SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Chairman Steve Paisley called the meeting to order. Members present: Dan Bursirk, Dan Faulkner, John Hall, Dave Lalman, Twig Marston, Steve Paisley, Dave Patterson, Rick Rasby, Jim Russell, Dan Schaffer, Cody Wright. Adminstration: Gary Cornwell, Don Boggs. Absent: Jack Whittier, Greg Lardy, Cliff Lamb, Tom Turner, Ron Lemenager. Graduate Students: Melissa Hudson, Oklahoma State University, Matt Haan, Iowa State University, Peter Lasley, Iowa State University, Dan Bush, University of Missouri, Nicole Leitman, University of Missouri. Guest: Bob Weaber, University of Missouri. Registration fee: $40.00/person State reports were presented in order by NC ERA-87 objectives. Discussion followed each presentation. Extension Review: Discussion was held reviewing NCBA Producer Education Committee, NCBA learning/production system, and the eXtension activities. Regional IRM workshops were reviewed and it was noted they used mostly NC-225 data. NCBA white paper on national and state extension was also discussed. Also discussed were the 2005 regional reproduction meeting series that have been successful and upcoming meetings which will be held in August 2006. Discussion followed about developing a cow management series of regional meetings. Addition topics of discussion were: Should we be meeting at ARS stations, having them as part of our programming, and how best to disseminate their information? It was indicated that Don Boggs and Steve Paisley should contact Renee Lloyd, NCBA staff member, or whoever appropriate, to make sure they know we recognize their white paper and to discuss future opportunities to be proactive in providing information to beef producers, and to participate in future programming. Rick Rasby and Cody Wright were charged to converse with 1020 committee about a joint distillers education program. Meeting was recessed (5:00 pm) for a facility tour. Mike Smith, Department Chair, gave the committee a tour of the Animal Science building. An excellent supper was served by the Missouri graduate students. June 14, 2006, Reconvened 8:12 am Business meeting: Gary Cormwell gave the administrative report covering USDA structure and budget. He indicated that the minutes need to be filed by 60 days post meeting date. Dave Lahman moved that the chairperson draft a letter to endorse a new NRC for Nutrient Requirement of Beef Cattle. Seconded by Dan Faulkner, motion carried. Dan Faulkner moved to accept last years minutes as printed, seconded by John Hall, motion carried. Symposium for the Midwest ASAS meeting. Several ideas were discussed. A committee was appointed to develop a symposium on phosphorus and the cows relationship with her environment. Appointed were: Jim Russell, Twig Marston, and Cody Wright. Committee was instructed to check with ARPAS about publication. Rick Rasby asked that the symposium be well advertised to get extension educators in attendance. Steve Paisley moved the 2007 host site be the University of Wyoming, Laramie, and dates be set as June 11and 12, John Hall seconded the motion, motion carried. Election of Officers. Rick Rasby nominated Cody Wright to be secretary, Dave Lahman moved to elect by acclimation, seconded by John Hall, motioned carried. Don Boggs gave an administrative report. The new objectives were reviewed. Some of his suggestions and thought are: " Looking for more cooperation between units. " Collaboration with western section committees. " Asked members to include their publication list with reports. " Invite graduate students to attend our meetings. " Interact with committees 1021, 206, and 1020. We discussed and decided to invite representatives in from NCBA Production and Research committee to our meeting in Laramie, Wyoming. Don Boggs reminded us that next year reports will follow the new objectives. Ideas of collaboration were discussed. They included: " Male reproduction, bull development and management. " Phosphorus sampling. " Grain by- or co-products. " Trace mineral monitoring (copper and zinc). Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Twig Marston, Vice President




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