NE2045: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Assessing the Impact of Soil Variability and Climate Change

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


University of Georgia (UGA)

Capps, K. A., Bateman McDonald, J. M., Gaur, N., & Parsons, R. (2020). Assessing the Socio-Environmental Risk of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems to Inform Management Decisions. Environ Sci Technol, 54(23), 14843-14853. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c03909


Fox, J., Batzer, D., Franklin, D., & Hawkins, G. (2020). Using macroinvertebrates as indicators of septic system density: an initial review. In National Onsite Wastewater and Recycling Association (NOWRA) annual Meeting. Virtual: NOWRA. Retrieved from  November 16, 2020. 


Ohio State University (OSU)

Conroy, KM, F Chen, OH Tuovinen and KM Mancl. 2020. Effect of sodium chloride concentration on removal of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia from turkey processing wastewater in sand bioreactors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(1):33-37.

Mancl, K. 2020. Household Water Use.  AEX 420. Ohio State University Extension. AEX-420.

Liu, K, E Park, KM Mancl, J Lee and OH Tuovinen. 2020. Batch UV disinfection for small flow onsite wastewater treatment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(5):717-725.

Guo, YT, K Mancl, and R Moore. 2020. Water quality trading mechanisms enhances willingness to upgrade rural household septic systems in the western Lake Erie basin, northwest Ohio. Journal of Environmental Health. 82(6):8-15.



University of Minnesota (UMN)

Overbo, A., Heger. S., and Gulliver, J.  2020.  Evaluation of Chloride Contributions from Major Point and Nonpoint Sources in a Norther U.S. State.  Science of the Total Environment 764 (144179).

Heger, S. and S. Larson  2019.  Assessment of a Minnesota Residential Septic System Affected by Home Hemodialysis.

Larson, S. and S. Heger.  2020.  Wastewater Characteristics Analysis of Coffee and Soda Products.  Water Resource Center available online at:

Larson, S. and S. Heger.  2020. Analysis of Recreation Vehicle Holding Tank Treatment Products.  2020.  Water Resources Center available online at:

Heger, S. and S. Larson  2019.  Wastewater Treatment Assessment at Two Minnesota State Parks.


University of Rhode Island (URI)

Wigginton, S. K., and J. A. Amador. 2020. Soil: Microbial Ecology. In Landscape and Land Capacity, 2nd ed. (Y.Q. Wang, Ed.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Ross, B. N, S. K. Wigginton, A. H. Cox, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Influence of season, occupancy pattern, and technology on structure and composition of nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities in advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems. Water 12:2413

Ross, B. N., K. P. Hoyt, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Effectiveness of advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems in a New England coastal community. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 231(11): 1-10.

Ross, B. N., B. V. Lancellotti, E. Q. Brannon, G. W. Loomis,  and J. A. Amador. 2020. Greenhouse gas emissions from advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems.  Science of the Total Environment

Wigginton, S. K, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Greenhouse gas emissions from lignocellulose-amended soil treatment areas for removal of nitrogen from wastewater. Science of the Total Environment

Wigginton, S. K., E. Q. Brannon, P. J. Kearns , B. V. Lancellotti, A. Cox*, S. Moseman-Valtierra, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Nitrifying and denitrifying microbial communities in centralized and decentralized biological nitrogen removing wastewater treatment systems. Water 12, 1688.

Cox, A. H., S. K. Wigginton, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Structure of greenhouse gas- consuming microbial communities in surface soils of a nitrogen-removing experimental drainfield. Science of the Total Environment

Cox, A. H., D. Surabian, G. W. Loomis, J. D. Turenne, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Temporal variability in the vertical separation distance of septic system drainfields along the southern Rhode Island coast. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 231, 107.

Cox, A. H., M. Dowling, G. W. Loomis, S. E. Engelhart, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Geospatial modeling suggests threats from stormy seas to Rhode Island’s coastal septic systems. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 6(3)

Anderson, F. L., J. A. Cooper, and J. A. Amador. 2019. Laboratory-scale evaluation of the effects of water-filled pore space on emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and N2 from soil-based wastewater treatment. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 230:245.


Cox, A. H. 2020. Coastal New England septic system drainfields: groundwater table and greenhouse gas cycling dynamics. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Rhode Island


Rutgers University

Porter, A.W., S. J. Wolfson, L. Y. Young. 2020. Pharmaceutical transforming microbes from wastewater and natural environments can colonize microplastics. AIMS Environmental Science.7(1):99-116. DOI: 10.3934/environsci.2020006


Porter, A.W., S. J. Wolfson, M. Häggblom, and L. Y. Young. 2020.  Microbial transformation of widely used pharmaceutical and personal care product compounds [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000 Research. 9 (F1000 Faculty Rev):130. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.21827.1


University of Georgia (UGA)


Capps, K., Gaur, N, Callahan, T., Orrego, A., Bloyer, D., Higgs, K., and Johnson, D. 2021. Disparities between the demand for on-site wastewater treatment systems and treatment options for septage. EST Water 1:2251-2258.


Capps, K. 2021: Piled high and getting deeper: imbalances in the demand for septic systems and the ability to treat septage. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. Online. May 2021.

Capps, K., 2021. Engagement of individual stakeholders enhances understanding of community water infrastructure. Georgia Water Resources Conference. Online. Oral Presentation. March 22-23, 2021.

Connelly, K., Gaur, N., McDonald, J., Capps, K. Assessing relationships between patterns of septic tank maintenance and environmental variables in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. Online. May 2021

Scott, C., Capps, K., Gaur, N., Gordon, J. and Abney, R. Characteristics of septic leach field soils impact on urban tree health. SSSA Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov 2021.

University of Minnesota (UMN)

Heger, S. and S. Larson  2021.  Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Septic System and Private Well Education and Well Testing.

Koski, B. and S. Heger 2021.  MnDOT Truck Wash Water Reuse for Brine Production.

Michigan State University (MSU)

Hauda, J. K., Safferman, S. I., & Ghane, E. (2020). Adsorption Media for the Removal of Soluble Phosphorus from Subsurface Drainage Water. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(20), 7693.

Ohio State University (OSU)

Conroy, K and K Mancl. 2021. Treatment of seawater salinity sewage with intermittent sand bioreactors. Water Science and Technology. DOI 10.2166/wst.2021.423

  • Ding, G, K Mancl, J Lee and OH Tuovinen. 2021. Bacterial movement in subsurface soil during winter irrigation of reclaimed wastewater. Sustainability. 13:1-10.

  • Mancl. K, T De Victoria and B Slater. 2021. Online training for soil and site evaluation. Proceedings National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Conference. San Marcos, TX Oct. 19, 2021. 7 pages.

  • Mancl, K. and R. Kopp. 2021. Low-cost treatment of food processing wastewater. OSU Extension Fact Sheet AEX-771. The Ohio State University. 7 pages.

University of South Florida (USF)


Ergas, S.J. (2021) Passive Onsite Wastewater Nutrient Removal, Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) West Coast Annual Roundtable Luncheon, Tampa, FL, April 29, 2021.


Mohammed, J., Nachabe, M., Ergas, S.J. (2021) Impact of the Removal of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS) on Surface Water Quality, Final Report to Florida Department of Health, Nov. 21, 2021.

Mohammed, J. (2021) An Assessment of Nutrient Improvement in Surface Water Due to the Conversion of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems to Sewerage, MS Thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida. 

Mohammed, J., Ergas, S.J., Nachabe, M. (2021) Assessment of Water Quality Improvement from Septic to Sewerage Conversions, Florida Water Resources Journal, in review. 

Delgado, D.A. (2021) Passive Nitrifying Biofilters for Onsite Treatment of Saline Domestic Wastewater, MS Thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida. 

University of Rhode Island (URI)

Cox, A.H. & G. W. Loomis. (2021). “Silver linings of the COVID era: structured rotating small-group approach improved engagement in outdoor technical education.” Manuscript in review at Journal of Extension.

Ergas, S., J. Amador, T. Boyer, and E. Friedler. 2021. Special Collection Announcement: Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 7 (3) 02021001.

Görres, J. H., and J. A. Amador. 2021. Fauna. In Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology, 3rd ed. (T. J. Gentry et al., Eds.), p. 181-212. Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Ross, B. N., K. P. Hoyt, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Effectiveness of advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems in a New England coastal community. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 231(11): 1-10.

Wigginton, S., J. Amador, B. Baumgaertel, G. Loomis, and G. Heufelder. 2021. Mesocosm- and field-scale evaluation of lignocellulose-amended soil treatment areas for removal of nitrogen from wastewater. Water 13 (15), 2137 


Ohio State University (OSU)

Conroy, K and K. Mancl. 2022. Low-pressure Piping in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Ohio. Extension Bulletin ANR e814. The Ohio State University

Conroy, K, K Mancl. (in press) Understanding adoption of urine diversion dry toilets (UDDT) in low and lower-middle income countries using diffusion of innovation framework. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.

Mancl, K and R Kopp. 2022. Low-cost, sustainable treatment of meat processing wastewater – A decade of success. WEFTEC 2022. 11 pages.

University of Georgia (UGA)


Damashek, J., Westrich, J. R., McDonald, J. M. B., Teachey, M. E., Jackson, C. R., Frye, J. G., ... & Ottesen, E. A. (2022). Non-point source fecal contamination from aging wastewater infrastructure is a primary driver of antibiotic resistance in surface waters. Water Research, 222, 118853.

Presentations (Oral and Poster)

Environmental implications of unequal access to wastewater treatment. Environmental Ethics  Seminar Series, University of Georgia February 8, 2022. 

2023: Anthropogenic Subsidies in Rivers of the Anthropocene: Re-thinking wastewater-related socioecological issues in urban watershed ecology and restoration. Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology (SUSE) Seminar Series, January 5, 2023. 

Courtney Scott, Krista Capps, Nandita Gaur, Jason Gordon, Michael Lucas and Rebecca Abney. 2022. Disturbances in Nutrient and Water Fluxes in Leach Field Soils Impact Urban Tree Condition and Growth. SSSA-CSSA-ASA Annual Meetings

Carr, B., Gaur, N., & Capps, K. (2022). A Low Resource Method for Populating a Septic System Database for Counties Using Remote Sensing and ArcGIS. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022

Carr, B., Gaur, N., & Capps, K. (2022): A Low-Resource Method for Populating a Septic System Database for Counties Using Remote Sensing and ArcGIS : Septic Systems Automated Location Tool (SSALT), December 8, 2022.  Tools for Locating & Managing Septic Systems in Your Service Area - IBEnvironmental

North Carolina State University (NCSU)

 Ricker, M.C. (Raleigh, NC – 2022) – Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Communities. 37th Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference. Invited speaker and special presentation.

University of Rhode Island (URI)

Millar, M. Stolt, J.A. Amador & A. Paolucci. 2022. Modeling dynamic soil carbon attributes among common southern New England land uses. Geoderma Regional. 31:e00570. DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00570

C. Hino, J. Romero, J. L. Loffredo, M. Stolt, J. A. Amador, S. Moseman‐Valtierra, C. Wigand, B. J. Pellock. 2022. Birnessite films are sensitive indicators of microbial manganese reduction in soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 87(1):196-201. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20468

Romero, K. Hino, J. Loffredo, M. Stolt, S. Moseman‐Valtierra, J. Amador, B. Pellock. 2022. Abiotic soil properties affecting interpretation of IRIS sensors in tidal and freshwater soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 85(6):2234-2239. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20293

A.H. Cox. 2022. “Flooding Impacts: Floods + wastewater infrastructure = Bad water quality” Invited presentation at Metcalf Institute’s 24th Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists. June 6, 2022. Virtual.

A.H. Cox. 2022. “Imagining the future of robust onsite wastewater treatment infrastructure – leveraging research findings, gaps and management strategies to protect public and environmental health” presented at the 2022 virtual SNEP Symposium. May 18. 2022. Virtual. Recording and slides available via the SNEP Symposium website.

University of South Florida (USF)

Henderson, M., Ergas, S.J., Ghebremichael, K., Gross, A., Ronen, Z. (2022) Occurrence of Antibiotic-Resistant Genes and Bacteria in Household Greywater Treated in Constructed Wetlands, Water, 2022, 14(5): 758;  

Mohammed, J., Ergas, S.J., Nachabe, M. (2022) Water Quality Improvement by Replacing Onsite Treatment and Disposal Systems, Florida Water Resources Journal, Sept. 2022.

Ergas, S.J., Amador, J., Boyer, T., Friedler, E. (2021) Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems, J. Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7(3): 02021001.

Henderson, M., Ghebremichael, K., Ergas, S.J. (2022) Onsite Wastewater Reuse: Performance and Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment Systems (HABiTS), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Bi-Annual Meeting, June 28-30, 2022, St. Louis, MO.


Michigan State University (MSU)

 Li, C., Shen, Y., Sotthiyapai, T., Liu, Y., Tiemann, L., Safferman, S., & Zhang, W. (2022). Effect of Biosolids Application on Soil Enzymatic Activities, Microbial Biomass, and Soil Carbon Mineralization. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Roland, G., Safferman, S. I., Dong, Y., & Smith, J. (2022) Utilizing HYDRUS 1-D Models to Guide Farmers with Fields at Risk of Increased Phosphorus Leaching due to Global Climate Change. North Central Regional Water Network Climate Intersections Conference, Diluth, MN.

Sotthiyapai, T., Safferman, S., Zhang, W., Ghane, E., Busch, A., Fonoll Almansa, X., &Norton, J. (2022). Impact of Biosolids Processing on the Fate of Nutrients in Soil.  MWEA Biosolids Conference, Holland, MI.

Safferman, S. & Dong, Y. (2022).  Modeling the Fate of Carbon and Nitrogen in Drainfields. 70th Michigan Onsite Wastewater Conference, East Lansing, MI.




Inter-institutional collaborations

Heger, S. and J. Buchanan.   2023.   Onsite wastewater treatment system user guide.   National Onsite Wastewater Association and Rural Community Assistance Program.

Holodak, J., Stanley, Jacob K,M.S., PhD., Cox, Alissa H,M.S., PhD., Groves, T. W., Jantrania, Anish, MBA,PhD., P.E., Moeller, Jeffrey,M.S., P.E., Neset, Kris,M.S.M., P.E., Walker, C., M.S.E.H., Zhang, Harry,PhD., P.E., Ryan, Benjamin J, MPH,PhD., R.E.H.S., Heger, Sara F,M.S., PhD., & Brooks, Bryan W,M.S., PhD. (2023). Identifying Workforce Education, Training, and Outreach Needs in Decentralized Wastewater and Distributed Water Reuse. Journal of Environmental Health, 86(5), 20-28.


University of Minnesota (UMN).

Boor, Elizabeth.  2023.  Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Minnesota Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems.  Masters Thesis.  University of Minnesota. 

University of Rhode Island (URI)

Alissa H. Cox, Owen Placido, Kristen Hemphill & Matthew Dowling (2023). “Notes from a Pilot Watershed: Protecting Water Quality in and Around Southern RI.” Poster presented at the 2023 SNEP Biennial Forum. June 13, 2023. Fall River, MA.

Placido, Owen, "Advanced septic systems contribute nitrogen and per and polyfluoroalkyl substances to coastal groundwater" (2023). Open Access Master's Theses. Paper 2346.

Owen Placido, Kristen Hemphill, Matthew Dowling, Alissa H. Cox (2023). “Nitrogen Reducing Septic System Upgrades Measurably Reduce Nitrogen Loading to Watersheds” Poster presented at the 2023 SNEP Biennial Forum. June 13, 2023. Fall River, MA.

URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Informed Decision-Making: Advanced OWTS” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: Advanced OWTS” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: BSFs” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: Conventional Septic Systems (OWTS)” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: LSTAs” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

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