W4190: Management and Policy Challenges in a Water-Scarce World
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Publications (10/01/2020 to 09/30/2021)
Kovacs, K., R. Haight, K. Moore, M. Popp. 2021. “Afforestation for carbon sequestration in the Lower Mississippi River Basin of Arkansas, USA: Does modeling of land use a fine spatial resolution reveal lower carbon cost?” Forest Policy and Economics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102526
Tran, D., K. Kovacs. 2021. “Climate uncertainty and optimal groundwater augmentation.” Water Resources Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR030114
Kovacs, K., H. Snell. 2021. “Heterogeneity in time preferences for an investment in irrigation.” Land Economics, 97(4): 27-40.
West, G., H. Snell, K. Kovacs, R. Nayga. 2021. “Flexible estimation of groundwater service values and time preferences.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 8(4): 825-861.
Reznik, A. and A. Dinar, Local Conditions and the Economic Feasibility of Urban Wastewater Recycling in Irrigated Agriculture: Lessons from a Stochastic Regional Analysis in California. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, (Accepted for publication, September 10, 2021).
Reznik, A., Y. Jiang and A. Dinar, The Impacts of Climate Change on Wastewater Treatment Costs: Evidence from the Wastewater Sector in China. Water, (Accepted for publication, No-vember 19, 2020), 2020, 12(11):3272, https://doi.org/10.3390/w12113272.
Reznik, A., and A. Dinar. “Reuse of Recycled Municipal Wastewater by Irrigated Agricul-ture in the Escondido Region, California.” ARE Update 23(4) (2020): 5–8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
Rightnar, J. and A. Dinar. “Welfare Consequences on the Salton Sea Region of Re-allocating Colorado River Flow Deficit.” ARE Update 23(6) (2020): 5–8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
Reznik, A., A. Dinar, S. Bresney, L. Forni, B. Joyce, S. Wallander, D. Bigelow, and I. Kan. “Can Managed Aquifer Recharge Mitigate Drought Impacts on California’s Irrigated Agri-culture? The Role for Institutions and Policies.” ARE Update 24(4) (2021):5–8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
Hrozencik, R. A., Manning, D. T., Suter, J. F., & Goemans, C. (2021). Impacts of Block‐Rate Energy Pricing on Groundwater Demand in Irrigated Agriculture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Rouhi Rad, M., D.M. Manning, J.F. Suter, and C. Goemans. Forthcoming. Policy Leakage or Policy Benefit? Spatial Spillovers from Conservation Policies in Common Property Resources. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Brown, Thomas and Stephan Kroll (2021). “Inequality Hinders Group Efforts to Avoid Environmental Disasters,” Q Open 1/1, Article qoab006.
Suter, J.F., M. Rouhi Rad, D.T. Manning, C. Goemans, M. Sanderson. 2021. Depletion, Climate, and the Incremental Value of Groundwater. Resource and Energy Economics. 63: 101143.
Manning, D., M. Rouhi Rad, J.F. Suter, C. Goemans, Z. Xiang, and R. Bailey. 2020. Non-market Valuation in Integrated Modeling: The Benefits of Water Right Retirement. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 103: 102341.
Cherry, Todd L., Steffen Kallbekken, Stephan Kroll and David M. McEvoy (2021). “Does Solar Geoengineering Crowd Out Climate Change Mitigation Efforts? Evidence from a Stated Preference Referendum on a Carbon Tax,” Climatic Change 165, Article 6.
Medina, M., R. Huffaker, R. Muñoz-Carpena, and G. Kiker (2021). An empirical nonlinear dynamics approach to analyzing emergent behavior of agent-based models. AIP Advances, https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0023116 .
Medina, M., R. Huffaker, J. Jawitz, and R. Muñoz-Carpena (2020). Seasonal dynamics of terrestrially sourced nitrogen influenced Karenia brevis blooms off Florida’s southern Gulf Coast. Harmful Algae 98, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2020.101900 .
Huffaker, R. and E. McLamore (2020). A protocol for reconstructing the dynamics of real-world systems from observational data: Application for establishing a digital proxy of a bioreactor (DIYBOT). Protocol Exchange DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.pex-1052/v1.
McLamore, E., R. Huffaker, M. Shupler, K. Ward, S. Palit, A. Datta, M. Banks, G. Casaburi, J. Babilonia, and J. Foster (2020). Digital Proxy of a Bio-Reactor (DIYBOT) combines sensor data and data analytics to improve greywater treatment and wastewater management systems. Nat. Sci. Rep. 10.8015, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598‐020‐64789‐5.
Brown, Marilyn A., Blair Beasley, Fikret Atalay, Kim M. Cobb, Puneet Dwivedi, Jeffrey Hubbs, David M. Iwaniec, Sudhagar Mani, Daniel Matisoff, Jacqueline E. Mohan, Jeffrey Mullen, Michael Oxman, Daniel Rochberg, Michael Rodgers, Marshall Shepherd, Richard Simmons, Laura Taylor, L. Beril Toktay. (2021) “Translating a Global Emission-Reduction Framework for Subnational Climate Action: A Case Study from the State of Georgia,” Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01406-1
Marilyn A. Brown, Puneet Dwivedi, Sudhagar Mani, Daniel Matisoff, Jacqueline E. Mohan, Jeffrey Mullen, Michael Oxman, Michael Rodgers, Richard Simmons, Blair Beasley, Lalith Polepeddi. (2021) “A framework for localizing global climate solutions and their carbon reduction potential,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Aug 2021, 118 (31) e2100008118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2100008118
Burton, K., A. Maas, and K. Lee. 2021. “The Temporal and Spatial Extent of Property Value Losses Following a Freshwater Chemical Spill”. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Awad, K., A. Maas, and C. Wardropper. 2021. “Preferences for Alternative Water Supplies in the Pacific Northwest: A Choice Experiment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 147(4). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001342
Rohith, A. N., Gitau, M. W., Chaubey, I., & Sudheer, K. P. (2021). A multistate first-order Markov model for modeling time distribution of extreme rainfall events. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35(6), 1205-1221.
Schull, V. Z., Mehan, S., Gitau, M. W., Johnson, D. R., Singh, S., Sesmero, J. P., & Flanagan, D. C. (2021). Construction of Critical Periods for Water Resources Management and Their Application in the FEW Nexus. Water, 13(5), 718.
Torres, C., Gitau, M., Lara-Borrero, J., & Paredes-Cuervo, D. (2020). Framework for Water Management in the Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Nexus in Mixed Land-Use Watersheds in Colombia. Sustainability, 12(24), 10332.
Zhou, H., Margenot, A. J., Li, Y., Si, B., Wang, T., Zhang, Y., Li, S., & Bhattarai, R. (2021). Phosphorus pollution control using waste-based adsorbents: Material synthesis, modification, and sustainability. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 1-37. DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2020.1866414
Zhou, H., Bhattarai, R., Li, Y., Si, B., Dong, X., Wang, T., & Yao, Z. (2021). Towards sustainable coal industry: Turning coal bottom ash into wealth. Science of The Total Environment, 804, 149985. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149985
Gardner, G., G.S. Sampson, and D. Presley (2021). “Irrigator perceptions and the value of groundwater quality in the High Plains Aquifer.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 00118, https://doi.org/10.2489/jswc.2021.00118.
Sampson, G.S., A. Al-Sudani, J. Bergtold (2021). “Local irrigation response to ethanol expansion in the High Plains Aquifer.” Resource and Energy Economics 66, 101249, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reseneeco.2021.101249.
Gardner, G. and G.S. Sampson (forthcoming). “Land value impacts of ethanol market expansion by irrigation status.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics doi:10.22004/ag.econ.313314.
Ao, Y.Z., N.P. Hendricks, and L.T. Marston. 2021. "Growing farms and groundwater depletion in the Kansas High Plains" Environmental Research Letters 16: 084065.
Perez-Quesada, G. and N.P. Hendricks. 2021. “Lessons from Local Governance and Collective Action Efforts to Manage Irrigation Withdrawals in Kansas” Agricultural Water Management 247: 106736.
Parker, Emily. 2021. “Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) economic viability on swine operations” MS Thesis, Kansas State University.
Kentucky (Buck)
Buck, S., Auffhammer, M., Soldati, H., & Sunding, D. (2020). Forecasting residential water consumption in California: rethinking model selection. Water Resources Research, 56(1), e2018WR023965.
Uz, D., & Buck, S. (2020). Comparing Water Use Forecasting Model Selection Criteria: The Case of Commercial, Institutional, and Industrial Sector in Southern California. Sustainability, 12(10), 3995.
M.S.B. Shokrana, E. Ghane*. 2021. An empirical V-notch weir equation and standard procedure to accurately estimate drainage discharge. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. In Press.
- Ghane and M.H. Askar. 2021. Predicting the effect of drain depth on profitability and hydrology of subsurface drainage systems across the eastern USA. Agricultural Water Management. 258, 107072.
- Ghane, M.H. Askar, R.W. Skaggs. 2021. Design drainage rates to optimize crop production for subsurface-drained fields. Agricultural Water Management. 257, 107045.
Eeswaran, R., Nejadhashemi, A.P., Alves, F.C. and Saravi, B., 2021. Evaluating the applicability of soil moisture-based metrics for gauging the resiliency of rainfed agricultural systems in the midwestern United States. Soil and Tillage Research, 205, p.104818.
Eeswaran, R., Nejadhashemi, A.P. and Miller, S.R., 2021. Evaluating the climate resilience in terms of profitability and risk for a long-term corn-soybean-wheat rotation under different treatment systems. Climate Risk Management, 32, p.100284.
Quintana‐Ashwell, N., Anapalli, S.S., Pinnamaneni, S.R., Kaur, G., Reddy, K.N. and Fisher, D., 2021. Profitability of twin‐row planting and skip‐row irrigation in a humid climate. Agronomy Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20847
Soula, Rania, Ali Chebil, Laura McCann, and Rajouene Majdoub. “Water Scarcity in the Mahdia Region of Tunisia: Are Improved Water Policies Needed?” Groundwater for Sustainable Development, February 2021, 12: 100510.
Foster, T., T. Mieno, and N. Brozović (2020) “Satellite‐based monitoring of irrigation water use: Assessing measurement errors and their implications for agricultural water management policy,” Water Resources Research, v. 56 (11), e2020WR028378.
Rimsaite, R., J. Gibson, and N. Brozović (2021) “Informing drought mitigation policy by estimating the value of water for crop production,” Environmental Research Communications, v. 3, 041004.
Suchato, P., T. Mieno, K. Schoengold, and T. Foster (2021) “The Potential for Moral Hazard Behavior in Irrigation Decisions under Crop Insurance” Agricultural Economics, available online 30-AUG-2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12676.
Young, R., T. Foster, T. Mieno, A. Valocchi, and N. Brozović (2021) “Hydrologic‐economic trade‐offs in groundwater allocation policy design,” Water Resources Research, v. 57 (1), e2020WR027941.
North Carolina
Edwards, E.C. and Guilfoos, T. In Press. The Economics of Groundwater Governance Institutions Across the Globe. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
Lambert, L. and Bir, Courtney. Evaluating water quality using social media and federal agency data. Journal of Water and Health. (forthcoming)
Lambert, L. H. and Hagerman, A. Industrial hemp production and market risk analysis: a case study in Oklahoma. Journal of Applied Farm Economics. (forthcoming)
Lambert, L. H., Burton C. English, Christopher C. Clark et al. (2021). Local effects of climate change on row crop production and adoption. Climate Risk Management 32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2021.100293
Pasaribu, K.N., Lambert, L. H., Lambert, D.M. et al. (2021). Profitability of irrigating for corn, cotton, and soybeans under projected drought scenarios in the Southeastern United States. Irrigation Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-020-00707-x
Bir, C., and Lambert, L.H. Considering water quality in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheets, March 2021. https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/considering-water-quality-in-oklahoma.html
South Carolina
Mieno, Taro, Mani Rouhi Rad, Jordan Suter, and Robert Hrozencik. "The Importance of Well Yield in Groundwater Demand Specification." Forthcoming Land Economics (2021).
Mani Rouhi Rad, Dale T. Manning, Jordan F. Suter, and Christopher Goemans. “Policy Leakage or Policy Benefit? Spatial Spillovers from Conservation Policies in Common Property Resources” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 2021 8:5, 923-953
Araya, A., P. H. Gowda, M. Rouhi Rad, C. B. Ariyaratne, I. A. Ciampitti, C. W. Rice, and P. V. V. Prasad. "Evaluating optimal irrigation for potential yield and economic performance of major crops in southwestern Kansas." Agricultural Water Management 244 (2021): 106536.
Manning, Dale T., Mani Rouhi Rad, Jordan F. Suter, Christopher Goemans, Zaichen Xiang, and Ryan Bailey. "Non-market valuation in integrated assessment modeling: The benefits of water right retirement." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 103 (2020): 102341.
Hansen, K., R. Coupal, E. Yeatman, and D. Bennett. 2021. “Economic Assessment of a Water Demand Management Program in Wyoming’s Portion of the Colorado River Basin: Summary” Bulletin B-1373. Laramie, WY: University of Wyoming Extension.
Hansen, K., R. Coupal, E. Yeatman, and D. Bennett. 2021. “Economic Assessment of a Water Demand Management Program in Wyoming’s Portion of the Colorado River Basin.” Final Report to The Nature Conservancy. March 15, 2021. 112 pages. https://www.uwyo.edu/uwe/wy-dm-ucrb/econ-report.html
US Forest Service
Champ, P. A., Meldrum, J. R., Brenkert-Smith, H., Warziniack, T. W., Barth, C. M., Falk, L. C., & Gomez, J. B. (2020). Do actions speak louder than words? Comparing the effect of risk aversion on objective and self-reported mitigation measures. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 169, 301-313.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., Warziniack, T., & Kao, S. C. (2020). Assessing shifts in regional hydroclimatic conditions of US river basins in response to climate change over the 21st century. Earth's Future, 8(10), e2020EF001657.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., Ghanbari, M., & Warziniack, T. (2020). A probabilistic approach for characterization of sub-annual socioeconomic drought intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships in a changing environment. Water, 12(6), 1522.
Wang, Z., Nong, D., Countryman, A. M., Corbett, J. J., & Warziniack, T. (2020). Potential impacts of ballast water regulations on international trade, shipping patterns, and the global economy: An integrated transportation and economic modeling assessment. Journal of Environmental Management, 275, 110892.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., & Warziniack, T. (2021). Effects of climate change on natural-caused fire activity in western US national forests. Atmosphere, 12(8), 981.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., Warziniack, T., & Kao, S. C. (2021). Shifts in hydroclimatology of US megaregions in response to climate change. Environmental Research Communications.
Heidari, H., Warziniack, T., Brown, T. C., & Arabi, M. (2021). Impacts of climate change on hydroclimatic conditions of US national forests and grasslands. Forests, 12(2), 139.
Chinnasamy, C. V., Arabi, M., Sharvelle, S., Warziniack, T., Furth, C. D., & Dozier, A. (2021). Characterization of Municipal Water Uses in the Contiguous United States. Water Resources Research, e2020WR028627.
Warziniack, T., Haight, R. G., Yemshanov, D., Apriesnig, J. L., Holmes, T. P., Countryman, A. M., ... & Haberland, C. (2021). Economics of invasive species. Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States, 305.
Rasmussen, S., Warziniack, T., Neel, A., O’Neil-Dunne, J., & McHale, M. (2021). When Small Is Not Beautiful: The Unexpected Impacts of Trees and Parcel Size on Metered Water-Use in a Semi-Arid City. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 998.
Olander, L., Warnell, K., Warziniack, T., Ghali, Z., Miller, C., & Neelan, C. (2021). Exploring the Use of Ecosystem Services Conceptual Models to Account for the Benefits of Public Lands: An Example from National Forest Planning in the United States. Forests, 12(3), 267.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., & Warziniack, T. Vulnerability to Water Shortage Under Current and Future Water Supply‐Demand Conditions Across US River Basins. Earth's Future, e2021EF002278.
Publications (10/01/2019 to 09/30/2020)
Tran, D., K. Kovacs, S. Wallander. 2020. “Water conservation with managed aquifer recharge under increased drought risk.” Environmental Management DOI 10.1007/s00267-020-01329-x
Tran, D., K. Kovacs, G. West. 2020. “Spatial economic predictions of managed aquifer recharge for an agricultural landscape.” Agricultural Water Management 241: 106337.
Kovacs, K, A. Durand-Morat. 2020. “The influence of lateral flows in an aquifer on the agricultural value of groundwater.” Natural Resources Modeling, 33: e12266.
Nian, Y., Q. Huang, K. Kovacs, C. Henry, J. Krutz. 2020. “Water management practices: Use patterns, related factors, and correlations with irrigated acres.” Water Resources Research, 56: e2019WR025360.
Tran, D., K. Kovacs, S. Wallander. 2019. “Long run optimization of landscape level irrigation through managed aquifer recharge or expanded surface reservoirs.” Journal of Hydrology 579: 124220.
Reznik, A., Y. Jiang, and A. Dinar, Policy Implications of Climate Change Impacts on Wastewater Treatment Costs: Evidence from China. UCR SPP Working Paper Se-ries, April 2019 - WP#19-01. (https://spp.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1611/files/2019-05/041819_Climate%20Change%20Impacts%20on%20Wastewater%20Treatment%20Costs_WP.pdf.)
Tu, C., S. Suweis, and P. D’Odorico, (2019). Impact of globalization on the resilience and sustainability of natural resources, Nature Sustainability, 2, 283-289.
D'Odorico P., J.A. Carr, K. F. Davis, J. Dell'Angelo, DA Seekell (2019). "Food inequality, injustice, and rights", BioScience, 69(3), 180-190, https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biz002.
D’Odorico, P., J.A. Carr, C. Dalin, J. Dell’Angelo, M. Konar, F. Laio, L. Ridolfi, L. Rosa, S. Suweis, M. Tuninetti, (2019). Global virtual water trade and the hydrological cycle: Patterns, drivers, and socio-environmental impacts, Environmental research Letters, 14, 053001. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab05f4.
Rulli, M.C., S. Casirati, J. Dell’Angelo, K.F. Davis, C. Passera, P. D’Odorico, (2019). Interdependencies and telecoupling of oil palm expansion at the expense of Indonesian rainforest, (2019). Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105: 499-512, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.12.050.
Rosa, L and P. D’Odorico (2019). The water-energy-food nexus of unconventional oil and gas extraction in the Vaca Muerta Play, Argentina, J. Cleaner Production, 207:743-750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.039 .
D’Odorico, P. (2018), The challenges of meeting future food, energy, and water needs, Eos, 99, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EO098891.
Peer Reviewed Publications (journals and book chapters) Reznik, A., Y. Jiang, and A. Dinar, Policy Implications of Climate Change Impacts on Wastewater Treatment Costs: Evidence from China. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, April 2019 - WP#19-01. (https://spp.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1611/files/2019-05/041819_Climate%20Change%20Impacts%20on%20Wastewater%20Treatment%20Costs_WP.pdf.) Reints, J., A. Dinar and D. Crowley, 2020. Dealing with Water Scarcity and Salinity: Adoption of Water Efficient Technologies and Management Practices by California Avocado Growers. Sustainability, 12(9), 3555. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093555. Rightnar, J. and A. Dinar, 2020. The Welfare Implications of Bankruptcy Allocation of the Colorado River Water: The Case of the Salton Sea Region. Water Resources Management, 34:2353–2370. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-020-02552-1. Ashraf, A. and A. Dinar, 2020. Impact of Short-Run Weather Fluctuations on Farmland Sales and Values. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 1:137-147. Purvis, L. and A. Dinar, 2019. Are Intra- and Inter-basin Water Transfers a Sustainable Policy Inter-vention for Addressing Water Scarcity? Water Security, 9:100058, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasec.2019.100058. Reznik, A., A. Dinar, and F. Hernandez-Sancho, 2019. Treated Wastewater Reuse: An Efficient and Sustainable Solution for Water Resource Scarcity. Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(4):1647–1685. Dinar, A., D. Parker, H. Huynh, and A. Tieu, 2020. The Evolving Nature of California’s Water Economy. Chapter 5 in: P. L. Martin, R. E. Goodhue, and B. D. Wright (Eds.), California Agriculture: Dimensions and Issues. Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Press. Policy Publications Reznik, Ami and Ariel Dinar, 2020. Reuse of Recycled Municipal Wastewater by Irrigated Agriculture in the Escondido Region, California.” ARE Update 23(4) (2020): 5–8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. Rightnar, Jacob and Ariel Dinar, 2020. Welfare Consequences on the Salton Sea Region of Re-allocating Colorado River Flow Deficit. ARE Update 23(6) (2020): 5–8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. Draft Working Papers Reznik, A., A. Dinar, L. Forni, S. Bresnik, B. Joyce, and I. Kan, 2020. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) as a Strategy to Mitigate Drought Impacts in Irrigated Agriculture: The Role of Climate Shocks, Institutions and Policies with Application to California. Final report to USDA-ERS. To appear in 2020 as UCR School of Public Policy Working Paper. Dinar, A., E. Esteban, E. Calvo, G. Herrera, P. Teatini, R. Tomás, Y. Li, P. Ezquerro, and J. Albiac, 2020. We Lose Ground: Global Assessment of Land Subsidence Extent and Determinants. To appear in 2020 as UCR School of Public Policy Working Paper. Dinar, A., E. Esteban, E. Calvo, G. Herrera, P. Teatini, R. Tomás, Y. Li, and J. Albiac, 2020. Land Subsidence: A Groundwater Overexploitation Problem. To appear in 2020 as UCR School of Public Policy Working Paper.
Seekell, D.A., P. D'Odorico, and G.K. MacDonald, 2018. "Food, trade, and the environment", Environm. Res. Lett., 13(10), 100201.
Rosa., L., M.C. Rulli, K.F. Davis, D. Chiarelli, C. Passera, P. D'Odorico, 2018. Closing the yield gap while ensuring water sustainability, Environm. Res. Lett., 13 104002.
Dell'Angelo, J., P. D'Odorico, and M.C. Rulli, (2018). "The neglected costs of water peace", WIREs Water, 5(6), e1316. https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1316.
Davis, K.F., A. Bhattachan, P. D'Odorico, and S. Suweis, 2018, "A universal model for predicting human migration under climate change: Examining future sea level rise in Bangladesh", Environm. Res. Lett., 13, 064030, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aac4d4.
D’Odorico, P., K.F. Davis, L. Rosa, J.A. Carr, D. Chiarelli, J. Dell’Angelo, J.A. Gephart, G.K. MacDonald, D.A. Seekell, S Suweis, M.C. Rulli, “The global food-energy-water nexus”, Reviews of Geophysics, 56, 456-531, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017RG000591
Manning, D., M. Rouhi Rad, J.F. Suter, C. Goemans, Z. Xiang, and R. Bailey. 2020. Non-market Valuation in Integrated Modeling: The Benefits of Water Right Retirement. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 103: 102341.
Duke, J., Z. Liu, J.F. Suter, K.D. Messer, and H. Michael. 2020. Some Taxes Are Better Than Others: An Economic Experiment Analyzing Groundwater Management in a Spatially Explicit Aquifer. Water Resources Research. 56(7).
Hennighausen, H. and J.F. Suter. 2020. Flood Risk Perception in the Housing Market and the Impact of a Major Flood Event. Land Economics. 96(3): 366-383.
Rouhi Rad, M., E. Haacker, V. Sharda, S. Nozari, Z. Xiang, A.A. Berhe, V. Uddameri, J.F. Suter, and P. Gowda. 2020. MOD$$AT: A Hydro-economic Modeling Framework for Aquifer Management in Irrigated Agricultural Regions. Agricultural Water Management. 238: 106194.
Zia, A., S. Ding, K.D. Messer, H. Miao, J.F. Suter, J.R. Fooks, T. Guilfoos, S. Trandafir, E. Uchida, Y. Tsai, S. Merrill, S. Turnbull, and C. Koliba. 2020. Characterizing Heterogeneous Behavior of Non-Point Source Polluters in a Spatial Game under Alternate Sensing and Incentive Designs. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 146(8): 04020054
Suter, J.F., S. Collie, K.D. Messer, J.M. Duke, and H.A. Michael. 2019. Common Pool Resource Management at the Extensive and Intensive Margins: Experimental Evidence. Environmental and Resource Economics. 73: 973-993.
Palm-Forster, L.H., J.F. Suter, K.D. Messer. 2019. Experimental Evidence on Policy Approaches that Link Agricultural Subsidies to Water Quality Outcomes. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(1): 109-133.
Zhong, Hua, et al. "Who pays for water scarcity? Evaluating the welfare implications of water infrastructure investments for cities." The Annals of Regional Science (2019): 1-42.
Flyr, Matthew, et al. "Modeling Commercial Demand for Water: Exploring Alternative Prices, Instrumental Variables, and Heterogeneity." Land Economics 95.2 (2019): 211-224.
Maas, Alexander, et al. "Complements of the house: Estimating demand-side linkages between residential water and electricity." Water Resources and Economics (2019): 100140.
Boyd, C., D. Davis, L. Garner, M. Germino, M. Eiswerth, S. Boyte, D. Tekiela, K. Mayer, M. Pellant, D. Pyke, M. Ielmini, and S. Franklin. 2020. “Invasive Plant Species.” 59 pp. Chapter 10 in: Tom Remington et al. (Eds.), Sagebrush Conservation Strategy. Draft. Boise, ID: Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. (Peer reviewed.)
Eiswerth, M.E., and G.C. van Kooten. 2019. “Maximizing Returns from Payments for Water-based Ecosystem Services: Incorporating Externality Effects of Land Management.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55(5) (October 2019): 1335-1348. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12788.
Medina, M., R. Huffaker, J. Jawitz, and R. Muñoz-Carpena (2020). Seasonal dynamics of terrestrially sourced nitrogen influenced Karenia brevis blooms off Florida’s southern Gulf Coast. Harmful Algae 98, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2020.101900 . 2. Huffaker, R. and E. McLamore (2020). A protocol for reconstructing the dynamics of real-world systems from observational data: Application for establishing a digital proxy of a bioreactor (DIYBOT). Protocol Exchange DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.pex-1052/v1. 3. McLamore, E., R. Huffaker, M. Shupler, K. Ward, S. Palit, A. Datta, M. Banks, G. Casaburi, J. Babilonia, and J. Foster (2020). Digital Proxy of a Bio-Reactor (DIYBOT) combines sensor data and data analytics to improve greywater treatment and wastewater management systems. Nat. Sci. Rep. 10.8015, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598‐020‐64789‐5. 4. Medina, M., R. Huffaker, J. Jawitz, and R. Muñoz-Carpena (2019). Nonlinear dynamics in treatment wetlands: Identifying systematic drivers of non-equilibrium outlet concentrations in Everglades STASs. Water Resources Research, 55. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR024427
Jeffrey Mullen, Agricultural Water Policy during Drought: A Strategy for Including Groundwater Permits in Future Irrigation Buyout Auctions in the Flint River Basin, Water.
Awad, K., A. Maas, and C. Wardropper. 2020. “Preferences for Alternative Water Supplies in the Pacific Northwest: A Choice Experiment.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
Maas, A., Wardropper, C., Roesch-McNally, G., & Abatzoglou, J. 2020. “A (mis) alignment of farmer experience and perceptions of climate change in the US inland Pacific Northwest.” Climatic Change, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-020-02713-6
Puri, R. and A. Maas. 2020. “Evaluating the Sensitivity of Residential Water Demand Estimation to Model Specification and Instrument Choices.” Water Resources Research. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR026156
Maas, A., J. Burkhardt, C. Goemans, D. Manning, M. Arabi. 2020. “Complements of the house: Estimating demand-side linkages between residential water and electricity.” Water Resources & Economics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wre.2019.02.001
Flyr, M. et al. Modeling Commercial Demand for Water: Exploring Alternative Prices, Instrumental Variables, and Heterogeneity. Land Econ. 95, 211- 224 (2019).
Maas, A., Goemans, C., Manning, D. T., Burkhardt, J. & Arabi, M. Complements of the house: Estimating demand-side linkages between residential water and electricity. Water Resour. Econ. 100140 (2019). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wre.2019.02.001
Taylor, Garth. (2019).Book Review: “Water Paradox" by E. Barbeir 2019; Water Economics and Policy.
Larson, Ryan Johnson, D. M., John R. McKean, and R. Garth Taylor. 2019 Valuing Snowmobile Recreation. Applied Economics Forthcoming
Johnson, D. M., John R. McKean, and R. Garth Taylor. Comparing a Hierarchical-Decision Travel Cost Recreation Demand Model to the Traditional Model and Implications for Survey Design. Journal of Leisure Science Forthcoming.
Levan Elbakidze; Hannah Vinson; Kelly Cobourn; R. Garth Taylor. 2018 "Efficient Groundwater Allocation and Binding Hydrologic Externalities" Environmental and Resource Economics 53(1) 147-161.
Schull, V.Z., B.T. Daher, M.W. Gitau, S. Mehan, and D.C. Flanagan. 2020. Analyzing FEW nexus modeling tools for water resources decision-making and management applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2019.10.011.
Aboelnour, M., M.W.Gitau, and Engel, B. 2020. A comparison of streamflow and baseflow responses to land-use change and the variation in climate parameters using SWAT. Water. 2020, 12(1), 191. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12010191.
Singh, S., Bhattarai, R., Negm, L. M., Youssef, M. A., & Pittelkow, C. M. (2020). Evaluation of nitrogen loss reduction strategies using DRAINMOD-DSSAT in east-central Illinois. Agricultural Water Management, 240, 106322.
Li, S., Bhattarai, R., Cooke, R. A., Verma, S., Huang, X., Markus, M., & Christianson, L. (2020). Relative performance of different data mining techniques for nitrate concentration and load estimation in different type of watersheds. Environmental Pollution, 114618.
Jeong, H., Bhattarai, R., Adamowski, J., & David, J. Y. (2020). Insights from socio-hydrological modeling to design sustainable wastewater reuse strategies for agriculture at the watershed scale. Agricultural Water Management, 231, 105983.
Pates, N. and N.P. Hendricks. 2020. “Additionality from Payments for Environmental Services with Technology Diffusion.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(1): 281-299.
Louisiana (Paudel)
Deborah Williams and Krishna P. Paudel. Migration, Remittance, and Adoption of Conservation Practices. Forthcoming Environmental Management Santosh Pathak, Hari K. Panta, Thaneshwar Bhandari, and Krishna P. Paudel. Flood Vulnerability and Its Influencing Factors. Forthcoming Natural Hazard Krishna P. Paudel, Ashok K. Mishra, Mahesh Pandit, Sherry Larkin, Rodrick Rejesus, and Margarita Velandia. 2020. Modeling Multiple Reasons for Adopting Precision Technologies: Evidence from U.S. Cotton Producers. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 175(August):105625.
Rasu, R., A. P. Nejadhashemi, F. Couto Alves, B. Saravi, Evaluating the Applicability of a Soil Moisture-based Metrics for Gauging the Resiliency of Rainfed Agricultural Systems in the Midwestern United States, Soil & Tillage Research, in review.
Levers, L., Pradhananga, A., & Peterson, J. (In review) Whom do you trust? Willingness to accept for perennial crop adoption.
Levers, L., Story, D. & Schwabe, K. (2020). Boons or Boondoggles: An Assessment of Salton Sea Water Importation Proposals. California Agriculture.
Quintana-Ashwell, N.; Gholson, D.M.; Krutz, L.J.; Henry, C.G.; Cooke, T. Adoption of Water-Conserving Irrigation Practices among Row-Crop Growers in Mississippi, USA. Agronomy 2020, 10, 1083.
Pinnamaneni, S.R., Anapalli, S.S., Reddy, K.N., Fisher, D.K. and Quintana Ashwell, N.E., Assessing irrigation water use efficiency and economy of twin‐row soybean in the Mississippi Delta. Agronomy Journal 2020.
Fan, Yubing and Laura McCann, 2020. "Adoption of Pressure Irrigation Systems and Scientific Irrigation Scheduling Practices by U.S. Farmers: An Application of Multilevel Models," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 45(2).
Lee, Seungyub and Laura McCann. 2019 “Adoption of Cover Crops by U.S. Soybean Producers.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol 51 (4): 527-544.
New Jersey
Karen M. O’Neill and Heather Fenyk. 2019. Engaging the Community to Envision the Coastal Climate Future. Pp. 155-169 in Elizabeth Mossop (ed.). Sustainable Coastal Design and Planning. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
North Carolina
Edwards, E.C. and Guilfoos, T. Forthcoming. The Economics of Groundwater Governance Institutions Across the Globe. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
Sanchez, L., Edwards, E.C., and Leonard, B. 2020. The Economics of Indigenous Water Claim Settlements in the American West. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 15, 094027.
Ge, M., Edwards, E.C. and Akhundjanov, S.B. 2020. Irrigation Investment on an American Indian Reservation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 102(4), pp.1083-1104.
Branan, R., Edwards, E.C., Hutchens, A., and Sutherland, S.A. 2019. How North Carolinians Benefit from Water Pollution Credit Trading. NC State Economist, NC State University College of Ag and Life Science, Fall 2019.
Samimi, M., Mirchi, A., Bailey, R., Ma, L. SWAT-Salt simulation of salinity in Elephant Butte Irrigation District. 2020 Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers; Singh, A., Mirchi, A., Daggubati, S.†, Mirchi, A., Taghvaeian, S. Analysis of Oklahoma’s agro-climatic trends using divisional and mesoscale data. 2020 Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers; Sheng, Z., Ahn, S., Jung, C., Park, S., Bailey, R., Granados-Olivas, A., Mirchi, A., Samimi, M., Hargrove, W.L. Coupled SWAT-MODFLOW modeling for determining groundwater sustainability under climate and pumping scenarios in a semi-arid agricultural watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, California; Singh, A., Daggubati, S., Mirchi, A., Taghvaeian, S. Analysis of rainfall and temperature trends using mesoscale climatological records in Oklahoma, US. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA.; Samimi, M., Mirchi, A., Townsend, N.T., Gutzler, D.S., Ahn, S., Moriasi, D., Granados-Olivas, Mayer, A., Alian, S., Hargrove, W.L., 2019. Climate change impact assessment for an agricultural watershed in the US Desert Southwest. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA.
Mirchi, A., Heyman, J., Tchobanoglous, G., Minakata, D., Walker, S., Samimi, M., Guerrero, B., Handler, R. (2019). Community implementation of potable reuse of treated wastewater. In: Halvorsen, K.E., Schelly, C., Handler, R., and Knowlton, J.L. (Eds.). A Research Agenda for Environmental Management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham.
Ahn, S., Abudu, S., Sheng, Z., Mirchi, A., (2018). Hydrologic impacts of drought-adaptive agricultural water management in a semi-arid river basin: Case of Rincon Valley, New Mexico. Agricultural Water Management 209, 206-218.
Samimi, M., Tahneen Jahan, N.*, Mirchi, A. (2018). Assessment of climate change impacts on surface water hydrologic processes in New Mexico-Texas-Mexico border region. Proceedings of the 2018 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress: Protecting and Securing Water and the Environment for Future Generations, American Society of Civil Engineers. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Rhode Island
Weir, M.J., Ashcraft, C.M., Leuchanka Diessner, N., McGreavy, B., Vogler, E. and Guilfoos, T., 2020. Language effects on bargaining. Plos one, 15(3), p.e0229501.
South Carolina
Rouhi Rad, M, Araya, A., & Zambreski, Z. “Downside risk of aquifer depletion.” Irrigation Science (2020).
US Forest Service
Warziniack, T., Sims, C., Haas, J. (2019). Fire and the joint production of ecosystem service: A spatial-dynamic optimization approach, Forest Policy and Economics. (refereed) [1]
Warziniack, T., Brown, T.C., (2019). The importance of municipal and agricultural demands in future water shortages in the United States, Environmental Resource Letters.
Wang, A., Nong, D., Countryman, A., Corbett, J.J., Warziniack, T. (2020). Potential impacts of ballast water regulations on international trade, shipping patterns, and the global economy: An integrated transportation and economic modeling assessment, Journal of Environmental Management 275.
Heidari, H. Arabi, M., Warziniack, T., Kao, S. (2020). Assessing Shifts in Regional Hydroclimatic Conditions of U.S. River Basins in Response to Climate Change over the 21st Century. Earth's Future.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., Ghanbari, M., Warziniack, T. (2020). A Probabilistic Approach for Characterization of Sub-Annual Socioeconomic Drought Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Relationships in a Changing Environment, Water 12 (6).
Champ, P.A., Meldrum, J., Brenkert-Smith, H., Warziniack, T., Barth, C.M., ... (2020). Do actions speak louder than words? Comparing the effect of risk aversion on objective and self-reported mitigation measures, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 169, 301-313
West, G., K. Kovacs, R. Nayga. 2022. “The influence of a climate change narrative on the stated preferences for long-term groundwater management.” Environmental Management 69: 61-74.
Kovacs, K., H. Snell. 2021. “Heterogeneity in time preferences for an investment in irrigation.” Land Economics 97(4): 819-835.
Kovacs, K., R. Haight, K. Moore, M. Popp. 2021. “Afforestation for carbon sequestration in the Lower Mississippi River Basin of Arkansas, USA: Does modeling of land use a fine spatial resolution reveal lower carbon cost?” Forest Policy and Economics 130: 102526.
Bailey, V., K. Kovacs, C. Henry; Q. Huang, L.J. Krutz. 2021. “Peer Irrigators and the Choice of Field Management and Water Control Practices for Irrigation in Arkansas.” Agronomy 11: 2473.
Tran, D., K. Kovacs. 2021. “Climate uncertainty and optimal groundwater augmentation.” Water Resources Research 57: e2021WR030114.
Reznik, A., A. Dinar, S. Bresney, L. Forni, B. Joyce, S. Wallander, D. Bigelow, and I. Kan, 2022. Institutions and the Economic Efficiency of Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Mitigation Strategy Against Drought Impacts on Irrigated Agriculture in California. Water Resources Research, (Accepted for publication May 16, 2022), https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021WR031261.
Reznik, A., A. Dinar, S. Bresney, L. Forni, B. Joyce, S. Wallander, D. Bigelow, and I. Kan. “Can Managed Aquifer Recharge Mitigate Drought Impacts on California’s Irrigated Agriculture? The Role for Institutions and Policies.” ARE Update 24(4) (2021):5–8. University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics.
Reznik, A., A. Dinar, S. Bresney, L. Forni, B. Joyce, S. Wallander, D. Bigelow, and I. Kan, Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Strategy to Mitigate Drought Impacts in Irrigated Agriculture: Role of Institutions and Policies with Application to California. Paper presented at the 26th EAERE annual conference, 23-25 June, 2021, Berlin, Germany.
Reznik A., A. Dinar (Presenter), S. Bresney, L. Forni, B. Joyce, S. Wallander, D. Bigelow, and I. Kan. Managed Aquifer Recharge as a strategy for Mitigating Drought Impacts on Irrigated Agriculture in California. Paper presented at the UC Center Sacramento, April 6, 2022.
Blumberg, Joey, Chris Goemans, and Dale Manning. Producer Beliefs and Conservation: The Impact of Perceived Water Scarcity on Irrigation Technology Adoption. No. w30080. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022.
Filippelli, Steven K., et al. "Remote sensing of field-scale irrigation withdrawals in the central Ogallala aquifer region." Agricultural Water Management 271 (2022): 107764.
Meiselman, B.S., C. Weigel, P.J. Ferraro, M. Masters, K.D. Messer, O.M. Savchenko, and J.F. Suter. 2022. Lottery Incentives and Resource Management: Evidence from the Agricultural Data Reporting Incentive Program (AgDRIP). Environmental and Resource Economics. 82 (4), 847-867.
Ahsanuzzaman, A., L.H. Palm-Forster, and J.F. Suter. 2022. Experimental Evidence of Common Pool Resource Use in the Presence of Uncertainty. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 194, 139-160.
Hrozencik, A., D.M. Manning, J.F. Suter, and C. Goemans. 2022. Impacts of Block-Rate Energy Pricing on Groundwater Demand in Irrigated Agriculture. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 104(1), 404-427.
Becker, D. A., Maas, A., Bayham, J., & Crooks, J. (2022). The unintended benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program for air quality. GeoHealth, 6(10), https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GH000648.
Burton, K., A. Maas, and K. Lee. 2022. “The Temporal and Spatial Extent of Property Value Losses Following a Freshwater Chemical Spill”. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2022, 47(3)
Du, X., Elbakidze, L., Lu, L., & Taylor, R. G. (2022). Climate Smart Pest Management. Sustainability, 14(16), 9832.
Lark, Tyler J, Nathan P. Hendricks, Aaron Smith, Nicholas Pates, Seth A. Spawn-Lee, Matthew Bougie, Eric Booth, Christopher J. Kucharik, and Holly K Gibbs. 2022. “Environmental Outcomes of the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (9): e2101084119.
Perez-Quesada, G. 2022. “Essays on the economics of groundwater depletion and management in irrigated agriculture.” PhD Dissertation, Kansas State University. https://krex.k-state.edu/dspace/handle/2097/42160
Hendricks, N.P. and G.S. Sampson. 2022. “The Value of Groundwater in the High Plains Aquifer of Western Kansas.” Kansas State University, Department of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication. February 10, 2022. Available at: https://www.agmanager.info/ag-policy/water-policy/value-groundwater-high-plains-aquifer-western-kansas
Gardner, G. and G.S. Sampson. 2022. “Land Value Impact of Ethanol Market Expansion by Irrigation Status.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47 (3): 563-579.
Lee, J. and N.P. Hendricks. 2022. “Irrigation Decisions in Response to Groundwater Salinity in Kansas.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47(3): 616-633.
Buck, S., Nemati, M., & Sunding, D. (2021). Consumer welfare consequences of the California drought conservation mandate. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
Uz, D., Buck, S., & Sunding, D. (2022). Fixed or mixed? Farmer‐level heterogeneity in response to changes in salinity. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(4), 1343-1363.
Michigan (Ghane, Nejadhashemi, Asher, O’Neil)
Thomas, J. Asher, G. O'Neil, J. Allan. 2022. A decision support tool for measuring and tracking the social benefits of water resources in Michigan coastal communities,
Journal of Great Lakes Research, ISSN 0380-1330, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2022.07.005.
Ghane, AbdalAal, Y., Dialameh, B., M. Ghane. 2022. Knitted-sock geotextile envelopes increase drain inflow in subsurface drainage systems. Agricultural Water Management. 274, 107939. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107939
Ghane. 2022. Choice of pipe material influences drain spacing and system cost in subsurface drainage design. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38 (1): 685-695. www.doi.org/10.13031/aea.15053
Dialameh, E. Ghane. 2022. Effect of water sampling strategies on the uncertainty of phosphorus load estimation in subsurface drainage discharge. Journal of Environmental Quality. 1-12. www.doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20339
Helmers, L. Abendroth, B. Reinhart, G. Chighladze, L. Pease, L. Bowling, M. Youssef, E. Ghane, L. Ahiablame, L. Brown, N. Fausey, J. Frankenberger, D. Jaynes, K. King, E. Kladivko, K. Nelson, J. Strock. 2022. Impact of controlled drainage on subsurface drainage drain flow and nitrate load: A synthesis of studies across the U.S. Midwest and Southeast. Agricultural Water Management. 259, 107265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107265
Kropp, I., Nejadhashemi, A.P., Jha, P. and Hernandez-Suarez, J.S., 2022. Agricultural Innovization: An Optimization-Driven solution for sustainable agricultural intensification in Michigan. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 199, p.107143.
Quintana-Ashwell, Nicolas E., and Drew M. Gholson. "Optimal Management of Irrigation Water from Aquifer and Surface sources." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 54.3 (2022): 496-514.
Alhassan, M., Gustafson, C. R., & Schoengold, K. (2022). Effects of information on smallholder irrigation farmers’ willingness to pay for groundwater protection. Agricultural Economics, 53(2), 191-203.
Khanal, B., Schoengold, K., Mieno, T., & Schulte Moore, L. (2022). The impact of policy design on willingness to pay for ecosystem services from prairie strips. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 1(3), 352-369.
Rimsaite, R., Gibson, J., and Brozović, N., 2021, Informing drought mitigation policy by estimating the value of water for crop production, Environmental Research Communications, v. 3 (4), 041004.
Suchato, P., Mieno, T., Schoengold, K., & Foster, T. (2022). The potential for moral hazard behavior in irrigation decisions under crop insurance. Agricultural Economics, 53(2), 257-273.
Young, R., Foster, T., Mieno, T., Valocchi, A., and Brozović, N., 2021, Hydrologic‐economic trade‐offs in groundwater allocation policy design, Water Resources Research, v. 57 (1), e2020WR027941.
North Carolina
Edwards, E.C. and Smith, S.M. 2021. Water Storage and Agricultural Resilience to Drought: Historical Evidence of the Capacity and Institutional Limits in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 16(124020).
Edwards, E.C. and Guilfoos, T. 2021. The Economics of Groundwater Governance Institutions Across the Globe. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(4): 1571-1594.
Edwards, E.C. and Thurman, W.N. The Economics of Climatic Adaptation: Agricultural Drainage in the United States. Forthcoming in Gary Libecap and Ariel Dinar eds. American Agriculture, Water Resources, and Climate Change. National Bureau of Economic Research and University of Chicago Press.
Edwards, E. and I. Burnett. 2022. Coastal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Prioritizing Investment through Abatement Cost Analysis. NC State Extension Report. URL: https://ncseagrant.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/The-Economics-of-Onsite-Coastal-Wastewater-Treatment.pdf
Lambert, LH, Lambert, DM, & Ripberger, JT (2022). Public Willingness to Pay for Farmer Adoption of Best Management Practices. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 54(2):224-241. [doi:10.1017/aae.2022.4]
Ramanathan, R, Lambert, LH, Nair, MN, Morgan, B, Feuz, R, Mafi, G, & Pfeiffer, M. (2022). Economic Loss, Amount of Beef Discarded, Natural Resources Wastage, and Environmental Impact Due to Beef Discoloration. Meat and Muscle Biology 6(1) Iowa State University [doi:10.22175/mmb.13218]
Zou, CB, Lambert, LH, Everett, J., & Will, RE (2022). Response of Surface Runoff and Sediment to the Conversion of a Marginal Grassland to a Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Bioenergy Feedstock System. Land 11(4). [doi:10.3390/land11040540]
Welch, K., Lambert, LH, Lambert, DM, & Kenkel, P. (2022). Flood-induced Disruption of an Inland Waterway Transportation System and Regional Economic Impacts. Water 14(5). [doi:10.3390/w14050753]
Na-Yemeh, DY, Legg, TA, & Lambert, LH. Economic Value of a Weather Decision Support Systems for Oklahoma Public Safety Officials. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. [doi:10.1080/24694452.2022.2108747]
Rouhi Rad, Mani, Taro Mieno, and Nicholas Brozović. "The Role of Search Frictions and Trading Ratios in Tradable Permit Markets." Environmental and Resource Economics 82, no. 1 (2022): 101-132.
Nix, Heather, and Mani Rouhi Rad. "Water Withdrawal Regulation in South Carolina." (2022).
Paige, G., K. Hansen, A. MacKinnon. 2022. Wyoming Demand Management Feasibility Investigation: Stakeholder Engagement Process, July 2019-December 2020.” Bulletin B-1384. Laramie, WY: University of Wyoming Extension.
US Forest Service
Heidari, H., Warziniack, T., Brown, T. C., & Arabi, M. (2021). Impacts of climate change on hydroclimatic conditions of US national forests and grasslands. Forests, 12(2), 139.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., Warziniack, T., & Kao, S. C. (2021). Shifts in hydroclimatology of US megaregions in response to climate change. Environmental Research Communications, 3(6), 065002.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., & Warziniack, T. (2021). Effects of climate change on natural-caused fire activity in western US national forests. Atmosphere, 12(8), 981.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., Warziniack, T., & Sharvelle, S. (2021). Effects of urban development patterns on municipal water shortage. Front. Water, 3, 694817.
Heidari, H., Arabi, M., & Warziniack, T. (2021). Vulnerability to Water Shortage Under Current and Future Water Supply‐Demand Conditions Across US River Basins. Earth's Future, 9(10), e2021EF002278.
Warziniack, T., Arabi, M., Brown, T. C., Froemke, P., Ghosh, R., Rasmussen, S., & Swartzentruber, R. (2022). Projections of freshwater use in the united states under climate change. Earth's Future, 10(2), e2021EF002222.
USDA Economic Research Service
Steven Wallander, Hrozencik, R. Aaron, and Marcel Aillery, 2022, Irrigation Organizations – Drought Planning and Response, Economic Brief No. 33, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, January, 30 pp.
Hrozencik, R. Aaron and Marcel Aillery, 2021, Trends in U.S. Irrigated Agriculture: Increasing Resilience Under Water Supply Scarcity, Economic Information Bulletin No. 229, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, December, 55 pp.
Hrozencik, R. Aaron, Steven Wallander, and Marcel Aillery, 2021, Irrigation Organization – Water Storage and Conveyance Infrastructure, Economic Brief No. 32, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, October, 24 pp.
Mieno, T., M. Rouhi Rad, J. Suter, and R. A. Hrozencik, 2021, “The Importance of Well Yield in Groundwater Demand Specification,” Land Economics, 97(3): 672-687, doi:10.3368/wple.97.3.030320-0031R1 Hrozencik, R. A., D. Manning, J. Suter, and C.
Goemans, 2021, "Impacts of Block‐Rate Energy Pricing on Groundwater Demand in Irrigated Agriculture," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104: 404-427. doi:10.1111/ajae.12231
Arkansas (Kovacs)
California (Dinar, Mahajan, Yang, Parker, Schwabe, Nemati, D'odorico)
Peer-reviewed and Policy Publications:
Quinn, W. T. N., A. Dinar, I. Kan and V. K. Sridharan (Eds.), Decision Support Tools for Water Quality Management. MDPI (2023), https://www.mdpi.com/books/book/7403-decision-support-tools-for-water-quality-management.
Libecap, G. and A. Dinar, American Agriculture Can Adapt to Climate Change-Induced Water Extremes. Choices, Volume 38, Quarter 4.
Apio, A. T., D. R. Thiam and A. Dinar, Farming Under Drought: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Farmers' Multiple Adoption of Water Conservation Practices to Mitigate Farm-level Water Scarcity. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, (Accepted for publication June 14, 2023).
Aina, I., D. Thiam and A. Dinar, 2023. Economics of Household Preferences for Water-Saving Technologies in Urban South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 339, article 117953, (Accepted for publication April 14, 2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117953.
Wang, Z., M. Nemati, J. Wang, and A. Dinar, 2023. Does Farm Size Matter for Participation in a Land Fallowing Policy? Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (Accepted for Publication January 18, 2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/21606544.2023.2171494.
Nemati, M, and A. Dinar, 2023. Teaching Principles of Water Economics to Non-Economists: Lessons from California. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR), 5(2):1-13, (Accepted for Publication January 9, 2023).
Aina, I., D. Thiam and A. Dinar, 2023. Substitution of Piped Water and Self-supplied Groundwater: The case of residential water in South Africa. Utilities Policy, 80:101480 (Ac-cepted for Publication December 21, 2022).
May Lagunes, G., V. Chau, E. Ellestad, L. Greengard, P. D’Odorico, P. Vahabi, A. Todeschini, M. Girotto,“Forecasting Groundwater Levels Using Machine Learning Methods: The Case of California’s Central Valley”, J. Hydrol., in Press.
Wolde S.G., P. D’Odorico, and M.C. Rulli (2023). “Environmental drivers of human migration in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Global Sustainability, y 6, e9, 1–33. https://doi.org/10.1017/sus.2023.5.
Sardo, M., I. Epifani, P. D’Odorico, N. Galli, and M.C. Rulli (2023). “Exploring the water-food nexus reveals the interlinkages with urban human conflicts in Central America”, Nature Water, doi 10.1038/s44221-023-00053-0.
Tu, C., P. D’Odorico, Z. Li, S. Suweis (2023). “The emergence of cooperation from shared goals in the governance of common pool resources”, Nature Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-01008-1.
Hartman, S., M. Farfan, J. Hoogesteger, P. D’Odorico (2022), “Mapping the widespread expansion of berry greenhouses onto Mexico’s ejido lands”, Environmental Research Letters, 17 (2022) 115004, doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac9ac8.
Wang, L., W. Jiao, N. MacBean, M.C. Rulli, S. Manzoni, G. Vico, and P. D’Odorico (2022), “Dryland productivity under a changing climate”, Nature Climate Change, Nature Climate Change, 12, 981–994 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-022-01499-y.
Beltran- Peña, A. and P. D’Odorico (2022). “Future Food Security in Africa under Climate Change”, Earth’s Future, 10, e2022EF002651, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF002651.
Ricciardi, L., P. D’Odorico, N. Galli, D.D. Chiarelli, M.C. Rulli (2022). “Hydrological implications of large-scale afforestation in tropical biomes for climate change mitigation”. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 377: 20210391. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2021.0391.
Tatlhego, M., D.D. Chiarelli, M.C. Rulli, P. D’Odorico (2022). “The value generated by irrigation in the command areas of new agricultural dams in Africa “, Agric. Water. Management., 264, 107517, doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107517.
Working Papers:
Divya Prakash, Mehdi Nemati, Ariel Dinar, Scott MacKenzie, Cory Struthers, Matthew S. Shugart, Advancements to The Ricardian Analysis in the Past Quarter of the Century. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, February 2023 WP#23-01.
Crespo, D. M. Nemati, A. Dinar, Z. Frankel, and N. Halberg, 2023 Hydro-Economic Analy-sis of the Colorado River Basin: A Comprehensive Framework for Water Management. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, February 2023
(WP#23-02. https://live-ucr-spp.pantheonsite.io/sites/default/files/2023-09/Hydro-Economic%20Analysis%20of%20the%20Colorado%20River%20Basin_0.pdf.)
Apio, A. (Presenter) T., D. R. Thiam, A. Dinar, and J. Meyerhoff. Farmers’ willingness to accept compensation to control agricultural nonpoint source pollution in the Limpopo River Basin of South Africa. Paper presented at the African Economic Conference, Balaclava, Mauritius, 9-11 December 2022.
Crespo, D. (Presenter), M. Nemati, A. Dinar, Z. Frankel, and N. Halberg, Policies to Achieve Sustainability in the Colorado River Basin under Climate Change Conditions and Growing Demand: A Hydro-economic Analysis. Paper presented at the EGU-General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–28 April 2023.
Crespo, D. (Presenter), M. Nemati, A. Dinar, Z. Frankel, and N. Halberg, Policies to Achieve Sustainability in the Colorado River Basin under Climate Change Conditions and Growing Demand: A Hydro-economic Analysis. Paper presented at the 2023 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, 12-14 June, 2023.
Wang (Presenter), Z., M. Nemati, Jinxia Wang, A. Dinar, Seasonal Land Fallowing Policy as a Strategy for Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Evidence from China. Poster presented at the 2023 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, 12-14 June, 2023.
Esteban, E. (Presenter), A. Dinar, E. Calvo, J. Calatrava, J. Albiac, G. Herrera, P. Teatini, R. Tomás, Y. Li, and P. Ezquerro. Modeling the Optimal Management of Land Subsidence Due to Aquifer Overexploitation. Paper presented at the 2023 EAERE Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 27 – 30, 2023.
Crespo, D. (Presenter), M. Nemati, A. Dinar, Z. Frankel, and N. Halberg, Policies to Achieve Sustainability in the Colorado River Basin under Climate Change Conditions and Growing Demand: A Hydro-economic Analysis. Poster presented at the 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, July 23-25, 2023.
Aina, I. (Presenter), D. Thiam and A. Dinar, Hydro-economic Modelling of irrigated Agriculture Water Use: Evidence from an inter-basin transfer scheme in Southern Africa.” Paper presented at the 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, July 23-25, 2023.
Nemati, M. (Presenter), M. Sneed and A. Dinar, Impact of Land Subsidence on Housing Sales Value: Evidence from California. Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, Portland Oregon, September 20-22, 2023.
Colorado (Goemans, Suter, Eiswerth, Kroll)
Lurbé, S., Burkhardt, J., Goemans, C., Manning, D., & Hans, L. (2023). Further evidence on social comparison and residential water use. Water Resources and Economics, 41, 100214.
Gharib, A. A., Blumberg, J., Manning, D. T., Goemans, C., & Arabi, M. (2023). Assessment of vulnerability to water shortage in semi-arid river basins: The value of demand reduction and storage capacity. Science of The Total Environment, 871, 161964.
Blumberg, J., Goemans, C. and Manning, D. (2022) “Perceived Water Scarcity and Irrigation Technology Adoption.” American Agriculture, Water Resources, and Climate Change, ed. Gary D. Libecap and Ariel Dinar. University of Chicago Press. URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c14698 (forthcoming)
Suter, J.F., T. Guilfoos, K. Schoengold. 2023. Seasons, Stress, Salience, and Support for Cooperative Groundwater Management. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Hrozencik, A., J.F. Suter, P.J. Ferraro, N. Hendricks. 2023. Social Comparisons and Groundwater Use: Evidence from Colorado and Kansas. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Meiselman, B.S., C. Weigel, P.J. Ferraro, M. Masters, K.D. Messer, O.M. Savchenko, and J.F. Suter. 2022. Lottery Incentives and Resource Management: Evidence from the Agricultural Data Reporting Incentive Program (AgDRIP). Environmental and Resource Economics. 82(4), 847-867.
Ahsanuzzaman, A., L.H. Palm-Forster, and J.F. Suter. 2022. Experimental Evidence of Common Pool Resource Use in the Presence of Uncertainty. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 194, 139-160.
Idaho (Maas)
Burton, K., Maas, A., & Lee, K. (2022). A Case Study in Contamination: Persistent Home Value Losses Associated with the Elk River Spill. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 47(3), 697-712.
Adhikari, K., Maas, A., & Trujillo-Barrera, A. (2023). Revisiting the effect of recreational marijuana on traffic fatalities. International Journal of Drug Policy, 115, 104000.
Kansas (Hendricks, Sampson)
Earnhart, D. and N.P. Hendricks. 2023. “Adapting to Water Restrictions: Intensive versus Extensive Adaptation over Time Differentiated by Water Right Seniority.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 105(5): 1458-1490.
Obembe, Oladipo, Nathan P. Hendricks, and Krishna Jagadish. 2023. “Changes in Groundwater Irrigation Withdrawals Due to Climate Change in Kansas.” Environmental Research Letters 18: 094041.
Hendricks, N.P. “Preferences for Groundwater Management: A Survey of Kansas Irrigators” Governor’s Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas, Manhattan, KS, November 17, 2022.
Hendricks, N.P. “The Value of Water in Kansas” Kansas Ag Growth Summit. Kansas Department of Agriculture, Manhattan, KS, August 17, 2023.
Edwards, E., N.P. Hendricks, and G.S. Sampson. “Agricultural Land Market Value of Prior Appropriation Water Rights.” Track Session Presentation, 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. July 23 – 25.
Michigan (Asher, Srivastava, Nejadhashemi, Ghane, O'Neil, Wolfson, Sears, Seedang)
- B. Dialameh, E. Ghane. 2023. Investigation of phosphorus transport dynamics using high-frequency monitoring at a subsurface-drained field in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Journal of the Great Lakes Research. . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2023.04.005
- Y. AbdalAal, E. Ghane. 2023. Comparison of newly proposed and existing design criteria for saturated buffers. Journal of the ASABE. 66, 431-440. https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15246
- G.W. Feyereisen, E. Ghane, T. Schumacher, M. Williams, B. Dalzell. 2023. Can woodchip bioreactors be used at a catchment scale? Nitrate performance and sediment considerations. Journal of the ASABE. 66, 367-379. https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15496
- G.W. Feyereisen, H. Wang, P. Wang, E.L. Anderson, J. Jang, E. Ghane, J.A. Coulter, C.J. Rosen, M.J. Sadowsky, S. Ishii. 2023. Carbon supplementation and bioaugmentation to improve denitrifying woodchip bioreactor performance under cold conditions. Ecological Engineering. 191, 106920. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.106920
- M.S.B. Shokrana, E. Ghane, Z. Qi. 2023. Calibration and validation of RZWQM2-P model to simulate phosphorus loss in a clay loam soil in Michigan. Journal of the ASABE. 65(6), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15283
- * Kropp, I., A. P. Nejadhashemi, P. Jha, J. S. Hernandez-Suarez, 2022. Agricultural innovization: An optimization-driven solution for sustainable agricultural intensification in Michigan, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 199: 107143.
- Chikafa, M., A. P. Nejadhashemi, K. Moller, H. Razavi, J.C. Bizimana. 2023. Multidimensional Evaluation of the Impacts of Agricultural Interventions to Achieve Food Security in Malawi. Food and Energy Security, 00:e486, 1-17.
- Steinman, A.D.; Uzarski, D.; Lusch, D.; Miller, C; Doran, P.J; Zimnicki, T.; Chu, P.; Allan, J.; Asher, J.; Bratton, J.; Carpenter, D.; Dempsey, D.; Drummond, C.; Esch, J.; Garwood, A.; Harrison, A.; Lemke, L.D.; Nicholas, J.; Ogilvie, W.; O’Leary, B.; Sachs, P.; Seelbach, P.; Seidel, T.; Suchy, A., and Yellich, J. Groundwater in Crisis? Addressing Groundwater Challenges in Michigan as a template for the Great Lakes. Sustainability 2022, 14(5), 3008;. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053008.
- Thomas, M.; Asher, J. O’Neil, G.; Allan, J. 2022. A Decision Support Tool for Measuring and Tracking the Social Benefits of Water Resources in Michigan Coastal Communities. Journal of Great Lakes Research, Volume 48, Issue 6, 2022, Pages 1401-1416, ISSN 0380-1330, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2022.07.005.
Mississippi (Quintana Ashwell, Paz)
Maher, A.T., Quintana-Ashwell, N.E., Tanaka, J.A., Ritten, J.P. and Maczko, K.A., 2023. Financial barriers and opportunities for conservation adoption on US rangelands: A region-wide, ranch-level economic assessment of NRCS-sponsored Greater Sage-grouse habitat conservation programs. Journal of Environmental Management, 329, p.116420.
Nelson, A.M., Quintana Ashwell, N.E., Delhom, C.D. and Gholson, D.M., 2022. Leveraging Big Data to Preserve the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer: A Blueprint for the National Center for Alluvial Aquifer Research. Land, 11(11), p.1925.
Quintana-Ashwell, N.E. and Gholson, D.M., 2022. Optimal Management of Irrigation Water from Aquifer and Surface sources. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 54(3), pp.496-514.
Quintana-Ashwell, N., Gholson, D., Kaur, G., Singh, G., Massey, J., Krutz, L.J., Henry, C.G., Cooke III, T., Reba, M. and Locke, M.A., 2022. Irrigation water management tools and alternative irrigation sources trends and perceptions by farmers from the delta regions of the lower Mississippi River basin in South Central USA. Agronomy, 12(4), p.894.
Russell, D., Singh, G., Quintana-Ashwell, N., Kaur, G., Gholson, D., Krutz, L.J. and Nelson, K.A., 2023. Cover crops and furrow irrigation impacts on soybean production in sub-humid climate. Agricultural Water Management, 284, p.108347.
Sehgal, A., Singh, G., Quintana, N., Kaur, G., Ebelhar, W., Nelson, K.A. and Dhillon, J., 2023. Long-term crop rotation affects crop yield and economic returns in humid subtropical climate. Field Crops Research, 298, p.108952.
Singh, B., Kaur, G., Quintana-Ashwell, N.E., Singh, G., Lo, T.H. and Nelson, K.A., 2023. Row spacing and irrigation management affect soybean yield, water use efficiency and economics. Agricultural Water Management, 277, p.108087.
Roberts, C., Gholson, D.M., Locke, M.A., Pieralisi, B., Crow, W., Spencer, D. and Quintana-Ashwell, N., 2023, October. Cover Crops Affect in-Season Soil Moisture in Cotton. In ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. ASA-CSSA-SSSA.
Nebraska (Mittelstet, Schoengold, Brozovic)
Balasubramanya, S., Brozović, N., Fishman, R., Lele, S., & Wang, J. (2022). Managing irrigation under increasing water scarcity. Agricultural Economics, 53(6), 976-984.
Garrick, D., Balasubramanya, S., Beresford, M., Wutich, A., Gilson, G. G., Jorgensen, I., ... & Mendoza, K. V. (2023). A systems perspective on water markets: barriers, bright spots, and building blocks for the next generation. Environmental Research Letters, 18(3), 031001.
Rimšaitė, R., & Brozović, N. (2023). Groundwater Development Paths in the US High Plains. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science.
Rimšaitė, R., & Brozović, N. (2023). Groundwater Transfers in Nebraska. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute Report.
Suter, J., Guilfoos, T., & Schoengold, K. (2023). Seasons, stress, salience, and support for cooperative groundwater management. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Essakkat, K., & Schoengold, K. (2023). Producers’ Willingness-to-Pay for Policy-Driven Soil Health Enhancement: A Comparative Analysis of Location Preferences. WAEA Annual Conference, Whistler, BC, Canada, July 17-19.
Essakkat, K., & Schoengold, K. (2023). How much are producers willing to pay for ecosystem services that promote soil health?. AAEA Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. July 23 – 25.
Melkani, A., Mieno, T., Hrozencik, R. A., Rimsaite, R., Brozovic, N., & Kakimoto, S. (2023). Economic Impact of Groundwater Regulation in Nebraska: A Hedonic Price Analysis. AAEA Annual Conference. Washington, D.C. July 23 – 25.
North Carolina (Edwards)
- Sanchez, L., Edwards, E.C., Leonard, B. Paper Water, Wet Water, and the Recognition of Indigenous Property Rights. In press at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
- Edwards, E.C., Hassett, A., Sutherland, S.A. Teaching Elasticity of Demand and Marginal Analysis Using Water Utility Pricing. In press at Applied Economics Teaching Resources.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Environmental Justice in Agriculture-to-Urban Water Transfers. Conference on Economics of Inequity in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Systems, Minneapolis, MN, May 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Left in the Dust? Environmental and Labor Effects of Rural-Urban Water Sales. Colorado School of Mines Economics Department Seminar. April 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Left in the Dust? Environmental and Labor Effects of Rural-Urban Water Sales. San Diego State University Economics Department Seminar. April 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Left in the Dust? Environmental and Labor Effects of Rural-Urban Water Sales. University of California San Diego Economics Department Seminar. April 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Creating American Farmland: Institutional Evolution and the Development of Agricultural Drainage. Iowa State University Department of Economics Seminar. January 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Left in the Dust? Environmental and Labor Effects of Rural-Urban Water Sales. University of California Davis Ag and Resource Economics Department Seminar. January 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2023. Paper Water, Wet Water, and the Recognition of Indigenous Property Rights. University of Wyoming Department of Economics Seminar. January 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. 2022. Left in the Dust? Environmental and Labor Effects of Rural-Urban Water Sales. University of Rhode Island Environmental and Resource Economics Department Seminar, November 2022.
- Edwards, E.C. and Ferraro, G. 2023. The potential for coordination within SWISLR and agricultural research. SWISLR Webinar, February 2023.
- Edwards, E.C. The Economics of Water Management: Coordination in Irrigation and Drainage. 2022 Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School. November 2022.
- Edwards, E.C. 2022. The Economic Impact of North Carolina’s Commercial Fishing Industry. North Carolina Coastal Conference. November 2022.
- Edwards, E.C. 2022. Water Conservation Pricing, Basics and Emerging Issues. Western North Carolina Water Quality Conference. October 2022.
- Edwards, E.C. 2022. Economic Issues in Agriculture and the Environment. NC Extension Annual Conference. October 2022.
Oklahoma (Mirchi, Lambert, Alian)
Lambert, LH, HE Shear, & J Warren (2023). Grower Production and Economic Efficiency in Semi-Arid Southern Great Plains. Journal of ASFMRA. https://www.asfmra.org/resources/asfmra-journal/2023journal
Na-Yemeh, DY, TA Legg*, & LH Lambert (2023). Economic Value of a Weather Decision Support Systems for Oklahoma Public Safety Officials. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 113(2):549-565.
Welch, K, LH Lambert, DM Lambert, & D Shideler. (2023). Multi-State Economic Contribution and Multi-Congressional District Impact Analysis of the Inland Waterway Disruption. Journal of Case Studies on Transport Policy 13:101043. doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101043
Westbrook, L, DM Lambert, AD Hagerman, LH Lambert, EA DeVuyst, & CA Maples. (2023). Should Producers of Rainfed Wheat Enroll in Agricultural Risk Coverage or Price Loss Coverage? Choice 38:4. https://www.choicesmagazine.org/UserFiles/file/cmsarticle_867.pdf
Mishra, B, J Omkar, W Rodney, B Chapagain, & LH Lambert (2023). Intentions of Landowners towards Active Management of Ecosystem for Deer Habitat. Environmental Management 72: 529-539.
Yao, YQ, Lambert, LH, Levers, L. (2023). “Dynamic Hydro-economic Optimization Model for Sustainable Agricultural Water Management: A Case Study of Oklahoma Panhandle Region”. The University Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), June 13-15, Fort Collins, CO.
Welch, KL, Lambert, DM, Hagerman, A, Krueger E., Lambert, LH, Ochsner, T, & Weckler, P. (2023). “Quantifying Drought Impacts on Oklahoma’s Rural Communities.” Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA) Annual Meeting, July 18-20, Whistler, BC.
Boateng, M, LH Lambert, DM Lambert, & C Jones (2023). “Are Rainfed Double Cropping Systems Preferred by Risk-Averse Producers?” Selected paper. Southern Agricultural Economic Association (SAEA), February 5-7, Oklahoma City, OK.
Rhode Island (Guilfoos)
Suter, J., Guilfoos, T., & Schoengold, K. (2023). Seasons, stress, salience, and support for cooperative groundwater management. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Texas (Wilcox, Rouhi Rad, Sheng)
(Rouhi Rad):
Nix, H.B. and Rad, M.R., 2023. An Introduction to Consumptive Use of Water in South Carolina. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources, 9(1), p.10.
Hrozencik, R.A., Rouhi Rad, M. and Uz, D., 2023. Electricity Demand by the Irrigated Sector in Response to Climatic Shocks.
Bahrami, S., Rouhi Rad, M. and Nayga, R.M., 2023. Saving the Colorado River Through Conservation Payments to Irrigated Agriculture.
USDA (Peck, Warziniack, Hrozencik, Potter)
Hrozencik, R. A., Suter, J. F., Ferraro, P. J., & Hendricks, N. (2022). Social comparisons and groundwater use: Evidence from Colorado and Kansas. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Hrozencik, A., Gardner, G., Potter, N., & Wallander, S. (2023). Irrigation Organizations: Groundwater Management. USDA, Economic Research Service. EB-34
Potter, N., Hrozencik, A., & Wallander, S. (2023). Irrigation Organizations: Water Inflows and Outflows. USDA, Economic Research Service. EB-34
Caldwell, P. V., Martin, K. L., Vose, J. M., Baker, J. S., Warziniack, T. W., Costanza, J. K., ... & Mihiar, C. M. (2023). Forested watersheds provide the highest water quality among all land cover types, but the benefit of this ecosystem service depends on landscape context. Science of The Total Environment, 882, 163550.
Sanchez, L., Warziniack, T., & Knowles, M. (2023). The inequitable exposure of socially vulnerable groups to water shortages across the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 18(4), 044022.
Blachly, B., Sims, C., & Warziniack, T. (2023). Natural Capital Externalities: Evidence from Over 700 US Watersheds. Available at SSRN 4329537.
Warziniack, T., Arabi, M., Brown, T. C., Froemke, P., Ghosh, R., Rasmussen, S., & Swartzentruber, R. (2022). Projections of freshwater use in the United States under climate change. Earth's Future, 10(2), e2021EF002222.
Wyoming (Hansen)
Bennett, D.E., M. Lewis, H. Mahowald, M. Collins, T. Brammer, H. Byerly Flint,L. Thorsness, W. Eaton, K. Hansen, M. Burbach, and E. Koebele. 2023. Agricultural Water Users’ Preferences for Addressing Water Shortages in the Colorado River Basin. September, 2023. 40 pages.
Hansen, K., S. Brodnax, R. Coupal, J. Lamb, A. MacKinnon, G. Paige, E. Peterson, M. Purcell. Wyoming Conservation Exchange: A Case Study in Grassroots Conservation Program Design. Journal of Extension. Forthcoming.
Hansen, K., S. Buck, D. Godwin, A. Fernald, B. Gaolach, G. Paige, T. Warziniack, R. Heinse, and H. Braithwaite. 2023. The Western Water Network: A Vision for the Future of Water Management in the West. A Vision Paper prepared by members of the Western Water Network 2023 Workshop Organizing Committee.
Hansen, K. and R. Heinse. 2023. Water Resilience in Agriculture. In: Zhang, Q. (eds) Encyclopedia of Smart Agriculture Technologies. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89123-7_192-3.
Warziniack, T., R. Heinse, A. Fernald, M. Gaffney, K. Hansen, B. Hess, L. Houglum, G. Paige, and Q. Zhang. 2023. “Western Water Network: A Case Study in Water Network Formation.” Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 178: 47-56.