SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Business Meeting Brian Holmes called NCR-9 business meeting to order at 1:45 pm. Joe Harner moved that the minutes of last meeting be approved. Steve Pohl seconded. Motion was passed unanimously. Jay Harmon shared report for nomination committee. New officers nominations included: William Edwards - at large member; Joe Zulovich - Vice - Chairman role; Joe Harner - Secretary Don Jones moved and Pat Murphy seconded that a unanimous ballot be cast for the nominations. Motion was passed unanimously. Executive committee proposal was shared to recommend renaming of NCR-9 to a North Central Coordinating Committee nomenclature designation. Joe Harner moved to accept this recommendation and Tom Scheer seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously. Steve Pohl moved that we form a NCCC-9 committee to advise MWPS on acquisitions of saleable publication topics. Joe Zulovich seconded. Motion was passed unanimously. The chair accepted acquisitions committee volunteers, Steve Pohl, Joe Zulovich, and Tom Scheer. Rick Stowell moved that a revised version of the model for the MWPS/NCCC-9 relationship be shared with the entire committee. Don Jones seconded. Rick accepted a friendly amendment to create an MOU between the two organizations defining this relationship. Motion was passed unanimously. Joe Zulovich moved and Steve Pohl seconded to host our 2006 NCCC-9 meeting on May 22-24, 2006 at Kansas City. Motion was passed unanimously. Jay Harmon agreed to coordinate arrangements with hotel. William Edwards agreed to explore the possibility of jointly meeting with the farm management regional committee. Joe Zulovich moved and Rick Stowell seconded to adjourn the business meeting at 2:37 pm. Passed unanimously. New Project Ideas: Discussion followed on new project ideas. Potential topics identified include the following: Second half of the Small Farms Handbook targeting farming; Small meat processing handbook - Out of print; CNMP Records; NRCS VTS publication; Odor Footprint publication; Greenhouses for rural residents; Update of Farm Shops Publication; Women in Agriculture - Marketing, Finances, Taxes, Records; Farm and Home Concrete Handbook revisions; Indoor Air Quality (possibly in House Housing Handbook) ASHRAE call for proposal for applied handbook targeting indoor air quality in commercial environments - could this lead to indoor air quality for housing handbook; On-Site Waste Treatment needs revision. The committee adjourned at 5:45 pm with the intention to return to this project on May 26. The Dairy Handbook and Small Farms Handbook teams agreed to meet after supper. The committee resumed discussion at 8 am on May 26. Proposal for new NCCC-9 activities: Stowell presented proposal to committee suggesting that it should sponsor one or more regional initiatives targeting a priority or emerging issue area that might resulting sharing of expertise among regional professions, joint educational programs or workshops, regional white papers or extension publications. Discussion followed on potential topics and related ideas. Suggested topics included: Stowell - ammonia emissions and control; Stowell - siting of livestock facilities; Joe Zulovich - animal - welfare issues as it relates to facility design; Zulovich - aggregating construction standards; Pohl - suggested a regional builder's conference possibly addressing acreage issues. Brian indicated importance of partnering with building industry in program planning; Jones - additional publications for small farms area. The committee identified the following topic areas for which a critical mass might exist sufficient to encourage committee initiative in the coming one to two years: Air quality issues associated with livestock. Volunteers include Jay Harmon, Dick Nicolai (recommended), Rick Stowell, Joe Zulovich and Rick Koelsch; Animal welfare issues should wait for another year but was consider a critical emerging issue; Home construction and housing area, possibly a follow-up to release of Housing Handbook. Proposed to ask Ted Funk and Ken Hellevang to chair an initiative in this area. An air quality work group met and identified two short term activities: 1. Establishment of a national steering committee that would include Rick Stowell (initial leader), Jay Harmon, Joe Zulovich, Amy Schmidt, Larry Jacobson, and Richard Nicolai from NCCC-9. In addition, committee identified additional possible representatives including Wendy Powers and Al Sutton (representing Animal Science), Steve Pohl, Saqib Mukhtar or Brent Auvermann (representing south), Eileen Wheeler and Curt Gooch (representing east), Ron Sheffield (representing west), Bill Schrock (representing EPA), and a representative of NRCS. Additional names were identified as subject matter resource people but would not be involved until a program direction was identified. This committee would begin meeting for monthly conference calls to define a direction for initiative. The group discussed several outreach options but decisions would be left to the proposed working group.; 2. Rick Koelsch and Larry Jacobson would explore a pre-proposal to the eXtension initiative for forming a community of practice focused on air quality issues. Priorities for Publications: Koenig and Lucke presented priorities for publication projects. The committee modified the list to the following priorities: A. List for Publication Priority: Private Water Systems - Don Jones, Tom Scherer; Farm Shop Plans - Tom Scherer to contact Vern Hofman Farm and Home Concrete - Joe Zulovich and Bill Koenig Dairy Housing - Brian Holmes NRCS Vegetative Treatment Systems - Rick Koelsch B. List for Publication Priority: Ventilation - Steve Pohl Nutrient Management Records - Rick Koelsch - should this include records from Illinois program? Should this include spreadsheets? C. List for Publication Priority: Small Farms (handbook II - targets cow-calf production) - Don Jones, Cassady, and Scherer The 2006 NCCC-9 annual meeting will be on May 22-24, 2006 at Kansas City. The meeting of NCCC-9 concluded at 10:45 am. Approved: Signed Ted Funk Ted Funk NCCC-9 Chair, 2005 Signed Catherine E. Woteki Catherine E. Woteki NCCC-9 Administrative Advisor 2005


Full Committee Meeting Brian Holmes called the NCR-9 meeting to order at 8 am on May 25. MWPS Manager Report: Jack Moore presented the following update. Strategy for MWPS conversion to Iowa State University function. ISU has assumed responsibility for MWPS functions. MWPS has become a function of the Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) Department. Key issues and agreements in this shift of MWPS to ISU follow. MWPS has agreed to reduce expenses to match sales income. Projected deficit for 2004-05 is $44,500. MWPS will reduce staffing to one full time designer, 0.5 FTE secretary, and 0.8 FTE MWPS manager, the manager position to be phased out by December 31, 2005. MWPS will receive support from College of Agriculture to cover MWPS marketing and promotion efforts for 6 months. Susan Lucke has assumed this marketing position. Huntrods position as a designer is funded through end of 2005 by grant resources and then will end. Additional efforts will be made to reduce office expenses including transfer of computer support to ABE departmental staff. A deficit is still anticipated for 2004-05 of approximately $45,000 to be paid by the College of Agriculture as a bridge loan. MWPS will eventually need to repay this loan. MWPS will need to balance income and expenses during the 2005-06 year. Operating model was shared that included: ISU responsibility for operation of MWPS; ISU liaison with MWPS is Jay Harmon; Relationship between NCR-9 and MWPS now changes. NCR-9 will be in an advisory role and a role of supplying potential product to be sold by MWPS. NCR-9 no longer has any direct responsibility for management of MWPS; An advisory committee for MWPS will be established for 2006 consisting of three to five NCR-9 members plus representatives from other disciplines. MWPS focus will focus on: Attaining financial self-sufficiency; Selecting educational products based upon income potential; Increasing market visibility and partnering with faculty on grant assisted projects. Re-organization Plan: Susan Lucke presented an overview of the re-organization plan for MWPS. Re-organization will be completed by July 1, 2005. MWPS will focus on: Aggressively seeking acquisitions of new potential products by working with authors. Authors will need to provide "clean" manuscripts requiring modest input by MWPS for editing and layout. Guidelines for "clean" manuscripts will be developed; Streamlining editing, production, shipping/distribution, and record-keeping; Growth of market including examination of copy program, bulk purchase program, and e-list development of customers and media contacts. New staffing model that will include these features: ISU ABE Department chairperson heads MWPS with Jay Harmon serving in a liaison role; Steering/Manuscript committee will serve as advisory committee that will include 3 to 5 members of NCR-9 members plus other contributing groups; Staff position, Marketing manager, in charge of acquisitions (including subsidy research) and marketing (front and back door of organization; Acquisitions manager/engineer that Bill Koenig will fill; Staff position for a Managing Editor - funded after December 31, 2005; Staff position for a design & production manager; Staff position for order fulfillment/clerical. Projects nearing completion: Rectangular Concrete Manure Storage - 6/1/05; Four state Dairy Conference proceedings - 6/2005; Composting mortality - 6/30/05; House Handbook - 8/2005; Structures & Environment Handbook has been divided into four handbooks. Handbook 1 (planning, utilities, design and construction) is mostly done with planned completion date of 10/05. Handbook 2 (animal housing facilities, product storage, manure storage) is moving along with planned completion date of February 2006. Handbook 3 (loads and analysis) and 4 (environment) require additional work with planned completion dates in summer and fall of 2006; Environmental Management Systems addition to Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship curriculum - 9/2005; Farm Buildings Electrical Wiring Handbook being revised by LaVerne Stetson - 10/05; Dairy Freestall 8th edition - 10/05. Susan suggested potential needs for new or revised publications in areas of small acreages, water systems and treatment, wind power, conservation measures. Marketing efforts. Susan reported on the following marketing initiatives: Reaching every major extension distribution systems in U.S.; Development and maintenance of media lists; Examination copy program and pre-publication sales program started with Horse Handbook and Rectangular Concrete Manure Storage Handbook; Dropping exhibits and meetings attendance; Bulk purchase opportunities (Menards, Farm & Fleet, etc.); Enhancement of web site purchases; Establishing e-links to MWPS; Feature articles for joint use of MWPS and state use. Relationship Between MWPS & NCR-9 Brian Holmes shared a proposal from executive committee for an MWPS steering committee that will include 3 NRC-9 representatives, 1 representative from farm management, 1 representative from animal science, and 1 at-large representative. Brian also announced that Rick Stowell is chairing a sub-committee for defining the future relationship between NCR-9 and MWPS. Rick reported briefly on a model that had been developed following 2004 meeting and may need to be revised following recent developments. Significant discussion followed on area of acquisitions of topics for potential new products centering on following questions: Would steering committee be sufficiently broad to assist with acquisitions?; Does MWPS have an acquisitions plan comparable to their marketing plan? Steve Pohl moved to establish an NCR-9 sub-committee to assist MWPS in developing a plan for acquisitions. Motion was seconded. Motion and second was withdrawn for later discussion during business meeting. eXtension discussion. Role of MWPS relative to eXtension was discussed at considerable length. No clear vision was defined for MWPS and NCR-9. Some discussion suggestion that NCR-9 should continue to explore developing communities of practice on emerging issues and the need for MWPS to explore electronic access to AED's [Agricultural Engineering Digest] and individual chapters of larger publications at a price to be accessible for marketing through eXtension initiatives. No consensus or direction was established on eXtension. Action Items and Assignments Stowell, Scherer, Jones, and Moore will develop model for relationship and MOU between MWPS and NCCC-9. Holmes and Funk will identify representation to MWPS advisory committee and organize initial committee meeting Funk and Hellevang will initiate contact with Family Living Facilities group about joint activities and possible initiative centered on the release of the Housing Handbook. Holmes will write a mid-term report for NCCC-9. Miller will contact Cooperative Extension Agricultural Program Leaders about new MWPS model, opportunities for publishing through MWPS Moore will share rates for MWPS services for purpose of budget estimation in grant requests. Jones and Koenig will work will review committee for small farms and country living publication. Reviews are due by July 15, 2005. All states will send a one-page report of MWPS activities to Rick Koelsch by June 15, 2005. Koelsch will share a draft version of minutes by May 27, 2005 minus state reports with NCCC-9. Jay Harmon will summarize executive committee notes for inclusion in final minutes of 2005 meeting. Zulovich, Pohl, and Scherer will serve as an advisory committee for Koenig for development of a strategy on acquisitions of new titles and topics for publications. Holmes will provide leadership for revisions to MWPS-7 Freestall Housing Handbook. Jones, Cassady and Scherer will provide leadership for developing outline for part 2 of the Small Farms Handbook focused on the cow-calf operation. Zulovich and Koenig will coordinate revision of Farm and Home Concrete handbook. Jones and Scherer will coordinate revisions to the private water systems publication. Scherer will contact Vern Hofman about revision Farm Shops publication. Hellevang and Zulovich may have additional contacts for assisting authors. Koelsch will explore NRCS interest in marketing and distribution of NRCS Guidance Document on Vegetative Treatment Systems. Koelsch will coordinate development of a Sample Records for Nutrient Management Planning publication based upon the current efforts of the Heartland Regional Water Quality Project. Harmon will coordinate local arrangements for 2006 meeting


  1. Indiana - "12-room grow-finish environmental building" was completed; 13 web-based extension publications were developed; A draft of a handbook for first-time rural homeowners was created
  2. Iowa - A feasibility study for a new ABE building; hired four new faculty; adopted the Industrial Education and Technology program dropped by the college of education; departmental key structures and environment work includes air quality emissions including the new emissions laboratory, air quality extension workshops, carcass composting, beef in hoop structures and ventilation workshops. A deep bedded hoop conference was held in Fall of 2004, drawing nearly 300 people
  3. Illinois - MWPS materials for training and regulatory compliance: 1. LPES curriculum for state Certified Livestock Manager Training; 2. Our state references MWPS-36, Concrete Manure Storages Handbook. Market development: Horse Handbook revision; House Planning Handbook revision; Species targeted catalog sheets at meetings; Multi-State Commercial Manure Haulers Program; MWPS Web site links; Illinois Manure Management Plan workbook
  4. Kansas - Most of the departmental research and outreach programs are focused on air quality, water quality (environmental) and water quantity. The BAE extension unit began releasing an electronic publication known as Plain Talk; MWPS Livestock Waste Handbook was included in the training material for recertification of swine manure applicators; The ventilation handbooks were used at the ventilation workshop; LPES curriculum used in recertitification programs, classes and public meetings
  5. Minnesota - Provided ideas and contact info for marketing MWPS publications; Helped finish revision and market AED-20, Managing Dry Grain in Storage; Held National Poultry Ventilation School; Held Air Quality/Biofilter workshops; Held four-state Swine Ventilation workshops
  6. Missouri - finalized the consolidation of 16 Departments into 6 Divisions; Reviewed the revised "Rectangular Concrete Manure Storages" handbook (MWPS-36); Contributed material to the "Multiple Utilization" section of the "Hoop Barns for Horses, Sheep, Ratites, and Multiple Utilization" publication (AED-52); Reviewed the entire Hoop Series as it was being developed
  7. Nebraska - MWPS Catalogs were delivered to all county Extension offices; provided MWPS with contacts for the primary farm press organizations in the state; news releases conveyed to appropriate press outlets; continued collaboration with SD, IA and MN in conducting ventilation workshops; an advanced stage of the program was developed and pilot-tested; new Department Head for Biological Systems Engineering; one new faculty member in Food Engineering
  8. North Dakota - Copies of Horse Facilities Handbook and the Hoop Barn series distributed to all county offices and Research/Extension centers in ND; MWPS catalog to all the county offices, Research/Extension centers, Vo-Ag educators, Lumber Retail Association members and rural electric cooperatives; Two news releases to aid the MWPS marketing effort; training workshops on reduced tillage, erosion control and animal waste management were held; revising MWPS-14, Private Water Systems Handbook; NDSU
  9. South Dakota - ed materials in operating ventilation systems in livestock facilities; 2 livestock odor info workshops; three major pubs on livestock facilities; research on variation of common flat bed biofilter; papers on settling and moisture app procedures; research to reduce hydrogen sulfide in manure pit; study effect of tree windbreak on odor and hydrogen sulfide dispersion; research on vegetated treatment areas for 4cattle facilities and 1 heifer facility; new Ag College Dean, new Ext Dir
  10. Wisconsin - Farmstead Planning handbook on CD; revised "Wisconsin Minimum Design and Construction Standards for Concrete Mixing and Loading Pads and Secondary Containment"; grant from UW-Extension for revisions to "Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment" (MWPS-7); 4-State Dairy Ext "Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference"; news articles distributed to Wisconsin news media and to MWPS Headquarters; "Experts Panel" charged with developing standards for siting larger livestock facilities


Manure Characteristics (MWPS-18, Section 1, 2nd Edition), July 2004 Ag Engineering Digest Hoop Barn Series: September 2004 (Six publications) Hoop Barns for Gestating Swine, 2nd Edition; Hoop Barns for Grow Finish Swine, 2nd Edition; Hoop Barns for Dairy Cattle; Hoop Barns for Beef Cattle; Hoop Barns for Sheep, Horses, Ratites, and Alternative Uses; Alternative Farrowing Systems; Managing Dry Grain in Storage (AED-20, 2nd Edition), October 2004 Farmstead Planning Handbook CD (MWPS-2), December 2004 Horse Facilities Handbook (MWPS-60), December 2004 Wisconsin Dept. of Ag. Trade and Consumer Protection, Pesticide and Fertilizer Containment Standards, February 2005 University of Illinois Manure Management Workbook and CD, March 2005 Rectangular Concrete Manure Storages Handbook (MWPS-36), June 2005 Proceedings of the Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference (MWPS-4SD18), June 2005
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