Members and Advisors Attending:
Steven Boyles Ohio State University
Roy Burris University of Kentucky
Dan Buskirk Michigan State University
Gary Cromwell CSREES Representative
Dan Faulkner University of Illinois
John Hall Virginia Tech
Cliff Lamb, Vice Chair University of Minnesota
Greg Lardy North Dakota State University
Twig Marston, Chair Kansas State University
Steve Paisley University of Wyoming
Rick Rasby University of Nebraska
Jim Russell Iowa State University
Cody Wright, Secretary South Dakota State University
Members absent:
Don Boggs Administrative Advisor
David Lalman Oklahoma State University
Ron Lemenager Purdue University
David Patterson University of Missouri
Jack Whittier Colorado State University
Doug Hixon University of Wyoming
Chairman Twig Marston called the meeting to order. Host Steve Paisley welcomed the group and shared logistical information. Introductions were made.
Doug Hixon, Department Head University of Wyoming Department of Animal Science,provided an overview of the department.
State reports were then presented alphabetically within each objective.
Business meeting
At the beginning of the business meeting the committees extend sympathy to Virginia Tech for the tragedy they endured and offer any assistance they may require. Gary Cromwell provided the CSREES report. The organization has experienced substantial cutbacks in travel money. Some committees may have to meet without a CSREES Advisor in attendance. Dr. Cromwell distributed an update from CSREES and the current organizational chart for USDA. The new program direction for animal nutrition is Charlotte Kirk Baer. She was previously the Program Director for CAN with National Research Council. Ralph Otto has
moved from Deputy Administration for Plant and Animal Systems to Associate Administrator for CSREES. CSREES is currently undergoing changes there has been talk in Washington, DC, about joining ARS and CSREES into one organization in new Farm Bill. USDA is currently operating under continuing resolution and likely will until the end of the fiscal year. The Presidents 2008 budget is similar to what was submitted for 2007. The new proposal is currently being marked up in committees. The 2002 Farm Bill is scheduled to be reauthorized and the new Farm Bill is being marked up. USDA is recommending that ARS and CSREES be combined into REES. A handout was distributed containing all of USDAs proposals. NASULGC has prepared a proposal for consolidation of ARS, ERS, CSREES, and the Forest Service. This would create an institute and would call for an increase in funding, but mostly competitive in nature&less formula funding. Dr. Cromwell reminded the group that the minutes of the meeting need to be in within 60 days. Discussion was held regarding a symposium at the Midwest ASAS meeting. It was decided, by vote, to not host a Midwest ASAS symposium and the join in with Extension and Ruminant Nutrition committees on a proposed symposium on sulfur nutrition in ruminants. Discussion was also held regarding sponsoring a symposium on an every-other-year basis at Midwest ASAS. No formal action was taken. Discussion was held relative to securing a long-term sponsorship commitment for a symposium with a goal set of finding a financial partner willing to go 3 to 5 symposium.
A discussion was held regarding the potential for collaborative research and(or) publication. It was suggested that this research and(or) publication could serve as a springboard for a Midwest ASAS symposium. Potential topics brought up included:
1. Replacement heifer growth and development.
2. Replacement heifer estrous synchronization protocols with timed AI
3. Supplementing cow forage-based diets with ethanol industry and grain processing byproducts
4. Replacing forage intake to increase stocking rates with ethanol industry and grain processing by-products
Discussion was held regarding potential new members. The following faculty members were suggested:
1. John Jaeger, Kansas State University, ARC, Hays, KS
2. Rachel Endecott, Montana State University, Miles City, MT
3. Rick Funston, University of Nebraska, North Platte, NE
4. Scott Lake, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
The election was held. Steve Boyles was elected as the new secretary. Cliff Lamb will ascend to Chair and Cody Wright will ascend to Vice Chair for 2008.
The next meeting will be held on June 9 and 10, 2008, in Kentucky. Roy Burris from the University of Kentucky will be the host.
Meeting was adjourned.
Members of the NCERA087 committee continue to provide leadership to beef cow-calf management extension programming and applied research activities in states representing over a third of the nation's beef herd. In addition to numerous educational meetings and research reports in their respective states, committee members hosted a very successful symposium at the Midwest ASAS meetings. The topic for this year addressed the cow's relationship with her environment, especially in relationship to phosphorous nutrition. Target audience for this symposium consists of state, regional and some local extension educators, graduate students and allied industry personnel.