NCDC231: Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/06/2017
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 04/10/2017
- 04/10/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
April 10, 2017 meeting:Archie Clutter, UNL Dean of ARD
Troy Sadler, University of Missouri, Re-STEM Center
Andrew Kinslow, grad student for Troy Sadler
Hannah Scherer, Virginia Tech
Hui Hui Wang
Julie Brown- UMN
Gillian Roehning- UMN
Todd Campbell- UConn
Jenny Dauer-UNL
Kathleen Hunt- Iowa state
Christie Li- University of Missouri
Dave Gosslin
Jamie Loizzo UNL ALEC
Cory Forbes UNL
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p>NCDC231 is a planning committee that has been active for 1 year. During the past year, the committee’s activities have focused on the following. First, we have engaged in a series of planning meetings focused on the planning committee’s goals. These included two virtual meetings with committee members in winter 2016/spring 2017, as well as the committee’s first face-to-face meeting in Lincoln, NE in April, 2017. Second, as part of the April, 2017 meeting, the committee sponsored an invited poster session at the 2017 Water for Food Global Conference, focused on education in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus. The structured poster session featured an invited panel of national experts and 25 contributors to the poster session, including members of the NCDC231 committee. Third, committee members have been engaged in developing external funding proposals and pursuing funding to support an expanded NC-FEW workshop/mini-conference in spring, 2018. These include USDA-NIFA HEC grants program (pending) and the NSEC RAC (awarded). A priority for the upcoming fiscal year is to expand planning conversations around NCDC231 with increased involvement of a larger group of transdisciplinary collaborators focused on FEW education and education research. Forbes also attended the NSEC conference in June, 2017 in support of the committee’s application for conference funding. Finally, fourth, committee members have pursued an engagement agenda by developing and submitting NC-FEW focused sessions at professional conferences to which committee members below. These include sessions at NSEC, NACTA, Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, and upcoming North American Association for Environmental Education conference. The primary purpose of these conference sessions is to raise visibility for NCDC231 activities and engage a broader community of FEW educators and researchers. </p>Publications
<p>Forbes, C.T. & Li, C. (accepted). A national collaborative for food, energy, and water education. Symposium to be presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the North American Association of Environmental Education, San Juan, PR. </p><br /> <p>Forbes, C.T. (invited, 2017, June). <em>A national collaborative for food, energy, & water education: Opportunities and strategic visioning</em>. Invited presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of the National Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC). </p><br /> <p>Forbes, C.T., Foster, D., Millenbah, K., Scherer, H., & Wang, H-H. (2017, June). A national collaborative for food, energy, and water education. Paper presented at the 2017 annual meeting of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), West Lafayette, IN.</p><br /> <p>Forbes, C.T. & Scherer, H. (2017, July). Education in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus: A transdisciplinary community. Paper presented at the 2017 Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, Albuquerque, NM. </p><br /> <p>Forbes, C.T. (2017, April). <em>Food, Energy, and Water Education: Research, Development, Extension, and Outreach. </em>Structured Poster Session<em>, </em>Water for Food Global Conference, NCDC231 Annual Meeting, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.</p>Impact Statements
- The planning committee has engaged over 30 faculty members from more than 20 institutions of higher education in the United States, many of whom have become official members of the committee. The symposium at the 2017 Water for Food Global Conference involved over 30 participants and 50 attendees. Through additional conference sessions and dissemination, NC-FEW has reached hundreds more faculty members and potential collaborators. Year 1 activities have led to the development, submission, and/or awarding of multiple grants in support of Year 2 committee activities: - Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC) Research Action Cluster (RAC) ($10,500 awarded) - USDA-NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grants program ($30,000 pending) - UNL ARD Strategic (Miscellaneous) Funding ($10,000 in preparation) Overall, efforts evident in Year 1 of this planning committee continue to build capacity of national FEW education and education research efforts. This increased capacity will have the long-term effect of improving FEW education programs and enhancing research and evaluation of those programs.
Date of Annual Report: 06/23/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 05/22/2018
- 05/23/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018
Cory Forbes, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Chair)Hannah H Scherer, Virginia Tech
Hui-Hui Wang, Purdue University
Kelly F. Millenbah, Michigan State University
Nicole Sintov, The Ohio State University
Christine Li, University of Missouri
Ammentorp Louise The College of New Jersey
Augustyn Lindsay University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Balschweid Mark University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Barnett Mike Boston College
Burrell Shondricka Temple University
Busch K.C. North Carolina State University
Campbell Todd University of Connecticut
Colston Nicole Oklahoma State University
Sandhaus Shana University of Arizona
Day Jessica Institute for Systems Biology
Fick Sarah Wake Forest University
Goins Gregory North Carolina A&T State University
Goodale Timothy Elizabeth City State University
Gosselin Dave University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Holmes Jeffrey Twenda Learning LLC
Kohn Craig Michigan State University
Lawson Danielle North Carolina State University
Livstrom Illana University of Minnesota
Lombardi Doug Temple University
Manjoro Marizvikuru University of Venda
McKim Aaron Michigan State University
Melnick Rachel USDA-NIFA
Newbill Phyllis Center for Research in SEAD Education, Virginia Tech
O'Connell Kristin Carleton College
Parsley Kathryn University of Memphis
Plankis Brian The Children's Museum of Indianapolis
Rebello Carina Purdue University
Rivera Jennifer Michigan State University
Roehrig Gillian University of Minnesota
Romulo Chelsie University of Northern Colorado
Roberts Elisabeth Northern Arizona University
Smyth Davida Mercy College
Sridhar Venkataramana Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Toderich Kristina National Academy of Sciences International Affairs
Torgersen Tom National Science Foundation
Valek Robert Iowa State University
van de Kerkhof Mary Independent Contractor / Education Research & Program Evaluation
Venkataraman Bhawani Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School
Weld Jeff White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Williams Robert Texas A&M University-Commerce
Wooten Stephen University of Oregon
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Conference takeaways and next steps
- Post PPTs, contact info, etc.
- Send out post conference survey
- Include asking how people want to stay involved and in what ways (i.e., proposal writing / leadership roles)
- One thing most appreciated, one thing you wish was different, one thing that was unexpected
- What questions or concerns do you have now that you have participated in the workshop?
- What’s the one thing that would want to see happen as a result of the the workshop?
- Edited book – focus and structure?
- Set up a listserv?
- Full Multistate Research Committee proposal – revisions and due date
- Proposals
- USDA-NIFA HEC proposal(s)
- Is there something we can pull from the higher ed group that would be worth pursuing from the ideas developed in the workshop
- Faculty development, developing a toolkit for engaging in FEW education (e.g., INTEGRATE, SENSOR)
- Innovative educational experiences for students - Hannah’s project → experiential learning for students around sustainability,
- Global network; also have DEI component
- RCN proposal
- NSF solicitation: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18545/nsf18545.htm
- Structure and content
- Engage SERC?
- System boundary: learning environment of some sort
- What are cross-cutting priorities?
- Diversity, inclusion, equity
- FEW Content
- Transcend disciplines (“T people”)
- Transferrable processes: skills, attitudes, etc.
<p>NCDC231 is a planning committee in its second of two years. During the past year, the committee’s activities have focused on building off of Year 1 activities. First, external funding proposals described in the Year 1 report were funded, providing $60K in support for a national invited conference focused on cultivation of a National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, & Water Education (NC-FEW). Committee members served as an organizing committee for the conference, held in conjunction with the Year 2 committee meeting in May, 2018. This event was attended by approximately 45 participants from transdisciplinary communities focused on FEW-Nexus education and research. Second, through the invited conference and other activities, efforts have continued to seek external funding for committee activities. Third, efforts have continued to engage with professional communities about committee activities through presentations at national conferences specifically focused on NC-FEW. Finally, fourth, the committee developed and submitted a proposal for a full 5-year project that was approved in June, 2018. </p>Publications
<p>Forbes, C.T., Foster, D., Millenbah, K., Scherer, H., & Wang, H-H. (2018, July). Education in the Food-Energy-Water-Nexus: A transdisciplinary community. Poster to be presented at the 2018 Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, Lawrence, KS. </p><br /> <p>Forbes, C.T., Foster, D., Millenbah, K., Scherer, H., & Wang, H-H. (invited, 2018, June). <em>A national collaborative for food, energy, & water education: Opportunities and strategic visioning</em>. Invited presentation at the 2017 annual meeting of the National Network of STEM Education Centers (NSEC). </p><br /> <p>*2 successful grant proposals (USDA-NIFA, NSEC) with an NSF/USDA-NIFA RCN planned for submission in September, 2018</p>Impact Statements
- Plan and organizational structure to support development and submission of an RCN proposal to sustain and grown NC-FEW