SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCAC14 : Plant Pathology
- Period Covered: 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2021
- Date of Report: 06/29/2021
- Annual Meeting Dates: 02/16/2021 to 02/18/2021
Marty Draper (Administrative Advisor), Megan Kennelly (Kansas State University), Jim Bradeen (University of Minnesota), Amanda Gevens (University of Wisconsin), Tesfaye Meniste (Representing Purdue University), Jack Rasmussen (North Dakota State University), Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Sandy Pearson (Texas A&M), Tom Mitchell (The Ohio State University), Adam Davis (University of Illinois), Bruce Barrett (University of Missouri), Carolee Bull (Penn State University), Lawrence Datnoff (Louisiana State University)
2020 NCAC14 Meeting
Virtual Zoom Meeting
February 16 and 18, 2021
Attending: Marty Draper (Administrative Advisor), Megan Kennelly (Kansas State University), Jim Bradeen (University of Minnesota), Amanda Gevens (University of Wisconsin), Tesfaye Meniste (Representing Purdue University), Jack Rasmussen (North Dakota State University), Loren Giesler (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Sandy Pearson (Texas A&M), Tom Mitchell (The Ohio State University), Adam Davis (University of Illinois), Bruce Barrett (University of Missouri), Carolee Bull (Penn State University), Lawrence Datnoff (Louisiana State University
Due to COVID19, the meeting was held virtually from February 16-18. Loren Giesler (Chair) opened the meeting with introductions of all attending by each member. The agenda was distributed prior to the meeting and the meeting was a two day zoom meeting and the agenda is attached below. The attending group has members from North Central states well beyond the region that demonstrates our relevance and impact.
Our administrative advisor (Marty Draper) provided an update. The role of the advisor is to be a resource for the committee and clarify any information and general committee oversight for effectiveness. There is also oversight needed to ensure the outcomes are occurring. Below are the topics that he covered that we discussed.
- Explanation of how multi-state committees are administered
- The types of multi-state projects
- How funds are administered differently between institutions
- How colleges are expected to report on administrating the funds provided
- Discussion on new on-line reporting system
- Extension is moving to project level reporting
- Monitoring of multistate projects is our main functional role of our committee
- This committee currently oversees around 10 committees.
- How new projects are initiated and how institutions form around a topic
- How NRSPs are allocated from individual state allocations
- USDA policy updates that included climate change, inter-institutional collaborations, guiding themes, and budget projections
- The relocation of the agency to Kansas City, the new organizational model, and the associated concerns from the scientific community
Project reviews:
One of the main activities of the NCAC14 is to review activities of NC committees. Below is our review of the committees assigned.
- NC_temp1197: Practical Management of Nematodes on Corn, Soybeans and Other Crops of Regional Importance, , presented by Loren Giesler (NE); Amanda Gevens (WI). The activities of this committee were met with support but some discussion was had about if they should be an ERA based on the level of extension reported. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NCCC307:Biochemistry and Genetics of Plant-Fungal Interactions,, presented by Jim Bradeen (MN), Tom Mitchell (OH). The activities of this committee were met with support with no suggestions on altering their activities. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NCERA137:Soybean Diseases,, was presented by Loren Giesler (NE), David Wright (SD). The activities of this committee were met with support with no suggestions on altering their activities. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NCERA184:Management of Small Grain Diseases, was presented by Jack Rasmussen (ND), Chris Staiger (IN). The activities of this committee were met with support with no suggestions on altering their activities. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NCERA_temp222: Integrated Pest Management, , presented by Adam Davis (IL), Bruce Barret (MO). The activities of this committee were met with support but with discussion around the fact that it is only four states involved and more coordinating activity is needed. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project but with recommendation of edits to their report and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NCERA224:IPM Strategies for Arthropod Pests and Diseases in Nurseries and Landscapes,, presented by Amanda Gevens (WI), Megan Kennelly (KS). The activities of this committee were met with support with no suggestions on altering their activities. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NC1183:Mycotoxins in a Changing World,, presented by Marty Draper (KS), Sandy Pierson (TX). The activities of this committee were met with support with no suggestions on altering their activities. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
- NC1208:Biology, Etiology, and Management of Dollar Spot in Turfgrasses,, presented by Megan Kennelly (KS); Tom Mitchell (OH). The activities of this committee were met with support with no suggestions on altering their activities. A motion was made and seconded to continue this project and it received unanimous vote of approval.
Discussion of Off-Year Projects
Jack Ramussen (ND) reviewed the past concepts on the main reason of the committee. We are responsible for many committees and we could discuss the committees annually. In the past, the committee would have projects assigned to members and an annual update was presented.
Marty Draper (KS) mediated an Export Control discussion with the focus of connections of our faculty members with foreign entities such as China and data protection.
Sandy Pierson (TX) led a discussion on Graduate Student Time Lines. The discussion focused on time from MS to Ph.D., teaching requirements, reporting, and streamlining degree progress.
Jack Ramussen (ND) led a discussion on RCM Budgeting. The discussion focused on what each institution was doing in this respect and how resources were generated / used.
A general discussion was had about the presence and use of Associate Chairs, the number of these positions in units, and how the duties were assigned to them.
A general discussion was had about Academic Analytics and its use by universities. Its limitations and strengths were discussed by Tom Mitchell (OH) with an analysis sent to the attendees.
State reports were discussed by each representative.
Group discussions concerning COVID19 responses, cross-institution teaching, and vacancies continued as noted in the agenda.
Election of officers:
- Mitchell will be the Chair for the coming year.
- Mitchell Chair and S. Pearson will host the 2022 meeting at Texas A&M and Tom would coordinate with Sandy for dates and meeting venue, and Tom will take the lead for organizing the business meeting.
Notes recorded by Tom Mitchell and Loren Giesler
2021 NCAC14 Virtual Meeting
Meeting ID: 990 0798 4166
Passcode: 112252
Tuesday, February 16 (1:00-4:00 CST)
1:00-1:15 PM Introductions, housekeeping
1:15-2:15 PM Updates from Administrative Advisor (Marty Draper)
** Ask Marty to review the NCERA VS NC committees and if we can recommend a committee be one other than applied for??
2:15-3:15 PM Required Project Reviews:
New/Renewal Proposals:
- NC_temp1197: Practical Management of Nematodes on Corn, Soybeans and Other Crops of Regional Importance,
Loren Giesler (NE); Amanda Gevens (WI)
- NCERA_temp222: Integrated Pest Management, Adam Davis (IL), Bruce Barret (MO)
Midterm Reviews:
- NCCC307:Biochemistry and Genetics of Plant-Fungal Interactions, Jim Bradeen (MN), Tom Mitchell (OH)
3:15-3:50 PM Summaries of projects we are following:
Extension and Research Activities
- NCERA137:Soybean Diseases,
Loren Giesler (NE), David Wright (SD)
- NCERA184:Management of Small Grain Diseases,
Jack Rasmussen (ND), Chris Staiger (IN)
- NCERA224:IPM Strategies for Arthropod Pests and Diseases in Nurseries and Landscapes,
Amanda Gevens (WI), Megan Kennelly (KS)
Research Committees
- NC1183:Mycotoxins in a Changing World,
Marty Draper (KS), Sandy Pierson (TX)
- NC1208:Biology, Etiology, and Management of Dollar Spot in Turfgrasses, Megan Kennelly (KS); Tom Mitchell (OH)
3:50-4:00 PM Wrap up and any homework assignments for Thursday meeting
4:00 PM Virtual Social – all interested can have breakout rooms and random groups
Thursday, February 18 (1:00-4:00 CST)
1:00-1:20 NIFA Program Update - Amer Fayad, Ph.D. National Program Leader, Division of Plant Systems Protection
1:20-3:00 PM NCAC-14 Business meeting
1) State reports and university updates
2) Elect officers (Vice-Chair)
3) Location for 2022 meeting
3:00-4:00 PM Group discussions
- Vacancies and covering teaching. Opportunities for shared courses
- Operating a department under COVID restrictions: What has worked. What hasn’t worked. How have you dealt with lab access, teaching, etc.
4:00 PM Adjourn