SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


John Shutske, University of Wisconsin Madison Marsha Salzwedel, National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety Dee Jepsen, Chair, Ohio State University Aaron Yoder, University of Nebraska Lincoln and University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha Linda Fetzer, Penn State University Connie Baggett, Penn State University Michael Pate, Secretary, Penn State University Marshall Martin, Administrative Advisor, Purdue University Bob Aherin, University of Illinois Bill Field, Purdue University Karen Funkenbusch, University of Missouri Brad Rein, USDA NIFA Steven Thomson, USDA NIFA Mark Purschwitz, University of Kentucky Chris Johnston, University of Maryland Paul Ayers, University of Tennessee Farzaneh Khorsandi, University of California Davis Chuck Schwab, Iowa State University Walter Brace, ASABE Marcel Hacault, Canadian Agricultural Safety Association Brad Husberg, NIOSH Guest: Kelly Chege, Penn State University graduate student


Short-term outcomes:

Work has focused on better safety practices among certified youth; increased us of personal protective equipment; greater focus among engineers and others in industry on incorporating safety into machine and machinery system design.

The white paper on ATV describes the global environment of the problem and potential solutions


More tractor rollover fatalities are being seen with foldable ROPS in the inoperative position. Initial studies have evaluated the actuation force to raise and lower ROPS, with an engineering control prototype developed. Initial evaluation of the lift assist mechanism is encouraging. The new design was modified to be Universal and has met all Standard performance testing.


Mathematically modeling extraction forces assists safety researchers in identifying the variables that influence the extraction forces, examining innovative techniques for improving survivability, and increasing the accuracy of extraction force estimates. This allows researchers to explore innovate concepts for new rescue techniques and gives the ability to better understand the how different types of entrapment conditions could influence extraction forces.

This Iowa farm operator research provides assistance as ISU Extension and Outreach prepares to align efforts with the National Tractor Safety Coalition, and participate in the National ROPS Rebate Program with a goal of lowering agricultural tractor fatalities. Data collected will help guide these promotional and educational efforts directed towards reducing fatalities caused by tractor rollovers.
Standard used by the agricultural industry are kept current.


Workshops; website; fact sheets targeting agricultural safety topics


Held ISASH 2018 conference to provide KT to Ag Safety and Health researchers

Plans for Universal Foldable ROPS lift assist design.  Data showing the influence of friction on foldable ROPS actuation forces.  Defining crush protection zones developed by crush protection devices for ATVs.

Review of these safety standards:

  • ASABE Standard draft X619.1, Safety for Tractor-Mounted, Boom-Type Post Hole Diggers
  • ANSI/ASABE S607 Ventilating Manure Storages to Reduce Entry Risk
  • ASABE Standard X619.1 Safety for Tractor-Mounted, Boom-Type Post Hole Diggers
  • ASABE Standard X575.2, Farm and Agricultural Injury Classification (FAIC) Code
    Standard ISO 17900:2002

Developed/co-developed farm safety and health content suitable for ISASH, eXtension FReSH, and NIOSH Ag Centers.

Reached 548 Iowans about how human reaction time is not fast enough to avoid injuries at the Iowa Power Farming Show.


Reached 548 Iowans about how human reaction time is not fast enough to avoid injuries at the Iowa Power Farming Show.

During 2018, I presented 42 different workshops, conference presentations, keynote talks, webinars, etc. for a documented audience of 4,274 individuals in Wisconsin and many other states (Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Illinois, Indiana and others). 

A small sampling of titles include:

  • Investigative Analysis of 2016 Manure Gas Fatality in Portage County, Wisconsin. Sponsored by WI OSHA and other sponsors, Stevens Point, WI.
  • Helping Mitigate Financial Stress for Farm Operators and Family Members. Sponsored by Extension Risk Management Education National Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
  • Our Brains and Stress - The Psychology of the Distressed Borrower. Sponsored by North Dakota Ag Banker's Association. Fargo, ND.
  • Ten Positive Steps to Manage Farm Stress. Sponsored by WI Farm Bureau. Wisconsin Dells. WI.
  • Navigating the Roadways of Stress. Sponsored by Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin.  Wisconsin Dells. WI.

Provided Canadian content to the ATV white paper

Ayers, P. 2018. Influence of Foldable ROPS size on lift assist designs. Presented at the 2018 ISASH Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Ayers, P. 2018. Development of engineering controls for foldable ROPS to reduce overturn fatalities.  Presented at the 2018 HICAHS Research Day, Fort Collins, CO.


Researched the extraction force prediction for male entrapment victims with different body types submerged below the grain surface

Collected data from Iowa farm operators about their perceptions of barriers and motivators for tractor ROPS retrofit and analyzed the results.

Participated in the review of multiple safety standards connected to agricultural safety.

Educated participants at the Iowa Power Farming Show, February 2019, about the danger of relying on human reaction time to avoid injuries.

Reviewed the ATV white paper and presented lead author with comments and edits.

Participated in a multi-state grant proposal to build resilience in the rural communities by leveraging the existing disaster preparedness and recovery resources in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri.


Grant was funded
Two journal articles published
548 Iowans were educated



Shutske, J.M., Schaefer, D., Larson, R., Erb, K., Skjolaas, C., Leonard, S., Nelson, J., Binversie, E. and Rifleman, S. 2018. Investigation of a Worker Death while Agitating Manure in a Non-Enclosed Storage. Journal of Agromedicine, 23(1), 10-19.

Drewry, J. L., Luck, B. D., Shutske, J. M., & Trechter, D. D. 2018. Quantifying agricultural data generation on Wisconsin farms: A case study. In 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Shutske, J. M., Trechter, D., Luck, B. D., Drewry, J. L., DeWitte, M. J., Pitman, L., & Kluz, M. 2018. Assessment of Digital Capacity, Needs and Access Barriers Among Crop, Dairy and Livestock Producers. In 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Leite de Campos, J., Steinberger, A., Goldberg, T., Safdar, N., Shutske, J., Sethi, A., Suen, G. Ruegg, P. 2018. Frequency of Antimicrobial Usage on Treatment for Bacterial Diseases Occurring in Cows on Large Dairy Farms. Abstract and proceedings of American Dairy Science Association annual meeting, Knoxville, TN.

Shutske, J. 2018. Tackle Stress Head On. Hoards Dairyman. November 2018. Available at:

Shutske, J. 2018. Stress Impacts Everything. Hoards Dairyman. May 2018. Available at:

Shutske, J. 2018.  Dairy Farms Adopt Digital Tools, But Barriers Exist to Expand Tech Use. Progressive Dairyman Magazine. November 24, 2018. -

Holin, F. and Shutske, J. Chronic Stress & Farming - a Dangerous Combination. Midwest Forage
Association Newsletter. October 25, 2018 -

Shutske, J. 2018. Develop a Plan to Stay Safe on the Farm. Wisconsin Agriculturist. August 3, 2018.

Shutske, J. 2018. Throttle Back on Stress. Wisconsin Agriculturist. February 22, 2018.

Shutske, J. and Kirkpatrick, J. 2018. Helping Mitigate Financial Stress for Farm Operators and Family Members.  Proceedings of 2018 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference.

Shutske, J. and Stephenson, M. 2018. The On-Ramp to the Vicious Cycle of Chronic Farm Stress. Video educational recording with Center for Dairy Profitability and Program on Dairy Markets and Policy.

Shutske, J. and Stephenson, M. 2018. How Stress Affects our Decision Making, Health, and Relationships. Video educational recording with Center for Dairy Profitability and Program on Dairy Markets and Policy.

Shutske, J. and Stephenson, M. 2018. Video educational recording with Center for Dairy Profitability and Program on Dairy Markets and Policy. Throttling Back and Breaking the Chronic Stress Cycle: Some Practical Ideas and Tips.

Grooms, L. with Shutske, J (source). 2018. Being Strong Means Asking for Help. Agri-View.  August 6, 2018.

Presley, L. with Shutske, J (source) 2018. Stress on the Farm. Racine Journal Times. November 30, 2018.

Pates, M. with Shutske, J. (source). 2018. Range of pain: Ag Lenders Face 'Push-Pull' Effect. AgWeek.

Shutske, J. 2018. Recognizing and Managing Stress of Dairy Farmers. Video with Tri-State Dairy Consortium in cooperation with Iowa State University.

Khorsandi, F., P. Ayers and E. Fong. 2019. Evaluation of Crush Protection Devices for Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV). In press for Biosystems Engineering Special Issue.

Ayers, P., F. Khorsandi, M. Poland and C. Hilliard. 2019. Foldable ROPS lift assist design. In press for Biosystems Engineering Special Issue.

Khorsandi, F. and P. Ayers. 2018.  The effect of friction on actuation forces of the foldable ROPS.  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 24(5) 227-242

Schwab, C. V., Schwab, L. E., & Schwab, P. J. (2019). Extraction force prediction for male entrapment victims with different body types submerged below the grain surface. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(2), 77-90. 10.13031/jash.13155

Schwab, C. V., Arbuckle, J. G., & Hanna, H. M. (2019). Barriers and motivators for tractor ROPS retrofitting in Iowa. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(1), 1-9.



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