NCERA_OLD137: Soybean Diseases (NCR137)

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Gao, X., T.A. Jackson, K.N. Lambert, S. Li, G.L. Hartman, and T.L. Niblack. 2004. Detection and quantification of Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines in soybean roots with real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Plant Disease 88:1372-1380.

Hartman, G.L., Y.H. Huang, and S. Li. 2004. Phytotoxicity of Fusarium solani culture filtrates from soybean and other hosts assayed by stem cuttings. Australasian Plant Pathology 33:9-15.

Hill, C.B., Y. Li, and G.L. Hartman. 2004a. Resistance of Glycine species and various cultivated legumes to the soybean aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae). J. of Econ. Entomol. 97:1071-1077.

Hill, C.B., Y. Li, and G.L. Hartman. 2004b. Resistance to the soybean aphid in soybean germplasm. Crop Sci. 44:98-106.

Kull, L.S., W.L. Pedersen, and G.L. Hartman. 2004. Mycelial compatibility and aggressiveness of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plant Disease 88:325-332.

Li, S., N.C. Kurtzweil, C.R. Grau, and G.L. Hartman. 2004. Occurrence of stem canker (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis) on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Disease 88:576.

Li, Y., C.B. Hill, and G.L. Hartman. 2004. The effect of three resistant soybean genotypes on the fecundity, mortality, and maturation of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Economic Entomology 97:1106-1111.

Lozovaya, V.V., A.V. Lygin, S. Li, G.L. Hartman, and J.M. Widholm. 2004a. Biochemical response of soybean roots to Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines infection. Crop Sci. 44:819-826.

Lozovaya, V.V., A.V. Lygin, O.V. Zernova, S. Li, G.L. Hartman, and J.M. Widholm. 2004b. Isoflavonoid accumulation in soybean hairy roots upon treatment with Fusarium solani. Plant Phys. & Bioch. 42:671-679.

Malvick, D. K. and Grunden, E. 2004. Traits of soybean-infecting Phytophthora populations from Illinois agricultural fields. Plant Dis.88:1139-1145.

Ortiz-Ribbing, L.M., and Eastburn, D.M. 2004. Soybean root systems and sudden death syndrome severity: Taproot and lateral root infection. Plant Dis. 88: 1011-1016.

Vuong, T.D., D.D. Hoffman, B.W. Diers, J.F. Miller, J.R. Steadman, and G.L. Hartman. 2004. Evaluation of soybean, dry bean, and sunflower for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Crop Sci. 44:777-783.

Jardine, D.J., B. Gordon, K. Janssen and J.H. Long. 2004. Effects of seed treatment fungicides on stand and yield of soybean, 2003. Fun. & Nem. Tests, 59:ST006

Jardine, D.J. and J.H. Long. 2004. Evaluation of soybean breeding lines for resistance to charcoal rot, 2003. B&C Tests, 19:FC040

Mueller, D. S., Bradley, C. A., Grau, C. R., Gaska, J. M., Kurle, J.E., and Pedersen, W. L. 2004. Application of thiophanate-methyl at different host growth stages for management of sclerotinia stem rot in soybean. Crop Protection 23:983-988

Jia, H. and J.E. Kurle.2004. Screening for resistance to Phytophthora sojae in early maturing soybean plant introductions from the USDA soybean germplasm collection. North Central APS meeting. June 2004. St. Paul, MN.

Chen, S. Y., S. R. Stetina, J.E. Kurle, D. R. Miller, G. A. Nelson, L. D. Klossner, and N.C. Hansen. 2004. Interactions among soybean cyst nematode, root rot, and iron-deficiency chlorosis in Minnesota soybean fields. Abstracts of 16th International Plant Protection Congress (11-16 May 2004, Beijing, China): 410.

Stack, R.W. and J.E. Kurle. 2004. A new book on field crop diseases as a teaching resource. Phytopathology. 94:S97.
Bradley, K. W., L. E. Sweets, J. Li, and J. D. Wait. 2005. Influence of glyphosate-fungicide combinations on weed control, spray penetration, and yield in glyphosate resistant soybean. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Abstr. 45: 6-7.

Sweets, Laura E., J. Allen Wrather and Simeon Wright. 2004. Soybean Rust. MU Guide G4422, University of Missouri Extension. 6 pages.

Auclair, J., G.J. Boland, E. Cober, G.I. Graef, J.R. Steadman, J. Zilka, and I. Rajcan. 2004. Development of a new field inoculation technique to assess partial resistance in soybean to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Can. J. Plant Sci. 84:57-64.

Vuong, T.D., D.D. Hoffman, B.W. Diers, J.F. Miller, J.R. Steadman and G.L. Hartman. 2004. Evaluation of soybean, dry bean and sunflower for resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Crop Science 44:777-783.

Giesler, L.J. and Weissling, T.J. 2004. Bacterial Diseases of Soybean. G04-1544. Nebraska Cooperative Extension.

Giesler, L.J. and Weissling, T.J. 2004. Brown Spot of Soybean. G04-1545-A. Nebraska Cooperative Extension.

Danielson, G. A., Nelson, B. D., and T. C. Helms. 2004. Effect of Sclerotinia Stem Rot on Yield of Soybean Inoculated at Different Growth Stages. Plant Dis. 88:297-300.

Bradley, C. A., Biller, C. R., and Nelson, B. D. 2004. First report of soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) on soybean in North Dakota. Plant Disease 88:1287.

Anonymous. 2004. Identifying soybean rust. Ohio State University, University of Nebraska Lincoln, and NC504 Land Grant Universities Cooperating.

Dorrance, A.E., Jia, H. and Abney, T.S. 2004. Evaluation of soybean differentials for their interaction with Phytophthora sojae. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2004-0309-01-RS.

Dorrance, A.E., Berry, S.A., Bowen, P. and Lipps, P.E. 2004. Characterization of Pythium spp. from three Ohio fields for pathogenicity on corn and soybean and metalaxyl sensitivity. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2004-0202-01-RS.

Grau, C.R., Dorrance, A.E., Bond, J. and Russin, J.S. 2004. Fungal Diseases. In: Soybeans: Improvement, Production, and Uses, 3rd ed. Agronomy Monograph no. 16. H.R. Boerma and J.E. Specht. Ed. p. 679-763.

G. Zhao, G.R. Ablett, T.R. Anderson, I. Rajcan, and A.W. Schaafsma. 2005. Anastomosis groups (AGs) of Rhizoctonia solani associated with soybean root and hypocotyl rot in Ontario and resistance of accession PI 442031 to different anastomosis groups. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27:1-10

G. Zhao, G.R. Ablett, T.R. Anderson, I. Rajcan, and A.W. Schaafsma. 2005. Inheritance and genetic mapping of resistance to Rhizoctonia root and hypocotyl rot in soybean. Crop Sci. ( accepted)

Mueller, D.S., Bradley, C.A., Grau, C.R., Gaska, J.M., Kurle, J.E., and Pedersen, W.L. 2004. Application of thiophanate methyl at different host growth stages for management of Sclerotinia stem rot in soybean. Crop Protection 23:983-988

T.J. Hughes, B.W. Diers, S.R. Carlson, N.C. Kurtzweil, and C.R. Grau. 2004. Brown stem rot development in soybean cyst nematode resistant soybean germplasm. Plant Dis. 88:761-768.

Li, S., Kurtzweil, N.C., Grau, C.R., and Hartman, G.L. 2004. Occurrence of soybean stem canker (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. meridionalis) in Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 88:576.


Bolton, M. D., Nelson, B. D., Sparks, R. B., and Santoso, A. 2005. Methods for Extraction and Amplification of DNA from Soybean Seed. Seed Technology 27:89-94.

Bradley, C. A., Hartman, G. L., Mueller, D. S., Hoffman, D. D., Nickell, C. D., and Pedersen, W. L. 2005. Genetic analysis of partial resistance to Rhizoctonia solani in the soybean cultivar Savoy. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27:137-142.

Bradley, C. A., Chesrown, C. D., and Helms, T. C. 2005. Evaluation of seed treatments for effect on stand, root disease, and yield of soybean in North Dakota, 2004. F&N Tests 60:ST018.

Bradley, K. W., L. E. Sweets, J. Li, and J. D. Wait. 2005. Influence of glyphosate-fungicide combinations on weed control, spray penetration, and yield in glyphosate resistant soybean. Weed Sci. Soc. Amer. Abstr. 45: 6-7.

da Rocha, M. R., AndersonT. R., and T. Welacky. 2005. Effect of harvest timing on Heterodera glycines race and HG type characterization. Nematologia Brasileira. 28: 167-171

De Silva, A, Bolton, M., and Nelson, B. 1995. Transformation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum with the green fluorescent protein gene and expression of fluorescence in host tissues. Phytopathology 95: S23

Dorrance, A.E., Draper, M.A. and Hershman, D.E. (Editors) 2005. Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. OSU Extension Bulletin SR-2005. 51pp.
Chaudhary, S., Anderson, T. R., Park, S.J. and K. Yu. 2006. Comparison of screening methods for resistance to Fusarium root rot in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Pathology: (in press)

Chen, S.Y., Kurle, J.E., Stetina, S., Miller, D., Nelson, G., Klossner, L.D., Hansen, N. Interactions Among Iron deficiency Chlorosis, Soybean Cyst Nematode, and Root Rot in Minnesota Soybean Fields. (Submitted to Agronomy Journal).

Giesler, L.J. and Ziems, A.D. 2006. Incidence of Alfalfa mosaic virus, Bean pod mottle virus and Soybean mosaic virus in Nebraska soybean fields. Plant Health Progress doi . (In Press)

Giesler, L.J., Wilson, J.A. and Rees, J.M. 2005. Soybean Rust Fungicide Use Guidelines for Nebraska. NF05-652. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

Giesler, L.J. and Weissling, T.J. 2005. Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust: What are the Product Differences? NF05-634. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

Giesler, L.J. 2005. Soybean Rust: How Great is the Threat for Nebraska? NF05-633. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.

Giesler, L.J. and A.D. Ziems. 2005. Effect of seed treatment fungicides on soybean stand, vigor and yield, 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 60:ST017.

Giesler, L.J., Watson, S.R.and Weissling, T.J. 2005. Effects of foliar fungicide and Insecticide combinations on soybean aphid, brown spot and plant development, 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 60:FC140.

Gordon, S.G., St.Martin, S.K., and Dorrance, A.E. 2006. Rps8 Maps to a resistance gene rich region on soybean molecular linkage group F. Crop Sci. 46:168-173.

Graham, MY. 2005. The diphenylether herbicide lactofen induces cell death and expression of defense-related genes in soybean. Plant Physiology 139:1784-94

Helms, T.C., B.D. Nelson and R.J. Goos. 2005. Registration of LaMoure Soybean. Crop Sci. 45:410
Sweets, Laura E., J. Allen Wrather and Simeon Wright. 2004. Soybean Rust. MU Guide G4422, University of Missouri Extension. 6 pages.

Jardine, D. J., B. Gordon, L. Maddux, J.H. Long. 2005. Effects of seed treatment fungicides on stand and yield of soybean, 2004. F&N Tests 60:ST005.

Khan, F. U., Nelson, B. D., and T. C. Helms. 2005. Greenhouse evaluation of binucleate Rhizoctonia for control of R. solani on soybean. Plant Dis. 89:373-379.

Koch, K., D. Ragsdale, B. Potter, and J. Kurle. Suppression of Entomopathogens of Soybean Aphid by Foliar Fungicides. National Soybean Rust Symposium. Sponsored by the American Phytopathological Society. Nashville, TN. 14-16 Nov. 2005. (

Kurle, J. , V. Bowersox, R. Claybrooke, S.V. Krupa, C. Barnes, and L. Szabo. 2005: Introduction and spread of soybean rust spores in the North Central United States. National Soybean Rust Symposium. Sponsored by the American Phytopathological Society. Nashville, TN. 14-16 Nov. 2005. (

Lee-Burrows, M.E., Boerboom, C.M., Gaska, J.M., and Grau, C.R. 2005. The relationship between Aphis glycines and Soybean mosaic virus incidence in different pest management systems. Plant Dis. 89:926-934.

McSpadden Gardener, B., Gutierrez, L., Joshi, R., Edema, R., and Lutton, E. 2005. Distribution and biocontrol potential of phlD+ pseudomonads in corn and soybean fields. Phytopathology 95:715-724.

McSpadden Gardener, B., C. Kroon van Diest, and J. Beuerlein 2006. Evaluation of biological seed treatments containing phlD+ strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens on soybeans grown in Ohio, 2005.

Meng, X., C.R. Grau, and W. Chen. 2005. Two sympatric and genetically distinct populations of the fungal pathogen Phialophora gregagta f.sp. sojae show differential cultivar preference. Plant
Pathology 54:180-188.

Mueller, T. A., Bradley, C. A., Chesrown, C. D., Walker, E. R., Koger, C. H., Morel, W., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2005. Response of soybean to timing of fungicide applications in the presence and absence of Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Proceedings of the National Soybean Rust Symposium, Nashville, TN. Online at:

Nelson, B., and Mallik, I. 2005. Pathotypes and metalaxyl sensitivity of Phytophthora sojae from North Dakota soybean fields. Phytopathology 95: S74.

Nelson, B. D., and Danielson, G. 2005. Soybean virus survey in North Dakota. Phytopathology 95: S164-165.

Nelson, B. 2005. Characterization of infection of two soybean genotypes by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Phytopathology 95: S164.

Patzoldt, M.E., Grau, C.R., Stephens, P.A., Kurtzweil, N.C., Carlson, S.R., and Diers, D.W. 2005. Localization of a quantitative trait locus providing brown stem rot resistance in the soybean cultivar
Bell. Crop Sci. 45:1241-1248.

Rabedeaux, P.F., J.M. Gaska, N.C. Kurtzweil, and C.R. Grau. 2005. Seasonal progression and agronomic impact of Tobacco streak virus on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 89:391-396.

Subramanian, S., M. Y. Graham, O. Yu, and T.L. Graham 2005. RNA Interference of Soybean Isoflavone Synthase Genes Leads to Silencing in Tissues Distal to the Transformation Site and to Enhanced Susceptibility to Phytophthora sojae. Plant Physiol. 137: 1345-1353

Vega-Sánchez, M.E., Redinbaugh, M.G., Costanzo, S., and Dorrance, A.E. 2005. Spatial and temporal expression analysis of defense-related genes in soybean cultivars with different levels of partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae. Physiol. and Molec. Plant Pathology 66:175-182.

Werk, W. 2005. Partial resistance to Phytophthora root rot in soybean and association with tolerance to saturated soil conditions. Masters Thesis, Plant Science Dept. North Dakota State University. Fargo, ND

Zhao, G. G. R. Ablett, T. R. Anderson, I. Rajcan, and A.W. Schaafsma. 2005. Anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia solani associated with soybean root and hypocotyl rot in Ontario and resistance of accession PI 442031 to different anastomosis groups. Can J. Plant Path. 27:1-10.

Zhao, G., Ablett, G. R., Anderson,T. R., Rajcan, I. and A. W. Schaafsma. 2005. Inheritance and genetic mapping of resistance to rhizoctonia root and hypocotyl rot in soybean. Crop Sci. 45:1441-1447.

Ziems, A.D. and Giesler, L.J. 2006. First report of Sudden Death Syndrome (Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines) of Soybean in Nebraska. Plant Dis. 90:109.


Impullitti, A.E., and C.R. Grau. 2006. Population dynamics of Phialophora gregata in stem residue of a resistant and a susceptible soybean cultivar. Plant Dis. 90:759-764.

Hobbs, H.A., Hill, C.B., Grau, C.R., Koval, N.C., Wang, Y., Pedersen, W.L., Domier, L.L., and Hartman, G.L. 2006. Green stem disorder of soybean. Plant Dis. 90:513-518

Diers, B.W., Kopisch-Obuch, F.J., Hoffman, G.L., Hartman, W.L., Pedersen, W.L., Grau, C.R., and Wang, D. 2006. Registration of AxN-1-55 soybean germplasm with partial resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot. Crop Sci. 46:1403.

Donald, P.A., Pierson, P.E., S. K. St. Martin, P. R. Sellers, G.R. Noel, A. E. MacGuidwin, J. Faghihi, V.R. Ferris, C. R. Grau, D.J. Jardine, H. Melakeberhan, T.L. Niblack, W.C. Stienstra, G.L. Tylka, T. A. Wheeler, and D.S. Wysong. 2006. Assessing Heterodera glycines-resistant and susceptible cultivar yield response. J. Nematol. 38:76-82.

Peltier, A.J., and C.R. Grau. 2006. The role of light in the soybean / Sclerotinia sclerotiorum interaction. Phytopathology 96:S174.

Grau, C.R., and Koval, N.C. 2006. Potential for soybean stem canker resurgence in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. Vol 45:104-107.

Koval, N., Grau, C., and Cullen, E. 2006. Understanding virus potential in commercial soybean fields. Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. Vol 45:115-121.

Grau, C.R., and Jensen, B. 2006. Field tests on improving soybean health. Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. Vol 45:127-129.

Jensen, B., and Grau, C.R. 2006. Tracking soybean rust: sentinel plots and spore trapping. Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference. Vol 45:178.

Ziems, A.D., Giesler, L.J., Graef, George L., Redinbaugh, Margaret G., Vacha, Jean L., Berry,
Sue Ann, Madden, Larry and Dorrance, Anne. E. 2006. Response of Soybean cultivars to Bean pod mottle virus Infection. Plant Disease. 91: (In Press).

Giesler, L.J. and Ziems, A.D. 2006. Incidence of Alfalfa mosaic virus, Bean pod mottle virus and Soybean mosaic virus in Nebraska soybean fields. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2006-0424-01-HM.

Giesler, L.J. and Gustafson, T.C. 2006. Efficacy of fungicides applied through chemigation to soybean, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 61:FC092.

Giesler, L.J. and Ziems, A.D. 2006. Effect of seed treatment fungicides on soybean stand, vigor and yield, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 61:ST002.

Ziems, A.D., Giesler, L.J. and Wilsong, J.A. 2006. Use of genetic tolerance, resistance and seed treatment fungicides to manage Phytophthora stem and root rot in Nebraska soybean fields. Phytopathology 96:S130.

Watson, S.R. and Giesler, L.J. 2006. In field diagnostics with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln mobile plant diagnostic laboratory. Phytopathology 96:S121.

Barnes, C.W., L.J. Szabo, J.J. Johnson, K.Ngueyen, C. Floyd, and J.E. Kurle. Detection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi DNA in rain using qPCR and a portable rain collector. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. 29 July-3 August. Quebec City, Quebec, CA.

Chen, S.Y., Kurle, J.E., Stetina, S., Miller, D., Nelson, G., Klossner, L.D., Hansen, N. Interactions Among Iron-deficiency Chlorosis, Soybean Cyst Nematode, and Root Rot in Minnesota Soybean Fields. (Submitted to Agronomy Journal).

Impullitti, A.E., and Malvick. D.K. 2007. Evaluation of PCR to study colonization of legumes by Phialophora gregata. Phytopathology (in-press).

Impullitti, A.E., and Malvick. D.K. 2006. Detection of the soybean pathogens Phialophora gregata and Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines in soil using PCR. Phytopathology 96:S52.

Jia, H. and Kurle, J.E. Resistance and partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae in early maturity group soybean plant introductions (Submitted to Euphytica).

Krupa, S., Bowersox, V., Claybrooke, R., Barnes, C., Szabo, L., Harlin, K., and Kurle, J.E. 2006. Introduction of soybean rust spores into the Midwestern United States  A Case Study. Plant Disease. 90: 1254-1259.

Kurle, J.E. , S. Lewandowski, and D. K. Malvick. Occurrence and Distribution of Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome in Minnesota. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. 29 July-3 August. Quebec City, Quebec, CA.

Malvick, D. and Impullitti, I. 2007. Detection and Quantification of the fungus Phialophora gregata in Plant and Soil Samples with a Quantitative, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay. Plant Dis. (In-press).

Malvick, D. 2006. Sudden Death Syndrome in Minnesota Soybean Fields in 2006, an Expanding Problem. November 2006. MN Crop eNews. (

Malvick, D. 2006. Preparing for Soybean Rust in Minnesota. June 2006.
November 2006. MN Crop eNews. (

Wang,D., Kurle, J., and Percich, J. Tillage Management to Improve Soil Physical Conditions for Crop Growth. 18th World Congress of Soil Science. July 9-15, 2006. Philadelphia, PA.

Tyler, B.M., Tripathy, S., Zhang, X., Dehal, P., Jiang, R.H.Y., Aerts, A., Arredondo, F.D., Baxter, L., Bensasson, D., Beynon, J.L., Chapman, J., Damasceno, C.M.B., Dorrance, A.E., Dou, D., Dickerman, A., Dubchak, I.L., Garbelotto, M., Gijzen, M., Gorgon, S.G., Govers, F., Grunwald, N.J., Huang, W., Ivors, K.L., Jones, R.W., Kamoun, S., Krampis, K., Lamour, K.H., Lee, M., McDonald, W.H., Medina, M., Miejer, H.G.G., Nordber, E.K., Maclean, D.J., Ospina-Giraldo, M.D., Morris, P.F., Phuntumart, V., Putnam, N.H., Rash, S., Rose, J.K.C., Sakihama, Y., Salamov, A.A., Savidor, A., Schuering, C.F., Smith, B.M., Sobral, B.W.S. Terry, A., Torto-Alalibo, Win, J., Xu, Z., Zhang, H., Grigoriev, I.V., Rokhsar, D.S., and Boore, J.L. 2006. Phytophthora genome sequences uncover evolutionary origins and mechanisms of pathogenesis. Science 313:1261-1266.

Hoitink, H.A.J., Madden, L.V. and Dorrance, A.E. 2006. Systemic resistance induced by Trichoderma spp.: Interactions between the host, the pathogen, the biocontrol agent, and soil organic matter quality. Phytopathology 96:186-189.

Gordon, S.G., St.Martin, S.K., and Dorrance, A.E. 2006. Rps8 Maps to a resistance gene rich region on soybean molecular linkage group F. Crop Sci. 46:168-173.

Berry, S.A., Mills, D.R., and Dorrance, A.E. 2006. Evaluation of seed treatment fungicides for control of Phytophthora root and stem rot in soybeans in Ohio, 2006. PDMR ST001

Mills, D.R., Dorrance, A.E., Davis, M., and Davlin, J. 2006. Evaluation of soybean fungicides for yield response and Septoria brown spot in Ohio, 2006. PDMR FC089

McSpadden Gardener, B.B., Kroon van Diest, C., and J. Beuerlein 2006. Evaluation of biological seed treatments containing phlD+ strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens on soybeans grown in Ohio, 2005. Biological and Cultural Tests 21:FC045

McSpadden Gardener, B.B., Benitez, M.S., Camp, A. and Zumpetta, C. 2006. Evaluation of a seed treatment containing a phlD+ strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens on organic soybeans, 2005. Biological and Cultural Tests 21:FC046

Bradley, C. A. and Li, S. 2006. First report of northern stem canker of soybean caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora in North Dakota. Plant Disease 90:687.

Bolton MD, Thomma BPHJ and Nelson, BD. 2006 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (lib.) de Bary: biology and molecular traits of a cosmopolitan pathogen. Molecular Plant Pathology 7 (1) 1-16:

Helms, T.C., Nelson, B. D., Goos, R. J., and Chang, K. C. 2006. Registration of 'ProSoy' soybean. Crop Sci. 46:470-471.

Helms, T.C., B.D. Nelson, and R.J. Goos. 2006. Registration of 'Pembina' soybean. Crop Sci. 46:469-470.

Bradley, C. A., Chesrown, C. D., and Helms, T. C. 2006. Efficacy of fungicide seed treatments on soybean in North Dakota. Phytopathology 96:S173.

Nelson, B., and Phan, N. 2006. Evaluation of partial resistance in soybean to Phytophthora sojae using WinRhizo root analysis software. Phytopathology 96: S83.

Nelson, B., and Mallik, I. 2006. Growth of Phytophthora sojae on media amended with metalaxyl and mefenoxam. Phytopathology 96: S 174.

Mueller, T. A., Bradley, C. A., Chesrown, C. D., Kemerait, R. C., Wright, D. L., Marios, J. J., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the United States. 2nd National Soybean Rust Symposium, St. Louis, MO, online at:

Bradley, C. A. and Chesrown, C. D. 2006. Seed treatment and planting date effects on stand, root disease, and yield of soybean in North Dakota, 2005. F&N Tests 61:ST013.

Bradley, C. A. and Chesrown, C. D. 2006. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of Septoria brown spot on soybean in North Dakota, 2005. F&N Tests 61:FC006.

Bent, A. F., Hoffman, T. K., Schmidt, J. C., Hartman, G. L., Hoffman, D. D., Xue, P., and Tucker, M. L. 2006. Disease- and performance-related traits of ethylene-insensitive soybean. Crop Science 46:893-901.

Bonde, M. R., Nester, S. E., Austin, C. N., Stone, C. L., Frederick, R. D., Hartman, G. L., and Miles, M. R. 2006. Evaluation of virulence of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae isolates. Plant Disease 90:708-716.

Farias Neto, A. F., Hartman, G. L., Pedersen, W. L., Li, S., Bollero, G. A., and Diers, B. W. 2006. Irrigation and inoculation treatments that increase the severity of soybean sudden death syndrome in the field. Crop Science 46:2547-2554.

Ferro, C. R., Hill, C. B., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Evaluation of soybean cultivars with the Rps1k gene for partial resistance or field tolerance to Phytophthora sojae. Crop Science 46:2427-2436.

Gao, X., Jackson, T. A., Hartman, G. L., and Niblack, T. L. 2006. Interactions between soybean cyst nematode and Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines based on greenhouse factorial experiments. Phytopathology 96:1409-1415.

Harmon, C. L., Harmon, P. F., Mueller, T. A., Marois, J. J., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. First report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi telia on kudzu in the United States. Plant Disease 90:380.

Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Esgar, R., and Hobbs, H. A. 2006. Field evaluation of green stem disorder in soybean cultivars. Crop Science 46:879-885.

Hill, C. B., Li, Y., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. A single dominant gene for resistance to the soybean aphid in the soybean cultivar Dowling. Crop Science 46:1601-1605.

Hill, C. B., Li, Y., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Soybean aphid resistance in soybean Jackson is controlled by a single dominant gene. Crop Science 46:1606-1608.

Hobbs, H. A., Hill, C. B., Grau, C. R., Koval, N. C., Wang, Y., Pedersen, W. L., Domier, L. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Green stem disorder of soybean. Plant Disease 90:513-518.

Isard, S. A., Dufault, N. S., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., Russo, J. M., De Wolf, E. D., and Morel, W. 2006. The effect of solar irradiance on the mortality of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores. Plant Disease 90:941-945.

Lozovaya, V.V., A.V. Lygin, O.V. Zernova, S. Li, J.M. Widholm, and G.L. Hartman. 2006. Lignin degradation by Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines. Plant Disease 90:77-82.

Lynch, T. N., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Harmon, P. F., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Phaseolus spp. in the United States. Plant Disease 90:970.

Miles, M. R., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Evaluation of soybean germplasm for resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Health Progress:(Online). Available at research/2006/germplasm/.

Wang, Y., H.A. Hobbs, C.R. Bowen, R.L. Bernard, C.B. Hill, J.S. Haudenshield, L.L. Domier, and G.L. Hartman. 2006. Evaluation of soybean cultivars, 'Williams' isogenic lines, and other selected soybean lines for resistance to two Soybean mosaic virus strains. Crop Science 46:2649-2653.

Hartman, G. L. 2006. Soybean rust research in the United States. Pages 19-22 in: Mercosoja 2006. Proceedings of the 3rd Mercosur Soyean Congress, held from June 27-30, 2006, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. (Proceedings)

Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Li, Y., Diers, B. W., and Carlson, S. 2006. Soybean genes for resistance to Aphis glycines. Patent Application No. 20060015964. (Patent)

Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Levy, C. 2006. Control of soybean rust in a determinate cultivar at the Rattray Arnold Research Station, Zimbabwe, 2004-05. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 61:FC003. (Report)

Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Levy, C. 2006. Control of soybean rust in an indeterminate cultivar at the Gwebi Variety Testing Center, Zimbabwe, 2004-05. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 61:FC004. (Report)

Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., van Rij, N. C., Tweer, S., du Preez, E. D., and Lawrance, K. F. 2006. Evaluations of fungicides for control of soybean rust in the cultivar 'Prima 2000' near Cedara, South Africa, 2004-05. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 61:FC002. (Report)

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2006. Evaluations of fungicides for the control of soybean rust at Bella Vista, Paraguay, 2004-2005 Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 61:FC007. (Report)

Sconyers, L. E., Kemerait, R. C., Brock, J. Phillips, D. V., Jost, P. H., Sikora, E. J., Gutierrez-Estrada, A., Mueller, J. D., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., and Harmon, C. L. 2006. Asian Soybean Rust Development in 2005: A perspective from the Southeastern United States. APSnet Feature Story. Online publication:

Mullen, J. M., E. J. Sikora, J. M. McKemy, M. E. Palm, L. Levy and R. Devries-Paterson. 2006. First Report of Asian Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Soybeans in Alabama. Plant Disease 90:112.

Sikora, E. J. D. P. Delaney, K. S. Lawrence, A. Gutierrez-estrada and R. Durbin. 2006. Evaluation of Ballad for control of foliar diseases of soybeans, 2005. 2005 Soybean Research Report 29, pg.12.

Lawrence, K. S., D. P. Delaney, E. J. Sikora and S. P. Nightengale. 2006. Evaluation of Absolute, Folicur and Stratego on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. 2005 Soybean Research Report 29, pg. 10.

Lawrence, K. S., D. P. Delaney, E. J. Sikora and S. P. Nightengale. 2006. Evaluation of Punch, Charisma, Folicur and Manzate on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. 2005 Soybean Research Report 29, pg. 11.

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, A. Gutierrez-estrada, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. 2006. Evaluation of Ballad for control of foliar diseases of soybeans, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication #

Sikora, E. J., K. S. Lawrence, A. Gutierrez-estrada, D. P. Delaney and M. Pegues. 2006. Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for Asian soybean rust in Alabama, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication #

Lawrence, K. S., E. J. Sikora D. P. Delaney, and R. M. Durbin. 2006. Evaluation of Punch, Charisma, Folicur and Manzate on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication #

Lawrence, K. S., D. P. Delaney, E. J. Sikora and S. P. Nightengale. 2006. Evaluation of Absolute, Folicur and Stratego on soybean foliar disease and yield in Alabama, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide tests, on-line publication #

Sikora, E. J., A. Gutiérrez-estrada, D. Delaney, J. Mullen and J. Jacobi. 2006. Proceedings of the Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference. Urbana, Illinois.

Sikora, E. J. and M. Delaney. Kudzu in the City: Detection of Asian Soybean Rust on Kudzu in Urban Environments in Alabama during the winter of 2006. Soybean Rust Symposium, St. Louis, MO.

S. Chaudhary, T. R. Anderson, S.J. Park and K. Yu. 2006. Comparison of screening methods for resistance to Fusarium root rot in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Plant Pathology: J. Phytopathology 154, 303-308

Winter, S.M.J., Shelp, B.J., Anderson, T.R., Welacky, T. W. and Rajcan, I. 2006. QTL associated with horizontal resistance to soybean cyst nematode in Glycine sojae PI464925B. Theor Appl Genet DOI 10.1007/s00122-006-0446-4.

K. Thickett, J. VanDerWal, L. Lovett-Doust and T.R. Anderson. 2007. A method for screening soybean seedlings for resistance to northern stem canker caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora. Can J. Plant Science. (Accepted)

Thomas, R., Fang, A., Peterson, C. A., Anderson, T.R. and Bernards, M.A. 2007. Soybean root suberin. Anatomical distribution, chemical composition, and relationship to partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae (Kaufmann & Gerdemann). Plant Physiology. (Accepted)

Del Ponte, E.M., Godoy, C. V., Li, X. and Yang, X. B. 2006. Predicting Severity of Asian Soybean Rust Epidemics with Empirical Rainfall Models. Phytopathology 96:797-803. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-96-0797

Pivonia, S. and Yang, X.B. 2006. Relating Epidemic Progress from a General Disease Model to Seasonal Appearance Time of Rusts in the United States: Implications for Soybean Rust. Phytopathology 96:400-407. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-96-0400

Pan, Z., Yang, X. B., Pivonia, S., Xue, L. and Pasken, R. and Roads, J. 2006. Long-Term Prediction of Soybean Rust Entry into the Continental United States. Plant Dis. 90:840-846. DOI: 10.1094/PD-90-0840

Yang, X.B., 2006. Framework development in plant disease risk assessment and its application. European Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 115:2534, DOI 10.1007/s10658-005-4513-5

Mueller, E. E., and Grau, C. R. 2007. Seasonal progression, symptom development, and yield effects of Alfalfa mosaic virus epidemics on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 91:266-272.

Gao, H., Narayanan, N., Ellison, L., and Bhattacharyya M.K. (2005) Two classes of highly similar coiled coil-nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat genes isolated from the Rps1-k locus encode Phytophthora resistance in soybean. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact., 18:1035-1045.

Sandhu, D., Schallock K. G., Rivera-Velez, N. , P. Lundeen, P., S. Cianzio, S., and M. K. Bhattacharyya (2005) Soybean Phytophthora resistance gene Rps8 maps closely to the Rps3 region. J. Heredity, 96:536-541.


Bradley, C. A., Chesrown, C. D., and Hofman, V. L. 2007. Evaluation of foliar fungicide application methods on soybean. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 29:197-202.

Domier, L. L., Steinlage, T. A., Hobbs, H. A., Yang, H. A., Herrera-Rodriguez, G., Haudenshield, J. S., McCoppin, N. K., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Similarities in seed and aphid transmission among Soybean mosaic virus isolates. Plant Disease 91:546-550.

Farias Neto, A. F., Hashmi, R., Schmidt, M., Carlson, S. R., Hartman, G. L., Li, S., Nelson, R. L., and Diers, B. W. 2007. Mapping and confirmation of a new sudden death syndrome resistance QTL on linkage group D2 from the soybean genotypes PI 567374 and 'Ripley'. Molecular Plant Breeding 20:53-62.

Li, Y., Hill, C. B., Carlson, S. R., Diers, B. W., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Soybean aphid resistance genes in the soybean cultivars Dowling and Jackson map to linkage group M. Molecular Plant Breeding 19:25-34.

Lim, H. S., Ko, T. S., Hobbs, H. A., Lambert, K. N., Yu, N., McCoppin, N. K., Korban, S. S., Hartman, G. L., and Domier, L. L. 2007. Soybean mosaic virus helper component-protease alters leaf morphology and reduces seed production in transgenic soybean plants. Phytopathology 97:366-372.

Thekkeveetil, T., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., Kridelbaugh, D., Donnelly, J., Hartman, G. L., and Domier, L. L. 2007. First Report of Soybean dwarf virus in Soybean in Northern Illinois. Plant Disease 91:1686.

Bandyopadhyay, R., Ojiambo, P. S., Twizeyimana, M., Asafo-Adjei, B., Frederick, R. D., Pedley, K. F., Stone, C. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Ghana. Plant Disease 91:1057.

Daniel, S. L., Hartman, G. L., Wagner, E. D., and Plewa, M. J. 2007. Mammalian cell cytotoxicity analysis of soybean rust fungicides. Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology 78:474-478.

Hartman, G. L., Hines, R. A., Faulkner, C. D., Lynch, T. N., and Pataky, N. 2007. Late season occurrence of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Illinois. Plant Disease 91:466.

Hyten, D. L., Hartman, G. L., Nelson, R. L., Frederick, R. D., Concibido, V. C., and Cregan, P. B. 2007. Map location of the Rpp1 locus that confers resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi (soybean rust) in soybean. Crop Science 47:837-838.

Miles, M. R., Levy, C., Morel, W., Mueller, T., Steinlage, T., van Rij, N., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. International fungicide efficacy trials for the management of soybean rust. Plant Disease 91:1450-1458.

Miles, M. R., Pastor-Corrales, M. A., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Differential response of common bean cultivars to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 91:698-704.

Ojiambo, P. S., Bandyopadhyay, R., Twizeyimana, M., Lema, A., Frederick, R. D., Pedley, K. F., Stone, C. L., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. First report of rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean in Democratic Republic of Congo. Plant Disease 91:1204.

Patzoldt, M. E., Tyagi, R. K., Hymowitz, T., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Soybean rust resistance derived from Glycine tomentella in amphiploid hybrid lines. Crop Science 47:158-161.

Twizeyimana, M., Ojiambo, P. S., Ikotun, T., Paul, C., Hartman, G. L., and Bandyopadhyay, R. 2007. Comparison of field, greenhouse, and detached-leaf evaluations of soybean germplasm for resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 91:1161-1169.

Bradley, C. A., and Chesrown, C. D. 2007. Evaluation of foliar fungicides on soybean at Fargo, ND in 2006. NDSU 2007 Crop Production Guide 17:498-499.

Bradley, C. A., and Chesrown, C. D. 2007. Effect of fungicide seed treatments on soybean at Fargo, ND in 2006. NDSU 2007 Crop Production Guide 17:500-501.

Bradley, C. A., and Nelson, B. D. 2007. Comparison of soybean cyst nematode  resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars in Richland County, ND, 2006. NDSU 2007 Crop Production Guide 17:502-503.

Bradley, C. A., and Chesrown, C. D. 2007. Effect of Headline fungicide on different soybean cultivars at Fargo, ND in 2006. NDSU 2007 Crop Production Guide 17:504-505.

Bradley, C. A. and Chesrown, C. D. 2007. Evaluation of Headline fungicide for control of brown spot on four soybean cultivars in North Dakota, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC033.

Mueller, D. S., Bradley, C. A., Ames, K. A., and Pedersen, W. L. 2007. Evaluation of Folicur sensitivity and its effect on soybean yield in Iowa, Illinois, and North Dakota, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC067.

Bradley, C. A. and Chesrown, C. D. 2007. Effect of Warden RTA seed treatment on soybean planted at different seeding rates in North Dakota, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:ST035.

Knodel, J. and Bradley, C. 2007. Efficacy of foliar applied insecticide-fungicides against soybean aphids on soybeans, 2006. Arthropod Managment Tests 32:F54.

Knodel, J. and Bradley, C. 2007. Foliar applied insecticide efficacy against soybean aphids on soybeans, 2006. Arthropod Management Tests 32:F55.

Bradley, C. A., Ames, K. A., and Schatz, B. G. 2007. Effect of fungicide seed treatments on soybean planted at different seeding rates in North Dakota and Illinois. Phytopathology 97:S13.

Jarrett, S., Bradley, C., and Walker, D. R. 2007. Sensitivity of soybean plant introductions to the foliar fungicide tebuconazole (Folicur). In Annual meeting abstracts (CD-ROM). ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Hartman, G. L. 2007. Soybean Diseases: Ecology and Control. Encyclopedia of Pest Management. Online. Available at

Song, J. Y., Jeon, N. J., Li, S., Kim, H. G., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Development of PCR assay using species-specific primers for Phytophthora sojae based on the DNA sequence of its transposable element. Phytopathology 97:S110.

Bandyopadhyay, R., Paul, C., Twizeyimana, M., Adeleke, R., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. Identification and development of resistance to soybean rust in Nigeria [Abst.]. Phytopathology 96S:8.

Haudenshield, J. S., Steinlage, T. A., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Quantification and single-spore detection of Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Miles, M. R., Morel, W., Ray, J. D., Smith, J. R., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Evaluation of potential soybean rust resistant sources in Paraguay during the 2005-06 season. Proceedings of the APS-SON Joint Meeting, San Diego, California, July 28 - August 1, 2007. Available at

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Levy, C. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust in Zimbabwe, 2005-2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC103.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust at Bella Vista, Paraguay, 2005-2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC104.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust at Pirapo, Paraguay, 2005-2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC063.

Mueller, T. A., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., and Morel, W. 2007. Evaluation of fungicides and fungicide timing for the control of soybean rust at Capitán Meza, Paraguay, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC062.

Smith, D., Paul, C., Steinlage, T. A., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Isolation, purification, and characterization of Phakopsora pachyrhizi isolates. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Twizeyimana, M., Ojiambo, P., Paul, C., Hartman, G. L., and Bandyopadhyay, R. 2007.
Pathogenic variation of Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium, Louisville, KY, December 12-14, 2007. Available at

Extension publications in 2007:

Montgomery, M., Bissonnette, S., Nordby, D., and Bradley, C. 2007. Utilizing Fungicide Site of Action to Combat Resistance. University of Illinois Extension, Urbana, IL.

Mueller, D., Giesler, L., Bradley, C., Tenuta, A., and Brown-Rytlewski, D. 2007. Soybean Rust: What is Your Risk?. National circular printed by the ipmPIPE

Jardine, D.J. and L. Maddux. 2007. Evaluation of seed treatment fungicides for control of seedling diseases and charcoal rot in soybeans, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports (online). Report No. 1:ST008. DOI:10.1094/PDMR01.

Bird, G. W. 2007. Nematode community structure of natural, non-managed and managed ecosystems. J. Nematol. 39:89.

Bird, G. W. 2007. A Global Perspective of Integrated Nematode Management Innovation. Phytopathology 97:S148.
Bird, G. W., T. Kendle, J. Davenport and D. Rajzer. 2008. Soybean Cyst Nematode Research: 1999-2007 Kendle Farm Variety Trials. 2007 Michigan On-Farm Research Report. Michigan State University Extension, East Lansing.

D. Wang and J. Boyse. 2007. White Mold Performance Report.

Brown-Rytlewski, D. 2007.Mid-Michigan Soybean Trials Seed Treatment Performance Comparison; Summary of Targeted Fungal Pathogens Isolated in Seed Treatment Study. 2007 Mid-Michigan Crop Report. Michigan State University Extension, East Lansing.

Brown-Rytlewski, D.E., 2007. Chapter 15, Safe Fungicide Storage, in Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust (2nd edition) Dorrance, A.E., M.A. Draper and D. E. Hershman, eds. Ohio State University Extension Bulletin SR-2008 111 p.

Brown-Rytlewski, D., and Kirk, W. 2008. Soybean Fungicidal Seed Treatment Study. 2007 Michigan On-Farm Research Report. Michigan State University Extension, East Lansing.

Brown-Rytlewski, D. and MacKellar, B. 2007. Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS).

Brown-Rytlewski, D., Staton, M. and DiFonzo, C. 2007.Pesticide Application Technology for Soybean Rust and Soybean Aphids.

Brown-Rytlewski, D. Soybean Facts: Soybean Rust Fungicide use Guidelines for 2007.

Chen, C.Y., C. Gu, C. Mensah, R.L. Nelson, and D. Wang. 2007. SSR marker
diversity of soybean aphid resistance sources in North America. Genome 50:1104-1111.

Davenport, J., G. Bird and F. Warner. 2007. Dynamics of HG Types Associated with Commercial soybean Cultivars in Michigan. J. Nematol. 39:90.

DiFonzo, C., Jewett, M., Warner, F., Brown-Rytlewski, D., and W. Kirk. 2007. Insect, Nematodes and Disease Control in Michigan Field Crops 2007. Michigan State University Extension, (E-1582),

Mueller, D., Giesler, L., Bradley, C., Tenuta, A., and D. Brown-Rytlewski.2007. Soybean Rust: What is your Risk?. ipmPIPE 2007.

Malvick, D. and Impullitti, I. 2007. Detection and quantification of the fungus Phialophora gregata in plant and soil samples with a quantitative, real-time polymerase chain reaction assay. Plant Disease 91:726-742.

Malvick, D.K. and. Bussey, K.E. 2007. Spread of sudden death syndrome in soybean fields and characteristics of Fusarium virguliforme, the causal agent, in Minnesota. Phytopathology 96:S69.

Impullitti, A.E., and Malvick. D.K. 2007. Evaluation of PCR to study colonization of legumes by Phialophora gregata. Phytopathology 97:S162.

Impullitti, A.E., and Malvick, D.K. 2008. Effects of latent infection by Phialophora gregata on physiology and growth of soybean. Presented at the North Central APS Meeting in Lafayette, IN. June 2007. Phytopathology 98:(in-press).

Bienapfl, J. C., Percich, J. A. and Malvick, D. K. 2008. Evaluation of PCR-based methods for species-specific detection of Phytophthora sojae. Presented at the North Central APS Meeting in Lafayette, IN. June 2007.Phytopathology 98:(in-press).

Floyd, C., Tao, Z., Spoden, G., Malvick, D., Kurle, J., Bernacchi, C., and Krupa, S. 2007. Minnesota Soybean Rust Forecast Model (MinnSoyRustMod). Presented at the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium.
Barnes, C.W., Szabo, L.J. Bowersox, V.C., Lehmann, C. 2007. Phakopsora pachyrhizi spores in rain. Presented at the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium.
Chen, S., J.E. Kurle, S. Stetina, D. R. Miller, L. D. Klossner, G. A. Nelson, and N. C. Hansen. 2007. Interactions Between Iron-deficiency Chlorosis and Soybean Cyst Nematode in Minnesota Soybean Fields. Plant and Soil. 299:131139
Jia, H. and Kurle, J.E. 2007. Resistance and partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae in early maturity group soybean plant introductions. Euphytica. 159: 27-34

Meyer, P. and J.E. Kurle. 2007. Interaction of temperature and soil moisture in root rot of soybean. Phytopathology. 97:S76.

Meyer, P. and J.E. Kurle. 2007. Efficacy and persistence of seed treatment against root rot of soybean. Phytopathology. 97:S76.

Sun, M.,Chen, S., Kurle, J.E., Naeve, S., Wyse, D.L., Stahl, L.A., Nelson, G.A., and Klossner, L.D. 2007. Effect of rotation crops on iron-deficiency chlorosis and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Phytopathology. 97:S112.
Barnes, C.W, and Szabo, L.J. 2007. Long distance dispersal of Phakopsora pachyrhizi spores in rain, comparing data from 2005 and 2006. Phytopathology 97:S8.
Malvick, D. 2007. Look for Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) In Minnesota Soybean Fields. MN Crop eNews. (

Malvick, D. 2007. Late Season Soybean Diseases in Minnesota. MN Crop eNews.

Malvick, D. and Kurle, J. 2007. Steps to Detect and Respond to Soybean Rust. MN Crop eNews.

Malvick, D. 2007.Soybean Foliar and Stem Disease Management. 2007. MN Crop eNews.

Kurle, J. 2007. Soybean cyst nematode: a new challenge for agriculture in Northwestern Minnesota. MN Crop eNews.

Kurle, J. Malvick, D., and Chen, S. 2007. Managing soybean cyst nematode in the Red River Valley. MN Crop eNews.

Ziems, A.D., Giesler, L.J., Graef, G.L., Redinbaugh, M.G., Vacha, J.L., Berry, S.A., Madden, L.V. and Dorrance, A.E. 2007. Response of soybean cultivars to Bean pod mottle virus infection. Plant Dis. 91:719-726.

Dorrance, A.E., Mills, D., Robertson, A.E., Draper, M.A., Giesler, L.J. and Tenuta, A. 2007. Phytophthora root and stem rot of soybean. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI:10.1094/PHI-I-2007-0830-07.

Mueller, D., Giesler, L.J., Bradely, C., Tenuta, A., Brown-Tytlewski. 2007. Soybean Rust What is Your Risk? IPM PIPE.

Giesler, L.J. and Ziems, A.D. 2007. Management of Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot of Soybeans. University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension NebGuide G1785.

Giesler, L.J. and Gustafson, T.C. 2007. Efficacy of fungicides applied through chemigation to soybean. 2006. F&N Tests 1:FC085.

T. C. Gustafson and L. J. Giesler. 2007. Yield and economic analysis of pyraclostrobin application to soybean in the presence and absence of foliar diseases. Proceedings of the National Soybean Rust Symposium Louisville, KY.

T. C. Gustafson and L. J. Giesler. 2007. Yield and economic analysis of pyraclostrobin application to soybean in the presence and absence of foliar diseases. Proceedings of the National Soybean Rust Symposium Louisville, KY.

Helms, T. C., Werk, B. J., Nelson, B. D. and Deckard, E. 2007. Soybean tolerance to water-saturated soil and role of resistance to Phytophthora sojae. Crop Sci. 47: 2295-2302.

Poromarto, S., Nelson, B. D. 2007. Soybean cyst nematode reproduction on navy, kidney and black bean. Phytopathology 97:S94. (Abstract)

Poromarto, S, and Nelson, B. 2007. Soybean cyst nematode reproduction on pinto bean. Phytopathology 97:S163 (Abstract)

Poromarto, S., and Nelson, B. D. 2007. Reproduction of soybean cyst nematode on dry bean cultivars. Annual Report Bean Improvement Cooperative. Volume 50. Pages 83-84.

Dorrance, A.E., Mills, D., Robertson, A.E., Draper, M.A., Giesler, L. and Tenuta, A. 2007. Phytophthora root and stem rot of soybean. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI 10.1094/PHI-I-2007-0830-07 (

Broders, K.D., Lipps, P.E., Paul, P.A. and Dorrance, A.E. 2007. Evaluation of Fusarium graminearum associated with corn and soybean seed and seedling disease in Ohio.
Plant Disease 91:1155-1160.

Mideros, S., Nita, M., and Dorrance, A. E. 2007. Characterization of components of partial resistance, Rps2, and root resistance to Phytophthora sojae in soybean. Phytopathology 97: 655-662.

Broders, K.D., Lipps, P.E., Paul, P.A., and Dorrance, A.E. 2007. Characterization of Pythium spp. associated with corn and soybean seed and seedling disease in Ohio. Plant Disease 91:727-735.

Ziems, A.D., Giesler, L.J., Graef, G.L., Redinbaugh, M.G., Vacha, J.L., Berry, S.A., Madden, L.V. and Dorrance, A.E. 2007. Response of soybean cultivars to Bean pod mottle virus invection. Plant Dis. 91:719-726.

Gordon, S. G., Kowitwanich, K., Pipatpongpinyo, W., St. Martin, S. K., and Dorrance, A. E. 2007. Molecular marker analysis of soybean plant introductions with resistance to Phytophthora sojae. Phytopathology 97:113-118.

Gordon, S. G., Berry, S. A., St. Martin, S. K., and Dorrance, A. E. 2007. Genetic analysis of soybean plant introductions with resistance to Phytophthora sojae. Phytopathology. 97:106-112.

Fungicide/Nematicide and Biological and Cultural Tests:

Berry, S.A., Mills, D.R. and Dorrance, A.E. 2007. Evaluation of seed treatment fungicides for control of Phytophthora root and stem rot in soybeans in Ohio, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:ST001

Mills, D.R., and Dorrance, A.E. 2007. Evaluation of Soybean fungicides for yield response and Septoria brown spot in Ohio, 2005, Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC061

Mills, D.R., Dorrance, A.E, Davis, M. and Davlin, J., 2007, Evaluation of Soybean fungicides for yield response and Septoria brown spot in Ohio, Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC089

Guzman, P.S., Diers, B.W. Neece, D.J., St Martin, S.K., LeRoy, A.R., Grau, C.R., Hughes, T.J., and Nelson, R.L.. 2007. QTL Associated with yield in three backcross-derived populations of soybean. Crop Sci. 47: 111-122

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