth. 2003. Ozonation of swine-waste liquids at full- scale. Presented at the ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Paper #034056. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Guo, H., L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai. 2003. Evaluation of the influence of atmospheric conditions on odor dispersion from animal production sites. Transactions of the ASAE. Vol.46(2): 461-466.
Harmon, J. D., D.S. Bundy, T.K. Richard, S.J. Hoff , A. Beatty. 2003. Survey Monitoring of Environmental Factors from Bedded Swine Systems. 2003. International Symposium on GASEOUS AND ODOUR EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens 1-4, June 2003. CIGR.
Heber, A.J., J.-Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, P.C. Tao, A.M. Millmier, L.D. Jacobson, R.E. Nicolai, J. A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2002. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Part 1. Gas concentrations. Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco, CA: November 13-25, Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
Heber, A.J., T.T. Lim; J.Z. Gallien; J.-Q. Ni; P.C. Tao, L.D. Jacobson, J.A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, and G.B. Baughman. 2002. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Part 2. Particulate matter concentrations. Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco, CA: November 13-25, Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
Hill, Jeff, R. D. von Bernuth, and E. C. Cline. 2002. Monitoring and Regulation of Ozonation Systems in Livestock Production Facilities. Presented at the ASAE Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL. Paper #024055.
Hoff S. J., D. S. Bundy. 2003. Modeling Odor Dispersion from Multiple Sources to Multiple Receptors. International Symposium on GASEOUS AND ODOUR EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens 1-4, June 2003. CIGR.
Hoff, S.J. D.S. Bundy. 2003. Automated Downwind Sampling for Analyzing Gas Dispersion from Livestock Systems. Technique. International Symposium on GASEOUS AND ODOUR EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens 1-4, June 2003. CIGR.
Hubbard, R.K. and G.L. Newton. 2002. Long-term impact of swine lagoon wastewater on shallow groundwater nitrogen levels in vegetated buffer systems. Proceedings of Water Environment Federation Animal Residuals Conference, May 6-8, 2002, Washington, D.C. At www.biosolids.com.
Humenik, F. J., R. D. von Bernuth, T.L. Richard and F. Michael Jr., Livestock Housing Design to Enhance Management of Liquid Stream and In-House Gases. Proceedings of the Fourth International Livestock Waste Management Symposium and Technology Expo, Global Perspective in Livestock Waste Mgmt., Penang, Malaysia, pp. 113-118, 2002.
Jacobson, L.D., R.E. Nicolai, A.J. Heber; J.-Q. Ni; T.T. Lim, J. A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2002. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Part 3. Odor concentrations. Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco, CA: November 13-25, Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
Jacobson, L.D., A.J. Heber, Y. Zhang, J. Sweeten, J., Kozie, S.J. Hoff, D.S. Bundy, D.B. Beasley, G.R. Baughman. 2003 Air Pollutant Emissions from Confined Animal Buildings in the U.S. International Symposium on GASEOUS AND ODOUR EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens 1-4, June 2003. CIGR.
Jacobson, L.D. J.R. Bicudo, D.R. Schmidt, S.W. Gay, R.S. Gates & S.J. Hoff. 2003. Air Emissions from Animal Production Buildings. In proceedings of the XI Inter. Congress in Animal Hygiene held in Mexico City, Mexico, Feb 23-27, 2003. p. 147 - 169.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell, and D. Grande. 2002. NH3 emissions and N-balances for 1.6 million caged layer facility: manure belt/composting system vs deep pit operation. Transactions of ASAE. 45(6):1977-1984.
Keener, H.M., F.C. Michel Jr., D.L. Elwell. 2003. Spreadsheet computer models for design and management of compost systems. Proceedings of the 2003 Annual International Meeting of the Institute of Biological Engineering. 1/17-19. Athens, GA. Published on CD.
Keener, H.M., and D.L. Elwell. 2003. Caged layer manure management on flies, water and nitrogen levels - case studies of current technologies. ASAE Paper 034128. Presented at 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting. 7/27-30. Riveria Hotel and Convention Centr, Las Vegas, NV. Published on CD (search at asae.frymulti.com)
Kim-Yang, H. S., R. D. von Bernuth, and S. Davies. 2002. "Ozonation Effect on Odorous Compounds in Livestock Building Air." Presented at the ASAE Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL. Paper #024056.
Liang, Y., H. Xin, A. Tanaka, S.H. Lee, H. Li, E.F. Wheeler, R.S. Gates, J.S. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper and K.D. Casey. 2003. Ammonia Emissions from Layer Houses in Iowa. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, 1-4 June. Horsens, Jutland, Denmark.
Li, X. and R.H. Zhang. 2002. Aerobic treatment of dairy wastewater with sequencing batch reactor systems. Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering. 25:103-109.
Lindemann, M.D., J.H. Agudelo, G.L. Cromwell, and R.D. Nimmo. 2003. Supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet with virginiamycin improves phosphorus digestibility and reduces total mineral excretion in pigs. Proc. 9th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2:398-400.
Maguire, R.O., J.T. Sims, J.M. McGrath, and C.R. Angel. 2003. Phytase and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in turkey diets affects phosphorus solubility in manure amended soils. Soil Sci. 168:421-433.
Miner, J. Ronald, Gene R. Hoilman, Willie E. Rochefort, and Kevin Harris. Nitrogen and phosphorus recovery from livestock and poultry waste streams in response to changing United States regulations. Pp. 353 - 361. In: Proceedings of Strong N and Agro 2003. IWA Specialty Symposium on Strong Nitrogenous and Agro-Wastewater. Seoul, Korea, June 11 - 13, 2003.
Miner, J. Ronald, Frank J. Humenik, J. Mark Rice and Diana Rashash. Development of a biologically active, permeable foam material for livestock producers concerned with odor control and ammonia emissions. Pp. 847 - 854. In: Proceedings of Strong N and Agro 2003. IWA Specialty Symposium on Strong Nitrogenous and Agro-Wastewater. Seoul, Korea, June 11 - 13, 2003.
Mukhtar, S., B. W. Auvermann, K. Heflin, and C. N. Boriack. 2003. A low maintenance approach to large carcass composting. 2003. Paper to be presented at the 2003 International Meeting of the ASAE, Las Vegas, Nevada. ASAE Paper No. 03-34106.
Mullins, G.L., J.P. Fontenot, G. A. Alloush, D. G. Boyer and D. P. Belesky 2003. Phosphorus and fecal coliforms in surface runoff from grazed pastures as affected by nutrient management. Proc. Va Tech. Shenandoah Valley Agric. Res. Ext. Center Field Day. pp 16-18.
Newton, G.L., G.J. Gascho, J.K. Bernard, J.R. Allison, R.K. Hubbard, R.N. Gates, and G. Vellidis. 2003. Managing manure nutrients through multi-crop forage production. J. Dairy Sci. 86:2243-2252.
Nimmermark, S.A., L.D. Jacobson, S.W. Gay, D.R. Schmidt. 2003. Evaluation of OFFSET (Odor Setback Model) Using Neighborhood Monitors. ASAE paper # 034024, presented at the ASAE International Meeting held in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 27- 30, 2003.
Ocfemia, K.C.S., Y. Zhang and Ted Funk. 2003. Continuous thermochemical process to produce oil from swine manure. ASAE Paper No 03-4124. ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659. (10 pages).
Otto, E. R., M. Yokoyama, S. Hengemuehle, R. D. von Bernuth, T. van Kempen, and N. L. Trottier. 2003. Ammonia, volatile fatty acids, phenolics and odor offensiveness in manure from growing pigs fed diets reduced in protein concentration. J. Anim. Sci. 2003. 81:1754-1763.
Powers, W.J. 2003. Keeping science in environmental regulations: the role of the animal scientist. JDS 86(4):1045-1051.
Powers, W.J. 2003. Characterization of air in and around poultry and livestock facilities. Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. Horsens, Denmark, June 1-4.
Rhodes, M. B., D. B. Parker, J. M. Sweeten, N. A. Cole, and M. S. Brown. 2002. Beef feedyard effluent application effects on nutrient mass balances for three cropping rotations of sorghum and wheat. Paper No. 024147. 2002 International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers/CIGR XVth World Congress, Chicago, Illinois. July 28-31. 12 p.
Schauberger, G., A.J. Heber, T.T. Lim, J.-Q. Ni, D.S. Bundy, B.L. Haymore, C.A. Diehl, R.K. Duggirala. 2003. Simple Odour Release Model for Swine Finishing Houses. International Symposium on GASEOUS AND ODOUR EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens 1-4, June 2003. CIGR.
Schmidt, D.R. and Bicudo, J.R. (2002). Using a wind tunnel to determine odor and gas fluxes from manure surfaces. 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting / CIGR XV World Congress, July 28-31, Chicago, IL, Paper No. 024083, ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI (on CD-ROM).
Somda, Z.C., J.R. Allison, L.O. Ely, G.L. Newton, G. Vellidis, and M. E. Wetzstein. 2002. Economic Analysis of Dairy Manure Utilization for Year-Round Forage Production. Proc. Annual SAEA Conf., Orlando, Florida, Feb. 2-6.
Stout, V., T.L. Richard, A. Singh, S.J. Hoff, P.Dixon, J. Harmon, D.S. Bundy. 2003. Variability in Greenhouse Gas Emission Measurements Using the Tracer Gas Technique. International Symposium on GASEOUS AND ODOUR EMISSIONS FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTION FACILITIES. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens 1-4, June 2003. CIGR.
Sun, H., R.R. Stowell, H. M. Keener, and F.C. Michel Jr. 2002a. Two-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model of air velocity and ammonia distribution in a High-RiseTM Hog Building. Transactions of ASAE. 45(6):1559-1568.
Sun, Y. and Y. Zhang. 2003. Validation of a stereoscopic particle image velocimetry system for full-scale room air flow studies. Transactions of Amer. Soc. Heat. Refrig. Air Cond. Engr. 109(2).
Sun, H., H.M. Keener, T.A. Menke and F.C. Michel Jr. 2003. Nutrient balance study of the High-RiseTM hog system and associated windrow-composting process. ASAE Paper 032254. Presented at 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting. 7/27-30. Riveria Hotel and Convention Centr, Las Vegas, NV.
Sweeten, J. M., K. Annamalai, B. F. Thien. and L. A. McDonald. 2003. Co-firing of coal and cattle feedlot biomass (FB) fuels, Part I: Feedlot biomass (cattle manure) fuel quality and characteristics. Fuel 82(2003): 1167-1182.
Sweeten, J., L. Jacobson, A. Heber, D. Schmidt, J. Lorimor, P. Westerman, J. R. Miner, R. Zhang, C. M. Williams and B. W. Auverman. 2003. Odor mitigation for concentrated animal feeding operations: White paper and recommendations. In: Proceedings of AWRA 2003 Spring Specialty Conference Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality. May 12-14, 2003, Kansas City, MO. AWRA, Middleburg, VA.
Tamim, N.M., and R. Angel. 2003. Phytate phosphorus hydrolysis as influenced by dietary calcium and micro-mineral source in broiler diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:4687-4693.
Tan, Z.C. and Y. Zhang. 2002. Advances in centrifugal separators for particulate matter control from stationary sources. J. Thermal Science 11(3):283-288.
Tan, Z.C. and Y. Zhang. 2003. An overview of particulate matter in indoor environments: sources and effects. Transactions of Amer. Soc. Heat. Refrig. Air Cond. Engr. 109(2).
Tan, Z.C., Y. Zhang and S.E. Ford. 2003. Particle sampling under a rotational air flow in pipes. ASAE Paper No 03-4120. ASAE, 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085-9659. (9 pages).
Thien, B. F., K. Annamalai, and J. M. Sweeten. 2002. Co-firing feedlot and litter biomass:coal blends in a laboratory scale boiler burner. 2002 ASME Symposium on Combustion, Energy, and Fire. International Mechanical Engineering Congress an Exposition. New Orleans, LA. November 17-22.
Wang, E., W. L. Harman, J. R. Williams, and J. M. Sweeten. 2002. Profitability and nutrient losses of alternative manure application strategies with conservation tillage. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57(4):221-228.
Wang, X., Y. Zhang, G.L. Riskowski and M. Ellis. 2002. Measurement and analysis of dust spatial distribution in a mechanically ventilated swine building. Biosystems Engineering 81(2): 225-236.
Westerman, P. W., J. Arogo, A. Kantardjieff and P. Kantardjieff. 2003. Evaluation of Ekokan biofiltration treatment system on a swine farm. ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 27-30, 2003, Las Vegas, NV. ASAE Paper No. 03-4125. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Wheeler, E.F., J.S. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, K.D. Casey and Y. Liang. 2003. Ammonia Emissions from Broiler Houses in Pennsylvania during Cold Weather. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, 1-4 June. Horsens, Jutland, Denmark.
Worley, J., L. Newton, and M. Risse. 2003. Georgia Dairy CNMP Generator. Windows based program for calculating manure nutrient generation, storage and treatment losses of nutrients, developing a land application plan, producing an emergency action plan, etc., and generating a permit application document suitable for submission to EPD. Available at: http://www.engr.uga.edu/service/extension/aware/dairynmp2.htm .
Yang, P.Y., Chen, H.J. and Kim, S.J. 2003, Integrating EMMC process for biological removal of carbon and nitrogen for diluted swine wastewater for agriculture reuse. Bioresouce Technology. 86, Page 245-252.
Zhang, Y. 2003. Analysis and validation of particle separation efficiency in a centrifugal field under laminar and perfect mixing conditions. Transactions of Amer. Soc. Heat. Refrig. Air Cond. Engr. 109(2).
Zhu, J., 2002. Manure Separator Boosts Efficiency of Aeration Treatment. National Hog Farmer 47(12): 12-13.
Also included in attached minutes
1.Mullins, G. L., Fontenot, J. P., Alloush, G. A., Johnson, G., Allen, V. G., and Scaglia, G. 2005. Effect of long-term nutrient management strategies for pastures on phosphorus in surface runoff and soil quality. Proc. XX Internatl. Grassl;. Congr., Dublin, Ireland:425.
2.Eulsaeng Cho, Piyalerg Kongsil, Kieon Kim and P.Y.Yang. Integrated anaerobic Bionest and aerobic EMMC system for dairy wastewater treatment/reuse-A pilot study for the tropical island application, 1st IWA-ASPIRE Conference&Exhibition, Singapore, July 10-15, 2005.
3.E. S. Cho, Piyalerg Kongsil and P.Y. Yang. Alternative technology for milk parlor wastewater treatment/reuse, Presented at the Hawaii Water Environment Association 28th Annual Conference, February 9-10, 2006.
4.Dong and P.Y. Yang Biopottery and windmill system for dairy wastewater treatment and polluted runoff control at the Hawaii Water Environment Association 28th Annual Conference, February 9-10, 2006.
5.Agudelo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, M.C. Newman, G.L. Cromwell, and R.D. Nimmo. 2005. Effects of long term feeding of virginiamycin in growing-finishing pigs fed phosphorus deficient diets. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 2):63 (abstr.).
6.Agudelo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, G.L. Cromwell, and R.D. Nimmo. 2005. Virginiamycin improves phosphorus digestibility in growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 2):77 (abstr.).
7.Cromwell, G.L. and B.G. Kim. 2005. A spreadsheet program for identifying the limiting amino acids in various combinations of feed ingredients for swine. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):162 (abstr.).
8.Hill, G.M., S.K. Baidoo, G.L. Cromwell, D.C. Mahan, J.L. Nelssen, and H.H. Stein. 2005. Evaluation of gender and lysine during the nursery period. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1):212 (abstr.).
9.Cromwell, G.L. 2005. Micro-mineral nutrition in monogastrics: copper and zinc. Proc. Western Nutrition Conf., Calgary, AB, Canada, September 21-23, 2005. pp. 67-75.
10.Cromwell, G. L. 2005. Phosphorus Nutrition of Swine. In: Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment (J. T. Sims and A. N. Sharpley, Editors) pp. 607-634. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
11.Griffin, Timothy, C. Wayne Honeycutt, Stephan Albrecht, Robert Hubbard, J. M. Powell, Karamat Sistani, Brian Wienhold, Bryan Woodbury, and H. Allen Torbert. 2005. Standardizing aerobic incubation methods: Is it possible? Agronomy Abstract # 320-3 (CD-ROM).
12.Marshall, L.K., R.K. Hubbard, D.D. Bosch, and D.L. Rowland. 2005. Influence of microplot cyclinders on soil moisture and temperature in two coastal plain soils. Agronomy Meetings, fall 2005. Abstract # 1006. (CD-ROM).
13.Hubbard, R.K. and G.L. Newton. 2005. Land treatment of swine lagoon effluent using overland flow vegetated buffer systems. Proceedings of the Symposium on the State of the Science of Animal Manure and Waste Management. San Antonio, TX, Jan- 5-7, 2005. CD-ROM.
14.Burns, R.T., L. B. Moody, G. Considine, B. Gramig, T. Hebert, J.K. Meeker and A. Stokes. 2005. Developing the Model of Animal Waste System Risk (MAWSR) for Livestock Waste Storage Facilities. Proceedings of the 98th Annual Air & Waste Management Association Conference. Paper # 1305.
15.Powers, W., S. Bastyr, J. Harmon, and B. Kerr. Gaseous emissions from swine facilities following feeding of low crude protein diets. Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management 98th Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. June 21-24.
16.Ziemer, C. J., B. J. Kerr, S. L. Trabue, J. D. Crouse, and W. Powers. 2005. Manure composition as affected by dietary protein and cellulose concentration. Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management 98th Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. June 21-24.
17.Heber, A.J., T. Pei-Chun, J.Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, and A.M. Schmidt. 2005. Air emissions from two swine finishing building with flushing ammonia characteristics. Proc. 7th Intl. Symp. ASAE Publ. 701P0205.
18.Angel, R., T.J. Applegate, W. Saylor, and W. Powers. 2005. Use of phytase and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol to improve phosphorus utilization in broiler diets. Proceeding of the X11 Congreso Bienal AMENA (Associacion Mejicana de Especialistas en Nutricion Animal). 16 pgs.
19.Applegate, T.J., 2005. Recent advances on the effect of nutrition on poultry manure management. Nigeria International Poultry Summit Nigeria branch of Worlds Poultry Science Association. pp 163-168.
20.Applegate, T.J. and R. Angel. 2005. Feasibility versus practicality of phosphorus reduction in poultry: progress and future needs. Symp. State of the Science of Animal Manure and Waste Management. 6 pgs.
21.Applegate, T.J., J.T. Sims, W.W. Saylor, J. McGrath, W. Powers, and R. Angel. 2005. Phytase in poultry diets: further evidence for reducing water-soluble phosphorus in the environment. Multi-state Poultry Nutrition Conference Proceedings. 16 pgs.
22.Applegate, T.J. 2005. Overview of phosphorus pollution from animal agriculture. Western Nutr. Conf. pp 91-105.
23.Applegate, T.J., W. Powers, and R. Angel. 2005. Feeding to reduce emissions from manure from non-ruminants. Minnesota Nutrition Conference Proceedings. pp 95-104.
24.Applegate, T.J.. 2005. The nutritional value of dehulled-degermed corn for broiler chickens and its impact on nutrient excretion. Poultry Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):115.
25.Applegate, T.J., W. Powers, P. Jaynes, A. Storm, and M. Jeffrey. 2005. Effect of dietary phosphorus concentration on nutrient mass balance of laying hens. Poultry Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):80.
26.Foster, K., M. Echarnier, B. Richert and A. Sutton. 2005. Economic impact of low nutrient excretion diets in pork production with policy implications. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2):53.
27.Heber, A.J., P.C. Tao, J.Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, and A.M. Schmidt. 2005. Air emissions from two swine finishing building with flushing: ammonia characteristics. Proc. 7th Intl. Symp. Livestock Environment. ASAE Publ. No. 701P0205.
28.Hinson, R., D. Sholly, A. Yager, M. Walsh, K. Saddoris, L. Wilson, D. Kelly, J. Radcliffe, A. Sutton, A. Schinckel and B. Richert. 2005. Effect of feeding a low nutrient excretion diet on pig growth performance and carcass characteristics in a commercial wean-finish setting. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2):53.
29.Hinson, R., M. Walsh, A. Yager, D. Sholly, L. Wilson, J. Beagle, S. Pence, K. Saddoris, D. Kelly, S. Radcliffe, A. Schinckel, A. Sutton and B. Richert. 2005. The effect of feeding low nutrient excretion diet with the addition of soybean hulls and non-sulfur trace minerals on growth performance and carcass characteristics in grow-finish pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2):53-54.
30.Hinson, R., D. Kelly, M. Cobb, J. Radcliffe, A. Schinckel, A. Sutton and B. Richert. 2005. The effect of feeding low nutrient excretion diets with the addition of soybean hulls and non-sulfur trace minerals on manure generation and composition from grow-finish swine. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2):54.
31.Hinson, R., B. Hill, M. Walsh, D. Sholly, S. Trapp, J. Radcliffe, A. Sutton, A. Schinckel, B. Richert, G. Hill and J. Link. 2005. Effect of feeding reduced crude protein and phosphorus diets on pig compartmental and whole body mineral masses and accretion rates. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1):119.
32.Quin, J., A.J. Heber, T.T. Lim, C.A. Diehl. 2005. A low-cost technique to monitor ventilation fan operation at animal buildings. Proc. 7th Intl. Symp. Livestock Environment. ASAE Publ. No. 701P0205.
33.Richert, B. T., A. L. Sutton, A. P. Schinckel, J. S. Radcliffe and A. J. Heber. 2005. Impact of diet manipulation on nutrient excretion and air emissions intensive studies. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2):52.
34.Schinckel, A., R. Hinson, A. Sutton, B. Richert and S. Radcliffe. 2005. Using growth models to predict nutrient requirements and excretions. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2):52-53.
35.Patterson, P.H., P.A. Moore, Jr. and R. Angel. 2005. Phosphorus and poultry nutrition. In: Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment. J.T. Sims and A.N. Sharpley, eds. American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America Monograph, Madison, WI
36.Head, M. A. C. R. Mota, J. A. Ridenoure, F. L. de los Reyes III, and J. J. Cheng. (2005) Intermittent Aeration for Nitrogen Removal from High-Ammonia Wastewater through Nitrification and Denitrification in a Single Reactor. 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium, 5-7 October 2005, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
37.Head, M. A. C. R. Mota, J. A. Ridenoure, F. L. de los Reyes III, and J. J. Cheng. (2005) Nitrogen Removal from Anaerobically Pretreated Swine Wastewater in an Intermittent Aeration Process. 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting, 17 - 20 July 2005, Tampa, Florida.
38.Head, M. A., J. C. Williams, C. R. Mota, F. L. de los Reyes III, and J. J. Cheng. (2005) Nitrogen Removing Activity of Granules in Intermittent Aeration Reactors Treating High-Ammonia Wastewater, 4th International Water Association Specialized Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Systems, July 17-20, Gold Coast, Australia.
39.Head, M.A., J.A. Ridenoure, C.R. Mota, F.L. de los Reyes III, and J.J. Cheng. (2005) Optimization of Intermittent Aeration for Nitrogen Removal from Swine Wastewater. Industrial Wastewater (newsletter), August/September 2005, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia.
40.Westerman, P. W. 2005. Agricultural organic waste management for environmental sustainability. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Biogas Production, Wastewater Treatment and Management Strategies of Organic Residues, p. 63-79. Suwon, Republic of Korea, 5 September 2005. National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, UNDP-RDA Cooperative Project, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
41.Westerman, P. W. and J. Arogo Ogejo. 2005. Centrifuge solids/liquid separation of swine flushed manure and lagoon sludge. Presented at 2005 ASAE International Meeting, Tampa, FL, 17-20 July 2005. ASAE Paper No. 054090. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 12 pg.
42.Darr, M. J. , L. Zhao, M. R. Ehsani, J. K. Ward, and T. S. Stombaugh. 2005. Evaluation of Controller Area Network Data Collection System in Confined Animal Feeding Operations. Pp. 179-187 in Seventh International Livestock Environment Symposium (18-20 May 2005, Beijing, China), ed. Tami Brown-Brandl and Ronaldo Maghirang. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.
43.Hoorman, J.J. J.N. Rausch and M.J. Shipitalo. 2005. Ohio Livestock Manure Violations. Paper No: 052060. 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida , 17-20 July 2005.
44.Keener, H.M. and F.C. Michel Jr. 2005. Predicting NH3 emissions from manure N for caged layer facilities. A modified mass balance approach. Symposium on the State of Science of Animal Manure and Waste Management. 1/5-7. Marriott River Center, San Antonio, TX. Published on CD. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/waste_mgt/natlcenter/sanantonio/proceedings.htm.
45.Keener, H.M., T.F. Wilkinson, F.C. Michel Jr. and L.C. Brown. 2005b. Evaluation of leaching from composting windrows using a rainfall simulator. 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium. 10/5-7. Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Conference Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/waste_mgt/05wastesymposium/PDFS/Keener.pdf.
46.Michel Jr., F C., S.K. Grewal, S. Rajeev, and S. Sreevatsan. 2005a. Persistence of Microbial Pathogens during Composting, Liquid-Storage and Pack Storage of Dairy and Swine Manures. 2005 Animal Waste Management Symposium. 10/5-7. Sheraton Imperial Hotel and Conference Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
47.Michel Jr., F.C., H.M. Keener, J.Rigot, T. Wilkinson and J. Pecchia. 2005b. Effects of Straw, Sawdust and Sand Bedding on Dairy Manure Composting. Symposium on the State of Science of Animal Manure and Waste Management. 1/5-7. Marriott River Center, San Antonio, TX. Published on CD http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/waste_mgt/natlcenter/sanantonio/proceedings.htm.
48.Rausch, J. N., L. C . Brown, J. J. Hoorman, T. M. Harrigan, W. G. Bickert, M. J. Shipitalo, M. J. Monnin, S. R. Reamer, M. I. Gangwar, F. E. Gibbs, H. M. Keener. 2005a. Overview of Guidelines for Liquid Manure Application on Drained Cropland in the Midwest. ASAE Paper 052061. Presented at 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting. 7/14-20. Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida. Published on CD.
49.Rausch, J. N., L. C . Brown, J. J. Hoorman, T. M. Harrigan, W. G. Bickert, M. J. Shipitalo, M. J. Monnin, S. R. Reamer, M. I. Gangwar, F. E. Gibbs, H. M. Keener. 2005b. Research, Educational, and Technical Assistance Priorities for Liquid Manure Application in the Midwest. ASAE Paper 052062. Presented at 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting. 7/14-20. Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida. Published on CD.
50.Wilkinson, T.F., H.A.J. Hoitink and H.M. Keener. 2005. Evaluation of approaches for composting cardboard bedding/horse manure - Phase II: Plant growth in compost mixes. NABEC Paper 05-003. Presented at 2005 NABEC Conference, 8/7-10. Lewes, Delaware. http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/ocamm/&&&&..pdf.
51.Zhao, L. Y., M. Brugger, R. Manuzon, G. Arnold, E. Imerman. 2005b. Study of Air Quality Spatial and Temporal Distributions on Large Dairy Farms in Ohio. Pp. 188-197 in Seventh International Livestock Environment Symposium (18-20 May 2005, Beijing, China), ed. Tami Brown-Brandl and Ronaldo Maghirang. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.
52.Zhao, L. Y., R. Manuzon, M. Brugger, G. Arnold, R. Bender. 2005c. Air Quality of Swine Wean-finish Facilities with Deep-pit and Pull-plug-lagoon Manure Storage Systems. Pp. 207-215 in Seventh International Livestock Environment Symposium (18-20 May 2005, Beijing, China), ed. Tami Brown-Brandl and Ronaldo Maghirang. Copyright 2005 American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.
53.Jacobson, L.D., B.P. Hetchler, V.J. Johnson, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai, A.J. Heber, J.Q. Ni, J.A. Koziel, J.M. Sweeten, S.J. Hoff, D.S. Bundy, Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2005. Air Pollutant Emissions from Confined Animal Buildings-Dry Sow Buildings in Minnesota. Paper # 53. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (available on the proceedings CD Rom) Held in Minneapolis, MN, June 21-24, 2005.
54.Hoff, S.J., D.S. Bundy, M.A. Huebner, B.C. Zelle, L.D. Jacobson, A.J. Heber, J.Q. Ni, J.A. Koziel, J.M. Sweeten,Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2005. NH3, H2S, CO2, PM, and Odor Animal Emission Data from the Six-State (APECAB) Project; Swine Deep-Pit Finishing Buildings. Paper # 648. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (available on the proceedings CD Rom) Held in Minneapolis, MN, June 21-24, 2005.
55.J. Koziel, B. Baek, C. Bayley, J. Spinhirne, K. Bush, A. Balota, J.M. Sweeten, S.J. Hoff, L.D. Jacobson, A.J. Heber, J.Q. Ni, Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2005. NH3, H2S, CO2, PM, and Odor Animal Emission Data from the Six-State (APECAB) Project; Swine Finishing Buildings in Texas. Paper # 1043. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (available on the proceedings CD Rom) Held in Minneapolis, MN, June 21-24, 2005.
56.Jerez, S., Y. Zhang, J.W. McClure, A.J. Heber, J.Q. Ni, L.D. Jacobson, S.J Hoff, J.A. Koziel, J.M. Sweeten and D.B. Beasley. Aerial Pollutant Concentrations and Emission Rate Measurements from a Swine Farrowing Building in Illinois. Paper # 1026. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (available on the proceedings CD Rom) Held in Minneapolis, MN, June 21-24, 2005.
57.Heber, A.J., J.Q. Ni, T.T. Teng, R. Chervil, P.C Tao, L.D. Jacobson, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, J.A. Koziel and D.B. Beasley. Air Pollutant Emissions From Two High-Rise Layer Barns in Indiana. Paper # 1368. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (available on the proceedings CD Rom) Held in Minneapolis, MN, June 21-24, 2005.
Refereed journal articles
Elwell, D.L., H.M. Keener, M.C. Wiles, D.C. Borger, and L.B. Willett. 2001. Odorous emissions and odor control in composting swine manure/sawdust mixes using continuous and intermittent aeration. Transactions of the ASAE 44(5): 1307-1316.
Guo, H., L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, and R.E. Nicolai. 2001. Calibrating INPUFF-2 model by resident-receptors for long-distance odor dispersion from animal feedlots. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 17(6): 859-868.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell K. Ekinci and H.A.J. Hointink. 2001. Composting and value-added utilization of manure from a High-RiseTM swine finishing facility. Compost Sci. Util 9(4): 312-321.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell, T. Menke, and R. Stowell. 2001. Design and performance of a high-rise hog facility manure drying bed. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 17(5): xxxx
Sanderson, M.A., R.M. Jones, M.J.McFarland, J. Stroup, R.L. Reed, and J.P Muir. 2001. Nutrient movement and removal in a switchgrass biomass-filter strip system treated with dairy manure. J. Environ. Qual. 30:210-216.
Traylor, S.L., G.L. Cromwell, M.D. Lindemann, and D.A. Knabe. 2001. Effects of level of supplemental phytase on ileal digestibility of amino acids, calcium, and phosphorus in dehulled soybean meal for growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 79: 2634-2642.
Wiles, M.C., D.L. Elwell, H.M. Keener, J.C. Amburgey, D.C. Borger, and L.B. Willett. 2001. Volatile fatty acid emissions during composting of swine waste amended with sawdust as a measure of odor potential. Compost Sci. Util 9(1): 27-37.
Angel, R., N.M. Tamim, T.J. Applegate, A.S. Dhandu, and L.E. Ellestad. 2002. Phytic acid chemistry: Influence on phytin-phosphorus availability and phytase efficacy. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 11: 471-480.
Cheng, J. and B. Liu. 2002. Swine wastewater treatment in anaerobic digesters with floating medium. Transactions of the ASAE 45(3): 799-805.
Cheng, J., B.A. Bergmann, J.J. Classen, A.M. Stomp, and J.W. Howard. 2002. Nutrient recovery from swine lagoon water by Spirodela punctata. Bioresource Technology 81(1): 81-85.
De Visscher, A., L. A. Harper, P. W. Westerman, Z. Liang, J. Arogo, R. R. Sharpe, and O. Van Cleemput. 2002. Ammonia emissions from anaerobic swine lagoons: Model development. J. Applied Meteorology 41:426-433.
Ekinci, K., H.M. Keener and D.L. Elwell. 2002. Composting short paper fiber with broiler litter and additives. II. Evaluation and optimization of decomposition rate versus mixing ratio. Compost Sci. Util 10(1):16-28.
Elwell, D.L. J.-H. Hong and H.M. Keener. 2002. Composting hog manure/sawdust mixtures using intermittent and continuous aeration. Ammonia emissions. Compost Sci. Util 10(2):142-149.
Evers, G.W. 2002. Ryegrass-bermudagrass production and nutrient uptake when combining nitrogen fertilizer with broiler litter. Agron. J. 94: 905-910.
Gaudreau, J.E., D.M. Vietor, R.H. White, T.L. Provin, and C.L. Munster. 2002. Response of turf and quality of water runoff to manure and fertilizer. J. Environ. Qual. 31: 1316-1322.
Gralapp, A.K., W.J. Powers, M.A. Faust, and D.S. Bundy. 2002. Effects of dietary ingredients on manure characteristics and odorous emissions from swine. J. Anim. Sci. 80(6): 1512-1519.
Hill, V.R., A. Kantardjieff, M.D. Sobsey, and P.W. Westerman. 2002. Reduction of enteric microbes in flushed swine wastewater treated by a biological aerated filter and UV radiation. Water Environ. Res. 74(1): 91-99.
Keener, H.M., D.L. Elwell and D. Grande. 2002. NH3 emissions and N-balances for 1.6 million caged layer facility: manure belt/composting system vs deep pit operation. Transactions of ASAE 45(6): 1977-1984.
Li, X. and R.H. Zhang. 2002. Aerobic treatment of dairy wastewater with sequencing batch reactor systems. Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering 25: 103-109.
Liang, Z.S., P.W. Westerman and J. Arogo. 2002. Modeling ammonia emission from swine anaerobic lagoons. Transactions of the ASAE 45(3): 787-798.
Sherlock, R.R., S.G. Sommer, R.Z. Khan, C.W. Wood, E.A. Guertal, J.R. Freney, C.O. Dawson, and K.C. Cameron. 2002. Emission of ammonia, nitrous oxide and methane from pig slurry applied to a pasture in New Zealand. J. Environ. Qual. 31:1491-1501.
Sun, H., R.R. Stowell, H.M. Keener, and F.C. Michel Jr. 2002a. Two-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model of air velocity and ammonia distribution in a High-Rise" Hog Building. Transactions of ASAE 45(6): 1559-1568.
Tan, Z.C. and Y. Zhang. 2002. Advances in centrifugal separators for particulate matter control from stationary sources. J. Thermal Science 11(3): 283-288.
Thompson, R.B. and J.J. Meisinger. 2002. Management factors affecting ammonia volatilization from land-applied cattle slurry in the Mid-Atlantic US. J. Environ. Quality 31: 1329-1338.
Van Kempem, T.A.T.G., W.J. Powers and A. Sutton. 2002. Technical note: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy as an optical nose for predicting odor sensation. J. Anim. Sci. 80(6): 1524-1527.
Vietor, D.M., E.N. Griffith, R.H. White, T.L. Provin, J.P. Muir, and J.C. Read. 2002. Export of manure phosphorus and nitrogen in turfgrass sod. J. Environ. Qual. 31: 1731-1738.
Wang, E., W.L. Harman, J.R. Williams, and J.M. Sweeten. 2002. Profitability and nutrient losses of alternative manure application strategies with conservation tillage. J. Soil and Water Conservation 57(4): 221-228.
Wang, X., Y. Zhang, G.L. Riskowski, and M. Ellis. 2002. Measurement and analysis of dust spatial distribution in a mechanically ventilated swine building. Biosystems Engineering 81(2): 225-236.
Westerman, P.W. and J.R. Bicudo. 2002. Application of mixed and aerated pond for nitrification and denitrification of flushed swine manure. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 18(3): 351-358.
Al-Dahmani, J.M., P.A. Abbasi, S.A. Miller, and H.A.J. Hoitink. 2003. Suppression of bacterial spot of tomato with foliar sprays of compost extracts under greenhouse and field conditions. Plant Dis. 87: 913-919.
Annamalai, K., B.F. Thien and J.M. Sweeten. 2003. Co-Firing of coal and cattle feedlot biomass (FB) fuels, Part II: Performance results from 30 kW (100,000 BTU/Hr) laboratory scale boiler burner. Fuel 82(2003): 1183-1193.
Applegate, T.J., B.C. Joern, D.L. Nussbaum-Wagler, and R. Angel. 2003. Water soluble phosphorus in fresh broiler litter is dependent upon phosphorus concentration fed but not on fungal phytase supplementation. Poultry Sci. 82:1024-1029.
Applegate, T.J., R. Angel and H.L. Classen. 2003. Effect of dietary calcium, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, and bird strain on small intestinal phytase activity in broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 82: 1140-1148.
Arogo, J., P.W. Westerman and A. Heber. 2003. A review of ammonia emissions from confined swine feeding operations. Transactions of the ASAE 46(3): 805-817.
Bicudo, J.R. and S.M. Goyal. 2003. Pathogens and manure management systems - a review. Environmental Technology 24(1): 115-130.
Chaiprapat, S., J. Cheng, J.J. Classen, J.J. Ducoste, and S.K. Liehr. 2003. Modeling nitrogen transport in duckweed pond for secondary treatment of swine wastewater. J. Environ. Engr. 129(8): 731-739.
Changa, C.M., P.Wang, M.E.Watson, H.A.J. Hoitink, and F.C. Michel Jr. 2003. Assessment of a commercial maturity test kit for composted manures. 2003. Compost Sci. Util. 11:127-145.
Dhandu, A.S. and R. Angel. 2003. Broiler non-phytin phosphorus requirement in the finisher and withdrawal phases of a commercial four-phase feeding system. Poult. Sci. 82: 1257-1265.
Guo, H., L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, and R.E. Nicolai. 2003. Evaluation of the influence of atmospheric conditions on odor dispersion from animal production sites. Transactions of the ASAE 46(2): 461-466.
Hubbard, R.K., G.L. Newton and G.J. Gascho. 2003. Nutrient removal by grass components of vegetated buffer systems receiving swine lagoon effluent. J. Soil Water Conserv. 58(5): 232-242.
Maguire, R.O., J.T. Sims, J.M. McGrath, and C.R. Angel. 2003. Phytase and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in turkey diets affects phosphorus solubility in manure amended soils. Soil Sci. 168: 421-433.
Mukhtar, S, A. Rose, S. Capareda, C. Boriack, R. Lacey, B. Shaw, and C. Parnell Jr. 2003. Assessment of ammonia adsorption onto Teflon and LDPE tubing used in pollutant stream conveyance. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript BC 03 012. V(29): 1-13.
Newton, G.L., G.J. Gascho, J.K. Bernard, J.R. Allison, R.K. Hubbard, R.N. Gates, and G. Vellidis. 2003. Managing manure nutrients through multi-crop forage production. J. Dairy Sci. 86: 2243-2252.
Otto, E.R., M. Yokoyama, S. Hengemuehle, R.D. von Bernuth, T. van Kempen, and N.L. Trottier. 2003. Ammonia, volatile fatty acids, phenolics and odor offensiveness in manure from growing pigs fed diets reduced in protein concentration. J. Ani. Sci. 81: 1754-1763.
Powers, W.J. 2003. Keeping science in environmental regulations: the role of the animal scientist. J. Dairy Science 86(4): 1045-1051.
Sun, Y. and Y. Zhang. 2003. Validation of a stereoscopic particle image velocimetry system for full-scale room air flow studies. ASHRAE Transactions 109(2).
Sweeten, J.M., K. Annamalai, B.F. Thien, and L.A. McDonald. 2003. Co-firing of coal and cattle feedlot biomass (FB) fuels, Part I: Feedlot biomass (cattle manure) fuel quality and characteristics. Fuel 82(2003): 1167-1182.
Tamim, N.M.and R. Angel. 2003. Phytate phosphorus hydrolysis as influenced by dietary calcium and micro-mineral source in broiler diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51: 4687-4693.
Tan, Z.C. and Y. Zhang. 2003. An overview of particulate matter in indoor environments: sources and effects. ASHRAE Transactions 109(2).
Vellidis G., R. Lowrance, P. Gay, R.W. Hill, and R.K. Hubbard. 2003. Nutrient transport in a restored riparian wetland. J. Environ. Qual 32: 711-726.
Yang, P.Y., H.J. Chen and S.J. Kim. 2003. Integrating EMMC process for biological removal of carbon and nitrogen for diluted swine wastewater for agriculture reuse. Bioresouce Technology 86: 245-252.
Zhang, Y. 2003. Analysis and validation of particle separation efficiency in a centrifugal field under laminar and perfect mixing conditions. ASHRAE Transactions 109(2).
Angel, R., W. Powers and T.J. Applegate. 2004. Air emissions in poultry production: current challenges and future directions. Poultry Sci. 83(Suppl. 1): 123.
Applegate, T.J. and R. Angel. 2004. Use of mass balance techniques for nutrient excretion modeling. Poultry. Sci. 83(Suppl. 1): 402-403.
Banks, K.M., K.L. Thompson, P. Jaynes, and T.J. Applegate. 2004. The effects of copper on the efficacy of phytase, growth, and phosphorus retention in broiler chicks. Poultry Sci. 83: 1335-1341.
Banks, K.M., K.L. Thompson, J.K. Rush, and T.J. Applegate. 2004. The effects of copper source on phosphorus retention in broiler chicks and laying hens. Poultry Sci. 83: 990-996.
Bicudo, J.R., C.J. Clanton, D.R. Schmidt, L.D. Jacobson, W.J. Powers, and C.L. Tengman. 2004. Geotextile covers to reduce odor and gas emissions from swine manure storage ponds. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 20(1): 65-75.
Carey, J. B., R.E. Lacey and S. Mukhtar. 2004. Review of literature concerning odors from broiler production facilities: 2. flock and house management. J. Appl. Poult. Research 13: 509-513.
Cheng, J., T.E. Shearin, M.M. Peet, and D.H. Willits. 2004. Utilization of treated swine wastewater for greenhouse tomato production. Water Sci. Technol. 50(2): 77-82.
Ekinci, K., H.M. Keener, D.L. Elwell, and F.C. Michel, Jr . 2004a. Effects of aeration strategies on the composting process. Part I - Experimental studies. Transactions of ASAE 47(5): 1697-1708.
Ekinci, K., H.M. Keener; F.C. Michel, Jr., and D.L. Elwell. 2004b. Modeling composting rate as a function of temperature and initial moisture content. Compost Sci. Util. 12(4): 356-364.
Ekinci, K., H.M. Keener, and Akbolat D. 2004c. Effect of thermocouple location on the optimum composting rate. Biosystems Engineering 89(3): 345-353.
Elwell, D.L., D.C. Borger, D.V. Blaho, J.V. Fahrni, H.M. Keener, and L.B. Willett. 2004. Changes in concentrations of malodorous compounds during controlled aeration composting. Compost Sci. Util. 12(2): 102-107.
Erickson, M.C., M. Islam, C. Sheppard, J. Liao, and M.P. Doyle. 2004. Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in chicken manure by larvae of the black soldier fly. J. Food Protection 67:685-690.
Funk, T.L., R. Hussey, Y. Zhang, and M. Ellis. 2004. Synthetic covers for emissions control from earthen embanked swine lagoons. Part I: positive pressure lagoon cover. Appl.Engr. in Agr. 20(2): 33-238.
Funk, T.L., A. Mutlu, Y. Zhang, and M. Ellis. 2004. Synthetic covers for emissions control from earthen embanked swine lagoons. Part II: negative pressure lagoon cover. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 20(2): 239-242.
Green, S., F.C. Michel Jr, Y. Hadar, and D. Minz. 2004. Similarity of bacterial communities in sawdust- and straw-amended cow manure composts. FEMS Microbiology Letters 233(1): 115-123
Guo, H., L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai, and K.A. Janni. 2004. Comparison of five models for setback distance determination from livestock sites. Canadian Biosystems Engineering 46: 6.17-6.25.
Hanselman, T.A., D.A. Graetz and A.C. Wilkie. 2004. Comparison of three enzyme immunoassays for measuring 17²-estradiol in flushed dairy manure wastewater. J. Environ. Qual. 33(5): 1919-1923.
Hinson, R.B., B.E. Hill, M.C. Walsh, D.M. Sholly, S.A. Trapp, J.S. Radcliffe, A.L. Sutton, A.P. Schinckel, and B.T. Richert. 2004. Effect of feeding a low nutrient excretion diet on wean-finish pig growth performance, carcass characteristics, manure composition, and building aerial ammonia. J. Ani. Sci. 82(Suppl 2): 83. (Abstract 222.)
Hinson, R.B., D.M. Sholly, M.C. Walsh, B.E. Hill, S.A. Trapp, J.S. Radcliffe, A.L. Sutton, A.P. Schinckel, and B.T. Richert. 2004. Effect of feeding a reduced crude protein and phosphorus diet on grow-finish pig performance, carcass characteristics, manure concentration, and building aerial ammonia. J. Ani. Sci. 82(Suppl 2): 84. (Abstract 224.)
Hubbard, R.K., G.J. Gascho and G.L. Newton. 2004. Use of floating vegetation to remove nutrients from swine lagoon wastewater. Transactions of ASAE 47(6): 1963-1972
Hubbard, R.K., G.L. Newton and G. Hill. 2004. Water quality and the grazing animal. J. Ani. Sci. 82(E. Suppl.): E255-E263.
Hubbard, R.K., J.M. Sheridan, R. Lowrance, D.D. Bosch, and G. Vellidis. 2004. Fate of nitrogen from agriculture in the southeastern coastal plain. J. Soil Water Conserv. 59(2): 72-86.
Kalbasi, M. and K.G. Karthikeyan. 2004. Phosphorus dynamics in soils receiving chemically treated dairy manure. J. Environmental Quality 33: 2296-2305.
Lacey, R.E., S. Mukhtar, J.B. Carey, and J.L. Ullman. 2004. Review of literature concerning odors from broiler production facilities: 1. Odor Concentration and Emissions. J. Appl. Poult. Research 13: 500-508.
Lilburn, M.S. and T.J. Applegate. 2004. Digestible phosphorus nutrition in broiler breeder pullets and hens. Poultry Sci. 83(Suppl. 1): S30.
Maguire, R.O., J.T. Sims, W.W. Saylor, B.L. Turner, R. Angel, and T.J. Applegate. 2004. Influence of phytase addition to poultry diets on phosphorus forms and solubility in litters and amended soils. J. Environ. Qual. 33: 2306-2316.
Meyer, D., J.P. Harner, E.E. Tooman, and C. Collar. 2004. Evaluation of weeping wall efficiency of solid liquid separation. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 20: 349-354.
Michel Jr., F.C., J.A. Pecchia, J. Rigot, and H.M. Keener. 2004d. Mass and nutrient losses during the composting of dairy manure amended with sawdust or straw. Compost Sci. Util. 12(4): 323-334.
Mukhtar, S., J.L. Ullman, B.W. Auvermann, S.E. Feagley, and T.A. Carpenter. 2004. Impact of anaerobic lagoon management on sludge accumulation and nutrient content for dairies. Transactions of ASAE 47(1): 250-257.
Mukhtar, S., J.L. Ullman., J.B. Carey, and R.E. Lacey. 2004. A review of literature concerning odors, ammonia and dust from broiler production facilities: 3. Land Application, Processing and Storage of Broiler Litter. J. Appl. Poult. Research 13: 514-520.
Pang, Y. and T.J. Applegate. 2004. Effects of copper source and concentration on phytate phosphorus hydrolysis by phytase in vitro. Poultry Sci. 83(Suppl. 1): 107.
Panetta, D., W.J. Powers, H. Xin, B.J. Kerr, and J.C. Lorimor. 2004. Nitrogen excretion and ammonia emissions from pigs fed reduced crude protein diets. J. Ani. Sci. 82(Suppl 1): 223.
Paul, S., P. K. Haan, M. D. Matlock. S. Mukhtar, and S.D. Pillai. Analysis of the HSPF water quality-parameter uncertainty in predicting peak in-stream fecal coliform concentrations. Transactions of ASAE 47(1): 69-78.
Ponce, K.H., M.M. Peet, J. Cheng, C. Harlow, and D.H. Willits. 2004. Assessment of swine waste bioremediation using greenhouse tomatoes. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 633: 415-423.
Priyadarsan, S., K. Annamalai, J. Sweeten, S. Mukhtar, and M. Holtzapple. 2004. Fixed bed gasification of feedlot and poultry litter biomass. Transactions of ASAE 47(5): 1689-1696.
Rush, J.K., K.M. Banks, K.L. Thompson, and T.J. Applegate. 2004. The effect of supplemental phytase sources on the sparing effect of phosphorus in Pekin ducks. Poultry Sci. 83(Suppl. 1): 399.
Sholly, D.M., M.C. Walsh, B.C. Joern, A.L. Sutton, and B.T. Richert. 2004. Effect of swine manure application on winter wheat tissue growth and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. J. Ani. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1): 37.
Sholly, D.M., S.L. Hankins, M.C. Walsh, A.L. Sutton, and B.T. Richert. 2004. Effects of reduced crude protein and fiber supplementation on nitrogen and phosphorus digestibility and manure generation. J. Ani. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1): 457.
Sooknah, R.D. and A.C. Wilkie. 2004. Nutrient removal by floating aquatic macrophytes cultured in anaerobically digested flushed dairy manure wastewater. Ecol. Eng. 22(1): 27-42.
Timper, P., G.L. Newton, A.W. johnson, and G.J. Gascho. 2004. Nematode densities in year-round forage production systems utilizing manure fertilization. Nematropica 34: 219-227.
Trask, J.R., P.K Kalita, M.S. Kuhlenschmidt, R.D. Smith, and T.L. Funk. 2004. Overland and near-surface transport of Cryptosporidium parvum from vegetated and nonvegetated surfaces. J. Environ. Qual. 33: 984:993.
Ullman, J.L., S. Mukhtar, R.E. Lacey, and J.B. Carey. 2004. A review of literature concerning odors, ammonia and dust from broiler production facilities: 4. Remedial Management Practices. J. Appl. Poult. Research 13: 521-531.
Wilkie, A.C., H.F. Castro, K.R. Cubinski, J.M. Owens, and S.C. Yan. 2004. Fixed-film anaerobic digestion of flushed dairy manure after primary treatment: wastewater production and characterization. Biosystems Eng. 89(4): 457-471.
Wang, X., Y. Zhang, T.L. Funk, L. Zhao, and G.L. Riskowski. 2004. Effect of ventilation system on particle spatial distribution in ventilated rooms. ASHRAE Transactions 110(2): 258-266.
Wilkie, A.C., P.H. Smith, and F.M. Bordeaux. 2004. An economical bioreactor for evaluating biogas potential of particulate biomass. Bioresour. Technol. 92(1): 103-109.
Zhang, Z., J. Zhu, and K.J. Park. 2004. Effect of aeration length and intensity on solids decomposition in swine manure for odour control. Biosystems Engineering 89(4): 445-456.
Applegate, T.J. 2005. The nutritional value of dehulled-degermed corn for broiler chickens and its impact on nutrient excretion. Poultry Sci. 84(Suppl. 1): S24.
Applegate, T.J., W. Powers, P. Jaynes, A. Storm, and M. Jeffrey. 2005. Effect of dietary phosphorus concentration on nutrient mass balance of laying hens. Poultry Sci. 84(Suppl. 1): 80.
Angel, C.R., W.J. Powers, T.J. Applegate, N.M. Tamim, and M.C. Christman. 2005. The influence of dietary phytase on water soluble phosphorus in broiler chickens, turkeys, and growing swine. J. Environ. Qual. 34(2): 563-571.
Angel, R., R.A. Dalloul and J. Doerr, 2005. Performance of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with direct-fed microbials. Poult. Sci, 84:1232-1241.
Angel, R., W.J. Powers, T.J. Applegate, N.M. Tamim, and M. Christman. 2005. Influence of phytase on water-soluble phosphorus in poultry and swine manure. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 563-751 (Cover article).
Angel, R., W.W. Saylor, A.S. Dhandu, W. Powers, and T.J. Applegate. 2005. Effects of dietary phosphorus, phytase, and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on performance of broiler chickens grown in floor pens. Poult. Sci. 84: 1031-1044.
Angel, R., W.W. Saylor, A.S. Dhandu, W. Powers, and T.J. Applegate. 2005. Effect of dietary phosphorus, phytase, and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on performance of broiler chickens grown in floor pens. Poultry Sci. 84: 1031-1044.
Applegate, T.J. 2005. The nutritional value of dehulled-degermed corn for broiler chickens and its impact on nutrient excretion. Poultry Sci. 84: 742747.
Bowers, K.E. and P.W. Westerman. 2005. Design of cone-shaped fluidized bed struvite crystallizers for phosphorus removal from wastewater. Transactions of the ASAE 48(3):1217-1226.
Bowers, K E. and P.W. Westerman. 2005. Performance of cone-shaped fluidized bed struvite crystallizers in removing phosphorus from wastewater. Transactions of the ASAE 48(3): 1227-1234.
Cassel, T., L. Ashbaugh, R. Flocchini, and D. Meyer. 2005. Ammonia flux from open-lot dairies: development of measurement methodology and emission factors. J. Air and Waste Management Association 55: 816-825.
Cassel, T., L. Ashbaugh, R. Flocchini, and D. Meyer. 2005. Ammonia emission factors for open-lot dairies: direct measurements and estimation by nitrogen intake. J. Air and Waste Management Association 55: 826-833.
Chaiprapat, S., J. J. Cheng, J.J. Classen, and S.K. Liehr. 2005. Role of internal nutrient storage in duckweed growth for swine wastewater treatment. Transactions of the ASAE 48(6): 247-2258.
Ekinci, K., H.M. Keener, D.L. Elwell, and F.C. Michel Jr. 2005a. Effects of aeration strategies on the composting process: Part II. Numerical modeling and simulation. Transactions of the ASAE 48(3): 1203-1215.
Ekinci, K., H.M.Keener and D. Akbolat. 2005b. Effects of feedstock, airflow rate, and recirculation ratio on the performance of composting systems with air recirculation. Bioresource Technology xxx( ):xxx-xxx.
Elenbaas-Thomas, A.M., L.Y. Zhao, Y. Hyun, X. Wang, B. Anderson, G.L. Riskowski, M. Ellis, and A.J. Heber. 2005. Effects of room ozonation on air quality and pig performance. Transactions of the ASAE 48(3): 1167-1173.
Foster, K., M. Echarnier, B. Richert, and A. Sutton. 2005. Economic impact of low nutrient excretion diets in pork production with policy implications. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2):53.
Guo H., L.D. Jacobson, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai, J. Zhu, and K.A. Janni. 2005. Development of OFFSET model for determination of odour annoyance free setback distance from animal production sites, Part II: model development and evaluations. Transactions of the ASAE 48(6): 2269-2276.
Head, M.A., J.A. Ridenoure, C.R. Mota, F.L. de los Reyes III, and J.J. Cheng. 2005. Using intermittent aeration to remove nitrogen from swine wastewater. WEF Industrial Wastewater 4(4): 9-12.
Hinson, R., D. Sholly, A. Yager, M. Walsh, K. Saddoris, L. Wilson, D. Kelly, J. Radcliffe, A. Sutton, A. Schinckel and B. Richert. 2005. Effect of feeding a low nutrient excretion diet on pig growth performance and carcass characteristics in a commercial wean-finish setting. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2): 53.
Hinson, R., M. Walsh, A. Yager, D. Sholly, L. Wilson, J. Beagle, S. Pence, K. Saddoris, D. Kelly, S. Radcliffe, A. Schinckel, A. Sutton and B. Richert. 2005. The effect of feeding low nutrient excretion diet with the addition of soybean hulls and non-sulfur trace minerals on growth performance and carcass characteristics in grow-finish pigs. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2): 53-54.
Hinson, R., D. Kelly, M. Cobb, J. Radcliffe, A. Schinckel, A. Sutton and B. Richert. 2005. The effect of feeding low nutrient excretion diets with the addition of soybean hulls and non-sulfur trace minerals on manure generation and composition from grow-finish swine. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2): 54.
Hinson, R., B. Hill, M. Walsh, D. Sholly, S. Trapp, J. Radcliffe, A. Sutton, A. Schinckel, B. Richert, G. Hill, and J. Link. 2005. Effect of feeding reduced crude protein and phosphorus diets on pig compartmental and whole body mineral masses and accretion rates. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1): 119.
Honeycutt, C.W., T.S. Griffin, B.J. Wienhold, B. Eghball, S.L. Albrecht, J.M. Powell, B.L. Woodbury, K.R. Sistani, R.K. Hubbard, H.A. Torbert, R.A. Eigenberg, R.J. Wright, and M.D. Jawson. 2005. Protocols for nationally coordinated laboratory and field research on manure nitrogen mineralization. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis 36: 2807-2822.
Hollis, G.R., S.D. Carter, T.R. Cline, R.D. Crenshaw, G.L. Cromwell, G.M. Hill, S.W. Kim, A.J. Lewis, D.C. Mahan, P.S. Miller, H.H. Stein, and T.L. Veum. 2005. Effects of replacing pharmacological levels of dietary zinc oxide with lower dietary levels of various organic zinc sources for weanling pigs. J. Ani. Sci. 83: 2123-2129.
Jacobson, L.D., H.Guo, D.R. Schmidt, R.E. Nicolai, J. Zhu, and K.A. Janni. 2005. Development of OFFSET model for determination of odour annoyance free setback distance from animal production sites, Part I: review and experiment. Transactions of the ASAE 48(6): 2259-2268.
Keener, H.M., K. Ekinci, D.L. Elwell, and F.C. Michel, Jr. 2005a. Composting process optimization - using On/Off control. Compost Sci. Util. 13(4): 288-299.
Kwak, W.S., J.W. Huh and T.A. McCaskey. 2005. Effect of processing time on enteric bacteria survival and on temperature and chemical composition of broiler poultry litter processed by two methods. Bioresource Technol. 96: 1529-1536.
Li, H., H. Xin, Y. Liang, R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, A.J. Heber. 2005. Comparison of direct vs. indirect ventilation rate determinations in layer barns using manure belts. Transactions of the ASAE 48: 367-372.
Maguire, R.O., J.T. Sims, and T.J. Applegate. 2005. Phytase supplementation and reduced phosphorus turkey diets reduce phosphorus loss in runoff following litter application. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 359-369.
McGrath, J.M., J.T. Sims, R.O Maguire, W.W. Saylor, C.R. Angel, and B.L. Turner, 2005. Broiler diet modification and litter storage: Impacts on phosphorus in litters, soils, and runoff. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 1896-1909.
Mota, C.R., M.A. Head, J.A. Ridenoure, J.J. Cheng, and F.L. de los Reyes III. 2005. Effects of aeration cycles on nitrifying bacterial populations and nitrogen removal in intermittently
aerated reactors. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(12): 8565-8572.
Mota, C.R., J.A. Ridenoure, J.J. Cheng, and F.L. de los Reyes III. 2005. High levels of nitrifying bacteria in intermittently aerated reactors treating high ammonia wastewater. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 54: 391-400.
Nennich, T.D., J.H. Harrison, L.M. VanWieringen, D. Meyer, A.J. Heinrichs, W.P. Weiss, N.R. St-Pierre, R.L. Kincaid, D.L. Davidson, and E. Block. 2005. Prediction of manure and nutrient excretion from dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 88: 3721-3733.
Nimmermark,S.A., L.D. Jacobson, S.W. Gay, and D.R. Schmidt. 2005. Prediction by the odor from feedlot, setback estimation tool (offset) compared to observations by neighborhood monitors. J Air and Waste Management Association 55: 1306-1314.
Ocfemia, K., Y. Zhang and Z. Tan. 2005. Ammonia absorption in a vertical sprayer at low ammonia partial pressures. Transactions of the ASAE 48(4): 1561-1566.
Oh, I., R.T. Burns, L.B. Moody, and J. Lee. 2005. Optimization of phosphorus partitioning in dairy manure using chemical additives with a mechanical solids separator. Transactions of the ASAE 48(3).
Panetta, D.M., W.J. Powers and J.C. Lorimor. 2005. Management strategy impacts on ammonia volatilization from swine manure. J. Environ. Qual. 34(4): 1119-1130.
Park, K, J. Zhu and Z. Zhang. 2005. Influence of aeration rate and liquid temperature on ammonia emission rate and manure degradation in batch aerobic treatment. Transactions of the ASAE 48(1): 321-330.
Persia, M.E., R. Angel and W.W. Saylor. 2005. Effects of dietary nonphytate phosphorus level on roaster performance and phosphorus excretion. Poult. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1): 89.
Powers, W.J., C.R. Angel and T.J. Applegate. 2005. Air emissions in poultry production: current challenges and future directions. J. Applied Poultry Research 14: 613-621.
Richert, B.T., A.L. Sutton, A.P. Schinckel, J. S. Radcliffe, and A. J. Heber. 2005. Impact of diet manipulation on nutrient excretion and air emissions intensive studies. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2): 52.
Roberson, K.D., J.L. Kalbfleisch, W. Pan, T.J. Applegate, and D.S. Rosenstein. 2005. Comparison of wheat bran phytase and a commercially available phytase on turkey tom performance and litter phosphorus content. Intl. J. Poult. Sci. 4(5): 244-249.
Rush, J.K., R. Angel, K.M. Banks, K.L. Thompson, and T.J. Applegate. 2005. Effect of dietary calcium and vitamin D3 on calcium and phosphorus retention in Pekin ducklings. Poultry. Sci. 84: 561-570.
Schinckel, A., R. Hinson, A. Sutton, B. Richert, and S. Radcliffe. 2005. Using growth models to predict nutrient requirements and excretions. J. Ani. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2): 52-53.
Thompson, K.L., Z. Kounev, J. Patterson, and T.J. Applegate. 2005. The effects of feeding oxy-halogenic and other antimicrobial compounds on performance and nutrient retention in broilers. Poultry. Sci. 84: 238-247.
Traylor, S.L., G.L. Cromwell, and M.D. Lindemann. 2005. Bioavailability of phosphorus in meat and bone meal for swine. J. Ani. Sci. 83: 1054-1061.
Traylor, S.L., G.L. Cromwell, and M.D. Lindemann. 2005. Effects of particle size, ash content, and processing pressure on the bioavailability of phosphorus in meat and bone meal for swine. J. Ani. Sci. 83: 2554-2563.
Wang, X., Y. Zhang, L.Y. Zhao, and L.L. Christianson. 2005. Numerical modeling of dust spatial distribution in a mechanically ventilated airspace. Transactions of the ASAE 48(2): 729-737.
Westerman, P.W. and J. Arogo. 2005. On-farm performance of two solids/liquid separation systems for flushed swine manure. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(4): 707-717.
Westerman, P.W. and J. Arogo. 2005. Performance of a pond aeration system for treating anaerobic swine lagoon effluent. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(3): 505-516.
Yan, F., R. Angel, C. Ashwell, A. Mitchell, and M. Christman, 2005. Evaluation of the broilers ability to adapt to an early moderate deficiency in phosphorus and calcium. Poult. Sci. 84: 1222-1231.
Zhang, Z. and J. Zhu. 2005. Effectiveness of short-term aeration in treating swine finishing manure to reduce odour generation potential. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 105(1-2): 115-125.
Angel, R., W.W. Saylor, A. Mitchell, W. Powers, T.J. Applegate, and A.S. Dhandu. 2006. Effect of dietary phosphorus concentration, and inclusion of phytase and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on broiler chicken bone mineralization, litter total and water soluble phosphorus, and processing yields and losses. Poult. Sci. 85(7): 1200-1211.
Archibeque, S.L., D.N. Miller, H.C. Freetly, and C.L. Ferrell. 2006. Feeding high-moisture corn instead of dry-rolled corn reduces odorous compound production in manure of finishing beef cattle without decreasing performance. J. Ani. Sci. 84: 1767-1777.
Arogo, J., P.W. Westerman, A.J. Heber, W.P. Robarge, and J.J. Classen. 2006. Ammonia emissions from animal feeding operations. In: Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers, p. 41-88. Edited by J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, and F. J. Humenik. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 776 pages.
Baek, B.H., R. Todd, N.A. Cole, and J.A. Koziel. 2006. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide flux and dry deposition velocity measurements using vertical gradient method at a commercial beef cattle feedlot. Intl. J. Global Environmental Issues 6(2/3): 189-203.
Baek, B.H., J.A. Koziel and V.P. Aneja. 2006. A preliminary review of gas-to-particle monitoring and modeling efforts in the USA. Intl. J. Global Environmental Issues 6(2/3): 204-230.
Balfagon, A., M.D. Lindemann, K.J. Stalder, J. Burkett, J. Pierce, and G.L. Cromwell. 2006. Evaluation of mineral retention and tissue mineral content in finishing pigs fed inorganic and organic trace minerals. J. Ani. Sci. 84(Suppl. 2): 62.
Bulliner E.A., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, and D. Wright. 2006. Characterization of livestock odors using steel plates, solid phase microextraction, and multidimensional - gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry. J. Air and Waste Management Association 56: 1391-1403.
Burns, R.T., H. Xin, H. Li, S. Hoff, L.B. Moody, R. Gates, D. Overhults, and J. Earnest. 2006. Monitoring system design for the southeastern broiler gaseous and particulate matter air emissions monitoring project. Proceedings, Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference.
Cai, L., J.A. Koziel and M.E. ONeal. 2007. Determination of characteristic odorants from Harmonia axyridis beetles using in vivo solid-phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, olfactometry. J. Chromatography A 1147: 66-78.
Cai L., J.A. Koziel, J. Davis, Y.C. Lo, and H. Xin. 2006. Characterization of VOCs and odors by in vivo sampling of beef cattle rumen gas using SPME and GC-MS-olfactometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 386(6): 1791-1802.
Cai L., J.A. Koziel, Y.C. Lo, and S.J. Hoff. 2006. Characterization of VOCs and odorants associated with swine barn particulate matter using SPME and Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry. J. Chromatography A (1-2): 60-72.
Chen, Y. and J.J. Cheng. 2006. Application of anaerobic processes. Water Environment Research. 78(10): 1363-1385.
Cook, R.N., H. Xin and D. Nettleton. 2006. Effects of cage stocking density on feeding behaviors of group-housed laying hens. Transactions of the ASAE 49(1): 187-192.
Custodio, M.G., W.J. Powers, E. Huff-Lonergan, M.A.Faust, and J. Stein. 2006. Growth performance, pork quality, and excretion characteristics of pigs fed Bt corn or non-genetically modified corn. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 86(4): 443-455.
Davis, J.G., C.C. Truman, S.C. Kim, J.C. Ascough II, and K. Carlson. 2006. Antibiotic transport via runoff and soil loss. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 2250-2260.
Ekinci, K., H.M.Keener and D. Akbolat. 2006. Effects of feedstock, airflow rate, and recirculation ratio on the performance of composting systems with air recirculation. Bioresource Technology 97(2006): 922-932
Gascho, G.J. and R.K. Hubbard. 2006. Long-term impact of broiler litter on chemical properties of a Coastal Plain soil. J. Soil Water Conservation 61(2):65-74.
Grewal, S.K, S Rajeev, S Sreevatsan, and F.C. Michel Jr. 2006. Persistence of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and other zoonotic pathogens during simulated composting, manure packing, and liquid storage of dairy manure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 565-574.
Haan, M.M., J.R. Russell, W.J. Powers, J.L. Kovar, and J.L. Benning. 2006. Grazing management effects on sediment and phosphorus in surface runoff. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59(6): 607-615.
Harrigan, T.M., D.R. Mutch and S.S. Snapp. 2006. Manure slurry-enriched micro-site seeding of biosuppressive covers. Appl. Engr. in Agr. 22(6): 827-834.
Heber, A.J., T.T. Lim, J.Q. Ni, P.C. Tao, A.M. Schmidt, J.A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, L.D. Jacobson, Y. Zhang, and G.B. Baughman. 2006. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: particulate matter concentrations. J. Air and Waste Management Association 56: 1642-1648.
Heber, A.J., J.Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, P.C. Tao, A.M. Schmidt, J.A. Koziel, D.B. Beasley, S.J. Hoff, R.E. Nicolai, L.D. Jacobson, and Y. Zhang. 2006. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: gas concentrations. J. Air and Waste Management Association 56: 1472-1483.
Hoff, S.J., D.S. Bundy, M.A. Nelson, B.C. Zelle, L.D. Jacobson, A.J. Heber, J.Q. Ni, Y. Zhang, J.A. Koziel, and D.B. Beasley. 2006. Emissions of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and odor before, during and after slurry removal from a deep-pit swine finisher. J. Air and Waste Management Association 56: 581-590.
Jerez, S.B, Y. Zhang, J. McClure, L. Jacobson, A. Heber, S. Hoff, J. Koziel, and D. Beasley. 2006. Comparison of measured total suspended particulate matter concentration using tapered element oscillating microbalance and a TSP sampler. J. Air and Waste Management Association 56: 261-270.
Johnson, G.A., J.G. Davis, Y.L. Qian, and K.C. Doesken. 2006. Topdressing turf with composted manure improves soil quality and protects water quality. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70: 2114-2121.
Johnson, G.A., Y.L. Qian and J.G. Davis. 2006. Effects of compost topdressing on turf quality and growth of Kentucky bluegrass. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science. doi:10.1094/ATS-2006-0113-01-RS.
Kalbasi, A., S. Mukhtar, S. E. Hawkins, and B. W. Auvermann. 2006. Design, utilization, biosecurity, environmental and economic considerations of carcass composting. Compost Sci. Util. 14(2): 90-102.
Koelsch, R., W. Powers and A. Sutton. 2006. Integrating animal feeding strategies into CNMP processes: role of an updated ASAE standard D384.2. J. Ani. Sci 84 (Suppl 2): 122.
Koziel, J.A., L. Cai, D. Wright, and S. Hoff. 2006. Solid phase microextraction as a novel air sampling technology for improved, GC-Olfactometry-based, assessment of livestock odors. J. Chromatographic Science 44(7): 451-457.
Li, H., R.T. Burns, H. Xin, L.B. Moody, R. Gates, D. Overhults, and J. Earnest. 2006. Development of a continuous NH3 emissions monitoring system for commercial broiler houses. Proceedings, Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference.
Liang, Y., H. Xin, H. Li, R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, and K.D. Casey. 2006. Effect of measurement interval on estimation of ammonia emission rates for layer houses. Transactions of the ASAE 49(1): 183-186.
Lorimor, J., C. Fulhage, R. Zhang, T. Funk, R. Sheffield, D. C. Sheppard, and G. L. Newton. 2006. Manure management strategies and technologies. In: J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, F. J. Humenik, eds. Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers. Publication No. 913C0306. ASABE: St. Joseph, MI. Pp. 409-434.
Loughrin, J.H., A.A. Szogi and M.B. Vanotti. 2006. Reduction of malodorous compounds from liquid swine manure by a multi-stage treatment system. Appl. Engr. Agr. 22(6): 867-873.
Loughrin, J.H., A.A. Szogi and M..B. Vanotti. 2006. Reduction of malodorous compounds from a treated swine anaerobic lagoon. J. Environ. Qual. 35(1): 194-199. 2006.
Makris, K.C., J.H. Grove and C.J. Matocha. 2006. Colloid-mediated vertical phosphorus transport in a waste-amended soil. Geoderma. 136: 174-183.
Meyer, D., B. Reed, C. Batchelder, I Zallo, P.L. Ristow, G. Higginbotham, M. Arana, T. Shultz, D.D. Mullinax, and J. Merriam. 2006. Water use and winter liquid storage needs at central valley dairy farms in California. Appl. Engr. Agr. 22: 121-126.
Moody, L.B., H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, and R. Gates. 2006. Quality assurance project plan (QAPP) for monitoring gaseous and particulate matter emissions from southeastern broiler houses. Proceedings, Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference.
Ocfemia, K.S., Y. Zhang and T.L. Funk. 2006. Hydrothermal processing of swine manure into oil using a continuous reactor system: development and testing. Trans. ASABE 49(2): 533-541.
Oh, H.I., J.H. Lee, B.H. Choi, N.S. Myung, and R.T. Burns. 2006. Recovery of phosphorous in animal wastewater by Struvite forming. Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery 31(1): 46-51.
Panetta, D.M., W.J. Powers, H. Xin, B.J. Kerr, and K.J. Stalder. 2006. Nitrogen excretion and ammonia emissions from pigs fed reduced crude protein diets or yucca extract. J. Environ. Qual. 35(4): 1297-1308.
Paul, S., R. Srinivasan, J. Sanabria, P.K. Haan, S. Mukhtar, and K. Neimann. 2006. Groupwise modeling study of bacterially impaired watersheds in Texas: clustering analysis. J. American Water Res. Assoc. 42(4): 1017-1031.
Pei, R., S.C. Kim, K.H. Carlson, and A. Pruden. 2006. Effect of river landscape on the sediment concentrations of antibiotics and corresponding antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). Water Res. 40: 2427-2435.
Pettey, L.A., G.L. Cromwell and M.D. Lindemann. 2006. Estimation of endogenous phosphorus loss in growing and finishing pigs fed semi-purified diets. J. Ani. Sci. 84: 618-626.
Powers, W.J., E.R. Fritz, W. Fehr, and R. Angel. 2006. Evaluation of low-phytate soybeans on performance and excretions from swine. J. Ani. Sci. 84(7): 1907-1915.
Pruden, A., R. Pei, H. Stoorteboom, and K. Carlson. 2006. Antibiotic resistance genes as emerging contaminants: Studies in Northern Colorado. Environ. Sci. and Tech. 40: 7445-7450.
Schierer, R.A., J.G. Davis and J.R. Zumbrunnen. 2006. Predicting phosphorus runoff from calcareous soils. Better Crops with Plant Food. 90(4): 3-5.
Schoenau, J. and J.G. Davis. 2006. Optimizing soil and plant responses to land-applied manure nutrients in the Great Plains of North America. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86: 587-595.
Shah, S.B., G.L. Grabow and P.W. Westerman. 2006. Ammonia desorption in five types of flexible tubing materials. Appl. Engr. Agr. 22(6): 919-923.
Shah, S.B., P.W. Westerman and J. Arogo. 2006. Measuring ammonia concentrations and emissions from land and liquid surfaces: A review. J. Air and Waste Management Association 56(7): 945-960.
Green, S.J., E. Inbar, F.C. Michel Jr., Y. Hadar, and D.r Minz. 2006. Succession of bacterial communities during early plant development: Transition from seed to root and effect of compost amendment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 3975-3983.
Szogi, A.A., M.B. Vanotti and P..G. Hunt. 2006. Dewatering of phosphorus extracted from liquid swine waste. Bioresource Technol. 97(1): 183-190.
Szogi, A.A., M.B. Vanotti and A.A. Stansbery. 2006. Reduction of ammonia emissions from treated anaerobic swine lagoons. Trans. ASABE 49(1): 217-225.
Ullman, J.L and S. Mukhtar. 2006 (online 19 June 2006, print copy available in 2007). Impact of dairy housing practices on lagoon effluent characteristics: Implications for nitrogen dynamics and salt accumulation. Bioresource Technology 98 (2007): 745-752.
Wheeler, E.F., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, J.L. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, Y. Liang, and A. J. Pescatore. 2006. Ammonia emissions from twelve U.S.A. broiler chicken houses. Trans. ASABE.
Wortmann, C.S. and D.T. Walters. 2006. Phosphorus runoff during four years following composted manure application. J. Environ. Qual. 35(March-April 2006): 651-657.
Wu, W., W. Powers, R. Angel, C.E.Hale, III, and T. Applegate. 2006. Effect of diet on air emissions from laying hens of different ages. International Poultry Scientific Forum. Burkett, J., K. Stalder, W. Powers, J. Pierce, C. Schwab, T. Baas, and B. Schaefer. 2006. The effect of inorganic and organic trace mineral supplementation on fecal excretion and apparent digestibility of grow-finish swine. J. Ani. Sci 84(Suppl 2): 9.
Yang, S.Y., K.S. Ji, Y.H. Baik, W.S. Kwak, and T.A. McCaskey. 2006. Lactic acid bacteria fermentation of food waste for swine feed. Bioresource Technol. 97: 1858-1864.
Zhang, Z., J. Zhu, J. King, and W. H. Li. 2006. A two step fed SBR for treating swine manure. Process Biochemistry 41(4): 892-900.
Zhang, Z., J. Zhu, and K. J. Park. 2006. A bench-scale aeration study using batch reactors on swine manure stabilization to control odour in post treatment storage. Water Research 40(1): 162-174.
Zhu, J., Z. Zhang and C. Miller. 2006. A laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor with the addition of acetate to remove nutrient and organic matter in pig slurry. Biosystems Engineering 93(4): 437-446.
Cai, L., J.A. Koziel, A.T. Nguyen, Y. Liang, and H. Xin. 2007. Evaluation of zeolite for control of odorants emissions from simulated poultry manure storage. J. Environ. Qual. 36(1): 184-193.
Zhu, J, X. Wu, C. Miller, F. Yu, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2007. Biohydrogen production through fermentation using liquid swine manure as substrate. J. Environ. Sci. and Health B42 (4): 1-9.
Conference proceedings and abstracts
Arogo, J., P. W. Westerman, A. J. Heber, W. P. Robarge, and J. J. Classen. 2001. Ammonia emissions from animal feeding operations. White paper sponsored by the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, Published by Midwest Plan Service (also available on CD), Ames, IA. 63 pg.
Auvermann, B., R. Bottcher, A. Heber, D. Meyer, C.B. Parnell, Jr., B. Shaw, and J. Worley. 2001. Particulate Matter Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations. National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management. Available through Midwest Plan Service at http://www.mwpshq.org.
Sweeten, J.M., L. Jacobson, A.J. Heber, D. Schmidt, J. Lorimor, P. Westerman, J.R. Miner, R. Zhang, M. Williams, and B.W. Auverman. 2001. Odor mitigation for concentrated animal feeding operations. White paper sponsored by the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, Published by Midwest Plan Service (also available on CD), Ames, IA. 50 pg.
Bicudo, J.R., CL. Tengman, D.R. Schmidt, and L.D. Jacobson. 2002. Ambient H2S concentrations near swine barns and manure storages. 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting / CIGR XV World Congress, July 28-31, Chicago, IL, ASAE Paper No. 02-4059, St. Joseph, MI (on CD-ROM).
Bicudo, J.R., D.R. Schmidt, C.J. Clanton, W. Powers, C.L. Tengman, and L.D. Jacobson. 2002. A two-year study of the effectiveness of geotextile covers to reduce odor and gas emissions from manure storages. 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR XV World Congress, July 28-31, Chicago, IL, ASAE Paper No. 02-4195, St. Joseph, MI (on CD-ROM).
Cromwell, G.L. 2002. Impacts of genetically modified, low-phytate corn and soybean meal and transgenic pigs possessing salivary phytase on phosphorus excretion. Proceedings Midwest Swine Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 4. Pp. 59-72.
Heber, A.J., J.-Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, P.C. Tao, A.M. Millmier, L.D. Jacobson, R.E. Nicolai, J. A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2002. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Part 1. Gas concentrations. Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco, CA. November 13-25. Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
Heber, A.J., T.T. Lim; J.Z. Gallien; J.-Q. Ni; P.C. Tao, L.D. Jacobson, J.A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, and G.B. Baughman. 2002. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Part 2. Particulate matter concentrations. Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco, CA, November 13-25. Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
Hill, J., R.D. von Bernuth and E.C. Cline. 2002. Monitoring and regulation of ozonation systems in livestock production facilities. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL. ASAE Paper No. 02-4055. St. Joseph, MI.
Hubbard, R.K. and G.L. Newton. 2002. Long-term impact of swine lagoon wastewater on shallow groundwater nitrogen levels in vegetated buffer systems. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Animal Residuals Conference, May 6-8. Washington, D.C. At www.biosolids.com.
Humenik, F.J., R.D. von Bernuth, T.L. Richard, and F. Michael Jr. 2002. Livestock housing design to enhance management of liquid stream and in-house gases. Proceedings of the 4th International Livestock Waste Management Symposium and Technology Expo, Global Perspective in Livestock Waste Mgmt. Penang, Malaysia. Pp. 113-118.
Jacobson, L.D., R.E. Nicolai, A.J. Heber; J.-Q. Ni; T.T. Lim, J.A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, Y. Zhang, and D.B. Beasley. 2002. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: Part 3. Odor concentrations. Symposium on Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology, San Francisco, CA, November 13-25. Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA.
Janni, K.A and D.R. Schmidt. 2002. Correlation of odor with air and manure chemistry. Final report to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB). January 15.
Janni, K.A and D.R. Schmidt. 2002. Emissions of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, odor, and particulate matter. Final report to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA). January 15.
Kim-Yang, H.S., R. D. von Bernuth and S. Davies. 2002. Ozonation effect on odorous compounds in livestock building air. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Chicago, IL. ASAE Paper No. 02-4056. St. Joseph, MI.
Rhodes, M.B., D.B. Parker, J.M. Sweeten, N.A. Cole, and M.S. Brown. 2002. Beef feedyard effluent application effects on nutrient mass balances for three cropping rotations of sorghum and wheat. ASAE Paper No. 02-4147. ASAE International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress, Chicago, IL, July 28-31. 12 pgs.
Schmidt, D.R. and J.R. Bicudo. 2002. Using a wind tunnel to determine odor and gas fluxes from manure surfaces. ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR XV World Congress, July 28-31, Chicago, IL. ASAE Paper No. 02-4083. St. Joseph, MI. On CD-ROM.
Somda, Z.C., J.R. Allison, L.O. Ely, G.L. Newton, G. Vellidis, and M.E. Wetzstein. 2002. Economic analysis of dairy manure utilization for year-round forage production. Proceedings Annual SAEA Conference, Orlando, FL, February 2-6.
Sutton, A., T. Applegate, S. Hankins, B. Hill, G. Allee, W. Greene, R. Kohn, D. Meyer, W. Powers, and T. Van Kempen. 2002. Manipulation of animal diets to affect manure production, composition, and odors: State of the science. National Center for Waste Management White Paper. Published by Midwest Plan Service, Ames, IA.
Thien, B.F., K. Annamalai and J.M. Sweeten. 2002. Co-firing feedlot and litter biomass:coal blends in a laboratory scale boiler burner. ASME Symposium on Combustion, Energy and Fire. International Mechanical Engineering Congress an Exposition, New Orleans, LA, November 17-22.
University of Iowa and Iowa State University. 2002. Iowa concentrated animal feeding operations air quality study. A peer-reviewed report submitted to Director Vonk, Iowa Department of Natural Resource. Developed at the request of Governor Vilsak.
Annamalai, K., M. Freeman, J.M. Sweeten, M. Mathur, W.O. ODavid, G. Walbert, and S. Jones. 2003. Co-Firing of coal and cattle feedlot biomass (FB) fuels, Part III: Performance results from 500,000 BTU/Hr DOE-NETL Boil.
Arogo, J., P.W. Westerman, A.J. Heber, W.P. Robarge, and J.J. Classen. 2003. Ammonia emissions from animal feeding operations. In: Proceedings of AWRA 2003 Spring Specialty Conference Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality. May 12-14, 2003, Kansas City, MO. AWRA, Middleburg, VA.
Bicudo, J.R., C.J. Clanton, D.R. Schmidt, C.L. Tengman, and L.D. Jacobson. 2003. Odor, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia flux rates from swine manure in Southwest Minnesota. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, CIGR, June 1-4, Horsens, Denmark, pp. 417-425.
Bicudo, J.R., D.R. Schmidt, S.W. Gay, R.S. Gates, L.D. Jacobson, and S.J. Hoff. 2003. Odor emissions from livestock and poultry production/waste management systems. Proceedings of the 2003 Spring Specialty Conference on Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality, AWRA, May 12-14, Kansas City, MO (on CD-ROM).
Bicudo, J.R., K.A. Janni, L.D. Jacobson, and D.R. Schmidt. 2003. Odor and hydrogen sulfide emission from a dairy manure storage. Proceedings of the 5th International Dairy Housing Conference (K.A. Janni, ed.), January 29-31, Fort Worth, TX, pp. 368-375.
Bowers, K.E. and P.W. Westerman. 2003. Phosphorus removal in a novel fluidized bed crystallizer. ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 27-30, 2003, Las Vegas, NV. ASAE Paper No. 03-4123. St. Joseph, MI.
Casey, K.D., R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, J.S. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, H. Xin, and Y. Liang. 2003. Ammonia emissions from broiler houses in Kentucky during winter. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, 1-4 June. Horsens, Jutland, Denmark.
Cheng, J., S. Liehr and C. Lyerly. 2003. Swine wastewater treatment in an integrated system of anaerobic digestion and duckweed nutrient removal. ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 27-30, Las Vegas, NV. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Christopherson, S., D.R. Schmidt, K.A. Janni, and J. Zhu. 2003. Evaluation and demonstration of treatment options for dairy parlor and milk house wastewater. ASAE Paper No. 03-4121. St. Joseph, MI.
Cromwell, G.L. 2003. Update on phytase utilization in swine. Proceedings Roche Pre-Conference Symposium, Eastern Canadian Nutrition Conference, Quebec City. Hoffmann-LaRoche Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario. Pp. 29-45.
Fisher, D.S., M.B. Jenkins, R.R. Lowrance, R.K. Hubbard, T.C. Strickland, G. Vellidis, and G.L. Newton. 2003. In vitro disappearances of E.coli and enterococci related to light, predation, and sedimentation. Agronomy Abstracts. (A05-fisher927072-oral) On CD-Rom. Abstract 52: 295.
Funk, T.L., M. J. Robert, Y. Zhang, and R.E. Fonner. 2003. Precision nutrient management plan for liquid manure application: expectations and reality. ASAE Paper No. 03-412x., St. Joseph, MI. 17 pgs.
Gerrish, J.B., S.H. Davies, S.J. Masten, R.L. Ledebuhr, and R.D. von Bernuth. 2003. Ozonation of swine-waste liquids at full- scale. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. ASAE Paper No. 03-4056. St. Joseph, MI.
Harmon, J.D., D.S. Bundy, T.K. Richard, S.J. Hoff, and A. Beatty. 2003. Survey monitoring of environmental factors from bedded swine systems. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens June 1-4. CIGR.
Hawkins, G., D. Sierra and R.K. Hubbard. 2003. Phosphorus and nitrogen leachability on agricultural fields used for land application of poultry waste. ASAE Paper No. 03-2252.
Hoff, S.J. and D.S. Bundy. 2003. Modeling odor dispersion from multiple sources to multiple receptors. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens June 1-4. CIGR.
Hoff, S.J. and D.S. Bundy. 2003. Automated downwind sampling for analyzing gas dispersion from livestock systems. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens June 1-4. CIGR.
Hubbard, R.K., G.J. Gascho and G.L. Newton. 2003. Use of floating vegetation to remove nutrients from swine wastewater lagoons. Southern Ag. Workers Meeting, Mobile, AL. Abstract 53, page 26.
Hubbard, R.K., G.L. Newton and G. Hill. 2003. Water quality and the grazing animal. J. Ani. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1), J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1), Abstract 507, page 128.
Hubbard, R.K., J.M. Sheridan and D.D. Bosch. 2003. Total solids and suspended sediment loads in coastal plain stream flow A derived distribution approach to total daily loads. SWCS National Meeting, Spokane, WA. Abstract 54.
Hubbard, R., J. Sheridan and D. Bosch. 2003. A derived-distribution approach to estimating daily loads of sediment in coastal plain stream flow. In. K.G. Renard, S.A. McElroy, W.J. Gburek, H.E. Canfield, and R.L. Scott, eds. First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, October 27-30. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service. Pp. 595-600.
Jacobson, L.D., A.J. Heber, Y. Zhang, J. Sweeten, J., Kozie, S.J. Hoff, D.S. Bundy, D.B. Beasley, and G.R. Baughman. 2003. Air pollutant emissions from confined animal buildings in the U.S. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities. Scandic Hotel Bygholm Park. Horsens, June 1-4. CIGR.
Jacobson, L.D., J.R. Bicudo, D.R. Schmidt, S.W. Gay, R.S. Gates, and S.J. Hoff. 2003. Air emissions from animal production buildings. Proceedings of the XI International Congress in Animal Hygiene, Mexico City, Mexico, February 23-27. Pp. 147- 169.
Keener, H.M., F.C. Michel Jr., and D.L. Elwell. 2003. Spreadsheet computer models for design and management of compost systems. Proceedings of the Annual International Meeting of the Institute of Biological Engineering, Athens, GA, January 17-19. Published on CD.
Keener, H.M. and D.L. Elwell. 2003. Caged layer manure management on flies, water and nitrogen levels - case studies of current technologies. ASAE Paper No. 03-4128. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Published on CD (search at asae.frymulti.com).
Liang, Y., H. Xin, A. Tanaka, S.H. Lee, H. Li, E.F. Wheeler, R.S. Gates, J.S. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, and K.D. Casey. 2003. Ammonia emissions from layer houses in Iowa. International Symposium on Gaseous and Odour Emissions from Animal Production Facilities, June 1-4. Horsens, Jutland, Denmark.
Limited due to space limitations
Refereed Publications
Angel, R., W.W. Saylor, A. Mitchell, W. Powers, T.J. Applegate and A.S. Dhandu. 2006. Effect of dietary phosphorus concentration, and inclusion of phytase and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on broiler chicken bone mineralization, litter total and water soluble phosphorus, and processing yields and losses. Poult. Sci. 85(7):1200-1211.
Archibeque, S.L., D.N. Miller, H.C. Freetly, and C.L. Ferrell. 2006. Feeding high-moisture corn instead of dry-rolled corn reduces odorous compound production in manure of finishing beef cattle without decreasing performance. J. Anim. Sci. 84:17671777.
Arogo, J., P. W. Westerman, A. J. Heber, W. P. Robarge, and John J. Classen. 2006. Ammonia emissions from animal feeding operations. In: Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers, p. 41-88. Edited by J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, and F. J. Humenik. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 776 pages
Baek, B.H., R. Todd, N.A. Cole, J.A. Koziel. 2006. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide flux and dry deposition velocity measurements using vertical gradient method at a commercial beef cattle feedlot. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 6 (2/3) 189-203.
Baek, B.H., J.A. Koziel, and V.P. Aneja. 2006. A preliminary review of gas-to-particle monitoring and modeling efforts in the USA. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 6 (2/3) 204-230.
Balfagon, A., M.D. Lindemann, K.J. Stalder, J. Burkett, J. Pierce, and G.L. Cromwell. 2006. Evaluation of mineral retention and tissue mineral content in finishing pigs fed inorganic and organic trace minerals. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 2)62.
Bulliner E.A., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, D. Wright. 2006. Characterization of livestock odors using steel plates, solid phase microextraction, and multidimensional - gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 56:1391-1403.
Burns, R.T., H. Xin, H. Li, S. Hoff, L.B. Moody, R. Gates, D. Overhults, and J. Earnest. 2006. Monitoring System Design for the Southeastern Broiler Gaseous and Particulate Matter Air Emissions Monitoring Project. Proceedings of the Annual Air & Waste Management Association Conference.
Cai, L., J.A. Koziel, M.E. ONeal. 2007. Determination of characteristic odorants from Harmonia axyridis beetles using in vivo solid-phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography - mass spectrometry olfactometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1147, 66-78.
Cai, L., J.A. Koziel, A.T. Nguyen, Y. Liang, and H. Xin. Evaluation of zeolite for control of odorants emissions from simulated poultry manure storage. 2007. Journal of Environmental Quality, 36(1), 184-193.
Cai L., J.A. Koziel, J. Davis, Y.C. Lo and H. Xin. 2006. Characterization of VOCs and odors by in vivo sampling of beef cattle rumen gas using SPME and GC-MS-olfactometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 386(6):1791-1802.
Cai L., J.A. Koziel. Y.C. Lo, and S.J. Hoff. 2006. Characterization of VOCs and Odorants Associated with Swine Barn Particulate Matter using SPME and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Olfactometry. Journal of Chromatography A, (1-2), 60-72.
Chen, Y. and J.J. Cheng. (In press) Effect of potassium inhibition on the thermophilic anaerobic digestion of swine waste. Water Environment Research.
Chen, Y. and J.J. Cheng (2006) Application of anaerobic processes. Water Environment Research. 78(10), 1363-1385.
Cook, R.N., H. Xin, and D. Nettleton. 2006. Effects of cage stocking density on feeding behaviors of group-housed laying hens. Transactions of the ASAE 49(1): 187-192.
Creamer, K.S., C.M. Williams, Y. Chen, J.J. Cheng. (In press) Urine:Feces Ratio in a Thermophilic Anaerobic Digester: Implications for Swine Waste Treatment System Feasibility. Water Environment Research.
Custodio, M.G., W.J. Powers, E. Huff-Lonergan, M.A.Faust, and J. Stein. 2006. Growth performance, pork quality, and excretion characteristics of pigs fed Bt corn or non-genetically modified corn. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 86(4):443-455.
Davis, J.G., C.C. Truman, S.C. Kim, J.C. Ascough II, and K. Carlson. 2006. Antibiotic transport via runoff and soil loss. J. Environ. Qual. 35:2250-2260.
Ekinci, K., H.M.Keener, D. Akbolat. 2006. Effects of feedstock, airflow rate, and recirculation ratio on the performance of composting systems with air recirculation. Bioresource Technology 97(2006 ) 922-932
Gascho, G.J. and R.K. Hubbard. 2006. Long-term impact of broiler litter on chemical properties of a Coastal Plain soil. J. Soil Wat. Conserv. 61(2):65-74.
Grewal SK, S Rajeev, S Sreevatsan, FC Michel Jr. 2006. Persistence of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and other zoonotic pathogens during simulated composting, manure packing, and liquid storage of dairy manure. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 565-574.
Haan, M.M., J.R. Russell, W.J. Powers, J.L. Kovar, and J.L. Benning. 2006. Grazing management effects on sediment and phosphorus in surface runoff. Rangeland Ecology and Management 59(6):607-615.
Harrigan, T.M., D.R. Mutch and S.S. Snapp. 2006. Manure Slurry-Enriched Micro-Site Seeding of Biosuppressive Covers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(6): 827-834.
Heber, A.J., T.T. Lim, J.Q. Ni, P.C. Tao, A.M. Schmidt, J.A. Koziel, S.J. Hoff, L.D. Jacobson, Y. Zhang, G.B. Baughman. 2006. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: particulate matter concentrations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 56:1642-1648.
Heber, A.J., J.Q. Ni, T.T. Lim, P.C. Tao, A.M. Schmidt, J.A. Koziel, D.B. Beasley, S.J. Hoff, R.E. Nicolai, L.D. Jacobson, Y. Zhang. 2006. Quality assured measurements of animal building emissions: gas concentrations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 56:1472-1483.
Hoff, S.J., D.S. Bundy, M.A. Nelson, B.C. Zelle, L.D. Jacobson, A.J. Heber, J.Q. Ni, Y. Zhang, J.A. Koziel, D.B. Beasley. 2006. Emissions of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and odor before, during and after slurry removal from a deep-pit swine finisher. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 56, 581-590.
Jacobson, L.D. Animal Structures: Air Quality. Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering. Article in Press. EOAF 120007233, Dekker Encyclopedias.
Jerez, S.B, Y. Zhang, J. McClure, L. Jacobson, A. Heber, S. Hoff, J. Koziel, and D. Beasley. 2006. Comparison of measured total suspended particulate matter concentration using tapered element oscillating microbalance and a TSP sampler. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association. 56: 261-270.
Johnson, G.A., J.G. Davis, Y.L. Qian, and K.C. Doesken. 2006. Topdressing turf with composted manure improves soil quality and protects water quality. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:2114-2121.
Johnson, G.A., Y.L. Qian, and J.G. Davis. 2006. Effects of compost topdressing on turf quality and growth of Kentucky bluegrass. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science. doi:10.1094/ATS-2006-0113-01-RS.
Kalbasi, A., S. Mukhtar, S. E. Hawkins and B. W. Auvermann. 2006. Design, Utilization, Biosecurity, Environmental and Economic Considerations of Carcass Composting. Compost Science and Utilization. Compost Science and Utilization. 14 (2) 90-102.
Koziel, J.A., L. Cai, D. Wright, S. Hoff. 2006. Solid phase microextraction as a novel air sampling technology for improved, GC-Olfactometry-based, assessment of livestock odors. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 44(7), 451-457.
Li, H., R.T. Burns, H. Xin, L.B. Moody, R. Gates, D. Overhults, and J. Earnest. 2006. Development of a Continuous NH3 Emissions Monitoring System for Commercial Broiler Houses. Proceedings of the Annual Air & Waste Management Association Conference.
Liang, Y., H. Xin, H. Li, R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler and K.D. Casey. 2006. Effect of measurement interval on estimation of ammonia emission rates for layer houses. Transactions of the ASAE 49(1): 183-186.
Lorimor, J., C. Fulhage, R. Zhang, T. Funk, R. Sheffield, D. C. Sheppard, and G. L. Newton. 2006. Manure Management Strategies and Technologies. In: J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, F. J. Humenik, eds. Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers. Pub. Number 913C0306. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. p. 409-434.
Loughrin, J.H., Szogi, A.A. and Vanotti, M.B. Reduction of malodorous compounds from liquid swine manure by a multi-stage treatment system. Appl. Eng. Agr. 22(6)867-873. 2006.
Loughrin, J.H., Szogi, A.A. and Vanotti, M.B. Reduction of malodorous compounds from a treated swine anaerobic lagoon. J. Environ. Qual. 35(1):194-199. 2006.
Makris, K.C., J.H. Grove, and C.J. Matocha. 2006. Colloid-mediated vertical phosphorus transport in a waste-amended soil. Geoderma. 136:174-183.
Moody, L. B., H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, and R. Gates. 2006. Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for Monitoring Gaseous and Particulate Matter Emissions from Southeastern Broiler Houses. Proceedings of the Annual Air & Waste Management Association Conference.
Ocfemia, K. S., Zhang, Y., and Funk, T.L. 2006. Hydrothermal processing of swine manure into oil using a continuous reactor system: development and testing. Trans. ASABE. 49(2): 533-541.
Oh, H.I., J.H. Lee, B.H. Choi, N.S. Myung, and R.T. Burns. 2006. Recovery of Phosphorous in Animal Wastewater by Struvite Forming. The Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery. v31(1) pages 46-51.
Panetta, D.M., W.J. Powers, H. Xin, B.J. Kerr, and K.J. Stalder. 2006. Nitrogen excretion and ammonia emissions from pigs fed reduced crude protein diets or yucca extract. J. Environ. Qual. 35(4):1297-1308.
Paul, S., R. Srinivasan, J. Sanabria, P. K. Haan, S. Mukhtar and K. Neimann. (2006). Groupwise Modeling Study of Bacterially Impaired Watersheds in Texas: Clustering Analysis. Journal of the American Water Res. Assoc. 42(4) 1017-1031.
Pei, R., S.C. Kim, K.H. Carlson, and A. Pruden. 2006. Effect of river landscape on the sediment concentrations of antibiotics and corresponding antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). Water Res. 40: 2427-2435.
Pettey, L.A., G.L. Cromwell, and M.D. Lindemann. 2006. Estimation of endogenous phosphorus loss in growing and finishing pigs fed semi-purified diets. J. Anim. Sci. 84:618-626.
Powers, W.J., E.R. Fritz, W. Fehr, and R. Angel. 2006. Evaluation of low-phytate soybeans on performance and excretions from swine. J. Anim. Sci. 84(7):1907-1915.
Pruden, A., R. Pei, H. Stoorteboom, and K. Carlson. 2006. Antibiotic resistance genes as emerging contaminants: Studies in northern Colorado. Environ. Sci. & Tech. 40: 7445-7450.
Schierer, R.A., J.G. Davis, and J.R. Zumbrunnen. 2006. Predicting phosphorus runoff from calcareous soils. Better Crops with Plant Food. 90(4):3-5.
Schoenau, J. and J.G. Davis. 2006. Optimizing soil and plant responses to land-applied manure nutrients in the Great Plains of North America. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86:587-595.
Shah, S. B., G. L. Grabow and P. W. Westerman. 2006. Ammonia desorption in five types of flexible tubing materials. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(6):919-923.
Shah, S. B., P. W. Westerman and J. Arogo. 2006. Measuring ammonia concentrations and emissions from land and liquid surfaces: A review. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 56(7):945-960.
Shah, S., P. Westerman and J. Parsons. 2006. Poultry Litter Amendments. NC Extension Bulletin AG-657. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 2 pg. http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/publicat/wqwm/poultry/factsheet_agw-657short.pdf
Shah, S., P. Westerman and J. Parsons. 2006. Poultry Litter Amendments. NC Extension Bulletin AGW-657. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 8 pg. http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/publicat/wqwm/poultry/factsheet_agw-657long.pdf
Stefan J Green, Ehud Inbar, Frederick C. Michel Jr., Yitzhak Hadar, and Dror Minz. 2006. Succession of Bacterial Communities during Early Plant Development: Transition from Seed to Root and Effect of Compost Amendment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 3975-3983.
Sweeten, J. M., L. D. Jacobson, A. J. Heber, D. R. Schmidt, J. C. Lorimor, P. W. Westerman, J. R. Miner, R. H. Zhang, C. M. Williams, and B. W. Auvermann. 2006. Odor mitigation for concentrated animal feeding operations: white paper and recommendation. In: Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers, p. 721-758. Edited by J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, and F. J. Humenik. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI. 776 pages
Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. and Hunt, P.G. Dewatering of phosphorus extracted from liquid swine waste. Bioresource Technol. 97(1):183-190. 2006.
Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B. and Stansbery, A.A. Reduction of ammonia emissions from treated anaerobic swine lagoons. Trans. ASABE 49(1):217-225. 2006.
Ullman, J. L and S. Mukhtar. 2006 (online 19 June 2006, print copy available in 2007). Impact of dairy housing practices on lagoon effluent characteristics: Implications for nitrogen dynamics and salt accumulation. Bioresource Technology. 98 (2007) 745-752.
Wheeler, E.F., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, J.L. Zajaczkowski, P.A. Topper, Y. Liang, A. J. Pescatore. 2006. Ammonia emissions from twelve U.S.A. broiler chicken houses. Transactions of the ASAE .
Wortmann, C. S. and D. T. Walters. 2006. Phosphorus runoff during four years following composted manure application. J. Environ. Qual.. V 35, March-April 2006. 651-657.
Yang, S.Y., K. S. Ji, Y.H. Baik, W.S. Kwak, and T.A. McCaskey. 2006. Lactic acid bacteria fermentation of food waste for swine feed. Bioresource Technol. 97:1858-1864.
Angel R., W. Powers, S. Zamzow, and T. Applegate. 2006. Dietary modifications to reduce nitrogen consumption and excretion in broilers. Poultry Sci. 85:19 (Abstr.).
Erickson, G.E., T.J. Klopfenstein, R.K. Koelsch, W.F. Kissinger, and J.H. Harrison. 2006. Ruminant diet composition effects on land area used for manure application. Midwest ASAS/ADSA Abstract #124, page 41.
Fortuna, Ann-Marie, C.W. Honeycutt, T.L. Marsh, T. Griffin, R. Larking, Z. He, B. Wienhod, K. Sistani, S. Albrecht, B. Woodbury, H.A. Torbert, J.M. Powell, R. Hubbard, R. Eigenberg, and R. Wright. 2006. Towards national prediction of manure N availabity: soil influence on nitrifier community and nitrification. Agronomy Abstracts.
Haan, M., J. Russell, D. Morrical, D. Strohbehn, W. Powers, J. Lawrence, and J. Kovar. 2006. Effects of grazing management on pasture characteristics affecting sediment and nutrient loads in surface waters. J. Anim. Sci. 84:W64. (Abstr.).
Haan, M., J. Russell, J. Davis, D. Morrical, D. Strohbehn, and W. Powers. 2006. Effect of grazing management on cattle distribution patterns. J. Anim. Sci. 84:. (Abstr.)
Hubbard, R.K., D.D. Bosch, T.C. Strickland, C.C. Truman, and T.L. Potter. 2006. Comparison of conservation and conventional tillage effects on water quality in a coastal plain soil. In: Workshop Entitled Managing Agricultural Landscapes For Environmental Quality Strengthening the Science Base Organized by the Soil and Water Conservation Society. October 11-13, 2006, Kansas City, MO. Abstract #68 p. 103-104.
Koelsch, R., W. Powers, and A. Sutton. 2006. Integrating animal feeding strategies into CNMP processes: role of an updated ASAE standard D384.2. J. Anim. Sci 84 (Suppl 2): 122.
Powers, W., R. Angel, S. Zamzow, and T. Applegate. 2006. Reducing broiler air emissions through diet. Poultry Sci. 85:135 (Abstr.).
Wu, W., W. Powers, R. Angel, C.E.Hale III, and T. Applegate. 2006. Effect of diet on air emissions from laying hens of different ages. International Poultry Scientific Forum.
Burkett, J., K. Stalder, W. Powers, J. Pierce, C. Schwab, T. Baas, and B. Schaefer. 2006.
The effect of inorganic and organic trace mineral supplementation on fecal excretion and apparent digestibility of grow-finish swine. J. Anim. Sci 84(Suppl 2): 9.
Zhu, J, X. Wu, C. Miller, F. Yu, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2007. Biohydrogen Production through Fermentation Using Liquid Swine Manure as Substrate. J. Environ. Sci. & Health B42 (4): 1-9.
Non-refereed papers and poster presentations
Auvermann, B. W, S. Mukhtar and K. Heflin. 2006. Composting Large Animal Carcasses. Texas Cooperative Extension Publication No. E-422.
Casey, K., D. Parker, J. Sweeten, S. Mukhtar, and J. Koziel. 2006. Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions from Beef Feedlots & Dairy Corrals in the Southern Great Plains. ASABE International meeting, Portland, OR, July 9-12. ASABE Paper No. 06-4028.
Chaoui, H., H.M. Keener and M.R. Ehsani Testing a Model of the Effectiveness of an Electric Field at Repelling Earthworms from an Organic Media. ASAE Paper 067010. Presented at 2006 ASAE Annual International Meeting. 7/9-12. Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon.
Goodrich, B., S. Mukhtar, S. Capareda and B. Shaw. 2006. Development of a PM10 Emission Factor for Hybrid Dairies. ASABE International meeting, Portland, OR, July 9-12. ASABE Paper No. 06-4164.
Goodrich, B., S. Capareda, and S. Mukhtar. 2006. Analysis of Dairy Biomass Properties for Use in Thermo-Chemical Conversion Technologies. ASABE International meeting, Portland, OR, July 9-12. ASABE Paper No. 06-4184.
Goodrich, B., B. Shaw, C. Parnell, S. Capareda and S. Mukhtar. 2006. Evaluation of the Box Model for Emission Factor Development. ASABE International meeting, Portland, OR, July 9-12. ASABE Paper No. 06-4100.
Jacobson, L.D., Hetchler, B.P., Johnson, V., Clanton, C.J., and Schmidt, D.R. 2006. Minimizing pit emissions from pig barns to optimize "catch and treat" mitigation technologies like biofilters. ASAE Paper No. 064191, presented at the ASAE International Meeting held in Portland, OR, July 9-12, 2006, St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE
Keener, H.M. 2006. Chapter 1. Manure characteristics. In: The Ohio Livestock Manure Management Guide, Bullentin 604. The Ohio State University Extension. Columbus, OH.
Keener, H. M., J.J. Hoorman and M.H. Klingman. 2006. Rheology and flowability properties of liquid dairy and swine waste. ASAE Paper No. 064072. Presented at 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. 7/9-12. Portland Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. (search at asae.frymulti.com)
Keener, H.M., B. Faucette and M.H. Klingman. 2006. Flow-through rates and evaluation of solids separation of compost filter media vs. silt fence in sediment control applications. ASAE Paper Number: 06206. Presented at 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting. 7/9-12. Portland Convention Center, Portland, Oregon. Published on CD (search at asae.frymulti.com)
Kissinger, E., W. F., G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2006. Summary of manure amounts, characteristics, and nitrogen mass balance for open feedlot pens in summer compared to winter. Nebraska Beef Rep. MP 88-A:87-89.
Kissinger, W. F., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. K. Koelsch. 2006. Managing phosphorus in beef feedlot operations. Nebraska Beef Rep. MP 88-A:94-97.
Kissinger, W. F., R. E. Massey, R. K. Koelsch, and G. E. Erickson. 2006. Economics of manure phosphorus distribution from beef feeding operations. Nebraska Beef Rep. MP 88-A:98-102.
Lazenby L., S. Mukhtar, C. Gerngross and K. Wagner. 2006. Evaluation of Selected New Technologies for Animal Waste Management. ASABE International meeting, Portland, OR, July 9-12. ASABE Paper No. 06-4176.
Mukhtar, S and S. Capareda. 2006. Manure to Energy: Understanding Processes, Principles and Jargon. Texas Cooperative Extension Publication No. E-428.
Mukhtar, S and B. W. Auvermann. 2006. Air Quality Standards and Nuisance Issues from Animal Agriculture. Texas Cooperative Extension Publication No. E-401.
Mukhtar, S., A. Mutlu, S. Capareda, R. Lacey, B. Shaw and C. Parnell. 2006. Seasonal and Spatial Variations of Ammonia Emissions from an Open-lot Dairy Operation. Workshop on Air Quality: State of the Science, Potomac, Maryland, June 5-8, 2006.
Mukhtar S., M. McFarland, C. Wagner and F. Mazac. 2006. Use of Dairy Manure Compost as Erosion Control Material under Vegetated and Non Vegetated Conditions. 2006 CIGR International Conference, Bonn, Germany. September 3-7.
Mutlu, A., S. Mukhtar, B. Shaw, S. Capareda, R. Lacey and C. Parnell. 2006. Estimating Seasonal Ammonia Downwind Concentrations from Open-lot Dairy in Central Texas. ASABE International meeting, Portland, OR, July 9-12. ASABE Paper No. 06-4103.
Newton, L., C. Sheppard, D.W. Watson, G. Burtle, and R. Dove. 2005. Using the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, as a value-added tool for the management of swine manure. Report on agreements between the NC Attorney General, Smithfield Foods and Premium Standard Farms, and Frontline Farmers. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/waste_mgt/smithfield_projects/phase2report05/cd,web%20files/A2.pdf
Newton, G.L. and R.K. Hubbard. 2006. Using hydroponic forage production to treat biogas digester effluent. Poster presentation at Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting, Cohutta, GA.
Schulte, D. D., M.R. Modi, R.R. Stowell and D.P. Billesbach, S.J. Hoff and L.D. Jacobson. 2007. Modeling odor dispersion from a swine facility using AERMOD. For presentation at International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture in Broomfield, Colorado.
Sherwood, D. M., G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2006. Nitrogen mass balance and cattle performance of steers fed clinoptilolite zeolite clay. Nebraska Beef Rep. MP 88-A:90-91.
Sherwood, D. M., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, D. D. Schulte, and R. R. Stowell. 2006. Factors affecting nitrogen losses as measured using forced-air wind tunnels and nitrogen mass balance. Nebraska Beef Rep. MP 88-A:92-93.
Sun, H., R.H. Zhang, F. Mitloehner and J. McGarvey. 2007. Laboratory study of surface and low level deep aeration to reduce air emissions from dairy manure storage. Paper presented at ASABE 2007 Annual International Meeting. June 19-21, Minneapolis, MN.
Ullman, J., S. Mukhtar, and S. Senseman. 2006. Sorption and Degradation of Estrogenic Compounds in Agricultural Soils: Implications on Hormone Mobility Following Land Application of Animal Manure. 2006 CIGR International Conference, Bonn, Germany. September 3-7.
Vanotti, M.B., Millner, P.D., Szogi, A.A., Campbell, C.R., Fetterman, L.M. 2006. Aerobic composting of swine manure solids mixed with cotton gin trash. ASAE Paper #057004. 2006.
Vanotti, M.B. and Szogi, A.A. Comments on regional greenhouse gas initiative (RGGI) Draft Model Rule http://www.rggi.org/docs/usda_ars_florence_sc.pdf. 2006. (White paper)
Wang, X., Zhao, L., Wang, C., Heber, A., Lim, T., Ni, J., and Tao, P. 2006. Statistical modeling of ammonia emissions from poultry layer facilities. ASAE paper 064105. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE. 14 pages.
Westerman, P. W., J. Arogo Ogejo, G. L. Grabow and M. E. Adcock. 2006. Swine anaerobic lagoon nutrient concentration variation with season, lagoon level, and rainfall. Presented at 2006 ASABE International Meeting, Portland, OR, 9-12 July 2006. ASAE Paper No. 064146. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 9 pg.
James, R.,.... et al. 2006. The Ohio Livestock Manure Management Guide, Bulletin 604. The Ohio State University Extension. Columbus, OH.
Zhao, L., Wang, X., Darr, M. J., and Manuzon, R. 2006. Monitoring of ventilation rates of swine finishing barns using direct and indirect methods. 2006. ASAE paper 064083. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE. 11 pages.
Conference Proceedings
Angel, R., W. Powers, S. Bastyr, W. Wu, and T. Applegate. 2006. Dietary modifications to reduce air emissions from broiler chickens. Proceedings of the ESA Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science. June 5-8, Potomac, MD.
Blunden, J., V. P. Aneja and P. W. Westerman. 2006. Measurement and analysis of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions from an anaerobic swine waste treatment lagoon and confinement building in North Carolina. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, p. 71-79. June 5-8, 2006, Potomac, MD.
E.S. Cho, Piyalerg Kongsil, and P.Y. Yang Development of a land limited dairy wastewater treatment/reuse by integrating biological pretreatment alternative to the existing lagoon/pond system, presented at the 7th IWA Specialist Conference on Waste Stabilization ponds, September 25 27, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.
Heber, A., Ni, J., Hanni, S., Zhao, L., Keener, H. M., and Darr, M. J. 2006.
Characterization and Abatement of Air Emissions from Egg Production. In proceeding of Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science. Pp. 678-681. (search at ncsu.edu/airworkshop/Posters-Z.pdf)
Jacobson, L.D., Koziel, J.A., Hoff, S. J., Heber, A. J., Parker, D. B.; Odor Emissions and Chemical Analysis of Odorous Compounds from Animal Buildings. Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science; June 5-8, 2006; pages 4 14.
Jacobson, L.D., Heber, A.J., Hoff, S.J., Zhang, Y., Beasley, D.B., Koziel, J.A., Hetchler, B.J.; Aerial Emissions from Confirmed Animal Buildings; Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science; June 5-8, 2006; pages 775 - 784.
Keener, H.M. and L. Zhao. 2006. Predicting NH3 emissions from manure N for livestock facilities and storages. A modified mass balance approach. Pp1287-1293. Proceedings Workshop on air quality: State of the science. 6/5-8. Bolger Conference Center, Potomac, Maryland. (search at ncsu.edu/airworkshop/Posters-Z.pdf)
Keener, H.M. and F.C. Michel Jr. 2006. Using a spreadsheet computer model for design and management of compost systems. pp 191-202. Proceedings Orbit 2006 International Conference. 9/13-15. Weimar, Germany.
Keener, H.M. and K. Ekinci. 2006. (abstract) Composting process management to minimize cost and odor. Pp37. Conference Program. US Composting Council 14th Annual Conference and Tradeshow, 1/22-25. Albuquerque, NM.
Koleva, M., J. Cheng, R. Arsov, and Y. Topalova (2006) Possibilities for Implementation of the CANON Technology for Biological High Strength Nitrogen Removal. Proceedings of the 11th Scientific and Practical Conference "Water Quality Technologies and Management in Bulgaria", 22-23 February 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp141-150.
Lu, M., Liang, F., Lamichhane, P., Imerman, E., and Zhao, L. 2006. Compositional identification of odor causing compounds in a dairy farm. In proceeding of Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science. (search at ncsu.edu/airworkshop/Posters-Z.pdf)
McCaskey, T.A. 2006. Bacterial pathogen die-off in poultry mortality compost. Proceedings 2006 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium. Oct. 23-25, Springdale, AK. pp. 54-58.
McCaskey, T.A. 2006. Evaluation of ten recipes for composting poultry mortalities. Proceedings 2006 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium. Oct. 23-25, Springdale, AK. pp. 69-76.
Mullins, G. L., Fontenot, J. P., Alloush, G. A., Johnson, G., Allen, V. G., and Scaglia, G. 2005. Effect of long-term nutrient management strategies for pastures on phosphorus in surface runoff and soil quality. Proc. XX Internatl. Grassl. Congr., Dublin, Ireland. p. 275.
Powers, W., S. Bastyr, R. Angel, and T. Applegate, and B. Kerr. 2006. Effects of reduced crude protein diets on gaseous emissions and swine performance. Proceedings of the ESA Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science. June 5-8, Potomac, MD.
Sweeten, J. M., Larry D. Jacobson, Albert J. Heber, David R. Schmidt, Jeffery C. Lorimor, Philip W. Westerman, J. Ronald Miner, Ruihong H. Zhang, C. Mike Williams, Brent W. Auvermann. 2006. Odor mitigation for concentrated animal feeding operations: White paper and recommendation. In Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers. pp. 721-758. J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, F. J. Humenik, eds. 2006. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASABE.
Szogi, A.A. and Vanotti, M.B. Reduction of ammonia emissions from swine lagoons using alternative wastewater technologies p. 1155-1160. In: Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, Ecological Society of America, June 5-8, 2006, Potomac, MD. (Proceedings)
Szogi, A.A., Vanotti, M.B., Bauer, P.J., Scheckel, K.G., and Hudnall, W.H. Innovative technology for recycling of manure phosphorus with rapid amorphous phosphate precipitation. p.103-105. In: Petersen, S.O. (ed.) 12th Ramiran International Conference, DIAS Report No. 122, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Denmark. 2006.
Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., and Vives, C.A. Greenhouse gas emission reductions and carbon credits from implementation of aerobic manure treatment systems in swine manure. p. 1178-1185. In Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, Ecological Society of America, June 5-8, 2006 Potomac, MD. (Proceedings)
Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A., Kunz, A., Garcia-Gonzalez, M.C. Development of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) technology using immobilized biomass from swine manure. p. 143-146. In: Petersen, S.O. (ed.) 12th Ramiran International Conference, DIAS Report No. 122, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Denmark. 2006.
Westerman, P., J. Classen, M. Williams, and K. Zering. 2006. Overview of evaluations of alternative swine manure treatment systems in North Carolina, USA. In: (Ed. Soren Petersen) Proceedings of the 12th RAMIRAN International Conference, Technology for Recycling of Manure and Organic Residues in a Whole-Farm Perspective, Vol. II, p. 13-15, Aarhus, Denmark, Sept. 11-13.
Wu, W., W. Powers, R. Angel, C. E. Hale III, and T. Applegate. 2006. Effect of diet on air emissions from laying hens of different ages. Proceedings of the ESA Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science. June 5-8, Potomac, MD.
Zhao, L., Lim, T., Heber, A., Sun, H., Diehl, C., Ni, J., Tao, P., and Hanni, S. 2006. 2006. Particulate matter emissions from an Ohio belt-battery layer barn. In proceeding of Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science. Pp. 1274-1285. (search at ncsu.edu/airworkshop/Posters-Z.pdf)
Project reports
Casey K. D., José R. Bicudo, David R. Schmidt, Anshu Singh, Susan W. Gay, Richard S. Gates, Larry D. Jacobson, Steven J. Hoff. 2006. Air quality and emissions from livestock and poultry production/waste management systems. In Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers. pgs. 1-40. J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, F. J. Humenik, eds. 2006. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASABE.
Funk, J., and Zhao, L. 2006. Longitudinal evaluation of the effect of ventilation and environmental management of swine barns on Salmonella prevalence in finishing swine. Final report to National Pork Board, 10 pages.
Heber, A., Lim, T., Ni, J., Hanni, S., Diehl, C., Wang, C., and Zhao, L. 2006. Effects of Electrostatic Space Charge System on Particulate Matter Emissions from High Rise Layer Barn. Final report to Ohio Fresh Eggs, Croton, Ohio. 20 pages.
Heber, A., Lim, T., Ni, J., Hanni, S., Diehl, C., Wang, C., and Zhao, L. 2006. Effects of Aluminum Sulfate and Aluminum Chloride Applications on Ammonia Emissions from High-Rise Layer Barn. Final report to Ohio Fresh Eggs, Croton, Ohio. 18 pages.
Jacobson, L.D., S.L. Wood, D.R. Schmidt, A J. Heber, J.R. Bicudo, R.D. Moon. 2006. Site selection of animal operations using air quality criteria. In Animal Agriculture and the Environment: National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management White Papers. pp. 505-528. J. M. Rice, D. F. Caldwell, F. J. Humenik, eds. 2006. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASABE.
Michel Jr., F.C., Harold M. Keener, Jeff LeJeune, Srinand Sreevatsan, H.A.J. Hoitink. 2006. Testing and Demonstration of Full Scale Composting Systems for Sand Bedded Dairy Manure. Final Report. March 31. Ohio Water Development Authority, Columbus, OH.
Vellidis, George, Susan R. Crow, Larry Newton, Andrea Milton, Richard Lowrance, Glen Harris, Hal Simpson, Mary Leidner, Robert K. Hubbard. 2006. Animal Production and Water Quality in the Suwannee River Watershed in Georgia (Alapaha, Little and Withlacoochee Rivers) A project of the University of Georgia and USDA-Agricultural Research Service. Final Report. 30 pages.
Zhao, L., Brugger, M., Arnol, G., and Imerman, E. 2006. Gaseous emissions from Dairy Manure Storage Ponds and Effective and Economic Air Quality Management. Final report to Ohio Dairy Producer Association, 20 pages.
Bowers, Keith E. and Philip W. Westerman. 2006. Apparatus for removing phosphorus from waste lagoon effluent. US Patent Number 6,994,782. Issued Feb. 7, 2006. US Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA.
Bowers, Keith E. and Philip W. Westerman. 2006. Method for removing phosphorus from waste lagoon effluent. US Patent Number 7,005,072. Issued Feb. 28, 2006. US Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA.
Graduate Theses
Lao-Ting Lin (2006) Comparison of different technologies for dilute milk parlor wastewater treatment and reuse, Master thesis, Department of biosciences and Bioengineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, 127 pp.