
NC1017: Carbon Sequestration and Distribution in Soils of Eroded Landscapes (formerly NCT199 and NC174)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 12/21/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/03/2006
- 08/04/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Walsh, Pat-University of Wisconsin-Madison (Administrative Advisor); Olson, Ken-University of Illinois; Moncrief, John- University of Minnesota; Schumacher, Thomas-South Dakota State University; Lal, Rattan-The Ohio State University; Lowery, Birl-University of Wisconsin-Madison; Cihacek, Larry-North Dakota State University; Lobb, David-University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada; Gupta, Gupta, Satish- University of Minnesota; Miles, Randall-University of MissouriBrief Summary of Minutes
John Moncrief, Chair of NC1017 called the meeting to order. Participants introduced themselves to each other. Pat Walsh new administrative advisor to NC1017 and Chair of the Biosytems Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was introduced to the committee. Pat encouraged the committee to get all reports to NIMS in a timely manner and to update the impact statement when appropriate (as new impacts arise). Next year is the mid-year report which will be important for administrators to gauge the progress made on the project. Pat encouraged the committee to invite all of the individuals who have an interest in the project or who need to be involved. The committee should be as robust as possible. Pat spoke on the request to develop new NCRA committees. These committees should focus on new knowledge areas which could evolve into research problem areas. He provided an example of the new biofuels committee (Bioenergy and bioproducts committee: NCDC209).This topic catalyzed discussion among the committee relative to the trade-off of residues for biofuels versus residue management to conserve soils, sequester carbon in soils, soil quality/water quality implications, and energy expenditures. Rattan Lal suggested that a one page policy-oriented Letter to Science be drafted to inform scientists about this issue. Lal enthusiastically encouraged the committee to get involved by stating that "We should make a science statement".
State reports were then given with encouragement that written reports by crafted by objective and then impact. They information for these reports are provided in the accompanying accomplishments and impact statements of this report. Birl Lowery provided the University of Wisconsin-Madison report. Tom Schumacher provided the South Dakota State University report. Tom is hosting the NC1017 website and invited all of the committee members to send pictures from their study areas associated with the NC1017 project. Discussion followed with influences of tillage, drainage, biomass additions, as well as biomass removal on soil organic matter and soil carbon content. The merits of developing a methods paper relative to dynamic versus long-term C content was also discussed with development at a later date. Rattan Lal gave The Ohio State report highlighting the points in his publication in Land Degradation and Development. He again encouraged the committee to strongly consider the development of a one page policy paper to Science.
David Lob presented his research from Canada. Much of his research centers on soil landscape variability and C dynamics. He highlighted his tillage erosion by discussing the concepts of divergent (tillage erosion) versus convergent (water erosion). Much of his team's research has focused on fate of soil C relative to emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide at the landscape scape. His team is assessing landscape characterization and landforms and is using a program called "land mapper". Larry Cihacek provided an overview of the extensive soil C and C sequestration research work at North Dakota State University in which a Discussion Support System (DSS) has been developed in concert with the Conservation Cropping Systems project.
Ken Olson provided an overview of his research at the University of Illinois of an existing corn-soybean rotation study assessing yield relative to no-till, chisel plow, and conservation tillage. Randy Miles, University of Missouri, discussed the identification of claypan field sites for this project in which farmers fields paired with adjacent sites at Tucker Prairie, a native tall grass prairie. Lack of internal and external funding may limit the scope of this project. He also discussed the cooperative work with the National Soil Survey Laboratory on a soil carbon field evaluation assessment kit. He also stated that the Duley-Miller erosion plots, for which he is curator, will complete their 90th year of existence in 2007. John Moncrief, University of Minnesota provided an overview of his research with runoff and tile drains in fields.
For final business, it was emphasized that the mid-term review is coming up. Additionally, it is important that the impact statement is brought up to date and constantly keep current with findings. It was highly suggested that NC1017 try to meet with NC59. Discussion followed with looking at joint endeavors with NC59 at the Soil and Water Conservation Society meetings in Tampa or in some other setting. It was decided that next year's chair (Miles) dialogue with the incoming chair of NC59 (thought to be Doug Archibald) to assess the possibility. If this venue did not work out it was strongly suggested that the first week in August (perhaps the 1st and 2nd) in Kansas City would be amenable.
Objective 1: Determine the spatial C distribution and dynamics in soils of eroded landscapes including 3-dimensional model assessments for better quantification.<br /> <br /> In Missouri two field sites which have usually been in a corn-soybean rotation for examining the distribution of soil C have been identified: The native area is Tucker Prairie, a native tall grass prairie. Nearby, paired crop production fields are usually in a corn-soybean rotation or a 3-year rotation of corn-wheat-soybeans (soybeans double cropped in wheat stubble, 3 crops in 2 years). Soils in this area are claypans (Mexico, Putnam, Leonard). Soil C in long-term Sanborn Field plots (primarily Mexico silt loam) will be used as long-term control for similar cropping management systems. The scale of this project will be dependant of internal and external funding.<br /> <br /> Cooperative work with the National Soil Survey Laboratory on a soil carbon field evaluation over time (1 or 2 growing seasons) on an every other month basis is being initiated. Different cropping sequences from Sanborn Field will be compared with sites on Tucker Prairie.<br /> <br /> Illinois accomplishments include paired cultivated and uncultivated landscapes in southern Illinois with similar soils transected. Soil samples were collected with depth for soil organic C analysis. <br /> <br /> North Dakota representatives continued participation in the terrestrial C sequestration group of the Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCO2R) Phase II and preparing to establish 1200 to 1500 C sequestration monitoring benchmark sites in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa and Montana over the next three years. Currently over 200 benchmark sites have been established in Sheridan County, North Dakota. The study focuses on C distribution by soil series and landscape position on CRP, native grassland and cropland.<br /> <br /> Wisconsin participants have used a cone penetrometer to develop a three-dimensional (3-D) map to display soil variability for part of a small private farm. Data were collected on a 20-m grid. The sampling points were georeferenced using a global positioning system (GPS).<br /> <br /> Total dry matter yield (DMY) of clover was obtained at different points in a field where we have matching soil organic carbon (SOC) content data. While the SOC levels were significantly different (p < 0.01) among sampled points, there were no significant differences in the DMY of clover ( = 0.05) when all data are considered (p = 0.0759). In this test, data analysis cut across two soil series, namely, Radford and Miami silt loam, 2-6% slopes (MyB). In consideration of the possible effect of soil variability on crop yield, the effect of SOC on clover DMY was evaluated within each soil type. Because of data limitations, we could only evaluate this effect in the MyB series at this time. Within this series, analysis of variance indicated no significant differences in clover DMY ( = 0.05) (p = 0.1096) even though treatment means correlated positively with SOC (R2 = 0.88).<br /> <br /> In many parts of the Midwest open surface tile inlets are being replaced with gravel filters to reduce potential pollutants from entering the underground tile system. In Minnesota samples were taken from gravel filters installed three years prior to replace open surface tile inlets in a three dimensional grid to characterize the deposition of sediment and associated organic carbon. At one location the landscape was lacustrine with gently sloping clay loam soils and large depressions (>20 ha). At another location the landscape was glacial till with small depressions (<6 ha). At the lacustrine location, one site within the field had gravel filters chisel plowed in the fall and not at another site within the same field. At the glacial till location a single gravel filter was not tilled. Corn and soybeans in rotation were grown at both sites. Fines (<2mm) were separated from gravel samples by sieving. The percentage of gravel porosity filled with fines at the tilled site was 100% at the surface and decreased to 40% at 25cm deep (about the depth of tillage). From this depth it was a relatively constant 40% to the sampling depth of 70cm. Without tillage the gravel porosity filled with fines decreased from 30% at the surface to 15% at 70cm. At the glacial till site 15% of the gravel porosity was filled with sediment and constant to 70cm deep. Organic matter concentrations of the fines decreased from 7% at the surface to 3.4% and 5% at 70cm for the untilled and tilled sites respectively at the lacustrine location. At the glacial till location organic matter concentration decreased from 5.5% at the surface to 1% at 70cm. <br /> <br /> Three field sites for examining the spatial distribution of soil carbon have been<br /> Identified in South Dakota. These include landscapes developed in till, loess, and outwash. Digital elevation models were developed for the cultivated sites using a survey grade GPS. The digital elevation models were used to generate three dimensional erosion maps for the combined effects of tillage and water erosion. Generated terrain and erosion maps were used to evaluate soil sampling sites. Slope grades over the hillslope at the till site ranged from 0 to 18 percent. Tillage erosion was estimated to be severe on the crest and shoulder positions while water erosion was estimated to be severe in the mid to lower backslope positions. Soil cores at the till cultivated site were collected from the root zone (1m) for soil characterization and classification. Soil C samples are currently being analyzed. Soil sampling at the loess and outwash sites will be initiated in the near future.<br /> <br /> The on-going experiment on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in eroded/scalped soil has been conducted for about 10 years at Columbus and South Charleston in Central Ohio. The soil of the study site is Miamian Silt Loam in Columbus and Crosby Silt Loam at South Charleston. Soil management treatments consist of the following: I. Main Treatment (Topsoil Depth): (i) Normal topsoil depth, (ii) Double topsoil depth, (iii) No topsoil 11. Sub-plot Treatment (Management) (i) Chemical fertilizers, (ii) Compost, (iii) Control Soil samples from 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm depths were obtained in July 2006. Samples were analyzed for bulk density, C and N concentrations. Top soil removal by simulated erosion significantly decreased SOC concentration in 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm depths in treatment with topsoil removed. As expected, application of compost increased SOC concentration in 0-10 cm layer by 39.5% in Columbus and 69.2% in South Charleston soils. Using compost had no effect on SOC concentration in 10 -20 and 20-30 cm depths. Similar trends were observed in N concentration. Soil N concentration was significantly more in 10-20 and 20-30 cm depths in treatments with normal and double topsoil depth than no topsoil. Similarly, application of compost increased soil N concentration by 4 1.5% in Columbus compared with 67.8% in South Charleston soil. These data show that use of biosolids and organic amendments can enhance SOC pool and improve quality of eroded soils. <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Assess management (cropping systems, amendments, and tillage) effects on C sequestration, productivity and soil quality including the importance of no-tillage on increasing C sequestration in eroded soils.<br /> <br /> In Missouri a no-tillage continuous corn plot (initiated in 1971) from Sanborn Field will be used to compare to conventional tillage monoculture and crop rotation plots with full fertility, lesser fertility, and with manures. Yield and C levels will be assessed.<br /> <br /> A tillage experiment with three treatments (no-till (NT), chisel plow (CP) and moldboard plow (MP)) was initiated in the spring of 1989 in southern Illinois. The plot area was previously in a tall fescue hayland for 15 years, was moderately eroded and had a 6% slope. After 12 years the surface layer (0-15 cm) subsoil (15-75 cm), and rooting zone (0- 75 cm) of all treatments had reductions in soil organic carbon (SOC) when compared to the pre-treatment values for sod. At the end of the 12-year study, the MP system had significantly less SOC in the surface layer, subsurface layer and rooting zone than the NT system at comparable depths. The difference in SOC between treatments in the tillage zone was attributed to the effects of management on erosion, disturbance, aeration and residue incorporation. For any land returning to row crop production from the Conservation Reserve Program, NT and CP system, compared to MP system, should retain more SOC and reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.<br /> <br /> Benchmark C monitoring sites have been established on an existing cropping systems study in southeastern North Dakota. Treatments include permanent vegetation (alfalfa), a low-diversity cropping system (corn-soybean), and a high diversity cropping system (corn-corn-soybean-winter wheat-spring wheat-canola/flax) under no-till management.<br /> <br /> In 2002 soil carbon index for cropland in Iowa was developed for the top 1 meter of major soil map units. Soil C concentration of different soil horizons and bulk density were used to determine soil carbon content. The soil carbon content for different soil associations was weighed against one reference major soil association (Okoboji) to develop soil carbon index. This soil carbon index will potentially be used as a management tool to evaluate future management impact on soil carbon change of different soil association in the state.<br /> <br /> Iowa participants are continuing evaluation of different tillage systems on soil carbon content through long-term tillage studies established in 2002 across Iowa on different soil associations using five different tillage systems and two crop rotations of Corn-Soybean and Corn-Corn-Soybean rotations. In addition, in 2002-2004 several studies of tillage and N management effects on soil CO2 emission and soil C change were finalized. <br /> This (2006) was the fifth year for this Indiana study. This study is on a Sebawa loam. It is poorly drained. The cropping system is continuous corn as well as corn/soybean and soybean/corn rotations. Tillage treatments are designed to leave a range of residue cover and to reflect practices currently used by many farmers as well as those which may be adopted. Treatments include: fall chisel with two secondary tillage passes; fall chisel with one secondary tillage pass; fall disk and spring field cultivator; fall strip till; and no-till. The following measurements were made: residue cover after planting, stand and height at four weeks, height at eight weeks, harvest moisture and yield. There were differences in yield between treatments for corn in rotation with soybeans. This marked the fifth time we have had a yield reduction with continuous corn with no-till, although not always statistically significant. This is in contrast to no difference between the other four tillage methods regardless of rotation. Residue cover maintained with strip till are intermediate between to no-till and the full width tillage. There were no yield differences for the soybean plots.<br /> <br /> Topsoil was added to eroded landscape positions from the toeslope on the till site in Morris, MN (Sharon Papiernik USDA/ARS). Soil carbon distribution, crop productivity, and measurements related to soil quality will be examined on the soil movement treatments over time in relationship to paired control strips where soil was not redistributed. We also plan to establish a similar topsoil addition study on the outwash site located near Brookings, SD. These sites are being coordinated in collaboration with David Lobb (Univ of Manitoba) who has established additional sites in Manitoba. Long-term rotation (>15 year) studies are being characterized for soil carbon distribution (total, inorganic, and organic carbon; bulk density) within the root zone (1.5 m). Samples were taken at Wall, SD ( a ustic environment in western SD) this spring and are currently being analyzed. We plan to take samples this fall at Beresford, SD (a udic environment in eastern SD). Rotations at Wall are given in Table 1. All Wall rotations are no-till. The Beresford rotations are corn soybean based with various rotations including alfalfa, field pea, and spring wheat. Beresford includes no-till and conventional-till (chisel plow disk) comparisons. Past work has examined carbon distribution in matched no-till, till, and grassed sites in central SD. Although the studies were primarily conducted to examine the impact of surface soil carbon distribution on soil physical properties I have included graphs of carbon distribution to 0.8 m corrected for bulk density. Bulk densities above 0.4 m were measured. Below 0.4 m bulk density was estimated and considered the same for all treatments for the purpose of discussion. <br /> <br /> Objective 3. Coordinate research efforts, work and interpretations with NCR-59<br /> <br /> Discussions with NCERA-59 about a joint meeting in 2007 are on-going.<br />Publications
Al-Kaisi, M., X. Yin, and M. Licht. 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as affected by tillage system and crop biomass in a corn-soybean rotation. Applied Soil Eco. J. 30:174-191. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M. and X. Yin. 2005. Tillage and crop residue effects on soil carbon and CO2 emission in corn-soybean rotations. J. Environ. Qual. 34:437-445. <br /> <br /> Al-Kaisi, M., X. Yin, and M. Licht. 2005. Soil carbon and nitrogen changes as influenced by tillage and cropping systems in some Iowa soils. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. J. 105:635-647. <br /> <br /> Arriaga, F.J., and B. Lowery. 2003. Erosion and productivity. p. 222-224. In B.A. Stewart and T. Howell (eds.) Encyclopedia of water science. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.<br /> <br /> Arriaga, F.J., and B. Lowery. 2003. Corn production on an eroded soil: effects of total rainfall and soil water storage. Soil & Tillage Res. 71:87-93.<br /> <br /> Arriaga, F.J., and B. Lowery. 2003. Soil physical properties and corn yield of an eroded soil as affected by long-term cattle manure applications. Soil Sci. 168:888-889.<br /> <br /> Arriaga, F.J., and B. Lowery. 2005. Spatial distribution of carbon over an eroded landscape in southwest Wisconsin. Soil & Tillage Res. 81:155-162.<br /> <br /> Barker, D.W., J. E. Sawyer, and M. M. Al-Kaisi. 2006. Assessment of the Amino Sugar-Nitrogen Test on Iowa Soils: I. Evaluation of Soil Sampling and Corn Management Practices. Agron. J. 98:1345-1351.<br /> <br /> Barker, D.W., J. E. Sawyer, and M. M. Al-Kaisi. 2006. Assessment of the Amino Sugar-Nitrogen Test on Iowa Soils: II. Field Correlation and Calibration. Agron. J. 98:1352-1358.<br /> Canepa, Matis, Tony Vyn and Ann Kline, 2006 Strip-till corn Response to Deep Banding versus Broadcast Applications of Phosphorus and Potassium. Agronomy Abstracts<br /> <br /> Chen, Y., C. Cavers, S. Tessier, D.A Lobb. 2005. Short-term tillage effects on soil cone index and plant development in a poorly drained, heavy clay soil. Soil Tillage Research, 82: 161-171.<br /> Reicosky, D.C., M.J. Lindstrom, T.E. Schumacher, D.A. Lobb, D.D. Malo. 2005. Tillage-induced CO2 losses across an eroded landscape. Soil Tillage Research, 81: 183-194.<br /> <br /> Cihacek, L.J. 2005. A soil carbon survey of Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 58A of Montana. Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCOR) Technical Report. Energy and Environment Research Center, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 24 p.<br /> <br /> Cihacek, L.J. 2005. A soil carbon survey of the southern part of Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) 54 of South Dakota. Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCOR) Technical Report. Energy and Environment Research Center, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 19 p.<br /> <br /> Cihacek, L.J., G. Yellajosula, T. Faller, and C. Schauer. 2005. A soil carbon survey of the transitional cropping systems at the NDSU Hettinger Research and Extension Center, Adams County, North Dakota. Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCOR) Technical Report. Energy and Environment Research Center, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 16 p.<br /> <br /> de Silva, L.L., L.J. Cihacek, F.L. Leistritz, T. C. Faller, D.A. Bangsund, J. A. Sorenson, E.N. Steadman, and J.A. Harju. 2005. The contribution of soils to carbon sequestration. Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCOR) Topical Report. Energy and Environment Research Center, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. 23 p. August 2005.<br /> <br /> Eynard, A., T.E. Schumacher, M.J. Lindstrom, and D.D. Malo. 2005. Effects of<br /> agricultural management systems on soil organic carbon in aggregates of Ustolls<br /> and Usterts. Soil Tillage Research 81:253-263<br /> <br /> Enyard, A., T.E. Schmacher, M.J. Lindstrom, D.D. Malo and R.A. Kohl. 2006. Effects of aggregate structure and organic C on wettability of Ustolls. Soil Tillage Research 88: 205-216.<br /> <br /> Gennadiyev, A.N., S.S. Chernyanskii, and Olson, K.R. 2005. The concurrent use of radioactive and magnetic tracers for soil erosion quantification. Eurasian Soil Science 38: 954-965.<br /> <br /> Kwaw-Mensah, D. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2006. Effects of tillage, nitrogen source and rate on corn response in corn-soybean rotation. Agron. J. 98:507-513.<br /> <br /> Lal, R., 2005. Soil erosion and carbon dynamics. Soil & Tillage Res. 81: 137-142. <br /> <br /> Licht, M. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2005. Corn response, N uptake, and water use in strip-tillage as compared with no-tillage and chisel plow. Agron. J. 97:705-710. <br /> <br /> Liu, J., Y. Chen, D.A. Lobb, R.L. Kushwaha. Soil-straw-tillage tool interaction: field and soil bin study using one and three sweeps. Canadian J. Biosystems Engineering. (accepted May 2006)<br /> Papeirnik, S.K., M.J. Lindstrom, T.E. Schumacher, J.A. Schumacher, D.D. Malo, D.A. Lobb. Characterization of soil profiles in a landscape affected by long-term tillage. Soil Tillage Research. (accepted May 2006)<br /> <br /> Li, S., D.A. Lobb, M.J. Lindstrom. Tillage translocation and tillage erosion in cereal based production. Soil Tillage Research. (accepted April 2006)<br /> <br /> Liu, J., D.A. Lobb, Y. Chen., R.L. Kushwaha. Effect of tillage speed and straw length on soil and straw movement by a sweep. Soil Tillage Research. (accepted February 2006)<br /> Rahman, S., Y. Chen, D.A. Lobb. 2005. Soil movement resulting from sweep type manure injection tools. Biosystems Engineering, 91: 379-392. <br /> <br /> Lobb, D.A., E.C. Huffman, D.C. Reicosky. Importance of information on tillage practices in the modeling of environmental processes and in the use of environmental indicators. J. Environmental Management. (in press)<br /> <br /> Lowery, B., and F.J. Arriaga. 2004. Carbon leaching and spatial distribution on an eroded landscape in Southwest Wisconsin. (CD-ROM) paper number-747. p1-3. (ISBN 0-646-43601-5). 13th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, Proceeding, 4-8 July, Brisbane, Australia.<br /> <br /> Lowery, B. 2006. Soil structure: friend or foe?. Proc. 2006 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Mgmt. Conf. 45:6 9, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Malo, D.D., T.E. Schumacher, and J.J. Doolittle. 2005. Long-term cultivation<br /> impacts on selected soil properties in the northern Great Plains. Soil Tillage<br /> Research 81:277-291<br /> <br /> Moncrief, J.F., P. P. sharma, J.J. Xia, and S.C. Gupta. 2005. Cropping systems effects on snowmelt losses of solids and associated oxygen demanding material. Soil & Tillage Research 81:195-204. <br /> <br /> Moncrief, J.F., A.Z. Ranaivoson, N.C. Hansen, G.R. Sands, and E.C. Dorsey. 2004. Managing Surface Inlets: Rock Filter as an Alternative. Published jointly by Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, U of MN and Minnesota Department of Agriculture. 8 pages<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R. 2004. Factors of soil formation: Parent material. 1.15-1.18. In. D. Hillel (ed). Encyclopedia of Soils and the Environment. Academic Press, Elsevier.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., S.A. Ebelhar and J.M. Lang. 2004. Impacts of conservation tillage systems on maize and soybean yields of eroded Illinois soils. Pakistan Journal of Agronomy 3(1):31-35.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R, R.L. Jones, and J. M. Lang. 2004. Assessment of soil disturbance using magnetic susceptibility and fly-ash contents on a Mississippian mound in Illinois. Soil Science 169:737-744.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R. R.L. Jones, A.N. Gennadiyev, S. Chernyanskii, W.I. Woods, and J.M. Lang. 2004. Soil catena formation and erosion of two Mississippian mounds at Cahokia Archaeological Site, Illinois. Soil Science. 168:812-824.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., and R.L. Jones. 2005. Carbon and fly ash distributions in eroded phases of soils in Illinois and Russia. Soil and Tillage Research 81(2): 143-153. <br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., J.M. Lang, and S.A. Ebelhar. 2005. Changes in soil carbon storage<br /> under long-term tillage and no-tillage plots. Soil and Tillage Research 81(2):217-225.<br /> <br /> Olson, K. R. R.L. Jones, A.N. Gennadiyev, S. Chernyanskii, W.I. Woods and J. M. Lang. 2005. Tillage inducted erosion on a mound at Cahokia archaeological site, Soil Science Society of America. Soil Survey Horizons 46:146-160. <br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., R.L. Jones, A.N. Gennadiyev, S.S. Chernyanskii, W.I. Woods, and J.M. Lang. 2006. Fly-ash distributions to assess erosion and deposition in Illinois landscapes. Soil and Tillage Research 89:155-166.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R, R.L. Jones, and J. M. Lang. 2005. Soil formation at Millstone Bluff<br /> and Johnson Ridge in Southern Illinois. Soil Science 170(6): 457-468.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., R.L. Jones, A.N. Gennadiyev, S.S. Chernyanskii, W.I. Woods, and J.M. Lang. 2006. Fly-ash distributions to assess erosion and deposition in Illinois landscape. Soil and Tillage Research 89:155-166.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R. and J.M. Lang. 2005. Equations for predicting grain crop yields and productivity indices of Illinois (USA) soils using soil properties. p. 317-331. In. H. Eswaran, P. Vijarnsorn, T. Vearasilp and E. Padmanabhan (eds). Innovative Soil Survey, Developing the foundation for a new generation of soil resource inventories and their utilization, Chattuchak, Bangkok, Thailand. <br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., T.E. Fenton, N.E. Smeck, R.D. Hammer, M.D. Ransom, C.W. Zanner, R. McLeese, and M.T. Sucik. 2005. Identification, mapping, classification, and interpretation of eroded Mollisols in the U.S. Midwest. Soil Survey Horizons 46:23-35.<br /> <br /> Olson, K.R., T.E. Fenton, N.E. Smeck, R.D. Hammer, M.D. Ransom, C.W. Zanner, R. McLeese, and M.T. Sucik. 2005. Proposed modifications of mollic epipedon thickness criteria for eroded conditions and potential impacts on Existing soil classifications. Soil Science Society of America. Soil Survey Horizons 46:39-47.<br /> <br /> Olson, K. R. R.L. Jones, A.N. Gennadiyev, S. Chernyanskii, W.I. Woods and J. M. Lang. 2005. Tillage inducted erosion on a mound at Cahokia archaeological site, Soil Science Society of America. Soil Survey Horizons 46:146-160. <br /> <br /> Papiernik, S.K., M.J. Lindstrom, J.A. Schumacher, A. Farenhorst, K.D. Stephens, T.E. Schumacher, D.A. Lobb. 2005. Variation in soil properties and crop yield across an eroded prairie landscape. J. Soil Water Conservation, 60: 47-54.<br /> <br /> Polyakov, V. and R. Lal, 2004. Modeling soil organic matter dynamics as affected by soil erosion. Env. Intl. 30: 547-556. <br /> <br /> Polyakov, V. and R. Lal, 2005. Soil erosion and carbon dynamics under simulated rainfall. Soil Sci. 169: 590 - 599. <br /> <br /> Schumacher, J.A., T.C. Kaspar, J.C. Ritchie, T.E. Schumacher, D.L. Karlen, E.R.<br /> Venteris, G.W. McCarty, T.S. Colvin, D.B. Jaynes, M.J. Lindstrom, and T.E.<br /> Fenton. 2005. Identifying spatial patterns of erosion for use in precision<br /> conservation. JSWC 60:355-362.<br /> <br /> Shukla, M. A., and R. La, 2005. Erosional effects on soil physical properties in an on-farm study on Alfisols in west Central Ohio. Soil Sci. 170: 445 - 456.<br /> <br /> Struthers, Raymond R., 2006, Spatial/Temporal Pattern Analysis Of Soil Properties On Different Landscape Scales. M.S. Purdue University Major Professors: Robert L. Nielsen and Chris J. Johannsen.<br /> <br /> Struthers, Raymond R., Chris Johannsen, Gary Steinhardt and Darrell Schulze, 2006 Using Empirical and Stochastic Models to Evaluate Corn Yield by Soil Series. Agronomy Abstracts<br /> <br /> Ranaivoson, A.Z.H., J.F. Moncrief, N.C. Hansen, and S.C. Gupta. 2005. Effect of Fall Tillage Following Soybeans on Organic Matter Losses in Snowmelt. Soil & Tillage Research 81:205-216<br /> <br /> Reicosky, D.C., M.J. Lindstrom, T.E. Schumacher, D.E. Lobb and D.D. Malo.<br /> 2005. Tillage-induced CO2 loss across an eroded landscape Soil Tillage<br /> Research 81:183-194<br />Impact Statements
- First project milestone as proposed: Website (http://plantsci.sdstate.edu/nc1017/) The web page includes a membership list with contact information, past minutes, reports, leadership history, publications developed from past research collaboration, and links to the NCRA and NMISS web pages.
- Second project milestone as proposed: site selections: Sites have been selected in participating states. Preliminary data is presented in the accompaning report.
- NC1017 has provided a more comprehensive understanding of changes in soil properties resulting from intensive cropping practices and erosional processes among agroecosystems.
- This study assesses the effect of different management practices used to restore productivity of eroded soils and quantifiable soil properties, such as soil carbon.
- NC1017 has elucidated the effect of different management systems and the effect of erosion on the landscape distribution of carbon. This sequential assessment within the landscape will provide a better understanding of the heterogeneity of soil carbon in time and space. This information will also contribute to development of improved management systems for natural resources, greater long-term sustainability and enhanced environmental quality.
- Results from this study provide potential inputs to policymakers to document economic incentives for voluntary cropping and tillage practice adoption thereby promoting good land-use stewardship and sound environmental policy
Date of Annual Report: 04/07/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/29/2008
- 05/30/2008
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2007 - 05/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2007 - 05/01/2008
Brief Summary of Minutes
Attached please find the minutes and annual report for NC1017's 2008 meeting.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 01/11/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/24/2009
- 09/26/2009
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2009 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2009 - 09/01/2009