W3192: Improving Safety and Health of Wildland Firefighters Through Personal Protective Clothing (formerly WDC39)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports



None to date


McQuerry, M., Kwon, C., & Poley-Bogan, M.* (2023). Female firefighters’ increased risk of occupational exposure due to ill-fitting personal protective clothing. Frontiers in Materials Polymeric and Composite Materials; Special Issue: Challenges and Emerging Issues on Firefighter’s Toxic Chemical Exposure: Smoke Chemicals, Contaminated PPE, and Off-gassing. 10, 1-10, DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2023.1175559 (Impact: 3.985)


(Invited) McQuerry, M. & Kwon, C. (2023). Personal protective clothing inequities for female structural and wildland firefighters. Fire Engineering PPE Supplement. 16-17.

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