OLD S1070: The Working Group on Improving Microbial Control of Arthropod Pests
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
No publications included.
Microbial related publication from group members (2018):
Aristizábal, L.F., Avery, P.B., Caldwell, J., McKenzie, C. L., and Osborne, L.S. (2018) Mitigating trans-boundary movement of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on Mentha sp. by pre-shipping treatments of biopesticides. Crop Protection 107: 71-78.
Arthurs, S. and S. K. Dara. 2018. Microbial biopesticides for invertebrate pests and their markets in the United States. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.008
Avery, P.B., Bojorque, V., Gámez, C., Duncan, R.E, Carrillo, D., and Cave, R.D. (2018) Spore acquisition and survival of ambrosia beetles associated with the laurel wilt pathogen in avocados after exposure to entomopathogenic fungi. Insects (accepted Apr 2018). 9 (2), 49; doi:10.3390/insects9020049
Chow, A., Dunlap, C.A., Jackson, M.A., Avery, P.B., Patt, J.M., and Sétamou, M. (2018) Field efficacy of autodissemination and foliar sprays of an entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae), for control of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology, In Press (Accepted 2 July 2018). doi: 10.1093/jee/toy216
Cottrell, T.E., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Horton, D.L. (2018) Laboratory assays against adult and larval sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) using entomopathogenic nematodes, microbial-based insecticides and synthetic insecticides. Journal of Entomological Science, In Press. (Accepted June 17, 2018).
Dara, S. K. Implementation of integrated pest and disease management in greenhouses: strawberries and other berries. In Pest and disease management in greenhouse crops. Eds. Gullino, M. L., A. Albajes, P. Nicot, and J. C. van Lenteren. Springer. In Press.
Dara, S. K., D. Peck, and D. Murray. (2018). Chemical and non-chemical solutions for manageing twospotted spider mite, western tarnished plant bug, and other arthropod pests in strawberries. Insects 9: 156. DOI: 10.3390/insects9040156
Dara, S. K. (2018). Microbial control options for pests and diseases. CAPCA Applicator Alerts, 3 (x): x. December issue.
Geisert, R.W., Cheruiyot, D.J., Hibbard, B.E., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Shelby, K., Coudron, T.A. (2018) Comparative assessment of four Steinernematidae and three Heterorhabditidae species for infectivity of larval Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Journal of Economic Entomology. 111: 542–548. doi.org/10.1093/jee/tox372.
Hajek, A. E and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan (Eds.). (2018) Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 657 pp.
Hazir, S., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Bock, C.H., Leite, L.G., (2018) Thermo-stability, dose effects and shelf-life of antifungal metabolite-containing supernatants produced by Xenorhabdus szentirmaii. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150: 297–306.
Karimi, J., S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. (2018). Microbial insecticides in Iran: history, current status, challenges and future prospects. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.02.016
Kumar, K. K., J. Sridhar, R. K. Murali-Baskaran, S. Snthil-Nathan, P. Kaushal, S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. (2018). Microbial biopesticides for insect pest management in India: current status and future prospects. J. Invertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.10.008
Kumar, V., Francis, A., Avery, P.B., McKenzie, C.L., and Osborne, L.S. (2018). Assessing compatibility of Isaria fumosorosea and buprofezin for mitigation of Aleurodicus rugioperculatus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): an invasive pest in the Florida landscape. Economic Entomology 111: 1069-1079. 1-11. doi: 10.1093/jee/toy056
Leite, L.G., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Hazir, S., (2018) Survival of Steinernema feltiae in different formulation substrates: improved longevity in a mixture of gel and vermiculite. Biological Control 126: 192-197.
Marianelli L., Paoli F., Torrini G., Mazza G., Benvenuti C., Binazzi F., Sabbatini Peverieri G., Bosio G., Venanzio D., Giacometto E., Priori S., Koppenhöfer A.M., Roversi P.F. (2018). Biological control of Popillia japonica (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae): managing the Italian outbreak. J. Appl. Entomol. 142, 311-318.
Mariño-Cárdenas, Y.A., Ospina OE, Rodrigues JCV, Bayman P. (2018). High diversity and variability in the bacterial microbiota of the coffee berry borer (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), with emphasis on Wolbachia. Journal of Applied Microbiology doi: 10.1111/jam.13768.
Mbata, G.N, C. Ivey, D.I. Shapiro-Ilan, (2018) The potential for using entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi in the management of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control 125: 39-43.
Oliveira-Hofman, C. (2018). Characterization of the Natural Enemy Community, With Emphasis on Entomopathogens, for Management of Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dissertation.
O’Neal, M. and S. K. Dara. (2018). Brief history of botanical and microbial pesticides and their current market. UCANR eJournal Strawberries and Vegetables, 31 January, 2018.
O’Neal, M. and S. K. Dara. (2018). Biopesticide development, registration, and commercial formulations. UCANR eJournal Strawberries and Vegetables, 19 January, 2018.
Ruan, W., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I, Lewis, E.E., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H., Gu, X-H, and Schliekelman, P. (2017). Movement patterns in entomopathogenic nematodes: continuous vs. temporal. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 151: 137-149.
Rhodes, E.M., Avery, P.B., and Liburd, O.E. (2018). Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungal products for biocontrol of spotted wing drosophila assessed under laboratory conditions. Florida Entomologist 101: 526-528.
Sánchez Barahona, C.F., Threlkeld, B.S., Avery, P. B., Francis, A.W. and Cave, R.D. (2018). Compatibility and efficacy of the ladybird beetle Thalassa montezumae and the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea for biological control of the green croton scale: laboratory and greenhouse investigations. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12: 715-723.
Schmidt, J.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Graham, C., Barwick, S., Sparks, A. Jr., Riley, D. (2018). Entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi virulence to cowpea curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larvae. Journal of Entomological Science 53: 152-161.
Shrestha, G., G.V.P. Reddy and S.T. Jaronski. (2018). Field efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis galleriae strain SDS-502 for the management of alfalfa weevil and its impact on Bathyplectes spp. parasitization rate. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 153: 6–11.
Shrestha G, Briar SS, Reddy GVP. (2018). Plant defense elicitors: plant fitness versus wheat stem sawfly. PeerJ 6:e5892 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.5892
Singh, N. K., J. A. Goolsby, D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, R. J. Miller, D. B. Thomas, G. M Klafke, J. P. Tidwell, A. E. Racelis, P. S. Grewal, and A. A. Perez de Leon. (2018). Efficacy evaluation of six entomopathogenic nematode species against engorged females of southern cattle fever tick, Rhipicephalus (=Boophilus) microplus. Southwestern Entomologist. 43: 1-18.
Singh, N. K., J. A. Goolsby, D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, R. J. Miller, M. Setamou, and A. A. Perez de Leon. (2018). Effect of immersion time on efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against engorged females of southern cattle fever tick, Rhipicephalus (=Boophilus) microplus Southwestern Entomologist. 43: 19-28.
Sharifi-Far, S., D.I. Shapiro-Ilan, M. Brownbridge, and R.H. Hallett. (2018). The combined approach of strain discovery and the inbred line technique for improving control of Delia radicum with Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Biological Control 118: 37-43.
Willett, D.S., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., (2018) Risk taking of educated nematodes. PLOS ONE, In Press (Accepted 10-3-2018).
Wu, S., Kaplan, F., Lewis, E., Alborn, H.T., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., (2018) Infected host macerate enhances entomopathogenic nematode movement towards hosts and infectivity in a soil profile. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. In Press (Accepted 10-14-2018).
Valles, SM, SD Porter, and LA Calcaterra. (2018). Prospecting for viral natural enemies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta in Argentina. Plos One 13: e0192377.
Zhou Y. Avery, P.B, Carrillo, D., Duncan, R.H., Lukowsky, A., Cave, R.D., and Keyhani, N.O. (2018). Identification of the Achilles heels of the laurel wilt pathogen and its beetle vector. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102: 5673-5684. doi:org/10.1007/s00253-018-9037-y.
Microbial related publication from group members (2018-2019):
Arthurs, S. and S. K. Dara. 2018. Microbial biopesticides for invertebrate pests and their markets in the United States. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.008
Aristizábal, L. F., Avery, P. B., Caldwell, J., McKenzie, C. L., and L. S. Osborne. 2018. Mitigating trans-boundary movement of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on Mentha sp. by pre-shipping treatments of biopesticides. Crop Protection 107: 71-78.
Avery, P. B., Bojorque, V., Gámez, C., Duncan, R. E, Carrillo, D., and R. D. Cave. 2018. Spore acquisition and survival of ambrosia beetles associated with the laurel wilt pathogen in avocados after exposure to entomopathogenic fungi. Insects. 9 (2), 49; doi:10.3390/insects9020049
Avery, P. B., Kumar, V., Skvarch, E. A., Mannion, C. M., Powell, C. A., McKenzie, C. L. and L. S. Osborne. 2019. An ecological assessment of Isaria fumosorosea applications compared to a neonicotinoid treatment for regulating invasive ficus whitefly. Journal of Fungi 5, 36. doi:10.3390/jof5020036
Brown, K., Olendraite, I., Valles, S.M., Firth, A., Chen, Y., Guerin, D., Hashimoto, Y., Herrero, S., De Miranda, J., Ryabov, E. 2019. ICTV virus taxonomy profile: Polycipiviridae. Journal of General Virology. 100:554-555.
Brown, K., Olendraite, I., Valles, S.M., Firth, A., Chen, Y., Guerin, D., Hashimoto, Y., Herrero, S., De Miranda, J., Ryabov, E. 2019. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Solinviviridae. Journal of General Virology. 100:736-737.
Chow, A., Dunlap, C. A., Jackson, M. A., Avery, P. B., Patt, J. M., and M. Sétamou. 2018. Field efficacy of autodissemination and foliar sprays of an entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria fumosorosea (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae), for control of Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae), on residential citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology (submitted Apr 2018; accepted 2 July 2018). doi: 10.1093/jee/toy216
Dara, S.K. Non-Entomopathogenic Roles of Entomopathogenic Fungi in Promoting Plant Health and Growth. Insects 2019, 10, 277.
Dara, S.K.; Montalva, C.; Barta, M. Microbial Control of Invasive Forest Pests with Entomopathogenic Fungi: A Review of the Current Situation. Insects 2019, 10, 341.
Dara, S. K. and R. A. Humber. Entomophthoroid fungi. In Beneficial microbes in agro-ecology: volume 2: fungi. Eds. N. Amaresan, K. M. Senthil, K. Annapurna, K. Kumar, and A. Sankaranarayanan. Elsevier. Submitted. (Book chapter)
Dara, S. K. Entomopathogens and their interactions with other pest management options. In Microbes and metabolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, pp. 299-316. (Book chapter)
Dara, S. K. Implementation of integrated pest and disease management in greenhouses: strawberries and other berries. In Pest and disease management in greenhouse crops. Eds. Gullino, M. L., A. Albajes, P. Nicot, and J. C. van Lenteren. Springer. In Press (Book chapter)
Dara, S. S., S.S.R. Dara, S. K. Dara, and S. T. Jaronski. 2019. Entomopathogenic fungi antagonizing Macrophomina phaseolina in strawberry. Progressive Crop Consultant 4(6): 20-24.
Dara, S. K., S. S. Dara, and S. Jaronski. 2019. Controlling the western grapeleaf skeletonizer with biorational products and California isolates of entomopathogenic fungi. CAPCA Adviser, 22(2): 46-48.
Dara, S. K. 2018. Entomopathogenic fungi as key players in crop protection and production. Progressive Crop Consultant 3(5): 4-7.
Dara, S. K., D. Peck, and D. Murray. 2018. Chemical and non-chemical solutions for managing two spotted spider mite, western tarnished plant bug, and other arthropod pests in strawberries. Insects 9: 156. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects9040156
Eivazian Kary N., Sanatipour Z., Mohammadi D., Koppenhofer A.M. 2018. Developmental stage affects the interaction of Steinernema carpocapsae and Abamectin for the control of Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera, Gelechidae). Biol. Control. 122, 18-23.
Kamali S., Karimi J., Koppenhofer A.M., Anaraki F.T. 2018. New insight into the management of the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) with entomopathogenic nematodes under greenhouse condition. J. Econ. Entomol. 111, 112-119.
Karimi, J., S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. 2018. Microbial insecticides in Iran: history, current status, challenges and future prospects. J. Ivertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.02.016
Kumar, V., Francis, A., Avery, P. B., McKenzie, C. L., and L. S. Osborne. 2018. Assessing compatibility of Isaria fumosorosea and buprofezin for mitigation of Aleurodicus rugioperculatus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): an invasive pest in the Florida landscape. Economic Entomology 111: 1069-1079. doi: 10.1093/jee/toy056
Kumar, K. K., J. Sridhar, R. K. Murali-Baskaran, S. Senthil-Nathan, P. Kaushal, S. K. Dara, and S. Arthurs. 2018. Microbial biopesticides for insect pest management in India: current status and future prospects. J. Invertebr. Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.10.008
Pick, D. A., Avery, P. B., Quershi, J. A., Arthurs, S. P. and C. A. Powell. Field persistence and pathogenicity of Isaria fumosorosea for management of Diaphorina citri. Biocontrol Science and Technology (submitted 14 Nov 2019, being revised)
Rhodes, E. M., Avery, P. B., and O. E. Liburd. 2018. Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungal products for biocontrol of spotted wing drosophila assessed under laboratory conditions. Florida Entomologist 101: 526-528.
Sánchez Barahona, C.F., Threlkeld, B. S., Avery, P. B., Francis, A. W. and R. D. Cave. 2018. Compatibility and efficacy of the ladybird beetle Thalassa montezumae and the entomopathogenic fungus Isaria fumosorosea for biological control of the green croton scale: laboratory and greenhouse investigations. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12: 715-723. doi: 10.1007/s11829-018-9618-9
Sharma A, Jaronski S, Reddy GVP. 2019. Impact of the granular carriers to improve the efficacy of entomopathogenic fungus against wireworms in spring wheat. Journal of Pest Science. DOI: 10.1007/s10340-019-01161-1.
Valles, S.M., Rivers, A.R. 2019. Nine new RNA viruses associated with the fire ant Solenopsis invicta from its native range. Virus Genes. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11262-019-01652-4.
Valles, S.M., Porter, S.D. 2019. Influence of temperature on the pathogenicity of Solenopsis invicta virus 3. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2019.107217.
Zhou Y., Avery, P. B, Carrillo, D., Duncan, R. H., Lukowsky, A., Cave, R. D. and N. O. Keyhani. 2018. Identification of the Achilles heels of the laurel wilt pathogen and its beetle vector. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102: 5673-5684. doi:org/10.1007/s00253-018-9037-y.
Microbial related publications (research and outreach) from group members (2019-2020):
- AgNet West podcast about biologicals in IPM https://agnetwest.com/making-sense-of-biologicals-biologicals-not-just-for-an-organic-ipm-program/
- AgNet West podcast about entomopathogenic fungi https://agnetwest.com/making-sense-of-biologicals-entomopathogenic-fungi-mythbusting/
- Arnold, D.P., S.P. Balasubramani, S.M. Valles, and B.A. Hottel. 2020. Prevalence of Solenopsis invicta virus 3 (Solinviviridae: Invictavirus) in Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) alates collected in north Florida. Florida Entomol. (in press).
- Avery, P. B., V. Kumar, A. Francis, C. L. McKenzie, and L. S. Osborne. 2020. Compatibility of the predatory beetle, Delphastus catalinae with an entomopathogenic fungus, Cordyceps fumosorosea for biocontrol of invasive pepper whitefly, Aleurotrachelus trachoides. Insects 11, 590. doi:10.3390/insects11090590.
- Avery, P. B., V. Kumar, E. A. Skvarch, C. M. Mannion, C. A. Powell, C. L. McKenzie, and L. S. Osborne. 2019. An ecological assessment of Isaria fumosorosea applications compared to a neonicotinoid treatment for regulating invasive ficus whitefly. Journal of Fungi 5, 36. doi:10.3390/jof5020036.
- Bock, C.H., Hotchkiss, M.W., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Brock, J.H., Brenneman, T.B., Wilkins, B., Wells, D.E., Wells, L., Mizell, R.F., 2019. A comparison of organic fungicides: alternatives for reducing scab on pecan. Organic Agriculture 9, 305-314.
- Bock, C.H., Hotchkiss, M.W., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Wells, L., Brock, J., Brenneman, T., Mizell, R. 2019. Efficacy of Bordeaux mixture in reducing pecan scab in the southeastern U.S.A. Organic Agriculture 9, 189-198.
- Chacón-Orozco, J.G., Bueno, C.J., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Hazir, S., Leite, L.G., and Harakava, R. 2020.Antifungal activity of Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdus spp. against the soybean pathogenic Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Scientific Reports, 10, Article number: 20649. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77472-6
- Chen, C., Ma, H., Ma, M., Li, J., Zheng, S., Song, Q., Gu, X., Hu, B., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Ruan, W. 2020. An innovative strategy for control of fungus gnats using entomopathogenic nematodes alone or in combination with waterlogging. Journal of Nematology, e2020-57. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2020-057.
- Clifton, E., Hajek, A.E., Jenkins, N.E., Roush, R.T., Rost, J.P., Biddinger, D.J. 2020. Applications of Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) to control populations of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), in semi-natural landscapes and on grapevines. Environ. Entomol. 49: 854-864.
- Clifton, E.H., Jaronski, S.T., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Virulence of commercialized fungal entomopathogens against Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis. J. Ins. Sci. 20(2): 1: 1-6. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/ieaa006
- Cottrell, T.E., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Horton, D.L., 2019. Laboratory assays against adult and larval sap beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) using entomopathogenic nematodes, microbial-based insecticides and synthetic insecticides. Journal of Entomological Science 54, 30-42.
- Dara, S. K. 2020. Arthropod resistance to biopesticides. Organic Farmer 3(4): 16-19. http://organicfarmermag.com/2020/08/arthropod-resistance-to-biopesticides/ (Trade journal article)
- Dara, S. K. 2020. Biological pesticides in nut crops: a look at use strategies and the risk of resistance development. September issue of West Coast Nut, pp. 48-50. (Trade journal article)
- Dara, S. K. 2020. Mating disruption as an IPM tool in diamondback moth management. eJournal of Entomology and Biologicals, 12 November 2020. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=44160 (Extension article)
- Dara, S. K. Biological inoculants and biopesticides in small fruit and vegetable production in California. In Advances in bioinoculants: biopesticides Volume 2. Ed. A. Rakshit, V. S. Meena, P. C.Abhilash, B. K. Sarma, H. B. Singh, L. Fraceto, M. Parihar, and A. K. Singh, Elsevier, Submitted (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Constraints and challenges in the popularization of biopesticides in organic farming. In Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, In print. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Integrated insect pest management in economically important crops. In Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, In print. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Microbial metabolites as pesticides. In Microbial metabolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, In print. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. The principles of the application of biopesticides in organic farming. In Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, In print. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. 2019. Interactions of entomopathogens with other pest management options. In Microbes and mebolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, pp. 299-316. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23045-6_11 (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. 2020. Implementation of IPDM in strawberries and other berries. In Pest and disease management in greenhouse crops, Plant Pathology in the 21st Century. Eds. Gullino, M. L., A. Albajes, P. Nicot, and J. C. van Lenteren. Springer. pp. 597-624 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22304-5_21 (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. and R. A. Humber. 2020. Entomophthoran. In Beneficial microbes in agro-ecology: volume 2: bacteria and fungi. Eds. N. Amaresan, K. M. Senthil, K. Annapurna, K. Kumar, and A. Sankaranarayanan. Elsevier. pp 757-775. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823414-3.00039-3 (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K., S. S. Dara, and S.S.R. Dara. 2020. Managing Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum Race 4 with beneficial microorganisms including entomopathogenic fungi. Acta Horticulturae 1270: 111-116. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1270.11 (Trade journal article)
- Eric H. Clifton, Sana Gardescu, Robert W. Behle, and Ann E. Hajek. 2020. Optimizing application rates of Metarhizium brunneum microsclerotia for infecting the invasive Asian longhorned beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 113: 2650-2656.
- Fu, Y., Wang, W., Chen, C., Shan, S., Wei, X., Liu, Y., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Gu, X., Hu, B., Yoshiga, T., and Ruan, W. 2020. Chemotaxis behavior of Steinernema carpocapsae in response to Galleria mellonella (L.) larvae infected by con- or hetero-specific entomopathogenic nematodes. Biocontrol Science and Technology. In Press. Accepted 11-14-2020.
- Giles, F. Fungal Biopesticides Useful in the Fight Against Citrus Pests. Florida Grower 113:9-10. (article about Pasco Avery’s work with EPF).
- Goolsby, J. A. and Shapiro-Ilan, D. I. 2020. Passive transfer of Steinernema riobrave entomopathogenic nematodes with potential implications for treatment of cattle fever tick-infested nilgai, Biocontrol Science and Technology. 30, 1330-1339. DOI:10.1080/09583157.2020.1817332
- Gulzar, S., Usman, M., Wakil, W., Gulcu, B., Hazir, C., Karagoz, M., Hazir, S., Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2020. Environmental tolerance of entomopathogenic nematodes differs among nematodes arising from host cadavers versus aqueous suspension. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 175: 107452.
- Haelewaters, D., Hiller, T., Kemp, E.A., van Wielink, P.S., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Aime, C.M., Nedved, O., Pfister, D.H., Cottrell, T.E. 2020. Mortality of native and invasive ladybirds co-infected by ectoparasitic and entomopathogenic fungi. PeerJ PeerJ ,:e10110 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.10110
- Hajek, A.E., Gardescu, S., Delalibera Junior, I. 2020. Summary of classical biological control introductions of entomopathogens and nematodes for insect control. BioControl (online). doi.org/10.1007/s10526-020-10046-7
- Kaplan, F., Perret-Gentil, A., Giurintano, J., Stevens, G., Erdogan, H., Schiller, K.C., Mirti, A., Sampson, E.M., Torres, C., Sun, J., Lewis, E., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2020. Conspecific and heterospecific pheromones stimulate dispersal of entomopathogenic nematodes during quiescence. Scientific Reports. 10: 5738.
- Kaplan, F., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Schiller, K.C. 2020. Dynamics of entomopathogenic nematode foraging and infectivity in microgravity. NPJ Microgravity6:20, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-020-00110-y
- Kereselidze, M., Pilarska, D., Linde, A., Sanscrainte, N.D., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Nosema maddoxi infecting the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), in the Republic of Georgia. Biocontr. Sci. Technol. 30: 1083-1089.
- Koppenhofer A.M., Kostromytska O.S., Wu S. 2020. Optimizing the use of entomopathogenic nematodes for the management of Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): split applications and combinations with imidacloprid. Crop Prot. 137, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105229
- Koppenhofer A.M., Shapiro-Ilan D.I., Hiltpold I. 2020. Advances in the use of entomopathogenic nematode biopesticides in suppressing crop insect pests. In: Biopesticides for Sustainable Agriculture (N. Birch & T. Glare, Ed.), pp. 1-38. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK.
- Koppenhofer A.M., Shapiro-Ilan D.I., Hiltpold I. 2020. Entomopathogenic nematodes in sustainable food production. Frontiers Sustain. Food Systems. 4, 125, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00125
- Koppenhofer A.M., Wu S., Kostromytska O.S. 2020. Microsclerotial granular formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum and its combinations with hydrogel and imidacloprid against the annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 113, 1118-1128.
- Koppenhöfer, A.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Hiltpold, I. 2020. Entomopathogenic nematodes in sustainable food production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 125. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00125
- Mbata, G.N., Shapiro-Ilan, D. Alborn, H.T., Strand, M.R. 2019. Preferential infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes in an envenomed host. International Journal of Parasitology 49, 737-745.
- Morffe, J., N. GarcÍa, B. J. Adams, and K. Hasegawa. 2020. Three new species of Longior Travassos & Kloss, 1958 (Nematoda: Thelastomatoidea: Hystrignathidae) parasites of passalid beetles (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from Dominican Republic, Mexico and Colombia. Zootaxa 4877:125-147.
- Morris, E.E., O’Grady, P., Csóka, G., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Genetic variability among native and introduced strains of the parasitic nematode Deladenus siricidicola. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 173: 107385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2020.107385
- Oi D, Valles S, Porter S, Cavanaugh C, White G, Henke J. 2019. Introduction of Fire Ant Biological Control Agents into the Coachella Valley of California. Florida Entomol. 102:284-286.
- Oliveira-Hofman C, Kaplan F, Stevens G, Lewis EE, Wu S, Alborn HT, Perret-Gentil A, Shapiro-Ilan DI. 2019. Pheromone extracts act as boosters for entomopathogenic nematodes efficacy. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 164, 38–42.
- Pinero J. C., D. Shapiro-Ilan, D. R. Cooley, A. F. Tuttle, A. Eaton, P. Drohan, K. Leahy, A.Zhang, T. Hancock, A. K. Walllingford, T. C. Leskey. 2020. Toward the integration of an attract-and-kill approach with biological control involving entomopathogenic nematodes to control multiple life stages of plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in eastern North America. Insects 11, 375; doi:10.3390/insects11060375
- Preston, C.E., Agnello, A.M., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Nosema maddoxi (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) in brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) populations in the US. Biol. Control 144: 104213.
- Preston, C.E., Agnello, A.M., Vermeylen, F.M., Hajek, A.E. 2020. Impact of Nosema maddoxi on the survival, development, and female fecundity of Halyomorpha halys. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 169: 107303.
- Ramakuwela, T., Hatting, J., Bock, C., Vega, F.E., Wells, L., Mbata, G.N., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. 2019. Establishment of Beauveria bassiana as a fungal endophyte in pecan (Carya illinoinensis) seedlings and its virulence against pecan insect pests. Biological Control 104, 104102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2019.104102.
- Rodrigues JCV, Ospina OE, Massey SE. 2019. Mycobiome of Brevipalpus Mite Strains and Insights on Metabolic Function in the Bacteriome of the Tetranychoidea Mites. In: Comtemporary Acarology, Springer. pp. 79-91.
- Rodriguez-Saona, C., Nielsen, A., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Tewari, S., Kyryczenko-Roth, V., Firbas, N., Leskey, T. 2019. Exploring an odor-baited “trap bush” approach to aggregate plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) injury in blueberries. Insects 10, 113.
- Sandhi, R. K., R. Pothula, S. K. Pothula, B. J. Adams, and G. V. Reddy. 2020. First record of native entomopathogenic nematodes from Montana agroecosystems. J. Nematol. 52.
- Sandhi, R.K., Shapiro-Ilan, D., and Reddy, G.V.P. 2020. Montana native entomopathogenic nematodes species against Limonius californicus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal of Economic Entomology. In Press. Accepted July 1, 2020.
- Sandhi, R.K., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Sharma, A., Reddy, G.V.P., 2020. Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against the sugarbeet wireworm, Limonius californicus (Mannerheim) (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Biological Control. In Press. Accepted January 9, 2020.
- Shan, S., Ma, H., Li, Y.Huang, C., Gu, X., Jiang, Z., Sun, B., Chen, C., Wei, X., Shen, G., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Ruan, W. 2020. Metabolites from symbiotic bacteria of entomopathogenic nematodes have antimicrobial effects against Pythium myriotylum. Eur J Plant Pathol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-020-02053-2. IN Press. Accepted June 25, 2020.
- Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., Hazir, S., and Glazer, I. 2020.Advances in use of entomopathogenic nematodes in IPM, In: Integrated management of insect pests: Current and future developments, M. Kogan and E. A. Heinrichs (Eds.), Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, Pp. 649 – 678. (book chapter).
- Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Kaplan, F., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Schliekelman, P., Alborn, H.T., Lewis, E.E., 2019. Conspecific pheromone extracts enhance entomopathogenic infectivity. Journal of Nematology. 51, e2019-82. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-082.
- Sharma A, and Muniappan R. 2020. IPM package for lentil in Nepal, https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Lentils-Package-2.pdf.
- Sharma A, Muniappan R. 2021. IPM for Tropical Crops: Lentil. Invited article submitted to CABI, under review.
- Some educational videos related to biologicals/microbial control at https://ucanr.edu/SDYouTube
- Sun, B., F. Li,, X. He, F. Cao, E. Bandason, D. Shapiro-Ilan, W. Ruan, S. Wu. 2020. First report of Ovomermis sinensis (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitizing fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in China. Journal of Nematology e2019-82.
- Usman, M. Gulzar, S., Wakil, W., Piñero, J.C., Leskey, T.C., Nixon, L.J., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Wu, S., and Shapiro-Ilan, D., 2020. Potential of entomopathogenic nematodes against the pupal stage of the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Nematology, 52, e2020-79.
- Usman, M., Gulzar, S., Wakil, W., Wu, S., Pinero, J. C., Leskey, T. C., Nixon, L. J., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Toews, M. D., Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., 2020. Virulence of entomopathogenic fungi to Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) and interactions with entomopathogenic nematodes. Journal of Economic Entomology. 113, 2627–2633. doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa209.
- Valles, S.M., Firth, A.E. 2020. Solinviviridae. Encyclopedia of Virology. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.21559-8.
- van den Hoogen, J., S. Geisen, D. H. Wall, D. A. Wardle, W. Traunspurger, R. G. M. de Goede, B. J. Adams, W. Ahmad, H. Ferris, R. D. Bardgett, M. Bonkowski, R. Campos-Herrera, J. E. Cares, T. Caruso, L. de Brito Caixeta, X. Chen, S. R. Costa, R. Creamer, E. C. J. M. da Cunha, M. Dam, D. Djigal, M. Escuer, B. S. Griffiths, C. Gutierrez, K. Hohberg, D. Kalinkina, P. Kardol, A. Kergunteuil, G. Korthals, V. Krashevska, A. A. Kudrin, Q. Li, W. Liang, M. Magilton, M. Marais, J. A. R. Martin, E. Matveeva, E. H. Mayad, E. Mzough, C. Mulder, P. Mullin, R. Neilson, T. A. D. Nguyen, U. N. Nielsen, H. Okada, J. E. P. Rius, K. Pan, V. Peneva, L. Pellissier, J. C. P. da Silva, C. Pitteloud, T. O. Powers, K. Powers, C. W. Quist, S. Rasmann, S. S. Moreno, S. Scheu, H. Setala, A. Sushchuk, A. V. Tiunov, J. Trap, M. Vestergard, C. Villenave, L. Waeyenberge, R. A. Wilschut, D. G. Wright, A. M. Keith, J. I. Yang, O. Schmidt, R. Bouharroud, Z. Ferji, W. H. van der Putten, D. Routh, and T. W. Crowther. 2020. A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. Sci Data 7:103.
- Wakil, W., Abdullah, M.T., Al-Sadi, A.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2020. Synergistic interactions between two invertebrate pathogens: an endophytic fungus and an externally applied bacterium. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 522368. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.522368.
- Wu S., Kostromytska O.S., Goble T., Hajek A.E., Koppenhofer A.M. 2020. Compatibility of a clay-based microsclerotial granular formulation of Metarhizium brunneum with fungicides. BioControl. 65, 113-123.
- Wu, S. Toews, M.D., Hofman, C.O., Behle, R.W., Simmons, A.M. Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. 2020. Environmental tolerance of entomopathogenic fungi: a new strain of Cordyceps javanica isolated from a whitefly epizootic versus commercial fungal strains. Insects. 11, 711; doi:10.3390/insects11100711.
- Wu, S., Kostromytska, O.S., Goble, T.A., Hajek, A.E., Koppenhӧfer, A.M. 2020. Compatibility of a microsclerotial granular formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum with fungicides. BioControl 5: 113-123. DOI : 10.1007/s10526-019-09983-9.
- Zhang, M., C. Yang, C. A. Powell, P. B. Avery, J. Wang, Y. Huang, and Y. Duan. 2019. Field evaluation of integrated management for mitigating citrus huanglongbing in Florida. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1890 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01890.
Special issues of journals (Dr. Surendra Dara):
- Published the Journal of Invertebrate Pathology special issue on “Regional status of microbial control programs and practices”. Editors: Steve Arthurs and Surendra Dara
- Working on the special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health on “Current status, challenges, and prospects of biopesticides”. Editors: Surendra Dara and Stefan Jaronski.
- Working on the special issue of Frontiers on “Entomopathogens for sustainable food production”. Editors: Surendra Dara, Steve Arthurs, and Bob Behle.
- Special Issue: “Invasive Arthropod Species”, Journal Insects. Editors: Jose C Verle Rodrigues and Todd Gilligan.
Scientific publications
Book chapters and an editorial
- Dara, S. K. Role of marketing and outreach for the success of entomopathogenic nematodes. In Entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents. Eds. D. I. Shapiro-Ilan and E. E. Lewis, CABI. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Role of entomopathogenic microorganisms in IPM. In Advances in integrated pest management technology: Innovative and applied aspects. A. S. Tanda, Springer. In print. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Advances in biostimulants as an integrated pest management tool in horticulture. In Improving integrated pest management in horticulture. R. Collier, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited. https://tinyurl.com/BiostimulantsinIPM (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. The principles of the application of biopesticides in organic farming. In Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, pp. 11-13. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Integrated insect pest management in economically important crops. In Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, pp. 295-303. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Constraints and challenges in the popularization of biopesticides in organic farming. In Biopesticides in organic farming: recent advances. Ed. L. P. Awasthi, Taylor and Francis, pp. 349-353. (Book chapter)
- Dara, S. K. Microbial metabolites as pesticides. In Microbial metabolites for sustainable insect pest management. Eds. M. A. Khan and W. Ahmad, Springer, pp 75-88. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67231-7_4 (Book chapter)
- Dara, S.K., Behle, R.W. and Arthurs, S.P., 2021. Entomopathogens for sustainable food production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems special issue https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11865/entomopathogens-for-sustainable-food-production (Journal Special Issue)
- Dara, S.K., Behle, R.W. and Arthurs, S.P., 2021. Editorial: Entomopathogens for sustainable food production. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems special issue https://doi.org/3389/fsufs.2021.672404
- Rodriguez-Saona, C. and Dara, S.K. Entomopathogenic nematodes in berry crops. In Entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents. Eds. D. I. Shapiro-Ilan and E. E. Lewis, CABI. (Book chapter)
Refereed journal articles
- Avery, P.B., Duren, E.B., Qureshi, J.A., Adair Jr., R.C., Adair, M.M. and Cave, R.D., 2021. Field efficacy of Cordyceps javanica, white oil and spinetoram for management of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri. Insects 12, 824. doi.org/10.3390/insects12090824
- Behle, R.W., 2021. Emergence of walnut husk maggot adults in central Illinois and potential for control with Metarhizium brunneum. Journal of Insect Science, 20(6) doi:10.1093/jisesa/ieaa134
- Cerritos-Garcia, D.G., Avery, P.B., Martini, X.., Candian, V., Cano, L.M. and Cave, R.D., In vitro effects of leaf extracts from Brassica rapa on the growth of two entomopathogenic fungi. Journal of Fungi 7, 779. doi.org/10.3390/jof7090779
- Cimen, H., Touray, M., Hazal Gulsen, S., Erincik, O., Wenski, S.L., Bode, H.B., Shapiro-Ilan, D. and Hazir, S., 2021. Antifungal activity of different Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus species against various fungal phytopathogens and identification of the antifungal compounds from szentirmaii. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (In Press, Accepted June 16, 2021).
- Cisneros, J., Wendel, J., Jaronski, S., Vitek, C, Ciomperlik, M. and Flores, D., 2021. Assessment of two novel host-derived Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) isolates against the citrus pest, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, XX(XX), 2022, 1–9. Publication
- Diepenbrock, L.M., Olabiyi, D.O. and Avery,B., 2021. Laboratory screening of selected entomopathogenic fungi, bioinsecticide, and insect growth regulator against hibiscus mealybug, Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead). Arthropod Management Tests 46, 1-2. doi: 10.1093/amt/tsaa121
- Doherty, E.M., Avery, P.B., Duren, E.B., Cano, L.M. and Rossi, L., 2021. In planta localization of endophytic Cordyceps fumosorosea in Carrizo citrus. Microorganisms 9, 219. doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9020219
- Erdogan, H., Cruzado-Gutierrez, K., Stevens, G., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H. and Lewis, E., 2021. Nematodes follow a leader. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (In Press, Accepted October 15, 2021).
- Dragone, N.B., Diaz, M.A., Hogg, I.D., Lyons, W.B., Jackson, W.A., Wall, D.H., Adams, B.J. and Fierer, N., 2021. Exploring the boundaries of microbial habitability in soil. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences126 (6). https://doi.org/10.1029/2020jg006052
- Fu, Y., Wang, W., Chen, C., Shan, S., Wei, X., Liu, Y., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Gu, X., Hu, B., Yoshiga, T. and Ruan, W., 2021. Chemotaxis behavior of Steinernema carpocapsae in response to Galleria mellonella (L.) larvae infected by con- or hetero-specific entomopathogenic nematodes. Biocontrol Science and Technology 31: 299-313. https://doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2020.1853049
- Goettel, M.S., Douglas Inglis, G., Duke, G.M., Lord, J.C. and Jaronski, S.T., 2021. Measurement of internal Beauveria bassiana to ascertain non-target impacts on arthropods in field environments. Biocontrol Science and Technology, pp.1-16.
- Gulzar, S., Wakil, W. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Combined effect of entomopathogens against Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae): laboratory, greenhouse and field trials. Insects. 12, 456. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12050456
- Gulzar, S., Waqas, W. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Potential use of entomopathogenic nematodes against the soil dwelling stages of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman: laboratory, greenhouse and field trials. Biological Control. In Press (Accepted May 22, 2021).
- Gulzar, S., Usman, M., Wakil, W., Wu, S., Oliveira_Hofman, C., Srinvasan, R., Toews, M. and Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2021. Virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes to pupae of Frankliniella fusca (Thysanoptera; thripidae). Journal of Economic Entomology (In Press, Accepted June 10, 2021).
- Hay, W.T., Behle, R.W., Berhow, M.A., Miller, A.C. and Selling, G.W., 2020. Biopesticide synergy when combining plant flavonoids and entomopathogenic baculovirus. Scientific Reports, 10(1) doi:10.1038/s41598-020-63746-6
- Jagdale, G.B., Brenneman, T.B., Severns, P.M. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Differences in distribution and community structure of plant-parasitic nematodes in pecan orchards between two ecoregions of Georgia. Journal of Nematology (In Press, Accepted July 28, 2021).
- Khathwayo, Z., Ramakuwela, T., Hatting, J., Shapiro-Ilan, I. and Cochrane, N., 2021. Quantification of pH tolerance levels among entomopathogenic nematodes. Journal of Nematology. 53, e2021-62. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2021-062.
- Kiran Kumar, K. and Dara, K., 2021. Fungal and bacterial endophytes as microbial control agents for plant-parasitic nematodes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18: 4269. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18084269
- Li, Y., Mbata, G.N., Punnuri, S., Simmons, A.M. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Bemisia tabaci on vegetables in the Southern United States: Incidence, impact, and management. Insects. In Press.
- Li, Y., Mbata, G.N. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Laboratory virulence of entomopathogenic nematodes to the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Journal of Nematology 53, 96. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2021-096.
- Nalinci, E., Karagoz, B., Ulug, D., Hazal Gulsen, S., Cimen, H., Touray, M., Shapiro-Ilan, D. and Hazir, S., 2021. The effect of chemical insecticides on the scavenging performance of Steinernema carpocapsae: direct effects and exposure to insects killed by chemical insecticides. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 184, 107641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2021.107641
- Oliveira-Hofman, C., Cottrell, T.E., Bock, C., Mizell, R.F, Wells, L. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Impact of a biorational pesticide on the pecan aphid complex and its natural enemies. Biological Control 161, 104709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2021.104709
- Oliveira Silva, M.S., Maringoli Cardoso, J.F., Pacheco Ferreira, M.E., Baldo, F.B., Silva, R.S.A., Chacon-Orozco, J.G., Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., Hazir, S., Júnior Bueno, C. and Garrigós Leite, L., 2021. An assessment of Steinernema rarum as a biocontrol agent in sugarcane with focus on Sphenophorus levis, host-finding ability, compatibility with vinasse and field efficacy. Agriculture. 11, 500. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11060500
- Pick, D.A., Avery, P.B., Qureshi, J.A., Arthurs, S.P. and Powell, C. A., 2021. Field persistence and pathogenicity of Isaria fumosorosea for management of Diaphorina citri. Biocontrol Science and Technology doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2021.1976727
- Pileggi, M G, Chase, J U, Shu, R G, Teng, L g, Jeong, KC, Kaufman, P and Wong, ACN., 2021. Prevalence of field-collected house flies and stable flies with bacteria displaying cefotaxime and multidrug resistance. Journal of Medical Entomology, 58 (2), 921–928. Doi: 10.1093/jme/tjaa241
- Sanchez, W., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Williams, G. and Lawrence, K., 2021. Entomopathogenic nematode management of small hive beetles (Aethina tumida) in three native Alabama soils under low moisture conditions. Journal of Nematology (In Press, Accepted June 14, 2021).
- Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. and Wells, L. 2021. Control of Curculio caryae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with reduced rates of a microbial biopesticide. Journal of Entomological Science (In Press, Accepted October 6, 2021).
- Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. and Goolsby, J.A., 2021. Evaluation of Barricade® to enhance survival entomopathogenic nematodes on cowhide. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 184, 107592. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2021.107592
- Shu, R. and Wong, A.C.N., 2021. Hybrid Nanopore-Illumina Genome assembly of a Drosophila suzukii gut bacterial symbiont, Gluconobacter cerinus FLW-1. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10 (16). Doi: 10.1128/MRA.00190-21.
- Shu, R., Hahn, D., Jurkevitch, E., Liburd, O., Yuval, B. and Wong, A.C.N., 2021. Sex-dependent effects of the microbiome on foraging and locomotion in Drosophila suzukii. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 1094. Doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.656406.
- Sivakala, K., Jose, P., Shamir, M., Wong, A.C.N., Jurkevitch, E. and Yuval, B., 2022. Foraging behaviour of medfly larvae is affected by maternally transmitted and environmental bacteria. Animal Behaviour, 183, 169-176. Doi: /10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.10.014.
- Srygley, R.B. and Jaronski, S.T., 2021. Increasing temperature reduces cuticular melanism and immunity to fungal infection in a migratory insect. Ecological Entomology.
- Stevens, G., Erdogan, H., Stevens, A., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H. and Lewis, E.E., 2021. Infected host responses across entomopathogenic nematode phylogeny. The Journal of Nematology (In Press, Accepted November 23, 2021).
- Thompson, A.R., Roth-Monzón, A.J., Aanderud, Z.T. and Adams, B.J., 2021. Phagotrophic protists and their associates: Evidence for preferential grazing in an abiotically driven soil ecosystem. Microorganisms9 (8), 1555.
- Touray, M., Cimen, H., Gulsen, S.H., Ulug, D., Erdogus, D., Shapiro-Ilan, D. and Hazir, S., 2021. The impact of chemical nematicides on entomopathogenic nematode survival and infectivity. Journal of Nematology 53: 49. DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2021-049
- Usman, M., Wakil, W., Sufyan, M. and Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2021. Entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agent against Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Biological Control (In Press, Accepted July 6, 2021).
- Usman, M., Wakil, W., Gulzar, S., Pinero, J.C., Wu, S., Toews, M.D. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Evaluation of locally isolated entomopathogenic fungi against multiple life stages of Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae): laboratory and field study. Microorganisms. 9, 1791. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9081791
- Wendel, J., Cisneros, J., Jaronski, S., Vitek, C., Ciomperlik, M., and Flores, D., 2021. Screening commercial entomopathogenic fungi for the management of Diaphorina citri populations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA. BioControl, In Press.
- Wu, S., Blackburn, M.B., Mizell, R.F. III, Duncan, L.W., Toews, M.D., Sparks, M.E., El-Borai, F., Bock, C.H. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Novel associations in antibiosis stemming from an insect pupal cell. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 184, 107655. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2021.107655
- Wu, S., Toews, M.D., Castrillo, L.A., Barman, A.K., Cottrell, T.E. and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I., 2021. Identification and virulence of Cordyceps javanica strain wf GA17 isolated from a natural fungal population in sweetpotato whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology. 50(5): 1127-1136.
- Yanagawa, A., Krishanti, N.P.R.A., Sugiyma, A., Chrysanti, E., Ragamustari, S. K., Kubo, M., Furumizu, C., Sawa, S., Dara, K. and Kobayashi, M., 2021. Evaluating the non-entomopathogenic interactions of Beauveria bassiana and Cordyceps fumosorosea with Fusarium oxysporum, Meloidogyne incognita, and Zingiber officinale. Journal of Natural Medicines https://doi.org/10.1007/s11418-021-01572-4
- Zhang, Y., Cai, T., Ren, Z., Liu, Y., Yuan, M., Cai, Y., Yu, C., Shu, R., He, S., Li, J., Wong, A.C.N. and Wan, H., 2021. Decline in symbiont-dependent host detoxification metabolism contributes to increased insecticide susceptibility of insects under high temperature. The ISME Journal, 15(12), 3693-3703. Doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01046-1
43.Yanagawa, A., Krishanti, N.P.R.A., Sugiyma, A., Chrysanti, E., Ragamustari, S. K., Kubo, M., Furumizu, C., Sawa, S., Dara, K. and Kobayashi, M., 2021. Evaluating the non-entomopathogenic interactions of Beauveria bassiana and Cordyceps fumosorosea with Fusarium oxysporum, Meloidogyne incognita, and Zingiber officinale. Journal of Natural Medicines https://doi.org/10.1007/s11418-021-01572-4
44. Zhang, Y., Cai, T., Ren, Z., Liu, Y., Yuan, M., Cai, Y., Yu, C., Shu, R., He, S., Li, J., Wong, A.C.N. and Wan, H., 2021. Decline in symbiont-dependent host detoxification metabolism contributes to increased insecticide susceptibility of insects under high temperature. The ISME Journal, 15(12), 3693-3703. Doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-01046-1.
Outreach materials
- AgNet West podcast about nonentomopathogenic role of entomopathogenic fungi, 16 February 2021. (https://agnetwest.com/msob-beneficial-fungi-showing-more-benefits-than-pest-control/)
- Good to Grow podcast with Jake Turner on the potential of biologicals for crop protection, 10 May 2021. (https://fmcgoodtogrow.com/episodes/the-potential-of-biologicals-the-next-layer-of-crop-protection/)
- Trade journal news article about suppressing western flower thrips. Progressive Crop Consultant, 10 May 2021. (https://progressivecrop.com/2021/05/tactics-to-suppress-western-flower-thrips/)
- AgNet West podcast about biologicals options for western flower thrips management, 17 May 2021. (https://agnetwest.com/msob-biological-options-for-western-flower-thrips/)
- AgNet West podcast about beevectoring, 4 June 2021. (https://agnetwest.com/msob-delivering-biological-materials-through-bee-vectoring/)
- AgNet West podcast about biologicals for arthropod pest management in organic vegetables, 22 October 2021. (https://agnetwest.com/msob-biological-materials-for-arthropod-management-in-organic-vegetables/)
- AgNet West podcast about biostimulants in IPM, 2 November 2021. (https://agnetwest.com/msob-the-role-of-biostimulants-in-ipm-systems/)
Extension articles
- Dara, S.K., Biopesticides: categories and use strategies for IPM and IRM. eJournal of Entomology and Biologicals, 18 March 2021. (https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=46134)
- Dara, S.K., Managing western flower thrips in lettuce. Vegetables West 25(6): 8-9.
- Dara, S.K, Biopesticides and their role in integrated pest management. CAPCA Adviser 24(2): 46-48.
- Sharma, A. and Muniappan, R., 2021. IPM for Tropical Crops: Lentil. Invited article. CAB Reviews 2021, 16, No. 052. https://www.cabi.org/CABREVIEWS/review/20210419168
- Sharma et al., 2020. IPM package for lentil. https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Lentils-Package-2.pdf
- Sharma et al., 2021. IPM package for chickpea. https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Chickpea-IPM-Package.pdf
- Sharma et al., 2021. IPM package for longan. https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Longan-IPM-Package.pdf
- Sharma et al., 2021 IPM package for rice. https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Rice-IPM-Package.pdf
- Sharma et al., 2021. IPM package for maize. https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Maize-Package.pdf
- Sharma et al., 2021. IPM package for pearl millet. https://ipmil.cired.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Pearl-Millet-IPM-Package-4.pdf
- Sharma, A., 2021 (22 July 2021). IPM Packages Streamline Crop-Pest Solutions in Developing Countries. Entomology Today (Entomological Society of America). https://entomologytoday.org/2021/07/22/integrated-pest-management-packages-solutions-developing-countries/
- Sharma, A., 2021 (25 October 2021). Why Augmentative Biological Control Holds Promise for Advancing Agriculture in Developing Countries. Entomology Today (Entomological Society of America). https://entomologytoday.org/2021/10/25/augmentative-biological-control-advancing-agriculture-developing-countries/