SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


See meeting minutes


Short-term Outcomes

  • Research findings of NC-1034 participants was cited in testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research, March 16, 2017.
  • Research findings of participants was cited in comments regarding the EPA’s Resistance Management Plan for dicamba use on cotton and soybeans (Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0187, May 2016) submitted by the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and its affiliate associations.



  • Participants had more than 60 publications in peer-review journals in addition to several book chapters in scholarly edited volumes.




  • NC-1034 participants were active in planning both the NC-1034 Pre-Conference and the main ICABR / World Bank Conference Disruptive Innovations, Value Chains, and Rural Development, June 12-15, 2018, Washington, DC.
  • Multiple NC-1034 participants participated in editing and contributing chapters to Khanna, Madhu, and David Zilberman, eds. Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy: Volume II: Modeling Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Implications. 40. Springer, 2017.
  • Multiple NC-1034 participants were involved with organizing and presenting research at an all-day Mini-Symposium on Social and Economic Aspects of IPM as part of the 9th international IPM Symposium, March 19-22, Baltimore Maryland.



  • NC-1034 participants have collaborated with the USDA Office of Energy Policy and New Uses to develop several fact sheets on bioenergy technologies and products.
  • Participants were active in organizing and presenting research findings at “Bioeconomy in Transition: New Players and New Tools” University of California, Berkeley, May 31 – June 2, 2017


  1. Participants have been invited to organize a special issue of the Journal of Integrated Pest Management
  2. Participant research findings have been cited in Congressional Testimony


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