SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Participants In attendance were Anna Denicol (California), Quinton Winger (Colorado), X. Cindy Tian (Connecticut), Brad Daigneault (Florida), Zongliang (Carl) Jiang (Florida), Curt Youngs (Iowa), Kenneth Bondioli (Louisiana), Carol L. Keefer (Maryland), Jean Feugang (Mississippi), Kiho Lee (Missouri), Brett White (Nebraska), Jingyue (Ellie) Duan (New York), Joao Gabriel Nascimento Moraes (Oklahoma), Celina Checura (South Carolina), Irina Polejaeva (Utah), Ying Li (Utah). In person attendance (14) Dr. Kenneth Bondioli, Dr. Brad Daigneault, Dr. Anna Denicol, Dr. Quinton Winger, Dr. Curt Youngs, Dr. Jean Feugang, Dr. Jaoa Moraes, Dr. Brett White, Dr. Irina Polejaeva, Dr. Ying Liu, Dr. Curt Youngs, Dr. Ellie Duan, Dr. Min Du, Dr. Lacey Luense Zoom attendance (7) Dr. Cindy Tian, Dr. Carol Keefer, Dr. Trish Berger, Dr. Ken White, Dr. Carl Jiang, Dr. Kiho Lee, Dr. Celina Checura

Brief Summary of Minutes of 2023 Annual Meeting

Jan 7th, 2024

Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado

Conference room: Agate C

Zoom link:


9:00 AM – 9:45 AM (45 min)

9:00: Dr. Joao Moraes started the meeting and welcomed the participants.

9:02: All participants introduced themselves in the room and over the Zoom.

9:04: Dr. Joao Moraes presented the agenda for the meeting.

9:05: Dr. Joao Moraes proposed a Motion to approve minutes from 2023 meeting, Dr. Irina Polejaeva seconded.  

09:06-09:40: Dr. Brett White lead the discussion regarding the W4171 Project Renewal, everyone in the room and over the Zoom all contributed to the discussion:

  • Object 1&2 title change. Genetic engineering includes everything. Advancing the fields of reproductive physiology, not just refining the method. Add the aspect of Molecular, cellular, omics technology and data analysis. Objective 2: Add intentional genomic alternation
  • Working groups set up for each station to sign up for either objective(s).
  • Counting the number of transgenic animal models on the ground. Several stations mentioned one or more of transgenic animal models that on the ground made by their group.

9:40: Dr. Ken White has discussed the process of submission of annual final report and the renewed W4171 multistate project. 

  • Secretary Dr. Ellie Duan need to 30 days submission this annual reports summary to Ken White.
  • The renewed W4171 project has to be submitted on 1/15/2024
  • The W4171 will be end on 9.30, after that the stational direction can not use the station funds. The late submission of renewal project may have 6 month to 1 year delay
  • Each station: take 1 station lead to fill out appendix E for each station for the new W5171, this can happen after 1/15/2024
  • Each station must select the object(s) that each station chose to work on in W5171. This need to be done by the first of March 2024.
  • Need to identify 5 reviewers that agree to read and review the proposal prior to the project proposal submission.

9:45 AM – 12: 30 PM

Station Reports (10-15 min per station) –Station Reports were discussed in the reverse order that they appear in the merged Station Report draft (descending alphabetical order by Station)

10 stations:

Washington- Dr. Min Du

  • Early embryo development, embryonic muscle, and adipose development, how are same MSC cells have their final fate decided during development. Understand this process will have potential implication in the livestock growth improvement.
  • Imprinting genes, impact of oocyte/sperm genome on the early embryos. Maternal obesity impact on the offspring development.   

Utah - Dr.Ying Liu   

  • Oocyte maturation with cytokine-supplemented medium
  • Effect of serum-free maturation medium on bovine oocyte maturation

-  Dr. Irina Polejaeve

  • Genetic engineering livestock
  • SCNT method for genetic engineering
    • Anti-GAL GALKO sheep produce anti-gal antibodies similar to humans.

South Carolina - Dr. Celina Checura

  • Photobiomodulation, activate the mitochondrial could potentially change the embryo cleavage and metabolism
  • Overall increase in embryonic development rates and high cell numbers
  • Mitochondrial number will not increase in early embryonic development, only increase after blastocyst stage

Oklahoma - Dr. Joao Moraes

  • Uterine disease in long-term fertility
    • Endometrial 16S in healthy vs. metritis D7
  • Baseline uterine biology, what heathy cells, Uterine biology sncRNA-seq
    • Spatial RNA-seq in D0, D7, D30 healthy vs. metritis
  • Aim to identify gene drives the conceptus elongation
    • Bulk RNA-seq, micro RNA-seq of D45, D50 embryos

Nebraska – Brett White

  • GnRHR-II KD pig
    • GnRH-II function in regulating steroidogenesis        

New York – Dr. Ellie Duan

  • Maternal factor impact the early zygotic genome activation
    • Profiled the general expression and protein changes
    • New method developed to do CUT&TAG in limited cell numbers
  • Sex-specific development difference in early development
    • Whether the cultural medium will change the male develop faster
    • Whether XCI process slow the female embryos down
  • Transposon element expression during pre-implantation development
    • Intergenic region

Montana - Skip

Missouri - Dr. Kiho Lee

  • New ways to activate oocytes
  • The identification of off-targeted events introduced by the CRISPR-Cas9 system in gene-edited pigs. Off target event happens in the intronic region.
  • Compare the off-target to the non-reference genome but to the sequencing of the donor cell line.

Mississippi - Dr. Jean Feugang

  • The gradual decline of semen quality.
  • Predict the poor quality of bull semen.
  • Characterization of seminal extracellular vesicles of divergent sperm quality.

Maryland - Dr. Carol Keefer

  • Reported on her work with energy metabolism in embryos.
    • Discussion: do embryos store energy in the form of glycogen?
    • Discussion: do they divide fast as cancer cells?

12:20 - 1:15 PM – Lunch Break

1:15 PM Afternoon session start

1:15 PM – 2: 45 PM (90 min) Continue Station Reports

8 stations:

Louisiana - Dr. Kenneth Bondioli

  • Localization of key proteins involved in meiotic spindle formation. Occyte cryopreservation.
    • Metabolic profiling from cytoplasm of single oocyte
    • Spatial heatmap of individual oocyte
    • Characterize different proteins from MS
  • In vitro produced embryos has different ZP
  • Improved methods developed in his lab for ICSI.

Iowa – Dr. Curt Youngs

  • Presented some of his work overseas including word done with alpacas in Peru and dairy cattle in Ethiopia.
  • Embryo cryopreservation alpaca
    • Sexed-semen, community based
  • Microbiota work in sheep, virginal microbiome. Shift in microbiota changes throughout gestation and pregnancy
    • 95% pregnancy happen in the left virginal horn, with ovulation happen in both ovaries.


  • Skip

Florida - Dr. Brad Daigneault

  • Optimizing cool condition for prolonged maintenance of equine
  • How environmental factor impact the sperm function (post ejaculation)
  • Role of PPARG in bovine embryos: Activation and inhibition, changes some genes. KO PPARG no change of blastocysts.
  • Separation and passage embryo cells from every cleavage 
  • Zongliang Jiang
  • Molecular mechanism of early embryonic development, particularly during pre-implantation development.
  • Profile the bovine pre-implantation embryo using single cell sequencing.
  • Bovine blastoids derived from trophoblast stem cells.


Connecticut – Dr. X. Cindy Tian

  • Oocyte maturation follicular fluid to improve maturation conditions
  • Intergenic transcription forms read-through and read-ins during pre-implantation embryos. Potential changes when cell under stress or ART, IVF, Cloning.

Colorado - Dr. Quinton Winger

  • How the placenta and embryo use the T4 hormone from mom-placenta to fetus.

California - Dr. Trish Berger

  • Nonfunctional AR in pigs on X chromosome, male vs. female
  • Anna Denicol
  • Ovary biology, early-stage follicle, optimize cultural condition
  • FSH in primary follicles. Follicle growth, Stimulate cows with FSH
  • Single-cell transcriptomics, ovarian biology
  • Embryonic stem cells from early vs late stage blastocysts

Texas – Dr. Lacey Luense

  • Epigenetics reprogramming of sperm retained into embryo
  • 10% of histone retention in cattle sperm, 5% in human and mice sperms
  • Abnormal sperm chromatin-associated with pregnancy loss
  • Gcn5 mouse model

2: 45 PM- 3:00 (15 min)

Nomination for Chair and Secretary of the W4171 2024-2025 Annual Meeting

  • Joao Moraes nominated Dr. Ellie Duan for Chair of the 2025 meeting. Dr. Polejaeva seconded.
  • Joao Moraes nominated Dr. Lacey Luense for secretary of the 2025 meeting. Dr. Daigneault seconded.

2025 Meeting Venue, Date and Time – Member discussion

  • Possible dates for the 2025 annual meeting will be near IETS time, which is 2025 1.18-1.21 in Texas
  • Once the schedule of activities for IETS has been released, there will be a Doodle Pool to decide the time for the 2024 annual meeting.
  • We could hold meet with the pre-conference time, so there will not be a 2-day gap like this year.

3:00 Work on Project Renewal proposal.

Dr. White lead the draft for the new project on two google docs

  1. In this document, each station to add their information (1-2 sentences) under each Working Group and Objective:
  2. This document has the new project draft for everyone to sign up a session to update the literature review, everyone has signed up for a section to work on re-writing and updating the literature list.
  • Oocyte Maturation - Cindy Tian and Ken Bondioli
  • Fertilization and Sperm Biology - Brad Daigneault and Jean Feugang
  • Embryo Development - Carl and Carol
  • Epigenetics- Ellie Duan, Lacey Luense
  • Nuclear Transfer - Irina Polejaeva
  • Cryopreservation - Curt Youngs
  • Stem Cell Biology- Anna Denicol, Joao Moraes, Zongliang Jiang
  • Genome Editing - Kiho Lee

6:00 Dr. Youngs - motion to end the meeting. Dr. Polejaeva seconded. End minutes.



Objective 1- Understand the biology of gamete development, fertilization and embryogenesis including the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms.


  1. Detailed characterization of the cell populations that make up the adult bovine ovary based on single cell transcriptional profiling.


  1. Validation of a RNA interference strategy to study the roles of FSH in preantral follicles.


  1. Optimization of the ovarian biopsy technique in cattle.


  1. Established the detailed profiles of proteomics and metabolomics events in follicular fluid in pre-ovulatory follicles.


  1. Continued to refine the culture condition of putative naïve bovine embryonic stem cells.


  1. Conducted studies for the separation of bovine sperm for sex selection.


  1. Using the commercial protocol, high cleavage rate and a blastocyst rates were achieved. Large numbers of embryos will be needed to improve the dairy cattle genetics in The efficiency of the present IVF system will enable that large-scale embryo production.


  1. A White-tailed deer (WTD) IVM and IVF protocol was tested and produced high cleavage and a blastocyst rate s. Furthermore, embryos were produced using a commercial bovine IVF protocol adapted to have 24 h of fertilization (as opposed to 18–22 h of fertilization). Overall, the adapted protocol produced blastocyst and cleavage rates for WTD similar to those achieved when using the protocol on cattle. With continued adjustments, the protocol could be optimized for IVF embryo production in WTD.


  1. Many research tools can accurately determine embryo quality/viability; however, most are invasive, expensive, laborious, technically sophisticated, and/or time-consuming, making them futile in the context of in-field embryo evaluation. Time-lapse monitoring and artificial-intelligence-based automated image analysis also have the potential for accurate embryo evaluation; however, further research is warranted to innovate economically feasible options for in-field applications.


  1. Raman spectroscopy was used for lipid profiling of single in vivo and in vitro matured oocytes. Spatial mapping of lipid droplets within oocytes indicated higher levels of fatty acids in in vitro matured oocytes compared to in vivo oocytes suggesting incomplete metabolism of fatty acids during in vitro maturation.


  1. Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize the secondary structure of zona pellucida proteins of in vivo and in vitro derived bovine embryos. This analysis revealed no difference in the α-helix and β-sheet ration between in vitro and in vivo derived embryos.


  1. A modified procedure for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) was used to fertilize vitrified and non-vitrified bovine oocytes. This procedure yielded a higher proportion of blastocyst compared to a conventional procedure and it was demonstrated that these ICSI derived embryos capable of producing pregnancies upon transfer.


  1. Utilization of Glucose and Fructose in Bovine Embryos Assessed by Metabolic Flux Analysis.


  1. Raman and Near infra-red spectroscopies have been used effectively used on extended boar semen to assess quality decline during storage, providing semen-specific spectral profiles of long-term (Good) and short-term (Poor) survival during chilled storage.


  1. Using single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq), the Washington Station is studying the impacts of maternal obesity on embryonic development and found that maternal obesity impairs embryonic myogenesis but enhances fibro-adipogenesis, which correlates with the increased fibrosis in offspring.


  1. In addition, the Washington Station also analyzed the impacts of cold exposure of bulls on DNA methylation of sperm cells, which could be passed on to the resulting embryos to affect offspring development. DNA methylation changes were identified in a group of genes including imprinted genes, which are known to affect offspring development.


  1. FLI-supplemented IVM aids in proper meiotic spindle configuration at MII in bovine oocytes and promotes nuclear progression through meiosis I in unmatured oocytes.


  1. The low oxygen level during IVM could improve oocyte quality but does not increase oocyte maturation and subsequent blastocyst development rates.


  1. Commercial serum-free medium improves the quality of oocytes and PA blastocysts, but does not increase the maturation and embryo development. Additional supplementation of resveratrol does not improve the oocyte quality and embryos development.


  1. Supplementing iSCNT embryos with donor cell mitochondria and/or demethylase mRNA that promotes cellular reprogramming and post-EGA progression may increase in vitro developmental abilities.


  1. Embryogenesis- Determine if abnormal paternal histones alter cell differentiation in preimplantation embryo development.


  1. Determine if post-translational histone modifications are altered in embryos generated from sperm with abnormal paternal histones.


  1. Bioinformatic analysis of H3K27ac Cut&Run from sperm with abnormal paternal histones suggests placement at genes critical for preimplantation embryo development.


  1. Reduced H3K27ac in sperm at genes involved in multiple chromatin pathways may alter histone modifications in preimplantation embryos.


  1. A defined photobiomodulation system (time, wavelength, and intensity) that affects oocyte competence is being developed. The treatment improves ATP concentrations, embryonic development, and embryo quality. The increase in ATP production is not permanent, and the treatments do not alter the proportion of oocytes reaching MII by the end of maturation.


  1. Generated RNAseq and microRNA sequencing data from spherical (0.05 - 0.2 mm), ovoid (0.2 - 5mm), tubular (5 - 15mm), and filamentous (16 - 35 mm) bovine conceptuses.


  1. Generated novel data contributing to the current understanding of how postpartum uterine disease programs long-term infertility in dairy cattle.


  1. Characterize the dynamic of MOF/H4K16ac during preimplantation embryogenesis via qPCR and immunofluorescence staining


  1. Established the CUT&Tag-T7 protocol to profile MOF/H4K16ac genomic distribution in low cell number embryo samples


  1. Sexed embryos using PCR method & Generated full-length transcriptomes of male and female blastocysts


  1. Profiled the transposon elements in the bovine newest genome. Characterized the transcription level of TEs during bovine early preimplantation development


  1. During the follicular phase of the estrous cycle, concentrations of GnRH-II in follicular fluid did not differ between GnRHR-II KD and littermate control gilts.


  1. Prior to the onset of estrus (24 h), circulating GnRH-II levels were diminished in GnRHR-II KD compared to littermate control females.


  1. There was a strong positive correlation between circulating concentrations of 17ß-estradiol and GnRH-II.


  1. Theca cells from GnRHR-II KD females expressed 40% less GnRHR-II protein than control theca cells or transgenic granulosa cells.


  1. Levels of GnRHR-II protein in granulosa cells were similar between lines.



  1. Development and validation of effective protocols for in-house synthesis of heavy sulfur ([34S])-labeled methionine and cystine.


  1. Train and develop expertise in microsurgical insertion of jugular catheters in mice for whole-mouse metabolic labeling studies.


  1. Develop and validate protocols for measuring most biologically important sulfur amino acid metabolites by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.


  1. Quantitation of the flux of the sulfur and all carbon atoms from methionine into downstream metabolites in the methionine cycle, methionine salvage pathway, transsulfuration, and glutathione biosynthesis pathways, as well as several other key pathways.


  1. Quantitation of the flux of the sulfur and all carbon atoms from cystine into downstream metabolites in transsulfuration, per / poly-sulfide production, and glutathione biosynthesis pathways, as well as several other key pathways.


  1. Quantitative verification of the role of the methionine catabolism pathway in redox homeostasis.


  1. Identification of a novel non-canonical non-reductive cystine catabolism pathway that also supports redox homeostasis.


  1. Supplementation of the in vitro maturation and embryo culture medium with recombinant cathepsin L significantly improved the developmental competence of bovine oocytes and embryos.


  1. Developed a new oocyte activation approach that can be used for SCNT.


  1. Optimization of stallion sperm capacitating conditions for equine in vitro fertilization


  1. Optimization of cooling conditions for prolonged maintenance of stallion sperm


  1. Reproductive parameters of Florida Native Sheep


  1. Environmental influences on post-ejaculatory sperm function


  1. PPAR-gamma influences developmental competence and trophectoderm lineage specification in bovine embryos


  1. Molecular and cellular programs underlying the development of bovine pre-implantation embryos


  1. High-resolution ribosome fractionation and low-input ribosome profiling of oocytes and preimplantation embryos in both bovine and mouse has enabled us to define the translational landscapes of early embryogenesis.


  1. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of bovine pre- and peri-implantation embryo development at day 8, 12, 14, 16 and 18, when most pregnancy failure occurs in cattle.


  1. Genetic and pharmacological approaches to modulate NRF2-mediated oxidative stress response in bovine preimplantation embryos


  1. Application of granulosa cells and oviductal organoid derived extracellular vesicles mediated molecular signaling in modulating stress response in bovine granulosa cells and preimplantation embryos



Objective 2 - Refine methods to produce animals by genetic engineering or genome editing for the improvement of livestock production efficiency and development of human biomedical models.


  1. CRISPR editing of porcine embryos.


  1. Creation of monoallelic fetuses (at least through day 18) is possible with electroporation of oocytes prior to fertilization.


  1. Identifying the role of thyroid hormone in the regulation and function of the placenta and to learn how maternal thyroid hormone is transported to the fetus.


  1. Identified alternatives methods for producing genetically identical bovine embryos through multiple passaging techniques.


  1. Optimized conditions for knocking our receptors of immune function.


  1. Establishment of bovine trophoblast stem cells (TSCs).


  1. Development of bovine stem cell derived embryos (blastoids).


  1. The laboratory has recently edited the bovine genome to knockout immune cell receptors with a goal of understanding how loss of this receptor impacts colostrum production and immune deficiency in neonates. These strategies will also advance a human biomedical model to better understand roles of this receptor in acquired immunity.


  1. The genetic modification of cattle is a powerful tool for biotechnology. Transgenic cattle that produce human proinsilin and insulin in their milk were produced. Mass spectrometry showed the presence of human insulin more than proinsulin, proteases that could convert proinsulin into insulin. Results suggest that endogenous milk proteases convert recombinant human proinsulin to insulin in milk because mass spectrometry detected human C- peptide. Endogenous milk proteases appear to convert recombinant proinsulin to functional insulin. For the first time, it was demonstrated that mature bioactive human insulin can be produced in cows milk, which could potentially revolutionize how insulin is administered to diabetic patients.


  1. Findings suggest that 0.1–1 mM Sr enhances in vitro osteogenic differentiation of pASCs. Future studies are warranted to determine effects of Sr on in vivo osteogenic differentiation of pASCs.


  1. Platlet rich-plasma (PRP) was determined to be a media supplement with similar effects as FBS, potentially making it a suitable substitute for in vitro expansion of ASC populations. These results are likely partly explained by similarities in growth factor concentrations and their effects. Further characterization of PRP will be necessary to tease out the specific growth factor/s responsible for the increase in swine ASC migration.


  1. Using calcium phosphate resulted in a fibrin scaffold that coagulated faster (p = 0.022), had a rougher surface, higher stiffness, and desirable properties for practical use during surgical operations and scaffolds used in bone tissue engineering. Further, osteogenic differentiation was enhanced on scaffolds treated with calcium phosphate. In addition, fibrin scaffolds treated with RBC lysis buffer were also stiffer than untreated controls. These results are partly explained by ASC attachment and fibrin polymerization during


  1. Preliminary research indicates that patch repair of intestinal perforations is likely inferior to sutures alone, although repair with the patch outside the bowel wall cannot be completely excluded because of the high variability of the Further research may try alternate patch types or different variations to find a non-inferior closure method.


  1. A topology-optimized PCL cage with BMP-2 is capable of resulting in an intervertebral fusion, similar to a conventional ring-based design of the same bioresorbable material.


  1. The RapidVent Emergency Ventilator withstands continuous use over an extended period and allows for the control of physiological parameters of the pig. Weight added to the ribs of the animal may be a viable model for a viable model for labored breathing with more evidence.


  1. Successfully produce a novel Gal KO sheep model lacking the Gal antigen and expressing cytotoxic anti-Gal antibody by 2 - 3 months of age increasing to clinically relevant levels by 6 months.


  1. TAMU broke ground on new Animal Reproductive Biotechnology Center in November. This center is focused on gene editing in ruminants and will be used to improve reproductive efficiency in livestock species and their development as biomedical models for human research.


  1. Development of mouse models with liver-specific Cas9 expression combined with liver-specific mutations in redox system genes.


  1. Development of AAV8-sgRNA vectors that target key genes encoding redox system genes, metabolic genes, cancer genes, transporters, and others.


  1. Validation of AAV8-sgRNA-mediated CRISPR / Cas9 gene disruptions in mouse livers by endonuclease-7 assay.


  1. Detection of off-targeting events in genome edited pigs.


  1. IMPACTS Objective 1 1. Elucidation of the cell populations in the ovary and the roles of FSH in early folliculogenesis is useful to devise better in vitro systems for follicle development and improves the efficiency of assisted reproduction. 2. Presence of the SLICK1 allele in the prolactin receptor gene makes cows more thermotolerant, but the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Elucidating the differences in prolactin signaling as a result of this genetic mutation improves our understanding of the mechanisms involved in thermotolerance. 3. Investigating the impact of genetic and pharmacological approaches to modulate NRF2-mediated oxidative stress response in bovine preimplantation embryos will provide a unique opportunity to enhance survival and mitigate the long-term impact of preimplantation period oxidative damage on fetal development and offspring health. Moreover, the study will identify genes and genome regions which can be targets for future interventions to enhance viability of embryos from assisted reproductive technologies. Moreover, the research on extracellular vesicles-mediated molecular signaling in ovarian follicle and oocytes in Dr. Tesfaye lab will facilitate the development of diagnostic markers associated with maternal physiology and embryo developmental competence and future potential therapeutic application of EVs in assisted reproductive technologies. The use of bovine oviduct organoid technology will allow the generation of physiologically relevant EVs as molecular cargo in embryo oviduct communication for future application in ART to enhance in vitro embryo production yield and quality. 4. Changes in metabolites and proteins during the windows of follicle development and oocyte maturation will help guide us improve the in vitro oocyte maturation conditions. 5. While numerous methods have been tested to separate bovine X- and Y-bearing sperm, most of them are either unpractical or have failed in repeatability. We tried to confirm a reported new method and started the question on the value of this sperm separation technology. 6. Naïve pluripotency in the bovine has major application values in agriculture. Their culture condition, however, is very complex. Improving the culture medium and feeders will allow the cells to be more user-friendly for their applications. 7. Equine studies have demonstrated ideal sperm isolation procedures and holding conditions that promote capacitation while preventing precocious acrosome activation. Optimization of such conditions will help to advance the commercialization of equine in vitro fertilization. 8. We have also optimized conditions for maintaining cooled stallion sperm for up to 6 days, which will have an impact on the equine artificial insemination industry with the adoption of new devices that can maintain stallion sperm for longer than 48 hr. 9. Our sheep studies have determined that Florida Native Sheep may be mismanaged and could benefit from redirecting the breeding season to periods of increased day light where reproductive parameters suggest that reproductive efficiency could be increased. 10. Maternal periconception sheep studies indicate that short-term increased caloric dietary intake of dams prior to conception may increase pubertal testosterone rates of singleton rams which may be beneficial for advancing the onset of puberty with impacts on management strategies for increased efficiency. 11. We developed a novel system to study the impacts of environmental stressors on post-ejaculatory sperm function that can be used to advance human infertility research using a bovine model which is not restricted by gamete availability or genome editing. 12. New knowledge on the roles of PPARG in early embryo development suggest that this gene could serve as a potential embryo therapeutic target and dietary intervention strategy to prevent embryo loss by the addition of pharmacological agents that directly target the PPARG receptor. 13. Our work filled a significant knowledge gap in the study of translational regulation over a period of rapid developmental change and provided an extensive database that can be mined for more detailed insights into bovine oocyte and preimplantation development. 14. Our work provides foundational information to discover essential biological pathways underpinning bovine pre- and peri-implantation development and the molecular causes of the early pregnancy failure during this critical period. 15. Dominant follicle removal (DFR) and a shorter interval of OPU following DFR in Bos taurus X Bos indicus cattle increases the number of higher quality cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs). This allows for the optimization of in vitro embryo production (IVP) from Bos indicus crossbred cattle. 16. Large numbers of embryos will be needed to improve the dairy cattle genetics in Africa. The efficiency of the present IVF system will enable that large-scale embryo production. 17. Overall, the adapted protocol produced blastocyst and cleavage rates for WTD similar to those achieved when using the protocol on cattle. With continued adjustments, the protocol could be optimized for IVF embryo production in WTD. 18. Time-lapse monitoring and artificial-intelligence-based automated image analysis have the potential for accurate embryo evaluation; however, further research is warranted to innovate economically feasible options for in-field applications. 19. Ramen spectroscopy has the potential of providing valuable information about metabolic functions and protein structure in oocytes and embryos on a single cell basis. This information will be useful for improvement of assisted reproductive technologies utilized for breeding of elite cattle including those resulting for genetic modification. 20. Improved outcomes from bovine intra cytoplasmic sperm injection will provide an additional method for incorporation of gene editing techniques and fertilization with spermatozoa for which there are limited numbers such as with sex sorted sperm. 21. The methods and advanced mathematical models developed in this project will help extend the application of MFA framework to complex mammalian systems. Unraveling the metabolic basis of normal early embryo development will provide significant benefits to human and animal reproductive health. Improved embryonic competency following in vitro production and cryopreservation would stimulate the industry by lowering costs, especially those related to recipient management. 22. Raman spectroscopy provided a spectral profile that effectively identified Good or Poor survival semen upon collection/extension to enable strategic storage for permanently maintained high fertility after artificial insemination. 23. Obesity and other physiological factors affect epigenetic changes in oocytes and sperms, which affect embryonic and fetal development, generating long-term impacts on offspring performance. 24. Improvement in proper meiotic spindle configuration at MII stage in bovine oocytes in FLI-supplemented IVM could have a significant impact on improving development and quality of embryo derived from in vitro production, and animal production. 25. Although low oxygen level does not improve oocyte maturation and embryo development, improved oocyte quality would be potential beneficial for embryo development in vivo. 26. Improvement in the quality of sheep oocytes and embryos in commercial serum-free medium could have a significant impact on improvement of IVP embryos and reduce LOS in the lambs. 27. Promoted cellular reprogramming and post-EGA procession in iSCNT embryo supplemented with donor cell mitochondria and/or demethylase mRNA allow for use of them in endangered species rescue. 28. Understanding the role of the paternal histone epigenome in embryogenesis is critical as we further appreciate how the health, diet, and environment of the sire can program the embryo for implantation and long-term health and development. These studies utilizing mutant mouse sperm that produce embryos with poor developmental competence are important to identify chromatin pathways that regulate the molecular mechanisms in other mammalian species. Identifying the genomic location of altered H3K27ac in sperm with abnormal paternal histones, particularly at chromatin modifying enzymes, genes involved in zygotic gene activation, and cell differentiation provide key insight into how paternal histones regulate early embryogenesis. 29. This body of work shows that photobiomodulation treatment is a promising candidate for improving the bovine in vitro maturation system. 30. Conceptus elongation is a critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy in cattle. 31. Understanding the normal mechanisms regulating embryonic and placental development is necessary to acquire basic knowledge that can serve as a foundation to diagnose abnormal embryogenesis. The long-term goal of this research is to improve cattle production systems and reduce the impact of reproductive problems in cattle operations. 32. Results from our studies in the bovine uterus help elucidate the long-term impact of postpartum metritis on reproductive performance. Further understanding of the biological processes regulating uterine inflammation, remodeling and repair are necessary to develop alternative strategies for the treatment of uterine diseases to reduce its impact on fertility. 33. Fills a fundamental knowledge gap by establishing protocols to profile an epigenetic regulator MOF and H4K16ac during bovine embryonic development. 34. Identify the underlying mechanisms behind the developmental rate difference between male vs. female embryos. 35. Characterize the functional role of transposon elements during bovine early development. Overall, our results will also provide a unique opportunity to develop a targeted embryo biomarker assessment system for improving animal fertility and reproduction efficiency. 36. As a result of these studies, we acquired a change in fundamental knowledge regarding how the GnRH-II/GnRHR-II system regulates 17ß-estradiol levels and follicular dynamics in porcine females, representing a potential avenue for future reproductive therapies. 37. Together, these data strongly suggest that GnRH-II and its receptor play a crucial role in regulating follicular recruitment and development during the estrous cycle, impacting overall fertility outcomes of gilts. 38. As a result of these experiments, we expect to better understand how the GnRH-II receptor is regulated within extra-pituitary tissues related to reproduction. 39. New pharmacological agents may be developed to manipulate the reproductive axis, leading to enhanced fertility rates and reduced incidences of endocrine disorders impacting reproduction. 40. Data from these experiments could lead to novel swine-specific contraceptive methods to manage feral pig populations. 41. As a result of this project, we expect to see a change in knowledge regarding the mechanisms underlying regulation of ovarian steroidogenesis by GnRH-II and its receptor and how this hormone-receptor complex is involved in determining ovulation rate and subsequently, litter size, in pigs. 42. A genetic test to identify fertile and/or subfertile female gametes could enhance traditional selection procedures and novel pharmacological agents could improve swine production practices. Ultimately, this will lead to a change in condition, increasing profitability and therefore, sustainability for pork producers. 43. Identification and flux quantification of the novel sulfur amino acid-based redox homeostasis mechanisms revealed previously unknown mechanisms cells can use to support redox homeostasis. These are likely to be important in embryonic development, which we plan to investigate in future studies. 44. Manipulating cathepsin L level in oocytes and early embryos is a promising approach to improve the efficiency of IVP technology in cattle. 45. Potentially improve the success of SCNT. Objective 2 1. CRISPR editing of porcine embryos 2. Electroporation of oocytes provides a path to create monoallelic edits as a biomedical porcine model. 3. Thyroid hormone is necessary to support both fetal and placental development during pregnancy. Maternal supply of TH to the fetus early in pregnancy is necessary before the fetus can produce TH itself. The placenta uses thyroid hormone to regulate metabolic processes, which includes using 60-80% of the oxygen and glucose it takes up from the maternal circulation. Regulation of placental function by thyroid hormone during pregnancy is complex with the potential to regulate proliferation, differentiation, hormone production, invasion and angiogenesis. Major gaps exist in our understanding of how T3 and T4 are transported through the placenta to the fetal circulation, and how the placenta uses TH to regulate placenta metabolism and function. The placenta has relatively high DIO3 activity, which inactivates T4. One theory suggests that TTR secreted on the maternal side of the placenta, complexes with T4 and is believed to shuttle protected T4 to the fetus. Therefore, production of TTR by the placenta may be necessary for the delivery of TH to the fetus however, this theory has not been tested in vivo. 4. Impaired placental development and function is an underlying cause of fetal growth restriction. The causation and progression of placental insufficiency is not well understood and requires additional studies that investigate the mechanisms of placental function. Our second objective is to reduce DIO2 protein in trophoblast cells to determine the impact on placenta function. It is our long-term goal to determine the causes behind impaired placental function, and how placental-insufficiency manifests itself in FGR. We will test if impairment of trophoblast expression of either TTR or DIO2 will result in significant placental and fetal growth restriction by mid-gestation, setting the stage for functional placental insufficiency and FGR. Understanding how thyroid hormones are regulated by the placenta and specifically how TTR transports of thyroxin (T4) is critical to understanding placental function during FGR. 5. The modification of a system to generate multiple embryos by passage embryo constructs will help to advance the production of genetically superior animas by avoiding costly cloning procedures. Results obtained from these studies will also impact the human biomedical field of placental research by developing embryo models conducive to trophoblast stem cell lines. 6. The bovine TSCs not only serves a model to study the unique placentation process in the ruminants and early pregnancy failure, but also enables the first generation of blastocyst-like structures (blastoids) from a large livestock species. 7. The bovine blastoids represent a valuable model to study early embryo development and understand the causes of early embryonic loss. Upon further optimization, bovine blastoid technology could lead to the development of new artificial reproductive technologies for cattle breeding, which may enable a paradigm shift in livestock reproduction. 8. For the first time, it was demonstrated that mature bioactive human insulin can be produced in cows milk, which could potentially revolutionize how insulin is administered to diabetic patients. 9. Addition of Sr on tissue engineering scaffolds may increase in vivo osteogenic differentiation of pASCs. 10. Platlet rich-plasma (PRP) has similar effects as FBS, potentially making it a suitable substitute for in vitro expansion of ASC populations. 11. Using calcium phosphate resulted in a fibrin scaffold that coagulated faster, had a rougher surface, higher stiffness, and desirable properties for practical use during surgical operations and scaffolds used in bone tissue engineering. 12. Preliminary research indicates that patch repair of intestinal perforations is likely inferior to sutures alone. 13. A topology-optimized PCL cage with BMP-2 is capable of resulting in an intervertebral fusion, similar to a conventional ring-based design of the same bioresorbable material. This should allow for more rapid spinal fusion with out using ectopic bone or bone substitute. 14. The RapidVent Emergency Ventilator withstands continuous use over an extended period and allows for the control of physiological parameters of the pig. These data have allowed for an EUA from FDA for the RapidVent emerency use for COVID-19 patients. 15. The Gal KO genetically engineered sheep, like humans, produce anti-Gal antibody and mirror current clinical immune discordance, thus, improving translational value of this new model. 16. Refine methods to produce animals by genetic engineering or genome editing for the improvement of livestock production efficiency and development of human biomedical models. 17. Develop a new reproductive biotechnology center with gene editing facilities for ruminant (TAMU Station). 18. The AAV8-CRISPR-Cas9 liver-targeting genome editing systems developed here provide novel tools, assays, and approaches that not only validate and advance the redox systems at hand now, but could also help improve these type of tools for use in livestock. 19. Rapid detection of off-targeting events can assess accuracy of designed genome editing systems.



  1. Candelaria JI, Denicol AC. Assessment of ovarian tissue and follicular integrity after cryopreservation via slow freezing or vitrification followed by in-vitro culture. Fert & Steril Science. 2023 (in press).
  2. Castro B, Candelaria JI, Austin MM, Shuster CB, Gifford CA, Denicol AC, Hernandez Gifford JA. Low-dose lipopolysaccharide exposure during oocyte maturation disrupts early bovine embryonic development. Theriogenology. 2024. 15;214:57-65.
  3. Jara TC, Park K, Vahmani P, Van Eenennaam AL, Smith LR, Denicol AC. Stem cell-based strategies and challenges for production of cultivated meat. Nat Food. 2023 Oct;4(10):841-853.
  4. Denicol AC, Siqueira LGB. Maternal contributions to pregnancy success: from gamete quality to uterine environment. Anim Reprod. 2023 Sep 8;20(2):e20230085.
  5. Botigelli RC, Guiltinan C, Arcanjo RB, Denicol AC. In vitro gametogenesis from embryonic stem cells in livestock species: recent advances, opportunities and challenges to overcome. J of Animal Sci 2023. 3:101:skad137.
  6. Morton AJ, Candelaria JI, McDonnell SP, Denicol AC. Review: Roles of follicle-stimulating hormone in preantral folliculogenesis of domestic animals: what can we learn from model species and where do we go from here? Animal 2023. Suppl 1:100743.
  7. Camargo LSA, Saraiva NZ, Oliveira CS, Carmickle A, Lemos DR, Siqueira LGB, Denicol AC. Perspectives of gene editing for cattle farming in tropical and subtropical regions. Anim Reprod. 2023 19(4):e20220108.
  8. Johnson, A. K., F. K. Hollinshead, T. Berger, R. F. Cotterman, C. J. Caruso, and A. J. Conley. 2023. Anti-Mullerian hormone and inhibin-B concentrations vary cyclically in nonovulating queens within reference ranges established for determining gonadal status in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 261(12):1796-1803. doi: 10.2460/javma.23.06.0320
  9. Kang, S., and T. Berger. 2023. Macrophages in juvenile pig testis: Link with increase in Sertoli cells induced by oestradiol suppression. Reprod Domest Anim 58(4):564-568. doi: 10.1111/rda.14322
  10. Zacanti, K., I. Park, B. R. McNabb, T. M. Urbano, E. A. Maga, B. J. Nitta-Oda, J. D. Rowe, S. L. Hennig, P. Ross, and T. Berger. 2023. Gender disparity in survival of early porcine fetuses due to altered androgen receptor or associated U2 spliceosome component. Sci Rep 13(1):15072. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-41665-6
  11. Omar A, Puma LL, Whitcomb L, Risk B, Witt A, Bruemmer J, Winger Q, Bouma G, Chicco A. High-fat diet during pregnancy promotes fetal skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation and insulin resistance in an ovine model. Accepted. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2023 Nov 1;325(5):R523-R533.
  12. Hord TK, Tanner AR, Kennedy VC, Lynch CS, Winger QA, Rozance PJ, Anthony RV. Impact of Chorionic Somatomammotropin In Vivo RNA Interference Phenotype on Uteroplacental Expression of the IGF Axis. Life (Basel). 2023 May 26;13(6):1261.
  13. Menjivar NG, Gad A, Thompson RE, Meyers MA, Hollinshead FK, Tesfaye D. Bovine oviductal organoids: a multi-omics approach to capture the cellular and extracellular molecular response of the oviduct to heat stress. BMC Genomics 2023; 24(1):646.
  14. Gad A, Joyce K, Menjivar NG, Heredia D, Rojas CS, Tesfaye D, Gonella-Diaza A. Extracellular vesicle-microRNAs mediated response of bovine ovaries to seasonal environmental changes. J Ovarian Res. 2023 May 23;16(1):101.
  15. Menjivar NG, Gad A, Gebremedhn S, Ghosh S, Tesfaye D. Granulosa cell-derived extracellular vesicles mitigate the detrimental impact of thermal stress on bovine oocytes and embryos. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology; 11.
  16. Gebremedhn S, Gad A, Ishak GM, Menjivar NG, Gastal MO, Feugang JM, Prochazka R, Tesfaye D, Gastal EL. Dynamics of extracellular vesicle-coupled microRNAs in equine follicular fluid associated with follicle selection and ovulation. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 2023.
  17. Jessica Kurzella, Dennis Miskel, Franca Rings, Ernst Tholen, Dawit Tesfaye, Karl Schellander, Dessie Salilew-Wondim, Eva Held-Hoelker, Christine Große-Brinkhaus, Michael Hoelker: (2023): Mitochondrial bioenergetic profiles of warmed bovine blastocysts are typically altered after cryopreservation by slow freezing and vitrification. Theriogenology 214, 21-32.
  18. Dlamini NH, Nguyen T, Gad A, Tesfaye D, Liao SF, Willard ST, Ryan PL, Feugang JM. 2023. Characterization of Extracellular Vesicle-Coupled miRNA Profiles in Seminal Plasma of Boars with Divergent Semen Quality Status. Int J Mol Sci. 24(4): 3194. (IF:6.208 Cit: 0)
  19. Rabaglino MB, Salilew-Wondim D, Zolini A, Tesfaye D, Hoelker M, Lonergan P, Hansen PJ. 2023. Machine-learning methods applied to integrated transcriptomic data from bovine blastocysts and elongating conceptuses to identify genes predictive of embryonic competence. FASEB J. 37(3)
  20. Acevedo C, Barfield JP. 2023. Reproductive physiology of bison and application of assisted reproductive technologies to their conservation. Animal, 17:100842.
  21. Pasquariello R, Zhang M, Herrick JR, Ermisch A, Becker J, Schoolcraft WB, Barfield JP, Yuan Y, Krisher RL. 2023. Lipid Enriched Reduced Nutrient Culture Medium Improves Bovine Blastocyst Formation. Reprod Fertil. 2023 Nov 1:RAF-23-0057. doi: 10.1530/RAF-23-0057. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37971749.
  22. Zhu J, He X, Bernard, D, Shen J, Su Y, Wolek, A, Issacs B, Mishra N, *Tian, X, *Garmendia A, *Tang, Y. 2023. Identification of New Compounds against PRRSV Infection by Directly Targeting CD163. Journal of Virology eooo5423, published on May 3, 2023, doi: 10.1128/jvi.00054-23
  23. Losano JDA, Souders C, Martyniuk C, Daigneault BW. Characterization of bioenergetic and kinematic plasticity of bovine sperm reveals novel and dynamic temporal traits. Reproduction. 2023 Jul 3;166(2):135-147. doi: 10.1530/REP-23-0095. Print 2023 Aug 1.
  24. Losano JDA, Daigneault BW. Pharmacological perturbation of peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor gamma alters motility and mitochondrial function of bovine sperm. Andrology. 2023 Jan;11(1):155-166. doi: 10.1111/andr.13308. Epub 2022 Oct 20.
  25. Molecular and cellular programs underlying the development of bovine pre-implantation embryos. Jiang Z#. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2023 September 21. PMID:38064195.
  26. Mouse trophoblast cells have attenuated responses to TNFα and IFNγ and can avoid synergic cytotoxicity of the two cytokines. Fendereski M, Ming H, Jiang Z, Guo Y. Journal of Immunology. 2023 Dec 8. PMID: 38054905
  27. Iyyappan R, Aleshkina D, Ming H, Dvoran M, Kakavand K, Jansova D, Del Llano E, Gahurova L, Bruce AW, Masek T, Pospisek M, Horvat F, Kubelka M, Jiang Z, Susor A. The translational oscillation in oocyte and early embryo development. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023 Nov 10. PMID: 37950888.
  28. Hoorn QA, Rabaglino MB, Maia TS, Sagheer M, Fuego D, Jiang Z, Hansen PJ. Transcriptomic profiling of the bovine endosalpinx and endometrium to identify putative embryokines. Phyiol Genomics. 2023 Nov 1. PMID: 37720990.
  29. Zhu L, Tillquist N, Scatolin G, Gately R, Kawaida M, Reiter A, Reed S, Zinn S, Govoni KE, Jiang Z#. Maternal restricted- and over-feeding during gestation perturbs offspring sperm epigenome in sheep. Reproduction. 2023 Aug 1. PMID: 37647207.
  30. Stanton DL, Graf A, Maia TS, Blum H, Jiang Z, Hansen PJ. Absence of a molecular circadian clock in the preimplantation embryo is a conserved characteristic in the mammal. Reproduction. 2023 Jul 31;166(3):199-207. PMID: 37387479.
  31. Scatolin GN, Ming H, Wang Y, Zhu L, Castillo EG, Bondioli K, Jiang Z#. Single-cell transcriptional landscapes of bovine peri-implantation development. bioRxiv. 2023 Jun 14:2023.06.13.544813. PMID: 37398069
  32. Ming H, Zhang M, Rajput S, Logsdon D, Zhu L, Schoolcraft WB, Krisher R, Jiang Z#, Yuan Y#. In vitro culture alters cell lineage composition and cellular metabolism of bovine blastocyst. bioRxiv. 2023 Jun 11:2023.06.09.544379. PMID: 37333292.
  33. Wang Y, Yu L, Li J, Zhu L, Ming H, Pinzon-Arteaga C, Sun H, Wu J, Jiang Z#. Establishment of bovine trophoblast stem cells. Cell Reports. 2023 May 30. PMID: 37146606.
  34. Pinzon-Arteaga C, Wang Y, Wei Y, Li L, Orsi A, Scatolin G, Liu L, Sakurai M, Ye J, Yu L, Li B, Jiang Z#, Wu J#. Bovine blastocyst like structures derived from stem cell cultures. Cell Stem Cell. 2023 May 4. PMID: 37146582.
  35. Ho, N.C., Hollister, S., Agrawal, V., Flanagan, C. Lee, C., Wheeler, M.B., Wang,
  36. , Ebramzadeh, E., Sangiorgio, S. (2023) Evaluation of topology optimization using 3D printing for bioresorbable fusion cages: A biomechanical study in a porcine model.
  37. Spine, online September 20, 2022 - Volume - Issue - 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004491, doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004491
  38. Hojati, A., Policarpio, J., Wheeler, M.B., Rowitz, B. 2023. Repair of Bowel
  39. Perforation: Current State of the Art. J Regenerative Medicine & Biology Res. 2023;4(1):1-6.
  40. Maki, A.J., Rabel, R.A.C., and Wheeler, M.B. (2023). In Vitro Migration of Porcine Adipose- Derived Stem Cells in Platelet-Rich Plasma. International Journal of Regenerative Medicine Volume 6(1): 2-9 doi: 10.31487/j.RGM.2023.01.01
  41. Hojati A., Policarpio, J., Yerrabelli, R.S., Wheeler, M.B., Rowitz, B. (2023). Patch Repair for Intestinal Perforation Closure in an Ex-Vivo Porcine Model with BurstPressure Characterization . J Reg Med Biol Res. 2023;4(1):1-5. DOI:10.46889/JRMBR.2023.4106
  42. Marchioretto, P., Allen, C.A., Rabel, R.A.C., Ole-Neselle, M.M.B., Wheeler, M.B. (2023). Development of Genetically Improved Tropical-Adapted Dairy
  43. Cattle" Animal Frontiers. Volume 13, Issue 5, October 2023, Pages 7–15,
  44. Maki, A.J., Rabel, R.A.C., and Wheeler, M.B. (2023). Calcium Phosphate
  45. Treatment Enhances Osteogenic Differentiation of Porcine Adipose-Derived Stem Cells on Fibrin Scaffolds. International Journal of Regenerative Medicine 6:2, 2-10.
  46. Rabel, R.A.C.; Marchioretto, P.V.; Bangert, E.A.; Wilson, K.; Milner, D.J.; Wheeler, M.B. Pre-Implantation Bovine Embryo Evaluation—From Optics to Omics and Beyond. Animals 2023, 13, 2102.
  47. Baloch AR, Feugang JM, Rodríguez-Osorio N. Genomic and epigenomic applications in animal and veterinary sciences. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2023 Mar 20;10:1167079.
  48. Dlamini NH, Nguyen T, Sheng Q, Vance C, Willard ST, Ryan PL, Gad A, Tesfaye D, Liao ST, Feugang JM. 60 Molecular Characterization of Boar Semen in Relation to Sperm Quality. J Anim Sci. 2023 Nov 1;101(Supplement_2):31-2.
  49. Hasan MS, Wang Y, Feugang JM, Zhou H, Liao SF. RNA sequencing analysis revealed differentially expressed genes and their functional annotation in porcine longissimus dorsi muscle affected by dietary lysine restriction. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2023;10.
  50. Xu, D., B. Wan, K. Qiu, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, N. Jiao, E. Yan, J. Wu, R. Yu, S. Gao, M. Du, C. Liu, M. Li, G. Fan, J. Yin. (2023). Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Provides Insight into Skeletal Muscle Evolution during the Selection of Muscle Characteristics. Advanced Science, e2305080.
  51. Santo, M.M., T.C. Costa, W. Silva, L.Z. Pistillo, D. V. Teixeira Junior, L.L. Verardo, P.V.R. Paulino, C.B.Sampaio, M.P. Gionbelli, M. Du, and M.S. Duarte. (2023). Nutrient supplementation of beef female calves at pre-weaning enhances the commitment of fibro-adipogenic progenitor cells to preadipocytes. Meat Science. 204: 109286.
  52. Du, M. (2023). Prenatal development of muscle, adipose and connective tissues, and its impact on meat quality. Meat and Muscle Biology. 7: 16230.
  53. Liu, X., L. Zhao, Y. Chen, J.S. Son, S. A. Chae, Q. Tian, Y. Gao, J. M. de Avila, M. J. Zhu, and M. Du.* (2023). AMP-activated protein kinase inhibition in fibro-adipogenic progenitors impairs muscle regeneration and increases fibrosis. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 14: 479-492.
  54. Zhao, L. X. Liu, N. A. Gomez, Y. Gao, J. S. Son, S. A. Chae, M. J. Zhu, and M. Du.* (2023). Stage-specific nutritional management and developmental programming to optimize meat production. Journal of Animal Science and Technology. 14: 2.
  55. Keim, J., Liu, Y., Regouski, M., Stott, R. D., Singina, G. N., White, K. L., & Polejaeva, I.* (2023) Cytokine supplemented maturation medium improved development to term following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 35, 575-588.
  56. Kerschner J.L., A. Paranjapye, M. Schacht, F. Meckler, F. Huang, G. Bebek, A. Van Wettere, M. Regouski, I. Viotti Perisse, K.L. White, I.A. Polejaeva, S-H Leir, A. Harris* (2023). Transcriptomic analysis of lung development in wildtype and CFTR-/- sheep suggests an early inflammatory signature in the CF distal lung. Functional & Integrative Genomics 23(2), 135.
  57. McGregor C.G.A.*, G.W. Byrne, Z. Fan, C.J. Davies and I.A. Polejaeva* (2023) Genetically Engineered Sheep: a New Paradigm for Future Preclinical Testing of Biological Heart Valves. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
  58. Van Wettere A.J., S-H Leir, C.U. Cotton, M. Regouski, I. Viotti Perisse, J.L. Kerschner, A. Paranjapye, Z. Fan, Y. Liu, M. Schacht, K.L. White, I.A. Polejaeva*, Ann Harris* (2023) Early developmental phenotypes in the cystic fibrosis sheep model. FASEB Bioadv 2023, 5: 13-26.
  59. Sellmer Ramos, J.G.N. Moraes, M. O. Caldeira, S. E. Poock, T. E. Spencer, and M. C. Lucy. 2023. Impact of postpartum metritis on the reestablishment of endometrial glands in dairy cows. Dairy Sci. Communications. doi: 10.3168/jdsc.2022-0338.
  60. White, B.R., R.A. Cederberg, D.H. Elsken, C.E. Ross, C.A. Lents and A.T. Desaulniers. 2023. Role of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-II and its receptor in swine reproduction. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 90:469–479.
  61. Desaulniers, A.T., and B.R. White. 2023. Role of gonadotropin-releasing hormone 2 (GnRH2) and its receptor in human reproductive cancers. Front. Endocrinol. (Accepted).
  62. DeBlasi, J. M., A. Falzone, S. Caldwell, N. Prieto-Farigua, J. R. Prigge, E. E. Schmidt, I. I. C. Chio, F. A. Karreth, and G. M. DeNicola. 2023. Distinct Nrf2 signaling thresholds mediate lung tumor initiation and progression. Cancer Research 83(12):1953-1967.
  63. Karpova, Y., D. J. Orlicky, E. E. Schmidt, and A. V. Tulin. 2023a. Disrupting Poly (ADP-ribosyl) ating Pathway Creates Premalignant Conditions in Mammalian Liver. International journal of molecular sciences 24(24):17205.
  64. Karpova, Y., D. J. Orlicky, E. E. Schmidt, and A. V. Tulin. 2023b. Disrupting Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ating Pathway Creates Premalignant Conditions in Mammalian Liver. Int J Mol Sci 24(24)doi: 10.3390/ijms242417205
  65. Martí-Andrés, P., S. Pérez, S. Rius-Pérez, I. Torres-Cuevas, H. Colino-Lage, D. Guerrero-Gómez, E. Morato, A. Marina, P. Michalska, and R. León. 2023. TRP14 is the cellular cystine reductase and also reduces cysteinylated proteins. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 201:15.
  66. Schmidt, E., C. Miller, S. Austad, Z. Seaford, and R. Noyd. 2023. Rewired Sulfur Amino Acid Metabolism Provides Thiols Supporting Cell Survival in the Absence of Disulfide Reducing Power. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 208:S31-S32.
  67. Shearn, C. T., A. L. Anderson, M. W. Devereux, D. J. Orlicky, C. Michel, D. R. Petersen, C. G. Miller, S. Harpavat, E. E. Schmidt, and R. J. Sokol. 2022. The autophagic protein p62 is a target of reactive aldehydes in human and murine cholestatic liver disease. Plos one 17(11):e0276879.
  68. Shearn, C. T., A. L. Anderson, C. G. Miller, R. C. Noyd, M. W. Devereaux, N. Balasubramaniyan, D. J. Orlicky, E. E. Schmidt, and R. J. Sokol. 2023. Thioredoxin reductase 1 regulates hepatic inflammation and macrophage activation during acute cholestatic liver injury. Hepatology Communications 7(1)
  69. Stancill, J., P. Hansen, A. Mathison, E. Schmidt, and J. Corbett. 2022a. Thioredoxin reductase 1 is required for maintenance of pancreatic beta-cell function and identity. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 192:136-137.
  70. Stancill, J., P. Hansen, E. Schmidt, and J. Corbett. 2022b. Chronic thioredoxin reductase deficiency disrupts redox homeostasis and impairs beta-cell function. In: FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. p 67-68.
  71. Stancill, J. S., P. A. Hansen, A. J. Mathison, E. E. Schmidt, and J. A. Corbett. 2022c. Deletion of thioredoxin reductase disrupts redox homeostasis and impairs β-cell function. Function 3(4):zqac034.
  72. A. Ezz, M. Takahashi, R.M. Rivera, A.Z. Balboula. (2023). Cathepsin L regulates oocyte meiosis and early embryonic development, Cell Proliferation, e13526.
  73. Jung GI, Londoño-Vásquez D, Park S, Skop AR, Balboula AZ, Schindler K. (2023). An oocyte meiotic midbody cap is required for developmental competence in mice. Nature Communications. 14(1): 7419.
  74. Lockhart KN, Drum JN,  Balboula AZ, Spinka CM, Spencer TE, Ortega MS. (2023). Sire modulates developmental kinetics and transcriptome of the bovine embryo. Reproduction. 166(5): 337-348.
  75. Ho KT, Balboula AZ, Homma K, Takanari J, Bai H, Kawahara M, Thi Kim Nguyen K, Takahashi M. (2023). Synergistic effect of standardized extract of Asparagus officinalis stem and heat shock on progesterone synthesis with lipid droplets and mitochondrial function in bovine granulosa cells, J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 225:106181.


Books, non-refereed book chapters, proceedings, instructional media, theses/dissertations

  1. Sarah A. Womack, M.S. February 2023, Thesis Title: " Development of a Porcine Model for the Testing of The RapidVent Emergency Ventilator for the Treatment of Covid-19"
  2. Paula Marchioretto Viero, M.S. July 2023. Thesis Title: " Development of Tropical-Adapted Herds Facilitated by the Use of Dominant Follicle Removal Technique"
  3. Ahern, D.F. 2023. The hypogonadotropic hypogonadism phenotype of KISS1-edited pigs is unchanged after treatment with hormones targeting the HPG axis. M.S. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  4. Ranjitkar S. 2023. Improving farming efficiency through understanding of embryo development, mycoplasma control and gene PhD thesis. University of Connecticut.
  5. Barfield, JP. 2023. How can a baby have 3 parents? In: The Conversation on Biotechnology (Ed Marc Zimmer), Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, pp 182-186.


  1. Guertin J, Losano JDA, Callaham J, Daigneault BW. Optimization of cooling conditions for prolonged maintenance of stallion sperm for assisted reproductive technologies. University of Florida, Animal Sciences 9th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, 2023.
  2. Bishman JA, McGraw MM, Daigneault BW. Embryo complementation as an alternative cloning strategy drives trophoblast stem cell development through multiple passaging. Undergraduate Scholars Symposium, University of Florida, 2023
  3. July 19, 2023. Investigating placenta insufficiency, fetal growth and thyroid hormone in sheep using RNA interference. 7th Food Science and Human Nutrition (IFHN-2024) Meeting. Frankfurt, Germany.
  4. July 10, 2023. Regulation of Trophoblast Function by Histone Lysine Demethylase and Nuclear Hormone Receptors, Dual Purpose with Dual Benefit. Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, 2023 Annual Animal Reproduction Program Project Director Meeting, Ottawa, ON. Canada.
  5. March 2, 2023. Investigating placental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction in sheep using RNAi. University of Florida, Department of Animal Sciences, Gainesville, Florida.
  6. “From stress to success: Exploring the role of extracellular vesicle in stress adaptation”. IETS Morula virtual webinar, November 14, 2023.
  7. “The impact of heat stress on reproductive performance and potential mitigation strategies” A scientific workshop on Designing innovative livestock breeding strategies in Ethiopia. May 30 – June 2, 2023, in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
  8. “The negative impact of environmental thermal stress on animal’s reproductive performance and potential mitigation strategies” Guest seminar at Bio- and Emerging Technology Institute, Ministry of Science and Technology, June 12, 2023. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  9. 2023, Reproduction and ART in bison, International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, Galway, Ireland.
  10. 2023, Sanitary controls during collection of oocytes and processing of IVP embryos for international trade: The researcher’s perspective, Health and Safety Advisory Committee, International Embryo Technology Society, Lima, Peru.
  11. 2023, Updates to IVF embryo staging and grading, Canadian Embryo Transfer Association, Orlando, Florida.
  12. Kennedy VC, Lynch CS, Tanner AR, Winger QA, Rozance PJ, Anthony RV.
  13. Fetal hypoglycemia induced by placental SLC2A3 RNA interference alters fetal pancreas development and function at mid-gestation. Rocky Mountain Reproductive Sciences Symposium 2023; 16th Annual Conference.
  14. Dunn B, Menjivar NG, Gad A, Thompson RE, Meyers MA, Hollinshead FK, Tesfaye D. Generation of physiologically relevant extracellular vesicles from bovine oviductal organoids. Graduate Student Showcase 2023. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  15. Ramírez GG, Gad A, Menjivar NG, Tesfaye D. Go Greens: Phytochemicals against heat stress-associated infertility. Graduate Student Showcase 2023. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  16. Wittenstein J, Gad A, Menjivar N, Tesfaye D. Modulation of embryonic oxidative stress response to mitigate oxidative damage during preimplantation period. Graduate Student Showcase 2023. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  17. Menjivar NG, Gad A, Hessock EA, Tesfaye D. Extracellular vesicle-mediated delivery of stress-associated miRNAs into bovine granulosa cells. Society for the Study of Reproduction 2023; 56th Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. (Poster Presentation)
  18. Gad A, Menjivar NG, Hessock E, Tesfaye D. Regulation of miRNA packaging and release via extracellular vesicles in ovarian and oviductal cells in response to heat stress: Interplay between sequence motifs and RNA binding proteins Society for the Study of Reproduction 2023; 56th Annual Meeting. Ottawa, Canada. (Poster Presentation)
  19. Thompson RE, Gad A, Meyers MA, Menjivar NG, Tesfaye D, Hollinshead FK. Characterization and loading of extracellular vesicles secreted by bovine oviductal organoids as a first step in developing a novel contraceptive. Theriogenology Annual Conference. Birmingham, AL, USA.
  20. Menjivar NG, Gad A, Thompson RE, Meyers MA, Hollinshead FK, Tesfaye D. 068 Bovine Oviductal Organoids: 3-D biomimetic culture system to study the maternal cellular and extracellular response to thermal stress. Animal-science proceedings 2023; 14(3):473. (Poster Presentation)
  21. Gad A, Joyce K, Menjivar NG, Heredia D, Rojas CS, Gonella-Diaza A, Tesfaye D. 093 Ovarian follicle extracellular vesicle-microRNAs mediated response of beef cows to environmental heat stress. Animal-science proceedings 2023; 14(3):489. (Poster Presentation)
  22. Joyce K, Gad A, Menjivar N, Heredia D, Santos-Rojas C, López-Duarte MC, Venturini M, Tesfaye D, Gonella-Diaza A. 032 Transcriptome response of oocytes to seasonal heat stress in beef cows. Animal-science proceedings 2023; 14(3):450. (Poster Presentation)
  23. Menjivar NG, Gad A, Thompson RE, Meyers MA, Hollinshead FK, Tesfaye D. Sorting it out: EV-microRNA-guided response of bovine reproductive tissues to heat stress in vivo versus in vitro. Rocky Mountain Reproductive Sciences Symposium 2023; 16th Annual Conference: Pages 56-57. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  24. Hessock EA, Menjivar NG, Gad A, Tesfaye D. Improving the antioxidant capacity of bovine embryos to enhance viability under oxidative stress condition. Rocky Mountain Reproductive Sciences Symposium 2023; 16th Annual Conference: Pages 50-51. FortCollins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  25. Menjivar N, Gad A, Tesfaye D. Granulosa cell-derived extracellular vesicles alter oocyte function and promote survival under heat stress conditions. CVMBS Research Day 2023: Page 36. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Oral Presentation)
  26. Souza LA, Menjivar NG, Gad A, Silveira da JC, Tesfaye D. Investigating the levels of LHCGR in extracellular vesicles and its relationship with ovarian follicle development in bovine. CVMBS Research Day 2023: Page 18. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Oral Presentation)
  27. Thompson RE, Meyers MA, Menjivar NG, Gad A, Tesfaye D, Hollinshead FK. Bovine oviductal organoids as a biomimetic system to evaluate extracellular vesicles. CVMBS Research Day 2023: Page 23. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Oral Presentation)
  28. Hessock E, Gad A, Menjivar NG, Tesfaye D. Modulation of embryonic oxidative stress response to mitigate oxidative damage during the preimplantation period and beyond. CVMBS Research Day 2023: Page 52. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  29. Xiao-Kim E, Schountz T, Graham JK, Barfield JP. Improving Cryopreservation of Artibeus jamaicensis Bat Spermatozoa, 49th Annual International Embryo Technology Society Conference, Lima, Peru. (Poster Presentation)
  30. Acevedo C, Rajput S, Yuan Y, Krisher R, Barfield JP. Growth factor receptors in bison blastocysts and expanded blastocysts, 49th Annual International Embryo Technology Society Conference, Lima, Peru. (Poster Presentation)
  31. Acevedo C, Rajput S, Yuan Y, Krisher R, Menjivar N, Barfield JP. Development of a bison-specific embryo culture system through targeted supplementation of media with stage-specific growth factors. Rocky Mountain Reproductive Sciences Symposium 2023; 16th Annual Conference: Page 18. Fort Collins, CO, USA. (Poster Presentation)
  32. Rabel R.A.C., Marchioretto P.V., Long S.A., Rodriguez-Zas S., Lindsey B.R., Mathews, G., Milner, D.J., Wheeler M.B. (2023) Dominant follicle removal in Gyr × Holstein crossbreds accelerates development of ovarian follicles. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 35, 226-226.
  33. Monzani, P.S., Sangalli, J.R., Sampaio, R.V., Guemra, S., Zanin, R., Adona, P.R., Berlingieri, M.A., Cunha Filho, L F.C., Mora-Ocampo, I.Y., Pirovani, C P., Meirelles, F.V., Ohashi, O. and Wheeler M.B. (2023). Human proinsulin and insulin production in the milk of transgenic cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36(2) 231
  34. Marchioretto, P.V., Rodriguez-Zas, S L., Womack, S.A., Lindsey, B.R., Milner, D.J., Rubessa, M., Wilson, K.C. and Wheeler, M.B. (2023). Effect of dominant follicle removal before ovum pickup in Girolando cattle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36(2) 251- 252
  35. Glassey, J.R., Rabel, R.A.C., Milner, D.J. and Wheeler, M.B. (2023) Strontium enhances in vitro osteogenic differentiation of porcine adipocyte–derived stem cells. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36(2) 265-266
  36. Bangert, E., Shipley, C., Rabel, R.A.C., Garrett, E., Milner, D. J., Marchioretto, P.V., Spencer, K., Allen, C., and Wheeler, M.B. (2023). The efficiency of an adapted bovine IVF protocol to produce in vitro-derived embryos from oocytes collected via surgical ovum pickup from live white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) donors under captivity in central Illinois. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36(2) 165-166
  37. Zimmerman, L.A., Bangert, E. A., Rabel, R. A C., Milner, D. J., Marchioretto, P.V., Allen, C and Wheeler, M.B. (2023). The in vitro production of Gyr X Jersey bovine embryos from oocytes collected via ovum pickup for use in the tropics. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36(2) 155
  38. Womack, S.A., Bethke, E.B., King, W P., Milner, D.J., Rubessa, M., Marchioretto, P.V., and Wheeler, M.B. (2023). Development of a porcine model for the testing of the RapidVent emergency ventilator for the treatment of COVID-19 infection. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36(2) 219
  39. Girka, E., Brewer, A., Sheikh, E., Gartia, M.R. Bondioli, K.R.   Lipid profiling of bovine oocytes matured in vivo and in vitro. Reprod. Fertil. and Dev. 36 (1-2):257.
  40. Brewer, A., Girka, E., Pryor, J.H., Bondioli, K.R., Looney, C.R.   Raman micro spectroscopy to characterize secondary structure of zona pellucida proteins of in vitro and in vitro derived bovine embryos.  Reprod. Fertil. and Dev. 36 (1-2):200.
  41. Gatenby, L., Brewer, A., Looney, C. Bondioli, K.R.   Embryo transfer of ICSI generated embryos.  Reprod. Fertil. and Dev. 36 (1-2): 224.
  42. Dalton, A., Girka, E., Brewer, A. Bondioli, K.   The influence of different cryoprotectants on mitochondrial function in vitrified bovine oocytes.  Reprod. Fertil. and Dev.  36 (1-2): 272.
  43. M Thoresen, EH King, S Cornejo, CD Barber, D Vanover, HE Peck, JY Joo, JM Feugang, PJ Santangelo, AR Woolums. Bovine preputial epithelium produces antibodies against Tritrichomonas foetus following aerosol application of synthetic mRNA. World Buiatrics Congress, Cancun Mexico, Accepted 2023.
  44. Marhant N, Dlamini N, Kameni S, Feugang J, Rios L. A preliminary study of the effect of dietary cottonseed on the follicular reserve of does artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus. American Society of Animal Sciences, Southern section, Louisville, KY, USA. Accepted, 2023.
  45. KM Johnson, SL Kameni, NH Dlamini, SF Liao, JM Feugang. Discriminating highly resilient spermatozoa during long-term chilled storage. American Society of Animal Sciences, Southern section, Louisville, KY, USA. Accepted, 2023.
  46. SL Kameni, B Semon, GO Ariumbold, JM Feugang. Exploring the potential of Raman spectroscopy to discriminate boar semen samples during storage. International Embryo Technology Society, Denver, CO, USA. Accepted 2023.
  47. N Dlamini, T Nguyen, O Pechanova, T Pechan, J Feugang. P41. Proteomic profiling of Extracellular vesicles in Seminal Plasma with Divergent Quality status. Proceeding of the American Society of Andrology (ASA), Boston, USA, 2023.
  48. T Nguyen, NH Dlamini, Q Sheng, LD Chen, P Asmita, CK Vance, ST Willard, PL Ryan, JM Feugang. Q2.09. Semen quality evaluation using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. J Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 68(1):66-67, 2023.
  49. N Dlamini, T Nugyen, S Kundu, ST Willard, PL Ryan, J Feugang. Q2.10. Exploring Seminal Plasma Extracellular Vesicle miRNA in relation to Sperm Quality. J Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 68(1):67, 2023.
  50. Notsile H. Dlamini, T. Nguyen, Qinyu Sheng, Carrie K Vance, Scott T Willard, Peter L Ryan, Ahmed Gad, Dawit Tesfaye, Shengfa F Liao, Jean M. Feugang. Molecular characterization of boar semen in relation to sperm quality. American Society for Animal Sciences-Midwest meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 2023.
  51. Perisse, I. V., Adams, M. E., White, K. L., Polejaeva, I. (2023). Precise Plasmid Vector Integration into the Rosa26 Gene of Sheep Fetal Fibroblasts using Integrase Editing. (vol. 32, pp. 1-22). Transgenic Research.
  52. Davies, C., Peterson, E. K., Brothers, M. J., Thomas, A. J., Rutigliano, H. M., Lee, Y.-M., Polejaeva, I. A. (2023). Rethinking the genetic basis of pregnancy recognition in ruminants: pregnancy in type I interferon receptor (IFNAR2) knockout sheep ISAG 2023 Abstract Book. (pp. 39). International Society for Animal Genetics.
  53. Thornton, A. E., Peterson, E., Thomas, A., Regouski, M., Liu, Y., White, K. L., Davies, C. J., Polejaeva, I., Rutigliano, H.* (2023). The role of extracellular vesicles in immunomodulation during bovine pregnancy. Proceedings of the International Embryo Transfer Society Meeting 2023.
  54. Adams, L., Liu, Y., B. Durrant, B., Young, C., E. Ruggeri, E., R. Krisher, R., Patrick, T., Polejaeva, I.* (2023). Quantification of mitochondrial DNA copy number in interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. (2nd ed., vol. 35, pp. 136-136). Reproduction, Fertility and Development.
  55. Blocher, R., Liu, Y., Adams, L., Polejaeva, I.* (2023). Evaluation of mitochondrial quantity and distribution in bovine oocytes matured in cytokine-supplemented medium. (2nd ed., vol. 35, pp. 238-239). Reproduction, Fertility and Development.
  56. Culler H, Richey KD, Checura CM. Photobiomodulation during oocyte maturation enhances blastocyst rates but not blastocyst ATP content. Prisma Health Education and Research Institute Showcase 2023; Columbia, SC, USA: 2023: 13.
  57. Richey K, Hersom M, Bridges W, Checura CM. Effects of Photobiomodulation on Bovine Oocyte ATP Levels and Nuclear Stage Progression. Prisma Health Education and Research Institute Showcase 2023; Columbia, SC, USA: 2023: 18
  58. Richey K, Culler H, Hersom M, Bridges W, Checura CM. Effect of photobiomodulation treatment on ATP concentrations in bovine oocytes during maturation. American Society of Animal Sciences Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA: 2023: PSIII-4.
  59. Kirkman K, Mandel A, Thomason L, Wilhelm C, Richey K, Checura CM. Comparison of Two Commercial Bovine IVF Media. Clemson University 18th Annual Focus on Creative Inquiry Forum, Clemson, SC. 2023: 92.
  60. Richey K, Hersom M, Bridges W, Checura CM. Using Photobiomodulation to Improve Bovine Oocyte Maturation. American Society of Animal Sciences Southern Section, Raleigh, NC, USA: 2023: 75.
  61. Buckmaster, K. L., Melton, C., Lopes, M.J.A., Lamberti G.S.E., Briggs E. A., Lalman D.L., Moraes J.G.N. The Role of Interferon-Stimulated Genes in Early Recognition of Pregnancy in Cattle. 2024 Research Day at the Capitol, Oklahoma State University, March 18-19, 2024, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. (Abstract submitted).
  62. H. McDonald, C. P. Johnson, T. P. Vining, M. D. Major, G.S.E. Lamberti, M.I.A. Lopes, N.F.F. Bonmann, J.G.N. Moraes, and P. A. Beck. Effects of sire selection on puberty and reproduction of offspring selected as replacement heifers. 2024 American Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS) Southern Section Meeting, January 27-30, 2024, Louisville, Kenticky, USA (Abstract submitted).
  63. Lamberti G.S., Goldkamp A.K., Lopes, M.J.A., Bonmann, N.F. F., Van Rhijn S., Hagen, D.E., Moraes, JGN. Unraveling the biology of conceptus elongation in cattle. 2024 American Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS) Southern Section Meeting, January 27-30, 2024, Louisville, Kenticky, USA (Abstract submitted).
  64. Sellmer Ramos, J. G. N. Moraes, M. O. Caldeira, S. E. Poock, A.L. Patterson, T. E. Spencer, and M. C. Lucy. Metritis is associated with abnormal invasion of uterine glands into the myometrium (adenomyosis). 2023 Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting, November 14-16, at the Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel in Salt Lake City, UT.
  65. Buckmaster, K. L., Melton, C., Lopes, M.J.A., Lamberti G.S.E., Briggs E. A., Lalman D.L., Moraes J.G.N. The Role of Interferon-Stimulated Genes in Early Recognition of Pregnancy in Cattle. 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, April 18, 2023, Stillwater, USA.
  66. Allen J.E., Lamberti G.S.E., Lopes M.J.A., Hagen D.E., Moraes J.G.N. Generating bison-cattle hybrids to evaluate parental contributions to embryonic development using in vitro procedures. 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, April 18, 2023, Stillwater, USA.
  67. Van Rhijn S., Lamberti G.S.E., Lopes M.J.A., Melton C., Moraes J.G.N. Unraveling the Biology of Conceptus Elongation. 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, April 18, 2023, Stillwater, USA.
  68. Lopes M. J. A., Lamberti G.S.E., Stein D., Moraes J.G.N. First assessment of in vitro embryo production metrics using Angus semen after 29 and 39 years of cryopreservation. 2023 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, April 18, 2023, Stillwater, USA.
  69. G. N. Moraes, T. Gull, A.C. Ericsson, C. A. Bottoms, S. E. Poock, A. L. Patterson, W. Warren, T. E. Spencer, M. C. Lucy. Uterine disease programing of long-term infertility in dairy cattle. 56th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR), July 11-14, 2023, Ottawa, Canada.
  70. C.C. Silva, J. G. N. Moraes, I. Sellmer Ramos, M. O. Caldeira, S. E. Poock, T. E. Spencer, and M. C. Lucy. Vaginal and uterine microbiome in metritic versus healthy dairy cows at disease diagnosis (day 7 to 14 postpartum), after clinical cure (day 28 to 35 postpartum) and at mid-lactation (day 80 to 165 postpartum). 11th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, May 28th to June 1st, 2023, Galway, Ireland.
  71. Sellmer Ramos, J. G. N. Moraes, M. O. Caldeira, S. E. Poock, T. E. Spencer, and M. C. Lucy. Postpartum uterine disease reduces Forkhead box A2, a critical regulator of uterine gland function, within the uterus of lactating dairy cows. 11th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, May 28th to June 1st, 2023, Galway, Ireland.
  72. O. Caldeira, J. G. N. Moraes, S. E. Poock, T. E. Spencer, and M. C. Lucy. The transcriptome profile of bovine uterine endometrial epithelial cells isolated from cows diagnosed with metritis early postpartum provides evidence for inflammatory memory within the uterus. 11th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, May 28th to June 1st, 2023, Galway, Ireland.
  73. Lamberti G.S.E., Sadeghi H., Fernandes M.A., Filho, S.Z., Marchizeli, J.C., Knychala, R.M., Lucy M.C., Moraes J.G.N. Effect of breed on oocyte recovery and embryo production following ovum pick up (OPU) and fertility outcomes after transferring fresh in vitro produced embryos. 49th Annual Conference of the International Embryo Technology Society (IETS), January 16-19, 2023, Lima, Peru.
  74. Function of MOF and H4K16ac during bovine preimplantation embryogenesis. Tri-Repro symposium, Cornell University, 2023 Apr.
  75. Sex-specific Early Development in Bovine Embryos. Summer Research Experience for Undergrads, Cornell University, 2023 summer.
  76. Transcriptome Comparison Between Cryopreservation Methods of Bovine Blastocysts, PAG conference, San Diego, 2024 Jan.
  77. Characterization of transposon element expression during bovine embryogenesis, TAGC, 2024 March.
  78. Polivanov, L.J., J. Shelton, N.E. Nordell, H. Qiu, E.G. Rogan, S.E. Bartelt-Hunt, M. Zahid, B.R. White, S.J. Sillman and A.T. Desaulniers. 2023. Maternal atrazine consumption via drinking water impairs offspring development. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Gilbert S. Greenwald Symposium on Reproductive and Developmental Sciences. November 2-3, 2023. p. 73.
  79. Ross, C.E., R.A. Cederberg, A.T. Desaulniers, F.H. Choat, D.H. Elsken, S.G. Kurz, G.A. Mills, C.A. Lents and B.R. White. 2023. Diminished reproductive hormone concentrations in GnRHR-II knockdown gilts during the follicular phase of the estrous cycle may be attributed to reduced GnRHR-II levels in theca cells. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 90:724.
  80. Shelton, J., L.J. Polivanov, N.E. Nordell, H. Qiu, E.G. Rogan, S.E. Bartelt-Hunt, M. Zahid, B.R. White, S.J. Sillman and A.T. Desaulniers. 2023. The effect of environmentally relevant atrazine exposure on maternal physiology. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Gilbert S. Greenwald Symposium on Reproductive and Developmental Sciences. November 2-3, 2023. p. 68.
  81. Zhao R, Liu J, Wang B, and *Tian X. 2024. Evidence Against the Role of Toll-like Receptors 7/8 in Sex Selection in the Mouse. Poster at the 50th annual meeting of the International Embryo Technology Society, January 10-13, 2023, Denver, Colorado.
  82. Salman S, Gungor O, Ranjitkar S, Zhang D, Balsbaugh JL, Liddle J, Zaidi F, Ramamoorthy P, *Tian XC. Metabolomic and Proteome profiles of bovine follicular fluid during the window of in vivo oocytes maturation. Poster at the 50th annual meeting of the International Embryo Technology Society, January 10-13, 2023, Denver, Colorado.

Miscellaneous publications (semi-technical/lay publications)

  1. Ross, C.E., and B.R. White. 2023. Ain’t no lie: Understanding the porcine estrous cycle is the key to ensuring your breeding program is N’Synch. Nebraska Pork Talk, Nebraska Pork Producers Association. (Accepted).
  3. APPLICATION: Non-invasive sex selection of male and female bovine
  4. Jiang Z, Wu J, Wang Y, Pinzon-Arteaga C, Wei Y. Bovine blastocyst like structures (blastoids) and uses thereof. Oct 6, 2022, US Patent No: 63/370,192.
  5. Jiang Z, Wang Y. Bovine trophoblast stem cells and uses thereof. Oct 6, 2022. US Patent No: 63/370,068.



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