NC_old1180: Control of Endemic, Emerging and Re-emerging Poultry Respiratory Diseases in the United States
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Zegpi, R.A.*, S. Gulley, V.L. van Santen, K.S. Joiner, H. Toro. Infectious bronchitis virus vaccination at day 1 of age further limits cross protection. Avian Diseases 63:302–309, 2019
Saiada, F.*, F. Eldemery*, R. A. Zegpi*, S. L. Gulley, A. Mishra, V. L. van Santen, and H. Toro. Early vaccination of chickens induces suboptimal immunity against infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases 63:38–47, 2019
Saiada F.*, Gallardo RA, Shivaprasad HL, Corsiglia C, van Santen VL. Intestinal tropism of an IBV isolate not explained by spike protein binding specificity. Avian Dis. (accepted for publication Oct. 2019).
Zegpi R. A.*, K. S. Joiner, V. L. van Santen, H. Toro. Infectious bronchitis virus population structure defines immune response and protection. Avian Diseases (submitted Sept. 2019).
Zegpi R.A.*, L. He, Q. Yu, K. S. Joiner, V. L. van Santen, H. Toro. Limited protection conferred by recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing infectious bronchitis spike protein. Avian Diseases (submitted Sept. 2019)
Zegpi R. A.*, C. Breedlove, S. Gulley, H. Toro. Infectious bronchitis virus immune responses in the Harderian gland upon initial vaccination. Avian Diseases (submitted Oct. 2019)
- McCuen, M. E. Pitesky, A. P. da Silva, R. A. Gallardo, J. J. Buler, S. Acosta, A. Wilcox, R. F. Bond, S. L. Díaz-Muñoz. Linking remote sensing for targeted surveillance of Avian Influenza virus via tangential flow ultra-filtration and whole segment amplification in California wetlands. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Submitted.
- Tracy, P. Saelao, Y. Wang, R. A. Gallardo, S. J. Lamont, J. Dekkers, T. Kelly, H. Zhou.
A bird’s eye view of the dynamics of the response to Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) and heat stress in the chicken spleen: RNA-seq in two distinct genetic lines. 2019. Dev and Comp Immunol. Submitted.
A.P. Da Silva, K.A. Schat, R.A. Gallardo. Cytokine responses in tracheas from MHC congenic chicken lines with distinct susceptibilities to infectious bronchitis virus. 2019. Avian Dis. Submitted.
- Walugembe, J. Mushi, E. Amuzu-Aweh, G. Chiwanga, P. Msoffe, Y. Wang, P. Saelao, T. Kelly, R. Gallardo, H. Zhou, S. Lamont, A. Muhairwa, J. Dekkers. Genetic analyses of Tanzania local chicken ecotypes challenged with Newcastle disease virus. 2019. Genes. In press. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/10/7/546/pdf
Egaña-Labrin, S. R. Hauck, A. Figueroa, S. Stoute, H.L. Shivaprasad, M. Crispo, C. Corsiglia, H. Zhou, C. Kern, B. Crossley, R. Gallardo. 2019. Genotypic Characterization of Emerging Avian Reovirus Molecular Variants in California. Sci Rep Accepted.
Saelao P., Y. Wang, G. Chanthavixay, R. A. Gallardo, A. Wolc, J. M. Dekkers, S. J. Lamont, T. Kelly, H. Zhou. Genetics and genomic regions affecting response to Newcastle disease virus infection under heat stress on layer chickens. 2019. Genes. 10(1), 61. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/10/1/61/htm
Da Silva A.P., R. Hauck, C. Kern, Y. Wang, H. Zhou, R.A. Gallardo. Effects of Chicken MHC Haplotype on Resistance to Distantly-Related Infectious Bronchitis Viruses. 2019. Avian Dis. 63:2, 310-317. https://www.aaapjournals.info/doi/pdf/10.1637/11989-103118-Reg.1
Biswas S., A. Abdelnabi, M. Pitesky, R. A. Gallardo, P. Pandey. Thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium in poultry carcass and litter at thermophilic temperatures. 2018. Applied Poultry Science. https://doi.org/10.3382/japr/pfy072
Rowland K., A. Wolc, R. A. Gallardo, T. Kelly, H. Zhou, J. C. Dekkers, S. J. Lamont. Genetic analysis of a commercial egg laying line challenged with Newcastle disease virus. Frontiers in genetics. 2018; 9:326. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fgene.2018.00326/full
Rowland K., P. Saelao, Y. Wang, J.E. Fulton, G.N. Liebe, A. M. Mc Carron, A. Wolc, R.A. Gallardo, T. Kelly, H. Zhou, J. Dekkers, S. J. Lamont. Association of candidate genes with response to heat and Newcastle disease virus. 2018. Genes. 9(11), 560. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes9110560
Saelao P., Y. Wang, G. Chanthavixay, V. Yu, R. A. Gallardo, S. J. Lamont, J. M. Dekkers, T. Kelly, H. Zhou. Integrated proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of differential expression of chicken lung tissue in response to NDV infection during heat stress. 2018. Genes. 9(12), 579. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes9120579
Deist M.S., R.A. Gallardo, D.A. Bunn, T.R. Kelly, J.C.M. Dekkers, H. Zhou, S.J. Lamont. Novel Analysis of the Harderian Gland Transcriptome response to Newcastle Disease Virus in two Inbred Chicken Lines. Sci. Reports. 2018. 8:6558. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-24830-0
Saelao P., Y. Wang. R. A. Gallardo, S. J. Lamont, J. M. Dekkers, T. Kelly, H. Zhou. Novel insights into the host immune response of chicken Harderian gland tissue, during Newcastle disease virus infection and heat treatment. 2018. BMC Vet. Res. 14:280.
Rowland K, Saelao P, Wang Y, Fulton JE, Liebe GN, McCarron AM, Wolc A, Gallardo RA, Kelly T, Zhou H, Dekkers JCM, Lamont SJ. Association of candidate genes with response to heat and Newcastle disease virus. Genes, 9(11): E560.
Aleuy O.A., M. Pitesky, R. A. Gallardo. Using Multinomial and Space -Time Permutation Models to Understand the Epidemiology of Infectious Bronchitis in California Between 2008 and 2012. Avian Dis. 2018. 62:2. 226-232. https://doi.org/10.1637/11788-122217-Reg.1
Aston, E.J., B.J Jordan, S.M. Williams, M. Garcia, M.W. Jackwood. Effect of pullet vaccination on development and longevity of immunity. Viruses 11: 135, doi:10.33490, 2019.
Aston, E.J., M.W. Jackwood, R.M. Gogal Jr., D. J. Hurley, B.D. Fairchild, D.A. Hilt, S. Cheng, L.R. Tensa, M. Garcia and B.J Jordan. Ambient ammonia does not inhibit the immune response to infectious bronchitis virus vaccination and protection from homologous challenge in broiler chickens. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 217: 109932, 2019.
Beltrán, G., D. J. Hurley, R. M. Gogal Jr., S. Sharif, L. R Read, S. M. Williams, C. F. Jerry, D. A Maekawa, and M. García. Immune Responses in the Eye-Associated Lymphoid Tissues of Chickens after Ocular Inoculation with Vaccine and Virulent Strains of the Respiratory Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV). Viruses 11 (77) 635, https://doi.org/10.3390/v11070635. 2019.
Dos Santos, Marianne and Naola Ferguson-Noel. Application of Mycoplasma gallisepticum F Vaccine Strain Specific PCR Protocols to Vaccine Trials.21st World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress (WVPAC 2019), Bangkok Thailand, September 16th – 20th , 2019.
Dunn, J. R., K. M. Dimitrov, P. J. Miller, M. García, A. Brown, A. Hartman. Evaluation of protective efficacy when combining HVT vector vaccines. Avian Diseases. 63:75-83. 2019
Ehsan, Mohammadreza, Marianne Dos Santos, Amanda Olivier and Naola Ferguson-Noel. The Application of Real time PCR protocols to Differentiate Mycoplasma synoviae Vaccine and Field Strains.American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Annual Convention, Washington, DC. August 2nd -6th, 2019.
García, M. and G. Zavala. Commercial vaccines and vaccination strategies against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT): What we have learned and knowledge gaps that remain. Avian Diseases. Avian Dis. 63:325-334. 2019
Maekawa, A., G. Beltrán, S. M. Riblet, and M.García. Protection Efficacy of a Recombinant Herpesvirus of Turkey Vaccine Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Administered In Ovo to Broilers at Three Standardized Doses. Avian Dis. 63: 351-358. 2019.
Maekawa, D., S. M. Riblet, L. Newman, R. Koopman, T. Barbosa & M. García. valuation of vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) with recombinant herpesvirus of turkey (rHVT-LT) and chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccines applied alone or in combination. Avian Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1080/03079457.2019.1644449. 2019.
Marcano, Valerie C, Susan M Williams, Maricarmen García, Marianne Dos Santos, Naola Ferguson-Noel. Sinus Lesion Evaluation of SPF chickens co-infected with Mycoplasma synoviae and Infectious Bronchitis.. 21st World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress (WVPAC 2019), Bangkok Thailand, September 16th – 20th , 2019.
Mo, J., M. Angelichio, L. Gow, V. Leathers, M.W. Jackwood. Validation of specific quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay panel for Infectious Bronchitis using synthetic DNA standards and clinical specimens. Accepted: J. Virological Methods Nov. 2019.
Mo, J., M. Angelichio, L. Gow, V. Leathers, M.W. Jackwood. Development of specific quantitative real-time PCR assay panels for Infectious Laryngotracheitis, Newcastle Disease and Avian Metapneumovirus using synthetic DNA standards, internal positive controls and clinical specimens. Submitted: J. Virological Methods 2019.
Palomino-Tapia, V. A., G. Zavala, S, Cheng, and M. García. Long term protection against a virulent field isolate of Infectious laryngotracheitis virus induced by inactivated, recombinant and modified live virus vaccines in commercial layers.14:1-12. doi: 10.1080/03079457.2019.1568389. 2019.
Spatz, S. J., M. García, S. M. Riblet, T. A. Ross, J. D.Volkening, T. L. Taylor, T. Kim and C. L. Afonso. MinION sequencing to genotype US strains of Infectious laryngotracheitis virus. Feb 5:1-43. doi: 10.1080/03079457.2019.1579298. 2019
Ngunjiri J, Taylor K, Abundo M, Jang H, Elaish M, Mahesh C, Ghorbani A, Wijeratne S, Weber B, Johnson TJ, Lee C. Farm stage, bird age and body site dominantly affect the quantity, taxonomic composition, and dynamics of respiratory and gut microbiota of commercial layer chickens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85: e03137-18. 2019.
Abstracts/Posters/Professional Presentations
Farjana Saiada, Vicky L. van Santen, H.L. Shivaprasad, Charles Corsiglia, Rodrigo A. Gallardo (2019). Intestinal tropism of an IBV isolate is not explained by spike protein binding specificity
AAAP meeting, Washington, D.C., Aug 2-6.
Toro, H., R.A. Zegpi, V.L. van Santen (2019). Immune Responses Induced in Chickens by a Genetically More Homogeneous Infectious Bronchitis Virus Vaccine (2019). AAAP meeting, Washington, D.C. Aug 2-6.
Ramon A. Zegpi, C. Breedlove, Steve Gulley, Q. Yu, Vicky van Santen, Haroldo Toro (2019). Protection Conferred by IBV S-ectodomain Expressed from Recombinant NDV LaSota. AAAP meeting, Washington, D.C. Aug 2-6.
Ramon A. Zegpi, Vicky van Santen, Haroldo Toro (2019). Optimization of Avidity Determination using Logistical Regression: IBV S1-specific Antibodies. AAAP meeting, Washington, D.C. Aug 2-6.
Chanthavixay, K., C. Kern, Y. Wang, Saelao, P., R. Gallardo, S.J. Lamont. N. Chubb, G. Rincon, Zhou, H. 2019. Differential H3K27ac peaks within bursa tissue of two inbred chicken lines under NDV infection and heat stress. 37th Conference for the International Society of Animal Genetics, Lleida, Spain.
Walugembe, M., E.N. Amuzu-Aweh, B.B. Kayang, A.P. Muhairwa, P.K. Botchway, J.R. Mushi, G. Honorati, A. Naazie, G. Aning, P. Msoffe, Y. Wang, P. Saelao, T.R. Kelly, R.A. Gallardo, H. Zhou, S.J. Lamont and J.C.M. Dekkers. 2019. Genetic Analyses of Ghana and Tanzania Local Chicken Ecotypes Challenged with Newcastle Disease Virus. Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA.
Kim, T. H., C. Kern, H. Zhou. 2019. Transcription Factor IRF7 Knockout Revealed Selective Modulation of Type I Interferon Response to Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Chickens. Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA.
Zhou, H. S.J. Lamont, J.C.M. Dekkers, R. Gallardo, T.R. Kelly, B.B. Kayang, A. Naazie, G. Aning, P. Msoffe and A.P. Muhairwa. 2019. Improving Food Security in Africa by Enhancing Resistance to Newcastle Disease and Heat Stress in Chickens (Genomics to Improve Poultry Innovation Lab). Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA.
Wang, Y. Saelao, P., K. Chanthavixay, K. Rowland. T.R. Kelly, J.M. Dekkers, A. Wolc. R. Gallardo, S.J. Lamont. Zhou, H. 2019. Association Analysis with 600K SNP Array Identifies Candidate Genes for Heat Stress Response in Hy-Line Brown Chicks. Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA.
- Chanthavixay, C. Kern, Y. Wang, Saelao, P., R. Gallardo, S.J. Lamont. N. Chubb, G. Rincon, Zhou, H. 2019. Predicting Chromatin States to Identify Distinct Active Enhancers Within Bursa Tissue of Two Inbred Chicken Lines Under NDV Infection and Heat Stress. Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA.
- Chanthavixay, C. Kern, Y. Wang, Saelao, P., R. Gallardo, S.J. Lamont. N. Chubb, G. Rincon, Zhou, H. 2019. Differential H3K27ac peaks within bursa tissue of two inbred chicken lines under NDV infection and heat stress. Keystone conference in Transcription and RNA Regulation in Inflammation and Immunity, Lake Tahoe, CA
Kim, T. H., C. Kern, H. Zhou. 2019. Transcription Factor IRF7 Knockout Revealed Selective Modulation of Type I Interferon Response to Avian Influenza Virus Infection in Chickens. Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA.
R.A. Gallardo, A.P. Da Silva, H. Zhou, C. Kern. (2018). Tracheal Immune Pathways and its Virome in Chickens Challenged with Different IBV Genotypes. American Veterinary Medical Association / American Association of Avian Pathologists (AVMA/AAAP) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
R.A. Gallardo, A.P. Da Silva, S. Egaña, S. Stoute, A. Mete, C, K. Clothier, C. Corsiglia, G. Cutler, C. Kern, H. Zhou. Coryza Outbreaks in Chickens: Persistence, Molecular and Pathogenic Characterization. (2018). American Veterinary Medical Association / American Association of Avian Pathologists (AVMA/AAAP) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Egaña, H. Roh, H. Zhou, C. Corsiglia, B. Crossley, R.A. Gallardo. Attempts Towards a Better Classification of Avian Reovirus Variants. (2018). 67th Western Poultry Disease Conference (WPDC) Salt Lake City, UT.
R.A. Gallardo, C. Corsiglia, S. Stoute, A. Mete, A.P. Da Silva, K. Clothier, C. Kern, H. Zhou. (2018). Understanding Coryza Outbreaks, Persistence and Molecular Biology. 67th Western Poultry Disease Conference (WPDC) Salt Lake City, UT.
- A. Gallardo, A. P. da Silva, K.A. Schat, R. Hauck, Y. Wang, H. Zhou (2018). Understanding Immune Responses Against Infectious Bronchitis Virus Challenges Using Resistant and Susceptible Chicken Lines. International Avian Respiratory Disease Conference (IARDC). Athens, GA.
- H. Zhou (PI), R. Gallardo (Co-PI), T. Kelly, S. J. Lamont, J. Dekkers “Improving food security in Africa by enhancing resistance to disease and heat in chickens; Feed the future innovation lab for genomics to improve poultry”, USAID AID-OAA-A-13-00080, $4.9M (2019 to 2023).
- R. Gallardo (PI), Virulent Newcastle disease virus outreach effort in Southern California. Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) $150,000 (2019-2020).
- Lee CW (PI). Serological surveillance of IBDV antibodies in turkeys in the US. (12/28/2018 - 01/31/2021). National Turkey Federation.
- Rajashekara G (PI). Accelerator Award Grant. Novel small molecule (SM) growth and virulence (quorum sensing, QS) inhibitors for control of colibacillosis in poultry. Technology Commercialization Office (TCO), The Ohio State University and Ohio State Innovation Foundation.
- Jarosinski, K.W. (PI) and Grose, C. (Co-PI). The role of the conserved alphaherpesvirus glycoprotein C in host-to-host transmission. NIH/USDA-NIFA-AFRI #2019-67015-29262; (2019-2024), $1,624,996.
- Jarosinski, K.W. (PI). Determining the role of Marek’s disease virus UL13 protein kinase in horizontal transmission. USDA-NIFA-AFRI #2016-67015-26777; (2016-2020), $499,838.
- Jarosinski, K.W. (PI). Determining viral factors important for generation of cell-free Marek’s disease vaccines. USDA-NIFA-AFRI #2013-67015-26787; (2013-2019), $499,807.
Publications (Underlined references denote collaboration between stations and names in bold denote members of the NC1180 Group)
Abundo MC, Ngunjiri JM, Taylor KJM, Ji H, Ghorbani A, KC M, Weber BP, Johnson TJ, Lee CW. Assessment of two DNA extraction kits for profiling poultry respiratory microbiota from multiple sample types. PLoS One. 16(1): e0241732. 2021. [Collaboration between University of Minnesota and the Ohio State University]
Amro Hashish, Avanti Sinha, Amr Mekky, Yuko Sato, Nubia R. Macedo and Mohamed El-Gazzar. Development and Validation of Two Diagnostic Real-Time PCR (TaqMan) Assays for the Detection of Bordetella avium from Clinical Samples and Comparison to the Currently Available Real-Time TaqMan PCR Assay. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 2232. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9112232.
Aseno S., J. Ding, A. Kalluri2, Z. Helal, C.V. Kumar and M. I. Khan. Fluodot Nanoparticle - A Promising Novel Delivery System for Veterinary Vaccine. International Journal of Nanoparticle Research, August, 2020;
Aston E., A. Nayaran, S. Egaña, M. Wallach, R.A. Gallardo. Hyperimmunized chickens produce neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. 2021. Scientific Reports. Submitted. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-515320/v1
Aston E., Y. Wang, K. Tracy, R.A. Gallardo, S. J. Lamont, H. Zhou. Comparison of celular immune responses to avian influenza in two genetically distinct, highly inbred chickens. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 2021. 235:110233. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165242721000519
Bertran, K., Kassa, A., Criado, M. F., Nuñez, I. A., Lee, D.-H., Killmaster, L., Sá e Silva, M., Ross, T. M., Mebatsion, T., Pritchard, N., & Swayne, D. E. (2021). Efficacy of recombinant Marek’s disease virus vectored vaccines with computationally optimized broadly reactive antigen (COBRA) hemagglutinin insert against genetically diverse H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses. Vaccine, 39(14), 1933–1942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.02.075
Beyene T. J., C. W. Lee, G. Lossie, A. G. Arruda. Poultry professionals’ perception of participation in voluntary disease mapping and monitoring programs in the United States: a cluster analysis. Avian Diseases. 65(1): 67-76. https://doi.org/10.1637/aviandiseases-D-20-00078. [Collaboration between the Ohio State University and Iowa State University]
Booney, P. J. Bonney, Sasidhar Malladi, Amos Ssematimba, Erica Spackman, Mia Kim Torchetti, Marie Culhane, & Carol J. Cardona. (2021). Estimating epidemiological parameters using diagnostic testing data from low pathogenicity avian influenza infected turkey houses. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81254-z
Campler M. R., T-Y. Cheng, C. Hofacre, C-W. Lee, G. Lossie, M. El-Gazzar, A. G. Arruda. Spatial factors influencing infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) antibody titers at slaughter in broiler chickens. In preparation.
Chang, R., Pandey, P., Li, Y., Venkitasamy, C., Chen, Z., Gallardo, R., Weimer, B. and Jay-Russell, M., 2020. Assessment of gaseous ozone treatment on Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157: H7 reductions in poultry litter. Waste Management, 117, pp.42-47.
Chrzastek, K., Segovia, K., Torchetti, M., Killian, M. L., Pantin-Jackwood, M., & Kapczynski, D. R. (2021). Virus Adaptation Following Experimental Infection of Chickens with a Domestic Duck Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Isolate from the 2017 USA H7N9 Outbreak Identifies Polymorphic Mutations in Multiple Gene Segments. VIRUSES-BASEL, 13(6), 1166. https://doi.org/10.3390/v13061166
Da Silva A.P., C. Giroux, H. S. Sellers, A. Mendoza-Reilley, S. Stoute and R.A. Gallardo. Characterization of an IBV isolated from commercial layers suffering from false layer syndrome. 2021. Avian Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1637/aviandiseases-D-21-00037
Da Silva A.P., E. Aston, G. Chiwanga, A. Birakos, A. Muhairwa, B. Kayang, T. Kelly, H. Zhou, R.A. Gallardo. Molecular characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from chickens in Tanzania and Ghana. Viruses. 2020. 12(9), 916. https://doi.org/10.3390/v12090916
Da Silva A.P. and R.A. Gallardo. Review: The Chicken MHC: Insights on genetic resistance, immunity and inflammation following infectious bronchitis virus infections. Viruses (2020) Accepted https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/8/4/637
Da Silva Ana P., Robin Gilbert, Matilde Alfonso, Alan Conley, Kelli Jones, Philip A. Stayer, Frederic J. Hoerr, Rodrigo A. Gallardo. Testicular atrophy and epididymitis-orchitis associated with infectious bronchitis virus in broiler breeder roosters. Avian Diseases. Submitted.
Da Silva A.P., R. Hauck, S.R.C Nociti, C. Kern, H. L. Shivaprasad, H. Zhou, and R.A. Gallardo. Molecular biology and pathological process of an infectious bronchitis virus with enteric tropism in commercial broilers. Viruses, Respiratory Diseases Special Edition. 2021. Viruses. https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/13/8/1477#
Egaña-Labrin S., C. Jerry, H. J. Roh, A. P. da Silva, C. Corsiglia, B. Crossley, D. Rejmanek, R. A. Gallardo. Avian Reoviruses of the Same Genotype Induce Different Pathology in Chickens. Avian Diseases. Accepted for publication.
Ferreira, H. L., Miller, P. J., Suarez, D. L., & Meurens, F. (2021). Protection against Different Genotypes of Newcastle Disease Viruses (NDV) Afforded by an Adenovirus-Vectored Fusion Protein and Live NDV Vaccines in Chickens. Vaccines, 9(2), 182.
Gallardo R.A. and A.P. Da Silva. MHC B Complex Genetic Resistance amd Immune Responses to Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Chickens. Avian Diseases. Invited review. Accepted.
Gonzales-Viera O., F. Carvallo-Chaigneau, E. Blair, D. Rejmanek, O. Erdogan-Bamac, K. Sverlow, A. Figueroa, R.A. Gallardo, A. Mete. Infectious bronchitis virus prevalence, characterization and strain identification in California backyard chickens. Avian Dis. (2021) DOI: 10.1637/aviandiseases-d-20-00113 PMID: 33400768
Goraichuk, I. V., Davis, J. F., Kulkarni, A. B., Afonso, C. L., & Suarez, D. L. (2021). A 24-year-old sample contributes the complete genome sequence of fowl Aviadenovirus D from the United States. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10(1). https://doi.org/https://mra.asm.org/content/10/1/e01211-20
Goraichuk, I. V., Davis, J. F., Parris, D. J., Kariithi, H. M., Afonso, C. L., & Suarez, D. L. (2021). Near-Complete Genome Sequences of Five Siciniviruses from North America. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10(19). https://doi.org/10.1128/MRA.00364-21
Goraichuk, I. V., Davis, J. F., Kulkarni, A. B., Afonso, C. L., & Suarez, D. L. (2021, April 15). Whole-genome sequence of avian coronavirus from a 15-year-old sample confirms evidence of ga08-like strain circulation 4 years prior to its first reported outbreak. Microbiology Resource Announcements. Retrieved January 25, 2022, from https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/MRA.01460-20
Hein, R., R. Koopman, M.García, N. Armour, J. R. Dunn, T. Barbosa & A. Martinez. Review of Poultry Recombinant Vector Vaccines. Avian Dis.65: (3):438-452. doi: 10.1637/0005-2086-65.3.438. 2021.
Kariithi, H. M., Ferreira, H. L., Welch, C. N., Ateya, L. O., Apopo, A. A., Zoller, R., Volkening, J. D., Williams-Coplin, D., Parris, D. J., Olivier, T. L., Goldenberg, D., Binepal, Y. S., Hernandez, S. M., Afonso, C. L., & Suarez, D. L. (2021). Surveillance and Genetic Characterization of Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus Subgenotype V.3 in Indigenous Chickens from Backyard Poultry Farms and Live Bird Markets in Kenya. Viruses, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/v13010103
Kathayat D, Closs G Jr, Helmy YA, Lokesh D, Ranjit S, Rajashekara G. Peptides affecting outer membrane lipid asymmetry (MlaA-OmpC/F) system reduce avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) colonization in chickens. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2021 Jun 16:AEM0056721. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00567-21. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34132592.
Kathayat, D.; Lokesh, D.; Ranjit, S.; Rajashekara, G. Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC): An Overview of Virulence and Pathogenesis Factors, Zoonotic Potential, and Control Strategies. Pathogens 2021, 10, 467. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens1004046.
Kathayat D, Closs G Jr, Helmy YA, Deblais L, Srivastava V, Rajashekara G. In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 Against Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli and Identification of Novel Probiotic-Derived Bioactive Peptides. Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins. 2021 Aug 30. doi: 10.1007/s12602-021-09840-1. PMID: 34458959.
Khalid Z.*, L. He, Q. Yu, C. Breedlove, K. Joiner, H. Toro (2021). Enhanced Protection by Recombinant Newcastle Disease Virus Expressing Infectious Bronchitis Virus Spike-Ectodomain and Chicken Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor. Avian Diseases 65: 364-372.
Kwon Junghoon, Criado, M. F., Killmaster, L., Ali, M. Z., Mohammad Giasuddin, Samad, M. A., Karim, M. R., Brum, E., Hasan, M. Z., Lee Donghun, Spackman, E., & Swayne, D. E. (2021). Efficacy of two vaccines against recent emergent antigenic variants of clade highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in Bangladesh. Vaccine, 39(21), 2824–2832. https://doi.org/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X2100459X
Lee, D.-H., Killian, M. L., Deliberto, T. J., Wan, X.-F., Lei, L., Swayne, D. E., & Torchetti, M. K. (2021). H7N1 Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses in Poultry in the United States During 2018. Avian Diseases, 65(1), 59–62.
Lockyear O.*, C. Breedlove, K. Joiner, H. Toro (2021). Distribution of Resistance in a Naïve Chicken Population to Infectious Bronchitis Virus. Avian Diseases (submitted for publication October 2021).
Maekawa, D., S. M. Riblet, P. Whang, D. J. Hurley, & M. García. Activation of Cytotoxic Lymphocytes and Presence of Regulatory T Cells in the Trachea of Non-vaccinated and Vaccinated Chickens as a Recall to an Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) Challenge. Vaccines, 9, https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9080865. 2021
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