SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


K. Muthu Muthukumarappan, Dept Head, ABE, South Dakota State University - NCERA 180 - Admin Advisor Chris Hamilton, NC regional multistate projects coordinator, NIMSS system admin, and NCRA Assistant Director. Steve Thomson, National Program Leader, USDA-NIFA John Fulton, Ohio State University Joby Czarnecki, Assoc. Res. Prof. - Mississippi State University Rob Proulx, NDSU Extension, Agriculture Technology Systems Specialist Peter Kovacs, South Dakota State Univ. Pedro Andrade - University of Arizona John Evans, Purdue University Madison Dixon, Associate Director, Agricultural Autonomy Institute, Mississippi State University. Wesley Porter, University of Georgia Tipton Campus Amir Haghverdi, Associate Professor, University of California Riverside Ignacio Ciampitti, Kansas State University David Mulla, University of Minnesota Elizabeth Hawkins, Ohio State University Mary Love Tagert, Mississippi State University Extension Andre FB Reis, University of Missouri Alex Thomasson, Mississippi State University Wes Lowe, Mississippi State University Manoj Karkee, Professor, Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems Nicholas Uilk, South Dakota State University


Meetings will be the primary mechanism used to achieve the stated objectives. This organization of multi-disciplinary, multi-state, and multi-commodity efforts has been the most significant achievement of NCERA-180. Participants and stakeholders will meet annually to discuss potential projects, disseminate research results, and share Extension and educational advancements. Past meetings have drawn large numbers of multi-disciplinary research and stakeholders. To ensure continued participation, lessons learned during the pandemic in virtual and hybrid meetings will be leveraged.

We had a successful annual zoom meeting organized by the current Chair. During this meeting all the participants shared their capabilities and looked for opportunities to further their collaboration in exploring several PA technologies. We have elected new slate of officers and plan to host an in-person event in 2024. Further deatils on the 2024 In-Person annual meeeting will be shared with all the partipcating station members.


  1. Based on the discussion during NCERA-180 annual meeting, we will collaborate with industry and funding agencies for them to better understand the critical gaps in PA technologies and practices. This will help define the direction of future efforts in this space.



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