SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Mahdi Al-Kaisi (IA) Larry Cihacek (ND) Mohammad Golabi (Guam) Rattan Lal (OH) DeAnn Presley (KS) Humberto Blanco (NE) Sandeep Kumar (SD) Lisa Tiemann (MI) Francisco Arriaga (WI) Gary Pierzynski (Advisor)

The minutes are provided in an attached document.


The research reported by NC-1178 participants addresses various aspects agricultural intensification including crop residue removal by baling or grazing, monoculture vs. polyculture cropping systems, inclusion of cover crops in cropping systems, nutrient cycling in long-term no-till systems, and interactions between tillage and no tillage in long-term studies.  Incorporated in these studies were observations of soil health under differing crop management systems as well as alternate use of cover crops in some of the systems.  Several studies are addressing issues that may appear to be localized but have broad implications across wide areas of the North Central Region, especially, those areas which have similarities in climate.  Several states have long-term studies (>5 years) (Iowa, Kansas, Ohio, Guam, South Dakota, North Dakota) that enable researchers to develop insight into how certain practices will have long-term impacts (e.g., crop yields, SOC changes, microbial changes, economic trends).  This project has been able to illustrate short (<3 years) and longer (> 5 years) term effects of specific types of soil and crop management.  These studies also illustrate the interactions of a varying climate and soil health with established cropping systems and the complexities facing agriculture in the North Central Region of the U. S.


  1. A total of 30 peer-reviewed journal articles, 1 book chapter, and 82 presentations at professional conferences and workshops and field days in 2018 and 2019 were based on data collected from projects associated with this regional project. The total audience of oral presentations including scientific and extension/outreach activities that have benefitted from data generated from active projects associated with NC-1178 during this reporting period is estimated to be 5,000+ scientists, farmers, agricultural professionals and local/county/state/federal agency personnel. Although it is often difficult to quantify these efforts, with the growing consciousness of the importance of soil health, farmers are making changes in their soil management practices that enhance soil organic carbon assimilation and dynamics and improve long-term crop productivity where these management practices are established. This information also has influenced the recommendations of agricultural crop consultants and agency personnel.


Alhameid A., J. Singh, U. Sekaran, S. Kumar, and S. Singh. 2019. “Soil Biological Health: Influence of crop rotational diversity and tillage on soil microbial properties”. Soil Science Society of America Journal (In press).

Acharya, B.S., H. Blanco-Canqui, R.B. Mitchell, R.M. Cruse, and D.A. Laird. 2018. Dedicated bioenergy crops and water erosion. J. Environ. Qual. 48:485-492.

Acharya, B.S. and H. Blanco-Canqui. 2018. Lignocellulosic-based bioenergy and water quality parameters: A review. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 10:504-533.

Barker J.; D. Heeren; K. Koehler-Cole; C. Shapiro; H. Blanco-Canqui; R. Elmore; C. Proctor; S. Irmak; C. Francis; T. Shaver, and A. Mohammad. 2018. Cover crops negligible on soil water storage in Nebraska maize – soybean rotation. Agron. J. 110:1718-1730.

Blanco-Canqui, H. 2018. Cover crops and water quality. Agron. J. 110:1633-1647.

Blanco-Canqui, H. and S.J. Ruis. 2018. No-tillage and soil physical environment. Geoderma 326:164-200.

Chaoqun Lu , Zhen Yu, Hanqin Tian, David A Hennessy, Hongli Feng, Al-Kaisi, M.M., Yuyu Zhou, Tom Sauer and Raymond Arritt. 2018. Increasing carbon footprint of grain crop production in the US Western Corn Belt. Environmental Research Letters. 13 124007

Chawner, M.M., M.D. Ruark, M. Ballweg, R. Proost, F.J. Arriaga, and J. Stute. 2018. Does cover crop radish supply nitrogen to corn?  Agron. J. 110:1513-1522.

Farney, J.K., G.F. Sassenrath, C. Davis, and D. Presley. 2018. Composition, forage production, and costs are variable in three-way cover crop mixes as fall forage. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management.  doi:10.2134/cftm2018.03.0020

Guzman, Jose, and Mohammad H. Golabi. 2017.  Agroecosystem Net Primary Productivity and carbon Footing.  In the: ‘Soil Health and Intensification of Agroecosystems’, edited by; Mahdi Al-Kaisi (Iowa State University), and Birl Lowery (University of Wisconsin-Madison).  Academic Press (AP), An imprint of Elsevier. London, San Diego, Cambridge, MA, Oxford, England.

Huang, J., A.E. Hartemink, F.J. Arriaga, and N.W. Chaney. 2019. Unraveling location-specific and time-dependent interactions between soil water content and environmental factors in cropped sandy soils using Sentinel-1 and moisture probes. J. of Hydrology 575:780-793.

Kaur, J., L. Cihacek, and A. Chatterjee.  2018.  Estimation of Nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) mineralization in soils amended with crop residues contributing to N and S nutrition of corn in the north Central U.S. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 49(18):2256-2266. 

Kaur, J., A. Chatterjee, D Franzen, and L. J. Cihacek.  2019.  Corn Response to Sulfur Fertilizer in the Red River Valley. Agron. J. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.05.0313.

Lal, R. 2018. Promoting “4 per thousand” and “adapting African agriculture” by south-south cooperation: conservation agriculture and sustainable intensification. Soil & Tillage Research 188:45-40.

Maiga, A., A. Alhameid, S. Singh, A. Polat, J. Singh, S. Kumar, and S. Osborne. 2019. “Responses of soil organic carbon, aggregate stability, carbon and nitrogen fractions to 15 and 24 years of no-till diversified crop rotations”. Soil research, 57(2), pp. 149-157.

Ozlu, E., S.S. Sandhu, S. Kumar, and F.J. Arriaga. 2019. Soil health indicators impacted by long-term cattle manure and inorganic fertilizer application in a corn-soybean rotation of South Dakota. Scientific Reports 9:11776.

Petipas, R. H., McLachlan, E., Bekkerring, C., Bowsher, A., Jack, C., White, R.A., Younginger, B., Tiemann, L. K., Evans, S. and Friesen, M. L. Interactive effects of microbes and nitrogen on Panicum virgatum root functional traits and patterns of phenotypic selection. International Journal of Plant Sciences. In press.

Ruis, S., H. Blanco-Canqui, C. Creech, K. Koehler-Cole, R. Elmore and C. Francis. 2019. Cover crop biomass production in temperate agroecozones. Agron. J. 111:1-17.

Ruis, S., Blanco-Canqui, H., E.T. Paparozzi, and R. Zeeck. 2019. Using processed corn stover as an alternative to peat. HortSci 54:385-394.

Ruis, S., H. Blanco-Canqui, P. Jasa, R. Ferguson, and G. Slater. 2018. Early and late terminated cover crop induced changes to soil gas fluxes and related soil properties. J. Environ. Qual. 47: 1426-1435.

Shaver, M. T., A.L.Stalker, H. Blanco-Canqui, and S.J. van Donk. 2018. Effects of 5 years of corn residue grazing and baling on nitrogen cycling, soil compaction, and wind erosion potential. J. Plant Nutrition 41: 2425-2437.

Smercina, D. N., Evans, S. E., Friesen, M. L., and Tiemann, L. K. 2019. To Fix or Not to Fix: Controls on Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixation in the Rhizosphere. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 85 (6), e02546-18.

Stock, M.A., F.J. Arriaga, P.A. Vadas, and K.G. Karthikeyan. 2019. Manure application timing drives energy absorption for snowmelt on an agricultural soil. J. of Hydrology 569:51-60.

Stock, M.N., F.J. Arriaga, P.A. Vadas, L.W. Good, M.D. Casler, K.G. Karthikeyan, and Z. Zopp. 2019. Fall tillage reduced nutrient loads from liquid manure application during the freezing season. J. Env. Qual. 48(4):889-898.

Vadas, P.A., M.N. Stock, F.J. Arriaga, P.A. L.W. Good, K.G. Karthikeyan, and Z. Zopp. 2019. Dynamics of measured and simulated dissolved phosphorus in runoff from winter-applied dairy manure. J. Env. Qual. 48(4):899-906.

Vadas, P.A., *M.N. Stock, G.W. Feyereisen, F.J. Arriaga, L.W. Good, and K.G. Karthikeyan.  2018. Temperature and manure placement in a snowpack affect nutrient release from dairy manure during snowmelt.  J. Environ. Qual. 47:848-855.

Wander, M., Cihacek, L. J., Coyne, M., Drijber, R. A., Grossman, J. M., Gutknecht, J., Horwath, W. R., Jagadamma, S., Olk, D. C., Tiemann, L. K., Ruark, M., Snapp, S. S., Whitman, T., Weill, R. and Turco, R.F. 2019. Developments in Soil Quality and Health: Reflections by the Research Committee on Soil Organic Matter Management. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 109.

Werle, R., C. Burr, and H. Blanco-Canqui. 2018. Cereal rye cover crop suppresses winter annual weeds. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 98:498-500.

Yadav, G.S., R. Lal. and R.S. Meena. 2019. Long‐term effects of vehicular passages on soil carbon sequestration and carbon dioxide emission in a no‐till corn‐soybean rotation on a Crosby silt loam in Central Ohio, USA. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 182(1):126-136.

Yadav, G.S., R. Lal, R.S. Meena, and B. Rimal. 2019. Long-Term Effects of Different Passages of Vehicular Traffic on Soil Properties and Carbon Storage of a Crosby Silt Loam in USA. Pedosphere 29(2):150-160.

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