NE1031: Collaborative Potato Breeding and Variety Development Activities to Enhance Farm Sustainability in the Eastern US

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Brown CR, Durst RW, Wrolstad R, De Jong W (2008) Variability of Phytonutrient Content of Potato In Relation to Growing Location and Cooking Method. Potato Research 51: 259-270

Christ, B. J. and S. R. May. 2008. Severity of late blight on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V110.

Christ, B. J. and S. R. May. 2008. Severity of early blight on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V109.

Christ, B. J., X. S. Qu and S. R. May. 2008. Incidence of powdery scab on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V111.

Christ, B. J., X. S. Qu and S. R. May. 2008. Fungicidal control of powdery scab on potato, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V108.

Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Hymes, W.L., MacLaury, R.L., Kelly, J.M., and Hoy, D.A. 2008. 2008 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 53, 71 pages.

Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Hymes, W.L., MacLaury, R.L., Kelly, J.M., and Hoy, D.A. 2008. 2007 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 48, 58 pages.

Halseth, D. E. 2008. 2007 USPB/SFA Chip Variety Trials. United States Potato Board, Denver, Colorado and Snack Food Association, Arlington, Virginia  March 7, 2008, 57 pages.

Haynes, K.G. 2008. Heritability of chip color and specific gravity in a long-day adapted Solanum phureja x S. stenotomum population. Amer. J. Potato Res. 85:361-366.

Haynes, K.G., B.J. Christ, and B.T. Vinyard. 2008. Determining the importance of combining ability for late blight resistance in early generations of potato breeding when susceptible clones are discarded. Amer. J. Potato Res. 85:445-454.

May, S. R., B. J. Christ and M. W. Peck. 2008. Fungicidal control of late blight on potato, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V105.

May, S. R., B. J. Christ and M. W. Peck. 2008. Fungicidal control of early blight on potato, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V104.

May, S. R., B. J. Christ and M. W. Peck. 2008. Fungicidal control of common scab on potato, 2007. Plant Disease Management Reports 2:V103.

Porter, G.A. et al. 2008. Eastern regional potato trials - 2006: Summary of NE1014 Regional Project Field Testing of New Potato Clones. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Miscellaneous Publication 758.

Porter, G.A. et al. 2008. Eastern regional potato trials - 2007: Summary of NE1014 Regional Project Field Testing of New Potato Clones. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Miscellaneous Publication 760.

Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2008. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2008 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2008-01, 40 pp.

Porter, G.A., G. Grounds, and T. Mills. 2008. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2008 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo, 24 pp.

Qu, X. S., L. A. Wanner and B. J. Christ. 2008. Using the TxtAB operon to quantify pathogenic Streptomyces in potato tubers and soil. Phytopathology 98:405-412.

Turcotte P, Fournier N, et Harvey D (2009) Essais régionaux de pomme de terre du Québec, Rapport annuel 2008, Centre de recherche Les Buissons inc., janvier 2009. In Comité pomme de terre, Atelier Cultivar, C.R.A.A.Q., Pomme de terre, Résultats des essais régionaux 2008, 50 pp.

Yencho, G.C., P.H. McCord, K.G. Haynes, and S.B. Sterrett. 2008. Internal heat necrosis of potato: A review. Amer. J. Potato Res. 85:69-76.

Zitter, T.A., Drennan, J.L., Halseth, D.E., and Sandsted, E.R. 2008. Combination of seed piece and foliar fungicides to improve tuber appearance and early blight control in potato, 2007. Plant Disease Management Report (online). Report 2:ST011. DOI:10. 1094/PDMR02. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.


Christ, B. J. and S. R. May. 2009. Severity of foliar late blight on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2008. Plant Disease Management Reports 3:V063.

Christ, B. J. and S. R. May. 2009. Severity of early blight on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2008. Plant Disease Management Reports 3:V064.

Christ, B. J., X. S. Qu and S. R. May. 2009. Incidence of powdery scab on tubers of potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2008. Plant Disease Management Reports 3:V065.

May, S. R., B. J. Christ and M. W. Peck. 2009. Fungicidal control of late blight on potato, 2008. Plant Disease Management Reports 3:V062.

Ginzberg I, Barel G, Ophir R, Tzin E, Tanami Z, Muddarangappa T, De Jong W, and Fogelman E (2009) Transcriptomic profiling of heat-stress response in potato periderm. Journal of Experimental Botany 60: 4411-4421

Halseth, D. E. 2009. 2008 USPB/SFA Chip Variety Trials. United States Potato Board, Denver, Colorado and Snack Food Association, Arlington, Virginia, pdf file  102 pages.

Haynes, K.G., B.J. Christ, C.R. Burkhart, and B.T. Vinyard. 2009. Heritability of resistance to common scab in diploid potatoes. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86:165-170.

Jung CS, Griffiths H, De Jong D, Cheng S, Bodis M, Kim T-S, De Jong W (2009) The potato developer (D) locus encodes an R2R3 MYB transcription factor that regulates expression of multiple anthocyanin structural genes in tuber skin. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120:45-57

Mayton H, Griffiths H, Simko I, Cheng S, Lorenzen J, De Jong W, Fry WE (2009)
Foliar and tuber late blight resistance in a Solanum tuberosum breeding population. Plant Breeding doi:10.1111/j.1439-0523.2009.01671.x

Olanya, M.O., D.H. Lambert, A.F. Reeves, and G.A. Porter. 2009. Evaluation of potato clones for resistance to stem canker and tuber black scurf in field studies following artificial inoculation with Rhizoctonia solani AG-3 in Maine. Arch. Phytopathology and Plant Protection 42:409-418.

Pierre Turcotte, Nicole Fournier et Daniel Harvey, 2010. Essais régionaux de pomme de terre du Québec, Rapport annuel 2009, Centre de recherche Les Buissons inc., février 2010. In Comité pomme de terre, Atelier Cultivar, C.R.A.A.Q., Pomme de terre, Résultats des essais régionaux 2009, 54 pp.

Porter, G.A., P.C. Ocaya, and Garland Grounds. 2009. Potato breeding and variety development update. Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 22, 2009 (abst).

Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2009. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2009 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2009-01, 40 pp.

Porter, G.A., G. Grounds, and T. Mills. 2009. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2009 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo, 24 pp.

Santa-Cruz, J.H., K.G. Haynes, and B.J. Christ. 2009. Effects of one cycle of recurrent selection for early blight resistance in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja  S. stenotomum population. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86:490-498.

Wanner, L.A. and K.G. Haynes. 2009. Aggressiveness of Streptomyces on four potato cultivars and implications for common scab resistance breeding. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86:335-346.

Wickramasinghe, W.M.D.K., X. Qu, S. Costanzo, K.G. Haynes, and B.J. Christ. 2009. Development of PCR-based markers linked to quantitative resistance to late blight in a diploid hybrid potato population of Solanum phureja x S. stemotomum. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86:188-195

Zhang Y, Cheng S, De Jong D, Griffiths H, Halitschke R, De Jong W (2009) The potato R locus codes for dihydroflavonol 4-reductase. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119: 931-937

Zhang Y, Jung CS, and De Jong WS (2009) Genetic analysis of pigmented tuber flesh in potato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119:143-150

Zitter, T.A., Drennan, J.L., Halseth, D.E., and Sandsted, E.R. 2009. Exploring the use of Vydate treatments and foliar fungicides to improve tuber yield and appearance in potato, 2008. Plant Disease Management Report (online). Report 3:V037. DOI:10.1094/PDMR03. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.


Clough M, Yencho G, Christ W, De Jong W, Halseth D, Haynes K, Henninger M, Hutchinson C, Kleinhenz M, Porter G, Veilleux R (2010) An interactive online database for potato varieties evaluated. HortTechnology 20:245-249

Griffiths HM, Zitter TA, Loeffler K, De Jong WS, Menasha S (2010) First report in North America of atypical symptoms caused by Colletotrichum coccodes on field-grown potato tubers during storage. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0708-02-BR

De Koeyer D, Douglass K, Murphy A, Whitney S, Nolan L, Song Y, De Jong W (2010) Application of high-resolution DNA melting for genotyping and variant scanning of diploid and autotetraploid potato. Molecular Breeding 25: 67-90

Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Hymes, W.L., MacLaury, R.L., Kelly, J.M., Rich, B., and Hoy, D. 2010. 2009 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 60, 62 pages.

Halseth, D. E. 2010. USPB-SFA 2009 Yield Data and Early Chipping Report. United States Potato Board, Denver, Colorado and Snack Food Association, Arlington, Virginia, pdf file - 86 pages.

Haynes, K.G., B.A. Clevidence, D. Rao, B.T. Vinyard, and J.M. White. 2010. Genotype x environment interactions for potato tuber carotenoid content. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:250-258.

Haynes, K.G., L.A. Wanner, C.A. Thill, J.M. Bradeen, J. Miller, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini and B.T. Vinyard. 2010. Common scab trials of potato varieties and advanced selections at three U.S. locations. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87:261-276.

Haynes, K.G., C.M. Hutchinson, R.L. Hassell, G.C. Yencho, M.E. Clough, M.R. Henninger, D.E. Halseth, E.R. Sandsted, G.A. Porter, and P.C. Ocaya. 2010. Agreement between selectors at seven eastern U.S. locations in the second field generation. Am J Potato Research 87:126-127 (Abst.)

McCord, P.H., B.R. Sosinski, K.G. Haynes, M.E. Clough, and G.C. Yencho. 2011. QTL mapping of internal heat necrosis in tetraploid potato. Theor. Appl. Genet. 122:129142.

Olanya, O.M., G.A. Porter, and D.H. Lambert. 2010. Supplemental irrigation and cultivar
effects on potato tubers diseases. Australian Journal of Crop Science 4(1): 29-36.

Porter, G.A. 2010. New russet potato varieties being developed in the Maine potato breeding program. Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 21, 2010 (abst).

Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2010. Potato variety trial results in Maine  2010 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2010-01, 42 pp.

Porter, G.A., G. Grounds, and T. Mills. 2010. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2010 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo, 24 pp.

Porter, G. and P. Ocaya. 2010. U.S. Potato Board/Snack Food Association National Chipping Potato Variety Trial, Maine 2009. Maine Potato News, February 2010.

Porter, G. and P. Ocaya. 2010. Potato Breeding Program Top Five Advanced Clones for 2010. Maine Potato News, February 2010.

Qu, X.S. and B. J. Christ. 2010. Incidence of powdery scab on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:V073.

Qu, X. S., M. W. Peck and B. J. Christ. 2010. Fungicidal control of late blight on potato, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:V076.

Qu, X. S., M. W. Peck and B. J. Christ. 2010. Fungicidal control of early blight on potato, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:V077.

Qu, X.S. and B. J. Christ. 2010. Severity of late blight on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:V074.

Qu, X.S. and B. J. Christ. 2010. Severity of early blight on potato cultivars and breeding lines, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:V075.

Turcotte P, Fournier N et Harvey D (2011). Essais régionaux de pomme de terre du Québec, Rapport annuel 2010, Centre de recherche Les Buissons inc., février 2011. In Comité pomme de terre, Atelier Cultivar, C.R.A.A.Q., Pomme de terre, Résultats des essais régionaux 2010, 52 pp.


Dessureault-Rompre J, Zebarth BJ, Chow TL, Burton DL, Sharifi M, Georgallas A, Porter GA, Moreau G, Leclerc Y, Arsenault WJ, Grant CA (2011) Prediction of Soil Nitrogen Supply in Potato Fields in a Cool Humid Climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75: 626-637

Galek R, Rurek M, De Jong WS, Pietkiewicz G, Augustyniak H, Sawicka-Sienkiewicz E (2011) Application of DNA markers linked to the potato H1 gene conferring resistance to pathotype Ro1 of Globodera rostochiensis. Journal of Applied Genetics 52: 407-411.

Hamilton JP, Hansey CN, Whitty BR, Stoffel K, Massa AN, van Deynze A, De Jong WS, Douches DS, Buell CR (2011) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Discovery in Elite North American Potato Germplasm. BMC Genomics 12:302 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-302

Haynes KG, Clevidence BA, Rao D, Vinyard BT (2011) Inheritance of carotenoid content in tetraploid x diploid potato crosses. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 136:265-272

McCord PH, Sosinski BR, Haynes KG, Clough ME, Yencho GC (2011) QTL mapping of internal heat necrosis in potato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 122:129-142.

McCord PH, Sosinski BR, Haynes KG, Clough ME, Yencho GC (2011) Linkage mapping and QTL analysis of agronomic traits in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum). Crop Sci. 51:771-785.

Qu XS, Wanner LA, Christ BJ (2011) Multiplex real-time PCR (TaqMan) assay for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of potato powdery and common scab diseases and pathogens. Journal Of Applied Microbiology 110: 769-777

The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (2011) Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato. Nature 475: 189-195

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