SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information



Breeding:  Tools for phenotyping tuber color have been developed; a fingerprinting system using SNP markers is available to answer variety identify questions; molecular and hyperspectral data are being used to help predict yield.

 Genome sequencing:  research has been conducted to create a pan genome based upon 6 cultivars from the US and Europe; genome sequencing was used to look at relationships and diversity of the cultivated potato species.

 Diploid potato breeding: self-compatibility is being genotyped in the germplasm using KASP markers for Sli; EBN1 wild species are being accessed using bridge crossing; dihaploids are being extracted by all the breeding programs to establish a diploid cultivated gene pool.

 Gene editing:  potatoes have been gene edited to create self-compatible lines as well as late blight resistance.


  1. Variety Releases: Petoskey – chip processing storage potato with scab resistance Blackberry – purple-fleshed specialty potato for the table and chip market. Plover Russet – russet dual-purpose variety adapted to the mid-west region. Based upon certified seed acreage, previously released varieties Manistee, Mackinaw and Hodag are growing in importance in and outside the north central region
  2. Several collbarative competetive grants were funded; a table of these is under meeting minutes


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