NE2045: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Assessing the Impact of Soil Variability and Climate Change
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
Date of Annual Report: 03/13/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020
[See Meeting Minutes]NOTE: Attachment describes Impact Statement for Project
Brief Summary of Minutes
Institution | Individuals Present | Contact information |
University of Rhode Island | Alissa Cox Jose Amador George Loomis | |
Oklahoma State | Sergio Abit | sergio.abit@okstate.edu |
Rutgers University | Lily Young Abigail Porter | awporter@envsci.rutgers.edu |
Ohio State University | Karen Mancl | mancl.1@osu.edu |
University of Alabama | Mark Elliott Jillian Maxcy-Brown | melliott@eng.ua.edu jmaxcybrown@crimson.ua.edu |
Virginia Tech | Leigh Anne Krometis | lehenry@vt.edu |
University of North Carolina | Joe Brown | joebrown@unc.edu |
University of South Florida | Sarina Ergas | sergas@usf.edu |
University of S. Alabama | Kevin White Rachel Chai Brandon Maliniemi | kwhite@southalabama.edu |
University of Tennessee | John Buchanan | jbuchan7@tennessee.edu |
University of Georgia - __ Campus | Mussie Habteselassie | mussieh@uga.edu |
North Carolina State University | Matt Ricker Erik Severson | mcricker@ncsu.edu |
University of Kentucky | Chris Shepard | cbsh232@uky.edu |
University of Arizona | Kitt Farrell-Poe | kittfp@ag.arizona.edu |
USEPA | Bianca Ross | bpeixoto10@uri.edu |
Industry | Sara Wigginton - Geomatrix Jennifer Cooper - Nutrisen | swigginton@geomatrixllc.com jcooper8@unl.edu |
Summary of Meeting Minutes:
UTN - John Buchannan: Drip distribution applications and guidance
Ohio - Karen: Water reuse and high Salt concentrations
U. S. Al - Kevin: Black belt in AL and access to sanitation
URI - Alissa Cox, Sara Wigginton, Bianca Ross, Jose Amador
- Advanced N-Removing OWTS Technology
- Layered non-proprietary N-removing OWTS drainfields
- Climate change, sea level rise and coastal OWTS
- IRIS sensors and Greenhouse gas /climate change modeling
Virginia Tech – Leigh Anne Krometis: Straight pipes in Appalachia (recent publication)
University of North Carolina - Joe Brown: Part of Alabama Rural Consortium (microbio/public health focus)
Oklahoma State - Sergio Abit: Post-flooding septic extension info; Changes to soil loading rates in drainfields based on climate patterns in OK
University of Arizona - Kitt: Extension Training (point-of-sale inspection)
Rutgers University – Lilly Young & Abbie Porter: Pharmaceutical degradation
- Pharmaceuticals and personal care products are emerging contaminants that enter the environment through incomplete removal during the wastewater treatment process.
- We stablished enrichment cultures with anaerobic digester sludge to grow pharmaceutical degrading microbes in the laboratory.
- Our group identified microbial transformation products of pharmaceuticals and personal care products, including naproxen, methylparaben, guaifenesin, and oxybenzone. Naproxen, guaifenesin, and oxybenzone were transformed to products that are not further degraded and could be a source of unrecognized pollutants.
- Further work will be done to examine the microbial communities involved in pharmaceutical transformation and identify additional biochemical or genetic biomarkers for pharmaceutical metabolism.
University of Alabama - Mark & Jillian: Alabama Black Belt Region and Part of Alabama Rural Water & Wastewater Consortium
- Black Belt efforts are collaboration between University of Alabama (Mark Elliott), University of South Alabama (Kevin White), Columbia University (Upmanu Lall), Auburn University and Auburn Rural Studio (Mark Barnett), UNC- Chapel Hill (Joe Brown) and UC- Irvine (Maura Allaire)
- Consortium members include universities, ADPH, ADEM, USDA, NGOs, Governor’s office, Rep. Terri Sewell’s Office, Sen. Doug Jones’ office, Sen. Richard Shelby’s office
- Current work: EPA Gulf of Mexico Program Cooperative Agreement, Columbia World Projects, Review of straight pipe documentation in USA published in Water Research (with Leigh-Anne Krometis from VT), EPA P3 project for modeling potential straight pipe locations using public data, EPA P3 project on time-integrated samples for Cryptosporidium in rural streams with known straight pipe discharge
- Mark also provided more background information about straight pipe surveys, media coverage of the issue, implications of straight pipes for health, and potential solutions (see slides in Google Drive)
- Path forward: find appropriate technologies (expand sewer, engineered septic systems, other onsite systems), identify clusters of homes, identify management entities, explore financial models, develop alternative regulatory strategies and develop a “how-to” guide to advise stakeholders of treatment options, management techniques, funding options, etc.
University of Kentucky - Chris Shepard: Soils education for aspiring registered sanitarians
North Carolina State University - Matt Ricker: digitized OWTS in coastal communities
University of Georgia – Mussie Habteselassie: Research updates
- Mussie Habteselassie from the University of Georgia informed the group about research efforts, including the evaluation of nutrient and bacteria transport from shoreline OWTS to Lake Lanier in GA and a newly started project to develop an ArcGIS toobox for automating digitization of septic systems in Jackson county in GA. The cooperative extension at UGA have also held educational and training activities for home owners and professionals. UGA is interested in monitoring water quality and assessing impacts of OWTS in Pike County, GA
University of South Florida - Sarina Ergas: Saline & fixed-film wastewater treatment
- Focus has been treatment of wastewater in water scarce coastal communities where seawater is used for toilet flushing using low cost biofilters.
- Current results show good Total N removal; however, DO limitations limit nitrification due to the decreased solubility of oxygen in saline wastewater.
- The Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment published a Special Collection of articles on Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater. Members of the consortium were encouraged to submit to this journal in the future.
- Ergas presented a list of recent publications.
<h2>Project Objective 1 - Improve our understanding of the interactions among wastewater, soils, biogeochemical cycles and processes and treatment performance (contaminant removal) of existing and novel wastewater treatment technologies in different geographic regions and landscapes over time and considering climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>North Carolina State University (NCSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Understanding spatial relationships among existing on-site systems, soil types, and coastal zone flooding. </strong>Coastal climate change is predicted to cause increased flooding, salinization of soils, and</p><br /> <p>rising ground water tables. These factors will likely negatively affect the ability of existing septic systems to treat waste and protect water quality. We analyzed geospatial data from 7 coastal counties (Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Pasquotank, Perquimans) in North Carolina to understand OWTS vulnerability to sea level rise. Our preliminary research has located 30,361 coastal systems that are within 500 m of the coastline and likely at risk because of sea level rise over the next century. Of these located systems, 328 are located within minimum required setback distances from coastal shorelines (50 feet) and most vulnerable to sea level rise.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Using soil survey data in GIS, we have mapped soil series and joined the data to the location of existing septic systems. We have found that 47% of existing permitted systems are located in soils that have seasonal high water tables within 100 cm of the soil surface. These systems are at most risk for shrinking vertical drainfield separation distances as groundwater tables in the coastal zone rise with sea level. The majority of coastal OWTS in our study counties are installed in mineral soils classified as Ultisols (61%) or Entisols (32%). Only 2.8% of existing systems were in problematic areas mapped as Histosols or “unknown” soil type. We have also acquired geospatial NOAA sea level rise projections through 2050 and 2100. Use of sea level rise projections and existing location of permitted OWTS showed that by 2100, with 3 feet of relative sea level rise, there would be 137 septic systems inundated or submerged. Geospatial products from our study can be used by land managers to predict problematic landscapes for future installation of OWTS or areas where failure of previously installed systems is more likely to occur.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>University of Georgia (UGA)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Evaluation of nutrient and bacteria transport from shoreline OWTS to Lake Lanier in GA (2020, Dr. David Radcliffe).</strong> The study to determine if shoreline OWTS on Lake Lanier, the drinking water source for much of Metro Atlanta, contribute N, P, or E. coli to the lake is on its second year. The monitoring of groundwater wells along the shoreline at 7 home sites that vary in age of system, distance from the drainfield to the lake, and annual water use is continuing. Previously, a HYDRUS hillslope model that accurately predicts the Cl and N concentrations at one of the home sites was developed. Results so far indicate nitrate is between 4 to 6 mg/L range at homes with distances less than about 70 m. Concentrations of total P are below 0.1 mg/L and we have found no evidence of E. coli.</p><br /> <p><strong>Developing An ArcGIS toolbox for Automating Digitization of Septic Systems (2020; Dr. Nandita Gaur).</strong> This is a new study that was started in 2020 and there are no results to report so far. While septic systems are often cited as a potential source of contamination of water bodies, counties seldom have digitized information on septic system location and ages. Since money is limited to generate such resources, we are developing an automated system based on GIS and Remote sensing to populate such a database for Jackson county, GA.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>The UMN is evaluating water tables and groundwater mounding at 25 existing systems with automated water level recorders year- round. This data is being used to evaluating what level of vertical separation to a periodically saturated condition is maintained at each of these sites; and does the groundwater below these systems mound up either during high wastewater discharge times or wet climatic periods.</p><br /> <p>Chemicals of emerging concern (CEC) sampling is occurring at three highway safety rest areas and a land application site to determine design parameters affecting treatment. Samples were collected prior to soil treatment, in the soil itself beneath the systems and in monitoring wells and evaluated for CECs. The water samples were also analyzed for general wastewater contaminants. The work will continue for 2 more years.</p><br /> <p>The soil treatment areas from two highway rest areas are being sampled and analyzed to determine the soil microbial populations (metagenomics) using next generation (DNA) sequencing. The goal is to compare STA microbiology, natural soil microbiology before use, after the systems has been in operation for one year with septic tank effluent, and then at year two after pretreatment is added.</p><br /> <p>The UMN conducted two small research projects to evaluate the impact of excess soda and coffee being deposed of at commercial properties and the impact of RV chemicals on wastewater characteristics. </p><br /> <p>The UMN evaluate the wastewater characteristics of two state parks and the performance of two advanced treatment system at one of the of the parks with one serving a shower house with high nitrogen levels while the other treats waste from RVs. </p><br /> <p>The UMN tested the effluent at home with a resident is undergoing in-home kidney dialysis to determine the potential impacts of this medical related waste stream. </p><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Reuse of reclaimed wastewater through onsite spray irrigation</strong>. Research on winter reuse of reclaimed wastewater was conducted in Ohio. Issues evaluated were impact on plants, equipment protection, pathogen control, and pollutant runoff potential from cold soil.</p><br /> <p><strong>Treatment of high salt content wastewater. </strong>Salt levels in wastewater become an issue from food processors that use salt for curing or pickling. With fresh water scarcity, the use of high salt-content water for toilet flushing is also an option. Research is looking at the impact of salt on wastewater treatment using sand bioreactors</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island</h3><br /> <p><strong>IRIS tubes as indicators of denitrification.</strong> Indicator of Reduction in Soils (IRIS) films are visual sensors used to document weakly or moderately reducing conditions in soils based on the reduction and removal of manganese (Mn)- or iron (Fe)-oxide paints, respectively, from white PVC films. Paint removal is largely assumed to result from anaerobic microbial reduction using metal oxides on the films as electron acceptors. If true, IRIS films could indicate conditions favorable to other biogeochemical processes that occur at similar redox potentials to those facilitating paint removal. Our objective here was to assess the effects of selected abiotic soil properties on IRIS film paint removal to determine whether removal can accurately be attributed to biotic processes alone. Through field deployments and laboratory incubations using IRIS films, we investigated sulfide concentration and dissolved organic matter as two abiotic factors potentially capable of removing paint from Mn IRIS films. Our results showed that sulfide concentrations above a critical threshold cause rapid and extensive abiotic paint removal from Mn films, while ambient concentrations of dissolved organic matter in freshwater wetland porewater does not drive abiotic removal. Furthermore, we found that the visible formation of black iron sulfides on Fe films can be used to detect sulfide concentrations that will remove paint from Mn films. This study suggests that while some abiotic soil properties (e.g., sulfide concentration) can cause paint removal, IRIS films may be a viable tool to proxy biotic process rates where abiotic paint removal can be ruled out.</p><br /> <p><strong>Performance of advanced N-removal onsite wastewater septic systems in Charlestown, RI. </strong>Advanced N-removal OWTS facilitate nitrification and denitrification of wastewater before effluent is applied to the STA. We studied 48 advanced N-removal OWTS (21 year-round use and 27 seasonally-sued) to determine the capacity of 6 different OWTS technologies to meet the RIDEM N standard of 19 mg/L or less, and N removal “ramp up” time for seasonally-used systems. We found that the median TN conc. varied among different OWTS technologies possibly due to differences in treatment train design, however, almost all of the systems were capable of meeting the standard at some point in the study. We also found that certain wastewater properties (ammonium & nitrate) correlated as significant predictors for effluent TN concentrations for all technologies, and temp. & pH served as significant predictors for certain technologies. Home occupancy pattern does not significantly influence effluent TN concentration, suggesting that these systems are capable of withstanding long periods of non-use without compromising performance. Our results suggest that mass N loading is important to adequately assess OWTS’ impact on receiving waters.<strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Assessment of Non-proprietary Passive Nitrogen Removal Septic Systems.</strong> In collaboration with partners in Massachusetts (MASSTC), we conducted experiments to test the N removal potential of layered soil treatment areas (LSTA). These systems promote the sequential nitrification (in a sand layer) and denitrification (in an underlying sand layer mixed with sawdust) as septic tank effluent percolates through the bottomless LSTA to groundwater. We monitored three LSTA for (1) N removal (2) microorganisms involved in N transformations, and (3) greenhouse gas emissions. All LSTA were constructed with a control (conventional) STA beside them filled only with sand and receiving the same wastewater; this design allowed us to make comparisons with a conventional STA like those currently installed in MA. Analysis of the N removing performance data at six homes indicates that the LSTA meet state N regulations in 83% of samples collected, compared to 40% of control samples. We observed no significant differences between GHG emissions from the layered and control STA. We found that the denitrifying microbial community in the sawdust amended layer was unique from those in the nitrification layer and the control STA.</p><br /> <p><strong>Impact of soil water-filled pore space on greenhouse (GHG) gas emissions from drainfield soil.</strong> We examined the impact of WFPS on GHG emissions in soil microcosms receiving septic tank effluent (STE) or effluent from a single-pass sand filter (SFE), with deionized-distilled water (DW) as a control. Incubation of B and C horizon soil for 1 h with DW produced the lowest GHG emissions, which varied little with WFPS. In B and C horizon soil amended with SFE, emissions of N2O increased linearly with increasing WFPS. Emissions of CO2 from soil amended with STE peaked at WFPS of 0.5–0.8, depending on the soil horizon, whereas in soil amended with SFE, the CO2 flux was detectable only in B horizon soil, where it increased with increasing WFPS. Methane emissions were detectable only for STE, with flux increasing linearly with WFPS in C horizon soil, but no clear pattern was observed with WFPS for B horizon soil. Emissions of GHG from soil were not constrained by the lack of organic C availability in SFE, or by the absence of NO3 availability in STE, and addition of acetate or NO3 resulted in lower emissions in a number of instances. Emission of 15N2 and 15N2O from 15NH4 took place within an hour of contact with soil, and production of 15N2 was much higher than 15N2O. 15N2 emissions were greatest at the lowest WFPS value and diminished markedly as WFPS increased, regardless of water type and soil texture. Our results suggest that the fluxes of GHG respond differently to WFPS, depending on water type and soil texture.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p><strong>Drip distribution. </strong>The engineering literature provides very little guidance on the design of drip system design for system that have the specific purpose of year-round effluent application. There are many questions that need to be answered; however, for this project, three specific questions have been formulated. The first is to determine an application rate for clay and silty clay soils that have weak, blocky structure; and the second question is whether there is any difference in the effluent application uniformity between a system that uses drip tubing spaced on two-foot centers versus a system that uses drip tubing placed on three-foot centers. The third question investigates how water moves within the drip tubing after the dose, allowing more water to be emitted from lower portions of the distribution system and creating non-uniform application.</p><br /> <p>For the first question, a pilot-scale drip dispersal system was installed in the Central Basin (Wilson County, TN), in a Bradyville soil series. The pilot-scale drip system was six-foot by six-foot with drip tubing spaced on 12-inch centers. The emitters were spaced on 12-inch centers along the drip tubing, providing 36 emitters within the system. Each emitter was rated for 0.58 gallon per hour. Twelve soil moisture sensors were installed in and around the drip system. Six of these sensors were located within the wetted area – two were placed four inches deep, two were placed eight inches deep and 2 were placed 12 inches deep. The remaining six sensors were placed outside of the wetted area and at the same depths as the first set. All of the soil moisture sensors were connected to a datalogger that took readings every 60 minutes. </p><br /> <p>Water was applied in two, five-minute doses each hour for three days. The application rate was 2.3 gallon per day per square foot (gpd/ft2). The applied water infiltrated the soil with no observed ponding on the soil surface. The soil moisture sensors within the wetted area indicated that the moisture moved through the soil profile. The experiment needs to be replicated with varying climatic conditions before a definitive application rate for this soil can be determined. However, preliminary results indicate that an application rate between 0.1 and 0.2 gpd/ft2 (less than 10% of the measured rate) may be applicable for this soil.</p><br /> <p>The second question addressed by this project investigated the appropriate spacing of the drip tubing within a drip distribution system. An experimental drip system was installed at the Holston Unit of the East Tennessee Research and Education Center. Four sets of three parallel drip tubes were installed in a clay soil. The first set of tubes were installed 24 inches apart, the second set was spaced at 36 inches, the forth was set at 48 inches and the fifth was installed 60 inches apart. Soil moisture sensors (installed 12 and 18 inches below the soil surface) were placed halfway between adjacent laterals to determine if moisture from the drip tubes was reaching the halfway point. Preliminary results indicate that a three-foot drip tubing spacing can provide moisture to the area between the parallel tubes. This investigation is ongoing and will be replicated in different soil types.</p><br /> <p>The third question investigated the hydraulic response of the drip distribution system after a dose. This flow rate was needed in order to model the volume of water that will be produced by the lower emitters during depressurization. An eight-foot vertical standpipe was used to provide water pressure to a single PC emitter. As water moved through the emitter, the water column in the standpipe steadily decreases, lowering the pressure on the emitter. The volumetric flow rate from the emitter was measured as the water column in the standpipe changed from eight to zero feet of head. Results of this investigation strongly suggest that drip dispersal system designers need to work with the drip tubing manufacturers to understand how the system will operate during depressurization. If the drip system is being installed in marginal soils, then the extra water volume produced at the lower end could be sufficient to saturate the soil and allow water to pond on the soil surface. </p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p><strong>Microbial Metabolomics and Genetics Associated with Biodegradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products During Wastewater Treatment.</strong> Our work examines the removal of micropollutants to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. Micropollutants are chemicals that are found at very low concentrations and include household chemicals like pharmaceuticals and personal care products. These chemicals are either washed down the drain or flushed down the toilet and end up as components in wastewater. If these chemicals are not fully degraded by the microorganisms in wastewater treatment systems, they may be released into the environment.</p><br /> <p>To examine this problem, we established cultures using anaerobic digester sludge as a source of microorganisms and supplied the cultures with pharmaceuticals and personal care products that have similar chemical structures. Our studies have shown that these pharmaceutical and personal care products are transformed by the microorganisms into products that are slow to degrade. This is important, because these partial transformation products have not yet been examined for pharmaceutical activity or environmental prevalence. Therefore, the potential toxicity and environmental impact is unknown. Our results provide evidence of metabolites that could be used as targets when screening water samples and biosolids, which are key modes of micropollutant entry into the environment. Ultimately, this leads to a better understanding of micropollutant removal for future improvements to wastewater treatment systems and improved monitoring of water quality.</p><br /> <p>We plan to continue to monitor our enrichment cultures for pharmaceutical biodegradation activity. Cultures will be periodically transferred to fresh media to maintain activity and further enrich for biodegrading populations. We will genetically characterize these enriched microbial communities to gain a better understanding of the types of processes these microorganisms may be involved in. Additionally, we will use genetic biomarkers to determine the presence of the benzoyl-CoA pathway in cultures that show degradation of the aromatic ring. Finally, we will continue to identify biodegradation products.</p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 2 - Examine watershed-level impacts of septic systems on water quality and other environmental parameters in suburban, rural and coastal areas.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>The influence of climate change on OWTS in the coastal zone: Groundwater tables are compromising separation distance for a majority of coastal septic systems.</strong> We investigated how groundwater tables in the southern RI coast impact the separation distance from the drainfield’s infiltrative surface to the groundwater table in near-shore areas using long-term groundwater monitoring wells and ground-penetrating radar surveys of 10 different drainfields. Our results showed that only 20% of systems had adequate separation distance throughout the year, except during unusually large storm events. At least half of the system experienced compromised separation distance at least some of the time over the course of a year, and 30% of systems never have adequate separation distance. In some cases, the groundwater table intercepted the drainfield infiltrative surface, suggesting significant groundwater contamination potential.</p><br /> <p><strong>Modeling effects of storms on septic systems along the southern RI coast.</strong> We developed a simple geospatial model using existing flood maps for different storm recurrence interval probabilities and parcel elevations to predict which septic systems would be affected to what extent by different flood or storm conditions along the southern RI coast. Systems were predicted to face serious (complete replacement required), moderate (minor repairs required to restore function) or ephemeral impacts (no long-term effects), based on proximity to the ocean and parcel elevation. The model was validated using descriptions of system damage during Hurricane Sandy in 2012 in Charlestown and Westerly, RI. During any given storm event approx. 2,000 to 4,000 systems are expected to experience flooding, with damages and repair costs in the aftermath ranging from about $1K to over $30K per system, and additional threats to human and environmental health from pollution by untreated wastewater.</p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 3 – Develop educational materials and tools to acquaint the public and practitioners about management, operation, maintenance and health issues related to OWTS in light of system performance, and the need for adaptation to climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Georgia</h3><br /> <p><strong>A study update from Dr. Gary L. Hawkins (2020).</strong> In Georgia, the following workshops/field days were held: A). Two workshops for homeowners via Zoom (40 attendants), B). A field day for industry, GA Department of Public Health (DPH) personnel and manufacturers (85 attendants). The field day was designed and co-sponsored by the Georgia On-Site Wastewater Association (GOWA). The participants received updates on Georgia Regulations (1.5 hours) and an outdoor portion where DPH personnel and manufacturers explained different parts of OWTS and distribution systems including: pump trucks, ATU units, dosing systems and floats, installation of different Georgia approved distribution systems, and how the different distribution systems operate. There were 85 attendants. Additionally, Dr. Hawkins participated and presented in National Onsite Wastewater and Recycling Association annual meetings, Gwinnett County Septic Systems Workshop and UGA Extension Conference.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>UMN had to make a large change due to COVID 19 and first cancel many classes and then move to an online platform to training over 1,000 septic professionals in Minnesota in over 50 training events and delivered training in numerous other states with over 1,000 attendees. Staff planned and organized the educational program for 2020 annual Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association conference. In addition, staff assisted in organizing and delivering the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association virtual annual conference in 2020.</p><br /> <p>Through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health, the UMN presented education materials to increase the knowledge regarding chemical of emerging concern for those served and managing septic systems both in the classroom and through virtual events. During the reporting period 12 classes offered for homeowners (300 in attendance) and 6 for septic system professionals (500 in attendance).</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p>URI project members published 10 peer-reviewed papers, 3 dissertations, delivered 17 workshops in the region reaching 225 practitioners, decision makers and students. These classes provided continuing education credits needed by practitioners to renew their professional licenses. We provided direct technical assistance to Suffolk Co. Health Dept., NY and RIDEM.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p>As part of PI-Buchanan’s Extension appointment, he has been involved in the training of engineers and installers in the mechanics of subsurface drip dispersal systems. During these training events, he has discussed the potential impacts that climate variability may have on the operation of decentralized wastewater management systems. During this project, Buchanan conducted trainings in Tennessee, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Minnesota, Colorado, Missouri, Indiana, Texas, Ohio, Idaho, Iowa, Alberta, Canada, and Shenzhen, China.</p>Publications
<h3>University of Georgia (UGA)</h3><br /> <p>Capps, K. A., Bateman McDonald, J. M., Gaur, N., & Parsons, R. (2020). Assessing the Socio-Environmental Risk of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems to Inform Management Decisions. <em>Environ Sci Technol</em>, <em>54</em>(23), 14843-14853. doi:<a href="http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c03909">10.1021/acs.est.</a><a href="http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c03909">0c03909</a></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Fox, J., Batzer, D., Franklin, D., & Hawkins, G. (2020). Using macroinvertebrates as indicators of septic system density: an initial review. In <em>National Onsite Wastewater and Recycling Association (NOWRA) annual Meeting</em>. Virtual: NOWRA. Retrieved from <a href="http://www.nowra.org/">http://www.nowra.org/</a>. November 16, 2020. </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p>Conroy, KM, F Chen, OH Tuovinen and KM Mancl. 2020. Effect of sodium chloride concentration on removal of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia from turkey processing wastewater in sand bioreactors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(1):33-37. doi.org/10.13031/aea.13632</p><br /> <p>Mancl, K. 2020. Household Water Use. AEX 420. Ohio State University Extension. AEX-420. <a href="https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/AEX-420">https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/AEX-420</a></p><br /> <p>Liu, K, E Park, KM Mancl, J Lee and OH Tuovinen. 2020. Batch UV disinfection for small flow onsite wastewater treatment. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 36(5):717-725. doi.org/10.13031/aea.13398</p><br /> <p>Guo, YT, K Mancl, and R Moore. 2020. Water quality trading mechanisms enhances willingness to upgrade rural household septic systems in the western Lake Erie basin, northwest Ohio. Journal of Environmental Health. 82(6):8-15.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>Overbo, A., Heger. S., and Gulliver, J. 2020. Evaluation of Chloride Contributions from Major Point and Nonpoint Sources in a Norther U.S. State. Science of the Total Environment 764 (144179).</p><br /> <p>Heger, S. and S. Larson 2019. Assessment of a Minnesota Residential Septic System Affected by Home Hemodialysis. https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/report_final_kidney.pdf</p><br /> <p>Larson, S. and S. Heger. 2020. Wastewater Characteristics Analysis of Coffee and Soda Products. Water Resource Center available online at: https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/coffee_soda_report_final.pdf</p><br /> <p>Larson, S. and S. Heger. 2020. Analysis of Recreation Vehicle Holding Tank Treatment Products. 2020. Water Resources Center available online at: https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/dnr_report_final_approved.pdf</p><br /> <p>Heger, S. and S. Larson 2019. Wastewater Treatment Assessment at Two Minnesota State Parks. https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/dnr_report_final_approved.pdf.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p>Wigginton, S. K., and J. A. Amador. 2020. Soil: Microbial Ecology. In Landscape and Land Capacity, 2nd ed. (Y.Q. Wang, Ed.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.</p><br /> <p>Ross, B. N, S. K. Wigginton, A. H. Cox, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Influence of season, occupancy pattern, and technology on structure and composition of nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities in advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems. Water 12:2413</p><br /> <p>Ross, B. N., K. P. Hoyt, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Effectiveness of advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems in a New England coastal community. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 231(11): 1-10.</p><br /> <p>Ross, B. N., B. V. Lancellotti, E. Q. Brannon, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Greenhouse gas emissions from advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems. Science of the Total Environment <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140399">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140399</a></p><br /> <p>Wigginton, S. K, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Greenhouse gas emissions from lignocellulose-amended soil treatment areas for removal of nitrogen from wastewater. Science of the Total Environment <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140936">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140936</a></p><br /> <p>Wigginton, S. K., E. Q. Brannon, P. J. Kearns , B. V. Lancellotti, A. Cox*, S. Moseman-Valtierra, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Nitrifying and denitrifying microbial communities in centralized and decentralized biological nitrogen removing wastewater treatment systems. Water 12, 1688.</p><br /> <p>Cox, A. H., S. K. Wigginton, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Structure of greenhouse gas- consuming microbial communities in surface soils of a nitrogen-removing experimental drainfield. Science of the Total Environment <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140362">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140362</a></p><br /> <p>Cox, A. H., D. Surabian, G. W. Loomis, J. D. Turenne, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Temporal variability in the vertical separation distance of septic system drainfields along the southern Rhode Island coast. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 231, 107. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-020-04488-z">https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-020-04488-z</a></p><br /> <p>Cox, A. H., M. Dowling, G. W. Loomis, S. E. Engelhart, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Geospatial modeling suggests threats from stormy seas to Rhode Island’s coastal septic systems. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 6(3) <a href="https://doi.org/10.1061/JSWBAY.0000917">https://doi.org/10.1061/JSWBAY.0000917</a></p><br /> <p>Anderson, F. L., J. A. Cooper, and J. A. Amador. 2019. Laboratory-scale evaluation of the effects of water-filled pore space on emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and N2 from soil-based wastewater treatment. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 230:245.</p><br /> <p>Wigginton, S.K. 2020. <a href="https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2180&context=oa_diss">NITROGEN-REMOVING WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS: MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS</a>. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Rhode Island. <a href="https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/oa_diss/1165/">https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/oa_diss/1165/</a></p><br /> <p>Cox, A. H. 2020. Coastal New England septic system drainfields: groundwater table and greenhouse gas cycling dynamics. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Rhode Island https://doi.org/10.23860/diss-cox-alissa-2020</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p>Porter, A.W.<strong>,</strong> S. J. Wolfson, L. Y. Young. 2020. Pharmaceutical transforming microbes from wastewater and natural environments can colonize microplastics. <em>AIMS Environmental Science.</em>7(1):99-116. DOI: 10.3934/environsci.2020006</p><br /> <p><em> </em></p><br /> <p>Porter, A.W., S. J. Wolfson, M. Häggblom, and L. Y. Young. 2020. Microbial transformation of widely used pharmaceutical and personal care product compounds [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. <em>F1000</em> <em>Research</em>. 9 (F1000 Faculty Rev):130. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.21827.1</p>Impact Statements
- [See attachment in Participants Section]
Date of Annual Report: 12/20/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
Sergio Abit – Oklahoma State UniversityJose Amador – University of Rhode Island
John Buchanan – University of Tennessee
Alissa Cox – University of Rhode Island
Daniel Delgaldo – University of South Florida
Kitt Farrell-Poe – University of Arizona
Mussie Habteselassie – University of Georgia
Sara Heger – University of Minnesota
George Loomis – University of Rhode Island
Karen Mancl – Ohio State University
Jenelle Mohammed – University of South Florida
Owen Placido – University of Rhode Island
Abbie Porter – Rutgers University
Matthew Ricker – North Carolina State University
Christopher Shepard – University of Kentucky
Adel Shirmohammadi – University of Maryland
Sara Wigginton – Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center
Lily Young – Rutgers University
Brief Summary of Minutes
University of Georgia – Mussie Habteselassie
Provided an overview of the research projects happening at UGA, relating to loading of contaminats to a lake, digitizing septic systems and developing water resources management plans.
North Carolina State University – Matt Ricker
NCSU presented an overview of the ongoing research relating to digitizing septic systems and quantifying effects of climate change
Sergio Abit – Oklahoma State University
University of Tennessee – John Buchanan
The University of Tennessee reported on new funding that had been awarded to evaluate the nitrogen balance used by the state of Tennessee. This model is used to determine the hydraulic loading community-scale of drip dispersal sites such to ensure that a drinking water well near the site would be exceed the standards for nitrate. With this funding, the group will attempt to monitor nitrogen movement and transformation under two active dispersal areas. One particular focus will be to determine if sufficient organic carbon remains in the soil to drive the denitrification process.
University of Arizona – Kitt Farrell-Poe
Presented overview of online training and new undergraduate course relating to onsite wastewater treatment systems.
Ohio State University – Karen Mancl
Presented a new online course of study to instruct sanitarians and other onsite wastewater professionals to act as a soil practitioner to assess sites for onsite wastewater treatment and assist soil scientists in site evaluations. Eighteen (18) hours of on-line instruction was developed in three segments: soil depth and vertical separation distance, soils in the landscape, and water and soils.
University of Minnesota – Sara Heger
The University of Minnesota (UMN) provide and overview of the current staff and programs. Highlights include educating over 100 septic system professionals and 100 homeowners on chemicals of emerging concern, develop a spray operator manual and new college course. Research activities focus on evaluating groundwater mounding and the treatment of CECS. In addition, 2 full scale pilot systems for treatment of salt wash down water were installed and tested. The UMN also lead efforts to complete a survey from across the US to identify research needs in the industry.
Rutgers University – Abbie Porter & Lily Young
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products are emerging contaminants that enter the environment through incomplete removal during the wastewater treatment process. We established enrichment cultures with anaerobic digester sludge to grow pharmaceutical degrading microbes in the laboratory and identify transformation products. We have two undergraduates engaged in research projects. We have developed course materials based on our research to use in Environmental and Pollution Microbiology. Dr. Porter has created a new lab activity for Environmental Microbiology Lab in which students are evaluating the extent to which a personal care product can be degraded by soil microbes. Further work will be done to examine the microbial communities involved in pharmaceutical transformation and identify additional biochemical or genetic biomarkers for pharmaceutical metabolism.
University of South Florida – Daniel Delgado & Jenelle Mohammed
USF gave an overview of nitrifying biofilter research for saline wastewater.
University of Rhode Island – Jose Amador & Alissa Cox & George Loomis & Owen Placido
Presented research findings on N-reducing soil treatment areas piloted in Barnstable County, MA and described efforts to pilot similar systems in Charlestown, RI. Owen Placido presented Master’s research project goals to monitor performance of layered soil treatment areas installed in Charlestown, RI for N-reduction performance and contaminants of emerging concern. Provided an overview of New England Onsite Wastewater Training Program activities.
Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (MASSTC) – Sara Wigginton
Gave an overview of the types of activities the MASSTC has going on, including testing new advanced treatment technologies, piloting other novel wastewater-related technologies (e.g. EPA-sponsored nitrogen sensor challenge) and collaborations/advising communities on advanced onsite wastewater infrastructure.
<h2>Project Objective 1 - Improve our understanding of the interactions among wastewater, soils, biogeochemical cycles and processes and treatment performance (contaminant removal) of existing and novel wastewater treatment technologies in different geographic regions and landscapes over time and considering climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Treatment of seawater salinity sewage.</strong> In water stressed areas, flush toilets using fresh water are unsustainable. Research explored the ability of intermittent sand bioreactors (ISBs) to treat seawater salinity septic tank effluent for on-site wastewater treatment in coastal regions. Two ISB designs, sand only and layered sand and gravel, are compared for treatment efficacy. Six columns of each design were constructed in the laboratory and dosed four times per day, for a total hydraulic loading rate of 4 cm/day, with artificial seawater salinity septic tank effluent over 21 months. Average TOC and ammonia removal for both designs averaged >90% and >96%, respectively. No statistically significant difference existed in the percent removal or effluent concentrations between the two designs. Half of the columns of each design produced effluent with >4 mg/L ammonia at least once during the study, resulting in discontinuation of wastewater application for seven weeks. This resting approach resulted in effective treatment for up to 9 months (limited by the end of the study). The results indicate that both ISB designs can treat artificial seawater salinity septic tank effluent, but that an additional 1/3 capacity is needed to maintain a consistent hydraulic loading rate while accounting for resting ISBs when treatment efficacy declines.</p><br /> <h3>North Carolina State University (NCSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Understanding spatial relationships among existing on-site systems, soil types, and coastal zone flooding. </strong>Coastal soils in North Carolina are highly variable, ranging from excessively drained sands to very poorly drained organic soils. Therefore, not all permitted on-site systems will have the same response to flooding due to sea level rise over the next century. Change in mean sea level height will disproportionately impact low-lying areas and septic systems with higher seasonal water tables. A major limitation to our current ability to plan for sea level rise is lack of site-specific soils data. There is currently a great need to augment our existing soils information for planning purposes. One major data product currently not available to the public is the Soil Survey of the Outer Banks, North Carolina, Part II, Soil Maps. This soil survey was completed in 1977 and includes soil maps completed at 1:12,000 scale that have never been digitized. These data could be extremely useful for comparison with our contemporary 1:20,000 soil surveys for land planning purposes that require more site-specific soils information.</p><br /> <p>In 2021, we have manually scanned paper maps at high resolution (600 DPI) and create georeferenced TIF files of all maps from the Outer Banks Soil Survey for use in GIS (total 384 maps within 8 coastal counties). Using these data, we have begun to quantify shoreline location change and soil map unit composition between the 1977 and 2021 soil survey information to understand changes in properties related to on-site system performance. In addition, we have also collected raw LiDAR data (4 TB total size) from all coastal counties in NC (n = 17) for further evaluation of ground water and sea level rise projections relative to on-site system locations. Project non-thesis Master of Soil Science (MR) student Sarah Jordan successfully completed her project requirements and graduated in May, 2021.</p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the transport of nutrients applied to soil</strong> is ongoing. The amount of phosphorus applied to crop land that leached below the rootzone has been correlated to precipitation intensity, soil type, soil horizon, and quantity of nutrient applied. Much progress has been made on formulating the model and streamlining the input of data.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>The UMN is evaluating water tables and groundwater mounding at 25 existing systems with automated water level recorders year- round. This data is being used to evaluating what level of vertical separation to a periodically saturated condition is maintained at each of these sites; and does the groundwater below these systems mound up either during high wastewater discharge times or wet climatic periods.</p><br /> <p>Chemicals of emerging concern (CEC) sampling is occurring at three highway safety rest areas and a land application site to determine design parameters affecting treatment. Samples were collected prior to soil treatment, in the soil itself beneath the systems and in monitoring wells and evaluated for CECs. The water samples were also analyzed for general wastewater contaminants. The work will continue for 1 more year.</p><br /> <p>The UMN evaluated the performance of two moving bed bioreactors for the treatment of high chloride wastewater for the purpose of reuse.</p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p>We are monitoring pharmaceutical biodegradation activity in enrichment cultures to understand the biodegradation potential of household pollutants under anoxic conditions, including municipal waste treatment systems and freshwater environments. Our next steps are to genetically characterize the microbial community that is responsible for pharmaceutical biotransformation and evaluate the presence of genetic markers that indicate biogeochemical cycling of carbon by these organisms.</p><br /> <h3>University of South Florida (USF)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Passive Nitrifying Biofilters for Onsite Treatment of Saline Domestic Wastewater (Daniel Delgado, Sarina J. Ergas, Maya Trotz).</strong> A solution to water scarcity issues that is used in many coastal communities is to use seawater for toilet flushing. However, the production of saline wastewater from these systems presents a challenge to onsite wastewater nutrient removal systems. This project is evaluating the performance of passive biological nitrogen removal systems for treatment of saline domestic wastewater. Two laboratory-scale systems were set up side-by-side in the laboratory to treat saline and non-saline wastewaters. Each system consisted of a septic tank, unsaturated biofilter containing lightweight expanded clay aggregate media to promote nitrification and a downflow submerged biofilter containing sulfur pellets and sugarcane bagasse to promote denitrification. Oyster shells are included in both stages as a slow release alkalinity source. Research is ongoing, but preliminary results show excellent BOD, suspended solids, and total nitrogen removal in both freshwater and saline systems. </p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Mesocosm– and Field–Scale Evaluation of Lignocellulose–Amended Soil Treatment Areas</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>for Removal of Nitrogen from Wastewater. </strong>Non–proprietary N–removal onsite wastewater treatment systems are less costly than proprietary systems, increasing the likelihood of adoption to lower N inputs to receiving waters. We assessed the capacity of non–proprietary lignocellulose–amended soil treatment areas (LSTAs)—a 45–cm–deep layer of sand above a 45–cm–deep layer of sand and sawdust—to lower the concentration of total N (TN) in septic tank effluent (STE) at mesocosm and field scales. The work was done in collaboration with the Barnstable County (Massachusetts) Dept. of Health and Environment and funded by a grant from the US EPA Southeast New England Program. The mesocosm received wastewater for two years and had a median effluent TN concentration of 3.1 mg/L and TN removal of 60–100%, meeting regulatory standards of 19 mg/L or 50% removal. Removal varied inversely with temperature, and was lower below 10<sup>o</sup>C. Removal was higher in the mesocosm than in five field sites monitored for 12–42 months. Median effluent TN concentration and removal met the standard in three continuously–occupied homes but not for two seasonally–occupied homes. Sites differed in temporal pattern of TN removal, and in four of five sites TN removal was greater—and effluent TN concentration lower—in the LSTA than in a control STA containing only sand. The performance of non–proprietary LSTAs was comparable to that for proprietary systems, suggesting that these may be a viable, more affordable alternative for lowering N inputs to receiving waters.</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>N-reducing Layered Soil Treatment Areas (LSTAs).</strong> In collaboration with the Town of Charlestown, RI, the research group at URI successfully obtained regulatory approval from the RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) to pilot a novel non-proprietary low-cost drainfield option designed to reduce nitrogen from septic tank effluent at up to 10 sites in Charlestown RI. These experimental LSTAs facilitate sequential nitrification (in a sand layer) and denitrification (in a sand layer mixed with sawdust) as septic tank effluent percolates through the layered system, into the underlying native soil and ultimately into groundwater. This effort is funded in part by tax revenues from the Town of Charlestown, as well as components of competitive multi-year grants obtained from the National Estuary Program awarded to Suffolk County (NY), Town of Charlestown (RI) and URI in October 2020) and the USEPA Region 1 Southeast New England Program’s Pilot Watershed Initiative awarded to the Town of Charlestown, URI and other partners in September 2021). These N-reducing layered soil treatment area (LSTA) systems will be installed in Nitrogen-sensitive portions of the coastal watersheds in Charlestown, RI to replace substandard or failing conventional septic systems. At least four systems are scheduled to be installed in the spring of 2022, with additional systems going into the ground over the summer of 2022 as time and funds allow. Each system will be sampled monthly for common wastewater quality parameters to determine nitrogen-removal performance. If time and funds allow, we also hope to analyze and compare these systems’ ability to treat or remove contaminants of emerging concern (e.g. PFAS, pharmaceuticals) and compare their performance to proprietary advanced wastewater treatment systems. If performance data are favorable, these systems may become approved technologies in RI and offer a lower-cost alternative to more expensive proprietary technologies required in Nitrogen-sensitive watersheds, reducing the cost burden on homeowners while protecting public and environmental health.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p>Using new funding, we are evaluating the effect of climate change on a nitrogen balance used by the state of Tennessee to regulate small community drip dispersal systems. As written, the precipitation input is based on monthly, 5-year return period storm event and assumes 100% infiltration. In the southeast, the apparent affect of climate change seems to be a greater number of high intensity, short duration rainfall events. We intend to evaluate how this changing rainfall pattern will effect the determination of a 5-year storm and how the precipitation will effect the dilution of the nitrogen content in the soil.</p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 2 - Examine watershed-level impacts of septic systems on water quality and other environmental parameters in suburban, rural and coastal areas.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Georgia</h3><br /> <p><strong>Evaluation of nutrient and bacteria transport from shoreline OWTS to Lake Lanier in GA (2021, Dr. David Radcliffe).</strong> The study to determine if shoreline OWTS on Lake Lanier, the drinking water source for much of Metro Atlanta, contribute N, P, or E. coli to the lake is on its second year. The monitoring of groundwater wells along the shoreline at 7 home sites that vary in age of system, distance from the drainfield to the lake, and annual water use is continuing. Previously, a HYDRUS hillslope model that accurately predicts the Cl and N concentrations at one of the home sites was developed. Results so far indicate nitrate is between 4 to 6 mg/L range at homes with distances less than about 70 m. Concentrations of total P are below 0.1 mg/L and we have found no evidence of E. coli. This project is in its final phase. Full report is expected to be released in in 2022 upon approval by the funding source (Gwinnett Country, GA) that has largely limited sharing of results before the project ends.</p><br /> <p><strong>Developing An ArcGIS toolbox for Automating Digitization of Septic Systems (2021; Dr. Nandita Gaur).</strong> While septic systems are often cited as a potential source of contamination of water bodies, counties seldom have digitized information on septic system location and ages. As such, this project's objective is to develop an automated system based on GIS and Remote sensing to populate such a database for Jackson County, GA. The project is in its second year and, we will report results in the future as more progress is made.</p><br /> <p><strong>Pike County Plans for the Future by building on the Upper Flint Regional Water Plan (2021; Drs. E. Bauske and M. Habteselassie).</strong> This is a new project that started in 2021 with funding from GA Environmental Protection Division. The objective is to develop a 30-year water resources management plan that ensures the water welfare and needs of Pike County are met in a way that is fully supportive of the Upper Flint Regional Water Plan. The plan is to work with a consulting company and Pike Water Planning Committee that include members representing all the cities in County. The plan will project future demands for water, wastewater treatment, and septage handling, recommend best alternatives, and establishes preliminary cost-estimates. It will also take inventory of the existing facilities and their performances, including septic systems. The County is mainly rural and heavily dependent on septic systems for wastewater treatment and disposal. So far, we have hired a consulting company that has started gathering the relevant information from the County on existing facilities to digitize them.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p>Land treatment of food processing wastewater can irrigate a crop, provide nutrients, recharge aquifers, reduce energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save resources. However, when excessive carbon is land applied, the soil becomes anaerobic and several metals become mobile when reduced. MSU has a long-term research project entailing soil monitoring at a wastewater irrigation site used by a major food processor. This system remotely monitors soil oxygen, temperature, and moisture levels. There are also over 40 water monitoring wells that provide parameters that are correlated to sensor readings. Results show that the control of hydraulic and organic loadings prevent metal mobilization. However, with higher levels of oxygen in the soil, nitrate release may occur as denitrification is inhibited. Cover crops research at this site has been initiated to control nitrogen. The emphasis is on selecting the most suitable plants as maintaining cover crops in the wet soil can be challenging.</p><br /> <p>An additional laboratory study is examining the impact of fertilizer types on the movement of nutrients. Various wastewater biosolid’s management are practices are being examined, including dewatering, digestion, pelletizing, and torrefying. The impact of the nutrient form is also being correlated to the soil microbial community. All laboratory column testing and nutrient analyses are complete. Microbial community evaluations are ongoing.</p><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Bacterial Movement in Subsurface Soil during Winter Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater.</strong> Processes to remove and inactivate Escherichia coli from wastewater effluents and drainage are complex and interrelated. The objective of this study was to determine if irrigation of undisinfected wastewater effluents in the winter moves bacteria to surface water through subsurface drainage, posing a public health risk. The central Ohio study site, an open meadow constructed in the 1970s, is irrigated with lagoon effluents each summer. The irrigated area has subsurface drainage that collects for discharge in one spot. Undisinfected wastewater from a stabilization pond was irrigated for the first time in the winter of 2013/2014. E. coli was measured in the subsurface discharge during the irrigated winter season and compared to the non-irrigated previous winter season. Soil temperature and moisture were also monitored. E. coli moved to subsurface drains when the water table was above the drain. E. coli also moved to subsurface drains when the shallow soil temperature dropped to near freezing. With less winter sunlight and minimal evapotranspiration, the soil stayed moist near field capacity. Temperature appears to be the most important factor in limiting natural inactivation in subsurface soil and allowing the movement of E. coli in undisinfected wastewater effluents to the subsurface drainage systems. The results show that winter reuse of undisinfected wastewater does pose a public health risk to surface water through subsurface drainage. Therefore, disinfection of wastewater effluents used for irrigation is strongly recommended</p><br /> <h3>University of South Florida (USF)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Assessment of Water Quality Improvement from Septic to Sewerage Conversions (Jenelle Mohamed, Sarina J. Ergas, and Mahmood Nachabe). </strong>A number of Florida counties and municipalities have initiated OSTDS conversion to sewerage projects, with the goal of improving surface water quality. However, the effect of these programs on water quality is difficult to quantify because nutrients result from numerous sources, thus masking the specific impact of OSTDS conversions. This study investigated whether water quality improved in a small urban watershed after connecting OSTDS to central sewers. Red Bug Slough (RBS), a 3 square mile sub-basin in Sarasota County, Florida was selected for this analysis due to the large number of OSTDS conversions carried out within the catchment (528 total). RBS also had a long record of water quality data (15+ years) from a 2.8-mile creek that bisects the catchment. Importantly, confounding factors were minimal, as land uses and fertilizer policies were stable throughout the study period. Therefore, water quality changes were likely attributed to OSTDS conversions.</p><br /> <p>OSTDS abandonment permits granted between 2005 and 2020 were obtained from FDOH in Sarasota County. Water quality data were obtained from Sarasota County Coastal Creeks and FDEP, including total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonia, NOx, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations. Data sets were organized into pre- (Jan. 2005-July 2010) and post-conversion (Aug. 2010-Dec. 2020) periods. A baseline concentration was also established for each water quality parameter based on a 1.5 year period (6 months prior to conversion initiation and 1 year after). A lag period was estimated for each OSTDS conversion based on its proximity to RBS and the surficial aquifer velocity. Concentrations deficits from the baseline were calculated for the post-conversion era and regressed against the cumulative number of conversions considering the lag period.</p><br /> <p>Ammonia and NOx concentrations decreased by ~ 50% during the post-conversion period; however, regression statistics predicted that only 18% of TN deficit and 7% of TP deficit were due to OSTDS conversions. Based on the water yield of the RBS sub-basin, the estimated mass load reductions for TN and TP were 58 kg-TN/year and 23.1 kg-TP/year, respectively. Assuming an initial load of 7.34x10<sup>4</sup> kg-TN/year and 2.8x10<sup>4</sup> kg-TP/year from all OSTDS discharging to the shallow groundwater in the watershed, only 0.08% of TN and 0.2% of TP loads were reduced. OSTDS conversion programs should be considered in areas where conditions significantly inhibit effective OSTDS treatment such as high OSTDS densities, close proximity to receiving waters and shallow water table depths.</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Groundwater Tables along the southern RI Coast. </strong>We continue to collect long-term groundwater table elevation data from sites along the southern RI coast in proximity to coastal waterbodies. Three more wells were installed in collaboration with the Weekapaug Foundation for Conservation (Westerly, RI). These data will help us understand how groundwater table elevations vary among seasons and how groundwater table changes in response to storm or extreme tide events scale across the southern RI coast. Next steps are to conduct soil profile descriptions to determine whether redoximorphic characteristics in sandy soils offer reasonable estimates of the seasonal high groundwater table for septic system design purposes, and whether regulations on the design of septic systems in coastal regions adequately ensure robust system design that is resilient to climate change.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 3 – Develop educational materials and tools to acquaint the public and practitioners about management, operation, maintenance and health issues related to OWTS in light of system performance, and the need for adaptation to climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Arizona</h3><br /> <p>As an Extension Specialist (outreach professional), I education and train onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) practitioners in the soil and site evaluation, design, installation, operation and management, and inspection of onsite wastewater treatment systems, and inform homeowners and users of onsite wastewater treatment systems how to better manage their systems to prolong their useful life while protecting human health and the environment. This is done through formal training classes (1 to 2 days each) and informal seminars for homeowners. Exit surveys are conducted to obtain knowledge gained for the homeowners. Exams are given in several of the trainings for practitioners.</p><br /> <p>Target Audience: OWTS Practitioners</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Short-term Outcomes: Creation of jobs, more knowledgeable and competent practitioners, protection of human health and the environment</li><br /> <li>Outputs: information, publications</li><br /> <li>Activities: training classes, website maintenance</li><br /> <li>Milestones: training 200 OWTS per year about the proper site evaluation, design, installation, and operation and maintenance of OWTS to protect human health and the environment</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Target Audience: Homeowners</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Short-term Outcomes: Reduce cost to the homeowner, protection of human health and the environment</li><br /> <li>Outputs: information, publications</li><br /> <li>Activities: Informal seminars, website maintenance, answering questions</li><br /> <li>Milestones: 1 homeowner seminar per year to protect their investment and to protect human health and the environment</li><br /> </ul><br /> <h3>University of Georgia</h3><br /> <p>1). Participation in the Athens Water Festival. In the UGA Water Resources tent we displayed a) what items should and should not be flushed through the use of an educational game (image below), b) we demonstrated how a septic system works with a model septic and distribution system (image below), c) we demonstrated how different paper products (i.e. toilet paper, flushable wipes, facial tissue, and paper towels) breakdown when stirred and, d) we had some distribution system components available to show water festival participants.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>2). A freshman seminar class at the University of Georgia was started in Fall2021. The class was titled “The three “S”s of Water Resource Management. The three “S”s were Erosion and Sedimentation Stormwater and On-Site Sewage Management. As part of the class for the On-Site Sewage Management section I took in “Poop” emoji cupcakes and lemonade.</p><br /> <p>3). We participated in SepticSmart week 2021 by posting videos that went along with the topics suggested by the EPA. The videos can be seen at https://site.extension.uga.edu/water/on-site-waste-treatment/</p><br /> <p>4). A PowerPoint presentation produced was distributed to 6 County Extension Agents who then presented septic basics to their communities.</p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p>The Michigan State University Extension Onsite Wastewater Education Program continues. The program includes homeowner and professional education. The advantage of onsite systems regarding energy savings is included.</p><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Online training for soil and site evaluation.</strong> Ohio regulations require the soil evaluation work be done by either a certified soil scientist or a registered sanitarian. However, sanitarians receive no soils training. With a shortage in the number of qualified soil scientists, the state regulations have caused unprepared sanitarians to conduct site and soil evaluations. Sanitarians are asking for training opportunities. The goal of this course of study was not to try to replace the certified soil scientist, but rather it is to instruct sanitarians and other onsite wastewater professionals to act as a soil practitioner to assess sites for onsite wastewater treatment and assist soil scientists in site evaluations. Eighteen (18) hours of on-line instruction was developed in three segments: soil depth and vertical separation distance, soils in the landscape, and water and soils. After a pilot offering to three sanitarians and one contractor in 2019 the course was offered the summer of 2021. Ten sanitarians enrolled and completed the first segment and one completed all three segments. Students watch videos, read text material and journal articles and complete assignments and quizzes. The online soil course is filling an important training gap for sanitarians.</p><br /> <h3>University of Kentucky (UKY)</h3><br /> <p>The University of Kentucky offered three public training courses on the evaluation of sites and soils for on-site waste management systems. The course is primarily attended by Registered Sanitarians and other public health workers. The course is a 4 day course that covers basic geomorphological and soil descriptions, hydrologic functioning of soils, and in-field experience describing soil profiles. Trainings were offered in October 2020, March 2021, and July 2021. A total of 20 participants completed the trainings this year.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>UMN training program continued to evolve due to the pandemic with both in person and virtual events being held training over 1,000 septic system professional on the design, inspection, installation and service of septic systems. Staff planned and organized the educational program for 2021 virtual annual Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association conference. In addition, staff assisted in organizing and delivering the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association virtual annual conference in 2021.</p><br /> <p>Through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health, the UMN presented education materials to increase the knowledge regarding chemical of emerging concern for those served and managing septic systems both in the classroom and through virtual events. A report was published document this successful project. </p><br /> <p>A new upper level college course was thought for the first time with 21 student taking Sustainable Waste Management Engineering.</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Redesigned New England Onsite Wastewater Training Program Website.</strong> We redesigned the program’s website (uri.edu/owt/) to be more user-friendly, with explicit sections for professionals and homeowners. The homeowner section includes new content (videos, photos, descriptions) and links to and content from the USEPA to help end users of septic systems better understand this critical water treatment infrastructure in terms of function, best practices and operation and maintenance requirements. Next steps are to host in-person homeowner workshops at the wastewater training center at URI to give homeowners opportunities to see and learn about these systems using the demonstration systems at the center.</p><br /> <p><strong>Updated training content for wastewater professionals.</strong> We have revised many of our training courses to incorporate recent research findings on system performance, vulnerability to climate change and to engage in fruitful discussions with professionals on how to design, install and maintain systems that are robust and resilient in terms of both wastewater treatment performance and long-term susceptibility to changes in groundwater tables, precipitation and coastal hazards (e.g. sea level rise, storms). To hold one of our most important classes of the year, Vendor Field Day, while still observing best practices in terms of COVID-19 exposure mitigation, we redesigned the training to incorporated rotating small groups of professionals to interact with vendors and our program staff at eight stations throughout the day. This design was very effective in increasing participant engagement and led to more meaningful questions and discussions among participants and vendors, and was very well-received by all who attended. We plan to offer more courses in this modality in the future, as appropriate, and incorporate successful elements of this approach into future offerings. We continue to offer in-person and virtual training opportunities, and plan to convert some of our more frequently offered prerequisite courses required to fulfill certain licensing categories into self-paced online modules.</p><br /> <p><strong>Changes to infrastructure and use of the New England Onsite Wastewater Training Center Facility. </strong>With the help of a dozen volunteers who contributed a combined 53 volunteer hours we created a new access point to the wastewater training facility at URI, which allows participants to enter the training center directly from a public access point instead of traversing an actively grazed livestock pasture. Efforts are underway to redesign parts of the center to create a better outdoor learning space to host training workshops for professionals, students, homeowners and other members of the public. We are collaborating with landscape architects and other professionals to develop plans and proposals to allow the training center to serve as a model of low-impact development and green infrastructure components. Collaborations with faculty from other departments at URI are underway to facilitate undergraduate student engagement in the training center, with roughly 400 students scheduled on various field trips at the center in the next year. We hope to incorporate students into homeowner events as well, to provide students the opportunity to engage with members of the public and develop both technical knowledge of onsite wastewater treatment as well as important communication skills.</p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p>Our work examines the removal of household contaminants, including pharmaceutical and personal care products, to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. The laboratory research is assisted by two undergraduates, who are gaining valuable experience in maintaining the microorganisms and measuring pharmaceuticals. We teach undergraduate and graduate students that are majoring in Environmental Science and will be future wastewater treatment professionals. We have incorporated our recent findings into the curriculum for our Environmental and Pollution Microbiology course. Dr. Porter created a lab module for Environmental Microbiology Lab that gives students experience measuring these contaminants.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p>On March 10, 2021, John Buchanan delivered a workshop for Extension Agents on Water Well Construction and Maintenance. The agents were given a copy of the powerpoint presentation to modify for use in their counties.</p><br /> <p>On May 20, 2021, John Buchanan delivered a workshop for Extension Agents on Septic System Management and Maintenance. The agents were given a copy of the powerpoint presentation to modify for use in their own counties.</p><br /> <p>Tennessee has seen a tremendous influx of new residences. New housing has been limited only by the ability of contractors to secure lumber and other supplies. Most of these new homes are on municipal systems, there are still many that are not. The Tennessee team is in the process of developing new Extension bulletins for new (and existing) homeowners on septic systems.</p>Publications
<h3>University of Georgia (UGA)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Publications:</strong></p><br /> <p>Capps, K., Gaur, N, Callahan, T., Orrego, A., Bloyer, D., Higgs, K., and Johnson, D. 2021. Disparities between the demand for on-site wastewater treatment systems and treatment options for septage. EST Water 1:2251-2258.</p><br /> <p><strong>Presentations:</strong></p><br /> <p>Capps, K. 2021: Piled high and getting deeper: imbalances in the demand for septic systems and the ability to treat septage. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. Online. May 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mSsR-qGK0c</p><br /> <p>Capps, K., 2021. Engagement of individual stakeholders enhances understanding of community water infrastructure. Georgia Water Resources Conference. Online. Oral Presentation. March 22-23, 2021.</p><br /> <p>Connelly, K., Gaur, N., McDonald, J., Capps, K. Assessing relationships between patterns of septic tank maintenance and environmental variables in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. Online. May 2021</p><br /> <p>Scott, C., Capps, K., Gaur, N., Gordon, J. and Abney, R. Characteristics of septic leach field soils impact on urban tree health. SSSA Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT. Nov 2021.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>Heger, S. and S. Larson 2021. Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Septic System and Private Well Education and Well Testing. https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/mdh_umn_well_and_septic_report_2021_1.pdf</p><br /> <p>Koski, B. and S. Heger 2021. MnDOT Truck Wash Water Reuse for Brine Production. https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/umn_brine_reuse_report_final.pdf</p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p>Hauda, J. K., Safferman, S. I., & Ghane, E. (2020). Adsorption Media for the Removal of Soluble Phosphorus from Subsurface Drainage Water. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(20), 7693. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17207693.</p><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p>Conroy, K and K Mancl. 2021. Treatment of seawater salinity sewage with intermittent sand bioreactors. <em>Water Science and Technology</em>. DOI 10.2166/wst.2021.423</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Ding, G, K Mancl, J Lee and OH Tuovinen. 2021. Bacterial movement in subsurface soil during winter irrigation of reclaimed wastewater. <em>Sustainability</em>. 13:1-10. Doi.org/10.3390/su13179594</li><br /> <li>Mancl. K, T De Victoria and B Slater. 2021. Online training for soil and site evaluation. <em>Proceedings National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Conference</em>. San Marcos, TX Oct. 19, 2021. 7 pages. https://www.nowra.org/Customer-Content/www/CMS/files/Paper_Mancl_NOWRA2021_Online_training.pdf</li><br /> <li>Mancl, K. and R. Kopp. 2021. Low-cost treatment of food processing wastewater. OSU Extension Fact Sheet AEX-771. The Ohio State University. 7 pages. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/aex-771</li><br /> </ul><br /> <h3>University of South Florida (USF)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Presentations:</strong></p><br /> <p>Ergas, S.J. (2021) Passive Onsite Wastewater Nutrient Removal, Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) West Coast Annual Roundtable Luncheon, Tampa, FL, April 29, 2021.</p><br /> <p><strong>Publications</strong>:</p><br /> <p>Mohammed, J., Nachabe, M., Ergas, S.J. (2021) <em>Impact of the Removal of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS) on Surface Water Quality</em>, Final Report to Florida Department of Health, Nov. 21, 2021.</p><br /> <p>Mohammed, J. (2021) <em>An Assessment of Nutrient Improvement in Surface Water Due to the Conversion of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems to Sewerage</em>, MS Thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida. </p><br /> <p>Mohammed, J., Ergas, S.J., Nachabe, M. (2021) Assessment of Water Quality Improvement from Septic to Sewerage Conversions, <em>Florida Water Resources Journal</em>, in review. </p><br /> <p>Delgado, D.A. (2021) <em>Passive Nitrifying Biofilters for Onsite Treatment of Saline Domestic Wastewater</em>, MS Thesis, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida. </p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p>Cox, A.H. & G. W. Loomis. (2021). “Silver linings of the COVID era: structured rotating small-group approach improved engagement in outdoor technical education.” Manuscript in review at <em>Journal of Extension.</em></p><br /> <p>Ergas, S., J. Amador, T. Boyer, and E. Friedler. 2021. Special Collection Announcement: Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems. <em>Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment</em> 7 (3) 02021001.</p><br /> <p>Görres, J. H., and J. A. Amador. 2021. Fauna. In Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology, 3rd ed. (T. J. Gentry et al., Eds.), p. 181-212. Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ.</p><br /> <p>Ross, B. N., K. P. Hoyt, G. W. Loomis, and J. A. Amador. 2020. Effectiveness of advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems in a New England coastal community. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 231(11): 1-10.</p><br /> <p>Wigginton, S., J. Amador, B. Baumgaertel, G. Loomis, and G. Heufelder. 2021. Mesocosm- and field-scale evaluation of lignocellulose-amended soil treatment areas for removal of nitrogen from wastewater. <em>Water</em> 13 (15), 2137 https://doi.org/10.3390/w13152137 </p>Impact Statements
- Impact – Influencing OWTS designs University of Rhode Island (URI) The URI team delivered five design related training classes reaching 68 practitioners. One class focused on new design guidelines to create greater separation distances from drainfield bases to groundwater tables, which results in dispersal of wastewater into more biochemically reactive soils, reducing the potential impacts of climate change. Based on research findings from a partnership with Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center, the Town of Charlestown in collaboration with URI NEOWTP and LSEM are planning to conduct experiments to test the nitrogen removal potential of new layered soil treatment areas (LSTA) in Charlestown, RI. These experimental LSTAs facilitate sequential nitrification (in a sand layer) and denitrification (in a sand layer mixed with sawdust) as septic tank effluent percolates through the layered system, into the underlying native soil and ultimately into groundwater. These layered systems are designed to be a relatively small footprint, passive (low energy consuming), and cost-effective non-proprietary system for removing nitrogen in N-sensitive watersheds. Our project team received regulatory approval to install up to 10 systems in Charlestown RI, and presented two workshops on their design and function to 12 regulators and 17 practitioners. Impact – Homeowners and/or Practitioners trained and professional licenses maintained University of Arizona 1) 238 professionals know how to inspect an onsite wastewater treatment system for the Arizona Transfer of Ownership Inspection Program. Without taking this course, these professionals would not have been eligible to participate as an inspector for the statewide program. Thus, 238 professionals either expanded their business model or were able to continue conducting business in this area. An exam is required to demonstrate knowledge. (2) 65 practitioners (both regulators and in-the-field professionals) know more about conducting soil and site evaluations for onsite wastewater treatment systems and can use the Arizona code to conduct the evaluations. Without attending this class, these practitioners would not be able to conduct these evaluations as part of their jobs. An exam, that includes both a written portion and a practicum, is required to demonstrate knowledge and the ability to texture and color a sample of soil. (3) 40 practitioners have increased knowledge for designing residential, gravity-distributed septic systems using Arizona rules. This class is not required by Arizona law, so those attending really want to learn best practices. (4) 29 practitioners (both regulators and in-the-field professionals) have increased knowledge about designing systems using pressure distribution and pumps. The course covered installation, inspection and operation and maintenance issues regarding pumps. This class is not required by Arizona law, so those attending are interested in improving their life-long skills. (5) 25 septic-system owners have a better understanding of their septic systems and the management needed to extend the life of their system. Conventional septic systems in Arizona have typically cost around $5000, but newer construction is happening on more marginal land and costs are increasing to $15,000-$20,000 for a standard system. Knowing how to take care of their septic system can save the homeowners at least that much. (6) 58 contacts in UA Extension, Arizona County Health Departments, and ADEQ received timely educational materials from ACE Onsite Wastewater Education Program and are more aware of the services that the program can and does provide. University of Kentucky (UKY) Over 40% of households in Kentucky have an on-site waste management system. Failing systems due to improper site locations, soil conditions, or poor management are a major contributor to pollution in Kentucky water ways. Ensuring that evaluators at our local health department and districts are properly trained in evaluating sites and soils for these systems has significant long term benefits for reducing this non-point source of pollution. Michigan State University (MSU) The modeling research correlating the loss of phosphorus from the rootzone into tile drains to storm event, soil type, soil horizon, and quantity of nutrient applied has uncovered several trends. These trends are currently being organized into a manuscript, including a qualitative index for farmers to gain an understanding of field site-specific nutrient holding capacity. During the reporting period, the team upgraded the soil remote monitoring clusters at the food processing wastewater irrigation site, which were using 10-year-old technology. The site also received a new groundwater discharge permit, indicating the success of the monitoring system in demonstrating regulatory compliance and environmental protection. There were 38 participants in the 16-hour online training module for practitioners during the project period. Participants receive State continuing education credits for completing the class. Ohio State University 11 county sanitarians trained to conduct site and soil evaluations for onsite wastewater treatment. 100 engineers trained on low-cost wastewater treatment for small flows. University of Minnesota (UMN) The UMN trained over 1,000 professionals to either gain a new license or maintain their existing one. Specifically related to septic system design 60 septic professionals were trained. The UMN trained 100 homeowners on proper maintenance and operation in 3 training events. North Carolina State University (NCSU) NCSU provided in person and virtual training in OWTS installation, operation, and associated soil evaluations to a total of 1,065 individuals for licensing or continuing education credit. Total extension contact hours related to OWTS was 12,421. In addition, NCSU project participants provided one national level talk and one invited talk at the state level about rising sea level and OWTS vulnerability. University of Rhode Island (URI) We conducted 28 workshops (one new workshop, and two significantly reworked), reaching a total of 296 professionals who needed the continuing education credits to maintain their professional licenses. We conducted required classes that enabled 20 new RI and MA wastewater practitioners to receive regulatory jurisdiction approval to design and install bottomless sand filters. Five new practitioners passed the examination and were added to the conventional septic system inspectors registry and two participants were added to the nationally accredited alternative and innovative technology service provider program list based on successful completion of their exams. Impact – Expansion of employment opportunities University of Rhode Island (URI) One new Master’s student received external funding to assess performance of novel layered nitrogen-reducing soil treatment areas being piloted in Charlestown, RI. University of Minnesota (UMN) In both Minnesota and Iowa, new septic professionals have gained over 100 new certifications and/or licenses during the reporting period. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Research conducted by the University of Tennessee played a significant role in the development of new regulations that impacted the sizing and placement of small community drip dispersal systems. Indicators of Impacts University of Minnesota (UMN) A total of 618,102 SSTS were reported across Minnesota, representing an estimated 42.3 billion gallons of wastewater treated by SSTS per year. There were 15,764 existing system compliance inspections conducted in 2020. LGUs reported that 1,275 noncompliant properties were mitigated by centralized sewer connection, abandonment or removal, or a government buyout in 2020. The number of estimated compliant SSTS has increased over the last ten years, from approximately 401,000 systems in 2011 to 505,300 systems in 2020. 40% of the local program is MN reported that they track the maintenance of septic systems. Almost 100,000 SSTS construction permits have been issued within the last 10 years, indicating that over 16% of Minnesota’s 618,102 SSTS have been newly constructed within the last ten years. University of Rhode Island (URI) One undergraduate student was trained in effective science communication with lay audiences using onsite wastewater treatment systems as an example. We delivered 18 workshops/ outreach classes to professionals in four states in the northeast region, reaching 296 practitioners, decision makers and students. These classes provided continuing education credits needed by licensed professionals to renew their professional licenses. Approximately, 30% of all OWTS applications that designers submit to the RIDEM are for advanced OWTS. Use of nitrogen removal OWTS are now required in state-designated watersheds that are nitrogen sensitive. This increased designer knowledge level has helped protect these watersheds and groundwater from further degradation. Furthermore, the team at URI delivered a total of 11 talks (9 of which were invited) to academic, professional and homeowner audiences relative to OWTS and climate change at conferences and webinars in RI, CT, MA, NY, and nationally. Our audiences included scientists, wastewater practitioners, board of health officials, regulatory decision makers and coastal resource managers, in addition to homeowners and students. In addition, we published five peer-reviewed papers. We provided direct OWTS technical assistance to Suffolk County Health Dept. (NY) and RI Department of Environmental Management.
Date of Annual Report: 03/07/2023
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
John Buchanan (UTN)Alissa Cox (URI)
Daniel Delgado (USF)
Sarina Ergas (USF)
Jiayi Hua (USF)
Karen Mancl (OSU)
Owen Placido (URI)
Abbie Porter (Rutgers)
Steve Safferman (MSU)
Halis Simsek (Purdue)
Brief Summary of Minutes
University of Georgia
[Mussie Habteselassie was unable to attend because the city of Griffin, where UGA-Griffin is based, was hit with a tornedo a day before, resulting in internet outage both at work and home. MH sent the PPT presentation MH planned on doing during the meeting to Alissa. It had descriptions of new, on-going and completed projects on septic systems. The completed projects are 1). A low resource method for populating a septic system database for counties using remote sensing and ArcGIS (B. Carr, K. Capps, N. Gaur) and 2) Pike County Plans for the Future by building on the Upper Flint Regional Water Plan (E. Bauske and M. Habteselassie). There is one on-going project - Interactions between trees and soils, and how that is impacted by septic systems (C. Scott and R. Abney) and another new project that started towards the end of last year - Wet Weather Septic System Impact to Surface Water Quality Study (K. Capps, N. Gaur, R. Abney, E. Lipps)
Michigan State University – Steven Safferman
- Focus: high-strength wastewater from food processing.
- Showed impact on the impact of biomass growth on the drain field from high strength wastewater and FOG.
- Presented research on the impact of organic and hydraulic loadings on the removal of COD and nitrate. Results were from a calibrated and verified HYDRUS model. Nitrate removal improved with continuous loading/frequent dosing of high COD wastewater.
- Shared results from completed research using a gravel contactor (vertical flow, cold weather, constructed wetland) treating craft beverage wastewater. Excellent treatment resulted, with a footprint that was approximately 80% less than a conventional drain field treatment system adjusted for the higher organic loading. Phosphorus was effectively adsorbed using an engineered media.
- Research is ongoing using a greenhouse ecosystem for high-strength, food processing wastewater. The footprint is expected to be even smaller than the gravel contactor.
- Described MSU Extension’s online asynchronous class, Decentralized Wastewater Treatment - Continuing Education for Designers and Installers. The class provides 16 hours of contact time and there were 23 participants during the reporting
North Carolina State University
[Matt Ricker was unable to attend]
University of Tennessee – John Buchanan
- Focus: Drip dispersal of secondary treated wastewater
- Community scale – several hundred in TN (5-15ac size)
- Soils / loading rates in marginal soils (fragipans / morphological characteristics)
- Created permeator 6’x6’ with drip emitter every 12” … can hyperload soil and measure soil moisture (inside & outside application grid) to measure saturation post-dose … now determined loading rate for different soils (different from doing soil description)
- N loading from large drip distribution systems
- Collecting nitrogen content of soil under systems under long-term drip distribution
Ohio State University – Karen Mancl
Presented a new online course of study to instruct sanitarians and other onsite wastewater professionals to act as a soil practitioner to assess sites for onsite wastewater treatment and assist soil scientists in site evaluations. Eighteen (18) hours of on-line instruction was developed in three segments: soil depth and vertical separation distance, soils in the landscape, and water and soils. In 2022, 11 sanitarians and engineers participated in the online course. Also published new extension bulletin “Low-pressure Piping in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Ohio.” Which won an ASABE Blue Ribbon Award.
- Research Focus: Past project - meat-processing wastewater treatment facility – discharging to stream meets reg. requirements
- Focus: New project - High-salt content wastewater (bacon processor) (seawater strength) treated by sand biofilter systems
- Septic tank performance affected by high-salt wastewater?
- No problem adding salt … so water softener discharge might be ok too?
- Ammonia removal in high salt content – what about urine diverting toilets to reduce ammonium?
- Ash needed to add to fecal waste of dry toilet to promote composting
- With proper support/introduction this seems like a viable technology
- Septic tank performance affected by high-salt wastewater?
To better understand the perspectives of communities engaging with urine diversion flush toilets (UDDT) as a potential sanitation solution, diffusion of innovation theory was utilized. This review focused on understanding the opinions of adopters/potential adopters of UDDT from rural settings across low and lower-middle income countries to facilitate adoption and identify areas for consideration and improvement.
Purdue University – Halis Simsek
- Focus: Centralized wastewater treatment
- N reduction
- Using bacteriophage to reduce bulking and foaming in primary clarifier
- Using cyanophage to reduce cyanobacterial blooms & associated toxins
- electrochemical treatment of different wastewater streams
University of Minnesota
[Sara Heger was unable to attend]
Rutgers University – Abbie Porter
- Focus: Microbial degradation of man-made compounds (pharmaceuticals, PCPs) transformations during waste treatment.
- Focused on anaerobic digestion (in methanogenic conditions)
- Studying naproxen (Aleve) transformations / degradation (produces methane)
- Methanogen-enriched cultures amended with naproxen: Differences in microbial
- communities & methane production if cultures amended with polystyrene vs. aluminum media
- Next steps – looking for functional genes associated with these processes to determine if they can serve as indicators of pharmaceutical and personal care product biotransformations. Looking at genes associated with these processes
University of South Florida – Sarina Ergas, Daniel Delgado, Jaihi Hua
- DD’s Project – Focus: Biological N removal in passive OWTS in regions with seawater flushed toilets (Belize, Laughing bird caye national park) in areas with little freshwater available
- Causing algal growths on coral reefs
- Novel nitrification-denite system (passive; compatible with seawater-flushed toilets)
- Column experiment; different salinities (high and low)
- Ag waste products – banana stem / sugarcane bagasse as C (electron donor) source in microcosms
- JH’s Project – Focus: life cycle assessment of advanced OWTS in FL
- Septic-sewer conversions vs advanced OWTS for protecting water quality – environmental + economic sustainability assessments
- Exploring different systems, single vs clustered(community) systems, maintenance challenges, final dispersal options.
University of Rhode Island – Alissa Cox & Owen Placido
- New England Onsite Wastewater Training Program – technical training & continuing education for professionals in onsite industry & related arenas (regulatory, municipal, etc.).
- Ongoing effort to develop self-paced online training to augment existing in-person courses
- Retirement of G. Loomis
- Research Focus: Performance of advanced N-reducing onsite wastewater treatment systems
- Ongoing quarterly sampling of existing proprietary systems
- Sampling newly installed non-proprietary layered N-reducing soil treatment areas – collaboration with local town; goal: document performance & gain regulatory approval
- Analysis for wastewater quality parameters, N reduction / final effluent total N concentrations & loading, PFAS
- Retirement of J. Amador
General discussion / Action items
- Announcement by Sarina Ergas: Special Collections (ASCE journals):
- Ongoing: Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (OWTS theme) https://ascelibrary.org/jswbay/onsite_decentralized_wastewater_systems
- New: Joint - Journal of Water Resources, Planning & Management and Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (Water equity theme) https://ascelibrary.org/pb-assets/images/CUSTOM%20PAGES/FILES/WR%20Special%20Collection%20Equity-1664205278907.pdf
- Discussion: best way to meet annually – resume meeting at conferences annually?
- Problem: not all go to same conference. Meeting participation via zoom has been higher in last 3 years than in previous in-person events
- Suggestion: Ask group for conference nominations (NOWRA, SSSA, NEHA, WEFTEC mentioned during meeting), then vote as a group + plan to rotate conferences each year.
- Suggestion: Add remote/virtual option to augment in-person meeting.
- Action Item: Alissa to request suggestions & set up poll for group to determine preferences & possible rotation
- Request: central resource for recent publications from group
- Action Item: Alissa to set up Google Drive folder & share in follow-up email
<h2>Project Objective 1 - Improve our understanding of the interactions among wastewater, soils, biogeochemical cycles and processes and treatment performance (contaminant removal) of existing and novel wastewater treatment technologies in different geographic regions and landscapes over time and considering climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Novel wastewater treatment technologies. </strong>In water stressed areas, flush toilets using fresh water are unsustainable. A large gap between the current state of sanitation and the Sustainable Development Goal of access to and sustainable management of sanitation for all by 2030. To better understand the perspectives of communities engaging with urine diversion flush toilets (UDDT) as a potential sanitation solution, diffusion of innovation theory was utilized. This review focused on understanding the opinions of adopters/potential adopters of UDDT from rural settings across low and lower-middle income countries to facilitate adoption and identify areas for consideration and improvement. Using the diffusion of innovation theory to frame direct feedback from adopters/potential adopters highlights barriers and facilitators to adoption as perceived in communities. The results illustrate that infrastructure, price and compatibility are main barriers. The former two aspects relate to the supply-side of diffusion of innovation theory and point to areas for propagators to improve the likelihood of adoption. Compatibility, along with the main facilitator of relative advantage, express the adopters’ perception of and demand for the innovation. Knowing the specific issues and benefits as perceived by the adopter can assist in identifying areas where UDDTs may diffuse quickly.</p><br /> <h3>North Carolina State University (NCSU)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Impacts of sea level rise and soil salinization on functionality of onsite waste treatment systems in rural communities. </strong>Sea level rise in North Carolina has begun to flood permitted septic systems and cause failures due to lack of vertical separation distance and soil salinization. Soil salinization significantly alters the soil/drainfield microbial community and biogeochemistry of coastal soils. These shifts in soil properties can degrade onsite effluent treatment over time and cause water quality impairments. In 2022 our research team partnered with the Climate Adaptation Through Agriculture and Soil Management initiative at NCSU to run laboratory experiments quantifying the microbial shifts in coastal soils of NC in response to chronic saltwater flooding. Soil materials from the common Hydeland soil series were packed into mesocosms (n = 16) and flooded with brackish water at an interval of 10 times per year, equivalent to regional projections of annual nuisance flooding by 2050. Initial data is being generated and the experiment will be completed by Ph.D. student Julia Janson in 2023. Results from this study will provide valuable soil information to coastal communities that rely on septic systems to protect human health and water quality.</p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p>Computational fluid dynamics modeling of the transport of nutrients applied to soil is ongoing. The amount of phosphorus applied to crop land that leached below the rootzone has been correlated to precipitation intensity, soil type, soil horizon, and quantity of nutrient applied. A manuscript is in progress.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>The UMN is continuing to evaluate water tables and groundwater mounding at 27 existing and new cluster systems with automated water level recorders year- round. This data is being used to evaluating what level of vertical separation to a periodically saturated condition is maintained at each of these sites; and does the groundwater below these systems mound up either during high wastewater discharge times or wet climatic periods.</p><br /> <p>A paper has been prepared on research related to chemicals of emerging concern (CEC) sampling is occurring at three highway safety rest areas and a land application site to determine design parameters affecting treatment. A graduate student is also evaluating CEC in a greenhouse study evaluating impacts of high rainfall events upon the removal and persistence in the soil, wheat plant and effluent from soil columns. </p><br /> <p>Septage samples are being collected and analyzed for a range of typical contaminates to determine if historic data is accurate for this sources with concentrated toilet flushing. Another study is evaluating a bioaugmentation project on a rest area to see if reduced solids buildup and how it impacts water quality parameters.</p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p><strong>Microbial Metabolomics and Genetics Associated with Biodegradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products During Wastewater Treatment</strong> (A. Porter, L. Young). Our work examines the removal of micropollutants to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. Micropollutants are chemicals that are found at very low concentrations and include household chemicals like pharmaceuticals and personal care products. These chemicals are either washed down the drain or flushed down the toilet and end up as components in wastewater. If these chemicals are not fully degraded by the microorganisms in wastewater treatment systems, they may be released into the environment with unknown consequences. We are studying pharmaceutical biodegradation activity in enrichment cultures to understand the biodegradation potential of household pollutants by anaerobic microorganisms. Using naproxen as a model pharmaceutical compound, we explored the effects of different materials as surfaces for microbial attachment and biofilm formation. We have shown that the microbial community composition changes when there are surfaces for attachment, however, the function of the community appeared to be unaffected. Our next steps are to genetically characterize the microbial community that is responsible for pharmaceutical biotransformation to determine whether the presence of genetic markers can be used to trace the presence of the compounds and whether they indicate biogeochemical cycling of carbon by these organisms.</p><br /> <h3>University of Georgia (UGA)</h3><br /> <p><strong>A low resource method for populating a septic system database for counties using remote sensing and ArcGIS</strong> (B. Carr, K. Capps, N. Gaur). Research has shown that septic system density and age are the two main factors determining this wastewater infrastructure's risk potential to watersheds. Septic system records housing this information continue to be maintained on paper copies in most counties in the United States, and the lack of a digitized septic system database makes it near impossible to evaluate the impact of this vast potential non-point pollution source on water quality. Our conversations with counties in Georgia, Alabama and Oregon reveal the acute necessity for such a dataset but they lack resources required to create this dataset which will typically take several thousand hours for any county. Therefore, our objective is to develop a low resource remote sensing and GIS-driven algorithm that automates the digitization of septic system location and age in an ArcGIS framework. We developed and tested the algorithm for a small area of Jackson county, Georgia (~ 102 square km). We classified high resolution RGB aerial imagery by applying the supervised Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. A segmentation of the image was created for both object detection and training for the SVM. The trained dataset utilized nine National Land Cover Database (NLCD) classes. An accuracy assessment of the classified image resulted in 34 out of 56 correctly identified systems (buildings), giving this class accuracy 61%, with an overall kappa score of 75% for the entire classification. All necessary GIS layers, imagery, and geoprocessing tools were combined in a model to develop the automated algorithm to be shared with others involved in maintaining soil health and water quality. These results are being extended for the entire county and validated with previously identified and geolocated septic system for 200 sub-divisions in Jackson County, Georgia, as well as data collected from the qPublic database.</p><br /> <p><strong>Pike County Plans for the Future by building on the Upper Flint Regional Water Plan</strong> (E. Bauske and M. Habteselassie). This project was concluded last year. It developed a 30-year water resources management plan was developed for Pike County in ga in way that was fully supportive of the Upper Flint Regional Water Plan. The Plan was developed in collaboration with a consulting company and Pike Water Planning Committee that included members representing all the cities in the County. The Plan projects future demands for water, wastewater treatment, and septage handling, recommends best alternatives, and establishes preliminary cost-estimates. It also took inventory of the existing facilities and their performances, including septic systems. The Plan included an extensive list of 58 action items designed to study and improve existing water and wastewater infrastructure. Examples of action items include sharing and building GIS data of water and wastewater infrastructure as well as developing and disseminating outreach programs on septic systems. The County is mainly rural and heavily dependent on septic systems for wastewater treatment and disposal.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Interactions between trees and soils, and how that is impacted by septic systems</strong> (C. Scott and R. Abney). This project investigates how trees respond to shifts in soil biogeochemistry and saturation within septic leach fields at varying levels of use and functionality by 1) evaluating their impact of stressed leach fields on soil nutrient availability for urban trees and 2) evaluating the impact of septic leach fields on physical properties that impact soil hydrology. It is done at seven sites with a paired-site approach in Athena Clark area.</p><br /> <p><strong>Wet Weather Septic System Impact to Surface Water Quality Study</strong> (K. Capps, N. Gaur, R. Abney, E. Lipps) - This is a new project. The study will employ time-sensitive sampling techniques to assess the effects of rain events on interactions between septic system characteristics (e.g., system age and density) on surface water conditions. The specific research questions include: 1) Can we attribute declines in surface water quality with rainfall events in watersheds dominated by septic infrastructure, 2) If increases in fecal coliform bacteria and the HF138 marker are detected, are they related to corresponding changes in conductivity, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations? 3) If additional system specific data (e.g., exact location, age, maintenance records, etc.) are integrated into the data collected from the 2019 study and analyzed using our proposed methods, what else can we learn about the relationships between surface water quality parameters and septic infrastructure from the data collected in that study? 4) If changes in water quality due to rainfall events are documented in the watershed, are they maintained long enough to forgo the need for immediate sample collection in response to changing discharge?</p><br /> <h3>University of South Florida (USF)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Biological Nitrogen Removal in Passive Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Seawater-Flushing Toilets</strong> (Sarina J. Ergas, Maya Trotz): This study is being conducted in the context of Laughing Bird Caye National Park (LBCNP), in Belize where reactive nitrogen has led to excess algal growth that negatively impacts coral reef ecosystems. A complicating factor at LBCNP is the use of seawater for toilet flushing, due to the lack of available freshwater resources. Seawater is used to flush toilets in a number of coastal regions including Hong Kong, Avalon (California), Marshall Islands, and Kiribati. Seawater chemistry can make wastewater treatment more difficult and interferes with microorganisms involved in biological nitrogen removal (BNR). The goal of our research is to test the viability of using BNR in passive onsite wastewater treatment systems that treat wastewater generated from seawater-flushing toilets. This will inform the design of a full-scale onsite wastewater treatment system at LBCNP. Our passive onsite BNR systems rely on 2-stage biofilters, with passive aeration in the first stage to promote nitrification and second-stage submerged biofilter containing a solid phase electron donor to promote denitrification. Bench scale column and batch reactors were set up in our laboratory and operated with domestic wastewater (~ 50 mg /L total inorganic nitrogen) amended with ocean salts to increase wastewater salinity. Stage-1 biofilters achieved 78% conversion of ammonia to NOx (Nitrite plus Nitrate) at 3% salinity. For Stage-2 biofilters, locally available agricultural waste products, sugarcane bagasse and banana stem, were tested alongside conventional solid-phase electron donors, elemental S<sup>0</sup> and pine woodchips. Pine woodchips and banana stem achieved the highest denitrification rates, with a zero-order denitrification kinetics of 31 and 34 mg-N/L·day respectively at 3% salinity. The results indicate that passive BNR systems are a technically feasible alternative for regions where seawater is used for toilet flushing.</p><br /> <h3> </h3><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Piloting N-reducing nonproprietary layered soil treatment areas. </strong>In FY 2021, we partnered with the Town of Charlestown, RI to gain regulatory approval to pilot a novel, non-proprietary advanced N-reducing OWTS drainfield option in RI, which presents an inexpensive alternative to currently approved proprietary technologies for N reduction. Four pilot systems were installed to serve private residences in coastal Charlestown, RI to replace substandard or failing conventional OWTS in June and July of 2022, funded by a combination of municipal and competitive federal grants our team was awarded. We provided technical oversight and review of the plans and installation of these systems, and have been monitoring their performance since installation. Preliminary data (monthly sampling of each of the four installed systems) indicates that these systems are performing well in terms of N-reduction, and that if two additional years’ of data collection continue to indicate good N-reduction performance, the RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) could approve this technology for wider use in RI.</p><br /> <p><strong>Monitoring the performance of proprietary advanced N-reduction technologies. </strong>Building on past research efforts to document the real-world performance of existing advanced OWTS technologies installed and operated in private residences, we continue to conduct quarterly sampling of effluent leaving 19+ advanced proprietary technologies (including both media filter and aerobic treatment unit technologies approved in RI) with our municipal partners. Lab analyses indicate that many systems are capable of meeting the regulatory requirements and are discharging effluent concentrations at or below 19mg/L of Total N, but some systems do not. We continue to search for predictors of system performance that are easily assessed in the field to inform maintenance best practices for professionals in the industry.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 2 - Examine watershed-level impacts of septic systems on water quality and other environmental parameters in suburban, rural and coastal areas.</h2><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p>Land treatment of food processing wastewater can irrigate a crop, provide nutrients, recharge aquifers, reduce energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and save resources. However, when excessive carbon is land applied, the soil becomes anaerobic and several metals become mobile when reduced. MSU’s long-term research on soil monitoring at a wastewater irrigation site used by a major food processor continues. This system remotely monitors soil oxygen, temperature, and moisture levels. There are also over 40 water monitoring wells that provide parameters that are correlated to sensor readings. Results show that the control of hydraulic and organic loadings prevent metal mobilization. However, with higher levels of oxygen in the soil, nitrate release may occur as denitrification is inhibited. Cover crops research at this site has been initiated to control nitrogen. The emphasis is on selecting the most suitable plants as maintaining cover crops in the wet soil can be challenging.</p><br /> <p>An additional laboratory study is examining the impact of fertilizer types on the movement of nutrients. Various wastewater biosolid’s management practices were examined, including dewatering, digestion, pelletizing, and torrefying. The impact of the nutrient form is also being correlated to the soil microbial community. All laboratory column testing and analyses and microbial community evaluations are complete. Multiple manuscripts are currently being prepared.</p><br /> <h3>University of South Florida (USF)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Environmental and Economic Assessments of Septic-to-Sewer Conversions and Advanced Onsite Treatment Systems in Florida</strong> (Qiong Zhang, Mahmood Nachabe, Sarina J. Ergas) In Florida huge investments are being made in septic-to-sewage conversions and advanced onsite treatment systems to reduce harmful algal blooms, eutrophication and groundwater contamination. However, little has been done to assess the impact of these investments. Our team has recently completed an evaluation of whether water quality improved in a receiving water body within a small urban watershed (Red Bug Slough) in Sarasota County, with a large number of septic-to-sewer conversions, limited confounding factors and a long history of water quality records. Modest but statistically significant improvements were observed in TN and TP levels in Red Bug Slough during the post conversion period. Changes in Org-N, chlorophyll-a, and turbidity were not significant. Based on our results, OSTDS conversions might be considered a long-term strategy for reducing nutrient concentrations, rather than a response to Florida’s urgent and pressing need to address major issues, such as algal blooms. We are currently carrying out a life cycle environmental and economic assessment of advanced onsite wastewater treatment systems, working collaboratively with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and onsite system installers. Some of the factors that we are investigating are the type of system (e.g. passive vs. mechanical), distance to a sensitive water body, single household vs. cluster systems, and maintenance frequency and the end-use of the treated wastewater (discharge vs. subsurface drip irrigation). </p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Modeling OWTS Density and nearby surface water quality.</strong> Using publicly available water quality data, and inferring OWTS locations based on tax parcel and building data, we examined the impact of OWTS density on nearby surface water quality in southern RI. Our analysis indicates that areas in southern RI that have high densities of OWTS in the landscape (often >10 systems per acre) are correlated with elevated N levels in nearby coastal waterbodies. These findings underscore the importance of effective management of OWTS, and may help communities target and prioritize efforts to upgrade systems in the most impacted areas along the southern RI coast.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 3 – Develop educational materials and tools to acquaint the public and practitioners about management, operation, maintenance and health issues related to OWTS in light of system performance, and the need for adaptation to climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Arizona</h3><br /> <p>(1) Conducted 2, 2-day face-to-face NAWT Inspection Training classes and 2, 1-day Continuing Education classes to 224 professionals who want to be eligible for or maintain eligibility to be Transfer of Property Inspectors. By law, part of the eligibility is that they must attend a recognized Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) course. This is the only course recognized by ADEQ to meet the requirements of the law. I negotiated a contract with the National Association of Wastewater Technicians (NAWT) to teach the course AND provide the web database for Arizona.</p><br /> <p>(2) Conducted three 3-day Soils & Site Evaluation classes to 123 practitioners. This is one of three soil and site evaluation courses recognized by ADEQ, and the only one offered regularly that allows non-registered professionals (the regulations recognize registered professionals as registered engineers, registered sanitarians, and registered geologists) to conduct soil and site evaluations for onsite wastewater treatment systems. I developed the manual, the field skills, and the course completion exam. I contract with nationally-recognized instructors to help teach the class.</p><br /> <p>(3) Conducted an online Installer course to 33 practitioners.</p><br /> <p>(4) Conducted a 2-day introduction to design class to 39 practitioners for designing onsite wastewater treatment and dispersal systems using Arizona regulations. A homework assignment was used to provide practical application of material learned in the workshop.</p><br /> <p>(5) Conducted a 1-day Advanced Design course on designing systems using pumps and pressure distribution to 29 practitioners and regulators.</p><br /> <p>(6) Conducted a homeowner education program to 25 septic system owners.</p><br /> <h3>University of Georgia (UGA)</h3><br /> <p>Dr. Gary Hawkins underwent the following training extension activities last year.</p><br /> <p><strong>Septic Resources available in Extension </strong>at the IB Septic Resource Workshop, <em>December 8, 2022</em><br /> Number of participants: 45, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 0.4 (Fully at a distance)</p><br /> <p><strong>Septic Resources for Water First Communities</strong>, Water First Community Engagement, <em>December 6, 2022</em>. Number of participants: 40, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 0.4 (Fully at a distance</p><br /> <p><strong>Septic Issues and Sustainability</strong>, ACCG Lifelong Learning Academy <em>February 4, 2022.</em><br /> Number of participants: 24, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 1.0 (Fully at a distance)</p><br /> <p><strong>Educational activities for septic systems</strong>, GA Sections SWCS/ASABE Joint Annual Meeting<em> June 2, 2022, </em>Soil and Water Conservation Society, Georgia Chapter; American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers - GA Chapter<br /> Number of participants: 42, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 0.3 (Face-to-face)</p><br /> <p><strong>Septic System Basics</strong>, Seven Rivers Seventeen Mile Creek Workshop <em>June 8, 2022</em><br /> Number of participants: 7, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 2.0 (Face-to-face)</p><br /> <p><strong>2022 Athens Water Festival</strong>, <em>September 10, 2022</em><br /> Number of participants: 375, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 0.1 (Face-to-face)<br /> Multiple water resource stations within a tent at the 2022 Athens Water Festival. Stations included - Flushable vs Non-Flushable Game, Model Septic system, Breakdown of Toilet Paper vs Flushable Wipes, Water and Wastewater Enviroscape, Down-Well Camera</p><br /> <p><strong>Basics of Septic Systems</strong>, CAES Extension Conference <em>January 13, 2022</em><br /> Number of participants: 17, Sessions: 1, Contact hours: 1.0 (Face-to-face</p><br /> <p><strong>Educated Extension Agents on septic systems</strong> so they could share with k-12 students at 4-H2O camp, June 2022</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p> The Michigan State University Extension Onsite Wastewater Education Program continues. The program includes homeowner and professional education. The advantage of onsite systems regarding energy savings is included. The course is approximately 16 contact hours resulting in 1.6 EGLE Continuing Education Credits and 16 Continuing Septage Education Credits. There were 23 participants during the reporting cycle.</p><br /> <h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p>Low-pressure piping in onsite wastewater treatment systems is an option for use in Ohio in areas with shallow soils to a limiting condition and on small lots. A new Extension bulletin Low-pressure Piping in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Ohio. Extension Bulletin ANR e814 was published and is available for system designers as a downloadable pdf. The bulletin received an ASABE Blue Ribbon Award as an outstanding educational aid. </p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>The UMN training program through both in person and virtual events being held training over 2,380 septic system professionals on the design, inspection, installation and service of septic systems. Staff planned and organized the educational program for 2022 annual Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association conference. In addition, staff assisted in organizing and delivering the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association virtual annual conference in 2022.</p><br /> <p>Through a grant an online training module for homeowners regarding septic systems and well is being developed.</p><br /> <p>An upper level college course was taught with 15 students taking Sustainable Waste Management Engineering.</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p>Our program held 22 credit-bearing training workshops for wastewater professionals’ licensing requirements from RI, NH, VT, MA and NY, reaching a combined 391 professionals. Our workshops are continuously updated with the latest scientific and technical information, and are structured to be engaging while improving our attendees’ ability to implement science-based best practices in their professional work related to OWTS. We encourage wastewater professionals to design systems with greater separation distances from drainfield bases to groundwater tables, which results in better treatment of wastewater and also reduces the potential impacts of climate change, ultimately and helping to protect ground and surface receiving water quality for residents state-wide. We began developing new course content, including several new workshops aimed to support designers use 21st century technologies and tools, and redeveloped an existing workshop to a self-paced interactive online course, set to be piloted in the Spring of 2023.</p><br /> <p>In addition, the RI Department of Environmental Management has made some changes to how new OWTS technologies are evaluated and regulated, in response to our program’s research findings and training activities. Two of their new regulatory staff members from the OWTS program attended our trainings, and our program staff members accompanied two inspectors in the field, offering a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas and share research-based best practices. We consulted with the Suffolk County (NY) Department of Health Services on observed failures for a particular technology, which led to revisions of permitting and design guidance for systems on Long Island, NY. Our program coordinated with seven technology vendors for recently approved OWTS technologies to present required technical training to regulatory staff and OWTS professionals, ensuring that the industry and its regulators are up to date on the latest best practices and technologies available.</p><br /> <p>We developed and held a new series of credit-bearing workshops for realtor audiences to help them disseminate accurate and factual information to their clients about conventional and advanced septic systems. The workshop series consists of two two-hour virtual trainings and a two-hour hands-on training session at our outdoor onsite wastewater training center.</p>Publications
<h3>Ohio State University (OSU)</h3><br /> <p>Conroy, K and K. Mancl. 2022. Low-pressure Piping in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Ohio. Extension Bulletin ANR e814. The Ohio State University</p><br /> <p>Conroy, K, K Mancl. (in press) Understanding adoption of urine diversion dry toilets (UDDT) in low and lower-middle income countries using diffusion of innovation framework. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.</p><br /> <p>Mancl, K and R Kopp. 2022. Low-cost, sustainable treatment of meat processing wastewater – A decade of success. WEFTEC 2022. 11 pages.</p><br /> <h3>University of Georgia (UGA)</h3><br /> <p><em>Publication</em></p><br /> <p>Damashek, J., Westrich, J. R., McDonald, J. M. B., Teachey, M. E., Jackson, C. R., Frye, J. G., ... & Ottesen, E. A. (2022). Non-point source fecal contamination from aging wastewater infrastructure is a primary driver of antibiotic resistance in surface waters. Water Research, 222, 118853.</p><br /> <p><em>Presentations (Oral and Poster)</em></p><br /> <p>Environmental implications of unequal access to wastewater treatment. Environmental Ethics Seminar Series, University of Georgia February 8, 2022. </p><br /> <p>2023: Anthropogenic Subsidies in Rivers of the Anthropocene: Re-thinking wastewater-related socioecological issues in urban watershed ecology and restoration. Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology (SUSE) Seminar Series, January 5, 2023. </p><br /> <p>Courtney Scott, Krista Capps, Nandita Gaur, Jason Gordon, Michael Lucas and Rebecca Abney. 2022. <a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2022am/Paper/143307">Disturbances in Nutrient and Water Fluxes in Leach Field Soils Impact Urban Tree Condition and Growth</a>. SSSA-CSSA-ASA Annual Meetings</p><br /> <p>Carr, B., Gaur, N., & Capps, K. (2022). A Low Resource Method for Populating a Septic System Database for Counties Using Remote Sensing and ArcGIS. Poster session presented at the meeting of American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022</p><br /> <p>Carr, B., Gaur, N., & Capps, K. (2022): A Low-Resource Method for Populating a Septic System Database for Counties Using Remote Sensing and ArcGIS : Septic Systems Automated Location Tool (SSALT), <em>December 8, 2022. </em> Tools for Locating & Managing Septic Systems in Your Service Area - IBEnvironmental</p><br /> <h3>North Carolina State University (NCSU)</h3><br /> <p> Ricker, M.C. (Raleigh, NC – 2022) – Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Communities. 37th Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference. Invited speaker and special presentation.</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p>Millar, M. Stolt, J.A. Amador & A. Paolucci. 2022. Modeling dynamic soil carbon attributes among common southern New England land uses. <em>Geoderma Regional</em>. 31:e00570. DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00570</p><br /> <p>C. Hino, J. Romero, J. L. Loffredo, M. Stolt, J. A. Amador, S. Moseman‐Valtierra, C. Wigand, B. J. Pellock. 2022. Birnessite films are sensitive indicators of microbial manganese reduction in soil. <em>Soil Science Society of America Journal. </em>87(1):196-201. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20468</p><br /> <p>Romero, K. Hino, J. Loffredo, M. Stolt, S. Moseman‐Valtierra, J. Amador, B. Pellock. 2022. Abiotic soil properties affecting interpretation of IRIS sensors in tidal and freshwater soils. <em>Soil Science Society of America Journal.</em> 85(6):2234-2239. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20293</p><br /> <p>A.H. Cox. 2022. “Flooding Impacts: Floods + wastewater infrastructure = Bad water quality” Invited presentation at Metcalf Institute’s 24th Annual Science Immersion Workshop for Journalists. June 6, 2022. Virtual.</p><br /> <p>A.H. Cox. 2022. “Imagining the future of robust onsite wastewater treatment infrastructure – leveraging research findings, gaps and management strategies to protect public and environmental health” presented at the 2022 virtual SNEP Symposium. May 18. 2022. Virtual. <a href="https://youtu.be/dMxdjqg6wPo?list=PLvC8kUCteU1_laC0HtQD47p-w5g9Q_2JX">Recording</a> and <a href="https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2022-06/wastewater-policy-and-design.pdf">slides</a> available via the SNEP Symposium website.</p><br /> <h3>University of South Florida (USF)</h3><br /> <p>Henderson, M., Ergas, S.J., Ghebremichael, K., Gross, A., Ronen, Z. (2022) Occurrence of Antibiotic-Resistant Genes and Bacteria in Household Greywater Treated in Constructed Wetlands, <em>Water</em>, 2022, 14(5): 758; https://doi.org/10.3390/w14050758. </p><br /> <p>Mohammed, J., Ergas, S.J., Nachabe, M. (2022) Water Quality Improvement by Replacing Onsite Treatment and Disposal Systems, Florida Water Resources Journal, Sept. 2022.</p><br /> <p>Ergas, S.J., Amador, J., Boyer, T., Friedler, E. (2021) Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems, J. Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 7(3): 02021001.</p><br /> <p>Henderson, M., Ghebremichael, K., Ergas, S.J. (2022) Onsite Wastewater Reuse: Performance and Life Cycle Assessment of Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment Systems (HABiTS), Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Bi-Annual Meeting, June 28-30, 2022, St. Louis, MO.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>Michigan State University (MSU)</h3><br /> <p> Li, C., Shen, Y., Sotthiyapai, T., Liu, Y., Tiemann, L., Safferman, S., & Zhang, W. (2022). Effect of Biosolids Application on Soil Enzymatic Activities, Microbial Biomass, and Soil Carbon Mineralization. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2022am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/145918.</p><br /> <p>Roland, G., Safferman, S. I., Dong, Y., & Smith, J. (2022) Utilizing HYDRUS 1-D Models to Guide Farmers with Fields at Risk of Increased Phosphorus Leaching due to Global Climate Change. North Central Regional Water Network Climate Intersections Conference, Diluth, MN.</p><br /> <p>Sotthiyapai, T., Safferman, S., Zhang, W., Ghane, E., Busch, A., Fonoll Almansa, X., &Norton, J. (2022). Impact of Biosolids Processing on the Fate of Nutrients in Soil. MWEA Biosolids Conference, Holland, MI.</p><br /> <p>Safferman, S. & Dong, Y. (2022). Modeling the Fate of Carbon and Nitrogen in Drainfields. 70th Michigan Onsite Wastewater Conference, East Lansing, MI.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p>Impact Statements
- Indicators of Impacts: University of Minnesota (UMN) A total of 630,087 septic systems were reported across Minnesota, representing an estimated 43.1 billion gallons of treated wastewater. There were 15,876 existing system compliance inspections conducted. LGUs reported that 733 noncompliant properties were mitigated by centralized sewer connection, abandonment or removal, or a government buyout. The number of estimated compliant SSTS in Minnesota has increased over the last ten years, from approximately 420,500 systems in 2012 to 522,650 systems in 2021 Rutgers University Our work examines the removal of household contaminants, including pharmaceutical and personal care products, to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. The laboratory research was assisted by two undergraduates, who are gaining valuable experience in culturing the microorganisms and measuring pharmaceuticals. This resulted in an undergraduate student presenting at one local research symposium and two regional professional meetings, as well as writing a senior honors thesis. Our findings are incorporated into the curriculum for Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory. The students enrolled in these courses are senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Environmental Sciences.
Date of Annual Report: 12/11/2023
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
Sara Heger – Univ MinnesotaMatt Ricker – North Carolina State
Alissa Cox – Univ Rhode Island
Sandeep Kumar – USDA NIFA
Jim Dobrowolski – USDA NIFA
John Buchanan – Univ Tennessee
Hallis Simsek – Purdue University
Greg Roland + Carley Allison – for Dr. Safferman (transitioning) – Michigan State Univ
Andy Lazure – Univ Maryland
Gary Hawkins – Univ Georgia
Brief Summary of Minutes
University of Maryland
Homeowner education = main focus; updating / revising coursework; new state regulations for inspectors so updated training (including field training component)
2 acre demonstration site being developed at University for hands-on training
Research project proposal from brewery/distillery/winery businesses: Mixed messaging on how to treat effluent from these types of business … characterize waste strength, flow and use info to educate regulators (state/county) and designers on best practices… avoid over- or under-engineered systems (and premature failures)
University of Georgia
Basic information/training for CoopExt agents to talk to people about septic systems to share trusted information with homeowners
Training for Department of Public Health for new employees + soil assessment for OWTS design (promotion within DPH)
Outreach with groups around state, soil & water conservation districts, RCCAP, MS4 in county – water festivals (add septic)
Research: Guar & Capps – “septic sitter” monitoring systems for flows in tank vs. trenches … and locate problems in landscape/water quality as related to septic systems
Michigan State University
- Grad student research; Lab-scale (50-gal drums) greenhouse ecosystem to treat craft beverage wastewater
- Native Michigan plants treating brewery & cidery wastewater
- Current running a non-plant control through system
- Expect report in late December; Thesis report late November
- Craft beverage wastewater can have high COD (>100k mg/L) from dumping “bad batches”
- Wastewater moving through biological reactors (plants floating on surface, microbes + aeration) shows good COD removal – nearly 100% after first reactor (100k to 800mg/L) … HRT ~9 days
- Also showed total N & P reduction (little ammonium/nitrate; most remaining N was in organic or nitrate form)
- Grad student research: Meat processing wastewater characterization
- 6 processing facilities (some with slaughter facility include) – documenting contaminants, planning to publish soon
- Use statistics to explore differences among systems with / without slaughter, smoking, comingling human waste, etc.
- Higher BOD, COD, Total N in systems with slaughter operations (from blood)
- Higher Nitrates and BOD/COD in systems with smoking
- Higher COD on systems with comingled human wastewater
- Physical effluent screens/filters have improved BOD, COD, trace metals (Cu, Zn) removal
- Facultative treatment lagoons – aeration improves total N treatment
- Explore practices at facilities & impacts on treatment performance
North Carolina State University
Extension profs turned over … Severson runs fee-for-service training – 19 classes with 891 participants for licensing/continuing Education… Annual state conference in October 2023 for 300 person. New extension position for onsite/soils planned in next few years
Research related to sea level rise / climate change impacts in coastal environments
- 2 million residents along coast; much of coast will be inundated by 2100…. Climate adaptation through soil management group (privately funded / donors). Look at coastal salinization research…
- Functional groupings of soil types predicted to be underwater - 600k hectares of land
- Drained wetland soils with very old septic systems, often surrounded by saltmarshes
- Data availability for OWTS very patchy to match permitted system with soil parameters – some records lost (e.g. via fire)
- Exploring rapid methods (geophysical measurements, remote sensing, drones, field kits for rapid tests) – salinization effects on system function & GHG & crop production & biogeochemistry
- Mesocosm work: Mechanisms of biochemistry & microbial community responses to brackish (5-18ppt salinity) floods (GHG, microbiome, changes in biogeochemical processes, CEC, etc.) … mimicking nuisance floodings predicted by NOAA
- After 6 floods, soil productivity for cropping destroyed – little resilience to chronic flooding
- Costs of OWTS – extension article; some research featured on PBS on state of climate change (“Of salt and soil”)… bring attention to soil use
- Functional groupings of soil types predicted to be underwater - 600k hectares of land
University of Tennessee
- RCAP funding – together with UMN – education collaboration
- State of TN funding – best management practices for large-scale drip systems (small community … 20-100kgal per day
- Develop guidance doc of best management practices – with peer review from coopext programs across country; in lieu of TN state regulation
- TN big construction boom; contractors & developers pressuring state to allow development of previously undeveloped/undevelopable land to meet demand; too fast for TN legislation to keep up
- Some research included: why do large-scale systems fail; design/soil ID/OM reasons exploring large system failure…. Notices of violations
- Explore how best practices (e.g. 2’ spacing of drip tubing) are backed up by performance / research
- J Buchanan role transition – from research to education; expect less research reporting in future
Purdue University
Nothing to report
University of Minnesota
EPA funding – NOWRA & RCAP Homeowner education curriculum – 4 modules + interactive online homeowner training on IDing system in yard + troubleshooting
Research: Evaluate septage characteristics from commercial properties
- Is rest-area wastewater different from household wastewater (high toilet flushing) … not that different from domestic/household wastewater. Fewer metals than domestic wastewater …
- Testing new additive for bioaugmentation (exists for municipal systems) – sludge was building up too quickly (low flow fixtures … too much sludge at the beginning of tank),
- Additive seems to work – less scum & sludge production with no adverse down-stream effects… went from quarterly to annual pump-outs
- Question whether it would be applicable to household systems – planning future studies
- CEC treatment from systems in rest areas – paper in progress
Lots of training ongoing in MN
University of Rhode Island
Changes in program – staff/professor retirements; state-level deregulation of wastewater professional licensing & continuing education requirements (which affects fee-for-service training aspects of the program)
Working with Town of Charlestown (RI) on research grant – assessing field / real-life performance of proprietary + non-proprietary experimental n-reducing technologies for domestic wastewater
- Evaluating performance of newly installed layered soil treatment areas (pressurized distribution of septic tank effluent onto 18” of C-33 sand overlying an 18” layer of C-33 sand mixed (50/50 by volume) with sawdust) for N-reducing performance: first 9 months of operation very promising (well below 19mg/L total N in effluent), BOD somewhat elevated – need another year of performance data and 6 more sites before progressing through RI regulatory approval process
Expanding our efforts to engage with more system “end users” – helping people better understand onsite wastewater treatment infrastructure and maintenance needs
- Training for realtors
- URI student field trips @ training center (>300 students / year) + new course on OWTS (21 students in spring 2023)
- Public-facing events and workshops
- Developed a new “To flush or not to flush” game
- Student intern built plexiglass septic tank to demonstrate function & processes
- New factsheets
General discussion / Action items
Industry need/wishlist: National initiative to quantify/characterize different types of wastewater – domestic vs. commercial; tourism vs. day-to-day … craft beverage industry & other high-strength wastewater sources
Q for group: worth collaborating on workforce development initiatives in future?
Need to determine where to hold next meeting – S. Heger willing to coordinate/host meeting at NOWRA again in future
<h2>Project Objective 1 - Improve our understanding of the interactions among wastewater, soils, biogeochemical cycles and processes and treatment performance (contaminant removal) of existing and novel wastewater treatment technologies in different geographic regions and landscapes over time and considering climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>North Carolina State University (NCSU)</h3><br /> <p>North Carolina State University conducted several laboratory experiments to evaluate the potential impacts of sea level rise and soil salinization on a common coastal soil series used for on-site wastewater treatment. We sampled Hydeland soil series materials (Fine-silty, mixed, semiactive, thermic Umbric Endoaqualfs) from a reference site with no saltwater intrusion and packed mesocosms to simulate field conditions in the upper 30 cm of soil. Brackish (mesohaline, mean 16 ppt salinity) water from the Pamlico Sound was collected and added to the mesocosms monthly for 10 months to simulate projected annual occurrence of nuisance flooding in the region by 2050. Water properties (pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, Na, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, K, and dissolved organic carbon) were measured for all water samples and leachate collected from the bottom of the columns. Soils were destructively sampled and characterized for chemical properties (cation exchange capacity, base saturation, exchangeable sodium percent, sodium absorption ratio, electrical conductivity, pH, and base cation concentrations) at time zero, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 months after flooding began. Real-time greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) were also measured during the experiment using a Picarro 2508 gas analyzer.</p><br /> <p>Initial results have shown that:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Greenhouse gas emissions were initially high, but decreased over time as soils became saline-sodic. This suggests that the microbial community was degraded over time and biogeochemical cycling of soil nutrients was slowed.</li><br /> <li>Soil became impaired for freshwater plant growth and microbial processes after just 2 floods of brackish water.</li><br /> <li>After 4 flood events the entire soil was saturated with sodium, resulting in destruction of soil aggregation due to sodium dispersion and exchangeable sodium percentage was at 100%.</li><br /> <li>At flood 5 significant amounts of dissolved organic carbon and other soluble cations were leached from the columns, suggesting that the soil no longer had capacity to absorb added elements. This finding has significant implications for effective treatment of on-site waste and needs to be explored further to understand how sodium additions affect effluent treatment.</li><br /> <li>Overall findings suggest that common soils used for septic systems in the coastal regions of North Carolina will be significantly impacted by sea level rise over the next 80 years and effective microbial and biogeochemical treatment of wastewater will be impaired relatively quickly due to predicted increased nuisance flooding by 20250.</li><br /> <li>Data from this study is being used to identify permitted septic systems that are likely already impacted by soil salinization and to create a framework for future field sampling of existing on-site systems.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>The University of Minnesota has several research projects focused on gaining a better understanding of septic system performance. </p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>A 10 year project has evaluated separation and groundwater mounding beneath septic systems.</li><br /> <li>Removal of contaminants of emerging concern was monitored over 4 years at 3 rest area septic systems and one land application site, and a master's thesis was published documenting this work (peer review is underway). In addition, a greenhouse study was conducted to determine the potential breakdown and plant uptake of CECs with land application of domestic septage application. </li><br /> <li>A new project was started evaluating the characteristics of septage removed from commercial systems.</li><br /> <li>Several sites were instrumented in the last year with temperature probes to gain a better understanding of soil temperatures concerning the local climate and the impacts of climate change.</li><br /> <li>A study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of various gravity distribution devices.</li><br /> <li>A bioaugmentation project is being studied to determine if it can reduce the need for septic tank pumping at facilities receiving primarily toilet waste while maintaining typical wastewater characteristics.</li><br /> <li>Biochar and iron-enhanced sand are being studied as enhancement materials to improve nutrient removal.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <h3> </h3><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p><strong>Microbial Metabolomics and Genetics Associated with Biodegradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products During Wastewater Treatment</strong> (A. Porter, L. Young)</p><br /> <p>Our work examines the removal of micropollutants to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. Micropollutants are chemicals that are found at very low concentrations and include household chemicals like pharmaceuticals and personal care products. These chemicals are either washed down the drain or flushed down the toilet and end up as components in wastewater. If these chemicals are not fully degraded by the microorganisms in wastewater treatment systems, they may be released into the environment with unknown consequences.</p><br /> <p>We have studied pharmaceutical biodegradation activity in enrichment cultures to understand the biodegradation potential of household pollutants by anaerobic microorganisms. Using naproxen as a model pharmaceutical compound, we explored the effects of different materials as surfaces for microbial attachment and biofilm formation. We have shown that the microbial community composition changes when there are surfaces for attachment, however, the function of the community appeared to be unaffected. We have started to genetically characterize the microbial community that is responsible for pharmaceutical biotransformation. We have targeted genes to determine whether the presence of genetic markers can be used to trace the presence of the compounds and whether they indicate biogeochemical cycling of carbon by these organisms. We have successfully detected genes for both aromatic ring metabolism and acetogenesis, which is consistent with our previous culture-based results.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Piloting N-reducing nonproprietary layered soil treatment areas. </strong>In FY 2022, we continued to partner with the Town of Charlestown, RI to gain regulatory approval to pilot a novel, non-proprietary advanced N-reducing OWTS drainfield option in RI, which presents an inexpensive alternative to currently approved proprietary technologies for N reduction. We monitored four pilot systems installed in 2021 to serve private residences in coastal Charlestown, RI. Our data (monthly sampling of each of the four installed systems) indicate that these systems are performing well in terms of N-reduction, and that if additional years’ of data collection continue to indicate good N-reduction performance, the RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) could approve this technology for wider use in RI.</p><br /> <p><strong>Monitoring the performance of proprietary advanced N-reduction technologies. </strong>Building on past research efforts to document the real-world performance of existing advances OWTS technologies installed and operated in private residences, we continue to conduct quarterly sampling of effluent leaving 20 advanced proprietary nitrogen-removing residential systems from a variety of manufacturers (including both media filter and aerobic treatment unit technologies approved in RI) with our municipal partners. Lab analyses indicate that many systems are capable of meeting the regulatory requirements and are discharging effluent concentrations at or below 19mg/L of Total N, but some systems do not. We continue to search for predictors of system performance that are easily assessed in the field to inform maintenance best practices for professionals in the industry.</p><br /> <p><strong>Examining the prevalence of PFAS in onsite systems.</strong> With funding from the USGS, we investigated the presence and concentration of 24 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) compounds in domestic wastewater from 19 households in Charlestown RI. Many regions, like our study area, that use septic systems also rely on groundwater for clean drinking water, so understanding occurrence of PFAS in septic systems is critical to protecting human health. Samples were collected from septic tanks (n=4), advanced nitrogen-removing technologies (n=14) and experimental layered nitrogen-removing drainfield leachate (n=4). Following a new EPA method (method 8372) for quantifying PFAS in water samples, we successfully detected the presence of 22 of the 24 PFAS compounds studied in our project. Total PFAS concentrations ranged from 100 to 450 ng/L with a median concentration of 312 ng/L. There was a wide variation in concentrations and in which compounds were present across individual systems. The most common potential sources of the PFAS compounds present in our wastewater were stain and water-resistant fabric coatings and food packaging. When considering the concentrations of compounds regulated in drinking water, it is clear that septic systems may be a source of harmful compounds to groundwater, a potential threat to people who draw well water from groundwater in regions where septic systems treat wastewater. These findings indicate the need for additional research of PFAS in septic systems and the mechanics governing concentrations in different types of septic systems. The concentrations we have found in this initial study should advise regulators and policy makers to test PFAS in drinking water supplies in regions where onsite wastewater treatment is common.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p>New knowledge has been gained about the nitrification/denitrification that takes place as secondary-treated wastewater moves through the soil under a subsurface drip dispersal system. Preliminary results seem to suggest that the dosing and resting cycles of a drip system promote the aerobic/anaerobic conditions that are needed to reduce nitrate to nitrogen gas. If this trend continues, the implication is that criteria employed by the state of Tennessee for the design of community-scale drip dispersal system is protective of the groundwater. Subsurface drip dispersal systems are seen as a potential solution for the land-based application of effluent in areas where the water table has become more shallow due to the effects of climate change.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 2 - Examine watershed-level impacts of septic systems on water quality and other environmental parameters in suburban, rural and coastal areas.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Modeling N-reducing OWTS technology performance at the watershed scale.</strong> Based on the performance data from nitrogen-reducing technologies (both proprietary and experimental) described in Objective 2, we coupled the total N concentration data with flow estimates from all septic systems in a small subwatershed in Charlestown, RI to model the impact of different OWTS upgrade scenarios. Based on the initial performance of the experimental layered N-removing drainfields, if existing conventional septic systems were upgraded to these experimental systems where feasible (based on lot size, horizontal setbacks to wells, and groundwater table depth constraints), the mass nitrogen load to our study watershed could be reduced by 78%, when compared to present conditions. This scenario is more favorable than upgrading all the existing systems to currently approved proprietary N-removing technologies we have been collecting N-removing performance data for, as they put out higher concentrations of total N in their effluent than the experimental system and are more costly to install. Nevertheless, upgrading existing conventional systems to either of the N-reducing technology options (proprietary vs. experimental) would significantly reduce the N load to the watershed at a fraction of the cost of connecting the watershed to a centralized wastewater treatment plant.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 3 – Develop educational materials and tools to acquaint the public and practitioners about management, operation, maintenance and health issues related to OWTS in light of system performance, and the need for adaptation to climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Arizona</h3><br /> <p>As an Extension Specialist (outreach professional), I educate and train onsite wastewater treatment practitioners in the soil and site evaluation, design, installation, operation and management, and inspection of onsite wastewater treatment systems, and inform homeowners and users of onsite wastewater treatment systems how to better manage their systems to prolong their useful life while protecting human health and the environment. This is done through formal training classes (1 to 3 days each) and seminars for homeowners. Exit surveys are conducted to obtain knowledge gained for the homeowners. Exams are given in several of the training courses for practitioners.</p><br /> <p>The target audiences include homeowners, regulators, and onsite wastewater practitioners (including soil and site evaluators, designers, installers, and inspectors). Homeowners have a better understanding of their septic system and the management needed to extend the life of their system. Due to the nature of the regulatory sector, there is a turnover of regulators. Regulators new to the position often have not been exposed to onsite wastewater treatment systems and attending the training provides them with the knowledge and skills to be better at their jobs. In Arizona, there are two regulatory training courses required by law: inspection for the Transfer of Ownership Inspection program and soil and site evaluation. These courses allow professionals to either expand their business model or allow them to continue conducting their business.</p><br /> <p>The impacts include:</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>239 professionals know how to inspect an onsite wastewater treatment system for the Arizona Transfer of Ownership Inspection Program. Without taking this course, these professionals would not have been eligible to participate as an inspector for the statewide program. Thus, 239 professionals either expanded their business model or were able to continue conducting business in this area. A national exam is required to demonstrate knowledge.</li><br /> <li> 67 practitioners (both regulators and in-the-field professionals) know more about conducting soil and site evaluations for onsite wastewater treatment systems and can use the Arizona code to conduct the evaluations. Without attending this class, these practitioners would not be able to conduct these evaluations as part of their jobs. An exam, that includes both a written portion and a practicum, is required to demonstrate knowledge and the ability to texture and color a sample of soil.</li><br /> <li>28 practitioners have increased knowledge for designing residential, gravity-distributed septic systems using Arizona rules. A homework assignment was used to provide practical application of material learned in the workshop. This class is not required by Arizona law, so those attending really want to learn best practices and/or earn continuing education hours.</li><br /> <li>29 practitioners (both regulators and in-the-field professionals) have increased knowledge about designing systems using pressure distribution and pumps and overcoming site limitations. The course covered installation, inspection and operation and maintenance issues regarding pumps. Arizona law does not require this class, so those attending are interested in improving their life-long skills and/or earn continuing education hours.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <h3>University of Maryland (UMD)</h3><br /> <p>Developed a new Inspection Course (14 hours) in collaboration with the state industry association.</p><br /> <p>Developed and taught new Septic 102 Septic Systems for Entry Level Professionals course (6 hours) .</p><br /> <p>Continued development of two acre onsite wastewater treatment demonstration facility.</p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>NE2045 project members from the University of Minnesota and the University of Tennessee worked together to secure U.S. EPA pass-through funding to develop a homeowner user guide to septic systems and a train-the-trainer program. The PIs worked through the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA) to produce the curriculum for the train-the-trainer program and the publication titled Onsite Wastewater Treatment System User Manual. In addition, an online version of the training program was developed These resources are available online at: https://www.nowra.org/library/homeowner-training-materials/</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Onsite wastewater professionals and regulators. </strong>Our program held 22 credit-bearing training workshops for wastewater professionals’ licensing requirements in RI, NH, VT, MA and NY, reaching a combined 323 professionals. We developed two new courses in conjunction with other OWTS experts in the region: one involved a tour of the Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test Center (Barnstable County, MA) and a nearby demonstration project. Another workshop was co-developed with staff from Stonybrook University’s Center for Clean Water Technology on non-proprietary layered N-reducing bioreactors on Long Island. This year we also launched a 4-hour self-paced course centered on Nitrogen’s impact on the environment, and how N dynamics play out in different types of OWTS. The course has been well-received by professionals; 12 participants have completed the course as of September 2023, earning credits for regulatory licensing renewal. We are working to add additional self-paced and hybrid offerings for upcoming workshops in 2024. All of our workshops are continuously updated with the latest scientific and technical information, and are structured to be engaging while improving our attendees’ ability to implement science-based best practices in their professional work related to OWTS. We encourage wastewater professionals to design systems with greater separation distances from drainfield bases to groundwater tables, which results in better treatment of wastewater and also reduces the potential impacts of climate change, ultimately and helping to protect ground and surface receiving water quality for residents state-wide.</p><br /> <p><strong>Realtors. </strong>We continued to offer a series of credit-bearing workshops for realtor audiences to help them disseminate accurate and factual information to their clients about conventional and advanced septic systems. The workshop series consists of two two-hour virtual trainings and a two-hour hands-on training session at our outdoor onsite wastewater training center. A total of 113 RI realtors attended our workshops, resulting in 120 training contact hours delivered on conventional septic systems, 66 training contact hours focused on advanced systems, and 40 field-based contact hours at the URI wastewater demonstration center.</p><br /> <p><strong>Public audiences: OWTS owners.</strong> This year, we significantly ramped up our efforts to engage with members of the public who own properties with septic systems, answer their questions and share science-based information with them related to operation and maintenance of septic systems. Some of these efforts were the result of our ongoing grant-funded collaboration with local municipal and non-profit partners. Our staff attended and/or hosted 11 public-facing events, and engaged with about 450 members of the public. URI student volunteers supported many of these events (e.g. booths at the RI Home Show and Farmer’s Markets), contributing more than 50 volunteer hours and concurrently gaining important experience and skills related to effective public engagement and science communication. In response to frequently asked questions and community needs, we developed a series of new factsheets on (1) Conventional OWTS function, maintenance and best practices, (2) advanced N-removing OWTS function, operation and maintenance needs, (3) function and care of advanced pressurized drainfields, and (4) informed decision making for upgrading to an advanced N-removing OWTS. These factsheets have been well-received, and we have been distributing them during realtor trainings as well.</p><br /> <p><strong>Public audiences: URI students.</strong> As in past years, our program staff continued hosting 1-2 hour field trips at the URI onsite wastewater training center for students enrolled in natural resources science, landscape architecture, and geology courses. Last year, approximately 300 students spent at least an hour at the center learning about decentralized wastewater treatment mechanisms and best practices for protecting and enhancing wastewater treatment to protect local water quality. In addition Dr. Alissa Cox taught a new upper undergraduate/graduate course on the principles of onsite wastewater treatment to 21 students. The course was structured around the problem-based learning method of instruction, where students were assigned to stable teams which worked through a successive series of interconnected real-life problems related to environmental water quality and OWTS function, design and performance. At the end of the semester, three of the graduating seniors had applied to and accepted jobs in the wastewater industry. In addition, four URI civil engineering seniors participated in a 1-2 semester-long customized experiential learning project focused on the function, siting and design of OWTS.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p>Continuing to develop curriculum materials that are used in two courses within the Environmental Sciences undergraduate major. These students are frequently employed in the wastewater sector.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p>NE2045 project members from the University of Minnesota and the University of Tennessee worked together to secure U.S. EPA pass-through funding to develop a homeowner users guide to septic systems and a train-the-trainer program. The Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) is the EPA subcontractor for this effort and will conduct the homeowner training. The PIs worked through the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA) to produce the curriculum for the train-the-trainer program and to produce a manuscript titled, Onsite Wastewater Treatment System User Manual. </p>Publications
<h3>Inter-institutional collaborations</h3><br /> <p>Heger, S. and J. Buchanan. 2023. Onsite wastewater treatment system user guide. National Onsite Wastewater Association and Rural Community Assistance Program.</p><br /> <p>Holodak, J., Stanley, Jacob K,M.S., PhD., Cox, Alissa H,M.S., PhD., Groves, T. W., Jantrania, Anish, MBA,PhD., P.E., Moeller, Jeffrey,M.S., P.E., Neset, Kris,M.S.M., P.E., Walker, C., M.S.E.H., Zhang, Harry,PhD., P.E., Ryan, Benjamin J, MPH,PhD., R.E.H.S., Heger, Sara F,M.S., PhD., & Brooks, Bryan W,M.S., PhD. (2023). Identifying Workforce Education, Training, and Outreach Needs in Decentralized Wastewater and Distributed Water Reuse. Journal of Environmental Health, 86(5), 20-28.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN).</h3><br /> <p>Boor, Elizabeth. 2023. Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Minnesota Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. Masters Thesis. University of Minnesota. </p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p>Alissa H. Cox, Owen Placido, Kristen Hemphill & Matthew Dowling (2023). “Notes from a Pilot Watershed: Protecting Water Quality in and Around Southern RI.” <a href="https://ceiengineers.com/uploads/application/files/poster-placido.pdf">Poster</a> presented at the 2023 SNEP Biennial Forum. June 13, 2023. Fall River, MA.</p><br /> <p>Placido, Owen, "Advanced septic systems contribute nitrogen and per and polyfluoroalkyl substances to coastal groundwater" (2023). <em>Open Access Master's Theses.</em> Paper 2346. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/theses/2346</p><br /> <p>Owen Placido, Kristen Hemphill, Matthew Dowling, Alissa H. Cox (2023). “Nitrogen Reducing Septic System Upgrades Measurably Reduce Nitrogen Loading to Watersheds” <a href="https://ceiengineers.com/uploads/application/files/poster-placido.pdf">Poster</a> presented at the 2023 SNEP Biennial Forum. June 13, 2023. Fall River, MA.</p><br /> <p>URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Informed Decision-Making: Advanced OWTS” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.</p><br /> <p>URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: Advanced OWTS” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.</p><br /> <p>URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: BSFs” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.</p><br /> <p>URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: Conventional Septic Systems (OWTS)” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.</p><br /> <p>URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: LSTAs” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.</p>Impact Statements
- Rutgers University Our work examines the removal of household contaminants, including pharmaceutical and personal care products, to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. The laboratory research was assisted by one undergraduate student, who gained valuable experience in assessing the presence of genetic biomarkers in microbial communities. This resulted in experiential learning credits for our student. Our findings are incorporated into the curriculum for Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Lab. The new material used in Environmental Microbiology is a case study that examines the biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater. In Environmental Microbiology Lab, students gained hand-on experience establishing enrichment cultures with added personal care products to study biodegradation and identify environmental factors, including nutrients or temperature, that might increase the rate of biodegradation. The students enrolled in these courses are senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Environmental Sciences.
Date of Annual Report: 12/16/2024
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2023 - 09/30/2024
See Meeting minutes summary for participantsBrief Summary of Minutes
University of Maryland - Andy Lazar
- Applied research: collaborating with some civil engineers and NGO to examine disadvantaged communities on eastern shore of MD and looking at flooding risk and implications for OWTS. Technical advisor and outreach activities.
- Survey of OWTS homeowners.
- Education/training for homeowners, realtors, setting up 2-acre septic demonstration field (319 funding + local NGO and vendor donations) as a research and education center.
- MD has working group developing certification requirements for different sectors in the OWTS professions.
University of Georgia - Gary Hawkins
- Research group working on reviewing past demonstration projects where flow through the system is monitored, and reviving flow through the system.
- Still working on education/outreach with soil-water conservation districts, extension agents, university students … all about awareness about septic system function and maintenance needs.
- Wastewater practitioners and regulators still engaged in CEUs renewals - attempts to develop 2nd training location not successful at this time.
- Run week-long training class for soils for DPH employees (class taught by local pedologists and some local consultants). 4 days in class on pedology, with field exercises to reinforce in-class content. Plus an exam for certification.
University of Tennessee - John Buchanan
- Transitioned into directing construction sciences major (post-COVID restructuring)
- Graduate student working on a project. Regulatory challenges for large drip distribution – poor performance not a function of design, but rather non-functional responsible management entities (TDEC was not enforcing standards or inspections for maintenance). Issues with how regs interpret system failures/malfunctions – possible a single problematic drip emitter is malfunctioning (manufacturer error, rodent damage, etc.). Concerns over loading rates (0.2 gal/sqft/day) - transition to considering soil structure and texture and presence/absence of shrink-swell …. want to develop quantitative approach to holistically consider drip loading rate and whether or not a piece of land is develop-able.
- Developed app to collect maintenance data/practices
- Examining flow dynamics in drip tubing
- Continued training for O&M providers for advanced systems (residential single family homes)
University of Minnesota - Sara Heger
- Recently completed a project looking at distribution boxes, header pipes and how even or uneven the distribution is both gravity and pump to gravity.
- A new project by a water softening system with a very high-pressure membrane that proposes reusing the brine rather than backwashing – being piloted at a rest area.
University of Rhode Island - Alissa Cox
- Continued offering training/workshops for wastewater professionals, realtors, property owners and URI students. Concerned about a gap in training / clear opportunities for new service providers to enter field and get training from manufacturers to service proprietary technologies.
- Still working with a local town to document different N-removing technologies’ performance, funded by an U.S. EPA grant (Southeast New England Program). To address needs expressed by residents during the course of this project, we are working to develop a voluntary property certification program to incentivize and recognize homeowners’ efforts to implement best practices that protect local ground and coastal water quality (including septic system upgrades).
University of of Southern Florida - Jaiye Hua
- A student is working on environmental and economic suitability assessment of OWTS across scales (individual vs. cluster vs. package plant; what type of treatment and drainfield options; maintenance frequency (reactive vs proactive))
- A postdoc is still examining salt water impacts on N-reducing performance of technologies.
- Lab-scale INRB to study best TN reduction media mix; GeoMat as distribution network
- Monitoring 10 field-scale systems.
Discussion about future of this group
- There is a funding opportunity through RCAP (Rural Community Assistance Program) to develop more education/training – perhaps something this group could transition to? Do we need to involve other land-grant universities – is anyone missing from the conversation? More details to follow.
- There is some interest in applying for a grant to develop an online university course on OWTS – perhaps hosted online? Logistics for hosting/offering are unclear at this time. This would be grant-funded, so the course needs to be free during the piloting phase (funded by grant), which would be associated with some challenges if this were offered as an accredited course at an existing university… More details to follow.
General discussion / Action items
- Need more input on renewing the HATCH project … need a research component to reflect research happening at various institutions related to OWTS, and also add a more explicit education/outreach piece. Alissa will try to get more clarity on the nature of research questions central to HATCH projects, so we can discuss at next year’s meeting.
<h1><em>Accomplishments (by project objective)</em></h1><br /> <h2>Project Objective 1 - Improve our understanding of the interactions among wastewater, soils, biogeochemical cycles and processes and treatment performance (contaminant removal) of existing and novel wastewater treatment technologies in different geographic regions and landscapes over time and considering climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>North Carolina State University (NCSU)</h3><br /> <p>North Carolina State University has conducted several laboratory experiments to evaluate the potential impacts of sea level rise and soil salinization on a common coastal soil series used for on-site wastewater treatment. We have completed field and laboratory analyses as part of a Ph.D. dissertation (expected completion in 2025).</p><br /> <p>Results from our research have shown:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Soil became impaired for freshwater plant growth and microbial processes after just 2 floods of brackish water.</li><br /> <li>After 4 flood events the entire soil was saturated with sodium, resulting in destruction of soil aggregation due to sodium dispersion and exchangeable sodium percentage was at 100%.</li><br /> <li>As soils became saline-sodic, significant amounts of dissolved organic carbon and other soluble cations were leached, suggesting that the soil no longer had capacity to absorb added elements.</li><br /> <li>Overall findings suggest that common soils used for septic systems in the coastal regions of North Carolina will be significantly impacted by sea level rise over the next 80 years and effective microbial and biogeochemical treatment of wastewater will be impaired relatively quickly due to predicted 10x increase in nuisance flooding by 2050.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <ul><br /> <li>The University of Minnesota has been collecting and analyzing water table levels under 25 OWTS serving rest areas in Minnesota and running comparative groundwater mounding evaluations. This data will help us understand how water tables may be impacted by both OWTS and climate change.</li><br /> <li>The University of Minnesota has collected and analyzed the septage pumped out of rest area septic tanks. Due to the predominance of toilet flushing it is assumed that this septage is higher in concentration in many contaminants than typical residential septage. Data from thirty systems has been analyzed for organic content (BOD, COD, FOG), nutrients (ammonia, TKN, and phosphorus), along with selected metals and at five sites PFAS were also tested. This data will help assist maintainers of commercial systems in maintaining similar commercial systems and potentially impact rates for land application or inform WWTP accepting septage. At two of these rest areas, a bioaugmentation product is being tested to determine if can positively impact sludge production and downstream treatment of a commercial aerobic treatment unit.</li><br /> <li>The Onsite Sewage Treatment program investigated the benefits of adding iron-enhanced sand and biochar to OWTS to improve and enhance treatment. The tests showed that the best biochar material was Softwood pine, which provided attractive contaminants reduction capability without disintegration in water. The best iron product was iron-enhanced sand, which gave the highest TSS and TP removal efficiency among all the materials evaluated.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <h3>Purdue University</h3><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Purdue University has conducted different industrial/agricultural wastewater treatment methods to treat various types of wastewaters collected in Indiana. Aquaculture wastewaters were collected from fish and shrimp farms and treated using biological and electrochemical methods. Microalgae, cyanobacteria, and bacteria were used to create these wastewaters during the biological treatment methods. The biodegradability and bioavailability of dissolved substances in aquaculture effluent were determined.</li><br /> <li>Egg-washing wastewater was collected from a local facility, and the same treatment methods explained above were applied to treat this wastewater. However, compared to shrimp or fish wastewater, egg-washing wastewater has a very high concentration of phosphorous and chemical oxygen demand concentrations. Therefore, the treatment of egg-washing wastewater was challenging.</li><br /> <li>Duck-slaughtering wastewater samples were collected from a local facility, and similar treatment methods explained above were applied.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Some of the studies above are completed in 2024 while some of them are going on. The on-site treatment options for those wastewaters were discussed with each facility. The primary on-site treatment method was decided to build a two-stage lagoon system. The peer-reviewed journal articles that published in this research is given below at the “Publication” section.</p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p>Our work examines the removal of micropollutants to improve water quality and produce tools for monitoring water quality. Micropollutants are chemicals that are found at very low concentrations and include household chemicals like pharmaceuticals and personal care products. If these chemicals are not fully degraded by the microorganisms in wastewater treatment systems, they may be released into the environment with unknown consequences.</p><br /> <p>We have studied pharmaceutical biodegradation activity in enrichment cultures to understand the biodegradation potential of household pollutants by anaerobic microorganisms. Using naproxen as a model pharmaceutical compound, we explored the effects of different materials as surfaces for microbial attachment and biofilm formation. We have shown that the microbial community composition changes when there are surfaces for attachment, however, the function of the community appeared to be unaffected.</p><br /> <p>We have started to genetically characterize the microbial community that is responsible for pharmaceutical biotransformation. We have targeted genes to determine whether the presence of genetic markers can be used to trace the presence of the compounds and whether they indicate biogeochemical cycling of carbon by these organisms. We have successfully detected genes for both aromatic ring metabolism and acetogenesis, which is consistent with our previous culture-based results.</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Piloting N-reducing nonproprietary layered soil treatment areas. </strong>This year, we continued to partner with the Town of Charlestown, RI to monitor pilot installations of a non-proprietary advanced Nitrogen-reducing OWTS drainfield option in RI. This technology, if approved by state regulators could presents an inexpensive alternative to currently approved proprietary technologies for N reduction. We monitored four pilot systems installed in 2021 to serve private residences in coastal Charlestown, RI. Our data (monthly sampling of each of the four installed systems) indicate that these systems continue to perform well in terms of N-reduction (achieving over 80% reduction of total Nitrogen). However, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD-5) values remain elevated (mean 50mg/L), even after two years of operation and may prevent regulatory acceptance of this technology.</p><br /> <p><strong>Monitoring the performance of proprietary advanced N-reduction technologies.</strong> We continued our collaborative effort to document the real-world performance of existing advanced OWTS technologies serving private residences. We collected quarterly sampling of effluent leaving 20 advanced proprietary nitrogen-removing residential systems from a variety of manufacturers (including both media filter and aerobic treatment unit technologies approved in Rhode Island) with our municipal partners. Lab analyses indicate that many systems are capable of meeting the regulatory requirements and are discharging effluent concentrations at or below 19mg/L of Total N, but some systems do not. We continue to search for predictors of system performance that are easily assessed in the field to inform maintenance best practices for professionals in the industry.</p><br /> <h3>University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture</h3><br /> <p>Community-scale, soil-based, drip dispersal systems are a method of returning reclaimed water back to the hydrologic cycle and are a viable alternative to surface water discharges. This method depends on the soil to accept, renovate, and transmit effluent away from the application area. When a new drip dispersal system is proposed as part of the wastewater solution for a small community, it is the responsibility of State and local environmental regulatory officials to ensure that the system will be protective of human and environmental health. However, there is an absence of standards that the regulatory community can use to determine the suitability of the application site and of the application system. As such, each jurisdiction has developed its own set of regulations, which may (or may not) be based on the best available science.</p><br /> <p>The University of Tennessee Extension received a grant from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Division of Water Resources to compile the research literature regarding wastewater drip dispersal, assemble existing regulations from other U.S. states and countries, and solicit the recommendations of engineers, scientists, and equipment manufacturers to develop well-defined standards that can be used to fairly evaluate land application areas and drip dispersal systems. The primary deliverable is a set of engineering standards of care that should be followed when designing and installing a drip dispersal system. The publication will be peer-reviewed and available by December 2025.</p><br /> <h3>University of Georgia</h3><br /> <p>The University of Georgia Research has focused on investigating how water movement under onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) is correlated with the water flow in and out of the septic tank using monitoring equipment. The research has also started some new projects to monitor and measure flow and bacteria in the distribution system. The workshops includes a powerpoint presentation along with actual OWTS products to show how systems works. These workshops last from 1 hour to 6 hours with more detail as the time increases.</p><br /> <p>The University of Georgia Extension has been working with various groups in Georgia to provide Onsite Wastewater basics to educate homeowners, City/County personnel/Soil and Water Conservation District staff on the operation and maintenance (O&M) of septic systems and how proper O&M helps protect water quality. The Extension program took part again in 2024 with a local water festival where over 300 persons came through a tent to learn about OWTS at 4 different stations. The stations were: 1) what items should and should not be flushed, 2) what does a onsite wastewater system look like (this station uses an operating model OWTS to show how OWTS work from the flush to the distribution, 3) what happens to paper when flushed (this uses a jar test apparatus to stir various paper products to show if and how much they breakdown), and an Enviroscape to show how water and wastewater are treated.</p><br /> <h2>Project Objective 3 – Develop educational materials and tools to acquaint the public and practitioners about management, operation, maintenance and health issues related to OWTS in light of system performance, and the need for adaptation to climate change.</h2><br /> <h3>University of Minnesota (UMN)</h3><br /> <p>The UMN training program, through both in-person and virtual events trained over 2,000 septic system professionals on the design, inspection, installation, and service of septic systems. Staff planned and organized the educational program for the 2023 annual Minnesota Onsite Wastewater Association conference.</p><br /> <p>A grant completed an online training module for homeowners regarding septic systems.</p><br /> <h3>University of Rhode Island (URI)</h3><br /> <p><strong>Onsite wastewater professionals and regulators. </strong>Our program held 15 credit-bearing training workshops for wastewater professionals’ licensing requirements in RI, NH, VT, MA and NY, reaching a combined 321 professionals. We updated and adapted our operation and maintenance service provider course for advanced system maintenance, offering it again for the first time since 2018. We also adapted two of our most popular courses on advanced technologies and bottomless sand filters (a specialized type of pressurized drainfield) to decrease the length of our in-person and virtual trainings, by adding two hours of self-paced course content that participants must complete after the live workshop. We have taken participant feedback and their encountered technical obstacles into consideration and revised the content and subsequent offerings to provide an easy-to-navigate yet intellectually stimulating interactive set of important content modules. All of our workshops are continuously updated with the latest scientific and technical information, and are structured to be engaging while improving our attendees’ ability to implement science-based best practices in their professional work related to OWTS. We encourage wastewater professionals to design systems with greater separation distances from drainfield bases to groundwater tables, which results in better treatment of wastewater and also reduces the potential impacts of climate change, ultimately and helping to protect ground and surface receiving water quality for residents state-wide.</p><br /> <p><strong>Realtors.</strong> We continued to offer a series of credit-bearing workshops for realtor audiences to help them disseminate accurate and factual information to their clients about conventional and advanced septic systems. The workshop series consists of two two-hour virtual trainings and a two-hour hands-on workshop at our outdoor onsite wastewater training center. A total of 114 RI realtors attended our workshops, resulting in 72 training contact hours delivered on conventional septic systems, 70 training contact hours focused on advanced systems, and 92 field-based contact hours at the URI wastewater demonstration center.</p><br /> <p><strong>Public audiences: </strong>OWTS owners. We continued our expanded efforts to engage with members of the public who own properties with septic systems, answer their questions and share science-based information with them related to operation and maintenance of septic systems. Some of these efforts were the result of our ongoing grant-funded collaboration with local municipal and non-profit partners. Our staff attended and/or hosted 4 public-facing events, and engaged with about 430 members of the public. Six URI student volunteers supported several of these events (e.g. booth at the RI Home Show), contributing more than 17 volunteer hours and concurrently gaining important experience and skills related to effective public engagement and science communication. In response to frequently asked questions and community needs, we developed a new factsheet on maintenance activities for advanced N-removing OWTS. This factsheet has been well-received, and has been a resources for our realtor trainings as well.</p><br /> <p><strong>Public audiences: URI students. </strong>As in past years, our program staff continued hosting 1-2 hour field trips at the URI onsite wastewater training center for students enrolled in natural resources science, landscape architecture, and geology courses. Last year, approximately 190 students spent at least an hour at the center learning about decentralized wastewater treatment mechanisms and best practices for protecting and enhancing wastewater treatment to protect local water quality. In addition, Dr. Alissa Cox taught her upper undergraduate/graduate course on the principles of onsite wastewater treatment to 22 students. The course was structured around the problem-based learning method of instruction, where students were assigned to stable teams which worked through a successive series of interconnected real-life problems related to environmental water quality and OWTS function, design and performance. To date, six of the 43 students enrolled in the course over the last two years are employed in permanent jobs in the wastewater industry.</p><br /> <h3>Rutgers University</h3><br /> <p>We are continuing to develop curriculum materials related to the biodegradation of emerging contaminants that are used in two courses within the Environmental Sciences undergraduate major. These students are frequently employed in the wastewater sector. </p><br /> <h3>University of Georgia</h3><br /> <p>The University of Georgia Extension has been working with various groups in Georgia to provide Onsite Wastewater basics to educate homeowners, City/County personnel/Soil and Water Conservation District staff on the operation and maintenance (O&M) of septic systems and how proper O&M helps protect water quality. The Extension program took part again in 2024 with a local water festival where over 300 persons came through a tent to learn about OWTS at 4 different stations. The stations were: 1) what items should and should not be flushed, 2) what does a onsite wastewater system look like (this station uses an operating model OWTS to show how OWTS work from the flush to the distribution, 3) what happens to paper when flushed (this uses a jar test apparatus to stir various paper products to show if and how much they breakdown), and an Enviroscape to show how water and wastewater are treated. There were five workshops with a total attendance of 120 persons.</p><br /> <p>The University of Georgia Extension also works with the Georgia Onsite Wastewater Association (GOWA) to host an annual field day which provides 8 hours of continuing education for an average of 100 OWTS professionals. The Extension has also worked with and provided a workshop of OWTS to the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services professional staff.</p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
<p><em>Aranda-Vega, Y., Bhatt, P., Huang, J-Y., Brown, P., Bhasin, A., Hussain, A.S., Simsek, H. (2024). Biodegradability and bioavailability of dissolved substances in aquaculture effluent: Performance of indigenous bacteria, cyanobacteria, and green microalgae.<br /> Environmental Pollution, 15, 345, 123468.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Arbour, A.J., Bhatt, P., Simsek, H., Brown, P.B., Huang, J-Y. (2024). Life cycle assessment on environmental feasibility of microalgae-based wastewater treatment for shrimp recirculating aquaculture systems. Bioresource Technology, 399, 130578.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Bhandari, M., Kumar, P., Bhatt, P., Simsek, H., Kumar, R., Chaudhary, A., Malik, A. and Prajapati, S.K. (2023). An integration of algae-mediated wastewater treatment and resource recovery through anaerobic digestion. Environmental Management, 342, 118159.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Bhatt, P., Huang, JY., Brown, P., Shivaram, K.B., Yakamercan, E., Simsek, H. (2023). Electrochemical treatment of aquaculture wastewater effluent and optimization of the parameters using response surface methodology. Environmental Pollution. 331 (1), 121864.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Bhatt, P., Brown, P. B., Huang, J.-Y., Hussain, A. S., Liu, H.T., Simsek, H. (2024). Algae and indigenous bacteria consortium in treatment of shrimp wastewater: A study for resource recovery in sustainable aquaculture system. Environmental Research, 250, 118447.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Heger, S.F., Boor, E.S. Distel, J., Wheeler, D.B., Larson, S., and N. Reider. 2024. Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Minnesota Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. Applied Engineer in Agriculture. 40(1): 79-93.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Holodak, J., Stanley, J., Cox, A., Groves, T., Jantrania, A., Moeller, J. Neset, K, Walker, C., Zhang, H., Ryan, B. Heger, S., and B. Brooks. 2023. Identifying Workforce Education, Training, and Outreach Needs in Decentralized Wastewater and Distributed Water Reuse. NEHA Journal of Environmental Health December 20-27.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Overbo, A. 2024. Sources of Chlorides to Minnesota Waters, Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation. University of Minnesota. </em></p><br /> <p><em>URI Onsite Wastewater Resource Center (2023). “Factsheet: Advanced OWTS Maintenance Requirements” University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Yakamercan, E., Turco, R. F., Nas, B., Hussain, A. S., Aygun, A., Meador, L., Simsek, H. (2024). Optimizing electrochemical methods for fish wastewater treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems. Water Process Engineering, 66, 105891.</em></p><br /> <p><em>Yakamercan, E., Bhatt, P., Aygun, A., Adesope, A.W., Simsek, H. (2023). Comprehensive understanding of electrochemical treatment systems combined with biological processes for wastewater remediation. Environmental Pollution, 330, 121680.</em></p>Impact Statements
- University of Minnesota (UMN): The UMN trained over 292 professionals to gain a new certification. Specifically related to septic system design, 94 septic professionals were trained. The UMN trained 200 homeowners on proper maintenance and operation during Septic Smart Week. Nearly 650,000 septic systems across Minnesota treat an estimated 44.45 billion gallons of wastewater each year. 10,856 construction permits were issued for 5,029 new systems and 5,488 replacement systems in 2023. The number of estimated compliant septic systems has increased over the last ten years, from approximately 424,000 systems in 2014 to approximately 564,600 systems in 2023.
- North Carolina State University (NCSU): In 2023-2024 a total of 961 professionals participated in 30 offered training sessions (12,310 contact hours) through NCSU Cooperative Extension. Courses covered a range of on-site waste topics from introductory installer training to advanced topics like coastal pump systems and soil morphology for system permitting. In addition, NCSU ran the annual NC Onsite Water Protection Conference in Raleigh, NC which had 291 attendees from across the state. These activities continue to maintain high professional standards for wastewater professionals in NC to protect water quality and human health as rapid development continues across much of the state.
- University of Rhode Island (URI): Wastewater professionals leave our training workshops armed with actionable information and science-based best practices for how to site, design, install, maintain and inspect OWTS to perform well in the long-term. This benefits the ~4,000 individual RI property owners who have septic systems installed each year (new systems, replacements of failing systems, and cesspool upgrades), but also indirectly benefits neighbors and the broader community, because well-designed and installed and properly functioning OWTS mitigate pathogen and nutrient pollution of ground, surface and coastal water resources. Ultimately, this helps protect public and environmental health, assures sustainable development, and promotes a clean and desirable economic landscape. Our program held 15 credit-bearing training workshops for wastewater professionals’ licensing requirements from RI, NH, VT, MA and NY, reaching a combined 321 professionals, resulting in a total of over 2,400 training contact hours. Our workshops enabled 18 new professionals to become certified inspectors for conventional systems, and 9 were certified in accordance with the national service provider coursework for operation and maintenance providers and exam developed in the mid-2000s, while another 50 are now licensed to install and/or design a URI-developed alternative drainfield technology. We also prepared 38 prospective installers to pass the state licensing exam. Over 75 professionals in RI and neighboring states are now able to expand their business activities, and implement the best practices they learned about in our workshops. The remaining >240 participants are ready to implement the best practices we shared in our courses, especially as they relate to the design, installation and maintenance of advanced systems, which now make up around half of the systems installed in RI each year. Our programming also provided realtors with a total of 228 training contact hours via accredited workshops, helping connect our targeted audience of “end users” with factual, science-based information on septic systems. In addition, more than 430 members of the public engaged with our staff members, learning about septic system function and maintenance requirements, and got their questions answered about the systems in their back yards. Over 190 URI students participated in 1-2-hour tours/labs at our outdoor wastewater training facility during fall and spring semesters. These students observed how conventional septic systems work, how they differ from centralized wastewater treatment systems, and learned how individual behaviors and actions can affect our wastewater treatment infrastructure. Finally, a total of six students who took the new OWTS course taught by A. Cox in 2021 or 2022 joined the workforce in the wastewater sector.
- Rutgers University: Our work examines the removal of household contaminants, including pharmaceutical and personal care products, to produce tools for monitoring water quality. Our findings are incorporated into the curriculum for Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Lab. In Environmental Microbiology Lab, students gained hands-on experience establishing enrichment cultures with added personal care products to study biodegradation, monitoring concentrations by HPLC, and identify environmental factors, including nutrients or temperature, that might increase the rate of biodegradation. In addition, we are developing new materials to use in Environmental Microbiology, including a case study that examines the biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater. The students enrolled in these courses are senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Environmental Sciences.
- University of Georgia: The university of Georgia conducted 5 OWTS workshops with 120 homeowners, City/County personnel, consultants, and OWTS professionals attended. The program also took part in a local water festival where over 300 persons learned about OWTS through games and models. The program also was asked to provide education presentations to two different state agency personnel (SC and ND) as well as working with the Georgia Department of Public Health the train their new OWTS employees.