NC1011: Rural Low-Income Families: Tracking their Well-being and Function in an Era of Welfare Reform (NC223)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bauer, J.W., Braun, B., & Dyk, P. H., (2003, April). Health and the economic well-being of rural families. A public policy fact sheet. National Council on Family Relations. Available at http://www.ncfr.org/pdf/Rural_Families_Fact_Sheet.pdf
Bauer, J.W. & Dolan, E. (2003). The impact of financial life skills and knowledge of community resources on food security. Abstracts--Fifth Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies. July 24, 2003. Frankfurt, Germany. p.151
Bauer, J.W., Imig, D.R., Dyk, P. H., & Seiling, S.B. (2003). The well-being of rural low-income families in the context of welfare reform. Spatial Inequality: Continuity and Change in Territorial Stratification. A joint meeting with the Rural Sociological Society, American Agricultural Economics Society and the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. July 27-30, 2003. Montreal, Quebec. Available at: http://www.ruralsociology.org/annual-meeting/2003/Bauer,etal.pdf
Braun, B., & Dyk, P. (2003) Rural families speak about quality of life issues: The Impact of health conditions on food security. AbstractsFifth Conference of International Society for Quality of Life Studies, Frankfurt, Germany. July 24. p.152.
Braun, B., Lawrence, F. C., Dyk, P. H., & Vandergriff-Avery, M. (2002). Southern rural family economic well-being in the context of public assistance. Southern Rural Sociology Research Journal, 18 (1), 259-295.
Braun, B., Rudd, M., & Anderson, E.A. (2003). Social support: Key to educational outcomes for rural, teenage mothers. Policy research brief available for citizens and policy makers. Available at: http://www.hhp.umd.edu/FMST/fis/TeenMoms.pdf and http://www.ruralfamilies.umn.edu/publications/SocialSupportTeenMothers.pdf.
Braun, B., & Vandergriff-Avery, M. (2003). Facing the facts of the well-being of rural low-income women in the context of welfare reform. In, Sixth Women's Policy Research Conference Proceedings. Institute for Women's Policy Research, USA, 6, 276-279.
Dolan, E.M., Bauer, J.W., Knight, S.E., Seiling, S., Lawrence, F.C., & Mammen, S. (2003, March) Rural low-income families face employment obstacles. NCFR Report, 48 (1), F7-F8.
Dolan, E.M., Braun, B., & Murphy, J.C. (2003, June). A dollar short: Financial challenges of working-poor rural families. NCFR Report, 48 (2), F13 F15.
Dyk, P.H. & Braun, B. (2003). Rural families speak: The impact of family health conditions of food security. Procceedings of Rural Sociological Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Available at: http://www.ruralsociology.org/annual-meeting/2003/abstracts.pdf
Kim, E., & Geistfeld, L. V. (2003). Is she working enough? Rural poor women's unemployment and depression. Proceedings of 2003 Rural Sociological Society annual meeting. Available at: http://www.ruralsociology.org/annual-meeting/2003/abstracts.pdf
Kim, E-J, Geistfeld, L.V., & Seiling, S.B. (2003). Factors affecting health care decisions of rural poor women. Asian Women, 16, 73-85.
Kim, E., Geistfeld, L. V., & Seiling, S. B. (2003). The disenfranchised poor: Rural low-income women's health care decisions. Consumer Interests Annual, 49 Available at: http://consumerinterests.org/public/articles/DisenfranchisedPoor_03.pdf
Reschke, K. & Walker, S. (2003, June). Difficult choices: Low-income mothers struggle to balance caregiving and employment. NCFR Report 48(2), F8-F9.
Varcoe, K. P., Bauer, J., & Mammen, S. (2003). Rural families speak about quality of life issuesAn overview of the study. AbstractsFifth Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, 150.
Varcoe, K. P., Lees, N. & Lopez, M. (2003). Rural families speakThe impact of family relationships on food security. AbstractsFifth Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, July 24, 153.
Varcoe, K.P., Lees, N.B., Lopez, M.L., Seiling, S.B., Lawrence, F. C. & Knight, S.E. (2003). The earned income tax credit and rural families. In J. L. Cunningham (Ed.). Family Relations & Human Development/Family Economics & Resource Management Biennial. The Journal of the FRHD and FERM Division of the American Association of the Family and Consumer Sciences, 5, 144-153.
Walker, S. & Reschke, K. (2003, March). Child care issues facing contemporary rural families. NCFR Report, 48(1), F5-F6.
Walker. S. & Reschke, K. (2003, Winter-Spring). Low income rural families use of child care. NC223 Research Briefing. Available at http://www.hhp.umd.edu/FMST/fis/
Bauer, J. W. (2004). Basebook report. Low income rural families: Tracking their well-being and functioning in the context of welfare reform. Retrieved from www.ruralfamilies.umn.edu
Braun, B. (2003). Narrowed paths to economic well-being. Commissioned for
distribution to members of the Maryland press by the University of Maryland
Office of University Relations. Retrieved from: http://www.hhp.umd.edu/FMST/fis/NarrowedPathsBrief.pdf
Braun, B. (2003). Barriers to mental health access for rural residents. Testimony
presented at the request of the Maryland General Assemblys Access to
Mental Health Task Force. Retrieved from:
Braun, B. & Anderson, E. A. (2004). A multi-state, mixed methods study of rural,
low-income families. In Bengtson, V., Acock, A., Allen, K. Dilworth-Anderson,
P., & Klein, D. (Eds.). Sourcebook of family theory and research. Minneapolis,
MN: National Council on Family Relations.
Braun, B., & Marghi, J.R. (2003). Rural families speak: Faith, resiliency, and life
satisfaction among low income mothers. Michigan Family Review, 8(1), 9-18.
Braun, B. & Marghi, J. R. (2003). Faith as a resiliency factor for rural, low-income mothers. National Council on Family Relations Report, 48, 4 (December), F6, F8.
Dyk, P. H., Braun, B., Simmons, L. A. (2004, August). Low income rural womens well-being: A case for customizing policy. In 2004 Proceedings of the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA.
Dyk, P. H. & Bauer, J. W. (2004, April). Rural low-income families: Tracking their well-being and function in an era of welfare reform. (Policy Brief) Minneapolis, MN: National Council on Family Relations.
Garrison, M.E.B., Marks, L. D., Lawrence, F., C., & Braun, B. (In press). Religious beliefs, faith community involvement and depression: A study of rural, low-income mothers. Women and Health.
Grutzmacher, S. & Braun, B. (2004). Food resource management: Key to food
security outcomes among rural, low-income families. Retrieved from:
Katras, M.J., Zuiker, V.S., & Bauer, J.W. (2004). Private safety net: Childcare resources from the perspective of rural low-income families. Family Relations, 53, 201-209.
Kim, E-J., Seiling, S. B., & Varcoe, K. (2004). Rural poor womens medical service use: Does race make a difference? In Fox, J. J. (Ed), Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, February 7- 9, 2004. Orlando, FL., 59-70.
Kohler, J., Anderson, E., Oravecz, L., &.Braun, B. (2004). Relationship constellations
and dynamics of low-income rural mothers. Affilia Journal of Women and Social
Work l9(2), 160-173.
Lawrence, F. C., Tiller, V., Burczyk-Brown, J. J., & Berry A. A. (2004). Rural low-income families speak: Living in rural Louisiana (Research Information Sheet #109). Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Agricultural Center, 1-12.
Mammen, S., Lawrence, F., Seiling, S., Varcoe, K., & Kiss, E. (2004). Rural working families use of earned income credit. In (Fox, J. J., Ed.) Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the Eastern Family Economics-Resource Management Association, 14.
Olson, C. M., Anderson, K., Kiss, E., Lawrence, F. C., & Seiling, S. B. (2004). Factors protecting against and contributing to food insecurity among rural families: a mixed-methods analysis. Family Economics and Nutrition Review, 16, (1) 12-20.
Reschke, K., & Walker, S. (2003). The continuum of compromise: Low income rural womens strategies for balancing work and caregiving. Ohio State University and University of Maryland, College Park.
Simmons-Wescott, L. A. & Braun, B. (2004). Depression: A deterrent to psychological well-being among poor, rural mothers. National Council on Family Relations Report, F5-F7.
Swanson, J., Lawrence, F., Anderson, K., & Olson, C. (2004). Low-income rural families: How formal and informal supports address food needs. In (Fox, J. J., Ed.) Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of the Eastern Family Economics-Resource Management Association, 27-29.
Publications/ presentationsWritten
Berry, A. A., Shaffett, B. D., Tucker, J. A. (2004, November) Strategies to Empower People: Step toward Self-reliance for Low-income Families Receiving Public Assistance. In R. Travnichek (Ed.), Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, 81.
Braun, B. & Anderson, E.A. (2005) Multisite, mixed-methods study of rural low-income families. In Bengstson, V.L., Acock, A.C., Allen, K.R., Dilworth-Anderson, P., & Klein, D.M. (Eds), Sourcebook of family theory and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 484-487.
Churchill, S.L., (2005). Family fun in rural areas: Implications for children. Play, Policy, & Practice Connections. Newsletter of the Play, Policy, & Practice Interest Forum of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Volume IX, Issue 1.
Dolan, E., Richards, L, Sano, Y., Bauer, J., Braun, B. (2005). Linkages Between employment patterns and depression over time: The case of low-income rural mothers. Consumer Interests Annual, 51. Available at: http://www.consumerinterests.org/files/public/Dolan_LinkagesBetweenEmploymentPatternsandDepressionOverTime.pdf
Dolan, E.M., Mammen, S., Bauer, J., & Seiling, S., (2005). Stability of Employment of Rural Low-Income Mothers and Their Access to Employer Benefits, Consumer Interests Annual, 51. Available on line at: http://www.consumerinterests.org/files/public/Seiling_StabilityofEmploymentofRuralLow-IncomeMothersandTheir.pdf
Garrison, M. E. B., Marks, L. D., Lawrence, F. C., & Braun, B. (2004). Religious beliefs, faith community involvement and depression: A study of rural, low-income mothers. Women and Health, 40 (3), 51-63.
Lawrence, F., Mammen, S., Kiss, E., Seiling, S., & Varcoe, K. (2004, November). Use of the earned income credit by rural working families. In R. Travnichek (Ed.), Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, 51-52.
Mammen, S., & Dolan., E.M., (2005, May). Employment and Obstacles to Employment of Rural Low-Income Mothers in the Northeast, Rural Poverty in the Northeast: Strengthening the Regional Research Effort. Conference. Available at: http://www.cas.nercrd.psu.edu/reg.pov2005wksTOC.htm
Maring, E.F., & Braun, B., (2005, March). Rural, low-income families experience barriers to substance abuse services. National Council on Family Relations Repor,t 50 (1), F19-F20.
Olson, C.M., Miller, E.O., Swanson, J.A., Strawderman, M.S., (2005, May), The dynamics of food insecurity in rural America: Are there regional differences? Rural Poverty in the Northeast: Global Forces and Individual Coping Strategies Available at: http://www.cas.nercrd.psu.edu/reg.pov2005wksTOC.htm
Olson, CM and Bove CF. (2005). Obesity in rural women: Emerging risk factors and hypotheses. In Coward RT, Davis LA, Gold CH, Smickilas-Wright H, Thorndyke LE, Vondracek FW (eds). Rural Womens Health: Linking Mental, Behavioral, and Physical Health. New York: Springer Publishing.
Seiling, S. B., Varcoe, K., DeVitto, Z., & Kim, E-J. (2005). Ethnic differences in predictors of health care use among low-income, rural women. Consumer Interests Annual, 51,. Available at http://www.consumerinterests.org/files/public/Seilings_EthnicDifferencesinPredictorsofHealthCareUseAmong.pdf
Seo, J., Stafford, K., & Seiling, S. (2005). Mothers share of child care in rural low-income families. Consumer Interests Annual, 51, p. 107-120. Available at http://www.consumerinterests.org/files/public/Seiling_Mothers'ShareofChildCareinRuralLow-IncomeFamilies.pdf
Vandergriff-Avery, M., Anderson, E.A., & Braun, B. (2004). Resiliency capacities among rural low-income families: Implications for practitioners. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services. 85(4), 562-569.
Graduate student theses/dissertations/papers
Yoshie Sano. 2005. Ph.D. The Complexity of Non-Resident Father Involvement in Low-Income Families: Mothers Perspectives. Oregon State University
Robin N. Ozretich, 2004. M.S. Because We Didnt Have Nowhere to Go: Residential Instability Among Rural Low-Income Families. Oregon State University
Tricia Wek-Visker, 2005 Ph.D., Rural American Indian Families and Resiliency,. South Dakota State University
Presentations with Proceedings
Braun, B. & Huddleston-Casas, C. (2006). Laboring towards economic self-sufficiency: A public policy perspective. Available at: http://fsos.che.umn.edu/img/assets/16501/May_PolicyBrief.pdf
Cook, C.C., Greder, K. A., Garasky, S., & Randall, B. (October). Housing hardship and food insecurity: Understanding the circumstances of rural Latinos. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association. Ithaca, NY.
Dolan, E.M., Seiling, S., & Glesner, T.J. (2006). Making it work: Rural low-income women in service jobs. In B.J. Cude (ed.) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference for the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, Knoxville, TN. February 23-25, 2006. pp. 38-46.
Dyk, P. H., Bauer, J., & Katras, M. J. (forthcoming) Rural Contexts, Opportunities and Responses: Vulnerable Families Realities for Labor Force Participation. Conference Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Louisville, Kentucky
Huddleston-Casas, C. & Braun, B. (2006). Laboring towards economic self-sufficiency: A research perspective. Available at: http://fsos.che.umn.edu/img/assets/16501/May_ResearchBrief.pdf
Mammen, S., & Lawrence, F. 2006). Use of the Earned Income Tax Credit by Rural Working Families.. In B.J. Cude (ed.) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference for the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, Knoxville, TN. February 23-25, 2006. pp. 51-62.
Seiling, S. B., Reschke, K., & Manoogian, M. (2006). Rural families speak out: Child care and social support. Breeze Live presentation, University of Minnesota, April 19, 2006. Available at: http://fsos.che.umn.edu/projects/rfs.html.
Seiling, S. B., Stafford, K., McCabe, S., & Reschke, K. (2006). Social support as a means to well-being for rural low-income mothers. Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association Conference, February 23-25, Knoxville, TN, 88-100.
Simmons, L.A., Dolan, E.M., & Braun, B. (2006). The State of Rural Womens Economic & Health Status: KY, MD, NH.. In B.J. Cude (ed.) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference for the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, Knoxville, TN. February 23-25, 2006. pp. 47-49.
Anderson, E. A., Braun, B., & Walker, S. (2005). Teaching family policy: Advocacy skills education. Journal of Marriage and Family Review. 38(2), 61-76.
Bove, C.F. & Olson, C.M. (in press). Obesity in Low-Income Rural Women: Qualitative Insights About Physical Activity and Eating Patterns. Women & Health, 44, 57-78.
Kim, E-J., Seiling, S., Stafford, K., & Richards, L. (2005). Rural low-income womens employment and mental health. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, E8 (2).
Mammen, S., & Lawrence, F.C. (2006) How Rural Working Families Use the Earned Income Tax Credit: A Mixed Method Analysis. Financial Counseling and Planning, 17 (1), 51-63.
Maring, L.F. and Braun, B. (in press). Drug, alcohol and tobacco use in rural, low-income families: An ecological and resilience perspective. Journal of Rural Community Psychology. Volume 9 (1).
Parra-Cardona, J. R., Bulock, L., Imig, D. R., Villarruel, F. A., & Gold, S. J. (2006). Trabajondo duro todos los dias (Working hard every day): Learning from the life experiences of Latino/a migrant families. Family Relations, 55, 361-375.
Reschke, K. L., Manoogian, M. M., Richards, L. N., Walker, S. K., & Seiling, S. B. (2006).
Maternal grandmothers as child care providers for rural, low-income mothers: A unique child care arrangement. Journal of Children and Poverty, 12, 159-174.
Reschke, K.L, and Walker, S.K. (2006). Mothers child caregiving and employment commitments and choices in the context of rural poverty. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work. 21(3): 306-319.
Seiling, S. B. (2006). Changes in the lives of rural low-income mothers: Do resources play a role in stress? Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment,13 (1):19-42.
Simmons, L.A., Dolan, E.M. & Braun, B. (in press). Rhetoric and reality of economic self-sufficiency among rural, low-income mothers: A longitudinal study. Journal of Family & Economic Issues.
Swanson, J.A., Olson, C.M., Miller, E.O., Lawrence, F.A. (in press). Rural mothers use of formal programs and informal social supports to meet family food needs: A mixed methods study. Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Braun, B. & Waldman, J. (2006). Engaging unheard voices final report to the Kettering Foundation. Unpublished report. College Park: University of Maryland. [report]
Simmons, L. A. (2006). Health: An essential resource for rural, low-income mothers' economic self-sufficiency. Rural Families Speak Project Policy Brief. Available at: http://fsos.che.umn.edu/img/assets/16501/March_Health_PolicyBrief.pdf
Simmons, L. A. (2006). Health: Essential to rural, low-income mothers' economic well-being. Rural Families Speak Project Fact Sheet. Available at: http://fsos.che.umn.edu/img/assets/16501/March_Health_FactSheet.pdf
Walker, S., and Reschke, K. Care for children and youth in rural areas. Rosalynn Carter Caregiving Institute. Rural Caregiving. (scheduled for 2007 publication) [book chapter]
Theses & Dissertations
Bird, C.L. Life quality: Assessing the influence of parenting performance or confidence and economic strain among rurl, low-income women. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 2006. (J.W. Bauer & V.S Zuiker, co-advisors)
Glesner, Talia J. Grief and separation: Rural low income mothers experiences with foster care. Unpublished Masters Thesis, University of New Hampshire. September 2006.
Plumb, J. (2006). Rural low- income womens struggles and strength: A call to change. Unpublished Undergraduate Senior Thesis. University of Maryland: College Park, MD.
Tatum, James M., Comparing the health and healthcare needs of poor rural Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites, Completed June 6, 2006. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, B.S., Biology, Oregon State University.
Bauer, J.W., & Katras, M.J. (2007, August). Rural Prosperity: A Longitudinal Study of Rural Communities and Rural Low-Income Families. Available at: http://fsos.cehd.umn.edu/img/assets/16501/NRICGP%20Final%20Report.pdf
Bove, C. F. & Olson, C. M. (2006). Obesity in low-income rural women: Qualitative insights about physical activity and eating patterns. Women & Health, 44 (1), 57-78.
Churchill, S.L., Plano Clark, V., Prochaska-Cue, K., & Creswell, J. (2007). Family fun as reported by rural low-income women. Journal of Leisure Research, 39 (2), 271-294.
Cook, C. C., Greder, K. A., Garasky, S., & Randall, B. (October). Housing hardship and food insecurity: Understanding the circumstances of rural Latinos. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Housing Education and Research Association, Ithaca, NY.
Dyk. P.H., Bauer, J.W., & Katras, M.J. (2006). Rural Contexts, Opportunities and Responses: Vulnerable Families Realities for Labor Force Participation. Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Louisville, KY.
Greder, K., Cook, C. C., Garasky, S., & Ortiz, L. Latino Immigrants: Food and Housing Security. Ames, IA: Extension Policy Brief SP 305.
Kelly, E.B. (2007). The Work of Coordinating Child Care for Rural Low-Income Mothers. Pp. 101-119 in Child Poverty in America Today, vol. 1: Families and Children, edited by Barbara A. Arrighi and David J. Maume. Westport: Praeger.
Olson, C. M., Bove, C. F. & Miller, E.O. (2007). Growing up poor: Long-term implications for eating patterns and body weight. Appetite, 49, 198-207.
Plumb, J. & Braun, B. (2007). Rural low income womens struggles and strength: A call to change. Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences, 6. Available at: http://www.kon.org/urc/v6/plumb.html
Seiling, S., Manoogian, M., Richards, L., & Bird, C. (2007, June). Relationships and Resource Sharing: Adult Daughters and their Mothers in Rural, Low-income Families. Proceedings of the Extended and Extending Families Conference at the University of Edinburgh, June 27-29, 2007. Conference CD, Session 5.
Simmons, L.A., Dolan, E. & Braun, B. (2007). Rhetoric and reality of economic self-sufficiency among rural, low-income families: A longitudinal study. Journal of Family Economic Issues, 28. 485-505.
Simmons, L. A., Huddleston-Casas, C. A., & Berry, A. A. (2007). Low-income rural women and depression: Factors associated with self-reporting. American Journal of Health Behavior, 31(6), 657-666.
Simson, E. & Braun, B. (2007) Oral health among rural, low-income families: Implications for policy and program. Available at: http://www.hhp.umd.edu/FMST/_docsContribute/OralHealthAmongRuralLow-IncomeFamilies2-7-07.pdf
Varcoe, K., Pong, H., & Ontai, L. Life Skills as a Resiliency Factor for Parenting in Low-Income Rural Families. Improving Consumer SkillsImproving Consumer Choice: Proceedings 3rd International Consumer Sciences Research Conference, vol. 3, p. 91.
Theses & Dissertations
Petrovic, L.E. Health and the Persistence of Food Insecurity in Rural New York Families. DNS Honors Thesis, May 2007. (Cornell University)
Wasberg, C. K. (2007). Structural Constraints and Obstacles: A Rational Choice and Open Systems Approach to Rural Poverty and Making Ends Meet. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Brookings, SD: South Dakota State University.