W5177: Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
Date of Annual Report: 10/30/2023
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/11/2023
- 09/11/2023
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
See Summary of MinutesBrief Summary of Minutes
<ol><br /> <li><strong>Collaborations</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>Idaho/Nevada/Mississippi</strong></p><br /> <p>Dahlgren, C., S. Wang, A. de Mello, M.J. Colle, D. Burnett, C. O. Lemley, W. Shilling and T. Dinh. 2023. Effects of electrical stimulation on total peptides and free amino acids in beef semimembranosus muscle. Proc. 2023 Reciprocal Meat Conf. 44.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas/Colorado/Idaho</strong></p><br /> <p>Miller, Rhonda K., Chris Kerth, and Mahesh Nair. Work on factors that influence beef flavor has continued with the support of the National Cattlemens’ Beef Association Beef Flavor subcommittee. Work this year has concentrated on the writing of two major beef flavor review articles to provide information and a roadmap for the research that has been done. These reviews were critical in defining where additional research was needed. A collaborative project was defined and will be implemented in 2023 through 2025.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Objectives</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>To examine live animal management practices that impact beef flavor and define if these practices impact consumer liking.</li><br /> <li>To evaluate beef post-slaughter management practices that affect beef flavor.</li><br /> <li>To understand how changes in beef flavor as measured using trained descriptive attribute panels relate to consumer liking.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Information from the proposed National Beef Quality Audit – 2021 is being collected in a comparable manner to previous audits, which allows identification of past and present trends.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Texas/Colorado/Idaho/Oklahoma</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Objectives</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>To assess the current transportation modes and distances, mobility status, and quality characteristics of U.S. fed steers and heifers and market cows and bulls.</li><br /> <li>To obtain USDA beef grading information and other carcass characteristics from U.S. fed steers and heifers, and selected carcass assessments from market cows and bulls</li><br /> <li>To analyze instrument grading information from a number of beef processing establishments to determine monthly, seasonal, and audit-to-audit comparisons in various carcass value-determining traits.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Smith, C.L., Thompson, T.W., Harr, K., Goretska, M., Mayer, T., Schwartz, T., Borders, S.E., Gehring, K., Bass, P., Pfeiffer, M., Mafi, G., Pendell, D., Morgan, J.B., Griffin, D., Savell, J.W., Scanga, J., Nair, M.N., Belk, K. 2022 National beef quality audit: Phase 1 - interviews. American Meat Science Association Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 45.</p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana/Oklahoma/Kansas/Kentucky</strong></p><br /> <p>Ramanathan, R., Denzer, M., Kiyimba, F., Harr, K., Suman, S., Hunt, M.C., Pfeiffer, M., Mafi, G.G., Kim, Y.H.B.,. 2023. Role of postmortem bioenergetics in beef colour chemistry. Italian Journal of Animal Science. 22:711-727.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kentucky/Oklahoma</strong></p><br /> <p>Suman, S.P.; Wang, Y.; Gagaoua, M.; Kiyimba, F.; Ramanathan, R. 2023. Proteomic approaches to characterize biochemistry of fresh beef color. Journal of Proteomics, 281, 104893.</p><br /> <p>Faustman, C.; Suman, S.P.; Ramanathan, R. 2023. The eating quality of meat: I Color. In Lawrie's Meat Science (Ninth Edition). ISBN: 978-0-323-85408-5. Edited by F. Toldra. Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom. Chapter 11, pp 363-392.</p><br /> <ol start="2"><br /> <li><strong>Accomplishments</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Arkansas – Derico Setyabrata </strong></p><br /> <p>Research on beef tenderness and color quality was conducted in the past year. Specifically, the study focuses on identifying the impact of different consumer freezing methods and product size (steaks vs roast) on beef quality from different muscles.</p><br /> <p><strong>California – Timothy J. Hackmann and Payam Vahmani</strong></p><br /> <p>Our research has focused on three main areas: 1) identifying rumen bacteria responsible for the presence of specific trans fatty acids in beef fat, 2) investigating the role of different rumen-derived trans fatty acids on marbling fat synthesis using primary intramuscular fat cell culture models, 3) assessing health effects of rumen-derived trans fatty acids in mouse models of obesity and type-2 diabetes. Our research projects directly contributed to project objective 5. The outcomes provide a better understanding of the origin of trans fats in beef, and their effects on beef quality and healthfulness. </p><br /> <p><strong>California - James W. Oltjen</strong></p><br /> <p>Between the influence of the “food elite” on social media and increasing public concerns over climate change, consumer demand for grass-fed beef has increased considerably. Although many consumers perceive grass-fed beef as more environmentally friendly than grain-fed beef, there is a dearth of research available to address these consumer claims. In order to answer both consumer and producer concerns, we performed an experiment that evaluated the environmental footprint (i.e., water, land, greenhouse gasses, and energy), beef quality, and economic out­come of four beef cattle production systems on the West coast. The four systems included conventional beef finished on grain for 128 d, steers grass-fed for 20 mo, steers grass-fed for 20-mo with a 45-d grain finish, and steers grass-fed for 25 mo. We evaluated the shelf life and sensory properties of steaks which has implications for marketing this type of beef.</p><br /> <p><strong>California - Xiang Yang and Pedro Carvalho</strong></p><br /> <p>Antimicrobial resistance (AR) is a significant emerging health issue globally and in the U.S. With respect to the U.S., approximately 2.8 million clinical infections and 35,000 human deaths occur annually. In addition to clinical burdens, the estimated annual economic cost of AR is $21,832 per case which results in over $3 trillion in GDP loss due to excess health care and loss of productivity. Due to the wide use of antibiotics in livestock operations, there is substantial concern that antibiotic use in animal agriculture contributes to AR in humans and leads to threats to public health. Antibiotics have been incorporated into cattle diets to prevent the spread of disease and promote animal health and growth for a long time. However, The use of in-feed antibiotics for production purposes in the livestock and poultry industry is completely banned in the U.S. in 2017 to mitigate the risk of AR. It is important for the cattle producers to find antibiotic alternatives to maintain the health of the animals without promoting AR in livestock production and to understand how different production and/or management practices may influence risk of AR. Therefore, we proposed to assess the effect of antibiotic alternatives on animal performance and health, as well as to characterize and compare the fecal resistome of cattle fed with antibiotics and antibiotic alternatives to assess the effect of antibiotic alternative on the degree of AR in beef cattle.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Miller</strong></p><br /> <p>Research to further understand the connections between beef descriptive flavor and texture attributes and consumer preferences has continued. While positive and negative flavor attributes have been defined in the past, understanding the interrelationships between flavor, juiciness and tenderness have been implemented. Research examining consumer mouth behaviors and the subsequent effect on consumer preferences was also implemented.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Osburn</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Research activities focused on investigating the development of an amino acid based alternative curing system for processed meat products (USDA-AFRI- 2021-09606). Findings indicate that activation of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) system by addition of the amino acid L-arginine followed by subsequent thermal processing results in the generation of nitric oxide by the enzyme system. For L-arginine treated beef samples, nitrosohemochromogen (cured pigment) and residual nitrite values were lower than conventionally cured (sodium nitrite) beef samples, but still generated observable cured pink color. Concentrations from 1000-4000 ppm of L-arginine are appropriate to generate the desired cured meat reaction in beef samples.</p><br /> <p><strong>Colorado - Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk</strong></p><br /> <p>Colorado State University (CSU) has been actively engaged in several research projects during the past year focusing on palatability, processing, marketing of beef, prevention of food-borne illness, and consumer preferences for beef. Research was also undertaken to evaluate the effects of lipid peroxidation products such as malondialdehyde (MDA), hexenal, and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), on calpain-1 function.</p><br /> <p><strong>Oklahoma - Mafi</strong></p><br /> <p>Oklahoma State University has conducted several projects in the past year evaluating beef shelf-life, palatability, cause and improvement of dark-cutting beef and consumer preferences. <strong> </strong>Research evaluated different oxygen scavengers combined with different dark storage temperatures to determine ideal combinations for most extended shelf-life. Also, research was conducted to better understand freezing temperatures in combination with aging times to maximize palatability.</p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho – Phil Bass and Michael Colle </strong></p><br /> <p>Beef meat science faculty efforts at the University of Idaho have been conducting research through the past year with focus on beef carcass quality, tenderness, color, and dry aging. Focus has been on heavy weight carcasses and the effect of those carcasses on the merchandising of beef round cuts. Research has been conducted on beef chuck rolls and short ribs with the introduction of rosemary extract and acerola cherry powder in combination with one another as topical antioxidants to improve color stability in a retail setting. Research into commercial dry aged beef facilities were investigated for palatability differences and metabolomics. Lastly, various beef cuts were evaluated for use in finger steaks in order to add value to undervalued cuts.</p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana - Brad Kim</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Brad Kim at Purdue University has been working on determining the impacts of post-harvest processing factors (developing “Smart Aging”, in particular) on meat quality attributes. In this reporting period, Dr.Kim’s group worked on several beef projects – 1) NCBA funded fresh beef tumbling and aged/frozen beef for better quality and 2) continue working on USDA-AFRI grant project - the impacts of extended postmortem aging on color and redox stability of different beef muscles </p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas - Logan Britton</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Logan Britton has investigated the relationship between plant-based meat alternatives and regular livestock meat in a consumer choice experiment setting. Specifically, an online basket-based choice experiment was utilized to better simulate a shopping experience for respondents in which they had a income constraint and the ability to select multiple quantities of the products show. The results indicated plant-based meat alternative product has a negative cross-price elasticity of demand with multiple livestock meat products, indicating a complementary relationship.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas – Michael Chao</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Michael Chao has been investigating a technique known as accelerated aging (AA) to improve the quality of lower quality beef cuts. This technique has shown to improve beef tenderness through submerging vacuum packaged beef in warm water bath for just a few hours. In addition, he looked at the mechanism behind AA of beef with a specific focus on the enzyme cathepsin. In addition, their team has also evaluated the impact of applying an electrostatic field (EF) on thawing characteristics like thawing speed and purge loss as well as its impact on quality attributes during subsequent aging and retail display of beef.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas – Glynn Tonsor, Ted Schroeder, and Brian Coffey</strong></p><br /> <p>Drs. Tonsor, Schroeder, and Coffey have been investigating multiple aspects of fed cattle and beef marketing. Multiple publications have resulted from this work leading to increased awareness on current marketing issues with implications for U.S. competitiveness.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kentucky – Surendranath Suman</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Surendranath Suman’s lab group has been investigating the applied and basic aspects of beef color quality. In this perspective, studies are in progress on the impact of aging on beef color. Additionally, the role of myoglobin posttranslational modifications in beef color stability is being examined. Multiple scientific publications have been published in this area.</p><br /> <p><strong>UConn – Chaoyu Zhai</strong></p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p>Meat science faculty at the University of Connecticut have been establishing the research laboratory in the past year. The multistate capacity grant was funded in April 2023 and will start in October 2023. The project will study the interactions between lipid oxidation and muscle proteins, which could elucidate how lipid oxidation affects protein function during muscle-to-meat conversion and improve our understanding of the production of quality beef.</p><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li><strong> Short-term Outcomes</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Arkansas – Derico Setyabrata </strong></p><br /> <p>Current results indicated that steak freezing caused excessive discoloration compared to roast freezing. Consumer freezing methods, as expected, generated higher discoloration compared to blast freezer, with refrigerator freezer causing the most discoloration.</p><br /> <p><strong>California – Timothy J. Hackmann and Payam Vahmani</strong></p><br /> <p>Our project identified three new bacterial groups (<em>Tractidigestivibacter</em>, <em>Sporanaerobacter</em>, <em>Parafannyhessea</em>) as capable of producing trans10,cis12-conjugated linoleic acid (t10,c12-CLA) which is known to have potent antilipogenic properties and may reduce marbling fat accumulation in beef. Using bovine marbling fat cell cultures, we found that fat cells cultured with trans10-18:1, the predominant trans fatty acid in feedlot beef, showed reduced fat accumulation compared to those cultured with trans11-18:1, the predominant trans fatty acid in grass-fed beef. Moreover, t11-18:1, but not t10-18:1 prevented fasting insulinemia in diet-induced obese mice. We have additional mouse model studies planned to better understand the isomer-specific effects of rumen-derived trans fatty acids on glucose homeostasis in diet-induced obese mice models.</p><br /> <p><strong>California - James W. Oltjen</strong></p><br /> <p>The results indicate that steaks in the 20GF group displayed a darker lean and fat color, and a lower oxidation state than those in the 25GF group. However, the feeding system did not have an impact on pH or objective tenderness of beef steaks. In addition, consumers and trained panelist did not detect a difference in taste or flavor between the 20GF or 25GF steaks but expressed a preference for the CON and 45GR steaks, indicating that an increased grazing period may improve the color</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Miller</strong></p><br /> <p>Flavor is the main driver of consumer acceptability as long as juiciness and tenderness are acceptable. Tenderness and juiciness are closely aligned to each other for consumer preferences. Consumers like beef with higher levels of fat flavor and grilled flavor components and dislike beef with higher levels of cardboardy, metallic, and liver-like flavors. When segmented into mouth behavior groups, juiciness and tenderness were more important for suckers and smoochers. Chewers like beef with a little bit more fight in it where as crunchers want beef that has an initial crunch, like beef with a grilled crust, and then that breaks down easily with subsequent chewing. These results show that consumers across mouth behaviors respond differently to beef that varies in texture.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas-Osburn</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Our research efforts demonstrated the efficacy of activating the endothelial nitric oxide synthase system with the amino L-arginine to generate nitric oxide and residual nitrite, simulating the cured meat reactions found in sodium nitrite cured meat products.</p><br /> <p><strong><br /> Colorado – Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk</strong></p><br /> <p> Our research demonstrated that lipid oxidation products can influence the functionality of calpain-1 in-vitro by covalent modifications. Tenderness is an important quality attribute that influences consumer eating satisfaction of meat and Calpain-1 significantly contributes to the proteolysis of cytoskeletal and myofibrillar proteins and the postmortem tenderization of meat. Our study is the first to demonstrate that lipid peroxidation products have differential impacts on calpain-1 activity in a concentration-dependent manner in vitro. Incubation with hexenal and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) decreased the calpain-1 and the autolysis rate, whereas incubation with malondialdehyde (MDA) slightly increased the calpain-1 activity. These results lay the groundwork for future investigations to understand the mechanistic basis of these differences, including their impacts on calpain activity in postmortem muscle and the development of meat tenderness</p><br /> <p><strong>Oklahoma - Mafi </strong></p><br /> <p>Using multiple scavengers in master bags had no impact on retail shelf-life stability regardless of time in dark storage. Oxygen scavenger efficacy can be influenced by number of trays in a master bag or weight of product but with tray number and product weight being held constant adding additional scavengers did not improve beef color or reduce discoloration. </p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho – Phil Bass and Michael Colle </strong></p><br /> <p>The deep portion of the top round of larger carcasses takes longer to chill and therefore has a more rapid pH decline. This negatively affects the shelf-life of the top round. Regardless of carcass size, the deep portion of the top round has poorer color stability and is tougher than the superficial portion of the top round. Merchandising research utilizing an online survey has demonstrated distinct willingness to purchase differences between the two cuts. Dry aging microbiome work has demonstrated that the microbiome of molds and bacteria of different commercial dry-aging facilities is indeed different. Differences in environment demonstrate unique dry-aging conditions resulting in distinctly different microbial populations on dry-aged beef. Flavor boldness has also been shown to be different among commercial dry-aging facilities. Rosemary extract and acerola cherry powder are effective antioxidants for extending the color stability of beef chuck rolls and short ribs and has led to follow-up research opportunities. </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana - Brad Kim</strong></p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p>The tenderizing action of the tumbler appears to have limited impact on tenderness and other meat quality attributes on loin cuts from high-quality grade beef. However, the impact of steak tumbling on low quality grade beef (USDA Select) was examined for instrumental tenderness determination. WBSF values significantly decreased with increasing tumbling time from 0 min to 20 or 60 min, regardless of aging time. The present study also conducted a development of tumbling prediction models using artificial intelligence (AI) based Machine Learning tools and regression analysis. While more data collection and subsequent data analysis is warranted to improve the accuracy of the AI-based tumbling prediction model, the current study suggested a feasibility of using tumbling models to identify optimal tumbling process regimes for the meat industry application. We also found that increasing postmortem aging has detrimental effects on color stability of muscles such as BF, GM, and IF. In particular, the LL was color stable across all aging durations, while the color stability of the IF was most labile with aging among beef muscles. The results of the current study indicate the need of establishing muscle-specific optimal aging practice considering different color stability of different beef muscles.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas - Michael Chao</strong></p><br /> <p>All AA treatments improved tenderness of the samples compared to the control with most exhibited similar tenderness as the 21 days cooler aged treatment. This investigation also revealed AA can enhance cathepsin activity of lower quality beef cuts leading to collagen solubilization and protein degradation. For the EF project, it was found that all EF treatments increased purge loss in the outside cooler location and did not improve thawing speed, with high EF voltage taking the longest to thaw. However, it was found that high EF voltage showed a reduction in WBSF compared to the control, but there was no impact of EF on sarcomere length and myofibrillar protein degradation.</p><br /> <ol start="4"><br /> <li><strong>Outputs</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>Arkansas – Derico Setyabrata </strong></p><br /> <p>In the past year 3 abstracts related to beef quality study were published.</p><br /> <p><strong>California – Timothy J. Hackmann and Payam Vahmani</strong></p><br /> <p>Outputs directly related to this project include 2 abstracts and 2 Master’s theses.</p><br /> <p><strong>Colorado – Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk</strong></p><br /> <p>In the past year, Dr. Nair published 4 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 12 abstracts related to beef quality, postmortem biochemistry, shelf-life, and safety. Additionally, several invited talks were given at scientific conferences and industry meetings<strong>.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Miller</strong></p><br /> <p>In the past year, Dr. Miller has published 6 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 2 manuscripts are being reviewed for publication. Dr. Miller has given several invited presentations at industry meetings.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Osburn</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>In the past year Dr. Osburn has one published peer reviewed manuscript, one research report, three abstracts, two USDA presentations and two podcasts concerning the efficacy of developing and implementing an amino acid based curing system for processed meats. </p><br /> <p><strong>Oklahoma</strong> <strong>- Mafi</strong></p><br /> <p>In the past year, Oklahoma has published 6 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 12 abstracts related to beef quality and improvement.</p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho – Phil Bass and Michael Colle</strong></p><br /> <p>Since last year Idaho published 3 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 3 abstracts; all related to beef quality and improvement. Additionally, Drs. Bass and Colle were frequently invited speakers at state and regional events. Furthermore, 3 M.S. students completed their degrees and 2 undergraduate students from the lab completed their B.S. Degrees.</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana - Brad Kim</strong></p><br /> <p>In this reporting period, six peer-reviewed journal articles, 2 book chapters, 1 proceeding article and 4 conference abstracts were published.The PI Kim was invited to give a keynote lecture at the International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Padova, Italy and at the 56<sup>th</sup> International Symposium and Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources meeting, May 2023, Korea.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas - Logan Britton</strong></p><br /> <p>Submission of plant-based meat alternatives and regular livestock meat consumer study to a peer-reviewed journal; presentation of the same study at a land-grant university.</p><br /> <ol start="5"><br /> <li><strong>Activities</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Arkansas – Derico Setyabrata </strong></p><br /> <p>Research related to frozen beef palatability and color was conducted in the past year. Currently training is being provided to several undergraduate students and 1 M.S. students. Several workshops were held related to beef harvesting and quality management.</p><br /> <p><strong>California – Timothy J. Hackmann and Payam Vahmani</strong></p><br /> <p>We identified three groups bacteria that produce t10,c12-CLA and t10-18:1 by using genomics and biochemical assays. We first searched genomes of 142,000 strains for a gene for linoleate isomerase, which catalyzes the first step of biohydrogenation of linoleic acid. We then biochemically tested three of these strains (<em>Tractidigestivibacter scatoligenes</em> SK9K4, <em>Sporanaerobacter acetigenes</em> Lup33, <em>Parafannyhessea umbonata</em> A2) to determine if they could carry out biohydrogenation of linoleic acid in growing cultures (i.e. forming conjugated linoleic acids and trans 18:1 isomers).</p><br /> <p>We also investigated adipogenic and lipogenic effects of key rumen-derived trans fatty acids (t10,c12-CLA, c9, t11-CLA, t10-18:1, and t11-18:1) on stromovascular fraction (SVF) and dedifferentiated fat (DFAT) cells obtained from beef intramuscular adipose tissue. Confluent SVF and DFAT cells were exposed to media containing adipogenic inducers (dexamethasone, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine) and 0, 5, 10 or 20 µM of trans FA treatments for 6 days followed by Oil Red O staining, fatty acid, qPCR, and GPDH activity assays.</p><br /> <p>Moreover, we determined the effects of beef fat enriched with t11-18:1 and c9,t11-CLA on parameters related to glucose homeostasis and liver health in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. Thirty-six 8-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were divided into nine cages of similar average body weight (four mice per cage). Each cage was randomly assigned for 18 weeks to either a control low-fat diet, a control high-fat diet containing lard, or an enriched-high fat diet containing beef fat enriched with t11-18:1 and c9,t11-CLA. The enriched beef fat was collected from steers fed a diet containing 75% hay and 25% flaxseed-based concentrate.</p><br /> <p><strong>California - James W. Oltjen</strong></p><br /> <p>We performed an experiment that evaluated the shelf life and sensory properties of four beef cattle production systems on the West coast. The four systems included conventional beef finished on grain for 128 d, steers grass-fed for 20 mo, steers grass-fed for 20-mo with a 45-d grain finish, and steers grass-fed for 25 mo.</p><br /> <p><strong>Colorado – Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk</strong></p><br /> <p>Currently training is being provided to 6 graduate students and several undergraduate students. Also, 2 M.S. and 2 Ph.D. degrees were awarded during this time. Additionally, the following activities were taken up by the PI (Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk) for knowledge dissemination.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Hosted large workshops to discuss industry issues and present research findings.</li><br /> <li>Served as invited speakers at scientific meetings to present research.</li><br /> <li>Served as members of advisory boards for research foundations.</li><br /> <li>Integrated research findings into university courses and curriculum.</li><br /> <li>Published numerous peer-reviewed articles</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Miller</strong></p><br /> <p>Two MS graduate students were awarded their degrees. For knowledge dissemination, Dr. Miller has:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Served on the National Cattlemens’ Beef Association Beef Flavor Subcommittee.</li><br /> <li>Presented findings to industry groups such as the Texas Southwest Cattle Raisers Association and the Texas AgriLife Beef Cattle Short Course.</li><br /> <li>Integrated research findings into the Department of Animal Science meat science courses and curriculum.</li><br /> <li>Published numerous peer-reviewed manuscripts.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Osburn</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>One PhD student was awarded their degree. One PhD student and 5 MS students are working in Dr. Osburn’s laboratory to investigate the use of the amino acid alternative curing systems on beef and/or beef-blend processed products. Presentations were given at a USDA meeting, a national meats science meeting, state meat association and beef cattle meetings, department sponsored workshops and in plant training.</p><br /> <p><strong>Oklahoma - Mafi</strong></p><br /> <p>Two MS graduate students were awarded degrees, 2 Ph.D. students and 2 additional MS students are working in Dr. Mafi’s lab with 5 undergraduate students. Meat slaughter and fabrication short-courses and producers workshops have been held in the past year.</p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho – Phil Bass and Michael Colle</strong></p><br /> <p>Hands on meat lab and research lab training were provided to 7 graduate and 10 undergraduate students in Meat Science. Numerous producer, processor, and retailer workshops were held this past year focusing on improving meat quality. </p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana - Brad Kim</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Two new phd students, 1 MS student and 1 visiting post-doc were trained and assigned to the projects working on conducting biochemical analyses including meat quality, color and oxidative stability as well as metabolomics analyses. Along with peer-reviewed journal article publications, Dr. Kim gave multiple presentations at several universities and research institutes in Korea to present some of the key findings of the current research works during his research sabbatical periods in Korea.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas - Logan Britton</strong></p><br /> <p>One Ph.D. student is being trained in behavioral economic concepts related to survey methodology.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas – Michael Chao</strong></p><br /> <p>Four M.S. students and 3 undergraduate students in Meat Science were trained to conduct these research projects with the focus to improve meat quality. </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="6"><br /> <li><strong>Milestones</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Arkansas – Derico Setyabrata </strong></p><br /> <p>Currently projects are ongoing. Several grant funding were secured during the past year.</p><br /> <p><strong>California – Timothy J. Hackmann and Payam Vahmani</strong></p><br /> <p>Two MS students carrying out research in our projects were awarded their degrees. We achieved an important milestone in the research itself by identifying bacteria that carry out biobiohydrogenation by using genomics and biochemical assays. This paves the way to identifying more bacteria and through complementary approaches (testing of several hundred bacterial isolates by brute force). We have research continuing in the area of beef fatty acids with a project initiated to compare bioactivities and health effects of trans10-18:1 (predominant trans fatty acid in grain-fed beef) vs. trans11-18:1 (predominant trans fatty acid in grass-fed beef).</p><br /> <p><strong>Colorado – Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk</strong></p><br /> <p>Several research projects were completed, and multiple grants were secured during the past year. In addition several graduate and undergraduate students were trained during this time period.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Miller</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Miller has reanalyzed a number of existing data sets from research conducted since 2014 and published these results. She has incorporated more multivariate statistical methods into data analyses to increase the meaning of the results. </p><br /> <p><strong>Texas-Osburn</strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Dr. Osburn has one USDA grant as PI in progress and additional USDA funded this year as co-PI and will be collaboratively submitting a USDA grant as a co-PI for this cycle. Grants focus on an amino acid alternative curing system; establishing processing parameters to develop a food safety model for fermented, uncooked, dried beef and pork salami; and investigating innovative packaging methods for ground beef.</p><br /> <p><strong>Oklahoma - Mafi</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Mafi has two new grants funded in this year and completed several projects related to beef quality research.</p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho – Phil Bass and Michael Colle</strong></p><br /> <p>Both Dr. Bass and Dr. Colle were promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in spring of 2023. Combined, Dr. Bass and Dr. Colle have been able to secure external funding for a variety of meat quality related projects this past year.</p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana - Brad Kim</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Kim has been serving as Editor in Chief for Meat and Muscle Biology journal (official journal of American Meat Science Association). Also, Dr. Kim was promoted to Full Professor. Dr. Kim has secured multiple grants as a lead-PI and co-PI. We will also work on finalizing our working manuscripts and submit these manuscripts to peer-review journals for publication. </p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas - Logan Britton</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Britton has one USDA NIFA grant funded this year that will run until 2026.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas – Michael Chao</strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Chao was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in spring of 2023. Dr. Chao was also presented with the Achievement Award from American Meat Science Association this summer. Dr. Chao has secured 2 grants as a lead-PI and co-PI. He has also published 6 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals for publication.</p>Publications
<p><strong>Arkansas – Derico Setyabrata </strong></p><br /> <p>Shoup, S. L., Neal, E.S., Cheek, R.A., Gadberry, M.S., Powell, J.G., Setyabrata, D., Yancey, J.W.S., Kegley, E.B., Vierck, K.R. “Impact of Extended Feeding Duration on Instrumental Color Analysis of Locally Grown Beef”. 2023. 76th Reciprocal Meat Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA</p><br /> <p>Looper, J.T., Neal, E.S., Bugenhagen, K.A., Setyabrata, D., Yancey, J.W.S., Vierck, K.R. “Determining the Effectiveness of Rosemary Extract on The Instrumental Color of Ground Beef Under Different Lighting Conditions”. 2023. 76th Reciprocal Meat Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA</p><br /> <p>Setyabrata, D., Rodriguez, J., Rivera Pitti, A., Taylor, C., Dobbins, T., Dias Morse, P., Vierck, K.R., Yancey, J.W., Legako, J.F. “Impact of Product Size and Subsequent Consumer Freezing on Color and Water Holding Capacity of Different Beef Muscles”. 2023. 76th Reciprocal Meat Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota, USA</p><br /> <p><strong>California – Timothy J. Hackmann and Payam Vahmani</strong></p><br /> <p>Hackmann T, De Groot H, Vahmani P. 2023. Three new genera of bacteria that carry out biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids. J. Dairy Sci. 106(Suppl. 1): 2302. (Abstr.)</p><br /> <p>Xu Y, Shinichiro K, Fawaz Haj, and Vahmani P. 2023. Effect of beef fat enriched with trans vaccenic acid and conjugated linoleic acid on glucose tolerance and liver fat accumulation in diet induced obese mice. 2023 ICOMST (Abstr.)</p><br /> <p>Park K. 2023. Effects of Biohydrogenation Intermediates on Adipogenesis and Lipogenesis of Primary Bovine Preadipocytes and Dedifferentiated Mature Adipocytes. M.S. Thesis (Kihoon Park).</p><br /> <p>Xu Y, 2023. Effects of beef fat enriched with trans vaccenic acid and conjugated linoleic acid on glucose homeostasis in diet-induced obese mice. M.S. Thesis (Yanqing Xu).</p><br /> <p><strong>California - James W. Oltjen</strong></p><br /> <p>Duarte, T.L.; Bolkenov, B.;Klopatek, S.C.; Oltjen, J.W.; King,D.A.; Shackelford, S.D.; Wheeler, T.L.; Yang, X. Evaluating the Shelf Life and Sensory Properties of Beef Steaks from Cattle Raised on Different Grass Feeding Systems in theWestern United States. Foods 2022, 11, 2141. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11142141</p><br /> <p><strong>Colorado - Mahesh Nair and Keith Belk</strong></p><br /> <p>Zhai, C., Lonergan, S.M., Huff-Lonergan, E., Johnson, L.G., Brown, K., Prenni, J.E., Nair, M.N.* (2023). Lipid peroxidation products influence calpain-1 functionality in vitro by covalent binding. <em>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry</em> 71 (20), 7836-7846. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c01225</p><br /> <p>Hernandez-Sintharakao, M. J., Sarchet, C. J., Prenni, J. E., Woerner, D. R., Zhai, C., Nair, M. N.* (2023). Prediction of tenderness, juiciness, and flavor profile of 2 beef muscles with different aging times using Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS), <em>Meat and Muscle Biology</em> 7(1): 16120, 1-14. <a href="https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.16120">https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.16120</a>.</p><br /> <p>King, D.A., Hunt, M., Barbut, S., Claus, J., Cornforth, D., Joseph, P., Kim, B., Lindahl, L., Mancini, R., Nair, M.N., Merok, K., Milkowski, A., Mohan, A., Pohlman, F., Ramanathan, R., Raines, C., Seyfert, M., Sorheim, S., Suman, S., Weber, M. (2023). American Meat Science Association guidelines for meat color measurement. Meat and Muscle Biology 6(4): 12473, 1-81. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.12473">https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.12473</a></p><br /> <p>Gonzalez, S, Nair, M.N., Belk, K.E. Diversity in global production systems allows beef to hit consumer targets in a range of markets. In proceedings of 68th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, August 2022, Kobe, Japan, p36- 42</p><br /> <p>Smith, C.L., Thompson, T.W., Harr, K., Goretska, M., Mayer, T., Schwartz, T., Borders, S.E., Gehring, K., Bass, P., Pfeiffer, M., Mafi, G., Pendell, D., Morgan, J.B., Griffin, D., Savell, J.W., Scanga, J., Nair, M.N., Belk, K. 2022 National beef quality audit: Phase 1 - interviews. American Meat Science Association Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 45.</p><br /> <p>Schiefelbein, A., Gonzales, S., Geornaras, I., Delmore, R., Nair, M.N. The effect of incorporating Suspended Fresh® beef trimmings on ground beef retail shelf-life. American Meat Science Association Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 94.</p><br /> <p>Thompson, T., Thomas, K., Weinroth, M., Doster, E., Pinnell, L., Vikram, A., Terrance, A., Schmidt, J., Metcalf, J., Nair, M.N., Delmore, R., Wheeler, T., Morley, P., Belk, K. The impact of production system the ground beef microbiome and resistome. Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 153.</p><br /> <p>Gonzalez, S.V., Hardcastle, J.K., Geornaras, I., Britton, B.C., Delmore, R.J., Nair, M.N., Woerner, D.R., Belk, K.E. Evaluation of the antimicrobial effects of acidified peroxyacetic acid against shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica on beef cheek meat. Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 150.</p><br /> <p>Gonzalez, S.V., Hardcastle, J.K., Geornaras, I., Britton, B.C., Delmore, R.J., Nair, M.N., Woerner, D.R., Belk, K.E. Evaluation of an antimicrobial treatment for reduction of pathogen populations on beef tongues stored at 4°C or -20°C. Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 151.</p><br /> <p>Davis, M., Sullivan, P., Hess, M., Nair, M.N., Mooney, D., Edwards-Callaway. L. Benchmarking current pre-slaughter practices, welfare indicators, and meat quality outcomes at commercial fed cattle processing facilities in the United States. American Meat Science Association Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 2.</p><br /> <p>Mairena, C.A., Horton, T.M., Miller, M.F., Johnson, B.J., Legako, J., Nair, M.N., Brooks, C., Woerner, D.R. Evaluating the impact of early postmortem temperature variation on beef muscle tenderness and color development. American Meat Science Association Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Jun 25 – 28, 2023, St. Paul, MN, Abstract # 64.</p><br /> <p>Thompson, T.W., Smith, C.L., Belk, K.E., Savell, J., Mafi, G., Pfeiffer, M., Pendell, D., Morgan, B., Mayer, T., Griffin, D., Gehring, K., Schwartz, T., Bass, P., Harr, K., Goretska, M., Scange, J., Nair, M.N. Food safety perceptions in beef industry from the 2022 National Beef Quality Audit. Beef Industry Safety Summit, April 3 – 5, 2023, Kansas City, MO.</p><br /> <p>Sullivan, P.A., Davis, M., Nair, M.N., Hess, A., Mooney, D., Edwards-Callaway. L. Pre-slaughter factors affecting mobility, blood parameters, bruising, and muscle pH of finished beef cattle in the United States. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting, July 16 – 20, 2023, Albuquerque, NM.</p><br /> <p>Lee Pinnell, Carla Weissend Whitlow, Katherine Huebner, Tony Bryant, Jennifer Martin, Tyler Thompson, Cory Wolfe, Daniel Young, Mahesh Nair, Keith Belk, Paul Morley. Fusobacteria or Bacteroidetes? Microbial communities in bovine liver abscesses arise from throughout the gut ” 2023 Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. CRWAD 2023 will be held January 20th – 24th at the Chicago. Abstract# 77107.</p><br /> <p>Molly McClurg, Wayne Campbell, Paul Morley, Keith Belk, Keri Norman, Lee Pinnell, Cory Wolfe, Mahesh Nair, Noelle Noyes. Does antimicrobial-free beef production reduce transmission of resistant bacteria to human consumers? CRWAD 2023 will be held January 20th – 24th at the Chicago. Abstract# 77124.</p><br /> <p>Molly McClurg, Keith Belk, Enrique Doster, Lee Pinnell, Cory Wolfe, Noelle Noyes, Keri Norman, Emily Rice, Eric Davis, Adam Byers, Harris Cottingham, Mahesh Nair, Wayne Campbell, Paul Morley. Does antimicrobial-free beef production reduce transmission of resistant bacteria to human consumers? 69th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, August 20 -25, 2023. Padova, Italy.</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas - Miller</strong></p><br /> <p>Kerth, C.R. and R.K. Miller. 2023. <a href="https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&cluster=8038732404336082735&btnI=1&hl=en"> Trained sensory descriptors and volatile aroma compounds of USDA Select steaks using five grill temperatures</a>. Meat Science 205, 109319.<a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109319"> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.10931</a>9</p><br /> <p>Kerth, C.R., K.R. Wall, Z.M. Hicks and R.K. Miller. 2023. Using untargeted metabolomics and volatile aroma compounds to predict expert sensory descriptors and consumer liking of beef loin steaks varying in quality grade, aging time, and degree of doneness. Meat Science 204:109255. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109255"> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109255</a></p><br /> <p>Laird, H.L., Miller, R.K., Kerth, C.R., Berto, M.C. and K. Adhikari, K. 2023. Millennial and non-millennial consumer perception of beef, pork, and chicken. Meat Science (In review).</p><br /> <p>Martinez, H. A., Miller, R.K.,Kerth, C.R., & Bridget E. Wasser, B.E. (2023). Prediction of Beef Tenderness and Juiciness Using Consumer and Descriptive Sensory Attributes. Meat Science 205:109292. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109292"> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109292</a></p><br /> <p>Miller, RK., Gray, R.A., Chris R. Kerth, C.R., Adhikari, K., & Neal, J. (2023). Descriptive beef flavor attributes and consumer acceptance relationships for heavy beef eaters. Meat and Muscle Biology 7(1): 14449, 1-15. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.14449">https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.14449</a></p><br /> <p>Miller, R.K., Luckemeyer, T.J., Kerth, C.R., & Adhikari, A. 2023. Descriptive beef flavor and texture attributes relationships with consumer acceptance of US light beef eaters. Meat Science 204:109252. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109252"> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109252</a>.</p><br /> <p>Kerth, Chris R., Jerrad F. Legako, Dale R. Woerner, J. Chance Brooks, Jessica M. Lancaster, Travis G. O’Quinn, Mahesh Nair and Rhonda K. Miller. 2023. A current review of U.S. beef flavor I: Measuring beef flavor. Meat Science (Submitted).</p><br /> <p>O’Quinn, Travis G., Jerrad F. Legako, Dale R. Woerner, Chris R. Kerth, Mahesh N. Nair, J. Chance Brooks, Jessica M. Lancaster and Rhonda K. Miller. 2023. A current review of U.S. beef flavor II: Managing beef flavor . Meat Science (Submitted).</p><br /> <p><strong>Texas-Osburn</strong></p><br /> <p>Chambers, A. V.; Baker, M. T.; Leggette, H. R.; Osburn, W. N.; Lu, P. Effects of Message Framing and Information Source on Consumers’ Attitudes Toward an Amino Acid-Based Alternative Meat Curing System. <em>Foods </em>2023, <em>12</em>, no. 1535 https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12071535</p><br /> <p>Broz, N., Modrow, K., Alnajrani, M., Harrison, A., Reeves, A., Wright, T. and Osburn, W.N. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Enzyme as an Alternative Curing System in Ground beef and Pork. AMSA-2023-1133. 2023, Reciprocal Meat Conference, St. Paul, MN</p><br /> <p>Modrow, K.M. Budau, S.E. and Osburn, W.N. 2023. Curing Meat Products Without Sodium Nitrtie? A Novel Approach to Meat Curing. Submitted 2023 Texas A&M University Beef Cattle Report.</p><br /> <p><strong>Oklahoma - Mafi </strong></p><br /> <p>Ramanathan, R., F. Kiyimba, S. Suman, G. Mafi. 2023. The potential of metabolomics in meat science: Current applications, trends, and challenges. Journal of Proteomics. 283-284. <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2023.104926">https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2023.104926</a></p><br /> <p>Reesman, C., G. Sullivan, M.G. Danao, G.G. Mafi, M. Pfeiffer, R. Ramanathan. 2023. Effects of high-pressure processing on cooked color and eating qualities of dark-cutting beef. 2023. Applied Food Research. <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.afres.2022.100260">https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.afres.2022.100260</a></p><br /> <p>Denzer, M., R. Furbeck, G. Sullivan, M.G. Danao, G.G. Mafi, R. Ramanathan. 2023. Sarcoplasmic model to study the effects of high-pressure processing on beef color. Meat Science. <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109127">https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109127</a></p><br /> <p>Kiyimba, F., D. Cassens, S.D. Hartson, J. Rogers, J. Habiger, G.G. Mafi, R. Ramanathan. 2023. Integrative proteomics and metabolomics profiling to understand the biochemical basis of beef muscle darkening at a slightly elevated pH. Journal of Animal Science. <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac376">https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac376</a></p><br /> <p>Denzer, M.L., M. Pfeiffer, G.G. Mafi, R. Ramanathan. 2023. Metabolomics and bioinformatic analyses to determine the effects of oxygen exposure within longissimus lumborum steak on beef discoloration. Journal of Animal Science. <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/skad155">https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/skad155</a></p><br /> <p>Denzer, M.L., G.G. Mafi, D.L. VanOverbeke, R. Ramanathan. 2022. Effects of glucono delta-lactone enhancement and nitrite-embedded packaging on fresh color, cooked color, and sensory attributes of dark-cutting beef. Applied Food Research. <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.afres.2022.100189">https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.afres.2022.100189</a></p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho – Phil Bass and Michael Colle</strong></p><br /> <p>Shira, K.A., B.M. Murdoch, K.M. Davenport, G.M. Becker, S.Q. Zie, A.M. Colacchio, P.D. Bass, M.J. Colle, and G.K. Murdoch. 2023. Advanced skeletal ossification is associated with genetic variants in chronologically young beef heifers. Genes. Accepted 8-8-23.</p><br /> <p>Van Buren, J.B., K.J. Puga, K.C. Hoffman, J.A. Nasados, P.D. Bass, and M.J. Colle. 2023. Water binders in beef patties increase yield and extend shelf life. Translational Animal Science. Accepted 6-21-23.</p><br /> <p>Jepsen, S.M., J.B. Van Buren, B.S. Epperson, M.L. Heimbuch, K.F. Oliver, J.A. Nasados, M.J. Colle, D.I. Clark and P.D. Bass. 2023. Muscle profiling of the bicepts femoris, gluteus accessories, and gluteus medius comprising the beef top sirloin butt. Meat and Muscle Biology. 7(1):15717, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.15717</p><br /> <p>Dahlgren, C., S. Wang, A. de Mello, M.J. Colle, D. Burnett, C. O. Lemley, W. Shilling and T. Dinh. 2023. Effects of electrical stimulation on total peptides and free amino acids in beef semimembranosus muscle. Proc. 2023 Reciprocal Meat Conf. 44.</p><br /> <p>Guo, Y., B. Epperson, M. Heimbuch, S. Jepsen, J. Van Buren, C. Shaw, M. Wootton, J. Nasados, J. Piaskowski, P. Bass, and M.J. Colle. 2023. Impact of an alternative fabrication method on the initial temperature and pH decline of the top round from heavy weight beef carcasses. Proc. 2023 Reciprocal Meat Conf. 108.</p><br /> <p>Shaw, C., B. Epperson, M. Wootton, Y. Guo, J. Nasados, P. Bass, I. Popova, J. Van Buren, and M.J. Colle. 2023. Effects of a novel, non-allergenic mustard extract on beef patty shelf-stability. Proc. 2023 Reciprocal Meat Conf. 22.</p><br /> <p><strong>Indiana - Brad Kim</strong></p><br /> <p>Ramanathan, R., Denzer, M., Kiyimba, F., Harr, K., Suman, S., Hunt, M.C., Pfeiffer, M., Mafi, G.G., Kim, Y.H.B.,. 2023. Italian Journal of Animal Science. Role of postmortem bioenergetics in beef colour chemistry. 22:711-727.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, R., Realini, C.E., Kim, Y.H.B., Farouk, M.M. 2023. Challenges and processing strategies to produce high quality frozen meat. Meat Science. 109311.</p><br /> <p>Setyabrata, D., Ma, D., Xie, S., Thimmapuram, J., Cooper B.R., Aryal, U., Kim, Y.H.B.* 2023. Proteomics and metabolomics profiling of meat exudate to understand the impact of postmortem aging on oxidative stability of beef muscles. Food Chemistry X. 18:100660. </p><br /> <p>Yu, Q., Li, S., Cheng, B., Kim, Y.H.B., Sun, C. 2023. Investigation of changes in proteomes of beef exudate and meat quality attributes during wet-aging. Food Chemistry X. 17:100608.</p><br /> <p>King, A.D., Hunt, M.C., Barbut, S., Claus, J., Cornforth, D., Joseph, P., Kim, Y.H.B., Lindahl, G., Mancini, R., Nair, M., Merok, K., Milkowski, A., Mohan, A., Pohlman, F., Ramanathan, R., Raines, C., Seyfert, M., Sorheim, O., Suman, S., Webber, M. Meat Color Measurements Guideline. 2023. Meat and Muscle Biology. 6:12473, 1-81<em>.</em></p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas- Michael Chao</strong></p><br /> <p>Lybarger, K. R., E. S. Beyer, K. J. Farmer, L. A. Egger, L. N. Drey, J. L. Vipham, M. D. Zumbaugh, M. D. Chao and T. G. O'Quinn (2023). Determination of consumer color and discoloration thresholds for purchase of retail ground beef. <em>Meat and Muscle Biology</em>, accepted, in press.</p><br /> <p>Velasco Ayala, C., L. A. Koulicoff, C. K. Y. Chun, E. Boyle, T. O'Quinn, M. Richards, C. Jones and *M. D. Chao (2023). Exploring the effects of incorporating egg powder containing phospholipase α2 antibody to ground striploin on its shelf-life. <em>Meat and Muscle Biology</em>, accepted, in press.</p><br /> <p>Koulicoff, L. A., Welter, T., Heilman, T., O'Quinn, S., Hansen, E., Huff-Lonergan, M. D. Schulte, H., Jeneske and *M. D. Chao (2023). Matrix Metalloproteinase- 9 may contribute to collagen structure modification during postmortem aging of beef. <em>Meat Science</em> 205:109321. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109321</p><br /> <p>Koulicoff, L. A., P. A. Hammond, C. K.Y. Chun, H. Jeneske, G. Magnin-Bissel, T. G. O’Quinn, M. D. Zumbaugh and *M. D. Chao (2023). Structural changes in collagen and aggrecan structures during extended aging may improve beef tenderness. <em>Meat Science</em> 201:109172. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2023.109172</p><br /> <p>Chun, C. K. Y., M. Roth, R. Welti, M. P. Richards, W. Hsu, T. G. O’Quinn and *M. D. Chao (2023). Exploring the potential effect of phospholipase A2 antibody to extend beef shelf-life in a beef liposome model system. <em>Meat Science</em> 198:109091. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2022.109091.</p><br /> <p><strong>Kansas- Tonsor, Schroeder, and Coffey</strong></p><br /> <p>Coffey, B.K., T.C. Schroder, and G.T. Tonsor. “A Novel Approach to Boxed Beef Market Reports.” <em>Food Policy</em>. Forthcoming</p><br /> <p>Bina, J.D. and G.T. Tonsor. “Demand Dashboards: Interactive Tools to Communicate Consumer Behavior.” <em>Applied Economics Teaching Resources. </em>2023.0342.</p><br /> <p>Schroeder, T.C., G.T. Tonsor, and B. Coffey. “Fed Dairy Cattle Market Reporting: Changing Marketing Methods, Regional Variation, and Hedonic Modeling.” <em>Agricultural and Resource Economics Review</em>. Forthcoming</p><br /> <p>Rogers, S.G., T.C. Schroeder, G.T. Tonsor, and B.K. Coffey. “Describing Variation in Formula Base Prices for U.S. Fed Cattle: A Hedonic Approach.” <em>Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. </em>Forthcoming</p><br /> <p>Luke, J. and G.T. Tonsor. “USDA Long-Term Meat Trade Projections: A Comprehensive Evaluation.” <em>Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics</em>. Forthcoming</p><br /> <p>Schroeder, T.C., B. Coffey, G.T. Tonsor. “Hedonic Modeling to Facilitate Price Reporting and Fed Cattle Market Transparency.” <em>Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy</em>. Forthcoming</p>Impact Statements
- Kansas – Michael Chao Dr. Chao’s research at Kansas State University can be roughly categorized into 3 major areas: 1. Understanding the relationship between collagen characteristics and beef texture. 2. Using lipidomics and proteomics to understand the alterations of various beef quality attributes. 3. Improving the values of lower quality beef cuts.