NC1100: A Systems Perspective to Community Resilience: Rural healthcare at the intersection of households and businesses
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Publications by NCRCRD
Bednarikova, Z. (2021). Mental health during pandemic. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2021/06/30/mental-health-during-pandemic/
Bednarikova, Z. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on the women’s unemployment rate in the North Central Region. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2022/05/20/impact-of-covid-19-on-the-womens-unemployment-rate-in-the-north-central-region/
Bednarikova, Z. (2022). NCR:Stat: Household health status in the North Central Region. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2022/09/19/household-health-status-in-the-north-central-regio/
Bednarikova, Z. (2022). Health insurance and health coverage plans in the North Central Region.https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2022/11/04/health-insurance-and-health-coverage-plans-in-the-north-central-region/
Wiatt, R. (2022). Exploring health insurance coverage in the North Central Region at the intersection of location, employment, gender, race, and ethnicity. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2022/12/05/exploring-health-insurance-coverage-in-the-north-central-region-at-the-intersection-of-location-employment-gender-race-and-ethnicity/
Carrillo-Siller, I. (2023, June 6). How COVID-19 Changed Workforce Participation Preferences in the North Central Region. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/09/18/how-covid-changed-workforce-preferences/
Armesto Gómez, A. (2023, September 18). Unraveling Local Living: A Peek into the Diverse Preferences of Family Households with and without Children. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/09/18/unraveling-local-living/
Chowdhury, A. (2023, June 6). How Often do North Central Region Households Run Out of Food? North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/06/05/how-often-do-households-in-the-north-central-region-run-out-of-food/
Carrillo-Siller, I. (2023, June 6). Perception of Equal Employment Opportunities in Communities of the North Central Region. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/06/02/perception-of-equal-employment-opportunities-in-communities-of-the-north-central-region/
Bednarik, Z. (2023, April 17). How Happy Are People in the North Central Region? North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/04/17/how-happy-are-people-in-the-north-central-region/
Bednarik, Z. (2023, February 22). Community Awareness of Substance Use Disorder Programs in the North Central Region. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/02/22/community-awareness-of-substance-use-disorder-programs-in-the-north-central-region/
Bednarik, Z. and Wiatt, R. D. (2023, January 12). Who Cannot Afford to Pay Medical Bills in the North Central Region? North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. https://ncrcrd.ag.purdue.edu/2023/01/12/who-cannot-afford-to-pay-medical-bills-in-the-north-central-region/
An Introduction to NCR-Stat – the Free Household Dataset (12/7/22)
Presenters: Maria I. Marshall, Director, North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD); Professor and James and Lois Ackerman Endowed Chair in Agricultural Economics, Purdue University and Zuzana Bednarikova, Research and Extension Specialist, NCRCRD
Supporting Rural Grocery Stores Across the North Central Region (11/7/22)
Presenters: Lisa Bates, Interim Assistant Director and Field Specialist, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Community and Economic Development; Greg Schweser, Director of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, UMN Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships; and Rial Carver, Program Leader, Rural Grocery Initiative, K-State Research and Extension
Health Care Access Among Self-Employed Workers in Nonmetropolitan Counties (10/12/22)
Presenters: Elizabeth Dobis, Research Agricultural Economist, Rural Economy Branch, Resource and Rural Economics Division, USDA Economic Research Service and Jessica E. Todd, Agricultural Economist, Food Assistance Branch, Food Economics Division, USDA Economic Research Service
Federal Programs for Rural Entrepreneurs in the North Central Region (9/22/22)
Presenters: Alan Haut, North Dakota District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration; Randy Monhemius, Business Program Specialist, USDA- Rural Development, Ohio; Eric Ness, Wisconsin District Director, U.S. Small Business Administration; and Joan Scheel, Business Programs Director, USDA – Rural Development, Nebraska
How We Work Together: Supporting Local/Regional Food Systems through Collaboration (8/30/22)
Presenter: Lindsey Scalera, Community Food Systems Collaboration Specialist, Center for Regional Food Systems, Michigan State University
Moving Rural Communities FORWARD: Future Opportunities for Rural Workforce and Rural Development through Extension (5/24/22)
Presenters: Tanya Hall, Community Development Regional Extension Educator, Purdue University; Sheila Martin, Strategic Advisor for Economic and Community Engagement, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; and Michael D. Wilcox, Jr., Assistant Director & Program Leader for Community Development-Purdue Extension, Associate Director-North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD), Community & Regional Economics Specialist-Purdue University Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Senior Associate-Purdue Center for Regional Development