S1000: Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture (S275)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

S1000: Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture (S275)

Duration: 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2007

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

Project's Primary Website is at http://www.ag.auburn.edu/aaes/s1000/ (direct link can be found under LINKS) The need for advanced science and technology in animal waste management continues as social and regulatory pressures for safe food and clean environment increase. The regulatory climate around animal production has changed drastically in the past five years. A great deal of activity has occurred at the state and local levels on regulations and/or restrictions to control livestock and poultry production facilities, as well as the management of waste materials from those facilities. Following the announcement of the Clean Water Action Plan (CWAP) by President Clinton and Vice President Gore in February of 1998, EPA and USDA jointly developed and published Unified National Animal Feeding Operation (AFO) Strategy in March of 1999. The Strategy calls for AFO owners and operators to take actions to minimize water pollution from confinement animal facilities and the land application of manure. To accomplish this goal, the Strategy established a national performance expectation that all AFOs should develop and implement technically sound, economically feasible, and site-specific comprehensive nutrient management plans (CNMPs) to minimize impacts on water quality and public health. Coordinated research, technical innovation, and technology transfer and increased data coordination are among the seven strategic issues that should be addressed to resolve concerns associated with AFOs. Extending and expanding the concerted and collaborative research effort of the investigators involved in the regional research project will ensure that the strategic issues are being addressed in a timely and effective manner. Special efforts are planned to include economists, microbiologists and others to integrate the component solutions into strategies that are sustainable for US farms.

Nearly all the manure from AFO's in the US is currently land applied (Cast 1996); in order to sustain production while protecting the environment, increased resources are needed to develop and transfer technologies to producers. Specific needs are in the areas of site specific land application; effective manure handling and treatment systems for modifying and improving the properties of animal manure for optimal nutrient utilization; animal diet modifications for reducing excretion of nitrogen, phosphorous, and other environmentally sensitive chemical elements; crop system selection to best use the manure nutrients; and reducing nitrogen loss via ammonia volatilization. A holistic watershed approach needs to be taken to manage the nutrients from various sources including animal manure to prevent adverse impacts on surface and ground water quality (USDA 2001). The development of equipment to quickly determine nitrogen and phosphorus contents of soils and manures, and then accurately change application rates, is essential to make it possible to supply manure to meet the crop needs (Gilley and Risse 2000).

Advanced and cost effective technologies are needed to explore the uses of manure as raw materials for value-added products, such as feed, fuel, and chemicals (Parker 2000). The fate and transport of pathogens, hormones and other constituents from manures to the various parts of food chain will require intensive research. Innovative approaches are needed to avoid the contamination of foods with effluents from animal production facilities (Cast 1996).

The airborne pollutants from livestock and poultry facilities offend many rural residents, making it difficult for farmers and homeowners to coexist. Additionally, the air quality within facilities can have adverse health effects on workers (Thu 1995). Methods are needed to objectively measure the gaseous and particulate pollutants, and then to reduce emissions from facilities. Improved animal facility design, manure treatment technologies and management practices are needed to minimize the generation and emission of odors, gases and particulates from AFOs (Miner 1995).

The institutions and individuals participating in the proposed MRF have demonstrated the capabilities to address all the needs listed. Major benefits of the multistate cooperation will be in obtaining and comparing results from a broad geographic area, representing different climates, cropping systems and types of production management.

Related, Current and Previous Work

A CRIS search revealed only three regional projects closely related to the proposed replacement project: NCR-183, Utilization of Animal Manure and other Organic Residues in Agriculture, with a termination date of 9-30-01; NE-132, Environmental and Economic Impacts of Nutrient Management on Dairy Forage Systems, whose objectives are to study dairy forage systems primarily in the northern states; and NCR-189, Air Quality Issues Associated with Animal Facilities, with a termination date of 9-30-01. The more than 1800 individual projects returned by a search on "manure", "nutrient management", and "waste treatment" revealed that a large proportion of related projects are associated with the terminating project S-275 for which this proposed project is a replacement; other projects around the US are largely complementary and do not represent duplication of effort.

Land application

The emphasis on potential human health impacts of water runoff from land application sites is relatively new, and projects across the nation have been initiated to study ways to curtail movement of zoonotic pathogens and hormones into public drinking water supplies (Sheffield 2000). Work that complements the proposed multistate project includes the microbiology of the major pathogens and rapid methods of pathogen detection and identification. The multistate project will use laboratory and field scale experiments to evaluate movement of the pathogens and best management practices for land application of manure and wastewater to minimize impacts.

Prototype variable rate manure spreaders for semisolid manure have been developed and tested by two of the collaborating institutions. Further work is needed to devise variable rate spreaders for slurry manure (Cast 1996).

Manure and wastewater treatment

While engineering solutions (such as the "package treatment plant") to the manure problem are widely sought by industry as well as academic institutions, the project participants realize the value of a holistic approach to treatment that includes economics, byproduct utilization and marketing, the use of low-technology sustainable systems, and gives attention to potential negative environmental or societal impacts. During the last five years, US commodity prices have put increasing pressure on producers raising financial risk for the adoption of new practices; if manure and wastewater solutions are not realistically evaluated for their cost to producers, the innovations will not be implemented. The project collaborators recognize and include the extreme regional differences in goals and constraints for manure treatment systems, for example Minnesota (cold winters and substantial land availability) versus Hawaii (mild weather but extremely restricted land base).

Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment have been evaluated over the past ten years (USEPA 1988). Changes in societal acceptance of wastewater irrigation systems make the development of wetlands a very attractive alternative. Some success is reported, however more work is needed to determine the optimum designs, loading rates, plant species etc. to make constructed wetlands applicable for a wide range of performance in wastewater treatment for confined animal production. The multistate project will enable wetlands results representing a wide range of climates and plant species to be compiled into a comprehensive design guide useful to a large geographic area.

Anaerobic and aerobic digesters are being studied in several locations (Chynoweth et al 1998). While the biological mechanisms of large-scale anaerobic and aerobic treatment are now fairly well known, the complexity and expense of systems has prohibited their widespread use. Effort is being concentrated on devising economical, robust systems applicable to small to medium sized farm operations, particularly swine and dairy. Economical digesters would play an important role in energy supplies, odor reduction and manure handling on farms (Moser and Roos 1997).

Much work has been and continues to be done on economical separation of liquid and solid fractions of dairy and swine manure (Zhang and Westerman 1997), since such treatment would potentially reduce costs, make available value-added manure marketing strategies, reduce manure odors, etc.

Air quality

A related regional project, (NCR-189), concentrates on air emissions within structures and on air emissions from a larger variety of agricultural production and processing facilities.

Much has been learned in the past ten years about air sampling, about health issues related to work inside facilities, and about characterization of odorous and particulate emissions (Auvermann et al 2000). New concerns are now surfacing about greenhouse gas emissions from confinement facilities, manure storages, and land application areas. Several multiyear projects within the existing S-275 project are measuring ammonia emissions from buildings and land application areas. The multistate effort will address conditions across the US, looking at coastal, semiarid, and temperate climates. Emphasis will be on best management practices and low cost technologies for reducing emissions of those gaseous and particulate constituents currently identified as of most concern.

Feeding strategies

A result of the worldwide attention given phosphorus pollution in surface waters is the recent development of synthetic phytase and low-phytate corn and soybeans (Koelsch et al 2000). While the feed industry and plant breeders are making great strides in developing these ingredients, and the technology looks very promising as a way to reduce phosphorus loading on surface waters, an integrated approach is needed to evaluate the overall impact of these developments and possible side benefits.

Another high priority nationwide is dietary manipulation to reduce odors and ammonia volatilization from livestock and poultry manure (Auvermann et al 2000).

Several of the institutions in the existing project S-275 have long term experiments evaluating sustainable forage systems that utilize animal manure, spread mechanically and/or under grazing management, as the primary source of fertilizers. The systems are being extensively modeled to determine optimum forage species, loading rates, runoff characteristics and best management practices.


  1. Develop management tools, strategies and systems for land application of animal manures and effluents that optimize efficient, environmentally friendly utilization of nutrients and are compatible with sustained land and water quality.
  2. Develop, evaluate, and refine physical, chemical and biological treatment processes in engineered and natural systems for management of manures and other wastes.
  3. Develop methodology, technology, and management practices to reduce odors, gases, airborne microflora, particulate matter, and other airborne emissions from animal production systems.
  4. Develop and evaluate feeding systems for their potential to alter the excretion of environmentally-sensitive nutrients by livestock.


  • Objective 1. Develop management tools, strategies and systems for land application of animal manures and effluents that optimize efficient, environmentally friendly utilization of nutrients and are compatible with sustained land and water quality.

Task 1. Methods to reduce nutrient movement from land application sites into surface and groundwater.

Task 2. Quantify gaseous emissions into the air from land application sites.

Task 3. Reduce movement of zoonotic pathogens from land application sites.

Task 4. Improve accuracy of manure land application in accordance with best management practices for nutrient planning.

  • Objective 2. Develop, evaluate, and refine physical, chemical and biological treatment processes in engineered and natural systems for management of manures and other wastes.

Task 1. Develop and evaluate innovative applications of engineered biological treatment processes to stabilize waste, reduce odor, and manage nutrients.

Task 2. Develop and evaluate vegetated or aquaculture-based treatment systems for treating wastewater or runoff from concentrated feeding operations or land application sites.

Task 3. Develop and evaluate physical and chemical treatments for recovering or stabilizing manure solids or manure treatment by-products for improved utilization alternatives.

Task 4. Develop and evaluate biological or thermochemical treatment of animal manures for conversion into value-added products.

  • Objective 3. Develop methodology, technology, and management practices to reduce odors, gases, airborne microflora, particulate matter, and other airborne emissions from animal production systems.

Task 1. Develop standard methods of collection, measurement, and categorizing or reporting of airborne emissions (odors, gases, particulates, endotoxins, pathogens, and other materials) from animal production operations.

Task 2. Determine short and long term impacts of airborne emissions from animal production units.

Task 3. Emission control technology development and selection for site-specific cases.

  • Objective 4. Develop and evaluate feeding systems for their potential to alter the excretion of environmentally-sensitive nutrients by livestock.

Feeding strategies will be investigated at a number of participating locations to develop nutritional regimens that result in improved utilization of dietary nutrients with a concurrent reduction in excretion in nutrients of environmental concern. Much of the planned work focuses on improved P nutrition of livestock. Participating states include KY, VA, IA, GA, MN, and IN. Researchers in TN will investigate excretion of non-nutrient pollutants in manure. The shared results of each states efforts will be used by the project participants to establish priority areas of research and outreach on an annual basis and to develop collaborative strategies to accomplish goals.

Task 1. Develop and evaluate strategies to reduce phosphorus excretion from livestock.

Task 2. Evaluate and quantify excretion of non-nutrient pollutants from animal agriculture.

[For an in-depth discussion of "Methods," see attachment below.]

Measurement of Progress and Results


  • The project participants will measure output by experiments completed and results reported, results summarized for dissemination to the public through Extension methods, and refereed journal articles published. Models for describing various transport processes of nutrients and pathogens will be developed. Recommendations will be published for economical, sustainable and robust manure treatment processes. Protocols for standardized measuring of odors, gases and particulates will be published. Optimal feeding strategies and feed additive recommendations will be documented. Results of the proposed experiments will provide substantial information to the National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management, the National Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum project, and other regional/national projects as appropriate. Several participants in this Project are also members of the National Center and the National Curriculum projects.

Outcomes or Projected Impacts

  • Implementation of best management practices by producers, with resultant improvements in water and air quality, will have a positive impact on the environment and the sustainability of the animal industry. Appropriate site-specific nutrient management plans will be written for farms and maintained. Technologies will be adopted by producers for economical treatment of manure and production of value added commodities. Measurement protocols will be adopted by the research and regulatory communities.


(2006): As models of various processes are developed they will be shared with the project participants and the administrative advisor for the purpose of fine-tuning the projects short term goals. Analytical and economic descriptions of systems  land application, manure treatment, odor control, and nutrition -- will be an important part of evaluating progress.


Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Outreach Plan

The USDA/EPA Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum will be updated with BMPs (best management practices) and economic data. University web sites will summarize project results. Refereed, peer-reviewed and Extension publications will be published, with emphasis on information applicable by the end user. The project will produce one or more Southern Regional publications summarizing the conclusions of various aspects of the project. Demonstration field days will be held showcasing many of the facets of the project throughout the region.


Chair: The chair of the committee is responsible for organizing the meeting agenda, conducting the meeting, and assuring that task assignments are completed. The chair is elected for a one-year term. Chairs are eligible for reelection. Chair-elect: The chair-elect normally succeeds the chair, and is expected to support the chair by carrying out duties assigned by the chair. The chair-elect serves as the chair in the absence of the elected chair. The chair-elect is elected for one year. The chair-elect is eligible for reelection. Secretary: The secretary is responsible for the distribution of documents prior to the meeting. The secretary is also responsible for keeping records on decisions made at meetings (a.k.a. keeping the minutes), maintaining an updated roster of participants (as a list server), and assisting in the preparation of the accomplishments report (i.e., the SAES-422). The secretary normally succeeds the chair-elect. Secretaries are eligible for reelection. Members: In addition to carrying out the agreed research collaboration, research coordination, information exchange, or advisory activities, project members are responsible for reporting progress, contributing to the ongoing progress of the activity, and communicating their accomplishments to the committee's members and their respective employing institutions.

The following experiment stations will be participants in this project: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. In addition, scientists from USDA-ARS and USDA-CSREES will also participate.

Chair, Ted Funk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Chair-Elect, Wendy Powers, Iowa State University. Secretary, Larry Jacobson, University of Minnesota.

Literature Cited

Auvermann, B.W., B.W. Shaw, and R.G. Maghirang (eds). 2000. Air pollution from agricultural operations. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations, Des Moines, IA. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Cast. 1996. Integrated Animal Waste Management. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. Task force report, ISSN 0194-4088; no. 128. Ames, IA

Chinuyu, A.J., and R. S. Kanwar. 2001. Effects of poultry manure application on the leaching of NO3-N to subsurface drainage water. In, Preferential Flow, Water Movement and Chemical Transport in the Environment, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. 3-5 January 2001, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ASAE, St. Joseph, Michigan: 701P0006. pp. 269-272.

Chynoweth, D.P., A.C. Wilkie, and J.M. Owens. 1998. Anaerobic processing of piggery wastes: a review. ASAE Paper No. 984101. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Gilley, J.E. and L. M. Risse. 2000. Runoff and soil loss as affected by the application of manure. Transactions of the ASAE. 43(6): 1583-1588.

Koelsch, R.K., C.T. Milton, D.E. Reese, R. Grant. 2000. Model for estimating manure nutrient excretion from animal nutrient balance. In, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Animal, Agricultural And Food Processing Wastes, Des Moines, IA. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. pp. 103-110.

Miner, J.R. 1995. An executive summary; a review of the literature on the nature and control of odors from pork production facilities. Prepared for the National Pork Producers Council, Des Moines, IA.

Moser, M.A. and K.F. Roos. 1997. AgSTAR program: three commercial-scale anaerobic digesters for animal waste, making a business from biomass. Proceedings of the 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas, R.P. Overend and E. Chornet, editors, 1997, Elseveir Science Inc., Tarrytown, NY.

Parker, D. 2001. Demonstration of biogas production using low moisture content beef cattle manure. Final report, Western Regional Biomass Energy Program, Grant No. 55008. Lincoln, NE

Sheffield, J. (ed.) 2000. Evaluation of comprehensive approaches needed to improve the handling of farm animal manure and benefit the environment and the farming industry. Joint Institute for Energy and Environment, Knoxville, TN. JIEE Report 2000-07, August 2000.

Thu, K. (ed.). 1995. Understanding the impacts of large-scale swine production. Proceedings from an interdisciplinary scientific workshop, June 29-30, 1995, Des Moines, IA. The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, Des Moines.

USDA. 2001. Confined animal production and manure nutrients. Resource Economics Division, Economic Research Service, US Dept. of Agriculture. Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 771.

USEPA. 1988. Design manual  constructed wetlands and aquatic plant systems for municipal wastewater treatment. EPA/625/1-88/022.

Zhang, R.H., and P.W. Westerman. 1997. Solid-liquid separation of animal manure for odor control and nutrient management. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 13(5):657-664.


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions


Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

University of Nebraska, USDA-ARS, USDA-ARS/Maryland, USDA-ARS/Mississippi, USDA/ARS
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