WERA89: Potato Virus and Virus-Like Disease Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Combest, M.M., Moroz N., Rogan C., Tanaka K., Anderson J., Rakotondrafara A.M., and Goyer A. 2021. StPIP1, a predicted PAMP-induced peptide in potato, elicits plant defenses and is associated with disease symptom severity in a compatible interaction with potato virus Y. Journal of Experimental Botany (In Press) https://academic.oup.com/jxb/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/jxb/erab078/6157931
Dahan, J., Cooper, W.R., Munyaneza, J., and Karasev, A.V. (2022) A new Bactericera cockerelli picorna-like virus identified in populations of potato psyllids. Archives of Virology 167: 177-182 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00705-021-05281-x).
Dahan, J., Wenninger, E.J., Thornton, M., Reyes-Corral, C.A., Olsen, N., and Karasev, A.V. (2021) Haplotyping the potato psyllid (Hemiptera: Triozidae), and the associated pathogenic bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in non-crop alternative hosts in Southern Idaho. Environmental Entomology 50: 382–389 (https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvaa179).
Elison, G.L., Novy, R.G. & Whitworth, J.L. Russet Potato Breeding Clones with Extreme Resistance to Potato Virus Y Conferred by Rychc as well as Resistance to Late Blight and Cold-Induced Sweetening. Am. J. Potato Res. 98, 411–419 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-021-09852-1
Goyer A (2021) From tolerant to sensitive: how a small peptide produced by potato plants determines the fate of potato-PVY interaction. Potato Progress. Vol. XXI, Number 4.
Mondal, S., Ghanim, M., Roberts, A., and Gray, S. M. 2021. Different potato virus Y strains frequently co- localize in single epidermal leaf cells and in the aphid stylet. Journal of General Virology. 102:001576 DOI 10.1099/jgv.0.001576
Mondal, S., Wintermantel, W. M., and Gray, S. 2022. Infection dynamics of potato virus Y isolate combinations in three potato cultivars. Plant dis. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1980-RE
Olsen, N. and A. Karasev. 2021. Going viral- tackling the problem of evolving viruses. Potato Grower Magazine. May 50(5):36-37.
Olsen, N., A. Karasev, J. Miller and J. Whitworth. 2022. Everything you wanted to know about potato viruses, but were afraid to ask. Idaho Potato Conference. Pocatello, ID. January 19, 2022.
Olsen, N. 2021. Effective practices to manage Black Spot Bruise and PVY in potatoes and the proper use of products for good storage management CHS Bingham Cooperative Grower Meeting (virtual). March 4, 2021.
Olsen, N. and J. Miller. 2021. Powdery scab and potato mop-top virus (PMTV) management. Miller Research Potato Pest Management seminar (virtual). February 18, 2021.
Pandey, B., Mallik, I., Arjarquah, A., Shahoveisi, F., and Pasche, J. S. 2022. Assessing optimum timing for detecting Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) in potato seed tubers. Plant Dis. (abstract) in press.
Reyes-Corral, C., Cooper, W.R., Horton, D., Miliczky, E., Riebe, J., Waters, T., Wildung, M., and Karasev, A.V. (2021) Association of Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) with the perennial weed Physalis longifolia (Solanales: Solanaceae) in the potato-growing regions of western Idaho. Environmental Entomology 50: 1416-1424
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M., Quintero-Ferrer, A., Green, K.J., Robles-Hernandez, L., Gonzalez-Franco, A.C., and Karasev, A.V. (2021) Molecular and biological characterization of recombinant isolates of Potato virus Y circulating in potato fields in Mexico. Plant Disease 105: 2688-2696 (https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-10-20-2215-RE).
Ross, B.T., Zidack, N., and Flenniken, M.L., Extreme Resistance to Viruses in Potato and Soybean, (2021), Frontiers in Plant Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.658981.
Ross, B.T., Zidack, N., McDonald, R., and Flenniken, M.L. 2022. Transcriptome and Small RNA Profiling of Potato Virus Y Infected Potato Cultivars, Including Systemically Infected Russet Burbank. Viruses. 14(3), 523; https://doi.org/10.3390/v14030523
Tran, L., K. Green, M. Rodriguez-Rodriquez, G. Orellana, C. Funke, O. Nikolaeva, A. Quintero-Ferrer, M. Chikh-Ali, L. Woodell, N. Olsen and A. Karasev. 2021 (online Oct 2021). Prevalence of recombinant strains of potato virus Y in seed potato planted in Idaho and Washington states between 2011 and 2021. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-21-1852-SR.
Vales, M.I., Scheuring, D.C., Koym, J.W. et al. Vanguard Russet: A Fresh Market Potato Cultivar with Medium-Early Maturity and Long Dormancy. Am. J. Potato Res. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-022-09877-0
Whitworth, J.L., Gray, S.M., Ingram, J.T. et al. Foliar and Tuber Symptoms of U.S. Potato Varieties to Multiple Strains and Isolates of Potato virus Y. Am. J. Potato Res. 98, 93–103 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09820-1
Woodell, L. and N. Olsen. 2021. The impact of Tobacco Rattle Virus on Potato Quality at Harvest and in Storage. American Journal of Potato Research (abstract). In press.
Zhang, C., Zarka, K.A., Zarka, D.G. et al. Expression of the Tomato pot-1 Gene Confers Potato Virus Y (PVY) Resistance in Susceptible Potato Varieties. Am. J. Potato Res. 98, 42–50 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09815-y
Journal Publications
Chikh-Ali, M. and Karasev, A.V. 2023. Chapter 11. Virus diseases of potato and their control. In: Potato Production Worldwide (Eds., Caliskan, M.E., Bakhsh, A., and Jabran, K.), Elsevier, Inc.: London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford; pp. 199-211.
Ding, P., Chen, D., Feng, H., Li, J., Cao, H., Muning, T., Li, J., Hao, X., Han, P., Karasev, A.V., and Feng, X. 2022. Prevalence and strain composition of potato virus Y circulating in potato fields in China’s north-central province of Shanxi. Plant Disease 106: 1434–1445 (https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1950-RE).
Duellman, K.M.*, Whitworth, J., Lent, M.A., Bertram, M.C., and Randall, J.C. Published online ahead of print 19 June 2022. Mechanical transmission of Potato virus Y by seed cutting is not a contributing factor to increased virus in field production. Plant Health Progress. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-02-22-0011-RS (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Duellman, K., Woodhall, J., Karasev, A.V., Olsen, N., and Whitworth, J.L. 2022. Potato mop-top virus: biology and disease management. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 1017: June 2022; 5pp.
Gelles, N., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., Karasev, A., Hendricks, R., and Woodell, L. 2023. Novel methods to induce sprouting in dormant potato tubers. Abstracts of the 106th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America. American Journal of Potato Research 100 (2): 121.
Hendricks, R.L., N. Olsen, M. Thornton and P. Hatzenbuehler. 2022. Susceptibility of potato cultivars to blackspot and shatter bruise at three impact heights. American Journal of Potato Research 99:358-368.
Kud, J., Dahan, J., Orellana, G.E., Dandurand, L.-M., and Karasev, A.V. 2022. A novel rhabdovirus associated with the Idaho population of potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida. Viruses 14 (12): 2718 (https://doi.org/10.3390/v14122718).
Manasseh, R., Berim, A., Kappagantu, M., Moyo, L., Gang, D. R., & Pappu, H. R. (2023). Pathogen-triggered metabolic adjustments to potato virus Y infection in potato. Frontiers in plant science, 13, 1031629. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.1031629
Mora, V., M. Ramasamy, M. B. Damaj, S. Irigoyen, V. Ancona, C. A. Avila, M. I. Vales, F. Ibanez, and K. K. Mandadi. 2022. Identification and characterization of new sources of zebra chip disease resistance among wild Solanum species. Frontiers in Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.857493.
Novy, R.G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, R.R. Spear, B.L. Schneider, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, L.O. Knowles, B.A. Charlton, V. Sathuvalli, S. Yilma, C.R. Brown, T.L. Brandt, M. Thornton, and N. Olsen. 2021. La Belle Russet: an early maturing, dual-purpose variety having a high percentage of marketable yield, long tuber dormancy, and a reduced incidence of sugar ends. American Journal of Potato Research 98:395-410.
Pandey, J, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. 2022. Genomic Regions Associated with Tuber Traits in Tetraploid Potatoes and Identification of Superior Clones for Breeding Purposes. Frontiers in Plant Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.952263.
Tran, L.T., Green, K.J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M., Orellana, G.E., Funke, C.N., Nikolaeva, O.V., Quintero-Ferrer, A., Chikh-Ali, M., Woodell, L., Olsen, N., and Karasev, A.V. 2022. Prevalence of recombinant strains of potato virus Y in seed potato planted in Idaho and Washington states between 2011 and 2021. Plant Disease 106: 810-817 (https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-21-1852-SR).
Toinga-Villafuerte, S., M.I. Vales, J.M. Awika and K.S. Rathore. 2022. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis of the granule-bound starch synthase gene in the potato variety Yukon Gold to obtain amylose-free starch in tubers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23: 4640 DOI: 10.3390/ijms23094640.
Toinga-Villafuerte, S., M.R. Janga, M.I. Vales, and K.S. Rathore. 2022. Green fluorescent protein gene as a tool to examine the efficacy of Agrobacterium delivered CRISPR/Cas9 reagents to generate targeted mutations in the potato genome. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-022-02310-8.
Vales, M.I., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, D.G. Holm, S.Y.C. Essah, R.G. Wilson, J.K. Sidhu, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, R.R. Spear, V. Sathuvalli, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, C.R. Brown, D.A. Navarre, M. Feldman, C.M. Long, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2022. Vanguard Russet: A Fresh Market Potato Cultivar with Medium-Early Maturity and Long Dormancy. American Journal of Potato Research. 99: 258–267.
Hoopes, G., X. Meng, J.P. Hamilton, S.R. Achakkagari, F. de A. Freitas Guesdes. M.E. Bolger, J.J. Coombs, D. Esselink, N.R. Kaiser, L. Kodde, M. Kyriakidou, B. Lavrijssen, N. van Lieshout, R. Shereda, H.K. Tuttle, B. Vaillancourt, J.C. Wood, J. M. de Boer, P.M. Bourke, D. Douches, H.J. van Eck, D. Ellis, M.J. Feldman, K.M. Gardner, J. C.P. Hopman, J. Jiang, W.S. de Jong, J.C. Kuhl, R.G. Novy, S. Oome, V. Sathuvalli, E.H. Tan, R.A. Ursem, M.I. Vales, K. Vining, R. G.F. Visser, J. Vossen, G.C. Yencho, N.L. Anglin, C.W.B. Bachem, J.B. Endelman, L.M. Shannon, M. Strömvik, H.H. Tai, B. Usadel, C. Robin Buell, R. Finkers. 2022. Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveals a complex genome, transcriptome, and proteome landscape that underpin phenotypic diversity. Molecular Plant 15: 520-536.
Conference Abstracts
da Silva, J., N. Gracia, I. Vales, S. Gautam, and K. Mandadi. Applications of bioreactors to plant breeding. 76th Annual Meeting of the Subtropical Agriculture and Environments Society. February 11, 2022, Weslaco, TX. (oral presentation)
Duellman, K.M., Lent, M.A., Liu, C., McKinney, L.F., and Wenninger, E.J. 2023. Timing of in-season plant-to-plant spread of Potato virus Y in potato in Idaho, United States. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023 (poster).
Gelles, N., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., Karasev, A., Hendricks, R., and Woodell, L. 2023. Novel methods to induce sprouting in dormant potato tubers. Abstracts of the 106th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America. American Journal of Potato Research 100 (2): 121.
Ifeduba, A.M., S. Zhen, and M.I. Vales. Global warming-ready potatoes: Understanding heat tolerance in potato clones from the Texas A&M breeding program. National Association of Plant Breeders 2022 Annual Meeting. August 8-11, 2022, Ames, IA. Poster.
Jiao, A., S. Gautam, J. Pandey, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, M.I. Vales. 2022. Genome-wide association studies for tuber dormancy in tetraploid potatoes. American Society for Horticultural Sciences. 2022 Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, July 30 - August 3, 2022. Poster.
Jiao, A., S. Gautam, J. Pandey, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, M.I. Vales. Investigating the genetic background of potato tuber dormancy. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIX. January 8-12, 2022. Online. Digital poster.
Gautam S., J. Pandey, D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. Genome-wide association study on potato tuber defects under heat stress. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIX. January 8-12, 2022. Online. Digital poster.
Pandey, J., D.C. Scheuring, J.W. Koym, and M.I. Vales. Genomic prediction of chipping quality in tetraploid potato. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXIX. January 8-12, 2022. Online. Digital poster.
Tran, L.T., Green, K.J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M., Orellana, G.E., Funke, C.N., Nikolaeva, O.V., Quintero-Ferrer, A., Chikh-Ali, M., Woodell, L., Olsen, N., and Karasev, A.V. 2023. Changes in prevalence of potato virus Y strains circulating in potato in the Pacific Northwest, 2011-2021. Abstracts of the 106th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America. American Journal of Potato Research 100 (2): 128.
Duellman, K. 2022. Border crops for Potato virus Y management in seed potato production. Potato Grower, December 2022, pp. 24-25.
Gelles, N., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., and Karasev, A. 2022. Early detection. New methods to break tuber dormancy to facilitate virus testing of seed potato. Potato Country, December 2022; pp. 20-22.
Olsen, N. Karasev, A., and Whitworth, J. 2022. Changing faces. How the industry can adjust to evolving PVY strains. Potato Grower Magazine, April 2022; pp. 30-31.
Olsen, N., Whitworth, J. and Karasev, A. 2022. New kids on the block. Success in PVY-resistant varieties. Potato Grower Magazine, May 2022; pp. 32-33.
Peer-reviewed Publications:
Bvindi, C. N., Howe, K., Wang, Y., Mullen, R. T., Rogan, C. J., Anderson, J., Goyer, A. J. 2023. Potato non-specific lipid transfer protein StnsLTPI.33 is associated with the production of reactive oxygen species, plant growth, and susceptibility to Alternaria solani. Plants 12:3129. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12173129
Dahan, J., Pedroni, M.J., Thompson, B.D., Chikh-Ali, M., Dandurand, L.-M., Kuhl, J.C., and Karasev, A.V. 2023. First report of tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid infecting litchi tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium). Plant Disease 107: 2564. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-23-0422-PDN
Dahan, J., Orellana, G.E., Wald, K.B., Wenninger, E.J., Cooper, W.R., and Karasev, A.V. 2024. Bactericera cockerelli picorna-like virus and three new viruses found circulating in populations of potato/tomato psyllids (Bactericera cockerelli). Viruses 16: 415 https://doi.org/10.3390/v16030415
Daniel, J., and Chikh-Ali, M, 2024. Dynamics of potato virus Y infection pressure and strain composition in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Plant Disease (Accepted Jan 2024. In Press).
Gnanasekaran, P., Zhai, Y., Kamal, H., Smertenko, A., and Pappu, H.R. 2023. A plant virus protein, NIa-pro promotes disease development via by modulating Indole-3-acetic acid amido synthetase. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1112821. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1112821
Goyer, A. J., Bvindi, C. N. 2023. Overexpression of VQ motif-containing gene does not affect infection rates of potato with potato virus Y. American Journal of Potato Research 100: 233–239. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-023-09913-7
Goraya, M., Yan, G., Whitworth, J., and Swisher Grimm, K.D. 2023 Advancing nematode identification on potato: An isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification assay for stubby root nematode, Paratrichodorus allius. American Journal of Potato Research 101:52-64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-023-09940-4
Kamal, H., V. Lynch-Holmes, H.R. Pappu, and Tanaka, K. 2024. Starch plays a key role in sporosorus formation by the powdery scab pathogen Spongospora subterranea. Phytopathology 114:568-579. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-07-23-0224-R
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, M., Chikh-Ali, M., Feng, X., and Karasev, A.V. (2024). Genome sequences of six recombinant variants of potato virus Y identified in North American potato cultivars grown in China. Microbiology Resource Announcements 12: e00512-23 https://doi.org/10.1128/MRA.00512-23
Wenninger, E.J. and Rashed, A. 2024. Biology, ecology, and management of the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae), and zebra chip disease in potato. Annual Review of Entomology 69:139–157. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-ento-020123-014734
Arjarquah, A., Singh, J., Zitnick-Anderson, K., Pandey, B., Gill, U., and Pasche, J.S. 2023. A draft reference genome of Spongospora subterranea from North America. (Abst.) Amer J Potato Res. (In Press)
Dahan, J., Pedroni, M.J., Thompson, B.D., Chikh-Ali, M., Dandurand, L.-M., Kuhl, J.C., and Karasev, A.V. 2023. An asymptomatic infection of tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid in litchi tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium). (Abstr.) Phytopathology 113: S3.197. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-113-11-S3.1
Gelles, N., N. Olsen, M. Thornton, A. Karasev, R. Hendricks, and Woodell, L. 2023. Alternative methods to initiate sprouting in potatoes to facilitate PVY testing (abstract). American Journal of Potato Research 100:115-134.
Ingram, J.T., Mattupalli, C., Charkowski, A.O., Karasev, A.V., and Filiatrault, M.J. 2023. A grower-supported mail-away dormant potato tuber test for molecular detection of potato virus Y, and two other tuber necrotic viruses. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 113: S3.35. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-113-11-S3.1
Kud, J., Dahan, J., Orellana, G.E., Dandurand, L.-M., and Karasev, A.V. 2023. A novel rhabdovirus associated with the Idaho population of the potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 113: S3.21. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-113-11-S3.1
Qin, R., Goyer, A. J., and Torabian, S. 2023 Effect of potassium fertilization on the nutritional contents of potato tubers. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2023am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/149926
Gelles, N. A. 2023. Altering potato tuber physiology to promote dormancy break and implications of PVY in seed certification. Master’s Thesis, University of Idaho.
Trade Publications:
Duellman, K., and Wenninger, E. 2023. Tracking Potato virus Y. Potato Grower 52(13):28-29.
Duellman, K., Wenninger E., and Woodhall, J. 2023. Monitoring vectors of potato pathogens to assess risk. Potato Grower 52(11):24-25.
Grimm, K. S., Quick, R., Cimrhakl, L., Feldman, M., and Pavek, M. 2024. Improving our understanding of potato mop-top virus in the northwest U.S. Potato Grower 53(1):33-38.
Karasev, A., and Olsen, N. 2023. Potato virus initiative developing direct tuber testing alternatives. Potato Grower 52(4):22-23.
Miller, J. N. Olsen, and J. Woodhall. 2023. Can irrigation management reduce powdery scab or PMTV symptoms? Potato Progress 23(6).
Schreiber, A., A. Jensen, S. Rondon, E. Wenninger, S. Reitz, and Waters, T. 2023. Integrated pest management guidelines for insects and mites in Idaho, Oregon and Washington potatoes. https://www.nwpotatoresearch.com/item/pest-management-options
Zidack, N. 2023. Seed potato workshop proves highly valuable. Potato Grower 52(6):36.37.
Zidack, N. 2024. Why Hawaii for seed growout? Potato Grower 53(1):90-91.
Berrian, T., Clarke, C., and Goyer, A. J. 2023. Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, "Testing thiamin as an immunity inducer against diseases of potato," Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. July 23, 2023.
Duellman, K.M., Lent, M.A., Liu, C., McKinney, L.F., and Wenninger, E.J. 2023. Timing of in-season plant-to-plant spread of Potato virus Y in potato in Idaho, United States. 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Lyon, France, August 20-25, 2023 (poster).
Gelles, N. and Olsen, N. 2023. Breaking tuber dormancy to support the seed certification process. WERA89 Meeting. Denver, CO, March 16, 2023.
Gelles, N. and Olsen, N. 2023. Use of smoke in seed certification to induce sprouting. Nebraska Potato Council Meeting (virtual). January 27, 2023.
Goyer, A. J., Bvindi, C., Wang, Y., and Mullen, R. T. 2023. International Society of Plant Microbe Molecular Interactions, "Functional characterization of a member of the non-specific lipid transfer protein family in potato," Providence, Rhode Island. July 17, 2023.
Goyer, A. J., Combest, M., and Bvindi, C. 2023. Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, "Inferring gene functions from transcriptomic data: a precautionary tale," Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. July 23, 2023.
Hendricks, R. and Olsen, N. 2023. PVY and Yield- How much of an impact. WERA89 Meeting. Denver, CO, March 16, 2023.
Hendrick, R. and Olsen, N. 2023. Progress on sprout promotion for direct tuber testing and the WGO, PVY impact on yield, seed size and PVY relationship, and extension activities. Potato Virus Initiative SCRI meeting. Denver, CO, March 17, 2023.
Olsen, N., A. Karasev, E. Wenninger, K. Duellman, and Whitworth, J. 2024. PVY and PMTV and what we have learned from the SCRI project. Idaho Potato Conference. Pocatello, ID January 18, 2024.
Olsen, N. R. Hendricks, and Karasev, A. 2023. Highlights from the Potato Virus Initiative. Idaho Association of Plant Protection Annual Meeting. Rupert, ID. November 2, 2023.
Olsen, N. 2023. Potato Production and Storage Research: Emphasis on testing for PVY. Snake River Weed Management Tour and Field Day. Kimberly, ID, June 28, 2023.
Olsen, N. and Karasev, A. 2023. Potato Virus Initiative: developing solutions update and discussion. Washington State University Potato Field Day. Othello, WA, June 22, 2023.
Olsen, N. 2023. Diagnosing potato diseases and management options. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes ARM 29th Annual Grower Meeting. Fort Hall, ID, March 2, 2023.
Olsen, N. 2023. Seed potatoes: stem numbers, seed size and PVY. Bingham Ag Services Annual Grower Meeting. Blackfoot, ID, March 1, 2023.
Olsen, N. and Miller, J. 2023. Interactive storage disease diagnosis workshop. Idaho Potato Conference. Pocatello, ID January 18, 2023.
Qin, R., Goyer, A. J., and Torabian, S. 2023. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, "Effect of potassium fertilization on the nutritional contents of potato tubers," St Louis, Missouri. October 31, 2023.