SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Damhorst, Mary Lynn (Chair), Iowa State University, Ames []; Brenda Sternquist (Vice Chair), Michigan State University, East Lansing; Leslie Stoel, (Secretary) The Ohio State University, Columbus; Marilyn DeLong (Administrative Advisor), University of Minnesota, St. Paul; Joan Ellis, Washington State University, Pullman; Jana Hawley, University of Missouri, Columbia; Jane Hegland, South Dakota State University, Brookings; Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Laura Dunn Jolly, University of Georgia, Athens; Minjeong Kim, Oregon State University, Corvallis; Melody LeHew, Kansas State University, Manhattan; Juanjuan Wu, University of Minnesota, St. Paul; Jaeha Lee, North Dakota State University, Fargo; Scarlett Wesley, University of Kentucky, Lexington

The meeting was held following the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) annual meeting in Montreal, Canada. An NCCC-65 sponsored ITAA workshop Building Alliances in the Use of Statistical Methods: Advanced Usage of Structural Equation Modeling was held a few days prior to the meeting and was assessed. Activities of ESRAB (Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business) were reviewed; speaker Dror Etzion from McGill University presented at the ESRAB annual meeting information about designer metrics that can be used to change product design systems. Coordination with ESRAB to launch a review of relevant sustainability research and implementation of grant writing activity was planned for 2011. Much of the NCCC-65 meeting was spent on completing the 5-year project renewal proposal. Recruitment of potential new members was also planned. Members shared reports from their universities and submitted lists of publications, theses, dissertations, grants and presentations related to NCCC-65 and completed during 10/01/09 through 9/30/10. Discussion of emerging issues related to indicators of social change in the marketplace focused primarily on sustainability and mass customization. An information seeking trip to government funding agencies in Washington D.C. is under planning in conjunction with our 2011 annual meeting. Methods of collecting advice from journal editors about publication success and possibilities for disseminating that information to scholars were discussed.


Accomplishments: In Station reports, NCCC-65 members listed 15 new scholarly journal publications in print, 3 best paper awards, 5 book chapters, 2 books, 4 industry magazine articles, 2 Masters theses, 2 doctoral dissertations, $467,219 in new grant acquisitions, and numerous conference presentations invited and juried. Accomplishments of NCCC-65 related to project objectives: Objective 1. Set research priorities for multi-state and national work on emerging issues relevant to Social Change in the Marketplace. Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business (ESRAB), an organization initiated by NCCC-65, continues to support and decide the Award for Sustainable Design through ITAA. The award is given to a student or faculty design best implementing and promoting sustainable design in the ITAA design competition, thus encouraging work related to sustainability. ESRAB also awards two ITAA best paper awards for (1) research on sustainability and (2) teaching innovation related to sustainabililty. Objective 2. Identify strategies to increase the rigor of the research methodology and empirical techniques used to study Social Change in the Marketplace. NCCC-65 organized a 4-hour workshop on Building Alliances in the Use of Statistical Methods: Advanced Usage of Structural Equation Modeling at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual conference in Montreal, Canada, October 27, 2010. Seven people attended. The advanced focus of the workshop and expense of travel to the conference may have reduced attendance compared to previous sessions and workshops. Feedback from the attendees was positive and indicated interest in further sessions/workshops over very focused and advanced components of SEM. Objective 3. Provide an opportunity for scholars to build partnerships, develop mutual interests, and foster collaborative national research efforts on Social Change in the Marketplace. Discussion of emerging issues lead to the realization that there has been limited organized review of research advancements related to sustainability and indicators of social change in the marketplace. Collaboration with ESRAB is planned to alleviate that deficiency and then position scholars to design grant applications to move the field forward. Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Business (ESRAB) broke into interest groups to discuss plans for relevant research and funding possibilities at the October 31, 2009 meeting in Bellevue, WA. Objective 4. Share and critique new ideas and new unpublished data regarding issues related to Social Change in the Marketplace. Discussion of emerging issues lead to the realization that there has been limited organized review of research advancements related to sustainability and indicators of social change in the marketplace. Collaboration with ESRAB is planned to alleviate that deficiency and then position scholars to design grant applications to move the field forward. Discussion of emerging issues also resulted in examination of social change implications of emerging technological advancements in mass customization. As the technology advances over the next 10 years, potential applications could bring ground-breaking changes in retailing and consumer behavior, both in rural and urban locales. The discussion highlighted upcoming arenas for research and collaboration with private industry. Dror Etzion, McGill University, presented at the ESRAB annual meeting information about designer metrics that can be used to change product design systems. Issues related to product design and sustainability were featured.


  1. NCCC-65 is building a reputation for offering high quality seminars that advise participants on appropriate and sound use of structural equation modeling for quantitative data analysis. So far, 83 participants from two scholarly organizations have attended.
  2. Research collaborations have been developed to better address issues related to social change in the marketplace. For example, members from multiple states continue to work on grant projects related to rural business and main street development; many of these are outcomes of the 2007 Kansas City NRI Data Sharing Conference.
  3. Textile recycling and reuse knowledge resulted in the interdisciplinary Sustainable Cotton Summit hosted by the Textile and Apparel Management Department at the University of Missouri, bringing together scientists, farmers, small businesses, and large corporations.


PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: Byun, S. & Sternquist, B. (2010) Reconceptualization of price mavenism: Do Chinese consumers get a glow when they know? Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistic, 22(3), 279-293. Dawson, S., & Kim, M. (2010). Cues on apparel websites that trigger impulse purchases. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 14(2), 230-246. Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (2010). E-tail evolution: Motives and patronage intentions of online shopper segments. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 1(1), 9-18. Hu, H., & Jasper, C.R. (2010). A revisit to the theoretical model of store image and its application to Chinese consumers. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 22(2), 1-13. Im, H.J., Lennon, S. & Stoel, L. (2010). The perceptual fluency effect on pleasurable online shopping experience. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 4 (4), 280-295. Jasper, C.R. (2010) Bio-inspired products and the conscious consumers. European Edition of Contact Lens Spectrum. (Invited to contribute). Jasper, C.R. (2010). Connecting with the conscious consumer: Products inspired by nature are appealing to consumers who have an eye on natural health and wellness. Contact Lens Spectrum, Special Edition Publication 2010, 16-19. (Invited to contribute). Kim, J., & Damhorst, M. L. (2010). Effects of level of Internet retailer's service quality on perceived apparel quality, perceived service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions toward an Internet retailer. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 28(1), 56-73. Kim, J. & Stoel, L. (2010). Factors contributing to rural consumers inshopping behavior: Effects of institutional environment and social capital. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 28 (1), 70-87. Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science- American Collegiate Retailing Association Joint Triennial Conference Kim, M., & Mullis, K. (2010). The role of self-congruity in fashion retailing. International Journal of Human Ecology, 11(1), 11-22. Ko, S., Norum, P. S., and Hawley, J.M. (2010). Consumer Value Structures Reflected in Clothing Advertisements. Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management, 14(3),451-468. Lee, J. & Johnson, K.K.P. (2010). Relative and interaction effects of situational and personal factors on impulse buying. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing,1(1), 30-39. Lee, M.Y. & Wesley, S.C. (2009), Shopping Smart: The Moderating Influence of Time Pressure and Shopping Enjoyment, Journal of Distribution Research, 14 (4), 49-62. Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C.R. (2010). Gender differences in perceived business success and profit growth among family business managers. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 31(4), 458-474. Ogle, J. P., & Damhorst, M. L. (2010). Fostering tolerance of obesity through empathy and critical reflection: A curriculum unit incorporating filmed testimonials. College Student Journal, 44(3), 598-625. Sanguanpiyapan, T., & Jasper, C.R. (2010). Consumer insights into luxury goods: Why they shop where they do in a jewelry shopping setting. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 17(1), 152-160. Sternquist, B. & Wang, L. (2010) Buying committees in the Chinese retail industry. Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Management, 22(4), 492-511. Sternquist, B., Huang, B.Y. & Chen, Z. (2010) Predicting market orientation: Chinese retailers in a transitional economy. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 38(5), 360-378 Stoel, L., Jeong, S.W. & Ernst, S. (2010). Beliefs of small, independently owned rural retailers about Internet use: A typology. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 28 (1), 88-104. Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science- American Collegiate Retailing Association Joint Triennial Conference Sung, E. & Sternquist, B. (2010) Strategic international joint venture: Opportunity, expansion and longevity for retailers internationalization. Journal of Euromarketing, 19(1). Tong, X. and Hawley, J. M. (2009). Creating Brand Equity in the Chinese Clothing Market: The Effect of Selected Marketing Activities on Brand Equity Dimensions. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 13(4), 566-581. Tong, X. and Hawley, J. M. (2009). The effects of selected marketing activities on brand equity in the Chinese market. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management,13(4), 566-581. Wu, J. (2010). Co-design communities online: Turning public creativity into wearable and sellable fashions. Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process & the Fashion Industry, 2(1), 85-104. BOOKS/BOOK CHAPTERS: Bian, X. & Wu, J. (Ed.). (2010). Fashion industry & city civilization. Shanghai, PRC: Donghua University Chubanshe. Jasper, C.R. (2010). Womens leadership in philanthropy. Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations. (In Chapter 28, Part IV. Nonprofit Organizations and Historically Disenfranchised Groups). Wu, J. (2010). The application of Symbolic Interaction Theory in the study of Chinese fashion in X. Bian & J. Wu, (Ed.) Fashion industry & city civilization (pp. 173-183). Shanghai, PRC: Donghua University Chubanshe. Wu, J. (2009). Chinese fashion from Mao to now. Oxford: Berg Publishers. EDITOR REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: Hawley, J. M. (2010). Ecological issues in production of textiles and dress, usage, and disposal related to developments of vintage dress. In P. Tratora and J. Eicher (Eds.) The Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, United States: Berg. Hawley, J. M. (2009). Understanding and Improving Textile Recycling: A Systems Perspective. In R. Blackburn (Ed.), Sustainable Textiles: Life Cycle and Environmental Impact. The Textile Institute. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Press, (179-199). Hawley, J. (2009). Researcher Highlights: Conclusions, implications, and recommendations for future studies. In Flynn, J. and I. Foster (Eds). Research Methods for the Fashion Industry. New York: Fairchild. p. 249. Hawley, J. M. (2009). Fabric of India Life: The 2006-2007 Fulbright experience. In H. Shim (Ed). Fiber Journal. Issue 4. Retrieved July 22, 2009 from PRESENTATIONS IN PROCEEDINGS: Braaten, A. (2009) A Company Revealed Through Its Patterns: Hastings Needle Work, 1888-1923. Costume Society of Americas Midwest Region Symposium Proceedings, Lincoln, Nebraska. Cho, J.R. & Stoel, L. (2010). Investigation of dominance in an online shopping environment. In Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2010 Annual Spring Conference (1 page on CD-ROM), Orlando, FL. Delong, M., Gozde, G, Bye, E., & Wu, J. (2010) Sustainable by Design: Making, Selling, Buying, Using, Re-purposing! Making, Selling, Buying, Using: Emerging Issues in Product Design Symposium, UMN, MN. Delong, M., Wu, J., & Park, J. (2009). Touch preference shifts for fabrics. The 65th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Seattle, WA. Frazier, B., Niehm, L., Stoel, L., Miller, N., & Sattler-Weber, S. (2009). An Institutional Perspective of Retailer Marketing Actions in Rural Communities. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Textile & Apparel Association (ITAA) (4 pages available online at ). Monument, CO: International Textile & Apparel Association, Inc. Frazier, B.J., Stoel, L. & Niehm, L. (2010). The influence of the institutional environment on community perceptions of rural retailer performance. Oral presentation at International Textile & Apparel Association (ITAA) 2010 Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Ha, S. & Stoel, L. (2010). Consumer e-shopping behavior: roles of e-shopping quality and gender. Poster presentation at 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Hanson, A. L. & Lee, J. (2010). Older adults health related to nutrition knowledge or habit. The North Dakota Dietetics Association Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota. Hawley, J. M. (2009). Score cards to measure eco-fashions: A proposed matrix. [Published Abstract} Proceedings for the 2nd Annual International Fiber Recycling Conference, Atlanta, GA. Jackson, V. & Stoel, L. (2010). A multi-state qualitative assessment of decoupling, recoupling and organizational survival of rural retailers. Oral presentation at International Textile & Apparel Association (ITAA) 2010 Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Janigo, K., Wu, J. & Kang, J.Y. (2010). Consumer co-design communities online: A mixed method study of experience. The 66th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada. Jeong, S.W., Chung, J.E. & Stoel, L. (2010). The impact of country of origin and product familiarity on Chinese consumers purchase intentions: Exploring the case of dietary supplements. Oral presentation at 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Jeong, S.W., Stoel, L. & Chung, J.E. (2010). The impact of store preference and product country of origin on Chinese consumers purchase intentions: exploring the case of dietary supplements. In Proceedings of the American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) 2010 Annual Spring Conference (1 page on CD-ROM), Orlando, FL. Jeong, S.W., Stoel, L. & Fiore, A.M. (2010). The impact of product presentation on consumer experiences and shopping value. Oral presentation at International Textile & Apparel Association (ITAA) 2010 Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Johnson, K., Ju, H.W., Marshall, K., Kim, H-Y. & Wu, J. (2010). Effect of dress and alcohol on perceptions of date rape: Does appearance schema moderate the influence of dress? The 66th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada. Johnson, K., Mun, J.M., Ju, H.W., Kang, J. Y., Kim, H-Y. & Wu, J. (2010). Socialization and teen fashion magazines: What are the messages? The 66th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada. Kim, H., & Damhorst, M. L. (2009). The impact of body image self-discrepancy on body dissatisfaction, fashion involvement, concerns with fit and size of garments, and loyalty intentions in online apparel shopping. ITAA Proceedings. Available at [extended abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, October, Bellevue, WA). Kim, H-Y., Lee, J. Y., Choi, D., Wu, J. & Johnson, K. (2010). Perceived benefits of retail loyalty programs: Their effects on program loyalty and customer loyalty. The 66th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada. Kozar, J. M., Damhorst, M. L., & Yu, U.-J. (2009). Effects of age identity on social comparison and body image. ITAA Proceedings. Available at [extended abstract]. (Paper presented at annual meeting, October, Bellevue, WA). Lee, J. & Ju, H. (2010). College Students' Understanding of Social Responsibility in the Fashion Industry. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings, Montreal, Canada. (also a presentation) Lee, J. & Yoo, J. (2010). Avatars as consumer identities in cyberspace. American Collegiate Retailing Association Proceeding, New York City, New York. Lehew, M. and Hawley, J. (2010). Slow fashion: Utilizing the slow food movement as a model. Paper presented at the annual International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) meeting. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. LeHew, M. L. A., Wesley, S. C., & Jager, A. (2010). Importance of environmental apparel consumption on consumers environmental apparel knowledge: Should retailers and producers serve as sustainability educators? [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference sponsored by The Korean Academy of Marketing Science, Tokyo, Japan, September 9-12. Lennon, S. J., Kim, M., Lee, J., Kim, M., and Johnson, K. K. P. (2010). Consumer misbehavior on Black Friday: Individual and situational antecedents. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings, Montreal, Canada. Lennon, S. J., Kim, M., Lee, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2010). Antecedents of consumer emotions on Black Friday. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings, Montreal, Canada. Lennon, S., Lee, J., Kim, M., & Johnson, K.K.P. (2010). Consumer misbehavior on Black Friday: Individual and situational antecedents. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Lennon, S. J., Lee, J., & Johnson, K. K. P. (2010). Darkside consumption: Consumer misbehavior on Black Friday. Fashion in fiction: The Dark Side Conference proceedings, Philadelphia, PA. Lennon, S. J., Johnson, K. K. P., Kim, M., & Lee, J. (2010). A model of consumer misbehavior on Black Friday: A perfect storm. American Collegiate Retailing Association Proceedings, Orlando, FL. Ma, Y, Y. Huang and B. Sternquist (2010) The precursors and outcomes of trust in Chinas home appliance retailing industry. Proceedings International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Istanbul, Turkey Moon, Y., Jeong, S.W., Stoel, L. & Kandampully, J. (2009). E-service attributes of apparel retailers websites: a comparison of retailer formats. Ninth Joint Triennial Meeting of the Academy of Marketing Sciences/American Collegiate Retailing Association (AMS/ACRA), New Orleans, LA. Mower, J., Childs, M., & Kim, M. (2010). Exterior retail atmospherics, mood and behavioral intentions. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Ogle, J. P., & Damhorst, M. L. (2009). Deconstructing stereotypes: Undergraduate curriculum to engender empathy and tolerance toward obese persons. ITAA Proceedings. Available at [extended abstract]. (Poster presented at annual meeting, October, Bellevue, WA). Park, M. & Kim, M. (2010). A consumer perspective of service failure and recovery in online retailing in the U.S. Paper was presented at the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Spring Conference, Seoul, Korea. Park, M. & Kim, M. (2010). The study of comparisons between Korean and American consumers' online shopping experiences: Focusing on service failure and recovery. Paper was presented at the Korean Society for Clothing Industry Spring Conference, Daegu, Korea. Pookalangara, S., Hawley, J. (2010). Explaining Consumers Channel-Switching Behavior Using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Paper presented at the European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies. Istanbul, Turkey. Received Best Paper Award. Ruppert-Stroescu, M. and Hawley, J. M. (2010). Typology for Creativity in Fashion Design. [Published Abstract] Poster presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association annual meeting: Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tyner, K., & Damhorst, M. L. (2009). Experiences of the aging female body and possible selves through the consumption of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. ITAA Proceedings. Available at [extended abstract]. (Poster presented at annual meeting, October, Bellevue, WA) Tyner, K., & Damhorst, M. L. (2010). Experiences of aging and ambivalence through nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Appearance Matters 4 Conference, Bristol, England. Wu, J. (2009). Co-design communities online: Turning public creativity into sellable and wearable fashions. The 5th World Conference on Mass Customization & Personalization, Helsinki, Finland. Wu, J. (2010) Making and Selling: A Survey of Online Co-Design Retailers. Making, Selling, Buying, Using: Emerging Issues in Product Design Symposium, UMN, MN. Wu, J., Damminga, C., Johnson, K. & Kim, H-Y. (2010). Content analysis of online co-design community interactions: A case study of crowd-sourced Threadless. The 2010 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan. Wu, J., Ju, H.W., Kim, J., Damminga, C., Kim, H-Y. & Johnson, K. (2010). Fashion product display dominant by color, visual texture, and style coordination: An experiment with Mockshop. The 66th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada. Wu, J. & Kang, M. (2009). Where is the gap? Connecting uptown businesses with visual merchandising students. The 65th annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Seattle, WA. Yoo, J., Kim, M., & Burns, L. ( 2010). The Effects of home page design on consumer responses: A moderating role of brand familiarity and centrality of visual product aesthetics. Paper presented at the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. Abstract published in online Proceedings ( Yoo, J., Kim, M., & Burns, L. (2010). The effects of online product presentation on consumer responses: Mental imagery perspective. Paper presented at the American Collegiate Retailing Association Annual Meeting, Orland, FL. Abstract published in Proceedings [CD-ROM]. Yoo, J. & Lee, J. (2009). Impact of peer influence on adolescent boys appearance management behaviors. International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings, Bellevue, Washington. JURIED EXHIBITIONS: Wu, J., Delong, M., & Bao, M. (2010). Mao to now: Chinese fashion from 1949 to the present. Goldstein Museum of Design, St. Paul, MN. ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES (Invited and Editor Reviewed): Wu, J. (2010). Han bridal dress. In Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: East Asia (Vol. 6). Oxford: Berg Publishers. Wu, J. & Vollmer, J. (2010). Han dress overview. In Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: East Asia (Vol. 6). Oxford: Berg Publishers. BOOK/EXHIBITION REVIEWS (Invited and Editor Reviewed): Wu, J. (2010). China fashion: Conversations with designers by Christine Tsui. Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process & the Fashion Industry, 2(2), 267-272. Wu, J. (2009). Internationalizing and industrializing fashion: Shanghai International Fashion Culture Festival (SIFCF) review. Fashion Practice: The Journal of Design, Creative Process & the Fashion Industry, 1(2), 259-266. DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS: Lewis-Goldstein, D. E. (2010). Outcomes of student participation in apparel construction/sewing laboratory classes in southern California community colleges. Unpublished dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames. [Major = Family and Consumer Sciences Education; Advisor = Mary Lynn Damhorst] Yoo, J. (2010, June). Developing Effective Presentation Strategies for Online Retailers. Unpublished dissertation, Oregon State University. [Advisor: Minjeong Kim]. MASTERS THESES: Ma, Y. (2010). Buyer-supplier relationships in Chinas home appliance retailing industry. Unpublished masters plan B paper. Unpublished thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. [Advisor = Brenda Sternquist]. Jia Xu. (2010). The Motivations of Consumers Willingness-To-Buy Socially Responsible Products: An Application of the TPB Model. Unpublished thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. [Advisor = Leslie Stoel, completed March 2010]. OTHER PUBLICATIONS: Wu, J. (2010, Aug. 26) Benefits of pursuing a Ph.D. in the US. Financial Times (Chinese edition), retrieved Oct. 5, 2010: Wu, J. (2010, Jul. 09) Risks of pursuing a Ph.D. in the US. Financial Times (Chinese edition), retrieved Oct. 5, 2010: Wu, J. (2010, Apr. 06) Taboos at American universities. Financial Times (Chinese edition), retrieved Jul. 8, 2010: Wu, J. (2009, Dec. 18) Redefining luxury in the West. Financial Times (Chinese edition), retrieved Feb. 8, 2010:
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