NC1017: Carbon Sequestration and Distribution in Soils of Eroded Landscapes (formerly NCT199 and NC174)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Miles, Randall milesr@missouri.edu |
Missouri - University of Missouri unknown |
Kaspar, Thomas Tom.Kaspar@ars.usda.gov |
USDA-ARS-NSTL National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment 515-294-8873 |
Olson, Ken krolson@illinois.edu |
Yes |
Illinois - University of Illinois Natural Resources And Environmental Sciences 217-333-9639 |
Schumacher, Thomas thomas.schumacher@sdstate.edu |
South Dakota - South Dakota State University Plant Science 605-688-4762 |
Steinhardt, Gary gsteinhardt@purdue.edu |
Indiana - Purdue University Agronomy 765-494-8063 |
Cihacek, Larry Larry.Cihacek@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Soil Science 701-231-8572 |
Lal, Rattan lal.1@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University Natural Resources 614-292-9069 |
Golabi, Mohamad mgolabi@triton.uog.edu |
Guam - University of Guam Agricultural Experiment Station 671-735-2004 |
Lowery, Birl blowery@facstaff.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Soil Science 608-263-5691 |
Al-Kaisi, Mahdi malkaisi@iastate.edu |
Yes |
Iowa - Iowa State University Agronomy 515-294-8304 |
Moncrief, John moncr001@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Soil, Water, and Climate 612-625-2771 |
Presley, DeAnn deann@ksu.edu |
Yes |
Kansas - Kansas State University Dept. of Agronomy 785-532-1218 |