SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information



1. The committee made plans for the next Western Nutrient Management Conference to be held in March 2007 in Salt Lake City. A center point of the planning effort was recognition of the fact that this may be a unique Teachable Moment in our discipline because increased fertilizer prices and lower profitability have increased farmer and industry interest in nutrient management. There is a unique convergence of opportunity for education. As a result program plans were laid to maximize this opportunity. 2. The committee toured agriculture sites on the island of Hawaii and gained insight into how targeted agriculture has become increasingly important for Hawaiian farmers. Blue berry and tea production are being investigated as high value crops targeted to the health markets. 3. The committee representatives reported a total of 88 research and extension publications in 2006 that were focused on aspects of nutrient management.


  1. 1. A long-term impact of the WERA-103 Committee has been the conduct of the Western Nutrient Management Conference (biennial basis). This conference brings agricultural professionals and industry members from the western region together to promote training and communication regarding nutrient management. 2. Another long-term impact has been the development of regional strategies that increase the cooperation between University researchers and NRCS staff to ensure that nutrient management plans and conservation programs are based on the best available data.


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