WERA_OLD1009: Systems to Improve End-use Quality of Wheat
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Baenziger, P., R. Graybosch, A. Ibrahim, D. Baltensperger, L. Nelson, J. Yue, C. Shun, B. Guihua, B. Beecher, and J. Hatchett. 2007. Release of NE01643 hard red winter wheat. USDA-ARS, cultivar release.
Bettge, A.D. and C.F. Morris. 2007. Oxidative gelation measurement and influence on soft wheat batter viscosity and end-use quality. Cereal Chem. 84:237-242.
Beyer, B., S.D. Haley, J. Peng, F.B. Peairs, and N.L.V. Lapitan. 2007. Introgression of Russian wheat aphid Biotype 2 resistance from tetraploid wheat germplasm. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
Blake, N.K., S.P. Lanning, J.M. Martin, J.D. Sherman, and L.E. Talbert. 2007. Relationship of flag leaf characteristics to economically important traits in two spring wheat crosses. Crop Sci. 47:489-494.
Bruckner, P.L., J.E. Berg, N. Riveland, J.L. Eckhoff, D.M. Wichman, K.D. Kephart, G.R. Carlson, G.D. Kushnak, R.N. Stougaard, D.L. Nash, W.E. Grey, A.T. Dyer, Y. Jin, and X. Chen. 2007. Registration of Yellowstone wheat. J. Plant Registrations 1:18-19.
Butler, J.D., S.D. Haley, and B.W. Seabourn. 2007. Selection efficiency and application of near-infrared spectroscopy for wheat end-use quality assessment. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
Campbell, J.B., J.M. Martin, F. Crutcher, F.D. Meyer, D.R. Clark, and M.J. Giroux. 2007 Effects on Soft Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Quality of Increased Puroindoline Dosage. Cereal Chemistry 84(1):80-87.
Carlson, G.R., J.E. Berg, R.N. Stougaard, K.D. Kephart, N. Riveland, G.D. Kushnak, D.M. Wichman, J.L. Eckhoff, D.L. Nash, E.S. Davis, W.E. Grey, and P.L. Bruckner. 2007. Registration of Bynum wheat. J. Plant Registrations 1:16-17.
Clayshulte, S.R., S.D. Haley, P.F. Byrne, and X. Shan. 2007. Trait associations at the Xgwm 261 and Rht-B1 loci in two winter wheat recombinant inbred line populations. Crop Sci. Crop Sci. 47:2346-2355.
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.S. Quick, J.A. Stromberger, S.R. Clayshulte, J.D. Butler, J.B. Rudolph, B.W. Seabourn, G. Bai, Y. Jin, and J. Kolmer. 2007. Registration of 'Ripper' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 1:1-6.
He, X.Y., Z.H. He, L.P. Zhang, D.J. Sun, C.F. Morris, E.P. Fuerst, and X.C. Xia. 2007. Allelic variation of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) genes located on chromosomes 2A and 2D and development of functional markers for the PPO genes in common wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 115:47-58.
Hesler, L.S., S.D. Haley, K.K. Nkongolo, and F.B. Peairs. 2007. Resistance to Rhopalosiphum padi (Homoptera: Aphididae) in triticale and triticale-derived wheat lines with resistance to Diuraphis noxia (Homoptera: Aphididae). J. Entomol. Sci. 42: 217-227.
Hole, D., S. Clawson, and J. Clawson. 2007. 2007 Utah Small Grains Variety Trials. AES Research Report. 203:
Isik, Z, I. Parmaksiz, C. Coruh, Y. Geylan-Su, O. Cebechi, B. Beecher, and H. Budak. 2007. Organellar genome analysis of rye (Secale cereale) representing diverse geographic regions. Genome 50:724-734.
Johnson, J.J., S.D. Haley, and J. Butler. 2007. Helping producers make better variety planting decisions. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
Jones, S.S., S.R. Lyon, K.A. Balow, M.A. Gollnick, T.D. Murray, X.M. Chen, C.F. Morris, K. Garland Campbell, J.W. Burns, W.F. Schillinger, P.E. Reisenauer, and B.J. Goates. 2007. Registration of Bauermeister Wheat. Crop Sci. 47:430-431.
Kephart, K.D., J.E. Berg, G.R. Carlson, R.N. Stougaard, J.L. Eckhoff, N. Riveland, G.D. Kushnak, D.M. Wichman, D.L. Nash, E.S. Davis, W.E. Grey, and P.L. Bruckner. 2007. Registration of Hyalite wheat. J. Plant Registrations 1:14-15.
Martin, J.M., F.D. Meyer, C.F. Morris, and M.J. Giroux. 2007. Pilot Scale Milling Characteristics of Transgenic Isolines of a Hard Wheat Over-expressing Puroindolines. Crop Science 47 (2):497-5040.
Massa, A.N., B. Beecher, and C.F. Morris. 2007. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in wheat and wild relatives: Molecular evidence for a multigene family. Theor. Appl. Genetic. 114:1239-1247. Erratum 114:1303-1304.
McIntosh, R.A., K.M. Devos, J. Dubcovsky, W.J. Rogers, C.F. Morris, R. Appels and O.A. Anderson. 2007. Catalogue of Gene Symbols for Wheat: 2007 Supplement (In) Annual Wheat Newsletter 53:159-180. (also published on-line at: http://wheat.pw.usda.gov.
Meyer, F.D., L.E. Talbert, J.M. Martin, T.W. Greene, and M.J. Giroux. 2007. Field evaluation of transgenic wheat (T. aestivum) expressing a modified AGP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP) large subunit. Crop Sci. 47:336-342.
Morris, C.F. and B. Beecher. 2007. Polyphenol oxidase gene structure in wheat and related species. Proc. 57th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conf., 5-10 August, 2007. Panozzo, J.F., and Black, C.K. (eds.). Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 57-60.
Morris, C.F., and D.A. Engle. 2007. Test baking for breeders and cultivar development. Proc. 57th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conf., 5-10 August, 2007. Panozzo, J.F., and Black, C.K. (eds.). Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 133-135.
Morris, C.F., and G.E. King. 2007. Registration of Waxy-Pen soft white spring waxy wheat. J. Plant Registrations 1:23-24.
Morris, C.F., B. Paszczynska, A.D. Bettge, and G.E. King. 2007. A critical examination of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation test for wheat meals. J. Sci. Fd. Agric. 87:607-615.
Morris, C.F., K. Pecka, and A.D. Bettge. 2007. Note: A device for the preparation of cereal endosperm bricks. Cereal Chem. 84:67-69.
Ohm, J.-B., A.S. Ross, C.J. Peterson, and Y.-L. Ong. Relationships of high molecular weight glutenin subunit composition and molecular weight distribution of wheat flour protein with water absorption and color characteristics of noodle dough. Cer. Chem. Accepted 8-29-2007.
Peng, Z., H. Wang, S.D. Haley, F.B. Peairs, and N.L.V. Lapitan. 2007. Molecular mapping of Russian wheat aphid resistance gene Dn2414 in wheat. Crop Sci. 47:2418-2429.
Peterson, C.J. 2007. National and global initiatives to combat cereal rust diseases. Oregon Wheat. June, pgs 16-18.
Roth, J., S.D. Haley, J. Peng, N.L.V. Lapitan, G. Bai, and B. Bockus. 2007. Characterization of wheat lines derived through MAS for barley yellow dwarf virus resistance and high grain protein content. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
Shan, X., S.R. Clayshulte, S.D. Haley, and P.F. Byrne. 2007. Variation for glutenin and waxy alleles in U.S. hard winter wheat germplasm. J. Cer. Sci. 45:199-208.
Sherman, J.D., S.P. Lanning, D. Clark, and L.E. Talbert. 2007. Registration of near-isogenic hard spring wheat lines differing in puroindoline alleles. J. Plant Reg. 1:171-172.
Smidansky, E.D., F.D. Meyer, B. Blakeslee, T.E. Weglarz, T.W. Greene, and M.J. Giroux. 2007. Expression of a modified ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit in wheat seeds stimulates photosynthesis and carbon metabolism. Planta 225(4):965-976.
Stougaard, R.N., J.E. Berg, K.D. Kephart, G.R. Carlson, D.M. Wichman, J.L. Eckhoff, N. Riveland, G.D. Kushnak, D.L. Nash, E.S. Davis, W.E. Grey, and P.L. Bruckner. 2007. Registration of Norris wheat. J. Plant Registrations 1:12-13.
Wanjugi, H.W., A.C. Hogg, J.M. Martin, and M.J. Giroux. 2007. The Role of Puroindoline A and B Individually and in Combination on Grain Hardness and Starch Association. Crop Science 47 (1):67-76.
Zheng, S., X. Shan, P. Byrne, and S.D. Haley. 2007. Effects of glutenin subunit variation and 1RS.1AL translocation on dough properties of wheat grown in Colorado (USA) environments. Poster presentation at Plant and Animal Genome Conference, 13-17 Jan. 2007, San Diego.
Zheng, S., X. Shan, P. Byrne, S. Reid, G. Bai, and S.D. Haley. 2007. Effects of allelic variation at the wheat Glu-B3 locus on dough properties identified by association mapping. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
Variety Releases and PVP
Tubbs 06 - Soft White Winter Wheat. C.J. Peterson, M. Verhoeven, M. Larson, B. Hoefer, J. von Zitzewitz, M. Flowers, A. Ross, J. Ohm, C. Morris, D. Engle, R. Smiley, C. Mundt, X. Chen, J. Robinson. Plant Variety Protection Certificate No. 200700423. Issued December, 2007.
Goetze - Soft White Winter Wheat. C.J. Peterson, M. Verhoeven, M. Larson, B. Hoefer, J. von Zitzewitz, M. Flowers, A. Ross, J. Ohm, C. Morris, D. Engle, R. Smiley, C. Mundt, X. Chen, D. Skinner, K. Campbell, J. Robinson. Release date: 8/24/2007.
Norwest 553- Hard Red Winter Wheat. C.J. Peterson, M. Verhoeven, M. Larson, B. Hoefer, J. von Zitzewitz, M. Flowers, A. Ross, J. Ohm, C. Morris, D. Engle, R. Smiley, C. Mundt, X. Chen, D. Skinner, K. Campbell, and J. Robinson. Release date: 8/20/2007.
Bhave, M., and C.F. Morris. 2008. Basic instincts and fatal attractions. Proceedings of the 58th Royal Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, August 31-September 4, 2008. J. F. Panozzo and C. K. Black, eds. Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia, pp. 10-13.
Bhave, M., and C.F. Morris. 2008. Molecular genetics of puroindolines and related genes: allelic diversity in wheat and other grasses. Plant Mol. Biol. 66:205-219.
Bhave, M., and C.F. Morris. 2008. Molecular genetics of puroindolines and related genes: regulation of expression, membrane binding properties and applications. Plant Mol. Biol. 66:221-231.
Brevis, J.C., I.A Khan, O. Chicaiza, C.F. Morris, L. Jackson and J. Dubcovsky. 2008. Agronomic and quality evaluation of common wheat near-isogenic lines carrying the leaf rust resistance gene Lr47. Crop Sci. 48:1441-1451.
Choi, H.W. and B.K. Baik. 2008. Differences in functional properties of starches between hard and soft wheat genotype. AACCI Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2008. Abstract for poster presentation. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/2008/abstracts/p08ma41.htm
Feiz, L., J.M. Martin and M.J. Giroux. 2008. The relationship between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain hardness and wet-milling quality. Cereal Chemistry 85(1):44-50.
Flowers, M. and C.J. Peterson. 2008. Variety Guide for Goetze Soft White Winter Wheat. EM 8957-E " April 2008
Flowers, M., C.J. Peterson, J. Burns and J. Kuehner. 2008. Variety Guide for Northwest 553 Hard Red Winter Wheat. EM 8967-E " June 2008
Flowers, M., C.J. Peterson, A. Hulting, J. Burns and J. Kuehner. 2008. Variety Guide for ORCF-101 Clearfield Soft White Winter Wheat. EM 8971-E " November 2008
Flowers, M., C.J. Peterson, A. Hulting, J. Burns and J. Kuehner. 2008. Variety Guide for ORCF-102 Clearfield Soft White Winter Wheat. EM 8972-E " November 2008
Fuerst, E.P., S.S. Xu and B. Beecher. 2008. Genetic characterization of kernel polyphenol oxidases in wheat and related species. Journal of Cereal Science 48:359-368.
Gujral, H., S.J. Park and B.-K. Baik. 2008. Effects of added minerals on pasting of partial waxy wheat flour and starch and on noodle making properties. Cereal Chem. 85:97-101.
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.S. Quick, J.A. Stromberger, J.D. Butler, H.R. Miller, E.E. Heaton, J.B. Rudolph, B.W. Seabourn, G. Bai, Y. Jin, J. Kolmer and X. Chen. 2008. Registration of 'Bill Brown' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 2:218-223.
Hole, D., S. Clawson and J. Clawson. 2008. 2008 Utah Small Grains Variety Trials. AES Research Report. 206:
Lacerenza, J.A., J.M. Martin, L.E. Talbert, S.P. Lanning and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Relationship of ethanol yield to agronomic and seed quality characteristics of small grains. Cereal Chemistry 85(3):322-328.
Martin, J.M., B. Beecher and M.J. Giroux. 2008. White salted noodle characteristics from transgenic isolines of wheat over expressing puroindolines. J. Cereal Sci. 2008.
Martin, J.M., J.D. Sherman, S.P. Lanning, L.E. Talbert and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Effect of variation at the waxy and puroindoline loci on bread quality in a hard spring wheat cross. Cereal Chem. 85:266-269.
Martin, J.M., J.D. Sherman, S.P. Lanning, L.E. Talbert and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Effect of Variation in Amylose Content and Puroindoline Composition on Bread Quality in a Hard Spring Wheat Population. Cereal Chemistry 85 (2):266-269.
Morris, C.F., A.D. Bettge, M.J. Pitts, G.E. King, K. Pecka and P.J. McCluskey. 2008. The compressive strength of wheat endosperm: Comparison of endosperm bricks to the single kernel characterization system. Cereal Chem. 85:359-365.
Morris, C.F. and M. Bhave. 2008. Reconciliation of D-genome puroindoline allele designations with current DNA sequence data. J. Cereal Sci. 48:277-287.
Morris, C.F., J.W. Burns, K.S. Gill, D.A. Engle and G.E. King. 2008. End-use quality of U. S. soft white winter and spring wheat. Proceedings of the 58th Royal Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, August 31-September 4, 2008. Panozzo, J.F. and Black, C.K., eds. Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia, pp. 95-99.
Morris, C.F. and G.E. King. 2008. Registration of hard kernel puroindoline allele near-isogenic line hexaploid wheat genetic stocks. J. Plant Registrations 2:67-68.
Morris, C.F., M.J. Pitts, A.D. Bettge, K. Pecka and P.J. McCluskey. 2008. The compressive strength of wheat endosperm: Analysis of endosperm bricks. Cereal Chem. 85:351-358.
Ohm, J.-B., A.S. Ross, C.J. Peterson and Y.-L. Ong. 2008. Relationships of High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit Composition and Molecular Weight Distribution of Wheat Flour Protein with Water Absorption and Color Characteristics of Noodle Dough. Cereal Chemistry 85: 123-131.Variety Releases and PVP
Peterson, C.J. 2008. Promoting investments in national and international research. Oregon Wheat. June, pgs 12-15.
Saint Pierre, C., C.J. Peterson, A.S. Ross, J.-B. Ohm, M.C. Verhoeven, M. Larson and B. Hoefer. 2008. White Wheat Grain Quality Changes with Genotype, Nitrogen Fertilization, and Water Stress. Agron. J. 2008 100: 414-420.
Saint Pierre, C., C.J. Peterson, A.S. Ross, J.-B. Ohm, M.C. Verhoeven, M. Larson and B. Hoefer. 2008. Winter wheat genotypes under different levels of nitrogen and water stress: Changes in grain protein composition. Journal of Cereal Science 47: 407416.
Sherman, J.D., S.P. Lanning, D. Clark and L.E. Talbert. 2008. Registration of near-isogenic hard-textured wheat lines differing for a high grain protein gene. J. Plant. Reg. 2:162-164.
Sherman, J.D., E. Souza, D. See and L.E. Talbert. 2008. Microsatellite markers for kernel color genes in wheat. Crop Sci. 48:1419-1424.
Turuspekov, Y., B. Beecher, Y. Darlington, J. Bowman, T.K. Blake and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Hardness Locus Sequence Variation and Endosperm Texture in Spring Barley. Crop Sci 48 (3):1007-1019.
Turuspekov, Y., J.M., Martin, J.G.P. Bowman, B.S. Beecher and M.J. Giroux. 2008. Associations between Vrs1 alleles and grain quality traits in spring barley Hordeum vulgare L. Cereal Chemistry, 85(6):817-823.
Walker, C., K. Garland Campbell, B. Carter and K. Kidwell. 2008. Identifying superior soft white wheat genotypes in diverse production environments using the solvent retention capacity test. Crop Science 48:495-506.
Bettge, A.D., Kweon, M. 2009. Collaborative study on updated method 10-52: Baking quality of cookie flour micro method (sugar-snap cookie). CFW 54:70-73.
Blake, N.K., S. P. Lanning, J. M. Martin, M. Doyle, J. D. Sherman, Y. Naruoka, and L. E. Talbert. 2009. Effect of variation for major growth habit genes on maturity and yield in five spring wheat populations. Crop Sci. 49:1211-1220.
Carter, A.H., X.M. Chen, K. Garland-Campbell, and K.K. Kidwell. 2009. Identifying QTL for high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) in the spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar Louise. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119:1119-1128.
Chen, J., E. J. Souza, R. S. Zemetra, N. A. Bosque-Pérez, M. J. Guttieri, J. Wheeler, K. M. O'Brien, J. W. Windes, S. O. Guy, B. D. Brown, X. M. Chen. 2009. Registration of Cataldo Spring Wheat. J. Plant Registration 3: 264 - 268.
Eujayl, I. and C.F. Morris. 2009. Identification of differentially expressed UniGenes in developing wheat seed using digital differential display. J. Cereal Sci. 49:316-318.
Feiz, L., B.S. Beecher, J.M. Martin, and M.J. Giroux. (2009) In planta mutagenesis determines the functional regions of the wheat puroindoline proteins. Genetics 183(3):853-860.
Feiz, L., H.W. Wanjugi, C.W. Melnyk, I. Altosaar, J.M. Martin, and M.J. Giroux. (2009a) Puroindolines co-localize to the starch granule surface and increase seed bound polar lipid content. J Cereal Science 50:91-98.
Feiz, L., J.M. Martin, and M.J. Giroux. (2009b) Creation and functional analysis of new Puroindoline alleles in Triticum aestivum. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 118:247-257.
Gaylord, T.G., Barrows, F.T., Rawles, S.D., Liu, K., Bregitzer, P., Hang, A., Obert, D.E., and Morris, C.F. 2009. Apparent digestibility of nutrients and energy in extruded diets from cultivars of barley and wheat selected for nutritional quality in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Nutrition 15:306-312.
Griffey, C.A., W. E. Thomason, R. M. Pitman, B. R. Beahm, J. J. Paling, J. Chen, J. K. Fanelli, J. C. Kenner, D. W. Dunaway, W. S. Brooks, M. E. Vaughn, E.G. Hokanson, H. D. Behl, R. A. Corbin, J. T. Custis, C. M. Waldenmaier, D. E. Starner, S. A. Gulick, S. R. Ashburn, D. L. Whitt, H. E. Bockelman, E. J. Souza, D. L. Long, Y. Jin, X. Chen, and S. E. Cambron. 2009. Registration of USG 3555 Wheat. J. Plant Registration 3: 273 - 278.
Griffey, C.A., W. E. Thomason, R. M. Pitman, B. R. Beahm, J. J. Paling, J. Chen, J. K. Fanelli, J. C. Kenner, D. W. Dunaway, W. S. Brooks, M. E. Vaughn, E.G. Hokanson, H. D. Behl, R. A. Corbin, J. T. Custis, C. M. Waldenmaier, D. E. Starner, S. A. Gulick, S. R. Ashburn, D. L. Whitt, H. E. Bockelman, E. J. Souza, D. L. Long, Y. Jin, X. Chen, and S. E. Cambron. 2009. Registration of 5205 Wheat. J. Plant Registration 3: 283 - 288.
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, P.H. Westra, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Heaton, S.A. Seifert, R.A. Kottke, J.B. Rudolph, G.Bai, R.L. Bowden, M.-S. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, and B.W. Seabourn. 2009. Registration of 'Thunder CL' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 3:181-184.
Haynes, L.C., Bettge, A.D.,and Slade, L. 2009. Soft wheat and flour products methods review: Solvent Retention Capacity equation correction. CFW 54:174-175.
He, X.Y., He, Z.H., Morris, C.F., and Xia, X.C. 2009. Cloning and phylogenetic analysis of polyphenol oxidase genes in common wheat and related species. Genetic Res. Crop Evolution 56:311-321.
Kidwell, K.K., G.B. Shelton, V.L. DeMacon, X. Chen, J. Kuehner, B. Baik, D.A. Engle, A.H. Carter and N.A. Bosque-Perez. 2009. Registration of Kelse wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 3(3):269-272.
Kidwell, K.K., G.B. Shelton, V.L. DeMacon, J. Kuehner, B.K. Baik, D.A. Engle, and N.A. Bosque-Perez, A. Burke, A.H. Carter and X. Chen. 2009. Registration of Whit wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 3(3)279-282.
Li, S., Morris, C.F., and Bettge, A.D. 2009. Genotype and environment variation for arabinoxylans in hard winter and spring wheats of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Cereal Chem. 86:88-95.
Ma, D., Zhang, Y., Xia, X., Morris, C.F., and He, Z. 2009. Milling and Chinese raw white noodle qualities of common wheat near-isogenic lines differing in puroindoline b-alleles. J. Cereal Sci. 50:126-130.
Morris, C.F., Li, S., King, G.E., Engle, D.A., Burns, J.W., and Ross, A.S. 2009. A comprehensive genotype and environment assessment of wheat grain ash content in Oregon and Washington: Analysis of variation. Cereal Chem. 86:307-312.
Ohm, J.B., Ross, A.S., Peterson, C.J., and Morris, C.F. 2009. Relationships of quality characteristics with size-exclusion HPLC chromatogram of protein extract in soft white winter wheats. Cereal Chem. 86:197-203.
Porteaus, F., Hill, J., Ball, A.S., Pinter, P.J., Kimball, B.A., Wall, G.W., Adamsen, F.J., Hunsaker, D.J., LaMorte, R.L., Leavitt, S.W., Thompson, T.L., Matthias, A.D., Brooks, T.J., and Morris, C.F. 2009. Effect of free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) on the chemical composition and nutritive value of wheat grain and straw. Animal Feed Sci.and Tech. 149:322-332.
Randhawa, H.S., Mutti, J.S., Kidwell, K., Morris, C.F., Chen, X., and Gill, K.S. 2009. Rapid and targeted introgression of genes into popular cultivars using marker-assisted background selection. PLoS ONE 4:e5752.
Rey, J.I., P. M. Hayes, S. E. Petrie, A. Corey, M. Flowers, J. B. Ohm, C. Ong, K. Rhinhart, and A. S. Ross. Production of Dryland Barley for Human Food: Quality and Agronomic Performance Crop Sci. 2009 49: 347355.
Weaver, D. K., M. Buteler, M. L. Hofland, J. B. Runyon, C. Nansen, L. E. Talbert, and G. R. Carlson. 2009. Cultivar preferences of ovipositing wheat stem sawflies as influenced by the amounts of volatile attractants. J. Econ. Entomol. 102:1009-1017.
Zhang, J., Martin, J.M., Beecher, B., Morris, C.F., Hannah, L.C., and Giroux, M.J. 2009. Seed-specific expression of the wheat puroindoline genes improves maize wet milling yields. Plant Biotech. Journal 7:733-743.
Zhang, J., J.M. Martin, B. Beecher, C.F. Morris, L.C. Hannah, and M.J. Giroux (2009) Seed-specific expression of the wheat puroindoline genes improves maize wet milling yields. Plant Biotechnology 7:733-743.
Zheng, S., P.F. Byrne, G. Bai, X. Shan, S.D. Reid, S.D. Haley, and B.W. Seabourn. 2009. Association analysis reveals effects of wheat glutenin alleles and rye translocations on dough-mixing properties. J. Cer. Sci. 50:283-290.
Brevis, J.C., Morris, C.F., Manthey, F., and Dubcovsky, J. 2010. Effect of the grain protein content locus Gpc-B1 on bread and pasta quality. J. Cereal Sci. 51:357-365.
Burrows, M., M. Moffett, P. Bruckner, J. Berg, and M. Johnston. 2010. Evaluation of fungicides for control of stem rust in Montana, 2009. Plant Disease Management Reports 4:CF037 Online publication. doi: doi:10.1094/PDMR04.
Carter AH, Walker CA, Kidwell KK 2010. Chapter 2: Breeding for dual-purpose hard white wheat in the US: Noodle and Pan breads. pp 25-56. In G. Hou ed, Asian Noodles: Science, Technology, and Processing. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chen, F., Beecher, B.S., and Morris, C.F. 2010. Physical mapping and a new variant of Puroindoline b-2 genes in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 120:745-751.
Chen, J., E.J. Souza, N.A. Bosque-Pérez, M.J. Guttieri, K.L. O'Brien, J.M. Windes, S.O. Guy, B.D. Brown, X.M. Chen, and R.S. Zemetra. 2010. Registration of "UI Winchester" Wheat. J. Plant Registration 4:1-4.
Chen, F., Zhang, F., Cheng, X., Morris, C.F., Xu, H., Dong, Z., Zhan, K., He, Z., Xia, X., and Cui, D. 2010. Association of puroindoline b-2 variants with grain traits, yield components and flag leaf size in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties of Yellow and Huai Valley of China. J. Cereal Sci. 52:247-253.
Chen, F., Zhang, F., Morris, C., He, Z., Xia, X., and Cui, D. 2010. Molecular characterization of the Puroindoline a-D1b allele and development of an STS marker in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Cereal Sci. 52:80-82.
Choi H., T. Harris, B. Baik. 2010. Improvement of sponge cake baking test procedure for simple and reliable estimation of soft white wheat quality. Cereal Foods World 55:A42.
Demacon V., K. Kidwell, D. Santra, G. Shelton, S. Lyon, X. Chen, J. Kuehner, B. Baik, D. Engle, K. Campbell, S. Jones. 2010. Registration of "Farnum" Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations
El-Feki, W., P. Byrne, S. Reid, N. Lapitan, and S.D. Haley. 2010. QTL detection for bread making quality and agronomic traits in a winter wheat mapping population. In Agronomy abstracts. ASA, Madison, WI.
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