SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Vogt, Christine - Michigan State University; Seekamp, Erin - North Carolina State University; Propst, Dennis - Michigan State University; Barbieri, Carla - North Carolina State University; Bricker, Kelly - University of Utah; Kerstetter, Deb - Penn State University; Fix, Peter - University of Alaska Fairbanks; Amsden, Ben - Plymouth State University; Siemer, William - Cornell University; Nelson, Charles - Michigan State University; Klenosky, David - Purdue University; Kuehn, Diane - SUNY ESF; Ingrid Schneider - University of Minnesota; Lekies, Kristi - Ohio State University; Edwards, Michael - Texas A&M University; Trautvein, Nate - University of New Hampshire; Schneider, Paige - East Carolina University; Dann, Sherri - Michigan State University; Wilhem Stanis, Sonja - University of Missouri

This was the first NE1962 Multistate Project annual meeting. As such, the project's advisor, Fred Servello (University of Maine), described the nature and structure of the NIFA Multistate Project endeavor. An brief history of the project's origination was presented by Dennis Propst (Michigan State University). The chair, Christine Vogt (Michigan State University), provided an overview of the goals of the annual meeting and the outcomes for Year 1 of the project. The chair-elect, Erin Seekamp (North Carolina State University), provided a summary of the three project objectives and the key variables of interests, suggested types of research designs, and strategies for achieving each objective. The remainder of the meeting was set aside for breakout sessions to identify common research areas, research funding opportunities, and strategies for engaging in collaborative, multistate research. The meeting concluded with the project's advisor describing some of the administrative components of a Multistate project and elections for next year's chair-elect (Ben Amsden, Plymouth State University), and next year's annual meeting location and month (Washington DC, January 2014).




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