NCERA_OLD137: Soybean Diseases (NCR137)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NCERA_OLD137: Soybean Diseases (NCR137)
Duration: 10/01/2004 to 09/30/2009
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Nature and Significance of Issue for Which Multistate Coordination is Proposed The NC Region produces 80% of soybean grown in the US. Production has increased because of changed management systems, improved genetics, and expanded soybean acreage. In 2003 yield losses to diseases of soybean were estimated at 7%. Diseases caused by Phytophthora sojae have maintained importance as a limitation on soybean yields. The importance of Sclerotinia stem rot & sudden death syndrome have increased due to climatic trends and altered management practices. It's apparent the importance of soybean cyst nematode includes damaging interactions with Fusarium root rots, brown stem rot & sudden death syndrome. PCR techniques confirmed the existence of symptomatic and asymptomatic forms of the brown stem rot pathogen, Phialophora gregata and also indicates this pathogen is much more widespread than previously thought. Plant pathogens prevalent in the southern US, have increased in importance in the NC Region. Diseases caused by these pathogens are charcoal rot, frogeye leafspot, and Bean Pod Mottle Virus. At the same time virus diseases spread by the soybean aphid are added threats to soybean yield. The possible role of the soybean aphid as a vector of viruses will necessitate considerable effort aimed at understanding and managing this pest and virus diseases that it transmits. Soybean rust remains the greatest potential threat to soybean production in this area. Its introduction would require major increases in the use of fungicides, greatly expanded efforts at finding sources of resistance to the rust fungus, and significant changes in soybean management practices. How the Proposed Activity Addresses Nation and/or Regional Priorities Since inception in 1984, the annual meeting of NCR-137 has had near perfect attendance. Designated representatives and interested individuals from private companies, commodity groups, and public institutions meet to exchange oral and written reports on soybean diseases and soybean disease research. The annual meeting is aligned with that of other groups interested in the health and productivity of soybean and is held in conjunction with the Soybean Breeders Workshop and every third year with the Southern Soybean Disease Workers Workshop. Collaborations within NCR-137 are the basis for numerous regional research projects and multistate grant proposals funded by groups such as the NC IPM Program and the NC Soybean Research Program (NCSRP). These projects coordinate regional research on Sclerotinia stem rot, Phytophthora root rot, brown stem rot, and sudden death syndrome. A regional survey of NCR-137 researchers provides annual soybean disease loss estimates for the NC Region. A joint effort of the United Soybean Board and NCR-137 membership, this survey is a comprehensive assessment of soybean yield losses to plant diseases. Information from this survey is used to determine the relative importance of soybean diseases in order to prioritize research and guide breeding efforts. A similar collaboration of NCR-137 members, the Soybean Pathogen Germplasm Collection, is a collection of isolates of the regionally important soybean pathogens; Phytophthora sojae, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines and Heterodera glycine, that is used for breeding and research. NCR-137 members maintain a close association with NCR-200 and NCR-504 committees in order to coordinate research on soybean rust and soybean viruses, emerging pathogens that in the future will be at the forefront of NCR-137 members research and extension programs. NCR-137 is extensively involved in technology transfer via traditional and electronic media. The Soybean Plant Health Initiative (PHI) (, a collaborative effort between the NCSRP and NC Region soybean researchers, is accessible to growers, consultants, and researchers. Its website is a centralized source of soybean disease research and disease management information. Links to similar systems in each state extend the reach and content of the PHI into traditional extension systems. NCR-137 membership, as stakeholders in the activity of the committe has influenced research directions on soybean diseases important in the NC Region to the benefit of soybean producers the ultimate costumer for their efforts.
Foster collaborative research on soybean diseases among scientists in the North Central Region
Examine the effects of new crop production technologies on soybean diseases.
Transfer information and technology about soybean diseases in the North Central Region to the research, extension, producer and agribusiness communities.
Monitor new or reemerging pathogens of soybean in the North Central region of the United States.
Procedures and Activities
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- Collaborative research projects among NCR-137 members.
- Research conducted to evaluate the effect of new management practices on soybean diseases.
- Publication of research results, management recommendations in various formats including electronic media.
- Regular interaction among NCR-137 members to exchange information on current pathogens.
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
Officers are to include a chair and secretary who is the chair-elect. Officers will be elected for a one year term. Administrative guidance will be provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and a CSREES Representative.
Literature Cited
Refereed Articles Auclair, J., Boland, G.J., Cobar, E.R., Graef, G.L., Steadman, J.R., and Rajcan, I. 2003. Comparison of Laboratory and Field Inoculation Techniques to Assess Partial Resistance in Soybean to Sclerotinia Stem Rot. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. (In Press). Bradley, C.A., G.R. Noel, C.R. Grau, J.M. Gaska, N.C. Kurtweil, MacGuidwin, G.L. Hartman, L.M. Wax, and W.L. Pedersen. 2003. Impact of herbicides on Heterodera glycines susceptible and resistant soybean cultivars. J. of Nematology 35:88-97. Dorrance, A.E., Gordon, D.T., Schmitthenner, A.F., and Grau, C.G. 2001. First report of bean pod mottle virus in soybean in Ohio. Plant Disease 85:1029. Giesler, L.J., Ghabrial, S.A., Hunt, T.E., and Hill, J.H. 2002. Bean pod mottle virus: A threat to U.S. soybean production. Plant Disease 86:1280-1289. Harrington, T.C., Steimel, J., Workneh, F. and Yang, X.B. 2003. Characterization and distribution of two races of Phialophora gregata in the North Central United States. Phytopathology 93: 901-912. Hoffman, D.D., Diers, B.W., Hartman, G.L., Nickell, C.D., Nelson, R.L., Pederson, W.L., Cobar, E.R., Graef, G.L., Steadman, J.R., et al, 2002. Selected soybean plant introductions with partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plant Disease 86:971-980. Kim, H.S., G.L. Hartman, J.B. Manandhar, G.L. Graef, J.R. Steadman, and B.W. Diers. 2000. Reaction of soybean cultivars to sclerotinia stem rot in field, greenhouse, and laboratory evaluations. Crop Sci. 40:665-669. Kull, L.S., Vuong, T.D., Powers, K.S., Eskridge, K.M., Steadman, J.R., and Hartman, G.L. 2003. Evaluation of three resistance screening methods using six Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates and three entries each of soybean and dry bean. Plant Disease 87: 1471-1476. Kurle, J.E.,Gould, S.L., Lewandowski, S.M., Li,S., Yang. X.B. 2003. First Report of Sudden Death Syndrome (Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines) of Soybean in Minnesota. Plant Disease. 87:449. Kurle, J.E., C.R. Grau, and E.S. Oplinger. 2001. The effect of tillage, crop sequence, and cultivar selection on yield, sclerotia density, apothecia numbers, and Sclerotinia stem rot incidence in soybean. Agron. J. 93:973-982. Malvick, D.K. Chen, W., Kurle, J.E., and Grau, C. R. 2003. Cultivar Preference and Genotype Distribution of the Brown Stem Rot Pathogen Phialophora gregata in the Midwestern USA. Plant Dis. 87:1250-1254. Mila, A.L., Carriquiry, A.L., Zhao, J. and Yang, X.B. 2003. Impact of management practices on regional prevalence of soybean Sclerotinia stem rot in the North-Central Region of the United States and on farmers decisions under uncertainty. Plant Disease 87:1048-1058. Mila, A.L., Yang, X.B., and Carriquiry, A.L. 2003. Bayesian logistic regression analyses of occurrence of soybean Sclerotinia stem rot in the U.S. North Central region. Phytopathology 93: 758-764. Mueller, D.S., Dorrance, A.E., Derksen, R. C., Ozkan, E., Kurle, J.E., Grau, C.R., Gaska, J.M., Hartman, G.L., Bradley, C. A., and Pedersen, W.L. 2002. Efficacy of fungicides on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and potential control of Sclerotinia stem rot on soybean. Plant Disease 86:26-31. Vuong, T.D., D.D. Hoffman, B.W. Diers, J.F. miller, J.R. Steadman, and G.L. Hartman. 2004. Evaluation of Soybean, Dry Bean, and Sunflower for Resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Crop Sci. (in press) Wrather, J. A., Stienstra, W. C. and Koenning, S. R. 2001. Soybean disease loss estimates for the United States from 1996 to 1998. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 23:122-131. (Members of the NCR-137 committee provided the information that is the basis for this paper although their names do not appear as authors.) Wrather, J. A. Koenning, S. R. and Anderson, T. R. 2003. Effect of diseases on soybean yields in the United States and Ontario (1999 to 2002). Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2003-0325-01- (Members of the NCR-137 committee provided the information that is the basis for this paper although their names do not appear as authors.) Yang, X.B., Uphoff, M.D., and Sanogo, S. 2001. Outbreaks of soybean frogeye leaf spot in Iowa. Plant Disease 85: 443 (disease note). NCR-137 Affiliations with North Central Soybean Research Program Working Groups: Phytophtophthora sojae Working Group Illinois (UIUC) D. Malvick, G. Hartman, B. Diers Indiana T.S. Abney Iowa X.B. Yang, S. Cianzo Kansas D. Jardine Michigan P. Hart, D. Wang Minnesota J.E. Kurle Missouri L.Sweets, J. English Nebraska L. Giesler North Dakota B.D. Nelson Ohio A.E. Dorrance (Project Leader) , D. Mills, S. St. Martin Ontario T. Anderson, A. Tenuta South Dakota M. Draper Wisconsin C.R. Grau Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Working Group Illinois (UIUC) W.L. Pedersen Indiana T.S. Abney, G. Shaner Iowa X.B. Yang Kansas D. Jardine Michigan P. Hart, R. Hammerschmidt, D. Wang Minnesota J.E. Kurle, J. Orf Missouri S. St. Martin, J.A. Wrather Nebraska L. Giesler, G. Graef, J. Steadman North Dakota B.D. Nelson, L. del Rio, T. S. Helms Ohio A.E. Dorrance Ontario T. Anderson, A. Tenuta Pennsylvania E. DeWolf, B. Pennypacker South Dakota T. Chase, M. Draper, R. Scott Wisconsin C.R. Grau (Project Leader) Sudden Death Syndrome Working Group Illinois (UIUC) B. Diers, D. Eastburn, G. Hartman, W.L. Pedersen Indiana T.S. Abney Iowa X.B. Yang Missouri L. Sweets, J.A. Wrather Brown Stem Rot Research Coalition Illinois D. Malvick (Project Leader), G. Hartman, B. Diers Indiana T.S. Abney Iowa X.B. Yang, C. Bronson, S. Cianzo, G. Tylka Minnesota J.E. Kurle Missouri L.Sweets, J. English Nebraska L. Giesler North Dakota B.D. Nelson Ohio A.E. Dorrance Ontario T. Anderson, A. Tenuta South Dakota M. Draper Wisconsin C.R. Grau NCR-137 Members active in NCR-200 IA, IN, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI, KY NCR-137 Members active in NC 504 IA, IN, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, PA, VA, WI Meetings NCR-137. North Central Regional Committee for Soybean Pathology 1999 22-23 Feb., St. Louis, MO 2000 20-21 Feb., St. Louis, MO 2001 20-21 Feb., St. Louis, MO 2002 18-19 Feb., St. Louis, MO 2003 16-17 Feb., St. Louis, MO North Central Regional Soybean Research Project on Phytophthora sojae June 27, 2003, East Lansing, Michigan September, 26-27, 2002, Wooster, Ohio North Central Regional Soybean Research Project on Sclerotinia stem rot 2003 17-18 Sep., New Glaurus, WI 2002 - 20-21 Jan., Bloomington, MN 2001 30-31 Jan., Madison, WI 2000 19-20 Feb., St. Louis, MO 1999 25-27 Jan., Madison, WI. North Central Regional Soybean Project Meetings on Phialophora gregata September 17-18, 2003, New Glaurus, WI February 17, 2003, St. Louis, MO Culture Collections: National Soybean Pathogen Collection Center. Coordinator of the pathogen germplasm collection is Glen Hartman. See more details at: This organization maintains collections of Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines (cause of sudden death syndrome), Heterodera glycines (soybean cyst nematode), Meloidogyne spp. (root-knot nematode), and Phytophthora sojae (cause of Phytophthora stem and root rot). Also, the NSPCC has in reserve minor collections of a number of other soybean pathogens. Grant Proposals for this Cooperative Effort A National Soybean Pathogen Germplasm Conservation System: Proof of Concept. 2001-2004. USDA-IFAFS (this involves both NCR-137 members and is national in scope) Phillips, D., Dorrance, A and 28 PIs from 12 institutions. 2001. A National Soybean Germplasm Conservation System: Proof of Concept. USDA IFAFS. Websites: The Plant Health Initiative webpage at: contains contributions from NCR-137 members working on Phialophora gregata, Phytophthora sojae, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, and Heterodera glycines. Dorrance, A., Giesler, L., Malvik, D., Draper, M. and Sweets, L. 2002. Management strategies for Phytophthora root and stem rot. North Central Soybean Research Program, Plant Health Initiative website. Dorrance, A.E., Diers, B., Kurle, J., Grau, C., Potter, B., and Yang, X.B. 2001. Sclerotinia Stem rot of soybeans - can Cobra play a role in Management. Soybean Diseases in North Dakota coordinated by Berlin Nelson. Grant Proposals Hartman et al. A National Soybean Pathogen Germplasm Consevation System: Proof of Concept. 2001-2004. USDA-IFAFS (this involves both NCR-137 members and is national in scope) Management Strategies to Control Major Soybean Virus Diseases in the North Central States. 2001-2005. NCSRP (this involves many NCR-137 members) Identification and Utilization of Exotic Germplasm to Improve Soybean Productivity. 2001-2002. United Soybean Board. (this involves both NCR-137 states and is national in scope) USDA National Sclerotinia Initiative. USDA - Sclerotinia Research Initiative. 2002-2003. (this involves a few of the NCR-137 members) Evaluation of U.S. And Exotic Soybean Germplasm for Resistance to Soybean Rust and Disease Management Strategies. 2002-2003. USB (this involves one other NCR-137 member) Application of Biotechnology to the Control of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). 2002-2003. USB (this involves a few of the NCR-137 members) The North Central Phytophthora project titled: Limiting Losses to Phytophthora in the North Central Region. Project involves ND, MN, MI, OH, NE, IL, WI, IN, IA, SD and membership is described under heading Phytophthora sojae Working Group above. The North Central Sclerotinia project Titled: Limiting Losses to Sclerotinia in the North Central Region. Project involves ND, MN, MI, OH, NE, IL, WI, IN, IA, SD and individual membership is described under heading Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Working Group above. The North Central Soybean Research Program project titled: Development of Management Strategies to Control Major Soybean Virus Diseases in the North Central States. A Sclerotinia Initiative: Characterization of Soybean Genotypes with partial resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot. Other NCSRP projects such as soybean cyst nematode, bean pod mottle virus, soybean rust involve many NCR-137 members.