SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


* denotes University representative Ohio State: David Gardner* Purdue University: Cale Bigelow* Michigan State: (absent) Wisconsin: Doug Soldat*, Jim Kerns Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA)(invited): Derek Settle Univ. of Illinois: (absent) Southern Illinois University: Ken Diesburg* Shannon Watson Minnesota: (absent) Iowa State Univ.: Nick Christians*, Shui-Zhang Fei, Missouri: Xi Xiong* Lee Miller, Brad Fresenburg North Dakota State: Deying Li*, Yang Gao South Dakota State: (absent) Nebraska: Zac Reicher*, Terry Riordan Kansas State: Rodney St. John* Advisor: John Stier The roster of full contact information is at maintained by Rodney St. John, additions/deletions and/or changes in contact information should be directed to Dr. St. John (

Discussion focused on how members have met current objectives. Numerous projects and publications addressing the 3 sets of objectives were developed in the past 12 months. The need for a final report was discussed, along with possible objectives for a renewed/new proposal to begin in autumn 2011. Persons were identified for writing the annual and final reports, also the new proposal.


Outcomes: 1) Information provided to Wisconsin Dept Natural Resources was used to inform the development of a new invasive species rule which went into effect autumn 2009 (objective 1). 2) Information provided to US EPA on turfgrass and water use helped inform the development of the US EPA Water Sense Initiative in 2009-10: the minutes contain a weblink to a response from EPA documenting the impact ( Specifically, scientific input caused the creation of section which promulgates the use of a water budget tool rather than merely restricting lawn size. Section 4.1.2 now states slopes need to be vegetated rather than "no turf". Outputs: 20 refereed publications addressed NCERA-192 objectives, 2 met Obj. 1, 8 met Obj. 2, and 10 met Obj. 3. Activities: One multistate experiment to evaluate low input sustainable grass species was concluded, two other multistate experiments to evaluate bentgrass varieties for golf course fairway and putting green use entered their second year. Milestones: Milestones are seen as possible goals for which to strive. 1) To determine survival and invasiveness of turfgrasses into natural areas, 2) To develop a soil N test to guide N applications, 3) Develop/update best management programs for urban grasslands and turfed recreational areas that are adopted


  1. Competitive, multi-state participation grant for development of low input alternative grass species (Obj 2): Watkins, E., C. Yue, J. Kerns, B. Horgan,and M. Meyer. 2009-11. Alternative turfgrass species as a pest management strategy. USDA Pest Management Alternatives. $179,494.
  2. Information provided to Wisconsin Dept Natural Resources was used to inform the development of a new invasive species rule which went into effect autumn 2009 (objective 1).
  3. Information provided to US EPA on turfgrass and water use helped inform the development of the US EPA Water Sense Initiative in 2009-10: the minutes contain a weblink to a response from EPA documenting the impact ( Specifically, scientific input caused the creation of section which promulgates the use of a water budget tool rather than merely restricting lawn size. Section 4.1.2 now states slopes need to be vegetated rather than "no turf".


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