SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCERA192 : Improving the Environmental Impact and Management of Turfgrasses
- Period Covered: 10/01/2009 to 09/01/2010
- Date of Report: 08/17/2010
- Annual Meeting Dates: 06/16/2010 to 06/17/2010
* denotes University representative Ohio State: David Gardner* Purdue University: Cale Bigelow* Michigan State: (absent) Wisconsin: Doug Soldat*, Jim Kerns Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA)(invited): Derek Settle Univ. of Illinois: (absent) Southern Illinois University: Ken Diesburg* Shannon Watson Minnesota: (absent) Iowa State Univ.: Nick Christians*, Shui-Zhang Fei, Missouri: Xi Xiong* Lee Miller, Brad Fresenburg North Dakota State: Deying Li*, Yang Gao South Dakota State: (absent) Nebraska: Zac Reicher*, Terry Riordan Kansas State: Rodney St. John* Advisor: John Stier The roster of full contact information is at maintained by Rodney St. John, additions/deletions and/or changes in contact information should be directed to Dr. St. John (
- Competitive, multi-state participation grant for development of low input alternative grass species (Obj 2): Watkins, E., C. Yue, J. Kerns, B. Horgan,and M. Meyer. 2009-11. Alternative turfgrass species as a pest management strategy. USDA Pest Management Alternatives. $179,494.
- Information provided to Wisconsin Dept Natural Resources was used to inform the development of a new invasive species rule which went into effect autumn 2009 (objective 1).
- Information provided to US EPA on turfgrass and water use helped inform the development of the US EPA Water Sense Initiative in 2009-10: the minutes contain a weblink to a response from EPA documenting the impact ( Specifically, scientific input caused the creation of section which promulgates the use of a water budget tool rather than merely restricting lawn size. Section 4.1.2 now states slopes need to be vegetated rather than "no turf".