S1084: Industrial Hemp Production, Processing, and Marketing in the U.S.
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
Date of Annual Report: 09/20/2024
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2023 - 09/30/2024
Virtual attendees- Lesley Oliver- U. Kentucky (AA), Abdel Berrada- Colorado State, Bob Pearce- U. Kentucky, Calvin Trostle- Texas A&M, Chris Smart- Cornell, Larry Smart- Cornell, James DeDecker- Michigan State, Jacob MacWilliams- , Jason Griffin- Kansas State, Punya Nachappa- Colorado State, Tiziana Oppedisano- Montana State, Kimberly Gwinn- U. Tennessee, Xinhua Xiao, Macoon Bisoondat- USDA (NIFA rep), John Erickson- USDA (NIFA rep), Ann Hazelrigg- Virginia Tech, Steven Philpott- NC StateIn-person attendees-
Kimberly Leonberger- U. Kentucky, Henry Smith- U. Kentucky, Nicole Gauthier- U. Kentucky, Misbakhul Munir- U. Kentucky, Babitha Jampala- Louisiana State, Daniel Pap- U. California Davis, Babu Valliyodan- Lincoln U., David Gang- Washington State, Hasip Ulas Ograk- U. Louisiana Monroe, Jon Botthoff- U. California Riverside, Emma Aronson- U. California Riverside, Phillip Alberti- U. Wisconsin, Benjamin Schwab- Kansas State, Zack Brym- U. Florida, Alyssa Collins- Penn State, Karla Gage- Southern Illinois U., Shuresh Ghimire- U. Connecticut, Marguerite Bolt- Purdue, Shelby Ellison- U. Wisconsin, Sonja Salmon- North Carolina State U., Terri Arsenault- State of Connecticut, Siyan Wang- North Carolina State U., Dana Landry- U. Illinois, Emily Febles- USDA, Ramesh Dhakal- Virginia State U., Saeid Zehtab Salmasi- New Mexico State, Tyler Mark- U. Kentucky, David Suchoff- Noth Carolina State U., Heather Darby- U. Vermont (chair)
Brief Summary of Minutes
The S1084 Annual Meeting was held on Feb. 15 & 16 ont he campus of North Carolina State University. Virtual attendees joined for general presentations and updates provided in the morning on the first day.
Following introductions and a tour of the College of Textiles, presentations included an update from USDA NIFA, USDA AMS on the Hemp Production Program, a discussion of the Farm Bill as related to hemp, and progress updates from each working group lead. Following a break, the in-person attendees broke into working groups and discussed plans for the upcoming year to contribute to each of the new project objectives. Day 2 included a field trip to Bast Fibre Technologies.
See attached meeting minutes for details.
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Objective 1: Breeding and Genetics </span></p><br /> <p>Continued collection and evaluation of feral hemp collections for public hemp germplasm repository in collaboration with USDA-ARS. The feral hemp collection effort has 2000 accessions to be added. USDA’s collection has roughly 600 samples, 100 of which are available for distribution. Began work toward developing custom genetic probes.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Objective 2: Agronomy and Sustainability</span></p><br /> <p>Refining plans for continued multistate field trails. Made progress toward publishing field trial data. Published a minimum set of standards for research and industry data.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Objective 3: Sustainable Pest Management</span></p><br /> <p>Developed a website for hosting pest and disease management data and fact sheets, which can be expanded to provide other management and research enabling resources.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Objective 4: Product Quality, Market Development and Economics</span></p><br /> <p>Developed updated production budgets, which are currently Created a comparison of regional costs for hemp production using data from the field trial conducted in Objective 2.</p>Publications
<p>Zachary T. Brym, Steven C. Philpott Jr., Hanah Rheay, Luis A. Monserrate, Nirit Bernstein, Carlene A. Chase, Shelby L. Ellison, Clinton C. Shock, Lawrence B. Smart, George M. Stack, and David H. Suchoff. 2023. Hemp Morphology and Physiology Standards for Research and Industry Applications. <em>HortScience</em>, 58 (7), 756-760. <a href="https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI17093-23">https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI17093-23</a></p>Impact Statements
- The S1084 project continues to enable U.S.-wide coordination of hemp related research and collaboration across states, disciplines, and public and private entities.
- S1084 has increased access to research and management resources though germplasm collection, surveys of pest and disease issues, creation of comment terminology and minimum data standards, and economic analysis tools.
- S1094 has contributed input for policy makers related to hemp provisions in the upcoming Farm Bill that will further facilitate effective research by highlighting the pressure points created by the current legislation and providing recommendations to relieve them.