SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene ( North Dakota State University; Read, Paul ( University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Fennell, Anne ( South Dakota State University; Hall, Megan ( University of Missouri; East, Katherine katherin ( Michigan State University; Fitch-Deitz ( Highlland Community College (Kansas); Clark, Matthew ( University of Minnesota; Horton, Andrew ( University of Minnesota; Moreira, Laise ( University of Minnesota; Yin, Lu ( University of Minnesota; Treiber, Erin ( University of Minnesota; Black, Brent ( Utah State University; Martinson, Tim ( Cornell University (forwarded prepared remarks)



Short-term Outcomes: Evaluation of materials at individual sites has resulted in new testing arrangment opportunities. Martinson (NY) and Clark (MN) have identified new selections/clones for testing. Data from NE1020 are being published in some cases (Iowa State, Schrader et al 2019, Hort Tech). Information is being used by the breeders in making varietal selection decisions.

Outputs: State reports were submitted and shared with all attendees and invitees via a Google Drive link. 

Activities: Tour of NE1720 Host research plots at Horticultural Research Center, Excelsior, MN. Visited research winery as well as Kiwiberry (Actinidia sp.) production/breeding plots.

Tour of commercial cidery: Sweetland Orchard, Webster, MN as part of Joint tour schedule with NCCC212 participants.

Tour of winery and coordinated wine tasting of cold-hardy wines (UMN varieties) at Sovereign Estate Vineyard, Waconia, MN. Tour of vineyards by Isaac Savaryn, vineyard manager

Coordinated tasting of UMN advanced breeding lines (table and winegrapes) that can be made available for NE1720 participants. The structured tasting was led by A Horton and M Clark.

A summary of slides was presented from Tim Martinson, including grapevine selections available for NE1720 from the Cornell (Reisch) breeding program.

Discussed collaborations and expansion of currently funded projects to build on expertise in the group. Will incorporate microbiome study into “Terroir” study being conduced by Clark and Hatterman-Valenti conducted by Hall.

Suggested additional monitoring of winter injury throughout growing season to characterizing acclimiation/deacclimiation in response to varied weather stress (GxE) at all sites monthly.

A short dicussion was held on the use of the previous NE1020 Data. Martinson (via email and phone) indicated that there may be opprotunities for the USDA Breeding Insight Group to work with this historic data. 

Milestones: Reports by Fennell (SD) and Fitch-Dietz that new sites have been established and there are vineyard spaces available for additional test selections. At Kansas, the winery incubator is now operational which will allow wines to be made from test materials (Obj 2). Materials of MN1220; MN1280; MN1369 have been distributed to several test sites in 2019. Additional Cuttings available. One or more Minnesota selections have been identified for variety release and the commercialization process has been initated.




Chervin, C, Fennell A (2019) Ethanol sprays to release grapevine bud dormancy: a potential alternative to cyanamides. OENO One 4:661-666.

Clark, M.D. 2019. Development of Cold Climate Grapes in the Upper Midwestern U.S.: The Pioneering Work of Elmer Swenson. In Plant Breeding Reviews Vol 43. Ed. I. Goldman. p. 31-59

Fennell, A., Alahakoon, D., Luby, J. and Clark, M. (2019). Mapping the genetic architecture of grapevine bud growthcycling quantitative traits. Acta Hortic. 1248, 337-344 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1248.49

Gu, S., Read, P.E., and Loseke, B.A. (2019) Roostock and Mounding Affect Growth and Cold Hariness of Young 'Gewurztraminer' (Vitis vinifera) vines. Int. J. of Fruit Science (In Review)

Maher, M.F., Nasti, R.A., Vollbrecht, M., Starker, C.G., Clark, M.D., & Voytas, D.F. (2019) Plant gene editing through de novo induction of meristems. Accepted Nature Biotechnology

Moreira, L.S., Underhill, A., and M. Clark. Postharvest evaluation of cold-hardy table grape breedling lines. XII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics. .doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1248.15

Migicovsky Z, Harris ZN, Klein LL, Li M, McDermaidg A, Chitwood DH, Fennell, A, Kovacs LG, Kwasniewski M, Londo JP, Qin Ma, Q and Miller, AJ (2019) Rootstock effects on scion phenotypes in a 'Chambourcin' experimental vineyard. Nature Horticulture Research 6:64. (1 citation, 136 reads)

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019) History of Viculture and Wine Making in Midwest USA. Accepted. Acta Hort.

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019) Teaching Beverage Crop Science: Vines, Wines, and You, a Case Study. Accepted. Acta Hort.

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019) Relating Harvest Timing to Growing Degree Day Accumulation. Accepted. Acta Hort.

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019) Impact of Alleyway and In-row Planted Groundcovers on 'Edelweiss' Grapevine Growth and Fruit production. Submitted: Int J Fruit Science.

Rice, S, Maurer, DL, Fennell, A, Dharmadhikari, M, Koziel, JA (2019) Evaluation of Volatile Metabolites Emitted In-Vivo from Cold-Hardy Grapes during Ripening Using SPME and GC-M.S.: A Proof-of-Concept. Molecules 24:536. (2 citations, 43 reads)

Rice, S., Maurer, D., Fennell, A. Y., Dharmadhikari, M., Koziel, J. (2019). Biogenic volatiles emitted from four cold-hardy grape cultivars during ripening. Data 4:22. (3 citations, 31 reads)

Rice, S. Tursumbayeva, M., Clark, M., Greenlee, D., Dharmadhikari, M., Fennell, A., and J.A. Koziel. 2019. Effects of harvest time on aroma of white wines made from cold-hardy Brianna and Frontenac gris grapes using headspace solidphase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry. Foods. 8(1): 29.

Stenger, J. and H. Hatterman-Valenti.  2018. ‘NDMutant1’: A novel determinate interspecific grapevine for genetic and physiological study and breeding applications. HortScience 53(2):261-263.

Yin, L., Clark, M.D., Burkness, E.C., & Hutchison, W.D. (2019) Grape phylloxera (Hemiptera: Phylloxeridae), on cold-hardy hybrid wine grapes (Vitis spp.): A review of pest biology, damage, and management practices. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 10:1,16.

Zhao, H., Xie, X., Xu, C., P.E. REad, Li. W., Loseke, B.A., and S.J. Gamet. (2019) Biofortifcation with Selenium and Lithium Imrpove Nutraceutical Properties of Major Winery Graps in the Midwestern United State. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry (in review)

Smart, R., Barriault, E., Read, P., and D. Volenberg. Trunk Diseases and Winter Injury in NE America, How are They Related? Wine Business Monthly.



Hatterman-Valenti, H.M. (Feb., 2018) NDSU Grape Research – Germplasm Update. The annual meeting of the North Dakota Grape and Wine Association. Minot, ND.

Stenger, J. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. (Feb., 2018) Converting Trellis Styles. The annual meeting of the North Dakota Grape and Wine Association. Minot, ND.

Svyantek, A. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. (Feb., 2018) Crop Load and Canopy Management. The annual meeting of the North Dakota Grape and Wine Association. Minot, ND.

Svyantek, A. W., J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, N. Theisen, R. Ibriham, and H.Hatterman-Valenti. (July, 2018) Early season leaf removal reduces cluster compactness and yield in North Dakota ‘Marquette’. American Society for Enology and Viticulture – Eastern Section 43rd Annual Conference. King of Prussia, PA.

Svyantek, A. W., J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, N. Theisen, R. Ibriham, and H.Hatterman-Valenti. (July, 2018) Crop ‘til You Drop? Acidity not Linearly Correlated with Yield for ‘Frontenac’ Grapevines.  American Society for Enology and Viticulture – Eastern Section 43rd Annual Conference. King of Prussia, PA.

Svyantek, A., R. Ibrahim. J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, H. Hatterman-Valenti (April, 2018) Grapevine

Pruning Modifications Alter Fruit Chemistry and Yield More Than Augmentation of Canopy Architecture through Supplemental Trellis Support. Gamma Sigma Delta Symposium. Fargo, ND.

Svyantek, A. W., J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, N. Theisen, R. Ibriham, and H.Hatterman-Valenti. (January, 2018) Acidity Parameters and Cold-Hardiness are not Linearly Correlated with Yield for nonirrigated ‘Frontenac’ Grapevines in North Dakota. NDSU Graduate Student Council Research Symposium. Fargo, ND.

Lachowitzer, J. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. (July/Aug., 2018) Yeast Influence on Sensory Attributes in ‘Petite Pear’ and ‘Crimson Pearl’ Wines. VitiNord 2018. Malmo, SE/Copenhagen, DK.

Stenger, J., I. Tartar, A. Svyantek, N. Theisen, C. Auwarter, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. (July/Aug., 2018) Shorter training systems produce yield earlier with no effect on quality in young ‘Marquette’ and ‘Petite Pearl’ grapevines. VitiNord 2018. Malmo, SE/Copenhagen, DK.

Iyer, S., J. Walker-Swaney, A. Christopher, A. Espe, D. Sarkar, H. Hatterman-Valenti, and K. Shetty. (July/Aug., 2018) Non-alcoholic probiotic beverages from cold-hardy grapes of the northern Plains: targeting for human health benefits. VitiNord 2018. Malmo, SE/Copenhagen, DK.

Stenger, J., H. Hatterman-Valenti, and C. Auwarter. (Feb., 2018) Comparison of alternative weed management strategies with four interspecific grape cultivars. Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Arlington, VA.

Fennell, A. North American Grape Breeders Conference, Aug. 16, 2019, Springfield, Missouri. “Genetic analysis of grapevine root system architecture.”

Fennell, A.  15th Annual VESTA National Summit and Michigan Wine Consortium Conference, June 6, 2019, Traverse City, MI. “Advancing the American grape industry through research.”

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019) High Tunnel Table Grapes: An Alternative to Field Production in Nebraska? ASHS Poster

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019) Chilling Requirements for 'Edelweiss', 'Frontenac', and 'Norton' Grapevines. ASHS Poster

Read, P.E., Loseke, B.A., Gamet, S.J. (2019)Hybrid Trunk Disease Evaluation: A Serendiptious Opportunity. Oral Presentation. International Workshop on Trunk Disease, Canada

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