OLD S1070: The Working Group on Improving Microbial Control of Arthropod Pests
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[03/01/2018] [03/01/2019] [06/30/2020] [02/08/2021] [03/29/2021] [01/10/2022]Date of Annual Report: 03/01/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
Name Affiliation Email1. Surendra Dara UC Cooperative Extension skdara@ucdavis.edu
2. Rogers Leonard LSU Ag Center rleonard@agcenter.lsu.edu
3. Elnat Zchori-Fein ARO, Israel elnat@agri.gov.il
4. Stefan Jaronski USDA-ARS, Sidney stefan.jaronski@ars.usda.gov
5. Bob Behle USDA-ARS, Peoria robert.behle@ars.usda.gov
6. David Shapiro-Ilan USDA-ARS, Byron david.shapiro@ars.usda.gov
7. Jason Schmidt Univ. Georgia jschmidt@uga.edu
8. Hector Carcamo Agriculture Canada hector.carcamo@agr.gc.ca
9. Gadi VP Reddy Montana State Univ reddy@montana.edu
10. Tshima Ramakuwela Agricultural Res Council ramakuwelat@arc.agric.za
11. Anamika Sharma Montana State Univ anamika.sharma@montana.edu
12. Rogelio Trabnino Zamorano Univ., Honduras rtrabanino@zamorano.edu
13. Debra Miller Montana State Univ debra.miller13@montana.edu
14. Rama Gadi Montana State Univ ramadevi.gadi@montana.edu
15. Govinda Shrestha Montana State Univ govinda.shrestha@montana.edu
16. Ricardo Alberto Toledo Hernandez Driscoll’s, Mexico ricardo.toledo@driscolls.com
17. Jimmy Klick Driscoll’s, California jimmy.klick@driscolls.com
18. Ann Hajek Cornell aej4@cornell.edu
**Additional Researchers from South Africa, Israel, Mexico, Canada, and Honduras also attended the meeting / symposium along with other US researchers.
Brief Summary of Minutes
S1070 Regional Research Project Agenda
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Surendra Dara, Chair
Bob Behle, Vice-chair
Tarryn Goble, Secretary
Jimmy Klick, Member-at-large
Rogers Leonard, Administrative Advisor
Meeting Room 606, Colorado Convention Center, 700 14th St, Denver, CO
8:00 AM Sign-in
- Local arrangements report
- Introductions
- Minutes of 2016 meeting (Surendra Dara)
- Chair/Vice Chair report (Surendra Dara and Bob Behle)
- Administrative Advisor comments (Rogers Leonard)
- Other?
9:15 AM NEW PROJECT REVIEW AND PLANNING-Large acreage crops - Bob Behle and Stefan Jaronski
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM NEW PROJECT REVIEW AND PLANNING-Orchard systems - David Shapiro-Ilan
12:00 LUNCH (on your own)
1:30 PM NEW PROJECT REVIEW AND PLANNING-Small fruits and vegetables - Surendra Dara
2:30 PM NEW PROJECT REVIEW AND PLANNING-Urban and natural landscapes, rangelands, and Nurseries - David Oi
3:45 PM NEW PROJECT REVIEW AND PLANNING-Microbial control outreach (New)
Extension meetings and materials in California, Interstate outreach activities, Annual extension meetings in California or other places
Participants Previously listed:
**Additional Researchers from South Africa, Israel, Mexico, Canada, and Honduras also attended the meeting along with US researchers.
Apologies were sent by the following as they could not make it to the meeting: Albrecht Koppenhöfer, Gabriel Mascarin, Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes, Parwinder Grewal, Pasco Avery.
S1070 Regional Research Project Business Meeting Minutes (Summary)
- Local arrangements report: (Bob Behle and Surendra Dara)
- Introductions: Surendra Dara (2017 chair): Welcomed all and began with introductions (18 participants). Attendees introduced themselves including short introduction about their affiliation and work.
- Minutes of 2016 (prepared by Tarryn Goble): A copy of the 2016 minutes was circulated electronically prior to the meeting and a hardcopy was available at the meeting. A motion to approve the 2016 minutes was made by Stefan Jaronski and was seconded by David Shapiro. The motion passed unanimously. Minutes of the 2017 meeting are required to be posted within 60 days.
- Chair report (Surendra Dara) was successful in renewal to S1070. The next ESA meeting (2018) will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada along with Entomological Society of Canada (ESC) and Entomological Society of British Columbia (ESBC).
- NIFA administrators report (Rogers Leonard): Funding for workgroups is generally declining due to the lack of participation and other factors, but getting renewal for this one is an accomplishment. Members should sign-up in NMISS system. Rogers reviews the project report and forwards it to external review. Elaborated on the comments of different reviews especially the one that pointed out the lack of cohesion among different participants or their work. Emphasized the need to make entries into Appendix C. Along with the university and government agencies, industry and student participation is also encouraged. He sends out a notification to several research stations and other people. Noted that we need to increase the awareness of the group and participation. Regional review, letter of participation from universities, addition in appendix, letter of participation also need to be addressed.
- Stefan added that we need to cope with lack of industry representatives and letter of invitation should be send to new people, should search for potential new sponsors. David Shapiro-Ilan suggested sending out emails to entomopathologists that are not a part of the group and encourage them to join.
- Surendra stated that now Bob Behle will be chair and Stefan Jaronski was voted to serve as the new member at large. The 2018 Meeting will be held on November 10, 2018, at Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Officers for the 2018 meeting are as follows: Bob Behle, Chair; Jimmy Klick, Vice-chair; Tarryn Goble, Secretary; Stefan Jaronski, Member-at-large; Rogers Leonard, Administrative Advisor
Concluding Statements
- Surendra Dara emphasized on official collaboration among the group members as co-authors in publications.
- Group members discussed regarding the possibility of recording the experiments and uploading them on you-tube.
- The topic for next year meeting was discussed by members. Surendra suggested topic about synergies. Jason suggested the title: Microbial Synergies and Interaction in Biocontrol Systems.
<p>This is a continuing proejct from Project S1050 and the Group continued discussion of projects and research outputs gained from ongoing activities. Participants talked about Large acreage crops, Orchard systems, Small fruits and vegetables and Urban and natural landscapes, Rangelands, and Nurseries. The discussion was used to plan and coordinate efforts for future work of S1070 members. </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Large acreage crops</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>David Shapiro-Ilan:</strong> Started some work with peanut burrowing bug and maize weevil.</p><br /> <p><strong>Gadi Reddy: </strong>Wheat stem sawfly and wireworm research with nematodes. PhD student is working on different species of nematodes and planning to do field experiments next year on spring wheat. Thick cuticle of wireworm is one of the reasons for slow outcomes in nematode–wireworm interaction. </p><br /> <p><strong>Govinda Shrestha: </strong>Bt work on alfalfa weevil to evaluate the impact on population reduction. BeetleGone provided 50-60% control. It had no negative impact on parasitoid populations. Conducted bioassays with a <em>B. bassiana</em> isolate on pea weevil. Higher dose provided 50-60% control. XPectro (<em>B. bassiana</em>+pyrethrins) also provided similar control. Initial assay with lady beetle showed a high mortality to lace wing larvae. Jasmonic acid+<em>S. feltiae</em>+Barricade at 1% were effective against the orange blossom midge.</p><br /> <p><strong>Anamika Sharma:</strong> Wireworm control with EPF grown on different substrates in field studies. <em>Beauveria bassiana</em>, <em>Metarhizium robertsii</em> DWR 356 and DWR2009 (millet and polenta substrates) were used in furrows. Rate and the type of substrate appear to have an impact based on preliminary observations. Millet substrate showed better results. Small lab bioassay showed better results with <em>M. robertsii</em> on millet substrate. </p><br /> <p><strong>Stefan Jaronski:</strong> <em>Beauveria </em>and <em>Metarhizium </em>infections in diapausing wheat stem sawfly. <em>Beauveria pseudo bassiana</em>, <em>B. album </em>and <em>M. penthigi</em> were identified and Jaronski and Reddy applied for a patent their use as endophytes through USDA. Interestingly, neither the commercial <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> nor <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> are able to colonize the wheat. There is considerable among wheat varieties in receptiveness to being colonized by these fungi. Eighteen varieties of wheat have been tested in an attempt to correlate fungal resistance of these wheat varieties to number of plant pathogens pathogens and receptiveness to colonization by the <em>Beauveria</em> or <em>Metarhizium</em>. Wheat resistance to plant pathogens is semi quantitative at best and also developmental stage dependent, which factors complicate analysis. Developmental stage of wheat plant seems to have an impact on the endophytic potential of EPF. Wheat at early elongation stage is most susceptible to fungal colonization, at tiller stage is not receptive, at heading stage is less receptive. Fungal colonization lasts about 2-3 weeks then disaappears in the older plants. Resistance to plant pathogens through endophytic activity of EPF in different wheat varieties is also being evaluated. A Georgian scientist will be visiting the USDA lab to look at the impact of these fungi on <em>Fusarium</em>, an important pathogen of wheat. New formulations to enhance endophytism from foliar application are being developed.. He also discussed the properties of different isolates, their sporulation potential, commercial formulations, and environmental viability. </p><br /> <p><strong>Hector Carcamo: </strong>Spoke about role of microbials in cereal leaf beetles. Botanigard was effective against the larvae in greenhouse and field plot studies, and somewhat compatible with the parasitoid <em>Tetrastichus julis</em>, but not economical.</p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Orchard System</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Stefan Jaronski:</strong> APHIS has asked Stefan to identify a better EPF than PFR-97 to address the Asian citrus psyllid issue in Texas. If commercial isolates don’t prove to be effective, indigenous isolates of <em>Isaria</em> will be evaluated in an assay system established at the APHIS facility in Mission TX. Stefan also discussed about the severity of the Asian Citrus Psyllid and its high priority scouting done in Texas and Florida. The ultimate goal is to get away from chemical pesticides for this pest and emphasize biocontrol, for example, releasing the parasitoid <em>Tamarixia</em> sp and using a microbial agent.</p><br /> <p><strong>Elnat Zchori-Fein</strong>: Mentioned about using insect symbionts in positive way for pest control and reduced plant damage. Harvest and isolate symbionts from leaf hoppers which is vector of phytoplasma in grape vines. When spread on leaves, it eventually reaches phloem tissue and survive for several weeks, symptoms of phytoplasma reduced in sick plants. A new experiment with Liberibacter is being conducted on carrots. The application reduced the disease. This bacterium can be exported to Florida. It works as some kind of antibiotics or induced systemic resistance (ISR). </p><br /> <p><strong>Ricardo Alberto Toledo Hernandez</strong>: Spoke about problem of tomato-potato psyllid (<em>Bactericerca cockerelli</em>), which is a big issue in Mexico due to availability of ornamental plants which serves as host plant for these psyllids. Trying to control with <em>Isaria and Tamarixia </em>sp<em>. </em>Also talked about problem of coffee berry borer (<em>Hypothenemus hampei</em>) for coffee producers. Trying to convince farmers using <em>B. bassiana</em>, since this proved to be very effective. Also trying to use <em>Heterorhabditis</em> sp. for white grubs as entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) can be a good solution for the residual inoculum of these grubs in the field. EPNs are produced at university. Koopert is another source but are expensive. Trying to establish lab for <em>in vivo</em> production of nematodes. Since much corn is produced in Latin America, EPNs are being tested for control of fall armyworm (<em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em>).</p><br /> <p>David Shapiro mentioned about survival of nematodes in soil to control fall armyworm by using <em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em> nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV). But, virus production is expensive as stated by Ricardo.</p><br /> <p><strong>Stefan Jaronski</strong>: In Puerto Rico and Hawaii, research is focused on improving <em>B. bassiana</em>’s economic feasibility against coffee berry borer.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tshima</strong>: Working with David Shapiro-Ilan. Trying to conserve the beneficial traits in EPNs, using in bred lines to stabilize the traits. Attempts will be made for upscaling the EPN products and commercialize EPNS in South Africa. Effectiveness of EPNs are also tested against black cutworm, diamond back moth, Sesamia, codling moth, false coddling moths and chilo in laboratory and small scale field assay. Working with farmers to maintain the EPN population in fields.</p><br /> <p><strong>Bob Behle</strong>: Testing susceptibility of Walnut husk maggots (<em>Rhagoletis </em>sp.) to entomopathogenic fungi (EPF). Preliminary work is being done. Insect biology is a problem to test the EPFs requiring new protocols to treat the maggots.</p><br /> <p>Stefan mentioned about inoculating the soil beneath trees with <em>Metarhizium</em> microsclerotia to manage cherry fruit flies.</p><br /> <p><strong>David Shapiro-Ilan</strong>: Grandevo is providing equal levels of control compared to chemical standards against pecan weevil. Since Grandevo is more expensive than chemicals, he is looking at the efficacy of lower rates and the efficacy against pecan aphids, another important pest complex. Lady beetles and lacewings are not affected by Grandevo. In collaboration with Tshima, evaluating the endophytic potential of <em>Beauveria</em> in pecan in South Africa. In peach, using EPNs against the peachtree borer and the additional benefits of controlling plant parasitic nematodes. In peaches, if EPNs are applied at the base of the tree at roughly $15/acre, which still seems expensive compared to chemical insecticides. So other mechanism are being explored to convince the farmers to use biopesticides. EPNs suppress phytoparasitic nematodes. Bacteria in EPNs produce certain metabolites that can suppress root knot nematodes and the mechanism of competition needs study. For plant parasitic nematodes, <em>Steinernema feltiae</em> is highly effective. Role of pheromones in communication in EPNs is being explored and a project is being developed on the same, so release of pheromones can be used to activate the EPNs (in cooperation with Ed Lewis, University of Idaho, and Fatma Kaplan Pheronym, Inc.). Also looking at bacterial metabolites from nematode symbiotic bacteria in an orchard system. Can we use these metabolites to suppress plant diseases? Bacterial metabolites synergize with commercial fungicides. Using the ‘attract and kill’ technique in apples to control plum curculio using volatiles and EPNs.</p><br /> <p><strong>Surendra Dara:</strong> In Mississippi, a project using epizootic fungus <em>Entomophthora muscae</em> for controlling spotted wing drosophila in fig orchards and other fruits orchards is being established.</p><br /> <p> <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Small Fruits</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Ann Hajek</strong>: Microsporidia to control brown marmorated stink bugs, they pick up the microsporidia through feeding.</p><br /> <p><strong>Ricardo Alberto Toledo Hernandez</strong>: Exploring control of <em>Cylas formicarius </em>in sweet potato by using EPNs, <em>Steinernema </em>sp. and <em>Heterorhabditis</em> sp.</p><br /> <p><strong>Jimmy Klick</strong>: Working with fresh market berries. PFR+ Azadirachtin has synergistic effect for broad mite. Other hosts of broad mites are citrus and pepper plants. Drip irrigation for strawberry using PFR 97, Met52, and BotaniGard applied every two weeks for four months. Did not work very well, may be due to the fact that strawberries are in the soil and treatments competed poorly against endemic soil fauna. Also working with two spotted spider mites. Lower fecundity was observed in the mites feeding on entomopathogen-exposed leaves. Also working with giant white fly on blue berries. Screened 30 products, leaf dip method was used. Mycotrol and Mycotrol+Azadirachtin had good efficacy.</p><br /> <p><strong>Jason Schmidt</strong>: Working on trophic analysis and tested using <em>Drosophila</em> on blueberry. 20 different commercial farms compared as conventional and unmanaged farms. Also spoke about movement of vectors and biocontrol agents between twin crops.</p><br /> <p><strong>Rogelio Trabnino</strong>: Working on synergistic relation between entomopathogenic fungus and <em>Drosophila</em> that reduces fly reproduction, by releasing infected flies from laboratory colony.</p><br /> <p><strong>Surendra Dara</strong>: Several microbial products were applied to zucchini. No difference was found against aphids, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies in pretreatment when used alone. In strawberry studies entomopathogen does not work alone. For specialty crops such as strawberry, we need to look for products which can promote growth and antagonize plant pathogens. </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Urban and Natural Landscapes, Rangelands, and Nurseries</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Bob Behle:</strong> Working with Koppert in commercializing the microsclerotia-based <em>M. brunneum</em> formulation. Evaluating black cutworm control in turf with Bt, Bb, and the black cutworm virus.</p><br /> <p><strong>Ann Hajek: </strong>Asian longhorn beetle control with Met52 using the microsclerotia formulation, since non-host specific parasitoid are not working. In 2016, population outbreak of gypsy moth happened and entomopathogen fungus is not working for this in Southern New England because of hot weather conditions during the outbreak in May-June 2016.</p><br /> <p><strong>Hector Carcamo</strong>: At the Saskatoon Research and Development Centre, a biopesticide has been developed for broad leaf weeds such as dandelion. Fact sheet available online: <a href="http://www.agr.gc.ca/resources/prod/img/science/pdf/13822/10777E_A52-120-1-2009_eng.pdf">http://www.agr.gc.ca/resources/prod/img/science/pdf/13822/10777E_A52-120-1-2009_eng.pdf</a>. </p><br /> <p><strong>Stefan</strong>: A new alginate micro-bead-based formulation of <em>Metarhizium </em>(DWR2009) and <em>Beauveria</em> from EcoPesticides have extended persistence under field conditions. These formulations are effective against chewing insects although the current target is grasshoppers. The USDA will be getting a locust-active Bt strain from China in the near future with the potential to do field studies next summer. Also working on management of prairie dog fleas using <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> GHA strain, to reduce the potential of plague in both prairie dogs and humans. <em>Beauveria</em> treatment resulted in a very high level of infection in prairie dog fleas. In addition, he found three distinct <em>Metarhizium </em>isolates from prairie dog fleas, 70% of fleas from untreated prairie dog colony were found infected with<em> Metarhizium</em> and the species needs to be identified.</p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Submitted reports from members not in attendance: Updates on work with various entomopathogens against different pests. </span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Steven Valles, Sanford Porter, and David Oi, ARS-Gainesville: </strong>The fire ant pathogen, <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus-3 (SINV-3), which was released in 2014-15, was surveyed for its continued presence the Palm Desert area of California in 2017. SINV-3 was detected in 24% and 13% of samples from two release sites. Positive samples were collected beyond the release sites and the 2016 sampling locations, thus the virus is established and spreading in the irrigated, desert climate of the Coachella Valley of California. Preparations for releases of SINV-3 in Puerto Rico are now on hold due to Hurricane Maria. </p><br /> <p>A fourth virus, <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus 4 (SINV-4) has been discovered in red imported fire ants. The virus was discovered in South American populations of fire ants, but has since been detected in fire ants from the U.S. SINV-4 exhibits a unique genome structure among RNA viruses leading to the creation of a new virus family, Polycipiviridae. Viruses within this family appear to infect only ant species. The first viral pathogen of the invasive, tawny crazy ant, <em>Nylanderia fulva</em> virus 1 (NfV-1), is being evaluated for its potential as a classical biological control agent by comparing egg-laying rates of infected and uninfected queens. Preliminary results suggested reduced fecundity in infected queens. </p><br /> <p><strong>Albrecht Koppenhofer’s group </strong>- <strong>Rutgers University: </strong>At Rutgers University (NJ, Koppenhöfer), the compatibility of <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> F52 microsclerotia with common golf turf fungicides from different classes was tested. Fungicides were incorporated into 1.2% water agar at rates that included and exceeded typical field rates and clay-based microsclerotial granules were added. Chlorothalonil did not inhibit fungal growth; iprodione was slightly inhibitory at higher concentration; propiconazole, Twinline and Stratego, strongly inhibit fungal growth except at the lowest concentration. In greenhouse studies, propiconazole, iprodione, and chlorothalonil were applied to pots with creeping bentgrass to which microsclerotia granules had been applied 1 day earlier. After 10, 20 and 30 days, the number of fungal colony forming units (CFUs) in the top 2.5 cm of soil and the grass was significantly inhibited only by propiconazole. </p><br /> <p>In greenhouse experiments, different rates of <em>M. brunneum</em> microsclerotia had no significant effect on survival of annual bluegrass weevil adults and larval population densities. However, in a field experiment, microsclerotia and the insecticide imidacloprid provided additive control, albeit at a low level (44%). Future experiments in greenhouse and field will compare the control efficacy of microsclerotia with that of commercial conidial spore formulations alone and in combinations with hydrogel and/or imidacloprid.</p><br /> <p><strong>Pasco Avery - </strong><strong>Horticulture and Fruit Pests</strong> <strong>/IFAS/Indian River Research and Education Center. Fort Pierce, Florida</strong><strong>. </strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Sri Lankan weevil. </span>Cocoplum leaves were sprayed with biopesticide treatments, 10 adult weevils were added to each container arena, and mortality was recorded daily. Each block of 24 containers was repeated in four laboratory trials and the data pooled. Adult weevils suffered significantly greater mortality with Entrust<sup>®</sup> SC and BotaniGard<sup>®</sup> ES. AzaMax and Sevin caused significantly more mortality than the control treatment of water only. Six trials with three repetitions per treatment were analyzed to compare mortality adult weevils on caged peach leaves treated with PFR-97™ 20% WDG, BotaniGard, Met 52<sup>®</sup> EC, Aza-Max™, or water only. BotaniGard caused greater mortality compared to the other treatments.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ambrosia beetles.</span> Three entomopathogenic fungal products were tested for agrochemical compatibility for synergistic use in management of the ambrosia beetles that vector the laurel wilt pathogen in avocado trees. PFR 97 is not compatible with the following: fungicides - Abound, Flopan 80, Ridomil Gold SL, and Tilt; insecticides - Danitol, Hero, Malathion, Permethrin, Agrimek, VErtimek or Epimek, Talstar, and Mustang; and adjuvants - citrus oil, L1700, and Keyplex 350. BotaniGard is not compatible with the following: fungicides - Abound, Flopan 80 WDG, Switch 62.5 WG, and Pro Phyt Phosphonate; and insecticides - Danitol, Malathion, and Permethrin. Met 52 is not compatible with the following: fungicides - Flopan 80, Tilt and Pro Phyt Phosphonate; insecticides: Danitol and Malathion; and adjuvant - Keyplex 350 and should not be applied along with either of the individual fungal product. Laboratory studies with direct exposure to the selected fungicide Cuprofix in combination with BotaniGard demonstrated they are compatible and resulted in the ambrosia beetles dying faster than if using BotaniGard alone. Among insecticides, Hero and Talstar as well as permethrin (previously indicated to be incompatible) did not inhibit infection by the fungus in BotaniGard and allowed for the external growth of the fungus on the beetle which is necessary to kill the brood inside the tree. All of these compatible insecticides killed the beetles in less than 3 days after treatment and prevented them from boring into wood. These findings are important information for avocado growers in South Florida so that they know which synthetic pesticides can be applied with biopesticides.</p><br /> <p><strong>ESA-PIE Section Symposium was sponsored by S-1070 (Surendra Dura, David Shapiro-Ilan Co-organizers) titled “Leveraging non-traditional uses of microbial control agents for broad application in crop protection and production”, November 8, 2017. </strong>This outreach opportunity allowed members to update peer scientsits from other specific entomological disciplines on the outputs of the S1050/S1070 projects and expand their network of information dissemination. </p>Publications
<p>No publications included.</p>Impact Statements
- Significant progress with biopesticide efficacy and persistence will reduce reliance on synthetic chemical pesticides in sustainable IPM systems.
Date of Annual Report: 03/01/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018
1. Robert Behle USDA-ARS, Peoria robert.behle@ars.usda.gov2. Surendra Dara UC Cooperative Extension skdara@ucdavis.edu
3. Rogers Leonard LSU Ag Center rleonard@agcenter.lsu.edu
4. Jimmy Klick Driscoll’s, California jimmy.klick@driscolls.com
5. Gadi VP Reddy Montana State Univ reddy@montana.edu
6. Anamika Sharma Montana State Univ anamika.sharma@montana.edu
7. Ed Lewis University of Idaho eelewis@uidaho.edu
8. Eric Benbow Michigan state University benbow@msu.edu
9. Pasco Avery University of Florida pbavery@ufl.edu
10. Camila Hofman USDA camila.o.hofman@gmail.com
11. Patricia Stock University of Arizona spstock@email.arizona.edu
12. Dan Peck BioWorks dpeck@bioworksinc.com
13. Ramandeep Sandhi Montana State Univ. Ramansandhi2010@gmail.com
14. Daniel Zommick Valent BioScience Daniel.Zommick@valentbiosciences.com
15. Eric Van Fleet Terramera eric.vanfleet@terramera.com
16. Olga Kostromytska Univ. of Massachusetts okostromytsk@umass.edu
Apologies were sent by the following as they could not make it to the meeting: Stefan Jaronski, Albrecht Koppenhöfer, Gabriel Mascarin, Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes, Parwinder Grewal, Verle Rodrigues.
Brief Summary of Minutes
BUSINESS MEETING (Call to order 8:30 AM)
- Election of Secretary: Robert Behle motioned for the election of Anamika Sharma as secretary nominated by Dr. Gadi Reddy. All approved.
- Local arrangements report: (Robert Behle)
- Introductions: Robert Behle (2018 chair): Welcomed all and began with introductions (16 participants). Attendees introduced themselves including short introduction about their affiliation and work.
- Minutes of 2017 (prepared by Anamika Sharma): A copy of the 2017 minutes was circulated electronically prior to the meeting and a hardcopy was available at the meeting. A motion to approve the 2017 minutes was made by Gadi Reddy and was seconded by Robert Behle and approved. The motion passed unanimously. Minutes of the 2018 meeting are required to be posted within 60 days.
- Chair report (Robert Behle) was successful in renewal to S1070. Advertise for next year, plan for next year. Should not be any restriction about having international academics as official members of group and more international industry people should be encouraged as well.
- NIFA administrators report (Rogers Leonard): USDA NIFA there is strong push not to move, but there are chances that NIFA might move from Washington. Representative Conaway is trying hard to pass new farm bill. Strong push because projects with self-grant may get lost in AFRI. Before submitting a proposal, please check the priority. Group members were encouraged to serve on the review panel for various grants. Serving in the review panel will give an opportunity to understand the priority of committee members. Overall, people working on pest vectors are in demand. Preproposal could be a good idea (Dan and Patricia mentioned that sometime preproposal might not work in some work environments). Rogers further emphasized on increasing the members. This group should incorporate new members from around the USA. Promotion to colleagues and students should be done by team members. Federal and states are also advised to participate. Interaction between likeminded people working on similar subjects from multi-institutes should be a target as 25% Hatch grant money typically are spent on multi-grant projects. Since this is an informal meeting, bringing students and scientists from the same institution will enable us to strengthen the group. Results should be shared extensively and should give a clear idea about topics we are dealing with. In report, if people do not want to add some portions from their results, then they can specify that in meeting while sharing their results and experience.
Robert Behle presented details about Funding Opportunities in Plant Protection from NIFA supplied by Robert M. Nowierski, (National Program Leader, Bio-Based Pest Management, USDA-NIFA, Washington, DC). Details are specified below:
- 2009 - NRI and IFAFS (Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems) combined into a“premier” program called the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). 60% fundamental, 40% applied research (up to 30% can be integrated [res., ed., and ext.]). IDC cap currently up to 30%.
- Education and Workforce Development - $24 million.
- Foundational and Applied Science Programs (basic research) - $182 million.
- Farm Bill Priority Areas
- Exploratory Program
- Critical Ag. Res. and Extension (CARE)
- Food and Agriculture Cyberinformatics and Tools Program (FACT).
- Education and Workforce Development Program (Pre- and Post-Docs; Secondary School teachers; Research/Extension Experiential Learning).
- Exploratory Program (to fund research for new ideas; Deadline – LOIs accepted anytime throughout the year.; $200,000 (25% success rate)
- Critical Agricultural Research and Extension Program ($300,000)
- The Food and Agriculture Cyberinformatics and Tools (FACT) Program. Focuses on data science to: Enable systems and communities to effectively utilize data, Improve resource management; Integrate new technologies and approaches
- Plant Health and Production and Plant Products [Foundational Knowledge of Ag Production, Systems, Pests and Beneficial Species in Ag, Production Systems, Physiology of Agricultural Plants, Plant Breeding for Ag Production, Pollinator Health: Research and Application].
- Animal Health and Production and Animal Products
- Food Safety, Nutrition and Health
- Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment
- Systems and Technology
- Economics and Rural Communities
- Sustainable Agricultural Systems (more applied research and often integrated – Research, Education, Extension) - $80 million.
- Purpose: Promote the sustainable supply of abundant, affordable, safe, nutritious, and accessible food and other agricultural products, while enhancing economic opportunities and improving the long-term health and well-being of all Americans. Coord. Ag. Projects up to $10 mil each.
- Applicants must address one or more of following 25-year goals:
- Increasing agricultural productivity
- Optimizing water and nitrogen use efficiency
- Protecting yield losses from stresses, diseases, and pests
- Reducing food-borne diseases
- Advancing development of bio-based fuels, chemicals, and coproducts.
- Pest Management Programs:
- CPPM - Crop Protection and Pest Management Program
ARDP – Applied Research and Development Program (Applied Research, Research-led, Extension-led
EIP – Extension Implementation Program
RCP – Regional Coordination Program
- MBT – Methyl Bromide Transitions Program
- OTP – Organic Transitions Program
- IR-4 – Minor Crop Pest Management Program
- SARE – Sustainable Ag. Res. and Education Program
- OREI – Organic Ag. Res. and Extension Initiative ($19 mil.)
- SCRI – Specialty Crop Research Initiative ($50 mil.) + $25 mil citrus res.
Further details about funding can be assessed from http://www.NIFA.usda.gov/fo/funding.cfm
- New business: Dan Peck mentioned the prospect of sponsoring some of the group and meeting expenses by industries affiliated with bioinsecticides. Rogers Leonard and Robert Behle agreed to this point and mentioned that earlier involvement by industry representatives faded away in the last few years. Dan motioned to allow industry people to pay for some expenses and present new information or recent results. Motion seconded by Ed Lewis. All were in favor. Chair needs to reach out to the industry people.
Surendra indicated the possibility of changing venue to improve the number of participants. However, Robert mentioned that combining this meeting with Entomological Society of America (ESA) is easier and also allows advertising more. Surendra also mentioned that the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology would encourage another special issue based on last year symposium. Special issue publications include ample amount of information and hence increases impact factor of the journal. Ed Lewis mentioned that about 15 contributors will be required for the special issue and non-speakers should also be involved as contributors. Special issue would include research articles, review and forum articles.
Rogers mentioned including last year special issue in an output of this meeting.
Gadi Reddy indicated that developing and distributing the brochure to publishers and Society of Invertebrate Pathology will help us to get good manuscripts. Robert mentioned that collaborations among group members to develop a manuscript would also be encouraged.
Discussions for Future Meetings:
- Baculovirus for corn earworm works better than pyrethroid. If companies are interested in production. Heligen by AgBiTech. They also have a similar product for managing the fall armyworm.
- Dan Peck mentioned that he can be contacted for fresh stock of BioWorks’ bioinsecticides rather than researchers obtaining it third-party such as through Amazon.
- Promote the group as much as possible.
- For next year topic:
- Barriers to the implementation for microbial insecticides (education, lab to the field) including challenges and opportunities were discussed as the theme. The subject will include production issue (compatibility and synergism), marketing issue, and education issue. Education about using microbials as biocontrol agents.
- Robert mentioned a talk should include ‘Historical success of microbial agents’.
- Industry people should also be included as speakers.
- Patricia suggested: ‘Past, present, and future, advocating microbials’ and is tentatively approved. Maybe emphasizing more about future and upcoming technologies. Surendra suggested, ‘Advocating entomopathogens for sustainable agriculture’. Motion approved by everyone.
- Speaker’s names were discussed.
- A competitive proposal writing group can be included in meeting as a workshop next year. The workshop can happen in the morning and later on, brief details (highlights) of S1070 participants can be discussed. Hence reports should be submitted earlier to the meeting to the section leaders. Maybe one presentation for one section can be organized. This change was motioned by Pasco and seconded by Surendra. Motion passed.
4:50 Meeting adjourned.
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Discussion Topic 1 - Large acreage crops</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Gadi Reddy: </strong>Spoke about wheat stem sawfly, pea leaf weevil, and alfalfa weevil. On Alfalfa weevil, in 2017 Bioinsecticide-BeetleGone® (<em>Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae strain SDS-502</em>) provided 50-60% control of alfalfa weevil (<em>Hypera postica</em>). It had no negative impact on parasitoid populations (<em>Bathyplectes curculionis</em> and <em>Oomyzus incertus</em>).</p><br /> <p>On pulse crops, higher dose of <em>B. bassiana</em> provided 50-60% control of pea leaf weevil (<em>Sitona lineatus</em>). X-Pectro (<em>B. bassiana</em> + pyrethrins) also provided similar control. Initial assay with lady beetle showed a high mortality in comparison to lacewing larvae. Bioinsecticides were also tested on beneficial insects in 2018. Three potential control agents for pea leaf weevil [Mycotrol ESO® (<em>Beauveria bassiana</em> GHA), Xpectro OD® (<em>B. bassiana</em> GHA + Pyrethrin) and Entrust WP® (spinosad 80%)] were selected for this study and were tested on lacewings and ladybeetles. Concentrations of 1.44 ml/L (Mycotrol), 5 ml/L (Xpectro) and 0.182 g/L (Entrust) were used as noted on the label. Xpectro was found to be highly toxic to ladybeetle larvae, causing nearly 98 ± 1.66 % mortality. Lacewing larvae were found to be less susceptible to the three tested bio-pesticides, but Xpectro (Mean ± SE; 37.2 ± 5.06) caused high mortality followed by Entrust (Mean ± SE; 30.0 ± 4.40) and Mycotrol (22.5 ± 3.22). In another set of experiment, other bioinsecticides tested on pea leaf weevil were Spinosad (<em>Saccharopolyspora spinosa</em>), PyGanic EC® (Pyrethrins), Mycotrol ESO® (<em>B. bassiana</em> GHA), Xpulse® OD (<em>B. bassiana</em> GHA + Cold pressed Neem extract) and Xpectro® OD (<em>B. bassiana</em> GHA + Pyrethrin). Mortality % was shown as follows: Spinosad > Xpectro > Mycotrol > Xpulse > PyGanic.</p><br /> <p>On wheat stem sawfly (WSS) in 2017, study of adult settling preference behavior on wheat plants with both synthetic plant defense elicitors [Actigard (Acibenzolar-S-meth) and cis-jasmone] and a botanical insecticide (Azadirachtin) showed that two times applications of Actigard had significantly lower WSS infested stem damage, significantly increased diapausing larval mortality percentages and lowered stem lodging. Based on this result, in 2018 bioinsecticides were tested at high, and low doses: Actigard (1.50 g/L and 0.75 g/L), neem (5.76 ml/L and 2.88 ml/L) and Xpectro (5.0 ml/L and 2.5 ml/L). Results are being analyzed.</p><br /> <p><strong>Anamika Sharma:</strong> Wireworm control with entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) grown on different substrates in field studies. <em>Beauveria bassiana</em>, <em>Metarhizium robertsii</em> DWR 356 and DWR2009, <em>Beauveria</em> ERL836, <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> F52 (on millet, polenta, and couscous substrates) were used in furrows in 2017 and 2018. In 2017, although no significant difference was observed both <em>M. robertsii</em> DWR 356 and <em>M. robertsii</em> DWR 2009 at higher rates, enabled the protection from wireworm damage by reducing wireworm population and increased yield was also noticed. <em>Metarhizium robertsii</em> DWR 356 on the polenta carrier on the site with low wireworm pressure (Valier) and <em>M. robertsii</em> DWR 2009 on millet carrier on the site with high wireworm pressure (Ledger) showed the promising results. In 2018, millet and couscous were used as a control and <em>Beauveria</em> GHA millet, <em>Beauveria</em> GHA Couscous, <em>Beauveria </em>ERL836 millet, <em>Beauveria</em> ERL836 Couscous, <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> F52 Millet, <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> F52 Couscous, <em>Metarhizium </em>DWR2009 Millet, <em>Metarhizium</em> DWR2009 Couscous were tested in furrows in six sites. Results are yet to be analyzed but raw data explains that at the site with higher wireworm pressure, millet and BB ERL on millet provided maximum yield. In irrigated fields, BB GHA both on millet and couscous provided better protection and more yield whereas, in dryland conditions, <em>Metarhizium</em> DWR2009 on couscous and <em>Beauveria </em>ERL836 on millet provided more protection and higher yields. However, several questions still are needed to be answered concerning to use EPFs in wireworm management, especially the important aspect of developing a cost effective biological control strategy to manage wireworms in wheat plantations. Food safety point of concern using couscous was raised by Daniel Zommick. </p><br /> <p>For canola pests, in 2016 at two locations biopesticides were tested for flea beetle (<em>Phyllotreta cruciferae</em>) and cabbage seed pod weevil (<em>Ceutorhynchus obstrictus</em>). The biopesticides Entrust, Steinernema-System (Steinernema feltiae) + Barricade polymer gel 1%, Aza-Direct (azadirachtin), Pyganic1.4 EC (pyrethrins extracted from chrysanthemum), Grandevo SC (<em>Chromobacterium subtsugae</em>), and VenerateXC (Heat killed <em>Burkholderia</em> sp. strain A396) were tested as seed treatments and foliar sprays. Control (water) and Gaucho were tested for comparison. Entrust and Steinernema-System generated significantly positive results (significant lower feeding injury) compared to the control and was equally efficient as Gaucho treatment. In 2018, biopesticides were tested at two locations against the flea beetles. The selected biopesticides were Entrust (spinosad), Aza-Direct, and Mycotrol (<em>Beauveria bassiana</em>). Conventional pesticides, Gaucho and Zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang Maxx) were tested as comparison standards. At the high flea beetle population site (Conrad), Entrust provided maximum yield followed by Gaucho and Mycotrol. At Cut Bank with low flea beetle population but more thrips population Entrust provided maximum control and yield followed by Mustang and Mycotrol. Ed Lewis mentioned that use of 0.2% Barricade polymer gel could also work efficiently. </p><br /> <p><strong>Ramandeep Kaur Sandhi: </strong>Working as a PhD student with Gadi Reddy on entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) for wireworm management. Efficacy of EPNs against wireworm, <em>L. californicus</em> is being tested since 2017. Ten EPN strains are being received from Dr. David Shapiro. Strains tested are <em>Steinernema carpocapsae</em> (all strain and Cxrd strain), <em>Steinernema feltiae</em> (SN strain), <em>Heterorhabditis bacteriophora</em> (HP88 strain, VS strain), <em>Steinernema riobrave</em> (355 strain, 7-12strain), <em>Heterorhabditis floridensis</em> (K22 strain), <em>Heterorhabditis georgiana </em>(Kesha strain), <em>Steinernema rarum</em> (17 c + e strain). In laboratory bioassay, 4 doses (700, 1400, 2800, 5600 IJs/larva) were used and mortality was observed at weekly intervals. Strains ScA11, ScCxrd, Sr 7-12, Sr 355, HbVS, and Sr 17c+e found to be more effective. After 2 weeks, mortality remained 30% in almost all the strain except Sr 355 and Sr 7-12 with 40-60%. After 2 weeks, it increased and reached 50-70% in the promising strains. Further shade house experiment was established with 2 doses, 60000 IJs (2800 IJs/larva) and 15000 IJs (700 IJs/larva). Almost same mortality in both doses; no significant differences. 30-50% mortality in ScA11, ScCxrd, Sr 355, and Sr 7-12 after 4 weeks except for Sc A11 and Sr 7-12 with 60% mortality. In 15000 IJs dose, overall average mortality was less than 60000 IJs dose. Native EPNs are being surveyed of 30 fields in Golden Triangle Region of Montana. Four species found and being identified. Further, an effect of soil texture, soil moisture, and soil temperature on the virulence of EPNs against wireworms will be tested. </p><br /> <p><strong>Camila Hofman: </strong>A survey was conducted to identify entomopathogenic fungi from irrigated commercial cornfields of western Nebraska. Fungal strains identified were tested against western corn rootworm larvae, <em>Diabrotica virgifera virgifera</em>, in soil cups. BotaniGard (<em>B. bassiana</em> strain GHA) was tested as a commercial comparison standard. We found local strains of <em>Metarhizium robertsii</em> and <em>M. anisopliae</em> to be virulent. [Collaborators: Anthony Adesemoye (UNL), Gary Yuen (UNL), Lance Meinke (UNL), Stefan Jaronski (USDA)]. DNA barcoding based on the cytochrome oxidase 1 gene (COI) enabled us to identify nematodes obtained from the field surveys and from an inoculation project in Nebraska. Nematode strains identified in western Nebraska were <em>Heterorhabditis bacteriophora</em>, <em>Steinernema feltiae</em> and <em>Steinernema</em> spp. [Collaborators: David Shapiro-Ilan (USDA), Elson Shields (USDA)]. Building of a phylogenetic tree is still to be completed. </p><br /> <p><strong>Stefan Jaronski: </strong>For wheat stem sawfly, we continued evaluating endophytic potential of selected sawfly-derived <em>Beauveria</em> and <em>Metarhizium</em> in additional wheat varieties, chosen on basis of their reputed resistance to foliar pathogenic fungi. No evident correlation between the success of endophytic establishment and disease resistance. Replicated <em>in planta</em> efficacy tests of several of the fungi under study against sawflies have been conducted this past summer but the final results are only now being determined so cannot be reported here. We determined that an oil-in-water emulsion is the best spray carrier for endophytic establishment via a foliar application, and successfully endophytically established two of our fungi in wheat in the field. Seed inoculation and soil drench/root dip applications have consistently failed to result in endophytism; only foliar application works. We also have discovered that four of our sawfly-derived <em>Beauveria pseudobassiana</em> are unaffected by a number of strobilurin and triazole wheat fungicides in vitro, whereas our <em>Metarhizium pemphigi</em> and <em>M. anisopliae </em>strains are quite susceptible to both classes, especially the triazoles (strobilurin had variable activity among these strains). A current cooperative study with a researcher from the Republic of Georgia in the Sidney lab seems to indicate that endophytic colonization by one <em>Beauveria</em> and one <em>Metarhizium</em> strain can reduce the level of infection from a <em>Fusarium graminearum</em> challenge at flowering and can affect growth rate as expressed as time to flowering. Experiments are underway to determine if systemic resistance is induced in wheat by endophytic establishment or even foliar exposure to spores. [USDA ARS Sidney MT]. USDA and Montana State University have jointly filed a formal patent application for the use of these fungi to manage wheat-stem sawfly and Hessian fly. The technology is being licensed by a Montana Ag biotech company to further develop and (hopefully) commercialize. [USDA ARS Sidney MT]. USDA ARS Sidney MT collaborated with Montana State University, Conrad) in additional field tests of several fungi on two different granular carriers against wireworms. More details from Reddy and Sharma.</p><br /> <p><strong>David Shapiro-Ilan’s Lab. </strong>Entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi were tested for virulence to the maize weevil, <em>Sitophilus zeamais</em> (a major grain storage pest). The fungus, <em>B. bassiana</em> was found to be highly virulent in lab studies. We found that the fungus can be effectively applied to burlap storage bags (jute bags) and control the weevil. [Collaborators: George Mbata (Fort Valley State Univ.).]</p><br /> <p>The Indian meal moth, <em>Plodia interpunctella</em>, is also a major storage pest. Both entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs), <em>Heterorhabditis indica</em> and <em>Steinernema glaseri</em>, and the parasitic wasp, <em>Habrobracon hebetor</em>, are biocontrol agents of <em>P. interpunctella</em>. We found that EPNs preferentially infect wasp-envenomed host larvae compared with larvae that are not been envenomed. For <em>H. indica</em>, the mechanism for preferential infectivity is based on host immobilization (paralysis of the host making it an easier target), yet for <em>S. glaseri</em> a volatile chemical released by the envenomed host is the causal factor for preferential infection. [Collaborators: George Mbata (Fort Valley State Univ.), Hans Alborn (USDA), Mike Strand (Univ. GA)].</p><br /> <p><strong>Dan Peck:</strong> New product, BoteGHA, is coming available for large acreage crops, which has <em>B. bassiana</em> GHA. This new product is equivalent to BotaniGard. </p><br /> <p><strong>Patricia Stock</strong>: New strain of <em>Isaria</em> sp. was found which is tolerant to Arizona climatic conditions for alfalfa weevil and aphids. </p><br /> <p><strong>Robert Behle:</strong> mentioned that he can be contacted for requirement of microsclerotia.</p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Discussion Topic 2. Orchard System</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Pasco Avery: </strong>The Sri Lankan weevil (<em>Myllocerus undecimpustulatus undatus</em>) invaded Florida and has spread throughout the southern half of the state. It is a polyphagous pest. Efficacy test was done with BotaniGard® ES (<em>Beauveria bassiana</em>), Aza-Max™, PFR-97™ 20% WDG (<em>Isaria fumosorosea</em>) and Met 52® EC (<em>M. anisopliae</em>). BotaniGard consistently performed better in killing the weevils compared to PFR-97 and Met 52. Leaf assay was done on trees in bags, by spraying leaves and releasing the weevil inside and then accessing after 21 days. The poor efficacy of PFR-97 and Met 52 could be related to formulation properties. BotaniGard and Met 52 both contain hydrophobic conidia, whereas PFR-97 was applied as blastospores, which are hydrophilic. PFR-97 is in powder form with no surfactants added whereas BotaniGard and Met 52 contain surfactants and emulsifier suspended in oil and conidia suspended in oil have superior infectivity. Hydrophobic layer of plant cuticle might also play a role in reducing the efficacy of PFR-97 and Met 52. Aza-Max caused 43% mortality and reduced herbivory by the beetles. BotaniGard caused higher mortality, whereas Aza-Max at both sites produced lower mortality. Aza-Max suppressed the damage by weevils because the active ingredient has a deterrent effect on their feeding. It seems that the combination of Aza-Max and BotaniGard are effective and compatible in field.</p><br /> <p>Ambrosia beetles (<em>Xylosandrus crassiusculus</em>, <em>Xyleborus volvulus</em>, <em>Xyleborus bispinatus</em>) attack avocado and vector fungus <em>Raffaelea lauricola</em> causing laurel wilt. Since this fungus interacts with xylem of avocado trees and kills whole trees and also gets transmitted through root, it is devastating problem in Florida. About 20% of growers are using <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> (BotaniGard) for managing this beetle. Since BotaniGard is expensive, a strategy to reduce the concentration of <em>B. bassiana</em> spores is important. Hence the study to assess the compatible agrochemicals is on-going. The method employed was a new bark plug bioassay and residual effect was checked over time. The fungicides, Cuprofix, Folpan, and RootShield Plus were found to be compatible with BotaniGard. Fungicides Prophyt and Abound were not found compatible with BotaniGard. Among the insecticides, Hero (zeta-cypermethrin+bifenthrin), Talstar (bifenthrin), and Permethrin did not inhibit infection by <em>B.bassiana</em> and seemed to have a synergistic effect. These compatible combinations together, and testing is on-going to determine field efficacy.</p><br /> <p><strong>Robert Behle</strong>: Testing is on-going to control walnut husk maggots (<em>Rhagoletis</em> sp.). There are six species in America. Trials are on-going to assess the impact of EPFs on larvae in lab and also treating the soil to reduce the annual life cycle. In the lab trials, the maggots were exposed to water agar with EPFs. <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> and <em>Metarhizium</em> sp. were most effective. </p><br /> <p><strong>Camila Hofman: </strong>In pecan, the product Grandevo based on <em>Chromobacterium subtsugae</em> continues to show strong control of the pecan weevil (<em>Curculio caryae</em>) equal to that of chemical insecticides; Grandevo also suppresses pecan aphid populations. We are now trying to use reduced rates of Grandevo to lower costs of the application. Also, we are working on establishing <em>B. bassiana</em> as an endophyte in pecans with some initial success. [Collaborations: Fernando Vega (USDA), Clive Bock (USDA), Justin Hatting (ARC South Africa).]. Based on an AFRI grant and SBIR we are exploring group movement and infection behavior of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). We discovered that EPNs move continuously through the soil in groups (like a pack of wolves). We are exploring pheromones that induce EPN behavior such as dispersal. Adding infect-host macerate or pheromones to nematode suspensions enhances dispersal and improves pest control (targets include pecan weevil and others). [Collaborators: Ed Lewis (U of Idaho), Fatma Kaplan (Pheronym, Inc.), Hans Alborn (USDA), Paul Schliekelman (Univ GA).]</p><br /> <p>In Peach, the nematode, <em>Steinernema carpocapsae</em>, control peach tree borer (<em>Synanthedon exitiosa</em>) at levels equal to chlorpyrifos. Based on a new SARE grant we are now expanding studies to determine additional benefits of <em>S. carpocapsae</em> in the peach system such as control of root-feeding weevils and plant parasitic nematodes. Root movement of nematodes happens due to pheromones. Studying if pheromones treated nematodes could kill the borer. [Collaborators: Camila Hofman (USDA lead Postdoc), Brett Blaauw & Dario Chavez (University of Georgia), Larry Duncan & Russ Mizell (University of Florida).]<strong> </strong></p><br /> <p>Ed Lewis indicated that insect mortality caused by <em>Steinernema feltiae</em> can be increased up to 50-60% by using pheromones. </p><br /> <p><strong>Patricia Stock</strong>: USDA NIFA project on native EPNs. Ascarosides pheromone are produced by EPN. Molecular identification of symbiotic bacteria is done by studying the genes involved and gene knockdown for metabolites. Four compounds are being identified. Accessing the molecule potential to kill other plant pathogens. All the molecules can be synthetically produced. Effect of these pheromones is different from insect pheromone in terms of reproduction and attraction in nematodes to promote the nematodes production.</p><br /> <p><strong>Surendra:</strong> In California, leaf footed bug (<em>Leptoglossus clypealis, L. occidentalis,</em> and <em>L. zonatus</em>) migrate from pomegranates to almonds. Study of controlling them by using <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> and <em>Metarhizium </em>is ongoing.</p><br /> <p><strong>Pasco Avery: </strong>For management of Asian citrus psyllid in the grove, we sprayed citrus trees and found that PFR 97+JMS oil are compatible and showed same efficacy compared to Delegate WG (spinetoram) up to 14 days post-spray. Leaf disc bioassay was performed and CFUs were observed up to 21 days post-spray. <em>Tamarixia radiata</em> and other beneficial insects were found more often on PFR, JMS oil, and PFR+ JMS oil compared to Delegate WG (spinetoram). The laboratory component that this field trial was based on has been published. </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Discussion Topic 3. Small fruits and vegetables</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Surendra:</strong> The western grapeleaf skeletonizer, two entomopathogenic fungi, and <em>Bt </em>subsp. <em>aizawai</em> worked as good as spinosad, and azadirachtin. There was an increase in strawberry fruit yield where <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> (Pfr-97) was applied to control Botrytis fruit rot. Pfr-97 did not reduce the disease and it wasn’t clear if the increased fruit yield was due to its endophytic/mycorrhiza-like association with plants. Recommended <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> and botanical insecticides for controlling Bagrada bug in organic cole crops. </p><br /> <p><strong>Jimmy Klick:</strong> Sulfur, oil and biopesticides were evaluated over the past three years for management of <em>Polyphagotarsonemus latus </em>(broad mite) on blackberry. PFR-97 and azadirachtin (Aza-Direct) were most effective when applied preventatively once a week, and twice a week once symptoms appeared. These applications resulted in fewer broad mite and increased yield compared to sulfur and oil. Growers are adopting these biopesticides in California and are also finding them to reduce other pests as well, including lygus, spider mites, and <em>Drosophila suzukii</em>. For management of giant whitefly (<em>Aleurodicus dugesii</em>) in blueberries, leaf disc assays were done on nymphs. After removing filaments from nymphs they were directly exposed to biopesticides with brief leaf dips into solution. Mycotrol and Aza-Direct were as good as a pyrethroid (zeta-cypermethrin), and results were confirmed with small-scale field trials. </p><br /> <p><strong>Robert Behle</strong>: For management of cabbage worm, the synergy between <em>Beauveria</em> <em>bassiana</em> blastospores and <em>Bacillus thuringiensis</em> was observed although reasons are unknown yet. This combination could be explored for future use. Bt was isolated from Deliver and re-isolated. Measurement/doses are still needed to be examined properly. Definition of synergy should be understood and examined properly, greater than 20% difference should be considered for significant synergy. </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Discussion Topic 4. Urban and natural landscapes, rangelands, and nurseries</span></strong><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Robert Behle</strong>: Postdoc in Arizona is working on strains for <em>Bacillus thuringiensis</em> that has activity against mites. To control ticks, we started with <em>Metarhizium</em> and nootkatone (oil from grapefruit). Microsclertia based product can be applied in granular form, which in presence of moisture, produce conidia. </p><br /> <p><strong>Dan Peck:</strong> Aprehend® is a new <em>B. bassiana</em> (strain GHA) product for bedbugs. Barrier treatment can only be applied by registered applicators. </p><br /> <p><strong>Pasco Avery:</strong> Pepper whiteflies are emerging as economically important pests of pepper and many other horticultural crops. <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> can kill these whiteflies and ladybird beetle (<em>Delphastus catalinae</em>) eats 1000s of eggs. Both of these biocontrol agents can be used together since even after eating <em>Isaria</em> infested eggs, beetles don’t die. Similarly, compatibility of entomopathogenic fungi and the spined solider bug on cabbage and bok choy was studied and the bugs do not seem to be affected by EPF.</p><br /> <p>Choice study with fall armyworm, predatory spined soldier bug (<em>Podisus maculiventris</em>) 4th instar, and <em>Beauveria bassiana</em> showed that predator avoided fungus infected larvae. It was observed that once the predators’ proboscis comes in contact with the fungal propagules on the dead sporulating larva, it will immediately withdraw and begin preening. After this event eventually the insect will prefer and feed on the uninfected larvae. If the predator does feed on an infected, non-sporulating larva, the predator is not adversely affected and will molt to an adult stage. </p><br /> <p><strong>Dan Peck:</strong> PFR-97 (<em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> Apopka Strain 97) is now being sold as ‘Ancora™’ for ornamental and landscape applications. </p><br /> <p><strong>Reports from members not in attendance:</strong> Submitted updates on work with various entomopathogens against different pests. </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Discussion Topic 5. Urban and natural landscapes, rangelands, and Nurseries</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Steven Valles and David Oi (ARS-Gainesville, FL): </strong>Gene libraries from South American <em>Solenopsis invicta</em>, red imported fire ants, were screened for viruses with the potential to serve as classical biological agents. Three new viruses were discovered from their sequences, <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus-4, <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus-5 and <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus-6. Characterization of these viruses and their impact on fire ant colonies is just beginning. All of the new discoveries of viruses in fire ants has required expansion of the taxonomy to place these new viruses—some with unique genome architecture. Two new virus families have been proposed and ratified by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), including Solinviviridae and Polycipiviridae. A new isolate (Hybrid) of <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus-3 has been sequenced from <em>S. invicta-richteri</em> hybrid ants (i.e. red imported fire ant and black imported fire ant hybrid). Attempts to infect hybrids with the original SINV-3 isolate (DM) failed, suggesting that the new isolate is unique to hybrid ants.</p><br /> <p>The first viral pathogen of the invasive, tawny crazy ant, <em>Nylanderia fulva</em> virus 1 (NfV-1), was evaluated for its potential as a classical biological control agent by comparing egg-laying rates of infected and uninfected queens. Initial results indicated inconsistent reductions in fecundity in infected queens. A naturally infected field population of tawny crazy ants continued to be extremely large and were over-running landscapes, thus field impacts of the infection were not readily apparent.</p><br /> <p><strong>A.M. Koppenhöfer (Rutgers University): </strong>In developing the entomopathogenic fungus <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> F52 for the management of annual bluegrass weevils (ABW), we tested the compatibility of the fungus with commonly used turfgrass fungicides. Under laboratory conditions, chlorothalonil did not inhibit the growth of the fungus; iprodione showed a slight inhibitory effect at a higher concentration; propiconazole, TwinLine, and Stratego strongly inhibit the fungal growth except at the lowest concentration of 1 mg/L. Under greenhouse conditions, chlorothalonil, iprodione, and propiconazole were sprayed on pots with creeping bentgrass that had been inoculated with <em>M. brunneum</em> F52. Only propiconazole at the high rate had a slightly suppressive effect. Under field conditions, any suppressive effect on the <em>M. brunneum </em>F52 is likely to be reduced. Spores produced from microsclerotia granules of <em>M. brunneum</em> F52 caused high mortality of ABW adults in Petri dishes in the lab; however, in the greenhouse in pots with creeping bentgrass, the fungus had no significant effect on adults. In pots with <em>Poa annua</em> in the greenhouse, the fungus had only a limited effect on ABW larval populations. Similarly, the fungus alone did not affect ABW larval populations in the field (0-17% suppression) but provided additive control when combined with the neonicotinoid imidacloprid (imidacloprid alone 27-45% control, combination 34-62% control).</p><br /> <p><strong>Verle Rodrigues, JCV (Center for Excellence in Quarantine and Invasive Species, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan):</strong></p><br /> <p>Project 1: Arthropod Microbial communities – determine the roles of major microbial groups on key invasive species.</p><br /> <p>Project 2: Biocontrol agents – We have advanced in establishing a collection of fungi (including, <em>Beauvearia</em> and <em>Metarhizium</em> isolates) and nematodes (EPNs) from different mountain areas in Puerto Rico.</p><br /> <p>Project 3: Establishment of a hub for research and education on Agriculture, Plant Health and Biocontrol in the Caribbean. Quarantine and laboratory facilities are fully operational and projects involving students from several countries and subjects are underway. Collaborative work in all related areas is welcome.</p><br /> <p><strong>ESA-PIE Section Symposium was sponsored by S-1070 (Surendra Dura, David Shapiro-Ilan Co-organizers) titled “Leveraging non-traditional uses of microbial control agents for broad application in crop protection and production”, November 11, 2018. </strong>This outreach opportunity allowed members to update peer scientsits from other specific entomological disciplines on the outputs of the S1050/S1070 projects and expand their network of information dissemination. </p>Publications
<p><em></em></p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Microbial related publication from group members (2018):</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Aristizábal, L.F., Avery, P.B., Caldwell, J., McKenzie, C. L., and Osborne, L.S. (2018) Mitigating trans-boundary movement of <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on <em>Mentha</em> sp. by pre-shipping treatments of biopesticides. Crop Protection 107: 71-78.</p><br /> <p>Arthurs, S. and S. K. Dara. 2018. Microbial biopesticides for invertebrate pests and their markets in the United States. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.008">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.008</a></p><br /> <p>Avery, P.B., Bojorque, V., Gámez, C., Duncan, R.E, Carrillo, D., and Cave, R.D. (2018) Spore acquisition and survival of ambrosia beetles associated with the laurel wilt pathogen in avocados after exposure to entomopathogenic fungi. Insects (accepted Apr 2018). 9 (2), 49; doi:<a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/insects9020049">10.3390/insects9020049</a></p><br /> <p>Chow, A., Dunlap, C.A., Jackson, M.A., Avery, P.B., Patt, J.M., and Sétamou, M. (2018) Field efficacy of autodissemination and foliar sprays of an entomopathogenic fungus<em>, Isaria fumosorosea</em> (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae), for control of Asian citrus psyllid, <em>Diaphorina citri</em> (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology, In Press (Accepted 2 July 2018). doi: 10.1093/jee/toy216</p><br /> <p>Cottrell, T.E., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Horton, D.L. (2018) Laboratory assays against adult and larval sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) using entomopathogenic nematodes, microbial-based insecticides and synthetic insecticides. Journal of Entomological Science, In Press. (Accepted June 17, 2018).</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K. Implementation of integrated pest and disease management in greenhouses: strawberries and other berries. <em>In </em>Pest and disease management in greenhouse crops. Eds. Gullino, M. L., A. Albajes, P. Nicot, and J. C. van Lenteren. Springer. In Press.</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K., D. Peck, and D. Murray. (2018). Chemical and non-chemical solutions for manageing twospotted spider mite, western tarnished plant bug, and other arthropod pests in strawberries. Insects 9: 156. DOI: <a href="http://www.mdpi.com/2075-4450/9/4/156/pdf">10.3390/insects9040156</a></p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K. (2018). Microbial control options for pests and diseases. CAPCA Applicator Alerts, 3 (x): x. December issue.</p><br /> <p>Geisert, R.W., Cheruiyot, D.J., Hibbard, B.E., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Shelby, K., Coudron, T.A. (2018) Comparative assessment of four Steinernematidae and three Heterorhabditidae species for infectivity of larval <em>Diabrotica virgifera virgifera</em>. Journal of Economic Entomology. 111: 542–548. doi.org/10.1093/jee/tox372.</p><br /> <p>Hajek, A. E and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan (Eds.). (2018) Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 657 pp.</p><br /> <p>Hazir<em>, S</em>., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Bock, C.H., Leite, L.G., (2018) Thermo-stability, dose effects and shelf-life of antifungal metabolite-containing supernatants produced by <em>Xenorhabdus szentirmaii</em>. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150: 297–306.</p><br /> <p>Karimi, J., S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. (2018). Microbial insecticides in Iran: history, current status, challenges and future prospects. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.02.016">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.02.016</a></p><br /> <p>Kumar, K. K., J. Sridhar, R. K. Murali-Baskaran, S. Snthil-Nathan, P. Kaushal, S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. (2018). Microbial biopesticides for insect pest management in India: current status and future prospects. J. Invertebr. Pathol. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.10.008">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.10.008</a></p><br /> <p>Kumar, V., Francis, A., Avery, P.B., McKenzie, C.L., and Osborne, L.S. (2018). Assessing compatibility of <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> and buprofezin for mitigation of <em>Aleurodicus rugioperculatus</em> (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): an invasive pest in the Florida landscape. Economic Entomology 111: 1069-1079. 1-11. doi: 10.1093/jee/toy056</p><br /> <p>Leite, L.G., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Hazir, S., (2018) Survival of <em>Steinernema feltiae</em> in different formulation substrates: improved longevity in a mixture of gel and vermiculite. Biological Control 126: 192-197.</p><br /> <p>Marianelli L., Paoli F., Torrini G., Mazza G., Benvenuti C., Binazzi F., Sabbatini Peverieri G., Bosio G., Venanzio D., Giacometto E., Priori S., Koppenhöfer A.M., Roversi P.F. (2018). Biological control of <em>Popillia japonica</em> (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae): managing the Italian outbreak. J. Appl. Entomol. 142, 311-318.</p><br /> <p>Mariño-Cárdenas, Y.A., Ospina OE, Rodrigues JCV, Bayman P. (2018). High diversity and variability in the bacterial microbiota of the coffee berry borer (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), with emphasis on Wolbachia. Journal of Applied Microbiology doi: 10.1111/jam.13768.</p><br /> <p>Mbata, G.N, C. Ivey, D.I. Shapiro-Ilan, (2018) The potential for using entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi in the management of the maize weevil, <em>Sitophilus zeamais</em> (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control 125: 39-43.</p><br /> <p>Oliveira-Hofman, C. (2018). Characterization of the Natural Enemy Community, With Emphasis on Entomopathogens, for Management of Western Corn Rootworm (<em>Diabrotica virgifera virgifera</em>). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dissertation.</p><br /> <p>O’Neal, M. and S. K. Dara. (2018). Brief history of botanical and microbial pesticides and their current market. UCANR eJournal Strawberries and Vegetables, 31 January, 2018.</p><br /> <p>O’Neal, M. and S. K. Dara. (2018). Biopesticide development, registration, and commercial formulations. UCANR eJournal Strawberries and Vegetables, 19 January, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Ruan, W., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I, Lewis, E.E., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H., Gu, X-H, and Schliekelman, P. (2017). Movement patterns in entomopathogenic nematodes: continuous vs. temporal. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 151: 137-149.</p><br /> <p>Rhodes, E.M., Avery, P.B., and Liburd, O.E. (2018). Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungal products for biocontrol of spotted wing drosophila assessed under laboratory conditions. Florida Entomologist 101: 526-528.</p><br /> <p>Sánchez Barahona, C.F., Threlkeld, B.S., Avery, P. B., Francis, A.W. and Cave, R.D. (2018). Compatibility and efficacy of the ladybird beetle <em>Thalassa</em> <em>montezumae </em>and the entomopathogenic fungus <em>Isaria fumosorosea </em>for biological control of the green croton scale: laboratory and greenhouse investigations<em>. </em>Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12: 715-723.</p><br /> <p>Schmidt, J.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Graham, C., Barwick, S., Sparks, A. Jr., Riley, D. (2018). Entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi virulence to cowpea curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae. Journal of Entomological Science 53: 152-161.</p><br /> <p>Shrestha, G., G.V.P. Reddy and S.T. Jaronski. (2018). Field efficacy of <em>Bacillus thuringiensis</em> <em>galleriae</em> strain SDS-502 for the management of alfalfa weevil and its impact on <em>Bathyplectes</em> spp. parasitization rate. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 153: 6–11.</p><br /> <p>Shrestha G, Briar SS, Reddy GVP. (2018). Plant defense elicitors: plant fitness versus wheat stem sawfly. <em>PeerJ</em> 6:e5892 <a href="https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5892">https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5892</a></p><br /> <p>Singh, N. K., J. A. Goolsby, D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, R. J. Miller, D. B. Thomas, G. M Klafke, J. P. Tidwell, A. E. Racelis, P. S. Grewal, and A. A. Perez de Leon. (2018). Efficacy evaluation of six entomopathogenic nematode species against engorged females of southern cattle fever tick, <em>Rhipicephalus </em>(=<em>Boophilus</em>) <em>microplus</em>. Southwestern Entomologist. 43: 1-18.</p><br /> <p>Singh, N. K., J. A. Goolsby, D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, R. J. Miller, M. Setamou, and A. A. Perez de Leon. (2018). Effect of immersion time on efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against engorged females of southern cattle fever tick, <em>Rhipicephalus </em>(=<em>Boophilus</em>) <em>microplus</em> Southwestern Entomologist<em>. </em>43: 19-28.</p><br /> <p>Sharifi-Far, S., D.I. Shapiro-Ilan, M. Brownbridge, and R.H. Hallett. (2018). The combined approach of strain discovery and the inbred line technique for improving control of <em>Delia radicum</em> with <em>Heterorhabditis bacteriophora</em>. Biological Control 118: 37-43.</p><br /> <p>Willett,<em> D.S</em>., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., (2018) Risk taking of educated nematodes. PLOS ONE, In Press (Accepted 10-3-2018).</p><br /> <p>Wu, S., Kaplan, F., Lewis, E., Alborn, H.T., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., (2018) Infected host macerate enhances entomopathogenic nematode movement towards hosts and infectivity in a soil profile. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. In Press (Accepted 10-14-2018).</p><br /> <p>Valles, SM, SD Porter, and LA Calcaterra. (2018). Prospecting for viral natural enemies of the fire ant <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> in Argentina. Plos One 13: e0192377.</p><br /> <p>Zhou Y. Avery, P.B, Carrillo, D., Duncan, R.H., Lukowsky, A., Cave, R.D., and Keyhani, N.O. (2018). Identification of the Achilles heels of the laurel wilt pathogen and its beetle vector. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102: 5673-5684. doi:org/10.1007/s00253-018-9037-y.</p>Impact Statements
- Improving biopesticide efficacy will promote adoption in organic IPM systems and will reduce dependence on conventional pesticides
Date of Annual Report: 06/30/2020
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019
Participants 2019Name Affiliation Email
1. Robert Behle USDA-ARS, Peoria robert.behle@ars.usda.gov
2. Stefan Jaronski MycoSystems Consulting thebugdoc01@gmail.com
3. Surendra Dara UC Cooperative Extension skdara@ucdavis.edu
4. Rogers Leonard LSU Ag Center rleonard@agcenter.lsu.edu
5. Jimmy Klick Driscoll’s, California jimmy.klick@driscolls.com
6. David Shapiro-ilan USDA-ARS, Georgia david.shapiro@usda.gov
7. David Oi USDA-ARS, Florida david.oi@ars.usda.gov
8. Anamika Sharma Montana State Univ anamika.sharma@montana.edu
9. Pasco Avery University of Florida pbavery@ufl.edu
10. Camila Hofman USDA camila.o.hofman@gmail.com
11. Rogelio Trabanino Honduras rtrabanino@zamorano.edu
12. Ramandeep Sandhi Montana State Univ. Ramansandhi2010@gmail.com
13. Julie Graesch BioWorks Inc. jgraesch@bioworksinc.com
14. Nemat O. Keyhani University of Florida keyhani2ufl.edu
15. Shaohui Wu University of Georgia shaohui.wu@uga.edu
16. Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes University of Tennessee jurat@utk.edu
17. José Carlos Verle Rodrigues University of Puerto Rico jose_carlos@mac.com
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Local arrangements report: (Robert Behle)
- Introductions: Robert Behle (2019 chair): Welcomed all and began with introductions (17 participants). Attendees introduced themselves including a short introduction about their affiliation and work.
- Minutes of 2018 (prepared by Anamika Sharma): A copy of the 2018 minutes was circulated electronically prior to the meeting and a hardcopy was available at the meeting. A motion to approve the 2018 minutes was made by Stefan and was seconded by Pasco and passed unanimously. Minutes of the 2019 meeting are required to be posted within 60 days.
- NIFA administrators report (Rogers Leonard):
The participation in this group changed over time and both industry and public partnership is important for this group. USDA-NIFA move from Washington changes several things in terms of timeline and responses. Due to the change, several members especially research leaders have moved to Kansas and are still moving. New positions will be opening and filling up with USDA in the near future. A tremendous amount of opportunities are available with USDA now. However, due to the change and movement, more time will be taken in decision making and decisions will be slower. The survey of stakeholders regarding projects is also on going. Response to the grants will be delayed significantly, not sure how much time it will take. Not everyone is moving to Kansas but several of them are.
On the personal front, I have been serving this group since 2012 and will be moving in 2020 from LSU (after 41 years). I will be starting private consulting and a new email will be available soon. I will be happy to post the minutes of this 2019 meeting in the next 60 days.
Robert Behle presented details about Funding Opportunities in Plant Protection from NIFA as supplied by Robert M. Nowierski, (National Program Leader, Bio-Based Pest Management, USDA-NIFA, Washington, DC). Details are specified below:
- 2009 - NRI and IFAFS (Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems) combined into a
“premier” program called the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI). 60% fundamental, 40% applied research (up to 30% can be integrated [res., ed., and ext.]). Indirect Cost cap is currently up to 30%.
- Education and Workforce Development - $24 million.
- Foundational and Applied Science Programs (basic research) - $193 million.
- Coord. Ag. Projects (CAP) and Standard Grants
- Critical Ag. Research and Extension
- This is a great source of funding specially for combination of research and extension work
- Sustainable Agricultural Systems (more applied research and often integrated – Research, Education, Extension) - $90 million.
- Foundational Program - Education and Workforce Development Program
- Pre- and Post-Docs
- Secondary School teachers
- Research/Extension Experiential Learning
- Foundational Program – Critical Agricultural Research and Extension Program- - $300,000
- AFRI (Foundational and Applied Science Programs: $193 million)
- Plant Health and Production and Plant Products Pests and Beneficial Species in Ag Production Systems Plant Breeding for Ag Production
- Pollinator Health: Research and Application
- Physiology of Agricultural Plants
- Foundational Knowledge of Ag Production Systems
- Animal Health and Production and Animal Products
- Food Safety, Nutrition and Health
- Renewable Energy, Nat. Resources, and the Environment
- Ag. Systems and Technology
- Ag. Economics and Rural Communities
- AFRI (Sustainable Agricultural Systems: Program Area Priorities):
- Increasing profitability in agriculture through reducing input costs, increasing productivity, and reducing losses due to environmental and biological stresses, including pests and diseases;
- Fostering economic development and prosperity in rural America by catalyzing production of high-value bio-based chemicals and other products using agricultural feedstocks; and/or — incredible source of money and will run for couple of years.
- Enhancing rural prosperity and health by ensuring access to affordable, safe and nutritious food to sustain healthy lifestyles.
- Pest Management Programs:
- CPPM - Crop Protection and Pest Management Program
- ARDP – Applied Research and Development Program (Applied Research, Research-led, Extension-led)- ARDP is best for pest management-provide funding at every stage of project
- EIP – Extension Implementation Program- (amount: three hundred thousand and agricultural centers needs to be registered).
- RCP – Regional Coordination Program- good for seed money
- MBT – Methyl Bromide Transitions Program- working on alternatives for methyl bromide- success 40-50%
- OTP – Organic Transitions Program
- Other PM Opportunities
- IR- 4 – Minor Crop Pest Management Program
- SARE – Sustainable Ag. Res. and Education Program
- OREI – Organic Ag. Res. and Extension Initiative ($19 mil.)
- SCRI – Specialty Crop Research Initiative ($50 mil.) + $25 mil citrus res.
Further details about funding can be assessed from http://www.NIFA.usda.gov/fo/funding.cfm
Dr. Nowierski also answered questions raised by the members and spoke about the present status and success rates of the grants.
For the Sustainable Agriculture Systems grant, multiple laboratory initiatives are also accepted.
Most of the programs have a 9-12% success rate.
Contractors need to speed up because everything is being delayed. Funds are going to be way delayed. There is no budget for the AFRI program at present so need to be patient.
AFRI programs can be slide to another fiscal year, and no-cost extension can be applied.
For NIFA 2020, the funding level could be the same as in previous years.
We completed all efforts on FY2019, crop protection and pest management area
Forty-five continuous words to crop protection and presentation program for NIFA-USDA.
Some of the states did not have a proposal and missed out on the opportunity. Sixteen new programs applied development program area. For most of grants, review panel will be conducted virtually. Most of the programs will be prior to grant responsibility. Different programs are administered by different heads. Twenty-five percent of the staff have already moved to Kansas. We are not sure how quickly we will be able to fill the empty positions but it should take some time. There is an open announcement for program leaders. PI’s meeting is also postponed.
- New business: David Shapiro proposed the development of a proposal for AFRI grant. He suggested the development of a collaborative applied program on various aspects of enhancing formulations and incorporating IPM systems.
Juan: There is a great interest in microbial entomopathogens and a program can be developed to support the insect population so that we can create a bigger avenue to attract people from other streams. Such as pollinators, hence the inclusion of microbial on sustainable environment and making microbials as conservation biocontrol agents and incorporating more ecological aspects is a good idea. Measuring beneficial insects can also be included.
Robert: we should be thinking about crops, should be a single crop or multi-crop program in different geographical areas so that various institutes can be involved.
Rogers: target one pest and collect more data on that model insect pest, diversity, and geography, diversity in the program will be good.
David: it is hard to involve non-unified program which can put off funding agency; can develop something on the fruit fly. Stefan also suggested fruit fly.
Jimmy: chili thrips could also be a possible insect pest.
Stefan: hemp is a good crop, has a lot of insect pests. Pasco and Rogers agreed.
Anamika: sap-sucking hemipteroids could be possible insect pests from different regions.
Robert: Metarhizium is being used for hemp. Stefan and Julie mentioned the reason being the issue of pesticide residue and EPFs are used to avoid restriction from authorities and get clarification.
David: a list of names who will be interested to join the project can be made.
Surendra: insect decline is a controversial concern so, in this project, pollinator decline might not be a genuine concern, growers do not usually consider the decline in pollinators a real issue. Using these microbials will be beneficial for overall ecology.
Juan: we need to make beneficial insects specific.
Jimmy showed interest if fruit fly and chilli thrips is included.
Juan mentioned if molecular aspect is needed he can be involved.
Julie mentioned that she can provide products.
Stefan is happy to participate as a consultant. Robert and Pasco also expressed their interest.
David will send an email to the entire group and maybe a rough outline of the proposal.
Large acreage crops
Anamika Sharma:
Alfalfa: On Alfalfa weevil, in 2017 Bioinsecticide-BeetleGone® (Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae strain SDS-502) provided 50-60% control of alfalfa weevil (Hyperapostica). It had no negative impact on parasitoid populations (Bathyplectes curculionis and Oomyzus incertus). In 2019, two formulations of BeetleGone were tested at two sites.
In 2019, two formulations of BeetleGone were tested. The product was provided by PhyllomBio Products Corporation, Oakland, California, USA. The product was applied at two rates 4 and 8 oz per gallon. Following conventional practice, the product was applied two times, first time in June and second time in July (after 1st harvesting) with five replications with each plot of 5x5meter. New formulation left less residue on leaves while applying and at a higher rate, it reduced the larval population of alfalfa weevil. The parasitoid population was found to be improved at the site with a greater population of alfalfa. At the site with less alfalfa weevil population also the second formulation performed well; however, improved population of parasitoids was associated with a low rate of the product.
Canola: For canola pests, in 2016 at two locations biopesticides were tested for flea beetle (Phyllotretacruciferae) and cabbage seedpod weevil (Ceutorhynchusobstrictus). The biopesticides Entrust, Steinernema-System (Steinernemafeltiae) + Barricade polymer gel 1%, Aza-Direct (azadirachtin), Pyganic1.4 EC (pyrethrins extracted from chrysanthemum), Grandevo SC (Chromobacterium subtsugae), and VenerateXC (Heat killed Burkholderia sp. strain A396) were tested as seed treatments and foliar sprays. Control (water) and Gaucho were tested for comparison. Entrust and Steinernema-System generated significantly positive results (significant lower feeding injury) compared to the control and was equally efficient as Gaucho treatment. In 2018, biopesticides were tested at two locations against the flea beetles. The selected biopesticides were Entrust (spinosad), Aza-Direct, and Mycotrol (Beauveria bassiana). Conventional pesticides, Gaucho and Zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang Maxx) were tested as comparison standards. At the high flea beetle population site (Conrad), Entrust provided maximum yield followed by Gaucho and Mycotrol. At the Cut Bank site with low flea beetle population but more thrips population Entrust provided maximum control and yield followed by Mustang and Mycotrol. In 2019, following biopesticides were compared with conventional pesticides, by direct and indirect interaction: Entrust, BoteGHA (Beauveria bassiana@11.3%), Xpectro (B.bassiana +pyrethrum), BeetleGone (B. thuringiensis), Aza-Direct, Mustang maxx. All the products were tested at two rates (low and high as per label). The sets of experiments were established where products were sprayed on the canola leaves and then flea beetles were released. In another set of experiments, a direct spray of the products was done. In indirect application, in five days Entrust high, Bote GHA high, and xpectro low and high showed the maximum mortality and on 8 days the maximum mortality was shown by BoteGHA low and high> Entrust low>BoteGHA high>Aza high>Entrust high. In direct application, the results were similar to indirect application, expect BeetleGone @ high caused maximum mortality and Aza @ low rate caused minimum mortality.
Wheat stem sawfly (On behalf of Dr. GVP Reddy): For the wheat stem sawfly (WSS) study in 2017, study of adult settling preference behavior on wheat plants with both synthetic plant defense elicitors [Actigard (Acibenzolar-S-meth) and cis-jasmone] and a botanical insecticide (Azadirachtin) showed that two times applications of Actigard had significantly lowered WSS infested stem damage, significantly increased diapausing larval mortality percentages and lowered stem lodging. Based on this result, in 2018 bioinsecticides were tested at high, and low doses: Actigard (1.50 g/L and 0.75 g/L), neem (5.76 ml/L and 2.88 ml/L) and Xpectro (5.0 ml/L and 2.5 ml/L). Results showed that, In general, WSS adult populations were found higher at the Knees location followed by the Choteau, Conrad, and Devon locations. Regardless of location, treatments did not have a significant impact on WSS adult population, at any sampling time. Except, at the Knees location, the wheat plots treated with a lower dose of Xpectro had significantly lower WSS adult population compared with the untreated control plots at 10 days after treatment application. In Knees and Conrad locations, wheat plots treated with Actigard lower dose inflicted noticeably higher percentage of mortality compared to plots treated with Xpectro, Neem, and control, while with higher Actigard dose application at the Devon location. However, no significant differences were found between treatments either of these locations. At Conrad location, a significantly lower mean stem lodging (± SE) occurred when wheat plots were treated with Actigard lower dose (2.78 ± 0.79), and Neem low (2.89 ± 0.20) and high (2.82 ± 0.36) doses compared with untreated control plots (4.33 ± 0.33). At both Choteau and Conrad locations, wheat plots treated with higher dose of Actigard had significantly or numerically lower grain yield compared with other treatments including water. Similar patterns were also observed at the Knees and Devon locations. The same experiment is established in 2019, results are being analyzed.
Wireworms: In 2017, granular formulations of three EPFs, on polenta and millet spent substrate carriers, were applied in-furrow at planting, at two rates, against a water control and imidacloprid seed treatment in spring wheat in Montana, USA. The selected EPFs were Beauveria bassiana GHA, Metarhizium robertsii DWR356, M. robertsii DWR2009, applied as granular formulations at 11 kg ha−1 or 22 kg ha−1. In 2017, at Valier, DWR356, DWR2009 on millet carrier at 22.4 kg ha−1 provided greater yield, but all the treatments at the lower rates were still cost-effective. In 2018, B. bassiana GHA and M. robertsii DWR2009 were retested along with B. bassiana ERL836 and M. brunneum F52. Millet carrier alone, GHA and ERL836 on millet carrier obtained cost-effective results at irrigated and non-irrigated sites in 2018. However, these were less cost-effective than imidacloprid as a seed treatment. The overall cost–benefit ratio of using EPF granules was higher in both the years compared to control. Millet on which the fungi were grown worked better than the other carriers. In 2019, Couscous, Millet, BB couscous, BB Millet, ERL couscous, ERL Mille, 2009 couscous, 2009 millet. Results are yet to be analyzed but raw data explains that at the site with higher wireworm pressure (Barley) 2009 millet is effective and at Choteau site (spring wheat) ERL couscous, ERL Millet, 2009 couscous, and 2009 Millet performed better than control.
Ramandeep Kaur Sandhi: PhD student using entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) for wireworm management in wheat.
Non-native commercially available EPNs: Ten EPN strains; Steinernema carpocapsae (Sc) (all strains and Cxrd strain), Steinernema feltiae (Sf) (SN strain), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Hb) (HP88 strain, VS strain), Steinernema riobrave (Sr) (355 strain, 7-12 strain), Heterorhabditis floridensis (Hf) (K22 strain), Heterorhabditis georgiana (Hg) (Kesha strain), and Steinernema rarum (Sr) (17 c + e strain) were received from Dr. David Shapiro-Ilan. In laboratory bioassays, these strains were tested against wireworms Limonius californicus at four doses (700, 1400, 2800, 5600 IJs/larva) and mortality was observed weekly. Strains ScAll, ScCxrd, Sr 7-12, Sr 355, HbVS, and Sr 17c+e were found to be more effective than the others. After 2 weeks, mortality remained at 30% in almost all the strains except Sr 355 and Sr 7-12 which was 40-60%. After 2 weeks, it increased and reached 50-70% in the promising strains. In addition, shade house experiments were conducted using 2 doses, 80000 IJs (8000 IJs/larva) and 10000 IJs (100 IJs/larva). Almost the same mortality was observed at both doses; no significant differences were found. EPN strains (ScAll, ScCxrd, Sr 355, and Sr 7-12) caused almost 30-50% mortality after 4 weeks. Only 10% mortality was observed in the control. There was no significant difference in plant damage caused by L. californicus when exposed to the different treatments. In 2019, field trials were conducted at two locations using insect cadavers as treatments with Sc All, Sc Cxrd, Sr 355, and Sr 7-12 strains. No significant differences were observed in respect to number of wireworms, plant damage, and post-harvest parameters (yield, test weight, protein, and moisture).
Montana native EPNs present in wireworms: 30 fields were surveyed in 2018 and found two isolates of S. feltiae and one isolate of H. bacteriophora were discovered. In the laboratory, 50% L. californicus mortality was caused by S. feltiae after 4 weeks as compared to only 20-25% mortality by H. bacteriophora. In shade house experiments, two isolates of S. feltiae were tested against L. californicus; however, mortality did not increase by 25%. No significant differences were observed between plant damage caused by L. californicus in the presence of EPN species.
Stefan Jaronski:
Wheat stem sawfly: Endophytic Beauveria bassiana demonstrated infection in the larvae. To work with diapausing larvae, pupation and entire life cycle and stem elongation is a cumbersome experiment due to the scheduling. A method of scraping the plants and fungus infestation after? 3 weeks was employed. In the Republic of Georgia Beauveria bassiana reduced fusarium head blight. An enzyme assay to induce systemic resistance, and exposure of a certain variety of wheat to Beauveria bassiana increases the resistance. Georgian scientists also looked at the fumigant effects of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium pemphigi, and Beauveria was found to be more effective. There is a volatile effect that inhibits the growth of Fusarium (we understand this happens at least in-vitro). ARS has filed a patent registration.
Stefan mentioned the work done by Dr. Ann Hajek and her team members. Her team is looking at BoteGHA (Certis) for the management of lanternflies. 50% reduction is reported in larvae by the spray of Beauveria. Ann and her postdoc are bio assaying impact of fungi on all life stages. With lanternfly, natural epizootic was recorded and there could be a diverse population.
At Virginia Tech, work on Hemp is going on and testing out the biopesticides, BT and BoteGHA against European corn borer, stink bugs, and thrips.
We are also testing native baculovirus from Australia, granular fungus on wireworms (Limonius sp.) on the potato crop. Also working with AgBio with Gates foundation in Africa on sweet potato against sweet potato weevil adults.
Orchard System
José Carlos Verle Rodrigues (Puerto Rico): Exploring and isolating, EPNs in different classes and types of soil for managing coffee borer. New species of Oscheius was found in soil. Further laboratory evaluation is being conducted to establish the pathogenicity of the species. A large dataset was built on the population of Oscheius in soils. We are also checking Metarhizium in soil with coffee plants to manage coffee borer. Isolating thousands of strains of this fungus and establishing the experiment in the field. We are looking for symbionts that can have a role in the Oscheius establishment and pathogenicity.
Stefan Jaronski: From the past two years working with APHIS and screening commercial fungi for managing Asian citrus psyllid. They have 6 Potter towers to do several bioassays. We have a large Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and Tamarixia radiata colony. Good replications of all the isolate are established. Isaria (NoFly) is marketed by two companies in the USA. Both blastospores and conidia are produced. Brazil has commercialized Isaria for Asian citrus psyllid, but is not available in the US. Isaria PFR 97 is reported to be best in the US. Conidia are better than blastospores (1:1 ratio are better). Auto dissemination can be also used for managing psyllids. Pasco mentioned that nymphs will be more susceptible due to less mobility.
Pasco Avery: For managing Asian citrus psyllid, we have some tolerant varieties, otherwise the citrus industry is declining in Florida. We are testing ultra-low volume versus air blast spraying techniques to manage psyllid with Isaria fumosorosea (Ifr). Adults may become repelled from Isaria (due to volatiles) from lying on the plant surface and hence they do not settle on the leaf surfaces; however, this hypothesis is being tested under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Therefore, the experiment is ambiguous due to the lack of contact between insect and residue. In field, we are not sure if and how the psyllids are coming in contact with the fungus. We are trying a new surfactant, Ampersand® which is also rainproof. This product may keep the spores on the surface of the leaf, and possibly improve the overall efficacy by increasing the chances of contact by the psyllid. Auto dissemination can also work with color and phago-stimulant attractant.
Also working with lebbeck mealybug, which is a citrus insect pest. We are exploring Beauveria and Isaria. We cover the plant with a netted bag that should create a microclimate and enable fungal sporulation. However because the nymphal stages keep moulting and keep shedding the fungus deposited on the exuviae, only the adult stage should die after the moulting process stops.
About citrus psyllid, Stefan said that we should get out of the psychology of control, rather we should concentrate on the interference of pathogen transmission. Orange jasmine tree is a big reservoir for citrus psyllid, which makes the management tough. Also for the successful establishment of EPF, higher humidity is required under field conditions.
Camila Hofman: Working with Peach tree borer. We are applying Steinernema carpocapsae on the base of the tree and this method is working very well. We are applying Barricade polymer gel (2%) immediately after applying S. carpocapsae. Also checking weevil population and plant-parasitic nematodes, in lab and green house experiments. The first application at the base of the tree is in water and then the full percentage of Barricade gel can be applied. 2% gel can be applied along with EPNs. Both curative and preventative reasons are there.
In another project, we are exploring the impact of pheromones on the movement of S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae. Pheromones can cause greater mobility; this work is getting ready to publish. For citrus root weevil, Steinernema riobrave and S. carpocapsae are being tested against this.
David mentioned that pheromones are the boosters and stimulants to excite the nematodes. The company is focusing on producing pheromones.
Robert Behle: Walnut borer is an annual pest and they feed on the nuts and overwinter in the soil. During the overwintering stage, they can be treated with EPF. We are trying Isaria and Metarhizium, in the soil and still do not have any significant results.
David Shapiro-ilan: We are focusing on walnut borer pupae. In pecan, for pecan weevil, also we are testing Beauveria. We are focusing on the endophytic fungus. Pecan can be hedged and this can reduce insect infestation. The impact of hedging on the efficacy of EPF is being studied. We are also trying to invest in the production of EPNs to make it a self-sufficient process for growers. Also working on fungus formulations, establishing the fungus by nano-solution. We are also considering adding fungus to GF Protein.
International Space Station (ISS) National Lab is planning to incorporate microbials in their program. ISS is sending EPNs to the space station to investigate if they can move and infect the insect in microgravity. I am involved as a co-project director and will be exploring pheromone production and infectivity.
Rogelio Trabanino: Working with the fungus inoculant to manage coffee borer in Honduras. We are also encountering and worried about the problem of Fusarium on the banana crop. We are trying to improve soil health to manage Fusarium in the banana crop.
Surendra: Trying to work with leaf-footed bugs. This pest is the problem in pomegranate and future problem for almonds. I was thinking of Isaria but due to the disappearance of pest, no work could have been conducted at present.
Juan Luis Jurat-Fuentes: In Sri Lanka, we have isolated XenTari (BT) like isolate against armyworm. Toxins are different from XenTari. Might work against other lepidopteran pests. We are testing this isolate against early instars of armyworms.
Small fruits and vegetables
Jimmy Klick: The focus of our work is on blueberries and strawberries. During a recent visit to China, we explored Metarhizium and Beauveria for blueberry and strawberry insect pests. Collaborating with Nemat Keyhani. He has worked in China, where growers are regularly using Metarhizium strains. Growers used this product in pots. Chili thrips in China is a huge issue. We tried the drench method and compared the results with control. The combination of Metarhizium drench and predatory mites worked well. Looking forward to work with EPNs against white grubs.
Also working with Lygus sp. problem in strawberries, we did not find any EPNs in strawberry soil but found S. feltiae in soil with the alfalfa insectary. For blueberries, Mycotrol and AzaDirect worked better for whiteflies and aphids. A combination of both products also performed well.
David, Robert, and Surendra mentioned that there could be additive or synergistic relation could be there but hard to prove and depends on the amount of both the products.
Stefan mentioned that sometime fecundity can be reduced by combing products such as neem and fungus for cotton aphids on cotton crop.
Julie mentioned that we recommend to the growers for managing aphids to use half-rate of Aza and half rate of Mycotrol or rotation of full rate of Aza and Beauveria bassiana.
Shaohui Wu: We found new strain for Isaria against whitefly. This is even better than Beauveria bassiana GHA. The temperature has a greater impact on fungus growth. At moderate temperature (10-35º C) and low temperature, no fungus growth was observed on Galleria.
David Shapiro: Screening EPNs and EPFs against thrips on vegetable crops. Working on a new project on sweet potato weevil in South Africa.
Surendra: In a 2019 strawberry field study, unformulated California isolates of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. were used in a rotation program to control gray mold (Botrytis cinereal). Rotating entomopathogenic fungi with fungicides Merivon and Pristine resulted in a significant reduction in disease severity. Efficacy was comparable to some of the chemical or non-chemical treatments evaluated in the study. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=30729
Urban and natural landscapes, rangelands, and nurseries
David Shapiro: Working on the control of ticks by using nematodes. Could be potentially sprayed from the chute. At feeding stations, animals get shot of EPNs (study is published).
Robert Behle: Working on the management of white grub research in the golf course for golf association.
Shaohui Wu: Imidacloprid and EPNs have an additive affect. Microsclerotia are more tolerant than conidia.
Stefan Jaronski: For grasshopper’s microbial control, program at APHIS in Phoenix, Arizona is under progress. Developed a bait as a good carrier for BT and fungus. Bringing the Metarhizium acridum which is only infectious to Orthoptera. APHIS will sign an agreement to get the strains and start doing the molecular screening. Shelf life is empirical and hard to develop a pattern. Needs about 7-10% (water activity 0.3) to achieve a better shelf life.
David Oi (ARS-Gainesville, FL): Nine new viruses were discovered in fire ants from South America. Two of the viruses exhibit unique genome structures which suggest that they may be a new category of viruses. The nine viruses have not been detected in the U.S. and potentially could be released into the U.S. fire ant population as biological control agents. A project to examine the stinging, invasive ant, Wasmannia auropunctata or little fire ant, for pathogens to be used as biocontrol agents has been initiated. Initial samples will be ants be from Florida, Hawaii, Argentina, and Australia. Following methods developed for imported fire ants, metatranscriptomics and next generation sequencing will be used to accelerate prospecting for viral pathogens.
Chromobacterium Csp_P extract suspended in the sucrose solution was provided to red imported fire ant workers to determine potential utility as an ant bait toxicant. Preliminary results have been inconsistent. Further testing is in progress.
Stefan: Company is producing Beauveria bassiana GHA for bed bug control. The product is adopted by the pest control industry. It is a barrier spray. Special oil formation and bed bugs pick it up on their field. The product needs to be sprayed around the mattress at the base of the wall.
A.M. Koppenhofer (Rutgers University):
Project 1: A field experiment targeting the externally feeding mid-size larvae of the annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), Listronotus maculicollis, were conducted in spring of 2019 at four golf courses. Treatment timing was centered around the presumed optimal timing for M. brunneum F52 conidia to infect ABW larvae, when about 50% of the larval population had reached the fourth to fifth instar. At this time, treatments were applied that were able to immediately affect the ABW larvae (i.e., conidial formulation and imidacloprid). A microsclerotial formulation of F52 was applied 3 weeks earlier to give the microsclerotia time to produce conidia.
Treatments were the microsclerotial granular formulation of F52 (50 kg ha-1), two rates of the conidia-based liquid formulation of F52 (9.55 kg ha-1 and 19.1 kg ha-1 equivalent to 5 and 10 × 1013 CFU ha-1), the neonicotinoid imidacloprid (336 g ai ha-1), and the combination of each F52 treatment with imidacloprid. Treatments were watered in with 5 mm overhead irrigation. Treatments were evaluated 12 to 16 days after the last application by taking eight cores per plot and determining the number of live ABW individuals in them.
For all sites combined, the density of ABW developmental stages was significantly affected by treatment and site; treatment and site did not interact significantly. All treatments except for the microsclerotia (18%) significantly reduced ABW densities with 29% and 51% for the low and high rate, respectively, of the conidial formulation, 40% for imidacloprid, 51% for the microsclerotia-imidacloprid combination, and 55% and 70% for the combination of low and high rate, respectively, of the conidial formulation. In all combination treatments, fungus and imidacloprid did not interact resulting in additive mortality.
The efficacy of the microsclerotial and the conidial formulations was likely somewhat limited by relatively low temperatures. However, applications against the larvae in summer with more conducive temperature would be constrained by the regular fungicide use on golf courses. The M. brunneum-imidacloprid combinations all provided consistent significant control across all four experimental sites, but only the combination with the high conidia rate provided control high enough to be considered satisfactory golf course managers.
Discussions and Outcomes
- The theme for symposium at ESA 2020. Title: Stefan: importance of entomopathogens as natural enemiesDavid: hidden heroes: entompathogens as natural enemies Stefan: Speakers on nematodes, fungus, virus, bacteria as natural enemies can be involved. Tentative speakers on various natural enemies:Nematodes- Ivan Hiltpold, Mary Barbercheck Bacteria: Trevor Jackson, Colin BerryMotion moved by Pasco, seconded by Stefan and approved unanimously.
- Ecological modelling: Bret Elderd
- Fungus- Ann Hajek
- Viruses- Jennifer Cory, Wayne Hunter, Kelli Hoover, Trevor Williams,
- Surendra: combine entomo- vectoring as well.
- Suggested tentative names are: Ann Hajek (Cornell), Diane Carter (Florida), Bruce Webb (Kentucky), Jennifer Cory (Canada), Dr. Larry Duncan (Florida).
- All agreed- Hidden Heroes: Entomopathogens as Natural Enemies
- BOB: entomopathogens-the important natural enemies
- Team members discussed the status of microbials as natural enemies and their contribution to eco-systems services. We can attract the audience by including bio-control people. David, Stefan, Pasco, Robert suggested the possible names for next year’s symposium.
- Robert Behle: We should target the AFRI large grant as multi-institutional. David will lead the proposal and Co-PIs can be found as we progress.
- Surendra: Frontiers (special issue) will be coming out on ‘Entomopathogens for sustainable food production (Frontiers in sustainable food systems). Research and Review articles are invited (tentative deadline April 2020; research or review article are accepted; charges $700-900; impact factor: 2.8).
- New business: Roger will resign and we need to find a replacement. Robert mentioned about increasing the membership and present members should spread the word. University people have to sign in and application will go in, there is a link so please all go through and sign in.
- Need to conduct the election to identify member-at-large.
Jimmy will be chair and Stefan will be vice-chair, Julie Graesch will be Member-at-large. Motion passed by Robert, seconded by José Carlos, motion unanimously passed.
- José mentioned that the Southeastern branch meeting in 2021 will happen in Puerto Rico and this group can present there.
4:40 PM meeting adjourned.
<p><em>New business</em>: David Shapiro proposed the development of a proposal for AFRI grant. He suggested the development of a collaborative applied program on various aspects of enhancing formulations and incorporating IPM systems.</p><br /> <p>Juan: There is a great interest in microbial entomopathogens and a program can be developed to support the insect population so that we can create a bigger avenue to attract people from other streams. Such as pollinators, hence the inclusion of microbial on sustainable environment and making microbials as conservation biocontrol agents and incorporating more ecological aspects is a good idea. Measuring beneficial insects can also be included.</p><br /> <p>Robert: we should be thinking about crops, should be a single crop or multi-crop program in different geographical areas so that various institutes can be involved.</p><br /> <p>Rogers: target one pest and collect more data on that model insect pest, diversity, and geography, diversity in the program will be good.</p><br /> <p>David: it is hard to involve non-unified program which can put off funding agency; can develop something on the fruit fly. Stefan also suggested fruit fly.</p><br /> <p>Jimmy: chili thrips could also be a possible insect pest.</p><br /> <p>Stefan: hemp is a good crop, has a lot of insect pests. Pasco and Rogers agreed.</p><br /> <p>Anamika: sap-sucking hemipteroids could be possible insect pests from different regions.</p><br /> <p>Robert: Metarhizium is being used for hemp. Stefan and Julie mentioned the reason being the issue of pesticide residue and EPFs are used to avoid restriction from authorities and get clarification.</p><br /> <p>David: a list of names who will be interested to join the project can be made.</p><br /> <p>Surendra: insect decline is a controversial concern so, in this project, pollinator decline might not be a genuine concern, growers do not usually consider the decline in pollinators a real issue. Using these microbials will be beneficial for overall ecology.</p><br /> <p>Juan: we need to make beneficial insects specific.</p><br /> <p>Jimmy showed interest if fruit fly and chilli thrips is included.</p><br /> <p>Juan mentioned if molecular aspect is needed he can be involved.</p><br /> <p>Julie mentioned that she can provide products.</p><br /> <p>Stefan is happy to participate as a consultant. Robert and Pasco also expressed their interest.</p><br /> <p>David will send an email to the entire group and maybe a rough outline of the proposal.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Discussions and Outcomes</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>The theme for symposium at ESA 2020. Team members discussed the status of microbials as natural enemies and their contribution to eco-systems services. We can attract the audience by including bio-control people. David, Stefan, Pasco, Robert suggested the possible names for next year's symposium. Title: Stefan: Importance of Entomopathogens as Natural Enemies, BOB: Entomopathogens - the important natural enemies, David: Hidden Heroes: Entomopathogens as natural enemies, All agreed: Hidden Heroes: Entomopathogens as Natural Enemies</li><br /> <li>Robert Behle: We should target the AFRI large grant as multi-institutional. David will lead the proposal and Co-PIs can be found as we progress.</li><br /> <li>Surrendra: Frontiers (special issue) will be comng out on "Entomopathogens for sustainable food production (Frontiers in sustainable food systems). Research and Review articles are invited (tentative deadline April 2020; research or review article are accepted; charges $700-900; impact factor: 2.8).</li><br /> <li>New business: Roger will resign and we need to find a replacement. Robert mentioned about increasing the membership and present members should spread the word. University people have to sign in and application will go in, there is a link so please all go through and sign in.</li><br /> <li>Need to conduct the election to identify member-at-large. Jimmy will be chair adn Stefan will be vice-chair. Jule Graesch will be Member-at-large. Motion passed by Robert, seconded by Jose Carlos, motion unanimously passed.</li><br /> <li>Jose mentioned that the Southeastern branch meeting in 2021 will happen in Puerto Rico and this group can present there.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Activities 2018-2019</span></strong></p><br /> <p>In 2019, at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) (Entomology 2019: Advocate Entomology) a member symposium was organized on November 19, 2019 (09:00 AM - 11:15 AM).</p><br /> <p>“Member Symposium: Advocating Entomopathogens for Sustainable Agriculture”. Five presentations were included.</p><br /> <p>Organizers: Robert W. Behle (USDA – ARS); Moderators: Jimmy Klick (Driscoll’s) and Anamika Sharma (Montana State University)</p><br /> <p>Frontiers (special issue) will be coming out on ‘Entomopathogens for sustainable food production (Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems). Research and review articles are invited (tentative deadline April 2020). More information can be found here: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11865</p><br /> <p>Microbials related publications generated by members of S1070 in 2018-2019 are cited at the end of the report.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Microbial related publication from group members (2018-2019):</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Arthurs, S. and S. K. Dara. 2018. Microbial biopesticides for invertebrate pests and their markets in the United States. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.008">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.008</a></p><br /> <p>Aristizábal, L. F., Avery, P. B., Caldwell, J., McKenzie, C. L., and L. S. Osborne. 2018. Mitigating trans-boundary movement of <em>Bemisia tabaci</em> (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on Mentha sp. by pre-shipping treatments of biopesticides. Crop Protection 107: 71-78.</p><br /> <p>Avery, P. B., Bojorque, V., Gámez, C., Duncan, R. E, Carrillo, D., and R. D. Cave. 2018. Spore acquisition and survival of ambrosia beetles associated with the laurel wilt pathogen in avocados after exposure to entomopathogenic fungi. Insects. 9 (2), 49; doi:10.3390/insects9020049</p><br /> <p>Avery, P. B., Kumar, V., Skvarch, E. A., Mannion, C. M., Powell, C. A., McKenzie, C. L. and L. S. Osborne. 2019. An ecological assessment of <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> applications compared to a neonicotinoid treatment for regulating invasive ficus whitefly. Journal of Fungi 5, 36. doi:10.3390/jof5020036</p><br /> <p>Brown, K., Olendraite, I., Valles, S.M., Firth, A., Chen, Y., Guerin, D., Hashimoto, Y., Herrero, S., De Miranda, J., Ryabov, E. 2019. ICTV virus taxonomy profile: Polycipiviridae. Journal of General Virology. 100:554-555.</p><br /> <p>Brown, K., Olendraite, I., Valles, S.M., Firth, A., Chen, Y., Guerin, D., Hashimoto, Y., Herrero, S., De Miranda, J., Ryabov, E. 2019. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Solinviviridae. Journal of General Virology. 100:736-737.</p><br /> <p>Chow, A., Dunlap, C. A., Jackson, M. A., Avery, P. B., Patt, J. M., and M. Sétamou. 2018. Field efficacy of autodissemination and foliar sprays of an entomopathogenic fungus, <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae), for control of Asian citrus psyllid, <em>Diaphorina citri</em> (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology (submitted Apr 2018; accepted 2 July 2018). doi: 10.1093/jee/toy216</p><br /> <p>Dara, S.K. Non-Entomopathogenic Roles of Entomopathogenic Fungi in Promoting Plant Health and Growth. Insects 2019, 10, 277.</p><br /> <p>Dara, S.K.; Montalva, C.; Barta, M. Microbial Control of Invasive Forest Pests with Entomopathogenic Fungi: A Review of the Current Situation. Insects 2019, 10, 341.</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K. and R. A. Humber. Entomophthoroid fungi. <em>In</em> Beneficial microbes in agro-ecology: volume 2: fungi. Eds. N. Amaresan, K. M. Senthil, K. Annapurna, K. Kumar, and A. Sankaranarayanan. Elsevier. Submitted. (Book chapter)</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K. Entomopathogens and their interactions with other pest management options. <em>In</em> Microbes and metabolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, pp. 299-316. (Book chapter)</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K. Implementation of integrated pest and disease management in greenhouses: strawberries and other berries. <em>In </em>Pest and disease management in greenhouse crops. Eds. Gullino, M. L., A. Albajes, P. Nicot, and J. C. van Lenteren. Springer. In Press (Book chapter)</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. S., S.S.R. Dara, S. K. Dara, and S. T. Jaronski. 2019. Entomopathogenic fungi antagonizing <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em> in strawberry. Progressive Crop Consultant 4(6): 20-24.</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K., S. S. Dara, and S. Jaronski. 2019. Controlling the western grapeleaf skeletonizer with biorational products and California isolates of entomopathogenic fungi. CAPCA Adviser, 22(2): 46-48.</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K. 2018. Entomopathogenic fungi as key players in crop protection and production. Progressive Crop Consultant 3(5): 4-7.</p><br /> <p>Dara, S. K., D. Peck, and D. Murray. 2018. Chemical and non-chemical solutions for managing two spotted spider mite, western tarnished plant bug, and other arthropod pests in strawberries. Insects 9: 156. <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/insects9040156">https://doi.org/10.3390/insects9040156</a></p><br /> <p>Eivazian Kary N., Sanatipour Z., Mohammadi D., Koppenhofer A.M. 2018. Developmental stage affects the interaction of <em>Steinernema carpocapsae</em> and Abamectin for the control of <em>Phthorimaea operculella</em> (Lepidoptera, Gelechidae). Biol. Control. 122, 18-23.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kamali S., Karimi J., Koppenhofer A.M., Anaraki F.T. 2018. New insight into the management of the tomato leaf miner, <em>Tuta absoluta</em> (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) with entomopathogenic nematodes under greenhouse condition. J. Econ. Entomol. 111, 112-119.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Karimi, J., S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. 2018. Microbial insecticides in Iran: history, current status, challenges and future prospects. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.02.016</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kumar, V., Francis, A., Avery, P. B., McKenzie, C. L., and L. S. Osborne. 2018. Assessing compatibility of <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> and buprofezin for mitigation of <em>Aleurodicus rugioperculatus</em> (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): an invasive pest in the Florida landscape. Economic Entomology 111: 1069-1079. doi: 10.1093/jee/toy056</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kumar, K. K., J. Sridhar, R. K. Murali-Baskaran, S. Senthil-Nathan, P. Kaushal, S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. 2018. Microbial biopesticides for insect pest management in India: current status and future prospects. J. Invertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.10.008</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Pick, D. A., Avery, P. B., Quershi, J. A., Arthurs, S. P. and C. A. Powell. Field persistence and pathogenicity of <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> for management of <em>Diaphorina citri</em>. Biocontrol Science and Technology (submitted 14 Nov 2019, being revised)</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Rhodes, E. M., Avery, P. B., and O. E. Liburd. 2018. Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungal products for biocontrol of spotted wing drosophila assessed under laboratory conditions. Florida Entomologist 101: 526-528.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Sánchez Barahona, C.F., Threlkeld, B. S., Avery, P. B., Francis, A. W. and R. D. Cave. 2018. Compatibility and efficacy of the ladybird beetle <em>Thalassa montezumae</em> and the entomopathogenic fungus <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> for biological control of the green croton scale: laboratory and greenhouse investigations. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12: 715-723. doi: 10.1007/s11829-018-9618-9</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Sharma A, Jaronski S, Reddy GVP. 2019. Impact of the granular carriers to improve the efficacy of entomopathogenic fungus against wireworms in spring wheat. Journal of Pest Science. DOI: 10.1007/s10340-019-01161-1.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Valles, S.M., Rivers, A.R. 2019. Nine new RNA viruses associated with the fire ant <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> from its native range. Virus Genes. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11262-019-01652-4.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Valles, S.M., Porter, S.D. 2019. Influence of temperature on the pathogenicity of <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> virus 3. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2019.107217.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Zhou Y., Avery, P. B, Carrillo, D., Duncan, R. H., Lukowsky, A., Cave, R. D. and N. O. Keyhani. 2018. Identification of the Achilles heels of the laurel wilt pathogen and its beetle vector. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102: 5673-5684. doi:org/10.1007/s00253-018-9037-y.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"> </span></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"> </span></p>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/08/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020
AttendeesName Affiliation Email
1. Robert Behle USDA-ARS, Peoria robert.behle@ars.usda.gov
2. Stefan Jaronski MycoSystems Consulting thebugdoc01@gmail.com
3. Surendra Dara UC Cooperative Extension skdara@ucdavis.edu
4. Jimmy Klick Driscoll’s, California jimmy.klick@driscolls.com
5. David Shapiro-Ilan USDA-ARS, Georgia david.shapiro@usda.gov
6. David Oi USDA-ARS, Florida david.oi@ars.usda.gov
7. Anamika Sharma Virginia Tech anamika@vt.edu
8. Pasco Avery University of Florida pbavery@ufl.edu
9. Ramandeep Sandhi Montana State Univ. Ramansandhi2010@gmail.com
10. Julie Graesch BioWorks Inc. jgraesch@bioworksinc.com
11. Shaohui Wu University of Georgia shaohui.wu@uga.edu
12. José Carlos Verle Rodrigues University of Puerto Rico jose_carlos@mac.com
13. Gadi VP Reddy USDA-ARS, Mississippi gadi.reddy@usda.gov
14. Patricia Stock University of Arizona spstock@email.arizona.edu
15. Govinda Shrestha Oregon State University shresthg@oregonstate.edu
16. Daniel Zommick valentbiosciences Daniel.Zommick@valentbiosciences.com
17. Hai Tran Agbiome htran@agbiome.com
18. Adam Chun University of Florida adamcnwong@ufl.edu
19. Rogelio Trabanino Honduras rtrabanino@zamorano.edu
20. Carlos E Bográn OHP, Texas cbogran@ohp.com
21. Robert M. Nowierski USDA (NIFA) robert.nowierski@usda.gov
22. Paula Agudelo Clemson University pagudel@clemson.edu
Apologies from Edwin Lewis and Olga Kostromytska were received.
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Outcomes 2019-2020</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Frontiers (special issue) will be coming out on ‘Entomopathogens for sustainable food production (Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems). Research and review articles are invited (Topic Editors: Surendra Dara, Steven Arthurs, Robert Behle). More information can be found here: <a href="https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11865">https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11865</a>.</p><br /> <p>Environmental Research and Public Health (special issue: Current Status, Challenges, and Prospects of Biopesticides). Research and review articles are invited (Deadline for manuscript submission, 15 April 2021; Guest Editors: Surendra Dara, Stefan T. Jaronski).</p><br /> <p>Microbials related publications generated by members of S1070 in 2019-2020 are cited at the end of the report.</p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Microbial related publications (research and outreach) from group members (2019-2020):</span></strong></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>AgNet West podcast about biologicals in IPM <a href="https://agnetwest.com/making-sense-of-biologicals-biologicals-not-just-for-an-organic-ipm-program/">https://agnetwest.com/making-sense-of-biologicals-biologicals-not-just-for-an-organic-ipm-program/</a></li><br /> <li>AgNet West podcast about entomopathogenic fungi <a href="https://agnetwest.com/making-sense-of-biologicals-entomopathogenic-fungi-mythbusting/">https://agnetwest.com/making-sense-of-biologicals-entomopathogenic-fungi-mythbusting/</a></li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li>Arnold, D.P., S.P. Balasubramani, S.M. Valles, and B.A. Hottel. 2020. Prevalence of Solenopsis invicta virus 3 (Solinviviridae: Invictavirus) in <em>Solenopsis invicta</em> (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) alates collected in north Florida. <em>Florida Entomol.</em> (in press).</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Avery, P. B., V. Kumar, A. Francis, C. L. McKenzie, and L. S. Osborne. 2020. Compatibility of the predatory beetle, <em>Delphastus catalinae</em> with an entomopathogenic fungus, <em>Cordyceps fumosorosea</em> for biocontrol of invasive pepper whitefly, <em>Aleurotrachelus trachoides. </em>Insects 11, 590. doi:10.3390/insects11090590.</li><br /> <li>Avery, P. B., V. Kumar, E. A. Skvarch, C. M. Mannion, C. A. Powell, C. L. McKenzie, and L. S. Osborne. 2019. An ecological assessment of <em>Isaria fumosorosea</em> applications compared to a neonicotinoid treatment for regulating invasive ficus whitefly. Journal of Fungi 5, 36. doi:10.3390/jof5020036.</li><br /> <li>Bock, C.H., Hotchkiss, M.W., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Brock, J.H., Brenneman, T.B., Wilkins, B., Wells, D.E., Wells, L., Mizell, R.F., 2019. A comparison of organic fungicides: alternatives for reducing scab on pecan. Organic Agriculture 9, 305-314.</li><br /> <li>Bock, C.H., Hotchkiss, M.W., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Wells, L., Brock, J., Brenneman, T., Mizell, R. 2019. Efficacy of Bordeaux mixture in reducing pecan scab in the southeastern U.S.A. Organic Agriculture 9, 189-198.</li><br /> <li>Chacón-Orozco, J.G., Bueno, C.J., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Hazir, S., Leite, L.G., and Harakava, R. 2020.Antifungal activity of <em>Xenorhabdus</em> spp. and <em>Photorhabdus</em> spp. against the soybean pathogenic <em>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum</em>. Scientific Reports, 10, Article number: 20649. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77472-6</li><br /> <li>Chen, C., Ma, H., Ma, M., Li, J., Zheng, S., Song, Q., Gu, X., Hu, B., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Ruan, W. 2020. An innovative strategy for control of fungus gnats using entomopathogenic nematodes alone or in combination with waterlogging. Journal of Nematology, e2020-57. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2020-057.</li><br /> <li>Clifton, E., Hajek, A.E., Jenkins, N.E., Roush, R.T., Rost, J.P., Biddinger, D.J. 2020. Applications of Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) to control populations of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), in semi-natural landscapes and on grapevines. Environ. Entomol. 49: 854-864.</li><br /> <li>Clifton, E.H., Jaronski, S.T., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Virulence of commercialized fungal entomopathogens against Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis. J. Ins. Sci. 20(2): 1: 1-6. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/ieaa006</li><br /> <li>Cottrell, T.E., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Horton, D.L., 2019. Laboratory assays against adult and larval sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) using entomopathogenic nematodes, microbial-based insecticides and synthetic insecticides. Journal of Entomological Science 54, 30-42.</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. 2020. Arthropod resistance to biopesticides. Organic Farmer 3(4): 16-19. <a href="http://organicfarmermag.com/2020/08/arthropod-resistance-to-biopesticides/">http://organicfarmermag.com/2020/08/arthropod-resistance-to-biopesticides/</a> (Trade journal article)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. 2020. Biological pesticides in nut crops: a look at use strategies and the risk of resistance development. September issue of West Coast Nut, pp. 48-50. (Trade journal article)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. 2020. Mating disruption as an IPM tool in diamondback moth management. eJournal of Entomology and Biologicals, 12 November 2020. <a href="https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=44160">https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=44160</a> (Extension article)</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. Biological inoculants and biopesticides in small fruit and vegetable production in California. <em>In</em> Advances in bioinoculants: biopesticides Volume 2. Ed. A. Rakshit, V. S. Meena, P. C.Abhilash, B. K. Sarma, H. B. Singh, L. Fraceto, M. Parihar, and A. K. Singh, Elsevier, Submitted (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. Constraints and challenges in the popularization of biopesticides in organic farming. <em>In </em>Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, In print. (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. Integrated insect pest management in economically important crops. <em>In </em>Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, In print. (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. Microbial metabolites as pesticides.<em> In</em> Microbial metabolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, In print. (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. The principles of the application of biopesticides in organic farming. <em>In </em>Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, In print. (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. 2019. Interactions of entomopathogens with other pest management options. <em>In</em> Microbes and mebolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, pp. 299-316. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23045-6_11">https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23045-6_11</a> (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. 2020. Implementation of IPDM in strawberries and other berries. <em>In </em>Pest and disease management in greenhouse crops, Plant Pathology in the 21<sup>st</sup> Century. Eds. Gullino, M. L., A. Albajes, P. Nicot, and J. C. van Lenteren. Springer. pp. 597-624 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22304-5_21">https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22304-5_21</a> (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K. and R. A. Humber. 2020. Entomophthoran. <em>In</em> Beneficial microbes in agro-ecology: volume 2: bacteria and fungi. Eds. N. Amaresan, K. M. Senthil, K. Annapurna, K. Kumar, and A. Sankaranarayanan. Elsevier. pp 757-775. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823414-3.00039-3">https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823414-3.00039-3</a> (Book chapter)</li><br /> <li>Dara, S. K., S. S. Dara, and S.S.R. Dara. 2020. Managing <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> f. sp. <em>vasinfectum</em> Race 4 with beneficial microorganisms including entomopathogenic fungi. Acta Horticulturae 1270: 111-116. <a href="https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1270.11">https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1270.11</a> (Trade journal article)</li><br /> <li>Eric H. Clifton, Sana Gardescu, Robert W. Behle, and Ann E. Hajek. 2020. Optimizing application rates of Metarhizium brunneum microsclerotia for infecting the invasive Asian longhorned beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 113: 2650-2656.</li><br /> <li>Fu, Y., Wang, W., Chen, C., Shan, S., Wei, X., Liu, Y., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Gu, X., Hu, B., Yoshiga, T., and Ruan, W. 2020. Chemotaxis behavior of <em>Steinernema carpocapsae</em> in response to <em>Galleria mellonella</em> (L.) larvae infected by con- or hetero-specific entomopathogenic nematodes. Biocontrol Science and Technology. In Press. Accepted 11-14-2020.</li><br /> <li>Giles, F. Fungal Biopesticides Useful in the Fight Against Citrus Pests. Florida Grower 113:9-10. (article about Pasco Avery’s work with EPF).</li><br /> <li>Goolsby, J. A. and Shapiro-Ilan, D. I. 2020. Passive transfer of <em>Steinernema riobrave </em>entomopathogenic nematodes with potential implications for treatment of cattle fever tick-infested nilgai, Biocontrol Science and Technology. 30, 1330-1339. DOI:10.1080/09583157.2020.1817332</li><br /> <li><em>Gulzar</em>, S., Usman, M., Wakil, W., Gulcu, B., Hazir, C., Karagoz, M., Hazir, S., Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2020. Environmental tolerance of entomopathogenic nematodes differs among nematodes arising from host cadavers versus aqueous suspension. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 175: 107452.</li><br /> <li>Haelewaters, D., Hiller, T., Kemp, E.A., van Wielink, P.S., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Aime, C.M., Nedved, O., Pfister, D.H., Cottrell, T.E. 2020. Mortality of native and invasive ladybirds co-infected by ectoparasitic and entomopathogenic fungi. PeerJ <em>PeerJ</em> ,:e10110 <a href="https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10110">https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10110</a></li><br /> <li>Hajek, A.E., Gardescu, S., Delalibera Junior, I. 2020. Summary of classical biological control introductions of entomopathogens and nematodes for insect control. BioControl (online). doi.org/10.1007/s10526-020-10046-7</li><br /> <li>Kaplan, F., Perret-Gentil, A., Giurintano, J., Stevens, G., Erdogan, H., Schiller, K.C., Mirti, A., Sampson, E.M., Torres, C., Sun, J., Lewis, E., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2020. Conspecific and heterospecific pheromones stimulate dispersal of entomopathogenic nematodes during quiescence. Scientific Reports. 10: 5738.</li><br /> <li><em>Kaplan, F</em>., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Schiller, K.C. 2020. Dynamics of entomopathogenic nematode foraging and infectivity in microgravity. NPJ Microgravity6:20, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-020-00110-y">https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-020-00110-y</a></li><br /> <li>Kereselidze, M., Pilarska, D., Linde, A., Sanscrainte, N.D., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Nosema maddoxi infecting the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), in the Republic of Georgia. Biocontr. Sci. Technol. 30: 1083-1089.</li><br /> <li>Koppenhofer A.M., Kostromytska O.S., Wu S. 2020. Optimizing the use of entomopathogenic nematodes for the management of <em>Listronotus maculicollis</em> (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): split applications and combinations with imidacloprid. Crop Prot. 137, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105229</li><br /> <li>Koppenhofer A.M., Shapiro-Ilan D.I., Hiltpold I. 2020. Advances in the use of entomopathogenic nematode biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests. In: Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture (N. Birch & T. Glare, Ed.), pp. 1-38. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.</li><br /> <li>Koppenhofer A.M., Shapiro-Ilan D.I., Hiltpold I. 2020. Entomopathogenic nematodes in sustainable food production. Frontiers Sustain. Food Systems. 4, 125, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00125</li><br /> <li>Koppenhofer A.M., Wu S., Kostromytska O.S. 2020. Microsclerotial granular formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> and its combinations with hydrogel and imidacloprid against the annual bluegrass weevil, <em>Listronotus maculicollis</em> (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 113, 1118-1128.</li><br /> <li>Koppenhöfer, A.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Hiltpold, I. 2020. Entomopathogenic nematodes in sustainable food production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 125. <a href="https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00125">https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00125</a></li><br /> <li><em>Mbata, G.N</em>., Shapiro-Ilan, D. Alborn, H.T., Strand, M.R. 2019. Preferential infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes in an envenomed host. International Journal of Parasitology 49, 737-745.</li><br /> <li>Morffe, J., N. GarcÍa, B. J. Adams, and K. Hasegawa. 2020. Three new species of <em>Longior</em> Travassos & Kloss, 1958 (Nematoda: Thelastomatoidea: Hystrignathidae) parasites of passalid beetles (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Dominican Republic, Mexico and Colombia. Zootaxa 4877:125-147.</li><br /> <li>Morris, E.E., O’Grady, P., Csóka, G., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Genetic variability among native and introduced strains of the parasitic nematode Deladenus siricidicola. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 173: 107385. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2020.107385">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2020.107385</a></li><br /> <li>Oi D, Valles S, Porter S, Cavanaugh C, White G, Henke J. 2019. Introduction of Fire Ant Biological Control Agents into the Coachella Valley of California. Florida Entomol. 102:284-286.</li><br /> <li><em>Oliveira-Hofman C</em>, Kaplan F, Stevens G, Lewis EE, Wu S, Alborn HT, Perret-Gentil A, Shapiro-Ilan DI. 2019. Pheromone extracts act as boosters for entomopathogenic nematodes efficacy. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 164, 38–42.</li><br /> <li>Pinero J. C., D. Shapiro-Ilan, D. R. Cooley, A. F. Tuttle, A. Eaton, P. Drohan, K. Leahy, A.Zhang, T. Hancock, A. K. Walllingford, T. C. Leskey. 2020. Toward the integration of an attract-and-kill approach with biological control involving entomopathogenic nematodes to control multiple life stages of plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in eastern North America. Insects 11, 375; doi:10.3390/insects11060375</li><br /> <li>Preston, C.E., Agnello, A.M., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Nosema maddoxi (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) in brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) populations in the US. Biol. Control 144: 104213.</li><br /> <li>Preston, C.E., Agnello, A.M., Vermeylen, F.M., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Impact of Nosema maddoxi on the survival, development, and female fecundity of Halyomorpha halys. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 169: 107303.</li><br /> <li><em>Ramakuwela, T</em>., Hatting, J., Bock, C., Vega, F.E., Wells, L., Mbata, G.N., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. 2019. Establishment of <em>Beauveria bassiana a</em>s a fungal endophyte in pecan (<em>Carya illinoinensis</em>) seedlings and its virulence against pecan insect pests. Biological Control 104, 104102. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.104102">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.104102</a>.</li><br /> <li>Rodrigues JCV, Ospina OE, Massey SE. 2019. Mycobiome of <em>Brevipalpus</em> Mite Strains and Insights on Metabolic Function in the Bacteriome of the <em>Tetranychoidea</em> Mites. In: Comtemporary Acarology, Springer. pp. 79-91.</li><br /> <li>Rodriguez-Saona, C., Nielsen, A., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Tewari, S., Kyryczenko-Roth, V., Firbas, N., Leskey, T. 2019. Exploring an odor-baited “trap bush” approach to aggregate plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) injury in blueberries. Insects 10, 113.</li><br /> <li>Sandhi, R. K., R. Pothula, S. K. Pothula, B. J. Adams, and G. V. Reddy. 2020. First record of native entomopathogenic nematodes from Montana agroecosystems. J. Nematol. 52.</li><br /> <li>Sandhi, R.K., Shapiro-Ilan, D., and Reddy, G.V.P. 2020. Montana native entomopathogenic nematodes species against <em>Limonius californicus </em>(Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal of Economic Entomology. In Press. Accepted July 1, 2020.</li><br /> <li>Sandhi, R.K., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Sharma, A., Reddy, G.V.P., 2020. Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against the sugarbeet wireworm, <em>Limonius californicus</em> (Mannerheim) (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Biological Control. In Press. Accepted January 9, 2020.</li><br /> <li>Shan, S., Ma, H., Li, Y.Huang, C., Gu, X., Jiang, Z., Sun, B., Chen, C., Wei, X., Shen, G., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Ruan, W<em>.</em> 2020. Metabolites from symbiotic bacteria of entomopathogenic nematodes have antimicrobial effects against <em>Pythium myriotylum</em>. Eur J Plant Pathol. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-020-02053-2">https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-020-02053-2</a>. IN Press. Accepted June 25, 2020.</li><br /> <li>Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., Hazir, S., and Glazer, I. 2020.Advances in use of entomopathogenic nematodes in IPM, In: Integrated management of insect pests: Current and future developments, M. Kogan and E. A. Heinrichs (Eds.), Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, Pp. 649 – 678. (book chapter).</li><br /> <li>Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Kaplan, F., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Schliekelman, P., Alborn, H.T., Lewis, E.E., 2019. Conspecific pheromone extracts enhance entomopathogenic infectivity. Journal of Nematology. 51, e2019-82. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-082.</li><br /> <li>Sharma A, and Muniappan R. 2020. IPM package for lentil in Nepal, https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Lentils-Package-2.pdf.</li><br /> <li>Sharma A, Muniappan R. 2021. IPM for Tropical Crops: Lentil. Invited article submitted to CABI, under review.</li><br /> <li>Some educational videos related to biologicals/microbial control at <a href="https://ucanr.edu/SDYouTube">https://ucanr.edu/SDYouTube</a></li><br /> <li>Sun<sup>, </sup>B., F. Li,<sup>, </sup>X. He, F. Cao, E. Bandason, D. Shapiro-Ilan, W. Ruan, S. Wu. 2020. First report of <em>Ovomermis sinensis</em> (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitizing fall armyworm <em>Spodoptera frugiperda</em> (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in China. Journal of Nematology e2019-82.</li><br /> <li><em>Usman</em>, M. Gulzar, S., Wakil, W., Piñero, J.C., Leskey, T.C., Nixon, L.J., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Wu, S., and Shapiro-Ilan, D., 2020. Potential of entomopathogenic nematodes against the pupal stage of the apple maggot <em>Rhagoletis pomonella</em> (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Nematology, 52, e2020-79.</li><br /> <li><em>Usman</em>, M., Gulzar, S., Wakil, W., Wu, S., Pinero, J. C., Leskey, T. C., Nixon, L. J., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Toews, M. D., Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., 2020. Virulence of entomopathogenic fungi to <em>Rhagoletis pomonella </em>(Diptera: Tephritidae) and interactions with entomopathogenic nematodes. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113, 2627–2633. doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa209.</li><br /> <li>Valles, S.M., Firth, A.E. 2020. Solinviviridae. Encyclopedia of Virology. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.21559-8">https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.21559-8</a>.</li><br /> <li>van den Hoogen, J., S. Geisen, D. H. Wall, D. A. Wardle, W. Traunspurger, R. G. M. de Goede, B. J. Adams, W. Ahmad, H. Ferris, R. D. Bardgett, M. Bonkowski, R. Campos-Herrera, J. E. Cares, T. Caruso, L. de Brito Caixeta, X. Chen, S. R. Costa, R. Creamer, E. C. J. M. da Cunha, M. Dam, D. Djigal, M. Escuer, B. S. Griffiths, C. Gutierrez, K. Hohberg, D. Kalinkina, P. Kardol, A. Kergunteuil, G. Korthals, V. Krashevska, A. A. Kudrin, Q. Li, W. Liang, M. Magilton, M. Marais, J. A. R. Martin, E. Matveeva, E. H. Mayad, E. Mzough, C. Mulder, P. Mullin, R. Neilson, T. A. D. Nguyen, U. N. Nielsen, H. Okada, J. E. P. Rius, K. Pan, V. Peneva, L. Pellissier, J. C. P. da Silva, C. Pitteloud, T. O. Powers, K. Powers, C. W. Quist, S. Rasmann, S. S. Moreno, S. Scheu, H. Setala, A. Sushchuk, A. V. Tiunov, J. Trap, M. Vestergard, C. Villenave, L. Waeyenberge, R. A. Wilschut, D. G. Wright, A. M. Keith, J. I. Yang, O. Schmidt, R. Bouharroud, Z. Ferji, W. H. van der Putten, D. Routh, and T. W. Crowther. 2020. A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. Sci Data 7:103.</li><br /> <li>Wakil, W., Abdullah, M.T., Al-Sadi, A.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2020. Synergistic interactions between two invertebrate pathogens: an endophytic fungus and an externally applied bacterium. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 522368. <a href="https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.522368">https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.522368</a>.</li><br /> <li>Wu S., Kostromytska O.S., Goble T., Hajek A.E., Koppenhofer A.M. 2020. Compatibility of a clay-based microsclerotial granular formulation of <em>Metarhizium brunneum</em> with fungicides. BioControl. 65, 113-123.</li><br /> <li>Wu, S. Toews, M.D., Hofman, C.O., Behle, R.W., Simmons, A.M. Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. 2020. Environmental tolerance of entomopathogenic fungi: a new strain of <em>Cordyceps javanica</em> isolated from a whitefly epizootic versus commercial fungal strains. Insects. 11, 711; doi:10.3390/insects11100711.</li><br /> <li>Wu, S., Kostromytska, O.S., Goble, T.A., Hajek, A.E., Koppenhӧfer, A.M. 2020. Compatibility of a microsclerotial granular formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum with fungicides. BioControl 5: 113-123. DOI : 10.1007/s10526-019-09983-9.</li><br /> <li>Zhang, M., C. Yang, C. A. Powell, P. B. Avery<strong>, </strong>J. Wang, Y. Huang, and Y. Duan. 2019. Field evaluation of integrated management for mitigating citrus huanglongbing in Florida. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1890 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01890.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Special issues of journals (Dr. Surendra Dara):</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Published the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology special issue on “Regional status of microbial control programs and practices”. Editors: Steve Arthurs and Surendra Dara</li><br /> <li>Working on the special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health on “Current status, challenges, and prospects of biopesticides”. Editors: Surendra Dara and Stefan Jaronski.</li><br /> <li>Working on the special issue of Frontiers on “Entomopathogens for sustainable food production”. Editors: Surendra Dara, Steve Arthurs, and Bob Behle.</li><br /> <li>Special Issue: “Invasive Arthropod Species”, Journal Insects. Editors: Jose C Verle Rodrigues and Todd Gilligan.</li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/29/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers:
Brief Summary of Minutes
test only
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 01/10/2022
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2021 - 12/31/2021
Attendees 2021Name Affiliation Email
1. Robert Behle USDA-ARS, Peoria robert.behle@usda.gov
2. Stefan Jaronski MycoSystems Consulting thebugdoc01@gmail.com
3. Surendra Dara UC Cooperative Extension skdara@ucdavis.edu
4. Jimmy Klick Driscoll’s, California jimmy.klick@driscolls.com
5. David Shapiro-Ilan USDA-ARS, Georgia david.shapiro@usda.gov
6. David Oi USDA-ARS, Florida david.oi@usda.gov
7. Anamika Sharma Virginia Tech anamika@vt.edu
8. Pasco Avery University of Florida pbavery@ufl.edu
9. Julie Graesch BioWorks Inc. jgraesch@bioworksinc.com
10. Shaohui Wu University of Georgia shaohui.wu@uga.edu
11. Colin Wong USDA-ARS, Georgia cwong1@iastate.edu
12. Mika Pagani Virginia Tech mika396@vt.edu
13. Navneet Kaur Oregon State University navneet.kaur@oregonstate.edu
14. Nate Royalty BioWorks Inc. nroyalty@bioworksinc.com
15. Lina Weiler USDA-ARS, Peoria lina.weiler@usda.gov
16. Ashley Tessnow Texas A&M atessnow@tamu.edu
17. Vijay K. Nandula REE-NIFA vijay.nandula@usda.gov
Apologies from Byron Adams and Paula Agudelo were received.