W3133: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Ecosystem Services on Public and Private Lands
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Adanu, K., and J.P. Hoehn, 2012, Voter Decisions on Eminent Domain and Police Power Reforms, Journal of Housing Economics, 21 (2) 1987-194.
Cropper, E. D., D. M. McLeod, C. T. Bastian, C. M. Keske, D. L. Hoag, and J. E. Cross. Factors Affecting Land Trust Agents Preferences for Conservation Easements, Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. 42,2(2012): 88-103. Lead Article. Special issue on market-based environmental management.
Chadourne, M.H., S. Cho, and R.K. Roberts. 2012. Identifying Priority Areas for Forest Landscape Restoration to Protect Ridgelines and Hillsides: A Cost-Benefit Analysis. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 60: 275-294.
Chen, X., Lupi, F., An, L., Sheely, R., Vina, A., and Liu, J. 2012. Agent-based Modeling of the Effects of Social Norms on Enrollment in Payments for Ecosystem Services. Ecological Modelling 229 16-24.
Cho, S., J. Kim, R.K. Roberts, and S.G. Kim. 2012. Neighborhood spillover effects between rezoning and housing price Annals of Regional Science 48:301-319.
Deisenroth, D., C. Bond and J. Loomis. 2012. The Economic Contribution of the Private Recreation-Based Aquaculture Industry in the Western United States. Aquaculture Economics and Management 16:1-21. 2012.
Ham, C., P. Champ, J. Loomis and R. Reich. 2012. Accounting for Heterogeneity of Public Lands in Hedonic Property Models. Land Economics 88(3): 444-456.
Kaplowitz, M., Lupi, F., and Arrello, O. 2012. Local Markets for Payments for Environmental Services: Can Small Rural Communities Self-Finance Watershed Protection? Water Resources Management 26 (13) 3689-3704.
Kaplowitz, M., and Lupi, F. 2012. Stakeholder Preferences for Best Management Practices for Non-Point Source Pollution and Stormwater Control. Landscape and Urban Planning 104 364-372. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.11.013.
Kaplowitz, M., Lupi, F., Couper, M., and Thorp, L. 2012. The Effect of Invitation Design on Web Survey Response Rates. Social Science Computer Review 30(3) 339-349. doi: doi:10.1177/0894439311419084.
Kasberg, K. 2012. An Econometric Model of Determinants of Visitor Use on Western National Forests. MS Thesis, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University.
Keeler, B., S. Polasky, K. Brauman, K. Johnson, J. Finlay, A. ONeill, K. Kovacs, B. Dalzell. 2012. Linking water quality and well-being for improved assessment and valuation of ecosystem services, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(45): 18619-18624.
Keeler, B., S. Polasky, K. Brauman, K. Johnson, J. Finlay, A. ONeill, K. Kovacs, B. Dalzell. 2012. Linking water quality and well-being for improved assessment and valuation of ecosystem services, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(45): 18619-18624.
Knoche, S., and Lupi, F. 2012. April, 2011 The Economic Value of Publicly Accessible Deer Hunting Land. Journal of Wildlife Management 76(3) 462-470. doi: DOl: 10.1002~wmg.302.
Kochi, I., P. Champ, J. Loomis, and G. Donovan. 2012.Valuing Mortality Impacts of Smoke Exposure from Major Southern California Wildfires. Journal of Forest Economics 18: 61-75.
Kobayashi, M., K. Moeltner, K. Rollins, (2012). Latent Thresholds Analysis of Choice Data under Value Uncertainty. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 94(1), p. 189-208
Kovacs, K. 2012. Integrating Property Value and Local Recreation Models to Value Ecosystem Services from Regional Parks. Landscape and Urban Planning, 108(2), 79-90.
Lieske, S. D. McLeod, R. Coupal and S. Srivastava. 2012. Determining the relationship between urban form and the costs of public services. Environment and Planning B 39:155-73.
Loomis, J. 2012. Ways to Make Stated Preference Methods more Valuable to Public Land Managers. Western Economic Forum 9 (1): 22-29.
Loomis, J. and K. Ng. 2012. Comparing Economic Values of Trout Anglers and Nontrout Anglers in Colorado's Stocked Public Reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32: 202-210.
Loomis, J., 2012. Comparing Household's Total Economic Values and Recreation Value of Instream Flow in an Urban River. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 1(1): 5-17. 2012.
Loomis, J. and C. Keske. 2012. Did the Great Recession Reduce Visitor Spending and Willingness to Pay for Nature-Based Recreation: Evidence from 2006 and 2009. Contemporary Economic Policy. 30(2):238-246.
McKenzie, Emily and Amy Rosenthal, Joey Bernhardt, Evan Girvetz, Kent Kovacs, Nasser Olwero, Jodie Toft. Developing scenarios to assess ecosystem service tradeoffs: Guidance and experiences using InVEST, with Prepared for the Natural Capital Project, 2012.
Ma, S., Swinton, S., Lupi, F., and Jolejole-Foreman, C. 2012. Farmers' Willingness to Participate in Payment-for Environmental-Services Programs. Journal of Agricultural Economics 63 (3) 604-626. doi: 10.1111/j.1477-9552.2012.00358.x.
McGaffin, Graham H., Donald M. McLeod, Christopher T. Bastian, Catherine M. Keske, Dana L. Hoag. Wyoming Landowners Characteristics and Preferences Regarding Conservation Easements: Results from a Survey, Bulletin B-1241. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie. March, 2013. pp: 1-19.
McGaffin, G., D. McLeod, C. Bastian, C. Keske, and D. Hoag. 2012. Landowner Preferences or Conservation Easements: A Comparison of Responses from two Intermountain States. Journal of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers June 13, 2012. http://www.asfmra.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/370_McLeod.pdf
Nagler, A. M., D. J. Menkhaus, C. T. Bastian, M. Ehmke, and K. T. Coatney. Subsidy Incidence in Factor Markets: An Experimental Approach, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 45,1(February 2013): 17-33.
Polasky, S., K. Johnson, B. Keeler, K. Kovacs, E. Nelson, D. Pennington, A. Plantinga, J. Withey. 2012. Are investments to promote biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services aligned? Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 28(1): 139-163.
Richardson, L., P. Champ and J. Loomis. 2012. The Hidden Costs of Wildfires: Economic Valuation of Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure in Southern California. Journal of Forest Economics, 18: 14-35.
Rideout, D., J. Loomis, P. Ziesler and Y. Wei. Comparing Fire Protection and Improvement Values at Four Major US National Parks and Assessing Potential for Generalized Value Categories. 2012. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 2(1): 1-12.
Ritten, J. P., C. T. Bastian, and B. S. Rashford. Profitability of Carbon Sequestration in Western Rangelands of the United States, Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65,4 (2012): 340-350.
Rosenberger, R.S., Needham, M.D., Morzillo, A.T., Moehrke, C. 2012. Attitudes, willingness to pay, and stated values for recreation use fees at an urban proximate forest. Journal of Forest Economics 18:271-281.
Rosenberger, R.S., L.A. Bell, P.A. Champ and E.L. Smith. 2012. Nonmarket Economic Values of Forest Insect Pests: An Updated Literature Review. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-275. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 46p.
U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Future of America's Forests and Rangelands. General Technical Report WO-87, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Washington, D.C., August 2012. Contribution by U of Georgia researchers
Wasson, J., D. M. McLeod, C. T. Bastian and B. S. Rashford. The Effects of Environmental Amenities on Agricultural Land Values, Land Economics. (Currently in press).
Yoder, Jonathan & Krista Gebert. 2012. An Econometric Model for ex ante prediction of wildfire suppression costs. Journal of Forest Economics 18(1):76-89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfe.2011.10.003.
Yoder, Jonathan. 2012. Fuel for the fire: Liability and the economics of wildfire risk. Chapter 3 in Wildfire: Economics, Law & Policy, Dean Lueck & Karen M. Bradshaw, Eds. RFF Press. Taylor & Francis. http://routledge-ny.com/books/details/9781933115955/.
Zegre, S.J., Needham, M.D., Kruger, L E., & Rosenberger, R.S. 2012. McDonaldization and commercial outdoor recreation and tourism in Alaska. Managing Leisure 17(4):333-348.
Bastian, C. T., K. T. Coatney, R. Mealor, D. T. Taylor, and P. Meiman. “Priority Weighting of Nature Versus Finances in Land Management Attitudes of Rural Exurban Landowners.” Landscape and Urban Planning: 127(July 2014): 65-74.
Bode, M., Tulloch, A. I. T., Mills, M., Venter, O. and W. Ando, A. 2014. “A Conservation Planning Approach to Mitigate the Impacts of Leakage from Protected Area Networks.” Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12434.
Caffey, R.H., H. Wang, and D.R. Petrolia. 2014. “Trajectory Economics: Assessing the Flow of Ecosystem Services from Coastal Restoration.” Ecological Economics 100: 74-84.
Castledine, A., K. Moeltner, M.K. Price, and S. Stoddard. 2014. "Free to Choose: Promoting Conservation by Relaxing Outdoor Watering Restrictions." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107(A): 324-343.
Dissanayake, S.T.M. and A.W. Ando. 2014. “Valuing Grassland Restoration: Proximity to Substitutes and Tradeoffs Among Conservation Attributes.” Land Economics 90: 237-259.
Duke J.D., S.J. Dundas, R.J. Johnston, and K.D. Messer. 2014. “Prioritizing Payment for Environmental Services: Using Nonmarket Benefits for Optimal Selection.” Ecological Economics. 105: 319-329.
Fooks, J., N. Higgins, K.D. Messer, J. Duke, D. Hellerstein, and L. Lynch. Forthcoming. “Conserving Spatially Explicit Benefits in Ecosystem Service Markets: Experimental Tests of Network Bonuses and Spatial Targeting” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Fooks, J., K.D. Messer, and J. Duke. 2015. “Dynamic Entry, Reverse Auctions, and the Purchase of Environmental Services.” Land Economics. 91(1): 57-75.
Hearne, R., S. Shakya and Q. Yin. 2014. “The Value of Fracking Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Technologies in North Dakota. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.” In Press, Uncorrected Proof, Available online 5 November, 2014. doi:10.2166/wrd.2014.153.
Hill, R., J. Loomis. D. Thilmany, M. Sullins. 2015. Economic Values of Agritourism to Visitors: A Multi-destination Hurdle Travel Cost Model of Demand. Tourism Economics 20(5): 1047- 1065.
Hodges, A., K. Hansen and D. McLeod. 2014. “The Economics of Bulk Water Transport in Southern California.” Resources 3(4): 703-720. http://www.mdpi.com/2079-9276/3/4/703 Hwang, J., D.R. Petrolia, and M.G. Interis. 2014. “Valuation, Consequentiality, and Opt-Out Responses to Stated Preference Surveys.” Agricultural & Resource Economics Review 43(3): 471-88.
Interis, M.G., C., Xu, D. Petrolia, and K. Coatney. “Examining Unconditional Preference Revelation in Choice Experiments: A Voting Game Approach.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (forthcoming).
Interis, M.G. and D.R. Petrolia. 2014. “Consequentiality Effects in Binary- and Multinomial- Choice Settings.” Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics 39(2): 1-16.
Jeon, Hocheol. 2014. “Three Essays on Environmental Economics.” PhD dissertation, Iowa State University.
Johnston, R. and K. Moeltner. 2014. "Meta-Modeling and Benefit Transfer: The Empirical Relevance of Source-Consistency in Welfare Measures." Environmental and Resource Economics 59: 337-361.
Lawler, J., Lewis, D.J., Nelson, E., Plantinga, A.J., Polasky, S., Withey, J., Helmers, D., Martinuzzi, S., and V. Radeloff. 2014. “Projected Land-Use Change Impacts on U.S. Ecosystem Services.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(20): 7492-7497.
Li, J., J. Michael, J. Duke, K.D. Messer, and J. Suter. 2014. “Behavioral Response to Contamination Risk Information in a Spatially Explicit Groundwater Environment: Experimental Evidence.” Water Resources Research. 50: 6390-6405.
Liu, Z., J. Suter, K.D. Messer, J. Duke, and H. Michael. 2014. “Strategic Entry and Externalities in Groundwater Resources: Evidence from the Lab.” Resource and Energy Economics. 38: 181- 197.
Loomis, J. 2014. “Strategies for Overcoming Hypothetical Bias in Stated Preference Surveys.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 39(1): 34-46.
Loomis, J. and J. McTernan. 2014. “Economic Value of Instream Flow for Non-Commercial Whitewater Boating Using Recreation Demand and Contingent Valuation Methods.” Environmental Management 53(3): 510-519.
Mallory, M.L. and A.W. Ando. 2014. “Implementing Efficient Conservation Portfolio Design.” Resource and Energy Economics 38: 1-18.
Martinuzzi, S., Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Pracheil, B.M., McIntyre, P.R., Plantinga, A.J., Lewis, D.J., and V.C. Radeloff. 2014. “Threats and Opportunities for Freshwater Conservation under Future Land Use Change Scenarios in the United States.” Global Change Biology 20: 113- 124.
Messer, K.D., M. Kecinski, R. Hirsch, and X. Tang. Forthcoming. “Applying Multiple Knapsack Optimization to Improve the Cost Effectiveness of Land Conservation” Land Economics.
Messer, K.D., J. Duke, and L. Lynch. 2014. “Applying Experimental Economics to Land Economics: Public Information and Auction Efficiency in Land Preservation Markets.” in the Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. J. Duke and J. Wu editors. Oxford Press.
Moeltner, K and R.S. Rosenberger. 2014. "Cross-Context Benefit Transfer: A Bayesian Search for Information Pools." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96: 469-488.
Mueller, J. and J. Loomis. 2014. “Does the Estimated Impacts of Wildfires Vary with Housing Price Distribution? A Quantile Regression Approach.” Land Use Policy 41: 121-127.
Petrolia, D.R. J. Hwang, C.E. Landry, and K.H. Coble. 2015. “Wind Insurance and Mitigation in the Coastal Zone.” Land Economics 91(2): 272-95.
Petrolia, D.R., M.G. Interis, J. Hwang. 2014. “America’s Wetland? A National Survey of Willingness to Pay for Restoration of Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands.” Marine Resource Economics 29(1): 17-37.
Polasky, S., Lewis, D.J., Plantinga, A.J., and E. Nelson. 2014. “Implementing the Optimal Provision of Ecosystem Services.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(17): 6248-6253.
Wendland, K., Lewis, D.J., and J. Alix-Garcia. 2014. “The Effect of Decentralized Governance on Timber Extraction in European Russia.” Environmental and Resource Economics 57: 19-40.
Wu, S., J. Fooks, K.D. Messer, and D. Delaney. Forthcoming. “Consumer Demand for Local Honey” Applied Economics.
Yi, Donggyu. 2014. “Three Studies on Environmental Valuation.” PhD dissertation, Iowa State University.
Ando, A.W. “Linking Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: From Expert Opinion to Prediction & Application.” Energy and Environment Forum at Howard H. Baker Jr Center for Public Policy, University of Tennessee. November 2014.
Ando, A.W. “How Should We Make Environmental Investments When the Future Climate is Uncertain?” 1960 Scholars Lecture. Williams College. October 2014.
Ando, A.W. “A Conservation Planning Approach to Mitigating the Impacts of Leakage from Protected Area Networks.” UC Santa Barbara Land Use Workshop. May 2014.
Economic Value of Instream Flow for Non-Commercial Whitewater Boating Using Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Methods. Western Agricultural Economics Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado. June 2014.
Interis, M.G. and D.R. Petrolia. “Coastal Ecosystem Services of the Gulf of Mexico: Does their Value Depend on the Providing Habitat?” Selected paper, 2015 SAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 31 - February 13 2014.
Gill, CA and E Uchida. A Spatial Model of Willingness to Pay for Manure Management in the Scituate Reservoir System. Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Morganstown, WV. 2014.
Interis, M.G., C., Xu, D. Petrolia, and K. Coatney. “Examining Unconditional Preference Revelation in Choice Experiments: A Voting Game Approach.” Departmental seminar, Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies, University of Alabama, October 2014.
Kwabena K., D.R. Petrolia, K.H. Coble, A. Harri, and A. Williams. “Producer Preferences for Contracts on a Risky Bioenergy Crop.” Selected paper, 2015 SAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 31 - February 13.
Lewis, D.J. “Does the Conservation of Land Provide a Net Habitat Gain in the Presence of Land Market Feedbacks?” Land Use and Ecosystem Services Workshop, UC Santa Barbara. May 2014.
Lewis, D.J. “Projected Land-Use Change Impacts on U.S. Ecosystem Services” Oregon State University Department of Integrated Biology Seminar Series. March, 2014.
Merrill, N and J Opaluch. Controlling Risks of Cyanobacteria Blooms. Presented at the 2013 Heartland Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Conference; 2014 Annual Meeting of the New England Water and Environment Association. 2014.
Messer, K.D. and P. Ferraro. “Vision for the Center for Behavioral and Experimental Agri- Environmental Policy Research.” Economic Research Service, Washington, DC, October 2014.
Messer, K.D. “Preserving More with Less.” American Farmland Trust Conference, Hersey, Pennsylvania, May 2014.
Moeltner, K. "Length of Residency and Urban Water Use," 3rd Urban Water Roundtable, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University. February 2015.
Moeltner, K. "Accuracy of Forest Damage Assessment and Geo-coding of Residences: Impact on Hedonic Estimation", Clark University, Worcester, MA. October 2014.
Petrolia, D.R., J. Hwang, and M.G. Interis. “Single-Choice, Repeated-Choice, and Best-Worst Elicitation Formats: Do Results Differ and by How Much?” Selected paper, AERE-Session Selected paper, 2014 SEA Annual Conference, Atlanta, November 22-24.
Suter, J., S. Collie, J. Duke, K. Messer, and H. Michael. “Experiments on Groundwater Policy at the Extensive and Intensive Margins.” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, October 2014.
Yan, J., Zarghamee, H., K.D. Messer, H.M. Kaiser and W.D. Schulze. “Can The Voluntary Contribution Mechanism be Efficient? The Role of Social Norms and Automatic Donation in Charitable Giving” Economic Science Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2014.
Bastian, C. T., K. T. Coatney, R. Mealor, D. T. Taylor, and P. Meiman. “Priority Weighting of Nature Versus Finances in Land Management Attitudes of Rural Exurban Landowners.” Landscape and Urban Planning: 127(July 2014): 65-74.
Bode, M., Tulloch, A. I. T., Mills, M., Venter, O. and W. Ando, A. 2014. “A Conservation Planning Approach to Mitigate the Impacts of Leakage from Protected Area Networks.” Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12434.
Caffey, R.H., H. Wang, and D.R. Petrolia. 2014. “Trajectory Economics: Assessing the Flow of Ecosystem Services from Coastal Restoration.” Ecological Economics 100: 74-84.
Castledine, A., K. Moeltner, M.K. Price, and S. Stoddard. 2014. "Free to Choose: Promoting Conservation by Relaxing Outdoor Watering Restrictions." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 107(A): 324-343.
Dissanayake, S.T.M. and A.W. Ando. 2014. “Valuing Grassland Restoration: Proximity to
Substitutes and Tradeoffs Among Conservation Attributes.” Land Economics 90: 237-259.
Duke J.D., S.J. Dundas, R.J. Johnston, and K.D. Messer. 2014. “Prioritizing Payment for Environmental Services: Using Nonmarket Benefits for Optimal Selection.” Ecological Economics. 105: 319-329.
Fooks, J., N. Higgins, K.D. Messer, J. Duke, D. Hellerstein, and L. Lynch. Forthcoming. “Conserving Spatially Explicit Benefits in Ecosystem Service Markets: Experimental Tests of Network Bonuses and Spatial Targeting” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Fooks, J., K.D. Messer, and J. Duke. 2015. “Dynamic Entry, Reverse Auctions, and the Purchase of Environmental Services.” Land Economics. 91(1): 57-75.
Hearne, R., S. Shakya and Q. Yin. 2014. “The Value of Fracking Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Technologies in North Dakota. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.” In Press, Uncorrected Proof, Available online 5 November, 2014. doi:10.2166/wrd.2014.153.
Hill, R., J. Loomis. D. Thilmany, M. Sullins. 2015. Economic Values of Agritourism to Visitors:
A Multi-destination Hurdle Travel Cost Model of Demand. Tourism Economics 20(5): 10471065.
Hodges, A., K. Hansen and D. McLeod. 2014. “The Economics of Bulk Water Transport in Southern California.” Resources 3(4): 703-720. http://www.mdpi.com/2079-9276/3/4/703 Hwang, J., D.R. Petrolia, and M.G. Interis. 2014. “Valuation, Consequentiality, and Opt-Out Responses to Stated Preference Surveys.” Agricultural & Resource Economics Review 43(3): 471-88.
Interis, M.G., C., Xu, D. Petrolia, and K. Coatney. “Examining Unconditional Preference Revelation in Choice Experiments: A Voting Game Approach.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (forthcoming).
Interis, M.G. and D.R. Petrolia. 2014. “Consequentiality Effects in Binary- and MultinomialChoice Settings.” Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics 39(2): 1-16.
Jeon, Hocheol. 2014. “Three Essays on Environmental Economics.” PhD dissertation, Iowa State University.
Johnston, R. and K. Moeltner. 2014. "Meta-Modeling and Benefit Transfer: The Empirical Relevance of Source-Consistency in Welfare Measures." Environmental and Resource Economics 59: 337-361.
Lawler, J., Lewis, D.J., Nelson, E., Plantinga, A.J., Polasky, S., Withey, J., Helmers, D., Martinuzzi, S., and V. Radeloff. 2014. “Projected Land-Use Change Impacts on U.S. Ecosystem Services.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(20): 7492-7497.
Li, J., J. Michael, J. Duke, K.D. Messer, and J. Suter. 2014. “Behavioral Response to
Contamination Risk Information in a Spatially Explicit Groundwater Environment: Experimental Evidence.” Water Resources Research. 50: 6390-6405.
Liu, Z., J. Suter, K.D. Messer, J. Duke, and H. Michael. 2014. “Strategic Entry and Externalities in Groundwater Resources: Evidence from the Lab.” Resource and Energy Economics. 38: 181197.
Loomis, J. 2014. “Strategies for Overcoming Hypothetical Bias in Stated Preference Surveys.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 39(1): 34-46.
Loomis, J. and J. McTernan. 2014. “Economic Value of Instream Flow for Non-Commercial Whitewater Boating Using Recreation Demand and Contingent Valuation Methods.” Environmental Management 53(3): 510-519.
Mallory, M.L. and A.W. Ando. 2014. “Implementing Efficient Conservation Portfolio Design.” Resource and Energy Economics 38: 1-18.
Martinuzzi, S., Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Pracheil, B.M., McIntyre, P.R., Plantinga, A.J., Lewis, D.J., and V.C. Radeloff. 2014. “Threats and Opportunities for Freshwater Conservation under Future Land Use Change Scenarios in the United States.” Global Change Biology 20: 113124.
Messer, K.D., M. Kecinski, R. Hirsch, and X. Tang. Forthcoming. “Applying Multiple Knapsack Optimization to Improve the Cost Effectiveness of Land Conservation” Land Economics.
Messer, K.D., J. Duke, and L. Lynch. 2014. “Applying Experimental Economics to Land Economics: Public Information and Auction Efficiency in Land Preservation Markets.” in the Oxford Handbook of Land Economics. J. Duke and J. Wu editors. Oxford Press.
Moeltner, K and R.S. Rosenberger. 2014. "Cross-Context Benefit Transfer: A Bayesian Search for Information Pools." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96: 469-488.
Mueller, J. and J. Loomis. 2014. “Does the Estimated Impacts of Wildfires Vary with Housing Price Distribution? A Quantile Regression Approach.” Land Use Policy 41: 121-127.
Petrolia, D.R. J. Hwang, C.E. Landry, and K.H. Coble. 2015. “Wind Insurance and Mitigation in the Coastal Zone.” Land Economics 91(2): 272-95.
Petrolia, D.R., M.G. Interis, J. Hwang. 2014. “America’s Wetland? A National Survey of Willingness to Pay for Restoration of Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands.” Marine Resource Economics 29(1): 17-37.
Polasky, S., Lewis, D.J., Plantinga, A.J., and E. Nelson. 2014. “Implementing the Optimal Provision of Ecosystem Services.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(17): 6248-6253.
Wendland, K., Lewis, D.J., and J. Alix-Garcia. 2014. “The Effect of Decentralized Governance on Timber Extraction in European Russia.” Environmental and Resource Economics 57: 19-40.
Wu, S., J. Fooks, K.D. Messer, and D. Delaney. Forthcoming. “Consumer Demand for Local Honey” Applied Economics.
Yi, Donggyu. 2014. “Three Studies on Environmental Valuation.” PhD dissertation, Iowa State University.
Ando, A.W. “Linking Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: From Expert Opinion to Prediction & Application.” Energy and Environment Forum at Howard H. Baker Jr Center for Public Policy, University of Tennessee. November 2014.
Ando, A.W. “How Should We Make Environmental Investments When the Future Climate is Uncertain?” 1960 Scholars Lecture. Williams College. October 2014.
Ando, A.W. “A Conservation Planning Approach to Mitigating the Impacts of Leakage from Protected Area Networks.” UC Santa Barbara Land Use Workshop. May 2014.
Economic Value of Instream Flow for Non-Commercial Whitewater Boating Using Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Methods. Western Agricultural Economics Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado. June 2014.
Interis, M.G. and D.R. Petrolia. “Coastal Ecosystem Services of the Gulf of Mexico: Does their Value Depend on the Providing Habitat?” Selected paper, 2015 SAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 31 - February 13 2014.
Gill, CA and E Uchida. A Spatial Model of Willingness to Pay for Manure Management in the Scituate Reservoir System. Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Morganstown, WV. 2014.
Interis, M.G., C., Xu, D. Petrolia, and K. Coatney. “Examining Unconditional Preference
Revelation in Choice Experiments: A Voting Game Approach.” Departmental seminar, Department of Economics, Finance and Legal Studies, University of Alabama, October 2014.
Kwabena K., D.R. Petrolia, K.H. Coble, A. Harri, and A. Williams. “Producer Preferences for Contracts on a Risky Bioenergy Crop.” Selected paper, 2015 SAEA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 31 - February 13.
Lewis, D.J. “Does the Conservation of Land Provide a Net Habitat Gain in the Presence of Land
Market Feedbacks?” Land Use and Ecosystem Services Workshop, UC Santa Barbara. May 2014.
Lewis, D.J. “Projected Land-Use Change Impacts on U.S. Ecosystem Services” Oregon State University Department of Integrated Biology Seminar Series. March, 2014.
Merrill, N and J Opaluch. Controlling Risks of Cyanobacteria Blooms. Presented at the 2013 Heartland Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Conference; 2014 Annual Meeting of the New England Water and Environment Association. 2014.
Messer, K.D. and P. Ferraro. “Vision for the Center for Behavioral and Experimental AgriEnvironmental Policy Research.” Economic Research Service, Washington, DC, October 2014.
Messer, K.D. “Preserving More with Less.” American Farmland Trust Conference, Hersey, Pennsylvania, May 2014.
Moeltner, K. "Length of Residency and Urban Water Use," 3rd Urban Water Roundtable, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University. February 2015.
Moeltner, K. "Accuracy of Forest Damage Assessment and Geo-coding of Residences: Impact on Hedonic Estimation", Clark University, Worcester, MA. October 2014.
Petrolia, D.R., J. Hwang, and M.G. Interis. “Single-Choice, Repeated-Choice, and Best-Worst Elicitation Formats: Do Results Differ and by How Much?” Selected paper, AERE-Session Selected paper, 2014 SEA Annual Conference, Atlanta, November 22-24.
Suter, J., S. Collie, J. Duke, K. Messer, and H. Michael. “Experiments on Groundwater Policy at the Extensive and Intensive Margins.” University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, October 2014.
Yan, J., Zarghamee, H., K.D. Messer, H.M. Kaiser and W.D. Schulze. “Can The Voluntary
Contribution Mechanism be Efficient? The Role of Social Norms and Automatic Donation in Charitable Giving” Economic Science Association, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2014.
Publications (including peer reviewed articles, chapters, bulletins and policy briefings):
Alevy, J., C. E. Landry, and J.A. List. 2015. “Field Experiments on Anchoring of Economic Valuations” Economic Inquiry 53(3): 1522-38.
Ando, A.W. and P.S. Shah. In press. “The Economics of Conservation and Finance: A Review of the Literature.” International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. Balukas, J. 2015. Economic and ecological analyses of vernal pool conservation in urbanizing landscapes (M.S. Thesis), School of Economics, University of Maine, Orono.
Barfield, A.S., J.C. Bergstrom, S. Ferreira, A.P. Covich, and K.S. Delaplane. “An Economic Valuation of Biotic Pollination Services in Georgia”. Journal of Economic Entomology. 108, 2 (2015). Bastian, C., C. Keske, D.Hoag and D. McLeod. “Landowner and Land Trust Agent Preferences for Conservation Easements.” Revised and resubmitted with Landscape and Urban Planning, March 2016.
Bode, M., Tulloch, A., Mills, M., Verter, O., and Ando, A.W. 2015. “A Conservation Planning Approach to Mitigating the Impacts of Leakage from Protected Area Networks.” Conservation Biology 29(3): 765-774.
Cohen, J., C. Blinn, K. Boyle, T. Holmes, K. Moeltner (2016). Hedonic Valuation with Translating Commodities: Mountain Pine Beetles and Host Trees in the Colorado Front Range. Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(3), 613-642
Esselman, P., R. Stevenson, F. Lupi, C. Riseng, M Wiley. 2015. Landscape prediction and mapping of game fish biomass, an ecosystem service of Michigan rivers. N. Amer. J. of Fish. Mgmt. 35:302-320.
Ham, C., J. Loomis, and P. Champ. 2015. Relative Economic Values of Open Space Provided by National Forest and Military Lands Surrounding Communities. Growth and Change Vol 46(1): 81-96.
Hamaide, B., H.J. Albers, G. Busby, A.W. Ando, and S. Polasky. 2016. “Spatially-Correlated Risk in Nature Reserve Site Selection.” PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0146023.
Hart, D., Bell, K.P., Lindenfeld, L., Johnson, T., Ranco, D., Jain, S., and B. McGill. 2015. Strengthening the role of universities in addressing sustainability challenges, Ecology and Society 20(2):4 http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/ES-07283-200204
Interis, M., & D. Petrolia. 2016. "Location, Location, Habitat: How the Value of Ecosystem Services Varies across Location and by Habitat." Land Economics 92(2): 292-307.
Jeon, H., Y. Ji, and C.L. Kling. “A Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources: The Iowa Lakes Valuation Project 2014 Summary and Findings” February 2016.
Jeon, H., C.L. Kling, and Y. Ji. “Degraded Water Quality in Lakes: Consequences for Use” Fall 2015, CARD Agricultural Policy Review.
Johnson, M.L., Bell, K.P., and M. Teisl. 2014. Does imagining future land use changes affect citizen engagement with land use planning ? Land Use Policy 57: 44-15 DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.05.007
Keeler, B., S. Wood, S. Polasky, C. Kling, C. Filstrup, and J. Downing. “Recreational Demand for Clean Water: Evidence from Geotagged Photographs by Visitors to Lakes” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13 (2015): 76-81.
Keske, C. M., P. Bixler, C. T. Bastian, and J. Cross. “Are Population and Land Use Changes Perceived as Threats to Sense of Place in the New West? A Multilevel Modeling Approach,’” Rural Sociology. (Currently in Review – Revised and Resubmitted).
Kim, Y., C. Kling, J. Zhao. “Understanding Behavioral Explanations of the WTP-WTA Divergence through a Neoclassical Lens: Implications for Environmental Policy,” Annual Review of Resource Economics 7 (2015): 169-187.
Knoche, S., F. Lupi, A. Suiter. 2015. Harvesting benefits from habitat restoration: Influence of landscape position on economic benefits to pheasant hunters. Ecological Economics. 113: 97-105.
Latta, G.S., Adams, D.M., Bell, K.P., and J.D. Kline. 2016. Evaluating land-use and private forest management responses to a potential forest carbon offset sales program in western Oregon (USA), Forest Policy and Economics 65: 1-8, ISSN 1389-9341, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2016.01.004
Letourneau, D., A.W. Ando, A. Narwani, J. Jedlicka, and E. Barbier. 2015. “Simple-but-Sound Methods for Estimating the Value of Changes in Biodiversity for Biological Pest Control in Agriculture.” Ecological Economics 120: 215-225. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.10.015.
Levesque, V.R., Calhoun, A.J.K., Bell, K.P., and T. Johnson. 2016. Turning contention into collaboration: Engaging power, trust, and learning in collaborative networks, Society & Natural Resources, published online 25 May 2016, DOI:10.1080/08941920.2016.1180726
Lieske S., R. Coupal and D. McLeod. “Political jurisdiction, reputation and urban form: a more complete specification of public service costs.” Journal of Urban Economics. In Review September 2015.
Maas, Alex, Andre Dozier, Dale Manning, and Christopher Goemans. 2015. “The Value of Stored Water and Trading in the West: Lessons from the Colorado-Big Thompson Project.” Colorado Water. Volume 32, Issue 1 pp.5-7.
Manning, D. T., and J. C. Hadrich. "An evaluation of the social and private efficiency of adoption: Anaerobic digesters and greenhouse gas mitigation." Journal of environmental management 154 (2015): 70-77.
Manning, Dale T., and J. Edward Taylor. "Agricultural Efficiency and Labor Supply to Common Property Resource Collection: Lessons from Rural Mexico." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 40.3 (2015): 365-386.
Manning, Dale T., Peter Means*, Daniel Zimmerle, Kathleen Galvin, John Loomis, Keith Paustian. “Using contingent behavior analysis to measure benefits from rural electrification in developing countries: an example from Rwanda.” Energy Policy, Volume 86, November 2015, Pages 393-401.
Manning, Dale T. and John Loomis. Comparing WTP for Infrastructure using Contingent Behavior and Contingent Valuation, accepted at Environment and Development Economics
McLeod, D. and R. Coupal. 2015. “The land-use change and spatially explicit fiscal impacts of regional water development.” Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Invited special issue: Planning Support Systems. 8(2): 113-130.
Melstrom, R., F. Lupi, P. Esselman, R.J. Stevenson. 2015. Valuing recreational fishing quality at rivers and streams. Water Resources Research, 51, 140–150.
Morzillo, A.T., Colocousis, C., Munroe, D., Bell, K.P., Martinuzzi, S., Van Berkel, D.B., Lechowicz, M., Rayfield, B., and B. McGill. 2015. Forests in the middle: interactions between drivers of change and place-based characteristics in rural forest communities, Journal of Rural Studies (December): http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743016715300231.
Nelson, N. J. Loomis, P. Jakus, M Kealy, N Stackelburg, and J. Ostermiller. 2015. Linking Ecological Data and Economics to Estimate the Total Economic Value of Improving Water Quality by Reducing Nutrients. Ecological Economics 118: 1-9. 2015.
Petrolia, D., J.Hwang, C.E. Landry, and K. Coble. 2015. “Wind Insurance and Mitigation in the Gulf Coastal Zone” Land Economics 91(2): 272-95.
Richardson, L., J. Loomis, T. Kroeger and F. Casey. 2015. The Role of Benefit Transfer in Ecosystem Service Valuation. Ecological Economics 115: 51-58.
Scofield, A., B. Rashford, D. McLeod, S. Lieske, R. Coupal, and S. Albeke. "The Impact of Residential Development Pattern on Wildland Fire Suppression Expenditures." Land Economics. Accepted and forthcoming November 2016.
Scofield, A., B. Rashford, D. McLeod and R. Coupal. 2015. “Managing the spatial pattern of residential development could reduce the cost of fighting wildfires.” Reflections. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. University of Wyoming.
Scofield, A., B. Rashford, D. McLeod, R. Coupal and S. Lieske. 2015. “Wildfire Suppression Costs – The Role of Residential Development Pattern.” Open Spaces Bulletin, ENR and AGEC. University of Wyoming.
Shah, P. and A.W. Ando. Accepted. “Permanent and Temporary Policy Incentives for Conservation under Stochastic Returns from Competing Land Uses.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Shah, P. and A.W. Ando. 2015. “Downside versus Symmetric Measures of Uncertainty in Natural Resource Portfolio Design to Manage Climate Change Uncertainty.” Land Economics 91(4): 664-687.
Tabatabaei, M. , J. Loomis, and D. McCollum. 2015. Non-Market Benefits of Reducing Environmental Effects of Potential Wildfires in Beetle Killed Trees: A Contingent Valuation Study. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 34(8): 720-737.
Vinoles, V., K. Moeltner, S. Stoddard (2015). Length of Residency and Water Use in an Arid Urban Environment, Water Resources and Economics, 12(Oct.), 52-66
Yeboah, F., F. Lupi, M. Kaplowitz. 2015. Agricultural landowners’ willingness to participate in a filter strip program for watershed protection. Land Use Policy. 49: 75–85.
Ahmadiani, M. and C.E. Landry. 2015. “Economic Value of Multi-peril Coastal Hazard Insurance” Selected paper SEA Meetings, New Orleans, LA.
Albeke. W-3133 Meetings: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Ecosystem Services on Public and Private Lands. Pensacola, FL
Champ, P., L. Richardson and J. Loomis. February 25-26, 2016. “Public Health Messages and Wildfire Smoke Exposure” W-3133 Meetings: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Ecosystem Services on Public and Private Lands. Portland, OR.
Manning, Dale, Chris Goemans and Alex Mass. July 2015. “Climate Change and US Agriculture: Accounting for Surface Water Irrigation.” San Francisco, CA.
Manning, Dale, Jordan Suter, Chris Goemans, and Aaron Hrozencik. February 25-26, 2016. “A Basin-wide Spatially-explicit Model of Groundwater Use in the Ogallala Aquifer” W3133 Meetings: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Ecosystem Services on Public and Private Lands. Portland, OR.
Landry, C.E. and T. Allen. 2016. “Hedonic Property Prices and Coastal Beach Width” Selected paper SEA Meetings, New Orleans, LA.
Landry, C.E., A.R. Lewis, and H. Vogelsong. 2015. “Economic Value and Economic Impact of Visitation to Cape Hatteras National Seashore: Addressing Onsite Sampling”, Selected paper Southern Ag Econ Assoc. Meetings, Atlanta, GA.
Landry, C.E. and J. Whitehead 2015"Economic Values of Coastal Erosion Management: Combining Recreation Demand and Contingent Valuation Data", Selected paper AAEA Meetings, San Francisco, CA.
Scofield, A., D. McLeod, B. Rashford, R. Coupal, S. Lieske and S. “The Impact of Residential Development Pattern on Wildland Fire Suppression Expenditures.” February 26-27, 2015.
Shonkwiler, J. S. and A. Barfield 2015"Recreation Survey Response Data: Patterns and Problems", Selected paper AAEA Meetings, San Francisco.
Todd, L., C. Bastian, D. McLeod, C. Keske and D. Hoag. “Factors and prices affecting Colorado and Wyoming landowner’s willingness to accept a conservation easement..” W-3133 Meetings: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Ecosystem Services on Public and Private Lands. Portland, OR.
Author, details | Objective(s) | Multi-state | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | ||
Ademola, Adenle, Dale T. Manning, and Joseph Arbiol. (forthcoming). “Mitigating Climate Change in Africa-Barriers to Financing Low-Carbon Development.” World Development. | X |
Ando, A.W. and P.S. Shah. 2016. “The economics of conservation and finance: A review of the literature.” International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 8(3-4): 321-357. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/101.00000072 | X |
Bastian, C., C. Keske, D .McLeod and D. Hoag. 2017. “Landowner and land trust agent preferences for conservation easements: Implications for sustainable land uses and landscapes.” Landscape and Urban Planning: 157: 1-13 |
Bauer, DM, KP Bell, EJ Nelson, and AJK Calhoun. 2017. Managing small natural features: a synthesis of emergent economic issues and opportunities, Biological Conservation 211 (Part B): 80-87, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2017.01.001. | X |
| MA, ME |
Bergstrom, J.C., and J. B. Loomis. 2017. Economic Valuation of River Restoration: An Analysis of Valuation Literature and Its Uses in Decision-making. Water Resources and Economics 17 (2017): 9-19. 2) |
| X | CO, GA |
Bigelow, D.P., Plantinga, A.J., Lewis, D.J., and C. Langpap. 2017. “How Does Urbanization Affect Water Withdrawals? Insights from an Econometric-Based Landscape Simulation.” Land Economics, 93(3): 413-436. | X |
Booth, Pamela, Todd Guilfoos, Emi Uchida. (2016) “Loss aversion and water quality.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 45 (02), 338-366. |
| X |
Tatiana Borisova, Xiang Bi, and Sherry Larkin. 2016(October). “Assessing Nature-Based Recreation to Support Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability Extension Programs.” Journal of Extension, 15191RIB, https://joe.org/joe/2016october/rb1.php | X |
Calhoun AJK, Mushet DM, Bell KP, Boix D, Fitzsimons JA, Isselin-Nondedeu F. 2017. Temporary wetlands: challenges and solutions for protecting a "disappearing" ecosystem, Biological Conservation 211 (Part B):3-11, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.11.024 | X |
| international |
Calvin, K., K. Fisher-Vanden. 2017. “Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture: The role of Integrated Assessment Models,” in press, Environmental Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aa843c | X |
Chen, Y., Lewis, D.J., and B. Weber. 2016. “Conservation Land Amenities and Regional Economies: A Post-Matching Difference-in-Differences Analysis of the Northwest Forest Plan.” Journal of Regional Science, 56(3): 373-394. | X |
Davlasheridze, M., K. Fisher-Vanden, A. Klaiber, 2017, “The Effects of Adaptation Measures on Hurricane Induced Property Losses,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 81:93-114. | X |
| OH, PA |
Dundas, S.J. 2017. Benefits and Ancillary Costs of Natural Infrastructure: Evidence from the New Jersey Coast. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 85: 62-80. |
| X |
Dundas, Steven, Roger H. von Haefen and Carol Mansfield. “Costs of Endangered Species Protection on Public Lands: Evidence from Cape Hatteras National Seashore,” Marine Resource Economics, forthcoming. |
| X | X | NC, OR |
Fernando, F. and R. Hearne. In press. “Housing for Essential Service Workers during an Oil Boom: Opportunities and Policy Implications.” Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. DOI 10.1007/s10901-016-9539-9. November 2016. | X |
Garnache, C., S. Swinton, J. Herriges, F. Lupi, J. Stevenson, 2016. Solving the phosphorus pollution puzzle: Synthesis and directions for future research. American J. of Agricultural Economics. 98: 1314–1333. | X |
Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Craig E. Landry, and Martin Smith. 2017. “Coastal Climate Adaptation: A Grand Challenge for Resource and Environmental Economists.” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, forthcoming. | X | X |
Gramig, BM, R Massey and SD Yun. "Nitrogen Application Decision-making under Climate Risk in the U.S. Corn Belt". Climate Risk Management 15:82-89, 2017. | X |
Hamaide, B., H.J. Albers, G. Busby, A.W. Ando, and S. Polasky. 2016. “Spatially-correlated risk in nature reserve site selection.” PLOS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146023. |
| IL, MN, WY |
Horan, R. D., & J.S. Shortle. (2017). Endogenous risk and point-nonpoint uncertainty trading ratios. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 99(2), 427-446. |
| X | MI, PA |
Huang, Q., Y. Xu, K. Kovacs, G. West. 2017. “Analysis of factors that influence the use of irrigation technologies and water management practices in Arkansas.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 49(2): 159-185. | X |
Hunter, ML Jr., V Acuña, DM Bauer, KP Bell, AJK Calhoun, MR Felipe-Lucia, JA Fitzsimons, E González, M Kinnison, D Lindenmayer, C Lundquist, R Medellin, EJ Nelson, and P Poschlod. 2017. Conserving small natural features with large ecological roles: a synthetic overview, Biological Conservation 211 (Part B): 88-95, DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.12.020. | X |
| MA, ME |
Hungate, Bruce A., Edward B. Barbier, Amy W. Ando, Samuel P. Marks, Peter B. Reich, Natasja van Gestel, G. David Tilman, Johannes M.H. Knops, David U. Hooper, Bradley J. Butterfield, Bradley J. Cardinale. 2017. “The economic value of grassland species for carbon storage.” Science Advances 3(4): e1601880. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1601880. |
| X |
| CO, IL, MN |
Interis, M., and D. Petrolia. 2016. “Location, Location, Habitat: How the Value of Ecosystem Services Varies Across Location and by Habitat.” Land Economics 92(2): 292-307. | X |
Interis, M., C. Xu, D. Petrolia, and K. Coatney. 2016. “Examining Unconditional Preference Revelation in Choice Experiments: A Voting Game Approach.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 5(1): 125-142 | X |
Jessoe, Katrina, Dale T. Manning and J. Edward Taylor (2017). “Climate change and labor allocation in Mexico: Evidence from annual fluctuations in weather.” Economic Journal. | X | X |
| CA, CO |
Keiser, D.A. and N.Z. Muller. 2017. “Air and Water: Integrated Assessment Models for Multiple Media.” Annual Review of Resource Economics, 9: 165-184. | X |
| X |
Kim, T., J. Opaluch, D.S. Moon, and D.R. Petrolia. 2017. “Developing a Natural Resource Damage Assessment Procedure for Oil Spill Pollution in Korea using Habitat Equivalency Analysis.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 121(1-2): 183-91. |
| MS, RI |
Knoche, S., F. Lupi. 2016. Demand for fishery regulations: Effects of angler heterogeneity and catch improvements on preferences for gear and harvest restrictions. Fisheries Research. 181: 163-171. |
| X | X | MD, MI |
Kochi, I., P. Champ, J. Loomis and G. Donovan. 2016. Valuing Morbidity Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure from 2007 Southern California Wildfires. Journal of Forest Economics 25: 29-54. | X |
Kovacs, K., A. Durand-Morat. 2017. “The influence of on- and off-farm surface water investment on groundwater extraction from an agricultural landscape.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, forthcoming. | X |
Kovacs, K., G. West, Y. Xu. 2017. “The use of efficiency frontiers to evaluate the optimal land cover and irrigation practices for economic returns and ecosystem services.” Journal of Hydrology, 547: 474-488. |
| X |
Kovacs, K., M. Mancini. 2017. “Conjunctive water management to sustain agricultural economic returns and a shallow aquifer at the landscape level.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72 (2): 158-167. |
| X |
Kovacs, K., G. West. 2016. “The influence of groundwater depletion from irrigated agriculture on the tradeoffs between ecosystem services and economic returns” PLoS One, 11(12), e0168681. |
| X |
Kovacs, K., Y. Xu, G. West, M. Popp. 2016. "The Tradeoffs between Market Returns from Agricultural Crops and Non-Market Ecosystem Service Benefits on an Irrigated Agricultural Landscape in the Presence of Groundwater Overdraft." Water 8 (11): 501. |
| X |
Krah, K., D.R. Petrolia, A. Williams, K.H. Coble, A. Harri, and R. Rejesus. “Producer Preferences for Contracts on a Risky Bioenergy Crop.” Forthcoming, Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy. | X |
| IL, MS, NC |
Landry, Craig E. 2017. “Experimental Methods in Economic Valuation” Chapter 10 in A Primer on Non-Market Valuation, 2nd Edition, Champ, P., K. Boyle, and T. Brown (Eds), Springer: New York, NY. |
| X |
Landry, Craig E., Mona Ahmadiani, and Gregory Colson. 2017. “Structural Empirical Analysis of Decisions under Natural Hazard Risk” in The Future of Risk Management, University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia, PA. | X |
Liu, Tingting, James Opaluch, Emi Uchida. The impact of water quality improvement in Narragansett Bay on housing prices. Water Resources Research, Forthcoming |
| X |
| OH, RI |
Lynne Lewis and Craig E. Landry. 2017. “River Restoration and Hedonic Property Value Analyses: Guidance for Effective Benefit Transfer” Water Resources and Economics 17 (January): 20-31. 3) |
| GA, |
Maas, Alexander, Dale T. Manning, Christopher Goemans, and Andre Dozier (2016). “Water storage in a changing environment: The impact of allocation institutions on value.” Water Resources Research 52. doi:10.1002/2016WR019239 |
| X |
Maas, A.S., Goemans, C.G., Manning, D., Kroll, S., Brown, T. (2017). “Dilemmas, Coordination and Defection: How Uncertain Tipping Points Induce Common Pool Resource Destruction.” Games and Economic Behavior, 104, 760-774. | X |
Maas, Alexander, Christopher Goemans, Dale Manning, Stephan Kroll, Mazdak Arabi and Mariana Rodriguez-McGoffina (2017). Evaluating the Effect of Conservation Motivations on Residential Water Demand. Journal of Environmental Management 196 (July): 394-401. | X |
Magzamen, Sheryl, Jennifer Cross, Jordan Suter, Adam Mayer, Stephanie Barr, Lenora Bohren, Brian Dunbar, Joshua Schaeffer, Dale T. Manning, and Stephen Reynolds (2017). “A multidisciplinary research framework on school environment, occupant health and performance.” Journal of School Health 87/5: 376-387. | X |
Maniloff, Peter and Dale T. Manning (forthcoming). “State Severance Tax Competition and the Division of Natural Resource Rents.” Environmental and Resource Economics. | X |
Manning, Dale T., Christopher Goemans, and Alexander Maas (forthcoming). “Producer responses to surface water availability and implications for climate change adaptation.” Land Economics. |
| X |
Manning, Dale T. and John B. Loomis (2016). “Consumer preferences for fixed versus variable quantities of electricity: Joint estimation of contingent quantity and valuation methods.” Environment and Development Economics 21/6: 789-811. |
| X |
Manning, Dale T., and Hirotsugu Uchida (2016). “Are two rents better than none? When monopolies correct ill-defined property rights.” Marine Resource Economics 31/2: 141-164. |
| X |
Manning, Dale T., J. Edward Taylor and James Wilen (2016). “General equilibrium tragedy of the commons.” Environmental and Resource Economics. DOI: 10.1007/s10640-016-0066-7. | X |
| CO, CA |
Markowski-Lindsay, M., Catanzaro, P., Bell, K., Kittredge, D., Leahy, J., Butler, B., Markowitz, E., Milman, A., Zimmerer, R., Allred, S. and Sisock, M. 2017. Estate planning as a forest stewardship tool: A study of family land ownerships in the northeastern US, Forest Policy and Economics 83:36-44, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2017.06.004. | X |
| MA, ME, |
AS Mase, BM Gramig, LS Prokopy. "Climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and adaptation behavior among Midwestern U.S. crop farmers". Climate Risk Management 15:8-17, 2017 | X |
| IN, WI |
Miao, Haoran, Jacob Fooks, Todd Guilfoos, Kent Messer, Soni M. Pradhanang, Jordan Suter, Simona Trandafir, Emi Uchida. 2016. The impact of information on behavior under an ambient-based policy for regulating non-point source pollution. Water Resources Research 52 (5), 3294-3308. | X |
| CO, DE, RI |
Monger, Randall, Jordan Suter, Dale T. Manning, and Joel Schneekloth. (forthcoming). “Retiring Land to Save Water: Participation in Colorado's Republican River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program.” Land Economics. | X |
Morzillo, Anita, B Kreakie, Noelwah R. Netusil, J. Alan Yeakley, Connie Ozawa, and Sally Duncan. 2016. Resident Perceptions of Natural Resources Between Cities and Across Scales in the Pacific Northwest. Ecology and Society 21(3): 14-28. | X |
Mueller, Julie M., Lima, Ryan, E., and Springer Abraham E. (2017) “Can Environmental Attributes Influence Protected Area Designation? A Case Study Valuing Preferences for Springs in Grand Canyon National Park.” Land Use Policy 60:196-205. |
| X |
Palm-Forster, L., F. Lupi, M. Chen, 2016. Valuing Lake Erie beaches using value and function transfers. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 45(2): 270-292. |
| X | X | DE, MI |
Palm-Forster, L., S. Swinton, F. Lupi, R. Shupp, 2016. Too Burdensome to Bid: Transaction Costs and Pay-for-Performance Conservation. American J. of Agricultural Economics. 98: 1334-1359. | X |
| DE, MI |
Petrolia, D.R., W.C. Walton, and L. Yehouenou. 2017. “Is There a Market for Branded Gulf of Mexico Oysters?” Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics 49(1): 45-65. |
| X |
| AL, FL, MS |
Petrolia, D.R., M.G. Interis, and J. Hwang. 2017. “Single-Choice, Repeated-Choice, and Best-Worst Scaling Elicitation Formats: Do Results Differ and by How Much?” Environmental & Resource Economics, dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10640-016-0083-6. | X | X |
| FL, MS |
Ranjan, R., & J. Shortle (2017). Protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems in multiple stressor Environments. Water Economics and Policy, 3(02), 1650011. |
| X |
Scofield, A., B. Rashford, D. McLeod, S. Lieske, R. Coupal, and S. Albeke. 2016. "The Impact of Residential Development Pattern on Wildland Fire Suppression Expenditures." Land Economics. 92(4):656-678. | X |
Shah, P.S., M.L. Mallory, A.W. Ando, and G. Guntenspergen. 2017. “Fine-resolution conservation planning with limited climate-change information.” Conservation Biology 31(2):278-289. doi:10.1111/cobi.12793. |
| X |
Shah, P. and A.W. Ando. 2016. “Permanent and temporary policy incentives for conservation under stochastic returns from competing land uses.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(4): 1074-1094. doi: 10.1093/ajae/aaw032. |
| X |
Shortle, J. (2017). Policy Nook: Economic Incentives for Water Quality Protection, Water Economics and Policy, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2017) 1771004 | X |
Shortle, J., & R.D. Horan (2017). Nutrient pollution: A wicked challenge for economic instruments. Water Economics and Policy, 3(02), 1650033. |
| MI, PA |
Shortle, J., D. Abler, Z. Kaufman, and K.Y. Zipp (2016) “Simple vs. Complex: Implications of Lags in Pollution Delivery for Efficient Load Allocation and Design of Water Quality Trading Programs” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 45(2):367-393. |
| X |
Skevas, T., N. Hayden, S. Swinton, F. Lupi. 2016. Landowner willingness to supply marginal land for bioenergy production. Land Use Policy, 50, 507-517. | X | X |
| MI, MO |
J Song, BM Gramig, R Cibin, I Chaubey. "Integrated economic and environmental assessment of cellulosic biofuel production in an agricultural watershed" BioEnergy Research 10(2):509-524, 2017. | X |
Steinman, A., B. Cardinale, W. Munns, M. Ogdahl, J. Allan, T. Angadi, S. Bartlett, K. Braumang, M. Byappanahalli, M. Doss, D. Dupont, A. Johns, D. Kashian, F. Lupi, P. McIntyren, T. Miller, M. Moore, R. Logsdon Muenich, R. Poudel, J. Price, B. Provencher, A. Rea, J. Read, S. Renzetti, B. Sohngen, E. Washburn. 2017. Ecosystem services in the Great Lakes, J. Great Lakes Res. 43:161-168 |
| X | MI, OH, WI |
Swallow, S, C Anderson, Emi Uchida. The Bobolink Project: Selling Public Goods From Ecosystem Services Using Provision Point Mechanisms. Ecological Economics, Forthcoming. |
| X |
| CT, RI, WA |
West, G., K. Kovacs. 2017. “Addressing Groundwater Declines with Precision Agriculture: An Economic Comparison of Monitoring Methods for Variable-Rate Irrigation.” Water 9 (1): 28. | X |
Yang, W., D. Hyndman, J. Winkler, A. Viña, J. Deines, F. Lupi, L. Luo, Y. Li, B. Basso, C. Zheng, D. Ma, S., X. Liu, H. Zheng, G. Cao, Q. Meng, Z. Ouyang, J. Liu. 2016. Urban Water Sustainability: Framework and Application. Ecology and Society. 21(40):4 |
| X |
Yoder, Jonathan, Jennifer Adam, Michael Brady, Joseph Cook, Stephen Katz, Shane Johnston, Keyvan Malek, John McMillan, and Qingqing Yang. 2017. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Integrated Water Resource Management: Accounting for interdependence in the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1-22. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12507. | X |
Zipp, K.Y., D. J. Lewis, B. Provencher (2017) “Does the conservation of land reduce development? An econometric-based landscape simulation with land market feedbacks” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 81: 19-37 | X |
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