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Project Number:
Project No. Title Project Duration Status Review Type Note Review Date
NCERA222 Integrated Pest Management 10/01/2021-09/30/2026 Completed Appendix K: CC and ERA Midterm NCAC14 Midterm Review 02/18/2024 View
NCERA222 Integrated Pest Management 10/01/2021-09/30/2026 Completed Appendix K: CC and ERA Midterm NCAC15 Midterm Review 02/18/2024 View
NCERA217 Drainage design and management practices to improve water quality 10/01/2024-09/30/2029 Completed Appendix J2: ERA Evaluation NCAC16 Review 02/16/2024 View
NCERA137 Soybean Diseases 10/01/2024-09/30/2029 Completed Appendix J2: ERA Evaluation NCAC14 Review 02/16/2024 View
NCERA13 Soil Testing and Plant Analysis 10/01/2021-09/30/2026 Completed Appendix K: CC and ERA Midterm NCAC1 Midterm Review 02/15/2024 View
NCERA221 Turfgrass and the Environment 10/01/2021-09/30/2026 Completed Appendix K: CC and ERA Midterm NCAC4 Midterm Review 02/15/2024 View
NC1030 Sustainable and Resilient Systems: Transformative Response to Disruptions by Families, Businesses, and Communities 10/01/2021-09/30/2026 Completed Appendix I: MRP Midterm Review NCAC12 Midterm Review 02/15/2024 View
NCERA137 Soybean Diseases 10/01/2024-09/30/2029 Completed Appendix J2: ERA Evaluation NCAC1 Review 02/15/2024 View
NC1195 Enhancing nitrogen utilization in corn based cropping systems to increase yield, improve profitability and minimize environmental impacts 10/01/2021-09/30/2026 Completed Appendix I: MRP Midterm Review NCAC1 Midterm Review 02/15/2024 View
NC1178 Land use and management practice impacts on soil carbon and associated agroecosystems services 10/01/2024-09/30/2029 Completed Appendix H: MRC Evaluation NCAC1 Review 02/15/2024 View
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