SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bauder, Troy (, Colorado State University; Blaylock, Alan (, Agrium U.S. Inc.; Cardon, Grant (, Utah State University; Deenik, Jonathan (, University of Hawaii; Dellavalle, Nat (, Dellavalle Laboratroy, Inc.; Desta, Kefy (, Washington State University; Ellsworth, Jason (, Wilbur-Ellis Company; Flynn, Robert (, New Mexico State University; Koenig, Richard (, Washington State University; Pettygrove, Stu - University of California Davis; Miller, Robert (, CO State Univ. Compost and USGAPT Proficiency Programs; Moore, Amber (, University of Idaho; Mooso, Galen (, JR Simplot Company; Pettygrove, Stuart (, University of California Extension; Sullivan, Dan (, Oregon State University; Tarkalson, David (, USDA-ARS Kimberly Idaho; Walworth, Jim (, Univ. of Arizona;

Complete meeting minutes are attached. All state reports can be viewed in the Additional Documents section on the project's Homepage at:


Short-Term Outcomes
WERA-103 successfully hosted the 2011 Western Nutrient Management Conference in Salt Lake City in March. Approximately 110 professionals from universities, industry and federal agencies attended the conference. Over 35 poster and oral presentations were made on topics related to nutrient management, cropping systems and water and air quality interactions. A large proportion of the presentations were made by graduate students, and awards were made for the top student presentations.

In 2011, committee representatives wrote two nutrient management digest newsletters. These were widely distributed among nutrient management professionals in the western U.S. via an e-mail list serve.

Collectively, committee representatives reported publication of 77 refereed journal articles; 52 Extension publications; 38 proceedings and abstracts; 1 book chapter; 3 web sites; and 3 theses for a total of 174 publications focused on various aspects of nutrient management. A complete list of publications is included in the state report attachment.

The main activity of the group was organization of the Western Nutrient Management Conference in Reno, Nevada. The conference occurred on March 3-4. The conference featured over 35 speakers and over 90 attending, including university, state and federal agency personnel and agriculture industry professionals.

WERA 103 members worked with the International Plant Nutrition Institute to host the WERA 103 web site and archive minutes of meetings, proceedings documents, and other products of the committee. The site is currently under construction but will be located at:

Members of the Committee agreed to write four articles for the American Society of Agronomys Crops and Soils magazine in 2012. This publication targets certified crop advisors and other agriculture professionals with timely information and recertification study/exam opportunities. The CSA News reaches 15,000 professionals across North America.

Committee members Amber Moore and Brad Brown of the University of Idaho developed the Western Nutrient Digest newsletter with contributions from WERA 103 members on nutrient management issues important to western U.S. agricultural systems. Two editions of the newsletter were published in 2011:

The Committee continues to update the Western States Soil Testing Manual and makes this manual available in electronic or hard copy form at

WERA-103 members generated a master list of nutrient management extension bulletins in the western U.S. These publications address interpretation of soil and tissue tests for the purpose of making nutrient recommendations. The list serves as a reference and resource for committee members and agriculture professionals to seek out information on nutrient management practices. The list also ensures duplication is reduced and gaps in publications can be identified.

Committee members split into three groups to discuss progress since the last meeting toward each of the broad objectives outlined below.

1) Develop and/or improve nutrient recommendations for diverse cropping systems based on soil, water and plant analysis results and management strategies in the Western Region.
a. Procedures for Objective 1:
i. Provide nutrient correlation and calibration data for crops in the region.
ii. Work toward uniformity of nutrient use recommendations for similar crop production systems in the region.
iii. Evaluate and apply new nutrient analytical and interpretive methodologies.
iv. Evaluate the efficacy of new fertilizers and formulations.


Discussion Topic: What is the process of adopting new methodologies? Do emerging method must have some validity/repeatability prior to being placed on evaluation list?

2012-2013 Objectives:
- New model for nutrient recommendations: observational analysis. We need to evaluate how we come up with revised nutrient recommendations with past and limited or no new data, using spatially separated plots.
o Partner with private organizations
- Recommending new methodologies for testing in seven labs (NAPT program). How do we as a regional committee recommend proficiency validation? We are not promoting the method; we just are saying there is sufficient interest that a method be evaluated. - Western Ag Labs nutrient availability probe method is recommended for evaluation by NAPT for proficiency validation with seven laboratories. Joan Davenport will recommend to NAPT.

2) Promote effective use of soil, water, plant, manure, and compost analytical information.
a. Procedures for Objective 1:
i. Integrate analytical test results into nutrient management software
ii. Maintain and update the Western States Soil etc Testing Manual
iii. Review status of soil/plant/water analysis Extension guides and summarize interpretive guidance iv. Explore method for internet distribution of methods manual, analytical interpretation guides etc. Website would be for clientele outreach.


Need to make the Western States Soil Testing Manual more accessible to a wider audience

o Entire manual available on-line: (pdf or hardcopy)
o Key methods (limited) for the West available for free WERA-103 site.
o Joan Davenport to run WERA-103 website, update. Current WERA 103 website is

2012-2013 Objectives: Promote effective use of soil plant testing information

- Integrate results into nutrient management software  Dan Sullivan regional nutrient management software
- Maintain Western Regional soil Testing manual
-Review status soil water nutrient guides and publications. Develop one searchable database on WERA-103 website for all regional publications.

3) Provide education on the principles of soil-plant-animal-water system management and the tools and practices that lead to sustainable agricultural production.
a. Procedures for Objective 3
i. Facilitate regional education among government agencies, private industry and universities through conferences, websites, extension publications, newsletters, and other appropriate media. ii. Disseminate information within the Western Region to extension educators, private agencies (e.g., Certified Crop Advisors) and other interested parties (e.g., K-12 teachers) through conferences, training the trainer opportunities, and access to published interpretive materials.
iii. Conduct direct education to agricultural producers through conferences, grower meetings, and published interpretive materials.


- Discussion: How do we distribute the newsletter? WERA-103 Logo, Information about the committee and list of editors.
- Location: Univ. of Idaho website, WERA-103.

2012-2013 Objectives:

- Facilitate website transition of WERA-103 website from OSU to WSU  Joan Davenport.
o Update content on website
o Increase visible
- Niche articles inclusion in Newsletter? Can be included in one per Newsletter
- Take proceedings authors to boil them down to have better readability for a wider audience.
- What is our role for K-12 education? There are many organizations who have information on nutrient management. Provide links on website (e.g. Nutrient for life, ag in the classroom). If members have content, send to Joan for inclusion on website.


  1. The purpose of a WERA (Western Education/Extension and Research Activities) is to bring researchers together to coordinate related research without the need for a formal multi-state research plan, to organize technical conferences, work groups, task forces, or symposia for exchange of experience and opinions.
  2. The primary impact of the WERA-103 Committee has been to disseminate knowledge through the Western Nutrient Management Conference (biennial basis) for over 20 years. This conference brings agricultural professionals and industry members from the western region together to provide training and communication regarding nutrient management.
  3. The work of the WERA-103 committee has: 1) improved fertilizer use efficiency in the Western Region; 2) improved use of animal waste in environmentally safe ways; and 3)provided information to consultants and governmental agencies that can lead to less nutrient contamination of ground and surface water resources.


2011-2012 publication list adapted from WERA 103 State Reports - March, 2012

Arizona - Research
Babcock, E.L. and J.C. Silvertooth. 2011. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Relationships for Irrigated Chile Production. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Relationships for Irrigated Chile Production. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (in press). Bañuelos, J., J.L. Walworth, P.W. Brown, and D.M. Kopec. Deficit Irrigation of Seashore Paspalum and Bermudagrass. 2011. Agronomy Journal 103:1567-1577. Hafsteinsdottira, E.G., D.B. Gore, A.L. Rocavert, and J.L Walworth. Fixation of metals and metalloids by orthophosphate solutions. 2012. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (in press). Gutierrez M., R. Norton, K.R. Thorp, and G. Wang. 2012. Association of Spectral Reflectance Indices with Plant Growth and Lint Yield in Upland Cotton. Crop Science (in press). Núñez-Moreno, H., J.L. Walworth, and A.P. Pond. 2011. Field Identification and Characterization of Manganese Toxicity in Western Schley Pecan Trees. Acta Horticulturae of the Mineral Nutrition Session (Lisboa 2010 IHC Congress). Silvertooth, J.C., K.F. Bronson, E.R. Norton, and R. Mikkelsen. 2011. Nitrogen Utilization by Western U.S. Cotton. Nitrogen Utilization by Western U.S. Cotton. Better Crops, International Plant Nutrition Institute, 2011(2): 21-23. Soliz, D., E.P. Glenn, R. Seaman, M. Yoklic, S.G. Nelson and P. Brown. 2011. Water Consumption, Irrigation Efficiency and Nutritional Value of Atriplex Lentiformis Grown On Reverse Osmosis Brine in a Desert Irrigation District. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment , 140(34):473-483. Arizona - Extension and popular press
Artiola, J.F. 2011. Biosolids Land Use in Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin. Silvertooth, J.C., E. R. Norton. 2011. Management of Fertilizer Nitrogen in Arizona Cotton Production. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1243. Uhlman, K. and J.F. Artiola. 2011. Nitrate Contamination Potential: Implications for Drinking water wells. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin EZ1536. Walworth, J.L. 2011. Salinity Management and Soil Amendments for Southwestern Pecan Orchards. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1411. Walworth, J.L., A.P. Pond, and M. W. Kilby. 2011. Leaf Sampling Guide with Interpretation and Evaluation for Arizona Pecan Orchards. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1410. Walworth, J.L. 2011. Soil Structure: The Roles of Sodium and Salts. Soil Structure: The Roles of Sodium and Salts. Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin AZ1414. Wang, G., S. Loper, M. Ottman, and J. Walworth. 2011. Pre-plant soil testing for small grains. Wang, G., M. Ottman, and R.L. Chaney. 2011. Effects of Zn fertilizer on cadmium accumulation in durum wheat. Forage and Grain Report 2011, 58-64. Wang, G., M. Ottman, and K. Thorp. 2011. Late N management in durum wheat using crop models and canopy reflectance. Forage and Grain Report 2011, 65-72. Walworth, J.L.. 2011. Soil Sampling and Analysis. Soil Sampling and Analysis. Arizona Cooperative Extension publication AZ1412. Banuelos, J.B., J.L. Walworth, P. W. Brown, and D.M. Kopec. 2011. Deficit Irrigation of Seashore Paspalum and Bermudagrass. Deficit Irrigation of Seashore Paspalum and Bermudagrass. Golf Course Management 79(10):98-104. Walworth, J.L. 2011. Yield and Nut Quality of Hedge Pruned Pecans in Arizona. Yield and Nut Quality of Hedge Pruned Pecans in Arizona. Proceedings of XII Simposio Internacional de Nogal Pecanero - 2011. Hermosillo, MX. September 29-30,2011. Walworth, J.L. 2011. Gypsum and Other Calcium Sources. Gypsum and Other Calcium Sources. United States Golf Association, Green Section Record.

California - Research
Coates, R. W., P. K. Sahoo, L. J. Schwankl, and M. J. Delwiche. 2012. Fertigation techniques for use with multiple hydro-zones in simultaneous operation. Precision Agriculture 13(2):219-235. Heinrich, A. and G.S. Pettygrove. 2012. Influence of dissolved carbon and nitrogen on mineralization of dilute liquid dairy manure. 76:2012. doi:10.2136/sssaj11.0015

California - Extension
Hanson, B., L. Schwankl, and S. Orloff. 2011. Sprinkle irrigation of row and field crops. Pub. 3527 ANR, University of California, Davis. 87 pages. $25, order from S. Pettygrove, Toby OGeen, and R. Southard. 2011. Potassium fixation and its significance for California crop production. Better Crops 95(4):16-18.

California - Proceeding and Abstracts
19th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference Proceedings. California Dept. of Food & Agriculture. November 16-17, 2011. Tulare, CA. 117 pages. California Plant and Soil Conference, 2012 Conference Proceedings, Feb. 7-8, 2012, Visalia, CA. 181 pages. California Chapter American Society of Agronomy. 181 pages.

Californai - Reports
Harter, Thomas and Jay Lund. 2012. Addressing Nitrate in Californias Drinking Water with a focus on Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley Groundwater. 92 pages. Center for Watershed Sciences, UC Davis. California - Websites:
Nutrient Management for Vegetable, Fruit & Nut Crops, (crop- and topic-searchable literature list that includes Western Nutrient Management Conference proceedings; educational modules created by Tim Hartz on a range of nutrient related topics)
Manure Nutrient Management, (focus on dairy lagoon water nutrient budgeting)
Manure Management for California Certified Crop Advisers, (includes performance objectives for Californias CCA manure specialty certification)

Colorado - All
Brummer, J.E., Davis, J.G., and Booher, M.R. 2011. Fertilizing cool season grasses and grass/legume mixtures. Colorado State University Extension factsheet 0.522. Cao, Q., Zhenling, C., Chen, X., Khosla, R., Dao, T.H., and Miao, Y. 2011. Quantifying spatial variability of indigenous nitrogen supply for precision nitrogen management in small scale farming. Intl J. of Preci. Ag. DOI 10.1007/s11119-011-9244-3. Delgado, J., Khosla, R., and Mueller, T. 2011. Recent Advances in Precision (Target) Conservation. Featured Article, J. of Soil & Water Consrv. (66) 6 167-170. Hurisso, T.T., Davis, J.G., Brummer, J.E., Stonaker, F.H., Booher, M.R., Goldhamer, D.A., Stromberger, M.E., and Kondratieff, B.C. 2011. Earthworm abundance and species composition in organic forage production systems of northern Colorado receiving different soil amendments. Applied Soil Ecology 47:45-50. Hurisso, T.T. 2011. Evaluation of Soil Fertility and Soil Quality Aspects of Organic Perennial Pastures and Annual Forage Crops. PhD dissertation. Colorado State University; Fort Collins, CO. Jat, M.L., Gupta, R., Sahrawat, Y.S., and Khosla, R. 2011. Layering Precision Land Leveling and Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed Planting: Productivity and Input Use Efficiency of Irrigated Bread Wheat in Indo-Gangetic Plains. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2011, 2, **-**. Keske, M.H, Bauder, T. and A. Irrer. 2012. Colorado Nutrient Management Practices 1997-2011: Costs and Technological Advances. Available at: Shaver, T.M., Khosla, R., and Westfall, D. G. 2011. Evaluation of two crop canopy sensors for nitrogen variability determination in irrigated maize. Intl J. of Preci. Ag. DOI 10.1007/s11119-011-9229-2.

Hawaii - Research publications
Deenik, J. L., A. Diarra, G. Uehara, S. Campbell, Y. Sumiyoshi and M. J. Antal. 2011. Charcoal Ash and Volatile Matter Effects on Soil Properties and Plant Growth in an Acid Ultisol. Soil Science 176(7): 336-345. Habte, M., G. Diarra, and P.G. Scowcroft. 2011. Post-transplant reactions of mycorrhizal and mycorrhiza-free seedlings of Leucaena leucocephala to pH changes in an Oxisol and Ultisol of Hawaii. Botany 89:1-9. Hue, N.V. 2011. Alleviating Soil Acidity with Crop Residues. Soil Sci. DOI: 10.1097/SS.0b013e31822b30f1 (vol. 176:543-549). Ortiz-Escobar, M.E. and N.V. Hue. 2011. Changes in properties of a Hawaiian Oxisol and of vegetable growth during the transition toward organic farming. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.42:2064-2071. Pant A., T.J.K. Radovich, N.V. Hue, and N. Q. Arancon. 2011.Effects of Vermicompost Tea (Aqueous Extract) on Pak-choi Yield, Quality, and on Soil Biological Properties. Compost Science & Utilization vol.19(4):279-292. Porter, G.S., Laura Delisle, Rowena Valencia-Gica, and Russell Yost. 2011. Use of Secondary-treated Wastewater on an Island Golf Course. Pacific Agriculture and Natural Resources (3):8-13. Shuai, X. R.S. Yost, and T.J. Smyth. 2011. Predicting Soil Phosphorus Fertilizer Rate Using Hierarchical Segmented Regression Models. Soil Sci. 176:303-306. Yost, R.S., Tasnee Attanandana, Carol Colfer, and Stephen Itoga. 2011. Decision-support Systems in Agriculture: Some Successes and a Bright Future. In Spalj (ed.) Efficient Decision Support Systems: Practice and Challenges  From Current to Future. Intech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. Porter, G.S., Laura Delisle, Rowena Valencia-Gica, and Russell Yost. 2011. Use of Secondary-treated Wastewater on an Island Golf Course. Pacific Agriculture and Natural Resources (3):8-13. Shuai, X. R.S. Yost, and T.J. Smyth. 2011. Predicting Soil Phosphorus Fertilizer Rate Using Hierarchical Segmented Regression Models. Soil Sci. 176:303-306. Yost, R.S., Tasnee Attanandana, Carol Colfer, and Stephen Itoga. 2011. Decision-support Systems in Agriculture: Some Successes and a Bright Future. In Spalj (ed.) Efficient Decision Support Systems: Practice and Challenges  From Current to Future. Intech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. Porter, G.S., Laura Delisle, Rowena Valencia-Gica, and Russell Yost. 2011. Use of Secondary-treated Wastewater on an Island Golf Course. Pacific Agriculture and Natural Resources (3):8-13. Shuai, X. R.S. Yost, and T.J. Smyth. 2011. Predicting Soil Phosphorus Fertilizer Rate Using Hierarchical Segmented Regression Models. Soil Sci. 176:303-306. Yost, R.S., Tasnee Attanandana, Carol Colfer, and Stephen Itoga. 2011. Decision-support Systems in Agriculture: Some Successes and a Bright Future. In Spalj (ed.) Efficient Decision Support Systems: Practice and Challenges  From Current to Future. Intech Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia. Kawamoto, I. and M. Habte. 2011. Enhancement of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus status of an established ginger crop through a mycorrhizal onion companion crop. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 57:659-662.

Hawaii - Extension publications
Kawabata, A.F., J.L. Deenik, R.T. Hamasaki, J. Lichty, and S.T. Nakamoto. 2011. Acidification of volcanic ash soils from Maui and Hawaii Island for blueberry and tea production. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, AS5 , pp. 7. Cox, L., T. Radovich and J. Sugano. 2011. The Costs of Organic Insecticides. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii. SA-4. Uyeda, J., L. Cox and T. Radovich. 2011. An Economic Comparison of Commercially Available Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers for Hydroponic Lettuce Production. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii. SA-5.

Hawaii - Book Chapters
Habte, M. 2006. Arbuscular mycorrhizas in plant and soil health. In: Uphoff et al. (Eds). Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Idaho - Research
Alva, A., A. Moore, and H. Collins. 2011. Impact of deficit irrigation on tuber yield and quality of potato cultivars. Journal of Crop Improvement. 26:211-227. Chen, J., E.J. Souza, M.J. Guttieri, K. OBrien, J. Wheeler, L. Sorensen, J. Clayton, X.M. Chen, D. Hole, B.D. Brown, J.M. Marshall, and R. Zemetra. 2011. Registration of SRG Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations, 6:66-70. Hines, S., A. Moore, B. Brown, M. Chahine, R. Norell, M. de Haro Marti, C. Falen, T. Fife, S. Parkinson, and J. Ippolito. 2012. Using Extension Phosphorus Uptake Research to Improve Idahos Nutrient Management Planning Program. Journal of Extension. Accepted. Ippolito, J.A. and Ducey, Tom and Tarkalson, D.D. 2011. Interactive Effects of Copper on Alfalfa Growth, Soil Copper, and Soil Bacteria. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 3(2):138-148. Ippolito, J.A. and Tarkalson, D.D. and Lehrsch, G.A. 2011. Zeolite Soil Application Method Affects Inorganic Nitrogen, Moisture, and Corn Growth. Soil Science. 176(3):136-142. Ippolito, J.A., J.M. Novak, W.J. Busscher, M. Ahmedna, D. Rehrah, and D.W. Watts. 2011. Switchgrass biochar effects two Aridisols. Accepted to J. Environ. Qual. King, B.A. and Tarkalson, D.D. and Bjorneberg, D.L. and Taberna, J.P, Jr.. 2011. Planting System Effect on Yield Response of Russet Norkotah to Irrigation and Nitrogen under High Intensity Sprinkler Irrigation. American Journal of Potato Research. 88:121-134. Lentz, R.D., and J.A. Ippolito. 2011. Biochar and manure affects calcareous soil and corn silage nutrients concentrations and uptake. Accepted to J. Environ. Qual. Lentz, R.D. and Lehrsch, G.A. and Brown, Bradford and Johnson-Maynard, J. and Leytem, A.B. (2011) Dairy Manure Nitrogen Availability in Eroded and Noneroded Soil for Sugarbeet Followed by Small Grains. Agronomy Journal. 103(3):628-642. 09 May 2011. Leytem, A.B., R.S. Dungan, and A. Moore. 2011. Nutrient Availability to Corn From Dairy Manures and Fertilizer in a Calcareous Soil. Soil Science. 176(9):426-434. Moore, A. 2011. Fertilizer potential of biofuel byproducts. In Biofuel Production  Recent Developments and Prospects. Ed. M.A. dos Santos Bernades. InTech Open Access Publisher. Rijeka, Croatia. pp. 437-450. Moore, A.D., N.L. Olsen, A.M. Carey, and A.B. Leytem. 2011. Residual effects of fresh and composted dairy manure application on potato production. American Potato Journal of Research. 88:324-332. Shellie, Krista and Brad Brown. 2011. Influence of deficit irrigation on nutrient indices in wine grape (Vitis vinifera L.). Agricultural Sciences xx:xx-xx doi:10.4236/as.2012.***** Received 08 December 2011. Agricultural Sciences 3(2): Spokas, K.A, K.B. Cantrell, J.M. Novak, D.A. Archer, J.A. Ippolito, H.P. Collins, A.A., oatang, I.M. Lima, M.C. Lamb, A.J. McAloon, R.D. Lentz, and K. Nichols. 2011. Biochar: A synthesis of its agronomic potential beyond carbon sequestration. Acepted to J. Environ. Qual. Tarkalson, D.D. and Ippolito, J.A. (2011) Clinoptilolite Zeolite Influence on Nitrogen in a Manure-Amended Sandy Agricultural Soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 42(19):2370-2378. 06 October 2011. Idaho - Extension
Carey, A., A. Moore, and A. Leytem. 2011. Phosphorus in the Calcareous Soils of Southern Idaho: A Literature Review with Implications for Crop Production, Manure Management, and Water Quality. BUL 877. Moore, A., M. Bauer, A. Agenbroad, and S. Bell. 2011. Using soil test results for garden fertilization. CIS 1186. Chen, L., M. de Haro Marti, A. Moore, and C. Falen. 2011. Dairy compost production and use in Idaho: The composting process. CIS 1179.

Idaho - Proceedings and Abstracts
Brown, B., S. Norberg, A. Ross, P. Hayes, and K. Huber. 2012. Nitrogen management for enhanced value of irrigated barley. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 39-42. Brown, B., J. Dalton, M. Chahine, B. Hazen, S. Jensen, and S. Etter. 2012. Triticale boot-stage forage K, Mg, Ca, S, and micronutrient content. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 43-47. Chen, L. and S. Hoff. 2012. Reducing odorous compound emissions from animal facilities using wood-chip based biofilters. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 26-31. Chen, L. and S. Hoff. 2012. Mitigating odors from animal facilities using wood-chip based biofilters. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 32-38. Hunter, L. and C. Falen. 2012. Green manure for soil nutrient management in a high-desert (3700-5100 elevation) farming system. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 20-26. Lentz, R. and G. Lehrsch. 2012. Nitrogen availability from manure in years following a one-time application Rick. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 61-67. Leytem, A., R. Dungan, A. Moore, and M. Miller. 2012. Nutrient availability to corn from dairy manures and fertilizer in a calcareous soil. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 7-15. Moore, A., D. Morishita, O. Neher, and D. Tarkalson. 2012. Managing chaff trails and nitrogen fertilizer applications in strip-till sugar beet production. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 1- 6. Moore, A. and N. Olsen. 2011. Organic potato production: Nitrogen management and variety trials. Proceedings of the Winter Commodity Schools 2011. (in press) Moore, A., S. Zglobicki, and N. Olsen. 2011. Manure management in potatoes: Salt accumulations in Idaho soils. Proceedings of the Winter Commodity Schools 2011. (in press) Moore, A., D. Morishita, and O. Neher. 2011. Impact of residue cover and nitrogen applications on strip tilled sugar beet production: Year 2. Proceedings of the Winter Commodity Schools 2011. (in press) Moore, A., B. Brown, M. de Haro Marti, C. Falen, M. Chahine, T. Fife, R. Norell, and J. Ippolito. 2011. Influence of dairy manure applications on corn nutrient uptake. Western Nutrient Management Conference Proceedings. Reno, Nevada, March 3-4, 2011. Vol. 9:49-54. Neibling, H. 2012. Growing season water management on fields receiving manure. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 48-53. Norell, R., M. Chahine, and M. de Haro Marti. 2012. Designer manures: managing manure production and nutrient quality. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 54-60. Tarkalson, D. 2012. Nitrogen requirement for sugar beets: a summary of past and present research findings. Proceedings of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conference. March 6, 2012. Jerome, Idaho. pp. 16-20. Winger, M., A. Moore, C. Falen, G. Shewmaker, K. Beckmann, S. Hanks, L. St. John, D. Ogle, and R. Johnson. 2011. Idaho Natural Resources Conservation Service partners expand cover crop technology in Idaho. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings Abstracts, San Antonio, Texas. (in press)

Montana - Journal publications
Chen,C., G. Han, H. He, and M. Westcott. 2011. Yield, protein, and remobilization of water soluble carbohydrate and nitrogen of three spring wheat cultivars as influenced by nitrogen input. Agron. J. Engel, R., C. Jones, and R. Wallander. 2011. Ammonia volatilization from urea and mitigation by NBPT following surface application to cold soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J. 75:2348-2357. Miller, P.R., E.J. Lighthiser, J.A. Holmes, C.A. Jones, T.L. Rick, and J.M. Wraith. 2011. Effect of pea green manures and termination timing on organic winter wheat. Can J Plant Sci. 91:497-508. doi:10.4141/CJPS10109. Rick, T., C. Jones, R. Engel, and P. Miller. 2011. Green manure and phosphate rock effects on phosphorus availability in northern Great Plains dryland organic cropping systems. Org. Agr. 1:81-90. doi:10.1007/s13165-011-0007-2.

Montana - Extension publications
Jones, C., Olson-Rutz, K., and C.P. Dinkins. 2011. Nutrient Uptake Timing by Crops. EB0191. Revision. MSU Extension. 8 p. Jones, C. and K. Olson-Rutz. 2011. Crop and Nutrient Management Practices to Minimize Nitrate Leaching. Montguide. MT201103AG. MSU Extension. 4 p. Jones, C., C. Chen, J. Eckhoff, M. Greenwood, P. Lamb, A. Lenssen, K. McVay, P. Miller, B. Stougaard, J. Weeding and M. Westcott. 2011. Fertilizer Fact No. 55. Changes in Soil Nitrate-N Levels from late Summer to Early Spring in Montana. C. Jones and K. Olson-Rutz [Eds.]. Montana State University Extension, Bozeman, MT. 2 pp. McCauley, A., C. Jones, and J. Jacobsen. 2011. Nutrient Management Module 9: Plant Nutrient Functions and Deficiency and Toxicity Symptoms. 4449-9. Revision. MSU Extension. 16 p. Montana - Proceedings and Abstracts
Jones, C., T. Rick, R. Engel, P. Miller, A. Moore, K.Olson-Rutz and S. Arnold. 2011. Comparison between online and hardcopy responses from a grower survey on urea volatilization. In American Society of Agronomy Annual Conference Abstracts. October 16-19, 2011. San Antonio, TX. Jones, C. C. Chen, K. McVay, B. Stougaard, M. Westcott, J. Eckhoff, A. Lenssen, J. Weeding, and M. Greenwood. 2011. Measured and predicted temporal changes in soil nitrate-N levels from late summer to early spring in Montana. In Western Nutrient Management Conference Proceedings. Mar 3-4, 2011. Reno, NV. 8:77-82. [Invited] McCauley, A., C. Jones, C. Zabinski and P. Miller. 2011. Arbuscular mycorrhizae and fertilizer phosphorus effects on symbiotic nitrogen fixation and phosphorus availability in pulse crops. In American Society of Agronomy Annual Conference Abstracts. October 16-19, 2011. San Antonio, TX. O'Dea, J., C. Jones, C. Zabinski, I. Keren and P. Miller. 2011. Legume and cropping intensity effects on soil quality: after seven years in dryland wheat agroecosystem. In American Society of Agronomy Annual Conference Abstracts. October 16-19, 2011. San Antonio, TX. Walsh, O.S. 2011. Effect of Nitrogen Sources, Rates, and Application Time on Spring Wheat Yield and Grain Protein. In American Society of Agronomy Annual Conference Abstracts. October 16-19, 2011. San Antonio, TX. Walsh, O.S. and M.P. Westcott. 2011. Evaluation of Sensor-Based Technologies and Nitrogen Sources for Improved Recommendations for Dryland and Irrigated Spring Wheat Production in Montana. In American Society of Agronomy Annual Conference Abstracts. October 16-19, 2011. San Antonio, TX.

Montana - Theses
McCauley, A. 2011. Nitrogen fixation of annual legumes in a semi-arid cropping system. July 2011. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. 119 pp.

New Mexico - Research:
Composted biosolids as a source of iron for hybrid poplars (Populus sp.) grown in northwest New Mexico [electronic resource]. 2011. Lombard, Kevin , Agroforestry systems, 2011 Jan., v. 81, no. 1, p. 45-56., Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands Huez-Lopez, M. A., Ulery, A. L., Samani, Z. A., Picchioni, G., Flynn, R. P. (2011). Response of Chile Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) To Salt Stress and Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources: I. Growth and Yield. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 14, 137-147. Huez-Lopez, M. A., Ulery, A. L., Samani, Z. A., Picchioni, G., Flynn, R. P. (2011). Response of Chile Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to Salt Stress and Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources: II. Nitrogen and Water Use Efficiencies, and Salt Tolerance. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 14, 757-763. Huez-López, M. A., Ulery, A. L., Samani, Z. A., Picchioni, G., Flynn, R. P. (2011). Response of Chile Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to Salt Stress and Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources: III. Ion Uptake and Translocation.. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, 14, 765-776.

New Mexico - Extension:
Circular 656. An Introduction to Soil Salinity and Sodium Issues in New Mexico. R. Flynn and A. Ulery. 2011 Circular 661, "Soil Sampling With Respect to Salinity in New Mexico Vineyards," by John Idowu, Bernd Maier, and Robert Flynn. 2011

New Mexico - Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
Heerema, R., Flynn, R. P. (2011). Evaluation of Soil-applied EDDHA-Chelated Iron Fertilizer for Use in Correcting Ion Deficiency Symptoms in Mature Pecan Tress in the Pecos Basin, New Mexico (vol. 9, pp. 141-145). WERA 103 Committee. Flynn, R. P. (2011). An EXCEL Based Workbook for Assisting with Water Quality Interpretations (vol. 9, pp. 152-154). WERA103 Committee: 2011 Western Nutrient Management Proceedings.

Oregon - Research
Holcomb III., J.C., D.A. Horneck, D.M. Sullivan, and G.H. Clough. 2011. Effect of Irrigation Rate on Ammonia Volatilization. Soil Science Soc. Am J. 75: 2341-2347. Kaiser, C., Hamm, P., Gieck, S., David, N., Long, L.E., Meland, M. and Christensen, J.M., 2011. In vitrofungicidal activity of calcium and potassium salts on several commercially significant plant pathogens.HortScience 46(6), 913-916. Barbercheck, M.E., N.E. Kiernan, A.G. Hulting, S. Duiker, J. Hyde, H. Karsten, and E. Sanchez. 2011. Meeting the "multi-" requirements in organic agriculture research:successes, challenges, and recommendations for multifunctional, multidisciplinary, participatory projects. Renew. Agr. Food Syst. (In Press)

Oregon - Extension
Affeldt, R.P., D.A. Horneck, D.L. Walenta, G.L. Kiemnec, and J.M. Hart. 2011. Nutrient management guide, irrigated Kentucky Bluegrass, eastern Oregon. Oregon State University Extension Service EM-9029, Corvallis, OR. 6 pages. Hart, J.M., M.E. Mellbye, W.C. Young III, and T.B. Silberstein. 2011. Annual ryegrass nutrient management guide for western Oregon, revised. Oregon State University Extension Service EM 8854, Corvallis, OR. 11 pages. Hart, J.M., M.D. Flowers, N. P. Anderson, R.J. Roseberg, N.W. Christensen, and M.E. Mellbye. 2011. Nutrient management guide, soft white winter wheat, western Oregon (Revised). Oregon State University Extension Service EM-8963-E, Corvallis, OR. 18 Pages. Horneck, D.A., D.M. Sullivan, J.S. Owen, and J.M. Hart. 2011. Soil test interpretation guide (revised). Oregon State University Extension Service EC 1478, Corvallis, OR. 12 pages.

Oregon - Experiment Station Reports
Shock, C.C., C.A. Parris, S. Monsen, and D. Mann. 2011. Possible Key Role of Calcium for the Future Cultivation of Corn Lily (Veratrum californicum). p. 208-215. In: Shock C.C. (Ed.) Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Malheur Experiment Station Annual Report 2010, Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/CrS 132.

Oregon - Proceedings and Abstracts

Butler, M.D. D.A. Horneck and R.T. Koenig. 2011. Ammonia Volatilization from Urea and Alternative N Sources in the U.S. Pacific Northwest Region. Online Proceedings. American Society of Agronomy. Horneck, D.A. and GC Clough. Potassium in potato production. 2011. 13th International symposium on soil and plant analysis, Chania Greece 6-2-11. Andrews, N., D.M. Sullivan, J.W. Julian and K.E. Pool. 2011. Development and Use of the OSU Organic Fertilizer and Cover Crop Calculator. p. 61-66. In: Vol. 9, Proc. Western Nutrient Management Conference, 3-4 Mar 2011. Reno, NV. Costello, R.C., D.M. Sullivan, D.R. Bryla, B.C. Strik and J. Owen. 2011. Highbush blueberry response to compost and sulfur. p. 67-72. In: Proc. Western Nutrient Mgmt. Conf., 3-4 Mar 2011. Reno, NV. Online at: Costello, R.C., S.B. Andrews, and D.M. Sullivan. 2011. Laboratory titration to predict elemental sulfur required for compost acidification. SSSA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 16-20 Oct. 2011. Costello R.C. and D.M. Sullivan. 2011. Effects of Acidified and Non-Acidified Composts on Highbush Blueberry Growth and Nutrient Uptake. SSSA Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. 16-20 Oct. 2011. Larco, H., D.M. Sullivan, B. Strik, and D. Bryla. 2011. Mulch effects on highbush blueberry under organic management. p. 53. In: Abstracts, ISHS Intl. Symposium Organic Matter & Compost Use in Horticulture. 4-7 Apr. 2011. Adelaide, Australia. Sullivan, D.M., R. Datta, N. Andrews and K. E. Pool. 2011. Predicting plant-available nitrogen release from cover crop residues. p. 55-60. In: Proc. Western Nutrient Management Conference, 3-4 March 2011. Reno, NV. Valenzuela-Estrada, L., D.R. Bryla, D.M. Sullivan, and B.C. Strik. 2011. Influence of weed mat and surface sawdust mulch on soil nutrient availability and soil chemical properties under organic blueberry production. HortScience 46(9):S285-S286. (Abstr.) Oregon - Newsletter/Trade Journals/Popular Press
Sullivan, D., J. Owen, N. Bell, and J. Kowalski. No water, no problem: In low-water landscapes, Mediterranean plants may be the answer, especially with compost added. Digger (May 2011): 49-53. Hart, Donaldson, Davenport, White, and Roper. 2011. Answers to common cranberry nutrition questions. OSU Scholars Archive.

Oregon - Experiment Station or Project Reports
Sullivan, D.M., E. Peachey and J. Hart. 2011. Efficiency of the Pre-sidedress Nitrogen Soil Test in Sweet Corn. Report to Oregon Processed Veg. Commission, Jan 2011. Butler M., D. Horneck, R. Koenig, J. Holcomb and R. Simmons. 2011. Quantifying Ammonia Volatilization from Surface-Applied Fertilizers in Kentucky Bluegrass Grown for Seed. Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center 2010 Annual Reports. pp. 1-7.

Oregon - Thesis
Costello, Ryan. 2011. Suitability of diverse composts as soil amendments for highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). M.S. Thesis. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR. USA.

Washington - Research
Bair, K. E., and J. R. Davenport. Influence of recent acidification on available phosphorus indices and sorption in Washington state soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.: In Press. Brown, S. K. Kurtz, A. Bary, and C. Cogger. 2011. Quantifying benefits associated with land application of residuals in Washington State. Env. Sci. Tech. 45:74517458. Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., and Myhre, E.A. 2011. Estimating nitrogen availability of heat-dried biosolids. Applied Environ. Soil Sci. doi:10.1155/2011/190731 Collins, D.P., C.G. Cogger, A.C. Kennedy, T. Forge, H.P. Collins, A.I. Bary, and R. Rossi. 2011. Farm-scale variation of soil quality indices and association with edaphic properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:580-890. Davenport, J. R., K. E. Bair, and R. G. Stevens The Relationship Between Soil Temperature and N Release in Organic and Conventionally Managed Vineyards. Commun. Soil Sci Plant Anal. 43: 464-470. Davenport, J. R., J. D. Lunden and T. Winkler. Wine Grape Tissue Nutrient Concentrations in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Commun. Soil Sci Plant Anal. 43: 21-27. Davenport, J. R., R. G. Stevens, K. M. Whitley, and T. Winkler. 2011. Spatial and temporal nutrient distribution in deficit-drip irrigated wine grape vineyards using bromide as a tracer. HortScience 46:291295. Hammac, W.A., W. Pan, R. Bolton and R.T. Koenig. 2011. High resolution imaging to assess oilseed species' root hair responses to soil water stress. Plant and Soil 339:125-135. Koenig R.T., C. Cogger, A. Bary. 2011. Dryland winter wheat yield, grain protein and soil nitrogen responses to fertilizer and biosolids applications. Applied and Environmental Soil Science. Vol 2011, #925462, doi:10.1155/2011/925462. Lawson, A., Fortuna, A., Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., and Stubbs, T.L. Nitrogen contribution of rye-hairy vetch cover crop blends to organically grown sweet corn. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. In press. Ott-Borrelli, K., R.T. Koenig, R. Gallagher, D. Pittman, A. Snyder, E. P. Fuerst, I.C. Burke and L. Hoagland. Alternative Strategies for Transitioning to Organic Production in Direct-Seeded Grain Systems in Eastern Washington II: Nitrogen Fertility. J. Sustain. Agr. Accepted. Saunders, O., A. Fortuna, J.H. Harrison, E. Whitefield, C. Cogger, A. Kennedy, and A.I. Bary. Comparison of raw dairy manure slurry and anaerobically digested slurry as N sources for grass forage production," Internat. J. Agron. In press. Pradubsuk, S., and J. R. Davenport. 2011. Seasonal Distribution of Micronutrients in Mature Concord Grape: Boron, Iron, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 136:69-77. Pritchett, K., A.C. Kennedy, and C.G. Cogger. 2011. Management effects on soil quality in organic vegetable systems in western Washington. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:605-615.

Washington - Book chapters
Brown, S., Miltner, E., and C. Cogger. 2012. Carbon sequestration potential in urban soils. p. 173-196. In: R. Lal (ed.). Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems. Springer.

Washington - Extension
Koenig, R., K. Schroeder, A. Carter, M. Pumphrey, T. Paulitz, K. Campbell and Dave Huggins. 2011. Soil acidity and aluminum toxicity in the Palouse region of the Pacific Northwest. WSU Extension Fact Sheet FS050E. Koenig, R.T., A.W. Hammac and W.L. Pan. 2011. Canola growth, development and fertility. WSU Extension Fact Sheet FS045E. Stahnke, G.K., Miltner, D., Cogger, C.G., Collman, S.J., Glass, J.R., Ophardt, M.C., and Tillery, M.M. 2011. Phosphorus and home lawns: Quick facts and recommendations. WSU Extension Fact Sheet FS058E.

Wyoming - Research
Ghimire*, R., J.B. Norton, U. Norton, J.P. Ritten, P.D. Stahl, and J.M. Krall. 2012. Long-term farming systems research in the Northern High Plains. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: Accepted. Norton, J.B., E.J. Mukhwana*, and U. Norton. 2012. Loss and recovery of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in a semiarid agroecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal: 76:505-514. Kelleners, T.J., and J.B. Norton. 2012. Determining water retention in seasonally frozen soils using Hydra impedance sensors. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76:30-50. Norton, J.B., L.J. Jungst*, U. Norton, H.R. Olsen*, K.W. Tate, W.R. Horwath. 2011. Soil carbon and nitrogen storage in upper montane riparian meadows. Ecosystems14:1217-1231. Norton, J.B. 2011. Nitrogen source, timing, and rate alternatives for furrow-irrigated sugarbeet. Crop Management:10.1094/CM-2011-0829-1001-RS. Blank, R.R., D. Board, J. Chambers, J.B. Norton, D. Pyke, G. Schupp, and S. Shaff. 2011.Nutrient availability of Intermountain West soils invaded by Bromus tectorum L.: Influence of herbicide application, sucrose addition, and rehabilitation plant species. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Driessen*, C.A., J.B. Norton, and C. Strom. 2011. Effects of natural gas well development, reclamation, and controlled livestock impact on topsoil properties. Soil Use and Management Mukhwana*, E.M., J.B. Norton, and U. Norton. 2011. Soil organic carbon, nitrogen and microbial functional groups under furrow-irrigated cropping systems. Journal of Sugarbeet Research. Norton J.B., C. Strom, C.A. Driessen*, and A.M. Mason*. 2011. Soil organic matter dynamics in salvaged topsoil after reclamation. Journal of Environmental Quality.

Wyoming - Extension
Strom, C., and J.B. Norton. In Press. Successful restoration of severely disturbed Wyoming lands: Reclamation on salt-affected soils. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Bulletin. Norton, J.B. and C. Strom. In Press. Reclamation considerations for oil and gas leases on private lands. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Bulletin. Norton, J.B., and C. Strom. 2011. Successful restoration of severely disturbed Wyoming lands: Identifying Suitable Soil for Salvage. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1222. Bass, T., D. Colburn, J. Davis, J. Deering, M. Fisher, R. Flynn, S. Lupis, J.B. Norton, and N. Schauermann. 2011. Livestock mortality composting for large and small operations in the semi-arid west. Montana State University: Bozeman. 28pp. Meeks, J., J.B. Norton, T. Kelleners, J. Krall, A. Kniss, U. Norton, D. Peck, J. Ritten, B. Hess, S. Paisley, and N. Ward. 2011. Economic and environmental sustainability of conventional, reduced;input, and organic approaches on western croprangelivestock farms. 2011 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Bista*, P., U. Norton, R. Ghimire*, and J.B. Norton. 2011. Greenhouse gas emissions from dryland winter wheat fallow system under conventional, notill, organic and transition to organic management. 2011 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Ghimire*, R., J.B. Norton, J. Meeks, and R. Gebault-King*. 2011. Soil organic matter and microbial dynamics of the sustainable agriculture systems project. 2011 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Ghimire*, R., P. Bista*, U. Norton, and J.B. Norton. 2011. Trace gas emissions from conventional, reducedinput, and organic approaches of croprangelivestock farming In Wyoming. 2011 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Gebault-King*, R., J.B. Norton, J. Ritten, E. Arnould, M. Press, R. Ghimire, J. Meeks. 2011. Soil fertility challenges in Northern High Plains organic farming operations. 2011 Field Days Bulletin, University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Norton, J.B. 2011. Nitrogen source, timing, and rate alternatives for furrow-irrigated sugarbeet. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Bulletin.

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