(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports



Books and Book Chapters

  • none

Refereed Journal Articles

  • Anthony, B.M., Chaparro, J.M., Sterle, D.G., Prenni, J.E. and Minas, I.S.* 2021. Metabolic signatures of the true physiological impact of canopy light environment on peach fruit quality. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 191, p.104630.

  • Anthony, B.M. and Minas, I.S.* 2021. Optimizing Peach Tree Canopy Architecture for Efficient Light Use, Increased Productivity and Improved Fruit Quality. Agronomy, 11(10), p.1961.

  • Anthony, B.M., Minas, I.S.* 2022. Redefining the impact of preharvest factors on peach fruit quality development and metabolism: A review. Scientia Horticulturae 297, 110919.

  • Anthony B., Musacchi S., 2021. Dwarfing mechanisms and rootstock-scion relationships in apple. Italus Hortus Vol. 28 (2021), Pages 22-36. DOI: 10.26353/j.itahort/2021.2.2236.

  • Anthony, B.M., Sterle, D.G., Chaparro, J.M., Prenni, J.E. and Minas, I.S.* 2022. Controlling for maturity reveals the direct impact of canopy position on internal fruit quality in peach. Acta Horticulturae 1346, 799-806.

  • Anthony, B.M., Sterle, D.G., Minas, I.S.*, 2023. Robust non-destructive individual cultivar models allow for accurate peach fruit quality and maturity assessment following customization in phenotypically similar cultivars. Postharvest Biology and Technology 195, 112148.

  • Biasuz EC, Kalcsits LA. 2022. Apple rootstocks affect functional leaf traits with consequential effects on carbon isotope composition and vegetative vigour. AoB Plants. Aug;14(4).

  • Bradshaw, T., W. Autio, S. Blatt, J. Clements, T. Einhorn, R. Elkins, E. Fallahi, P. Francscatto, J. Lordan, I. Minas, G. Peck, T. Robinson, and S. Yao. 2023. Performance of ‘Modi®’ apple trees on several Geneva rootstocks managed organically: Five-year results from the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial (in press, Journal of the American Pomological Society, January 2023).

  • Carra, B., Francescatto, P., Kovaleski, A.P., Sander, G.F., Pasa, M.S., Racsko, J. and Robinson, T.L. 2022. Early flower bud development and plant growth regulators to improve return bloom of pears. Acta Hortic. 1342, 351-358 

  • Cline J. A., W. Autio, J. Clements, W. Cowgill, R. Crassweller, T. Einhorn, E. Fallahi, P. Francescatto, E. Hoover, G. Lang, J. Lordan, R. Moran, M. Muehlbauer, S. Musacchi, M. Stasiak, R. Parra Quezada, T. Robinson, S. Serra, S. Sherif, R. Wiepz, J. Zandstra (2021). Early Performance of 'Honeycrisp' Apple Trees on Several Size-Controlling Rootstocks in the 2014 NC-140 Rootstock Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society 75: (4).

  • Demirsoy, H., L. Demirsoy, and G.A. Lang. 2022. Research on spring frost damage in cherries. Horticultural Science (Prague).

  • Fazio, G. and T.L. Robinson. 2022. Time analysis of rootstock mediated nutrient transport in Honeycrisp. Acta Hortic.1333, 405-412

  • Fazio, G., Aldwinckle, H.S. and Robinson, T.L. 2022. Selection of apple rootstock breeding families for Phytophthora crown rot resistance. Acta Hortic. 1346, 717-722

  • Fazio, G. and Robinson, T.L. 2022. Apple rootstocks can modulate the chilling requirements of grafted scions. Acta Hortic. 1346, 723-728

  • Francescatto, P., Carra, B., Fontanella Sander, G. and Robinson, T.L. 2022. Ethylene evolution of flowers of different apple cultivars varies in timing and intensity. Acta Hortic. 1342, 23-30

  • Gonzalez, L., Francescatto, P., Lordan, J. and Robinson, T.L. (2022). Rate and timing of metamitron affect thinning efficacy of ‘Gala’ apple trees under American northeast conditions. Acta Hortic. 1344, 55-64 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1344.9

  • Islam, M., Liu, J., Das, P., Singh, A., & Sherif, S. (2022). Rootstock effects on bitter pit incidence in ‘Honeycrisp’ apples are associated with changes in fruit’s cell wall chemical properties. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.

  • Kalcsits, L., Valverdi, N. and Reid, M. (2022). Timing of water limitations affect source to sink differences in δ13 C composition in apple. Acta Hortic. 1335, 437-444 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1335.54.

  • Kim, J., J.C. Melgar, K. Adhikari, and D.J. Chavez. 2022. Comparing Bagged Organic Peach to Regular Organic Peach in the Southeastern United States through Consumer Responses. HortScience (accepted).

  • Knapp-Wilson, J., R. Bohn-Reckziegel, A. Bucksch, and D.J. Chavez. 2021. 3D phenotyping of peach tree canopy architecture using terrestrial laser scanning. J. Earth and Space Science Open Archive.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Cherry orchard planting systems and rootstocks in the age of precision and technology. Italus Hortus 29:38-54. doi: 10.26353/j.itahort/2022.1.C3

  • Lang, G.A., Blatt, S., Neilsen, D., Robinson, T.L. and Xu, H. 2022. Ten-year conclusions from the NC-140 sweet cherry canopy architecture-rootstock trials in North America. Acta Hortic. 1346, 661-668 DOI: 10.17660/ Acta Hortic. 2022. 1346.83

  • Manganaris, G.A., Minas, I.S., Cirilli, M., Torres, R., Bassi, D., Costa, G. 2022. Peach for the future: A specialty crop revisited. Scientia Horticulturae 305, 111390.

  • Miller, S.T., Sterle, D., Minas, I.S. and Stewart, J.E. 2021. Exploring fungicides and sealants for management of Cytospora plurivora infections in western Colorado peach production systems. Crop Protection, 146, p.105654.

  • Minas, I.S.*, Anthony, B.M., Pieper, J., Sterle, D.G. 2023. Large-scale and accurate nondestructive visual to near infrared spectroscopy-based assessment of the effect of rootstock on peach fruit internal quality. European Journal of Agronomy, in press. 

  • Minas, I.S.*, Blanco-Cipollone, F., Sterle, D. 2021. Non-destructive assessment of the effect of crop load and canopy position on peach fruit internal quality and harvest maturity using visible and near infrared spectroscopy. Food Chemistry Food Chemistry 335, 127626. 

  • Minas, I.S., Reighard, G.L., Black, B., Cline, J.A., Chavez, D.J., Coneva, E., Lang, G.A., Parker, M., Robinson, T.L., Schupp, J., Francescato, P., Lordan, J., Beckman, T., Shane, W.W., Pieper, J.R., Sterle, D.G., Bakker, C., Clark, B., Ouellette, D., Swain, A. and Winzeler, H.E. 2022). Establishment performance of the 2017 NC-140 vigor-limiting peach rootstock trial across ten sites in North America. Acta Hortic. 1346, 669-676

  • Musacchi S., Iglesias I. and Neri D. (2021). Training Systems and Sustainable Orchard Management for European Pear (Pyrus communis L.) in the Mediterranean Area: A Review. Agronomy 11(9):1765 DOI: 10.3390/agronomy11091765. LicenseCC BY 4.0.

  • Pathania, S., R.A. Itle, C.R. Chávez, L.F. Lema, V. Caballero-Serrano, J.C. Carrasco, D.J. Chavez. 2022. Fruit Characterization of Prunus serotina subsp. capuli. Horticulturae 8(9):838.

  • Pieper, J.R., Anthony, B.M., Sterle, D.G., Minas, I.S.* 2022. Rootstock vigor and fruit position in the canopy influence peach internal quality. Acta Horticulturae 1346, 807-812.

  • Robinson T. and G. Fazio. 2022. Rootstock affects fruit nutrient profile and bitter pit incidence of apple. Acta Hortic. 1333, 373-378

  • Robinson, T.L., Lordan, J. and Francescatto, P. 2022. Irrigation of apples in a humid climate in wet and dry years. Acta Hortic. 1335, 477-482

  • Robinson, T.L. 2022. The physiological basis of orchard system performance with respect to light interception and light conversion efficiency. Acta Hortic. 1346, 207-218

  • Robinson, T.L. and Fazio, G. 2022. Rootstock evaluation should not only measure yield efficiency but also potential yield and crop value at the optimum projected spacing. Acta Hortic. 1346, 775-782

  • Sterle, D.G., Minas, I.S.* 2022. Peach floral bud cold hardiness of eleven cultivars in western Colorado. Acta Horticulturae 1346, 169-174.

  • Tanner, J.D., Chen, K.Y., Jenderek, M.M., Wallner, S.J. and Minas, I.S.* 2021. Determining the effect of pretreatments on freeze resistance and survival of cryopreserved temperate fruit tree dormant buds. Cryobiology 101, 87-94.

  • Reighard, G.L. (2022). Thirty-three years evaluating rootstocks for peach in the NC-140: what have we learned. Acta Hortic. 1346, 655-660 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1346.82

  • Wong, C., C. Oliveira-Hofman, B.R. Blaauw, D. Chavez, G. Jagdale, R.F. Mizell, III, D. Shapiro-Ilan. Using the Nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae, to Control Peachtree Borer (Synanthedon exitiosa): Optimization of Application Rates and Secondary Benefits in Control of Root-Feeding Weevils. Agronomy 2022, 12, 2689.

  • Xu, H., S. Blatt, and D. Ediger. 2022. Tools for climate resilience in tree fruit I: Large-dwarfing

  • rootstocks can alleviate sunburn damage in ‘Buckeye Gala’ apple. Canadian Journal of Plant Science.


  • Johnson, Sam. 2022. Opportunities for optimal apple production management in arid conditions. M.S. Thesis., DOI: 10.26076/22a9-cff6

Poster Presentations

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Assessment of MP-29 rootstock for potted peach production. SR ASHS annual conference, New Orleans, LA.

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Size-Controlling apple rootstocks for high density production in Alabama. SR ASHS annual conference, New Orleans, LA

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Assessment of Armillaria root rot resistant rootstock ‘MP-29’ for sustainable peach production in Alabama. ISHS Peach Symposium, Naoussa, Greece. 

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Effect of size-controlling ‘MP-29’ rootstock on ‘JulyPrince’ and ‘Bounty’ peaches. ASHS annual conference, Chicago, IL.

  • Farcuh, M., Rana, T.†. Impact of preharvest plant growth regulators and reflective groundcovers on ‘Honeycrisp’ skin coloration and fruit maturity. In 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022), Symposium S16: International Symposium on Innovative Perennial Crop Management, Angers, France, Aug 14 – 20, 2022.

  • Farcuh, M., Weber, D. Maturity at harvest and its effects on fruit quality of ‘Gala’ and ‘Honeycrisp’ apple cultivars grown in the Mid-Atlantic during the 2021 season. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA, USA, Jan 31 – Feb 3, 2022.

  • Soon Li Teh & Kate Evans. Streamlined SNP analysis method to sort breeding families resulting from pollen contamination. American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. July 30-August 3, 2022.

Technical Reports/Commercial Industry Reports

  • None.

Extension Fact Sheet Publications

  • Agnello, A.M., B. Brown, J. Carroll, L. Cheng, K. Cox, P.D. Curtis, A. Dunn, M. Helms and T. Robinson. 2022. Pest management guidelines for commercial tree-fruit production 2021, p. 306. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.

  • Ahmed, Z. ‡, Farcuh, M.* Sep 2022. Spots on ‘Honeycrisp’ apples: what are they and how to differentiate them? University of Maryland Extension Vegetable and Fruit News 13(6): 1-2.

  • Basu, P. ‡, Farcuh, M.* Apr 2022. Using plant growth regulators to improve apple return bloom. University of Maryland Extension Vegetable and Fruit News 13(1): 3.

  • Claffey,S.‡, Farcuh, M.* Sep 2022. All about apple rootstocks. University of Maryland Extension Factsheet FS-2022-0638.

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Evaluation of Size-Controlling, Pest Resistant Peach Rootstocks for Alabama. ACES Blog:

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Peach Growth Stages and Critical Temperatures.

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Assessment of Disease Resistant, Size -Controlling ‘MP-29’ Rootstock for Sustainable Peach Production in Alabama.

  • Farcuh, M. Oct 2022. Portainjertos de manzanas y su importancia en la producción frutal. Extension Spanish Blog from the University of Maryland: “Extensión en Español”.

  • Kahlke, C. C. Watkins, M. Miranda Sazo, T. Robinson, L. Cheng. 2022. Sample August 19th-23rd for Passive Model for Honeycrisp Bitter Pit Prediction! Lake Ontario Fruit Program Announcements. Aug. 18, 2022

  • Lakso, A.N., T.L. Robinson, L. Gonzalez, and M. Miranda Sazo. 2022. Practical Implications of Early- and Mid-Summer Water Stress on Tree Growth, Cropping, and Physiology. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 12, July 14, 2022.

  • Miranda Sazo, M., C. Kahlke, M. Basedow, E. Tee, L. Cheng, and T. Robinson. 2022. ‘Honeycrisp’ Fruit Collection for Peel Sap Starts in Early July. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 11, June 30, 2022.

  • Muehlbauer, M. 2022. Apple Variety and Rootstock Selection. Proceedings of the 67th New Jersey Agricultural Convention and Trade Show. p. 167-168.

  • Muehlbauer, M., Magron, R., Cowgill, W. 2022. NC-140 Fuji and Honeycrisp Apple Rootstock Trials in New Jersey: 2021 Growing Season. Horticultural News Vol. 102. P 6-13.

  • Robinson, T. and M. Miranda Sazo. 2022. Intentional ‘delay’ of dormant pruning cut decision for ‘Honeycrisp’ and other important biennial cultivars (Fuji). Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 3, Feb. 24, 2022.

  • Robinson, T. and L. Gonzalez. 2022. Predicted Green Tip Date for WNY in 2022. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 5, March 24, 2022.

  • Robinson, T., L. Cheng and M. Miranda Saxo. 2022. Managing Pruning and Fertilization of Honeycrisp to Balance Growth, Cropping and Fruit Quality. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 5, March 24, 2022.

  • Robinson, T., L. Cheng and M. Miranda Sazo. 2022, Nitrogen, Potassium, and Calcium Recommendations for ‘Honeycrisp’ are Different than for Most Other Cultivars. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 7, April 21, 2022.

  • Robinson, T. and M. Miranda Sazo. 2022. Now is the Time to Start Thinking How to Promote the Formation of ‘Honeycrisp’ Flower Buds in 2023 Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 8, May 14, 2022.

  • Robinson, T., and M. Miranda Sazo. 2022.  Rescue Thinning Recommendations for Western NY in 2022. Lake Ontario Fruit Program Announcements. June 3, 2022

  • Robinson, T.L., M. Miranda Sazo and C. Kahlke. 2022. The Use of Plant Growth Regulators Near Harvest. Lake Ontario Fruit Program Announcements. Aug. 18, 2022

  • Robinson, T., Y. Jiang, L. Gonzalez, M. Miranda Sazo, and C. Kahlke. 2022. Scientists, extension educators, and ag-tech innovators are working together to fine-tune and validate the adoption of digital technologies for precision crop load management.  Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 22 Issue 14, Sept. 12, 2022

  • Sherif, S.M. (2022). Rootstock effects on tree growth and yield of Honeycrisp apple under Virginia state climatic conditions. SPES-398NP

  • Sterle DG, Minas IS* (2022). Cold hardiness assessment of peach flower buds using differential thermal analysis (DTA) in western Colorado (dormant season 2021-22). CSU Pomology web page, 13 updates.

  • Viloria, Z., R. Villanueva, and R. Bessin. 2021. Insecticide Efficacy Against Ambrosia Beetles Using Apple Bolts in Kentucky. 2021 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Report. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Agricultural Experiment Station publication PR-798:10-13.

  • Vinson, E., E. Coneva. 2022. Peach Insect and Disease Management Chart.

  • Wolfe, D., D. Becker, and G. Travis. 2021. Rootstock Effects on Apple Tree Growth and Yield. 2021 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Report. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Agricultural Experiment Station publication PR-798:6-10. 

Popular Industry Articles

  • Farcuh, M.*, Weber.D. Feb 2022. Characterizing the effect of different harvest maturities and storage temperatures on fruit quality, ripening patterns, and chilling injury development of commercially important apple cultivars grown in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Pennsylvania Fruit News 102(1): 35-39.

  • Fazio, G., J.C. Bettoni, L. Carvalho Costa, O.P. Hurtado-Gonzales, M. Al Rwahnih, A. Steinberger, A. Nedrow, G.M. Volk, S. Adams, R. Adams, T. Robinson. 2022. Virus Studies in the Geneva® Apple Rootstock Breeding Program. Fruit Quarterly 30:(2):4-6.

  • Gonzalez, L., A. Huber, R. Gao, L. Cheng, A.D. Stroock, A.N. Lakso and T.L. Robinson. 2022. Managing water stress to maximize fruit size of apple.  Fruit Quarterly 30:(3):4-7.

  • Hillmann, L., L. Gonzalez Nieto, T. Kon, S. Musacchi, T. Robinson, S. Serra, and T. Einhorn. 2022. A Modified Apple Fruit Set Prediction Model to Guide Repeat Thinner Applications. Fruit Quarterly 30:(2):4-6.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. The tree fruit whisperer. American Fruit Grower 142(12):10.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Digital precision means more peaches from the orchard. American Fruit Grower 142(10):14.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. What you need to know about sweet cherry irrigation and nutrition. American Fruit Grower 142(5):18.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Designing precision-ready peach orchards. American Fruit Grower 142(3):28-29.

  • Robinson, T.L., M. Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, and M. Wiltberger. 2022. A Cornell Vision for Modern Processing Orchards for Improved Production and Profitability in NY State. Fruit Quarterly 30:(1):4-9.

  • Robinson, T.L. and G. Fazio. 2022. Rootstock Choice Affects Yield per Acre, Fruit Nutrient Profile, Bitter Pit Incidence and Crop Value. Fruit Quarterly 30:(1):24-28.

  • Robinson T.L., L. Gonzalez, L. Cheng, Y. Jiang, G. Peck, B. Arnoldson, M. Gomez, M. Guerra, Mario Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, T. Einhorn, A. Wallis, S. Musacchi, S. Serra, K. Lewis, T. Schmidt, P. Heinemann, L. He, T. Kon, S. Sherif, J. Clements, and C. Layer. 2022. Studies in Precision Crop Load Management of Apple. Fruit Quarterly 30:(4):4-7.

  • Sherif, S. 2022. 2021- New Rootstocks, Cultivars, and Training Systems for Virginia. Virginia Fruit. (May 2021).

Scientific Oral Presentations

  • Anthony BM, Sterle D, Chaparro J, Prenni J, Minas IS. Primary and secondary metabolism crosstalk during peach fruit quality development. Oral Presentation at ISHS X International Peach Symposium, Naoussa, Greece, June 2022.

  • Anthony B, Sterle D, Chaparro J, Prenni J, Minas IS. Comprehensive physiological and metabolomic analysis to identify metabolic signatures of the impact of canopy position on peach fruit quality. Oral

  • Presentation at ISHS XII International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock & Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, Wenatchee, WA, July 2021.

  • Anthony BM, Chaparro JM, Prenni JE, Minas IS. Variable carbon supply conditions promote early metabolic priming responses related to peach fruit quality development. Oral Presentation at Annual ASHS Conference, Denver, CO, August 2021.

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Researching Innovative Technologies for Improved Sustainability and Resilience of Alabama Fruit Industry. Seminar Series of the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University.

  • Minas IS, Anthony BM, Sterle D, Pieper J, Pott J. Unravelling the true impact of orchard factors on peach fruit quality development using accurate, rapid and high-throughput non-destructive sensors. Oral

  • Presentation at ISHS International Symposium on Integrative Approaches to Product Quality in Fruits and Vegetables, 31st International Horticultural Congress, Angers, France, August 2022. 

  • Minas IS, Sterle D, Anthony B, Heuberger A, Prenni J. Dissecting peach cold hardiness eco-physiology and metabolism. Oral Presentation at ISHS International Symposium on Adaptation of Horticultural Plants to Abiotic Stresses, 31st International Horticultural Congress, Angers, France, August 2022.

  • Minas IS, Anthony B, Pott J, Sterle D, Pieper J. Large-scale orchard sensing of the genetic and horticultural impact on peach fruit quality. Oral Presentation at ISHS X International Peach Symposium, Naoussa, Greece, June 2022.

  • Minas IS, Annual Report 2017 NC-140 Semi-Dwarf Peach Rootstock Trial, Invited Talk at IFTA 2022 Meeting, Hersey, PA, February 2022.

  • Minas IS, Revealing the True Impact of Orchard and Preharvest Factors on Peach Fruit Quality Development and Postharvest Performance. ASHS Webinar, January 2021.

  • Minas IS, Revealing the True Impact of Preharvest Factors on Peach Fruit Quality Development & Metabolism. Keynote speaker at ISHS Peach Webinar in the frame of 2022 International Peach Conference, June 2021.

  • Minas IS, Unravelling the true impact of orchard factors on peach fruit quality development using accurate & rapid non-destructive sensors. Invited Talk at Planned Oral Session at Annual ASHS Conference, Denver, CO, August 2021.

  • Minas IS, Orchard & Environmental Factors Affecting Peach Productivity & Harvest Quality, Great Lakes EXPO, Grand Rapids, MI, December 2021.

  • Minas IS, Sterle D, Heuberger A, Prenni J. Dissecting peach cold hardiness eco-physiology and metabolism. Oral Presentation at ISHS XII International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock & Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, Wenatchee, WA, July 2021.

  • Minas IS, Reighard GL, Black B, Cline JA, Chavez DJ, Coneva E, Lang G, Parker M, Robinson T, Schupp J, Francescato P, Lordan J, Beckman T, Shane W, Sterle D, Pieper J, Bakker C, Clark B, Ouellette D, Swain A, Winzeler HE. Establishment performance of the 2017 NC-140 semi-dwarf peach rootstock trial across 10 sites in North America. Oral Presentation at ISHS XII International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock & Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, Wenatchee, WA, July 2021.

  • Newberger D, Vivanco J, Minas IS. Using soil disruption followed by cover crops and rootstocks to alleviate peach replant disease. Poster Presentation at ISHS X International Peach Symposium, Naoussa, Greece, June 2022.

  • Pieper J, Anthony BM, Chaparro J, Sterle D, Prenni J, Minas IS. The impact of size controlling rootstocks on peach fruit metabolome and internal quality in differing training systems. Oral Presentation at ISHS X International Peach Symposium, Naoussa, Greece, June 2022.

  • Pieper J, Anthony B, Sterle D, Minas IS. Rootstock vigor and fruit position in the canopy influence peach internal quality. Oral Presentation at ISHS XII International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock & Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, Wenatchee, WA, July 2021.

  • Pieper J, Anthony B, Chaparro J, Sterle D, Prenni J, Minas IS. Rootstock vigor and fruit position in the canopy influence peach internal quality. Oral Presentation at at Annual ASHS Conference, Denver, CO, August 2021.

  • Reighard, G.L., D. Ouellette and I. Minas.  2022. Field Testing Prunus Rootstocks in South Carolina for Peach Tree Short Life and Armillaria Tolerance.  XXXI ISHS HortCongress, Angers, France. August 17, 2022.

  • Reighard, G.L., I. Minas and D. Ouellette.  2022. Field performance of Peach Rootstock Cultivars in South Carolina.  10th International ISHS Peach Symposium, Naoussas Greece. May 30, 2022.

  • Reighard, G.L. and D. R. Ouellette. 2022. Performance of Geneva and Vineland apple rootstocks in South Carolina. SR-ASHS Conference. New Orleans, LA. Feb. 11, 2022.

  • Sterle D, Minas IS. Exploration of environmental and weather variables for peach floral bud cold hardiness prediction in western Colorado. Oral Presentation at ISHS X International Peach Symposium, Naoussa, Greece, June 2022.

  • Sterle D, Minas IS. Peach floral bud cold hardiness characterization of multiple genotypes using differential thermal analysis. Oral Presentation at ISHS XII International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock & Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, Wenatchee, WA, July 2021.

Outreach Oral Presentations

  • Black, Wedegaertner and Safre, 2022. Technology for managing orchard variability. Utah State Horticulture Association Summer Farm Tour 5 July (45 participants).

  • Farcuh, M. Indices de madurez en manzana/ Apple Maturity testing. Oral presentation and hands-on demonstration. Spanish Session, Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA, USA. Feb 2, 2022

  • Farcuh, M. Evaluation of ten apple rootstocks grown under Maryland environmental conditions. UME Virtual Fruit Meeting, MD, USA. Virtual. March 1, 2022.

  • Farcuh, M. Assessing apple rootstock effects on ‘Buckeye Gala’ tree and fruit characteristics. Central Maryland Vegetable Growers Meeting, Upperco, MD, USA. Jan 27, 2022.

  • González, L., R. Gao, A. Huber, L. Cheng, A.D. Stroock, A. Lakso and T. Robinson. 2022. Water stress to manage irrigation to maximize fruit size and crop value. NY Fruit Conference, Jan. 28, 2022. (250 people).

  • González, L. and T. Robinson. 2022.  The use of ground cover materials to increase fruit color on Honeycrisp, NY-1, NY-2, and Evercrisp. NY Fruit Conference, Jan. 28, 2022. (250 people).

  • Gonzalez, L., Asin L., Francescatto, P., and Robinson, T.L. (2022). Evaluation of chemical fruit thinning efficiency using Metamitron and ACC on apple trees. IFTA 2022 Feb. 14, 2022 (250 people)

  • Gonzalez L., Miranda M., Cheng, L. and Robinson, T.L. (2022). NAA and Apogee to Control Bitter Pit in ‘Honeycrisp’. NEPGR 2022 Mar 8, 2022 (35 people)

  • Gonzalez L., Miranda M., and Robinson, T.L. (2022). Programs of fruit thinning in different cultivar in 2021. NEPGR 2022 Mar 8, 2022 (35 people)

  • Gonzalez L., Miranda M., and Robinson, T.L. (2022). Bloom Thinning ‘Gala’ and ‘Honeycrisp’. NEPGR 2022 Mar 8, 2022 (35 people)

  • González, L., A. Huber, R. Gao, L. Cheng, A.D. Stroock, A.N. Lakso and T.L. Robinson. 2022. Using micro-tensiometers to manage water stress for maximizing ‘Gala’ apple fruit size and crop value. Abstracts of the ASHS Annual Meeting in Chicago IL. Aug. 2, 2022 (50 people)

  • Gonzalez, L., and Robinson, T.L. 2022. Effect of different reflective ground covers on light reflection and on the coloring of apples at harvest. ISHS International Horticulture Congress, France Aug. 17, 2022 (75 people)

  • González L., Huber A., Gao R., Cheng, L., Stroock, A D., Lakso, A.L. and Robinson, T.L. 2023. Using micro-tensiometers to manage water stress to maximize fruit size of apple orchards. ISHS International Horticulture Congress, France Aug. 17, 2022 (75 people)

  • Miranda Sazo, M., L. Cheng and T.L. Robinson. 2022. Nutrient uptake and accumulation of ‘Honeycrisp’ trees as affected by four rootstocks from establishment (2017) to maturity (2021). Abstracts of the ASHS Annual Meeting in Chicago IL.  Aug. 1, 2022 (50 people) MFGA Annual Summer Meeting - Stop 7: NC-140 regional rootstock research project, with Jon Clements, Extension Educator, UMass Amherst. At the UMass Orchard, Belchertown, MA. 14-July, 2022.

  • Muehlbauer, M. 2022. Beginning Farmer Training Session- new Orchards New Jersey Agricultural Convention and Trade Show. Apple Variety and Rootstock Selection. (Virtual)

  • Muehlbauer, M. 2022. Rutgers Homesteading Academy. Tree Fruit Production and Orchard Tour at the Rutgers University Snyder Research Farm.

  • Muehlbauer, M. 2022. Rutgers Beginning Farmer Training Program. Tree Fruit Production and Orchard Tour at the Rutgers University Snyder Research Farm.

  • Parker, M.L. January 2022. North Carolina Peach Growers Society. Zoom Delivered. Commercial grower audience. Attendance 50.

  • Parker, M.L. February 2022. Western District Apple School, Zoom Delivered. Commercial grower audience. Attendance 110.

  • Parker, M.L. July 2022. Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station Apple Field Day. Attendance 125.

  • Reighard, G., M. Parker, E. Coneva. 2022. Performance of semi-dwarfing peach rootstocks for high density plantings in the Southeastern states. Southeastern Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Savannah, GA.

  • Robinson, T.L. 2022.  Precision crop load management with an emphasis on improving fruit quality, color development, and storability.  NY Fruit Conference, Jan. 28, 2022. (250 people).

  • Robinson, T.L. 2022.  The importance of diffuse light scattering and tree shape for fruit coloring.  NY Fruit Conference, Jan. 28, 2022. (250 people).

  • Robinson, T.L. 2022. Precision crop load management of Honeycrisp.  New England Fruit Extension Webinar, Feb. 22, 2022. (100 people)

  • Robinson, T.L. 2022. Crop load management in 2022. Cornell Cooperative Extension Webinar March 18, 2022. (200 people)

  • Robinson, T.L. 2022. How to use the carbohydrate thinning model and the fruit growth rate model. Cornell Cooperative Extension Webinar March 18, 2022. (200 people)

  • Robinson, T. and G. Fazio. 2022. The role of rootstock on fruit nutrient profile and bitter pit incidence of apple. Abstracts of the ASHS Annual Meeting in Chicago IL. July 31, 2022 (60 people)

  • Robinson T.L., L. Gonzalez, L. Cheng, Y. Jiang, G. Peck, B. Arnoldson, M. Gomez, M. Guerra, Mario Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, T. Einhorn, A. Wallis, S. Musacchi, S. Serra, K. Lewis, T. Schmidt, P. Heinemann, L. He, T. Kon, S. Sherif, J. Clements, and C. Layer. 2023. Studies in precision crop load management of apple. ISHS International Horticulture Congress, France Aug. 17, 2022 (75 people)

  • Sherif, S.M. (2022). Rootstocks and plant growth regulators for apple. Presented 5X: Winchester Regional Commercial Tree Fruit School, Rappahannock-Madison Area Fruit School, Central Virginia Commercial Tree Fruit Production School, Roanoke-Botetourt Orchard Fruit School and Carroll - Patrick Fruit Growers School.

Videos and Webinars.

  • None.

Funding Leveraging

  • Bradshaw, T. 2021-2023. Next Generation Support for Northeast Tree Fruit IPM Working Group. Northeast IPM Center. Apr 2021-Mar 2023. $19,760

  • Bradshaw, T. 2019-2022. New England Cider Apple Program: Optimizing Production for High-Value Markets. Northeast SARE Research and Demonstration Grants Program. $229,867.

  • Bradshaw, T. 2020-2025. Evaluating systems components for orchard and vineyard crops in Vermont. Vermont Agriculture Experiment Station Hatch Grants Program. $63,942.

  • Chavez, D.J. 2022. Training systems trial in peach. GA Commodity Commission for Peaches. Funding: $4,000.00

  • Chavez, D.J., T.G. Beckman, and J.X. Chaparro. 2022. Development of peach and nectarine cultivars for Georgia. Cultivar Development Research Program – UGARF – University of Georgia. Funding: $72,244.00

  • Chavez, D.J. 2022. P-22 Seed Orchard Establishment. Georgia Seed Development Program to Enhance Plant Breeding. Total Funding: $64,948.00.

  • Coneva, E. 2022. Assessment of Size-Controlling, Pest Resistant Rootstock MP-29 for Increased Efficiency of Peach Production in Alabama. USDA-NIFA-ADAI SCBG.

  • Evans, K. 2022-2025. Pear rootstock breeding. Fresh and Processed Pear Committee Research. $303,018.

  • Evans, K. 2019-2022. Pear rootstock breeding. Fresh and Processed Pear Committee Research. $321,643.

  • Farcuh, M. 2022-2024. Evaluating apple rootstock performance in high-density plantings under Maryland conditions. MDA-USDA-SCBGP. $30,011. 

  • Fraisse, C. et all. 2022. Innovative decision support tools for sustainable blueberry and peach production systems in the southeastern USA. USDA Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP). Requested $7,880,900.

  • Gasic, K., et al., D.J. Chavez. 2020-2024. Solutions to the Armillaria Root Rot Affecting the U.S. Stone Fruit Industry. USDA-SCRI. Total Funding: $4,972.730.00. UGA Funding: $223,243.00

  • Lang, G.A. and W. Shane. 2021-23. Orchard Innovations to Sustain Michigan Peach/Nectarine Industry Profitability. USDA-MDARD-SCBGP $90,526.

  • Lang, G.A. and T. Einhorn. 2020-22. Implementation of Precision Decision Support Systems to Protect and Optimize Michigan Tree Fruit Production. USDA-MDARD-SCBGP $99,119.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Tart and Sweet Cherry Orchard Systems That Optimize Labor Efficiency, Production Consistency, and Fruit Quality. Michigan Cherry Committee. $9,632.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Optimizing Planar Sweet Cherry Orchard Technologies and Efficiencies. International Fruit Tree Association. $8,500.

  • Lang, G.A. and W. Shane. 2022. Advanced Peach/Nectarine Rootstocks and Orchard Systems. International Fruit Tree Association. $6,000.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Optimizing Future Stone Fruit Production Systems. Michigan State Horticultural Society. $10,362.

  • Lang, G.A. 2022. Orchard Canopy Environmental Sensors and Bird Protection Resources. Michigan Tree Fruit Commission. $19,080

  • Lavely, E., G. Lang, and T. Einhorn. 2022-23. Demonstrating Tree Fruit Planar Training System Innovations That Facilitate Labor Efficiencies and New Orchard Technologies  Project GREEEN $48,185.

  • Minas, I., R. Marini, J .Cline, G. Lang, and T. Einhorn. 2022. NC-140 Rootstock Research Trial Coordinators. International Fruit Tree Association.  $15,000

  • Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘Sustainable peach orchard soil microbiome management to control replant disease’ USDA/NIFA/Western SARE (2020): $350,000 (PI). awarded: Mar, 2020, start: Sep 1, 2020, end: Aug 31, 2023).

  • Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘Peach cold hardiness monitoring and management for improved grower frost control’ Specialty Block Grants, Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) (2020): $61,236 (PI). awarded: May, 2020, start: Jan 1, 2021, end: November 1, 2022).

  • Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘New training systems and rootstocks to maximize Colorado cherry orchards productivity and fruit quality potential’ Specialty Block Grants, Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) (2020): $53,539 (PI). awarded: May, 2020, start: Jan 1, 2021, end: November 1, 2022).

  • Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘Developing accurate non-destructive technology using Vis-NIRS to assess peach fruit maturity, internal quality and storage related disorders’ Specialty Block Grants, Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) (2021): $90,832 (PI). awarded: May, 2021, start: Jan 1, 2022, end: November 1, 2023).

  • Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘Web-based peach cold hardiness prediction tool for grower frost control informed decision-making’ Specialty Block Grants, Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) (2021): $96,854 (PI). awarded: May, 2022, start: Jan 1, 2023, end: November 1, 2024).

  • Minas, I. (PI), 2022-2024, ‘XLSOR: Accurate and Non-Destructive Sensor of Fruit Internal Quality and Maturity’ Fuel 2022 - Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (COEDIT) (2022): $185,000 (PI).  

  • Muehlbauer, M. 2022. Evaluation of the Impact of Rootstocks on the Yield and Vigor of Seven-year-old Honeycrisp Trees and Newly Planted Porters Perfection. New Jersey State Horticultural Society. $5,650

  • Parker, M.L. NC Legislature/Special Bill funding for apple research - $6,000.

  • Reighard, G.  2022.  Guardian® rootstock seed sales revenue.  South Carolina Foundation Seed.  $272,000.

  • Robinson, T. 2022. Orchard management systems and rootstocks for improved yield and fruit quality – Sponsored by NY Apple Research and Development Program ($50,000).

  • Robinson, T. 2022. Designer apple rootstocks – Sponsored by NY Farm Viability Institute. ($90,000).

  • Robinson, T. 2022. Designer apple rootstocks for NY – Federal Formula Funds ($30,000)

  • Warmund, M. and M. Kwasniewski. 2020-2022. Optimizing Cultivars and Processing for Hard Cider and Apple wines. MO Dept. of Agriculture $33,398.

  • Warmund, M. Industry Gift for Tree Fruit Rootstock Research: $2,000.

  • Xu, H. 2021-24. Effect of rootstock genotype on the efficacy of clean technologies for combatting apple replant disease. J-002642. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.




Anthony, B.M., Chaparro, J.M., Prenni J.E., Minas, I.S., 2023. Carbon sufficiency boosts phenylpropanoid biosynthesis early in peach fruit development priming superior fruit quality. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 196, 1019-1031.

Anthony, B.M., Minas, I.S. 2022. Redefining the impact of preharvest factors on peach fruit quality development and metabolism: A review. Scientia Horticulturae 305: 111390.

Anthony, B.M., Sterle D.G., and Minas, I.S., 2023. Robust non-destructive individual cultivar models allow for accurate peach fruit quality assessment following customization in phenotypically similar cultivars. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 195, 112148

Blanco V and Kalcsits L. 2023. Long-term validation of continuous measurements of stem water potential and trunk diameter indicate different diurnal patterns for pear under water limitations. Agricultural Water Management, 281, 108257.

Bradshaw, T., Autio, W., Blatt, S., Clements, J., Einhorn, T., Elkins, R., Fallahi, E., Francescatto, P., Lordan, J., Minas, I., Peck, G., Robinson, T. and Yao S.. 2023. Performance of ‘Modi®’ apple trees on several Geneva rootstocks managed organically: Five-year results from the 2015 NC-140 Organic Apple Rootstock Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society 77 (1):14-27.

Bradshaw, T. Question those assumptions: Success with modern orchard systems demands attention to the details. Proc. 2022 New England Vegetable & Fruit Conference. Manchester, NH.

Cai, L., Adelberg, J., J. Naylor-Adelberg, G. Schnabel, A. Calle, Z. Li, G. Reighard, K. Gasic, and C. A. Saski. 2023. Transcriptomics reveal the genetic coordination of early defense to Armillaria root rot (ARR) in Prunus spp. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1181153, 15 pp. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1181153

Calle, A., K. Gasic, C. Saski, G. Schnabel, G. Reighard, J. Adelberg, T. Gradziel, T. Mark, and M. Vassalos. 2022.  Progress on breeding for Armillaria Root Rot tolerant rootstocks.  Southeastern Professional Fruit Workers Conference, Nov. 14, 2022, Lake Alfred, FL.  Conference Book of Abstracts, Abstract #37. p. 43.

Casagrande Biasuz, E., Gonzalez Nieto, L. Einhorn, T. and Robinson. T.L. 2023. Long-term Performance of Bosc Pear Trees at Three Planting Densities on Pyrus Rootstocks. Acta Hortic. (in press). ISHS Pear Symposium South Africa.

Casagrande Biasuz, E., Gonzalez, L., Lordan, J., Francescatto, P. and Robinson, T.L. 2023 Training System Affects Long-term Cherry Production in NY State. Acta Hortic. (in press). ISHS Cherry Symposium China.

Casagrande Biasuz E and Kalcsits L. 2023. Rootstock effects on shoot growth, gas exchange, and isotope composition were independent of grafting for apple. Accepted pending revisions. Frontiers in Plant Sciences.

Cline, J. A., B. Black, E. Coneva, W. Cowgill, R. Crassweller, E. Fallahi, T. Kon, M. Muehlbauer, G.L. Reighard, and D.R. Ouellette. 2023. Performance of ‘Fuji’ apple trees on several size-controlling rootstocks in the 2014 NC-140 rootstock trial after eight years. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. (in press).

Cowgill, W.P.,Jr., J. Clements 2023. Freeze Injury to Apples in Northern New Jersey, New York, and New England. Horticultural News, Volume 103, NO. 3

Cowgill, W.P.,Jr., M. Muehlbauer 2023. 2022 New Jersey Tree Fruit Orchard Production Report and Expansion of the RMA Crop Insurance Program. Horticultral News. Vol 103, NO.2

Devkota, P., A. Iezzoni, K. Gasic, G. Reighard and R. Hammerschmidt. 2023. Rapid in vitro screening of Prunus genotypes for resistance to Armillaria root rot using roots of young rootstocks. HortSci. 58(10):1163-1169.

Freundlich, G.E., R.N. Schaeffer, A.S. Tebeau, B.L. Black, C.V. Ransom, D.G. Alston and J.R. Reeve. 2023. Organic Orchard Floor Management in Peach: Effects on Arthropods and Associated Fruit Injury in the Intermountain West. Journal of Economic Entomology. xx:xx Published, 10/11/23. 

Gonzalez, L., G. Reig, J. Lordan, M. Miranda Sazo, S.A. Hoying, M.J. Fargione, G.H. Reginato, D.J. Donahue, P. Francescatto, E. Casagrande, G. Fazio, T.L. Robinson. 2022.  Long-term effects of rootstock and tree type on the economic profitability of ‘Gala’, ‘Fuji’ and ‘Honeycrisp’ orchards performance. Scientia Horticulturae 318, 2023, 112129,

Gonzalez, L., Ho, S-T, B.J. Rickard, G. Fazio, G. Reig, J. Lordan, S.A. Hoying, M.J. Fargione, M. Miranda Sazo, T.L. Robinson. 2023. Estimated Economic Impacts of Fire Blight on Long-Term Orchard Economic Performance with Susceptible and Disease Resistant Rootstocks. Scientia Hort.  (in press)

Ho, S.-T., L. Gonzalez, B.J. Rickard, G. Reig, J. Lordan, G. Fazio, S.A. Hoying, M. Fargione, M. Miranda Sazo and T.L. Robinson. 2023. Effects of Cultivar, Training System and Rootstock on Long-term Economic Performance of Apple Orchards in the Northeastern U.S.  Scientia Hort. (In press)

Iglesias, I., G. Reighard and G. Lang. 2023. Peach tree architecture: training systems and pruning. In: Manganaris, G., G. Costa and C. Crisosto (Eds.) Peach. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K., Chapter 2. pp. 17-53.

Lang, G.A., 2023. Innovation in tree fruit production system sustainability through horticultural engineering: case studies. Acta Hortic. 1366, 195-202 DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1366.22

Manganaris, G.A., Minas, I., Cirilli, M., Torres, R., Bassi, D. and Costa, G., 2022. Peach for the future: A specialty crop revisited. Scientia Horticulturae, 305, p.111390.

Miah, S., Hinson, C. #, Farcuh, M.*. 2023. Assessing fruit maturity and quality of ‘Buckeye Gala’ grown on a diverse panel of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) rootstocks in Western Maryland. Agronomy 13(10): 2528.

Minas, I.S., Anthony, B.M, Drogoudi, P., Costa, G., 2023. Chapter 9. Non-Destructive Peach Fruit Maturity and Quality Assessment. In: Manganaris, G.A., Costa, G., Crisosto, C.H., (Eds.), Peach. CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, pp. 175-205.

Minas, I.S., Moreno, Μ.Α., Anthony, B.M, Pieper, J.R., Reighard, G.L., 2023. Chapter 3. Peach Rootstock Development and Performance. In: Manganaris, G.A., Costa, G., Crisosto, C.H., (Eds.), Peach. CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom, pp. 54-91.

Minas, I.S., Moreno, Μ.Α., Anthony, B.M, Pieper, J.R., Sterle, D.G., 2023. Large-scale and accurate non-destructive visual to near infrared spectroscopy-based assessment of the effect of rootstock on peach fruit internal quality. European Journal of Agronomy 143, 126706.

Minas, I.S., Reighard, G.L., Brent Black, B., Cline, J.A., Chavez, D.J., Coneva, E., Lang, G., Parker, M., Robinson, T., Schupp, J., Francescato, P., Jaume Lordan, J., Tom Beckman, T., Shane, W., Sterle, D., Pieper, J., Cathy Bakker, C., Clark, B., Ouellette, D., Swain, A., Winzeler, H.E., 2022. Establishment performance of the 2017 NC-140 semi-dwarf peach rootstock trial across 10 sites in North America. Acta Horticulturae 1346, 669-676.

Miranda Sazo, M., and T.L. Robinson. 2023.  Strategies to Control Vegetative Growth in Frost Damaged Trees. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 23 Issue 7, June 8, 2023.

Muehlbauer, M, W. Cowgill, 2023. 2023-2024 E002 New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide

Newberger, D.R., Minas, I.S., Manter, D.K., Vivanco, J.M., 2023. A Microbiological Approach to Alleviate Soil Replant Syndrome in Peaches. Microorganisms 11, 1448.

Newberger, D.R., Minas, I.S., Manter, D.K., Vivanco, J.M., 2023. Shifts of the soil microbiome composition induced by plant–plant interactions under increasing cover crop densities and diversities. Scientific Reports 13, 17150.

Raman MG, Marzougui A, Teh SL, York ZB, Evans KM, Sankaran S. (2023) Rapid assessment of architectural traits in pear rootstock breeding program. Remote Sensing. 15(6), 1483.

Reighard, G. 2022. Peach rootstock performance on Peach Tree Short Life and Desarmillaria Replant Sites. Southeastern Professional Fruit Workers Conference, Nov. 14, 2022, Lake Alfred, FL. Conference Book of Abstracts, Abstract #7. p. 15.

Reighard, G.L., D. Ouellette and I. Minas.  2023. Field testing Prunus rootstocks in South Carolina for peach tree short life and Armillaria tolerance.  XXXI ISHS HortCongress, Angers, France. Acta Hortic. 1366:69-74.

Robinson, T. L. Gonzalez, and M. Miranda Sazo. 2023. Cornell Chemical Defoliation Recommendation for the On-farm Apple Nurseries in WNY in 2023. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 23 Issue 16, Oct 14, 2023.

Serrano, A., Wunsch, A., Sabety, J., van Zoeren, J., Basedow, M., Miranda Sazo, M., Fuchs, M. and Khan, A., 2023. The comparative root system architecture of declining and non-declining trees in two apple orchards in New York. Plants, 12(14), 2644.

Sterle, D.G., Caspari H.W., and Minas, I.S., 2023. Optimized differential thermal analysis sheds light on the effect of temperature on peach floral bud cold hardiness and transition from endo- to ecodormancy. Plant Science, 335, 111791.

Teh SL, York Z, Evans K. (2023) QTL mapping and haploblock characterization of two major dwarfing loci in reciprocal Pyrus rootstock seedling families. Fruit Research. DOI: 10.48130/FruRes-2023-0020.

Warmund, M. R., Ellersieck, M., and J. R. Schupp. 2023. Low-Temperature Survival of ‘Cresthaven’ Peach Flower Buds and Fruit Yield on Eight Rootstocks in the 2017 NC-140 Rootstock Trial. J. Amer. Pomological Soc. 77(1):51-61.

Wheeler, W.D., B. Black and B. Bugbee. 2023. Assessing water stress in a high-density apple orchard using trunk circumference variation, sap flow index and stem water potential. Frontiers in Plant Science. Volume 14:3 August. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1214429.

Wolfe D. 2022. 2022 Results from 2019 ‘Buckeye Gala’ apple rootstock trial at Princeton, KY, p 7-8. In: Becker D (ed). NovDec 2022 Fruit facts newsletter. Univ Kent Agr Exp Stn Fruit Facts Newsl 2022-6.

Wolfe, D., D. Becker, G. Travis, and B. Arnoldussen.  2023. Rootstock affects apple tree growth and yield.  In: Rudolph R (ed). Fruit and vegetable 2019 annual report. Univ Kent Agr Exp Stn Bull PR (in press).

York, Z., Teh, S. L., Evans, K. (2023). Fire blight susceptibility of 20 diverse pear (Pyrus spp.) rootstock breeding parents. Journal of the American Pomological Society. 77(2): 66-74.



Anthony, BM, Minas IS. “Cold hardiness research” Western Colorado Horticultural Society Annual Conference, Jan 2023, Grand Junction, CO.

Anthony, BM, Minas IS. “Primary & secondary metabolism cross talk during peach fruit quality development.” X International Peach Symposium, Jun 2022, Naousa, Greece.

Anthony, B.M., Minas, I.S., “Peach & cherry training systems”, Lecture within the frame of the workshop “Pruning & Training: Peaches & Cherries following freeze damage” Organized under the frame of Western Colorado Horticultural Society (WCHS) by CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), January 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Anthony, B.M., Minas, I.S., “Influence of Training Systems on Peach Vigor, Production and Fruit Quality”, Lecture within the frame of “2022 Pomology Field Day”, Organized by the CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), May 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Black B, and Drost D. 2023. A Comparison of Root Growth and Distribution Among Six Rootstocks in the 2009 NC-140 ‘Redhaven’ Peach Trial. ASHS Conference, Poster presentation. Orlando, FL. 1 August 2023.

Black, B. USU pomology research update. Utah State Horticulture Association Summer Commercial Orchard Field Day, Santaquin, UT. Commercial fruit growers, orchard managers and Extension faculty. 11 July 24 (25 in attendance).         

Black, B. NC-140 rootstock research on peach and high-density tart cherry. Kaysville Research Farm Open House for commercial growers. Kaysville, UT. Invitations were to commercial tree fruit growers only. 29 June 23 (11 in attendance).

Black, B. USU research on rootstock adaptability, and the importance of selecting appropriate rootstocks for Utah’s unique environment and soils. Kaysville Farm Public Field Day, in conjunction with the Utah Urban and Small Farms Conference. Kaysville, UT. Audience included small-acreage farmers, Utah Master Gardeners and county extension faculty. Featured tour stops included the 2017 peach and tart cherry rootstock plantings. 28 June 23 (28 in attendance).

Calle, A., K. Gasic, C. Saski, G. Schnabel, G. Reighard, J. Adelberg, T. Gradziel, T. Mark, and M. Vassalos. 2022. Progress on breeding for Armillaria root rot tolerant rootstocks.  Southeastern Professional Fruit Workers Conference, Nov. 14, 2022. 

Casagrande Biasuz, E., L. Gonzalez Nieto, T. Einhorn and T.L. Robinson. 2023. Long-term Performance of Bosc Pear Trees at Three Planting Densities on Pyrus Rootstocks. ISHS Symposium on Pear Jan 20, 2023. (150 people)

Casagrande Biasuz, E., L. Gonzalez Nieto, P. Francescatto, J. Lordan and T.L. Robinson. 2023. Training System Affects Long-term Sweet Cherry Yield and Quality in New York State. ISHS Symposium on Cherry May 15, 2023. (150 people)

Cowgill, W. Final Review of Apple Tree Branching with PGR’S in Nursery and Orchard

Cowgill, W. Grower Meeting Jan 2023. Randolph, NJ. Pruning Tall Spindle Apples on Tall Spindle System. 35 growers attending

Cowgill, W. Commercial Grower Meeting- Chemical Thinning and PGR crop load management recommends for 2023 growing season, Oldwick, NJ- 30 growers attending

Cowgill, W. Two Commercial Grower Meetings Cornell- May 9, 2023 Apple Plant Growth Regulator recommendation Meetings- 125 growers attending

Cowgill,W. 2023. Arrange Use in Apple To Reduce Floral Bud Formation. 2022. March 7, 2023. Northeast PGR Meeting, Wilkes-Barre, Pa

Cowgill, W., D. Donahue. 2022. “Breaking the Biennial Bearing Cycle in Apple with ArrangeTM” March 8, 2022. Northeast PGR Meeting, Wilkes-Barre, Pa

Evans KM (2023) Plant breeding from a pome fruit perspective. Texas A & M Plant Breeding Symposium Keynote. February 16, 2023

Herrin, G., M. Vassalos, T. Mark, G. Reighard, G. Schnabel, K. Gasic, and N. Smith. 2023. What is the Economic Value of Root Collar Excavation? An Analysis Using Simulation Techniques. Agricultural and Applied Economics Annual Meeting. July 23-25, 2023, Washington, D.C.

Herrin, G., M. Vassalos, F. Silva, A. Thayer, N. Smith, and G. Reighard. 2023. An Economic Estimation of the benefits of Root Collar Excavation (RCE) Method in the Peach Industry.  Southern Agricultural Economics Annual Meeting, February 4-8, 2023. Oklahoma City, OK.

Minas, I.S., Sterle D.G., “Freeze Events and Cold Damage Assessment”, Lecture within the frame of the workshop “Pruning & Training: Peaches & Cherries following freeze damage” Organized under the frame of Western Colorado Horticultural Society (WCHS) by CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), January 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Minas, I.S., “Fruit tree pruning & training responses”, Lecture within the frame of the workshop “Pruning & Training: Peaches & Cherries following freeze damage” Organized under the frame of Western Colorado Horticultural Society (WCHS) by CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), January 2022, Grand Junction, CO.Musacchi S., (2023). Optimization of fruit tree propagation techniques and agronomical performances in the nursery. I International Symposium on Plant Propagation, Nursery Organization and Management for the Production of Certified Fruit Trees held in Bari (Italy). July 3-5, 2023.

Miranda Sazo, M., T.L. Robinson and L. Cheng. 2023. Effects of Four Rootstocks on Dry Matter Accumulation and Partitioning of 'Honeycrisp' Trees. Abstracts of the ASHS Annual Meeting in Orlando Florida.  Aug. 3, 2023 (50 people)

Muehlbauer, M. 1, March 2023. New Jersey Hard Cider Apple Variety Trial Updates. North Jersey Commercial Fruit Grower Meeting. Flemington, NJ. Grower Audience. Attendance 60.

Muehlbauer, M. 3, May 2023. Rutgers Snyder Research Farm Trial Updates. North Jersey Tree Fruit Twilight Meeting I. Oldwick, NJ. Grower Audience. Attendance 40

Muehlbauer, M. 7, June 2023. Rutgers Snyder Research Farm Trial Updates. North Jersey Tree Fruit and Vegetable Twilight Meeting. Princeton, NJ. Grower Audience. Attendance 20.

Musacchi S., and Serra S. (2023). Update on Apple Pollinizers and Quince Rootstocks.Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute (NNII) Annual meeting. Prosser, WA, United States of America. May 16, 2023

Musacchi S. (2023). Apple Rootstocks Trials Now and Future. Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute (NNII). Prosser, WA, United States of America. October 11, 2023.  

Newberger, D., Vivanco, J., Minas, I.S., Using soil disruption followed by cover crops and rootstocks to alleviate peach replant disease. 10th International Peach Symposium, International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS), May 2022, Naoussa, Greece.

Peck, G.M. 8 Aug 2023. Hard Cider PWT Tour: Hudson Valley. Tour stops included, Pennings Farm Cidery (Warwick, NY), Doc’s Cidery (Warwick, NY), and Orchard Hill Cider Mill & Soons Orchard (North Hampton, NY). Grower audience. Attendance 68.

Peck, G.M. 17 Aug 2023. Fruit PWT Tour. Tour stop included the NC140 planting at Angry Orchard in Walden, NY. Faculty and extension educator audience. Attendance: 20.

Peck, G.M. 12 Sept 2023. Cider Institute of North America. Cider & Perry Production - A Foundation: Virtual Cider Apple Orchard Tours (Featured the Lansing 2023 Cider NC140 Trial). Cider producer audience. Attendance 35.

Pieper J, Minas IS. “The impact of size controlling rootstocks on peach fruit metabolome and internal quality”, X International Peach Symposium, Jun 2022, Naousa, Greece.

Pieper, J.R., Minas, I.S., “2017 NC-140 Semi-Dwarf Peach Rootstock Trial: 5 year recap”. Lecture within the frame of “2022 Pomology Field Day”, Organized by the CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), May 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Pieper, J.R., Sterle, D.G., Minas, I.S., “Influence of Rootstock & Cultivar Selection”, Lecture within the frame of the workshop “Pruning & Training: Peaches & Cherries following freeze damage” Organized under the frame of Western Colorado Horticultural Society (WCHS) by CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), January 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Reighard, G.L. 2023. NC-140 National Peach Rootstock Screening Trials.  North American Plant Breeders Meeting.  July 18, 2023.  Musser Farm, Seneca, SC.

Reighard, G.L. 2023.  Interfacing genomic research with field research to overcome obstacles to profitable peach production.  IRTA Research Center. June 23, 2023. Lleida, Spain.

Reighard, G.L. and T. Mark. 2023. Solutions to Armillaria root rot replant disease & its economic impact on stone fruit. Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Conference.  February 2, 2023. Hershey, PA.

Reighard, G.  and K. Gasic.  2023.  Breeding ARR-resistant rootstocks: Updates of the USDA-NIFA multi-state SCRI Armillaria grant project.  Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference. January 7, 2023. Savannah, GA.

Reighard, G. and D. Ouellette. 2022. Evaluation of semi-dwarfing peach rootstocks for intensive orchard systems in South Carolina. 98th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference, Winchester, VA. Dec. 1, 2022.

Reighard, G. 2022. Peach rootstock performance on Peach Tree Short Life and Desarmillaria Replant Sites. Southeastern Professional Fruit Workers Conference, Nov. 14, 2022.

Robinson, T.L. 2023. The Honeycrisp storage passport. Virtual Statewide Fruit Conference. March 3, 2023.  (200 people)

Robinson, T.L. 2023. Honeycrisp Management. WNY Fruit Field Day. July 28, 2023. (300 people)

Robinson, T.L. 2023. Are 2-D Orchard Canopy Management Systems a Leap Forward or a Side-Step? Worldwide Webinar Horticulture Forum Feb. 7, 2023, (300 people)

Schupp, J. 2022. Innovations in high density training systems for peach. Great Lakes Expo. , Grand Rapids, MI Dec 7, 2022.

Schupp, J. 2022. Why it’s time for a new peach production system. New England Vegetable and Fruit Conf. December 13, 2022.

Schupp, J., and M. Schupp. 2023. Update on peach rootstocks. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conf. Hershey, PA. 2 Feb 2023.

Schupp, J., M. Schupp and G. Fazio. 2023. Growth and productivity of Gala apple trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks- A 5-year summary. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conf. Hershey, PA (poster)  31 Jan 2023- 2 Feb 2023.

Sterle DG, Minas, I.S. “Exploration of environmental variables affecting peach hardiness”, X International Peach Symposium, Jun 2022, Naousa, Greece.

Sterle, D.G., Minas, I.S., “Cold damage pruning strategies” Lecture within the frame of the workshop “Pruning & Training: Peaches & Cherries following freeze damage” Organized under the frame of Western Colorado Horticultural Society (WCHS) by CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), January 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Sterle, D.G., Minas, I.S., “Cold hardiness Research Update”, Lecture within the frame of “2022 Pomology Field Day”, Organized by the CSU Pomology at Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (WCRC-OM), May 2022, Grand Junction, CO.

Strang J. 2023. Dwarf apple rootstocks for Kentucky. KY Fruit & Veg Conf., Bowling Green, KY, Jan 3-4.

Teh SL (2023) WSU pear rootstock breeding program. U.S. Pear Crop Germplasm committee meeting (virtual). March 24, 2023.

Teh SL, York Z, Evans KM (2023) QTL mapping and haplotype characterization of two major-effect dwarfing loci in reciprocal Pyrus rootstock seedling families. 11th Rosaceae Genomics Conference, Nelson, New Zealand. March 15, 2023

Teh SL, Evans KM (2023) Pear rootstock breeding in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. 14th ISHS Pear Symposium, Stellenbosch, South Africa. January 26, 2023

Yao, S. 24 February 2023. Pruning Workshop.  Alcalde, NM. Grower/public audience. Attendance 28.

Yao, S. 10 August 2023. Rootstocks and tree performance. Annual Alcalde Field-day. Alcalde, NM. Grower/public audience. Attendance 96.



Black, Stock, Pace and Beddes, 2022-2025 Understanding and Alleviating Heat Stress in Tart Cherry: Adapting Utah Fruit Production to Climate Change. Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, Specialty Crop Block Grant. $66,474

Black, Einhorn, Torres-Rua, Basso, Murray, Rothwell, Yost and Cardon. 2021-2025 Improving the economic and environmental sustainability of tart cherry production through precision management. USDA, Specialty Crop Research Initiative $1,969,318

Bradshaw, T. Evaluating systems components for orchard and vineyard crops in Vermont. Vermont Agriculture Experiment Station Hatch Grants Program, Oct 2020 -Sep 2025. $63,942.

Cowgill, W. 2023. Integrating Cornell Carbohydrate Model with Fruitlet Growth Rate Mode Predicting Fruit Set to Make the Correct Selection of Plant Growth Regulators to Obtain Best Crop Load, New Jersey Horticultural Society $1400

Cowgill, W. 2023. Apple Variety Evaluation- Apple Cultivar Evaluation: Evaluate 38 new selections plus 16 named cultivars from MAIA (Midwest Apple Improvement Association) and Cornell University and the University of Minnesota New Jersey Horticultural Society $1,400

Evans, K. and S.L. Teh. Pear rootstock breeding. Fresh and Processed Pear Committee Research. $303,018.

Farcuh, M. 2022-2024. USDA, Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. Evaluating apple rootstock performance in high-density plantings under Maryland conditions.

Fazio, G. Evaluation of Geneva Rootstocks – IFTA ($10,000)

Gasic, K., C. Saski, G. Reighard, G. Schnabel, J. C. Melgar, et al. “Solutions to the Armillaria root rot threat affecting the U.S. stone fruit industry”. USDA-SCRI Standard Research and Extension Grant 2020-02650. September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2024.  $4,972,730.

Lavely, E., G. Lang, Project GREEEN – West Central Planar Tree Fruit Demonstration Orchards, $48,185.

Londo, J. Apple Rootstocks Cold Hardiness – Federal Formula Funds ($30,000)

Minas, I.S. (PI), Grant, " Web-based peach cold hardiness prediction tool for grower frost control informed decision-making", Colorado Department of Agriculture, State of Colorado, $122,822 ($96,854) (start: 1/1/2023, end: 11/15/2024).

Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘Sustainable peach orchard soil microbiome management to control replant disease’ USDA/NIFA/Western SARE (2020): $350,000 (PI). awarded: Mar, 2020, start: Sep 1, 2020, end: Aug 31, 2023).

Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘Peach cold hardiness monitoring and management for improved grower frost control’ Specialty Block Grants, Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) (2020): $61,236 (PI). awarded: May, 2020, start: Jan 1, 2021, end: November 1, 2022).

Minas, I. (PI), Grant, ‘New training systems and rootstocks to maximize Colorado cherry orchards productivity and fruit quality potential’ Specialty Block Grants, Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) (2020): $53,539 (PI). awarded: May, 2020, start: Jan 1, 2021, end: November 1, 2022).

Muehlbauer, M. 2023. Establishment and Maintenance of a New 2023 NC-140 Rootstock Trial of the Cultivar Porters Perfection. New Jersey Horticultural Society. $2,500

Parker, M.L. NC Legislature/Special Bill funding for apple research - $6,000.

Peck, G.M. 2022-2025. Improving Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Tree-fruit Production Through Changes in Rootstock Use. USDA-NIFA-Multistate Funding. $89,015.

Reighard, G.  2023.  Guardian® rootstock seed sales revenue.  South Carolina Foundation Seed.  $210,000.

Robinson, T.L. Orchard management systems and rootstocks for improved yield and fruit quality – NY Apple Research and Development Program ($50,000).

Torres-Rua, Safre, Barker and Black. 2023-2025. Remote sensing of evapotranspiration to conserve irrigation water in tart cherry. USU Extension Water Initiative Grants $74,012.

Wiepz. Wisconsin Cherry Board funding for maintenance of the 2017 NC140 Tart Cherry High Density Rootstock and Irrigation Trials. $2,000.

Xu, H. April 2021- March 2024. Clean technologies for improved apple rootstock microbiome. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. $39,000 CAD.



Peer-reviewed Publications

Al Farqani, A., Cheng, L., Robinson, T.L. and Fazio, G. 2024. Effect of soil solution pH on root architecture and dynamics of root distribution of four apple rootstocks grown in an aeroponics nutrient misting system. Front. Plant Sci. 15:1351679. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1351679

Baldassi C., Berim A., Roeder S., Losciale P., Serra S., Gang D.R., and Musacchi S., 2023. Rootstock and Crop Load Effects on ‘Honeycrisp’ Photosynthetic Performance and Carbohydrate Accumulation. Plants 2023, 12(23), 4035. - 30 Nov 2023 (IF=4.5 Q1)

Cardon, J. 2024. Characterizing rhizosphere microbes and metabolites of rootstocks that differ in their resistance to apple replant disease. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Casagrande Biasuz, E., Gonzalez Nieto, L. Einhorn, T. and Robinson. T.L. 2024. Long-term Performance of Bosc Pear Trees at Three Planting Densities on Pyrus Rootstocks. Acta Hortic. 1403, 305-312 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1403.41

Cline, J. A., B. Black, E. Coneva, W. Cowgill, R. Crassweller, E. Fallahi, T. Kon, M. Muehlbauer, G.L. Reighard, and D.R. Ouellette. 2023. Performance of ‘Fuji’ apple trees on several size-controlling rootstocks in the 2014 NC-140 rootstock trial after eight years. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 77(4):226-243.

Dominguez, L.I. and T.L. Robinson. 2024. Benefits of irrigation or fertigation on early growth and yield of a high-density apple planting in a humid climate. HortTechnology

Fazio G, Robinson T. 2024. Apple ‘Robusta 5’ – Resilient Rootstock. In: Volk GM, Chen K, Byrne P (Eds.) Plant Genetic Resources: Success Stories. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University. Date accessed. Available from

Fazio, G. Robinson, T. 2024. Guiding principles in the Geneva® apple rootstock breeding program. Italus Hortus Vol. 31 (2024), Pages 27-42 doi: 10.26353/j.itahort/2024.1.2742

Gonzalez, L., Ho, S-T, B.J. Rickard, G. Fazio, G. Reig, J. Lordan, S.A. Hoying, M.J. Fargione, M. Miranda Sazo, T.L. Robinson. 2024. Estimated Economic Impacts of Fire Blight on Long-Term Orchard Economic Performance with Susceptible and Disease Resistant Rootstocks. Scientia Hort. 337 (2024) 113478.

Gonzalez, L., A. Wallis, J. Clements, M. Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, T. Kon and T. Robinson. 2024. Predicting fruit set based on the fruit growth rate model with vision systems. Acta Hortic. 1395, 409-416 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1395.54

Gonzalez, L.; Wallis, A.; Clements, J.; Miranda Sazo, M.; Kahlke, C.; Kon, T.M.; Robinson, T.L. 2024. Evaluation of Computer Vision Systems and Applications to Estimate Trunk Cross-Sectional Area, Flower Cluster Number, Thinning Efficacy and Yield of Apple. Horticulturae 2023, 9(8), 880.

Ho, S.-T., L. Gonzalez, B.J. Rickard, G. Reig, J. Lordan, G. Fazio, S.A. Hoying, M. Fargione, M. Miranda Sazo and T.L. Robinson. 2024. Effects of Cultivar, Training System and Rootstock on Long-term Economic Performance of Apple Orchards in the Northeastern U.S.  Scientia Hort. 332, 2024, 113194.

Miah, S. †, Hinson, C. #, Farcuh, M.*. 2023. Assessing fruit maturity and quality of ‘Buckeye Gala’ grown on a diverse panel of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) rootstocks in Western Maryland. Agronomy 13(10): 2528.

Molnar, C., M.K. Shires, A.A. Wright, M.C. Hoskins, S.J. Cowell, E.V. Nikolaeva, R. Knier, M.T. Nouri, B. Black, and S.J. Harper. 2024. Putting ‘X’ into context: the diversity of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ strains associated with the induction of X-disease. Plant Disease.  Published online. 4/24.

Musacchi, S. (2024). Analysis of pear sustainability: what are the limitations and opportunities? Acta Hortic. 1403, 1-20. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1403.1.

Peck, G. 2023. Towards a new generation of cider apple orchards in the Northeastern United States. 2nd International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards. Tatura, AUS. Acta Horticulturae 1935:401-407.

Robinson, T.L., L. Gonzalez, Y. Jiang, M. Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, 2024. Precision Crop Load Management of Apple Using Digital Technology. Acta Hortic. 1395, 257-266 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1395.34

Teh, S. L., & Evans, K. (2024). Pear rootstock breeding in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. XIV International Pear Symposium. Acta Horticulturae. 1403.38.

Wedegaertner*, K., B. Black, A. Safre*, C. Lilligren*, G. Cardon and A. Torres-Rua. 2024. Assessing the relationship between soil variability, canopy density, and yield in Utah tart cherry orchards. Acta Hort. 1395: 157-162. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1395.21.

Non-Refereed Technical Articles

Basedow, M, A. Galimberti, G. Peck, and T. Robinson. 2024.Assessing the pollen tube growth model in Northern New York apple orchards. Fruit Quarterly 32(2): 23-29.

Fazio, G., G. Peck, T. Robinson. 2024. Rootstocks for organic apple orchards. Fruit Quarterly 32(3):4-7.

Gonzalez Nieto, L. and T.L. Robinson. 2024. Fruit thinning and flower induction with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC Accede). Fruit Quarterly 32(3):25-28.

Jiang, Y., B. Xu, T. Robinson, M. Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, B. Lawrence. 2024. Technologies in the box for precision orchard management: Global navigation satellite system. Fruit Quarterly 32(2): 36-39.

Jiang, Y., T. Qui, T. Robinson, L. Cheng, K. Kuehn, K. Xu. 2024. 3D characterization of apple tree architecture for precision pruning and crop load management. Fruit Quarterly 32(3):22-24.

Robinson, T.L., L. Gonzalez, Y. Jiang, M. Miranda Sazo, C. Kahlke, 2024. Evaluating the variability in fruit buds and fruitlets along a row using digital technology. Fruit Quarterly 31(4): 7-10.

Robinson, T.L., L. Cheng, G. Fazio, C.B. Watkins, M. Miranda Sazo, L. Gonzalez, B. Lawrence, Craig Kahlke, Mike Basedow, P. Francescatto, A. Al Farqani and S. Lopez. 2024. Management of Honeycrisp apple trees for maximum sustained yield and minimal bitter pit. Fruit Quarterly 32(1): 4-10.

Robinson, T.L., L. Gonzalez Nieto, S.-T. Ho, B.J. Rickard, G. Reig, J. Lordan, G. Fazio, S.A. Hoying, M.J. Fargione, M. Miranda Sazo. 2024. Apple orchard economics: Effects of cultivar, planting density and rootstock. Fruit Quarterly 32(2): 4-11.

Robinson, T.L., Gonzalez, L., Ho, S-T, B.J. Rickard, G. Fazio, G. Reig, J. Lordan, S.A. Hoying, M.J. Fargione, M. Miranda Sazo. 2024. Economic impact of fire blight with susceptible and resistant apple rootstocks. Fruit Quarterly 32(3):15-20.

Reighard, G.L., L. Cai, A. Calle, J. Adelberg, C. Saski and K. Gasic. 2024. Prunus rootstock breeding, gene discovery and field testing for Armillaria root rot resistance in South Carolina. Vth European Horticulture Congress Online abstract. May 16, 2024.

Extension Publications:

Kahlke, C., Robinson, T., Miranda Sazo, M. and van Zoeren, J. 2024. Phenology Update, March 13. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 24 Issue 4, Mar 13, 2024.

Kahlke, C., Miranda Sazo, M., van Zoeren, J, Robinson, T. and Tee, L. 2024. Spring Has Sprung in Late Winter Yet Again. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 24 Issue 5, Mar 20, 2024.

Miranda Sazo M. and Robinson, T. 2024 Intentional Delay of Dormant Pruning for 'Honeycrisp' & Other Important Biennial Cultivars (Fuji). Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 24 Issue 3, Mar 8, 2024.

Miranda Sazo, M., Lawrence, B., Kahlke, C., van Zoeren, J., Tee, E., and Robinson, T. 2024. First cold damage assessment and some special considerations after two consecutive cold night events experienced late last week. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 24 Issue 7, June 8, 2024.

Robinson, T.L., Miranda Sazo, M. and Kahlke, C. 2024. Harvest Date Prediction & The Use of Plant Growth Regulators Near Harvest. Lake Ontario Fruit Newsletter-Fruit Notes. Vol 24 Issue 13, Aug 5, 2024.

Wolfe, D., Becker D, Travis V, and Arnoldussen, B. 2023. Rootstock effects apple tree growth and yield, p 6-10. In: Rudolph R (ed). Fruit and vegetable 2019 annual report. Univ Kent Agr Exp Stn Bull PR.

Oral Scientific Presentations:

Evans K.M. 202) WSU pear rootstock breeding program. International Rootstocks Symposium (Macfrut), Rimini, Italy. May 8, 2024

Lawrence, B.T., Gonzalez L., and Robinson, T.L. 2024. Post bloom thinning of apples. NEPGR 2024 Wilkes Barre PA Mar 7, 2024 (35 people).

Lawrence, B.T., Gonzalez L., and Robinson, T.L. 2024. Digital tools for precision crop load management of apples. NEPGR 2024 Wilkes Barre PA Mar 8, 2024 (35 people)

Lawrence, B.T., Gonzales Nieto, L., Robinson, T.L. 2024. Comparison of foliar calcium products to reduce bitter pit incidence in Western New York. ISHS Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops Wenatchee, WA June 20, 2024. 150 people 15 minutes.

Lawrence, B.T, and Robinson, T.L. 2024. Irrigation management with microtensiometers to measure stem water potential. Great Lakes Fruit Workers Conference. Nov. 20, 2024, Guelph, Ontario Canada. (50 people).

Muehlbauer, M. 2024. Cider apple rootstock trial, ESP Extension Professionals, May 17, 2024.

Musacchi S., 2024. Guidelines for choosing pear rootstocks. International Rootstocks Symposium (Macfrut), Rimini, Italy. May 8, 2024.

Musacchi S., 2024. “Factors Involved in Apple Rootstock Selection” (oral presentation). 67 th IFTA conference, Yakima, WA. February 11-14, 2024.

Musacchi S., 2024. Factors que intervenen en la selecció de portaempelts de poma (Factors Involved in Apple Rootstock Selection) (oral presentation). MAS BADIA February 22, 2024 39a Jornada Fruticola.

Peck, G.M. 2023. It’s about the apples! Supporting hard cider production through pomological research and outreach. University of Minnesota Horticulture Seminar Series. 4 Oct.

Peck, G.M. 2023. It’s about the apples! Supporting hard cider production through pomological research and outreach. Washington State University Horticulture Seminar Series. 28 Sept. Online.

Reighard, G.L. 2024. Cultural Practices and Horticultural Quality: 3a. Identify resistant germplasm that has optimal horticultural characteristics. Armillaria Root Rot Annual Meeting. Clemson University, Clemson, SC.  May 29, 2024.

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