OLD S1041: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Adhikari S, Fernando S, To F, Bricka R, Steele P and Haryanto A. 2008. Conversion of glycerol to hydrogen via a steam reforming process over nickel catalyst. Energy and Fuels. 22(2):1220-1226.
Chen Y, Sharma-Shivappa R, Keshwani D and Chen C. 2007. Potential of agricultural residues and hay for bioethanol production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 142(3):276-290.
Chen Y, Sharma-Shivappa R and Chen C. 2007. Ensiling agricultural residues for bioethanol production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 143(1):80-92.
Chinn M, Nokes S and Strobel H. 2007. Influence of Process conditions on end product formation from Clostridium thermocellum 27405 in solid substrate cultivation on Paper Pulp Sludge. Bioresource Technology. 98:2184-2193.
Corredor D, Bean S and Wang D. 2007. Pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of sorghum fiber. Cereal Chemistry 84(1):61-66.
Duguid K, Montross M, Radtke C, Crofcheck C, Shearer S and Hoskinson R. 2007. Screening for sugar and ethanol processing characteristics from anatomical fractions of wheat stover. Biomass and Bioenergy. 31(8): 585-592
Igathinathane C, Pordesimo L, Batchelor W, Columbus E and Methuku S. 2008. Shape identification and size distribution of particles from basic shape parameters using images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 63:168-182.
Igathinathane C, Womac A, Pordesimo L and Sokhansanj S. 2008. Mold appearance and modeling on selected corn stover components during moisture sorption. Bioresource Technology. 99(14): 6365-6371.
Igathinathane C, Womac A, Sokhansanj S and Narayan S. 2008. Knife grid size reduction to preprocess packed beds of high- and low-moisture switchgrass. Bioresource Technology .99(7):2254-2264.
Keshwani D and Cheng J. 2008. Switchgrass for bioethanol and other value-added applications: A Review. Bioresource Technology. Available online October 30, 2008.
Kumar A, Wang L, Dzenis Y, Jones D and Hanna M. 2008. Thermogravimetric characterization of corn stover as gasification and pyrolysis feedstock. Biomass and Bioenergy. 32:460-467.
Lewis R, Frankman A, Tanner R, Ahmed A and Huhnke R. 2008. Ethanol via biomass-generated syngas. International Sugar Journal 110(1311):150-155.
Liao W, Liu Y, Wen Z, Frear C and Chen S. 2008. Kinetic modeling of enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in differently pretreated fibers from a nitrogen-rich lignocellulosic material dairy manure. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 101(3), 441-451.
Mapemba L, Epplin F, Taliaferro C and Huhnke R. 2007. Biorefinery feedstock production on Conservation Reserve Program land. Review of Agricultural Economics 29(2):227-246.
Mapemba L, Epplin F, Huhnke F and Taliaferro C. 2008. Herbaceous plant biomass harvest and delivery cost with harvest segmented by month and number of harvest machines endogenously determined. Biomass and Bioenergy. 32:1016-1027.
Prewitt R, Montross M, McNeill S, Stombaugh T, Shearer S, Higgins S and Sokhansanj S. 2007. Corn stover availability and collection efficiency using typical hay equipment. Transactions of ASABE. 50(3): 705-711.
Pyle D, Garcia R and Wen Z. 2008. Producing docosahexaenoic acid-rich algae from biodiesel derived-crude glycerol: effects of impurities on DHA production and algal biomass composition. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56 (11): 3933 3939.
Ruan R, Chen P, Hemmingsen R, Morey V and Tiffany D. 2008. Size matters: small distributed biomass energy production systems for economic viability. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. 1(1):64-68.
Selig M, Viamajala S, Decker S, Tucker M, Himmel M and Vinzant T. 2007. Deposition of lignin droplets produced during dilute acid pretreatment of maize stems retards enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. Biotechnology Progress. 23(6); 1333-1339.
Wang L, Weller C, Jones D and Hanna M. 2008. Contemporary issues in thermal gasification of biomass and its application to electricity and fuel production. Biomass and Bioenergy. 32: 573-581.
Wang L, Weller C, Schlegel V, Carr T and Cuppett S. 2008. Supercritical CO2 extraction of lipids from grain sorghum dried distillers grains with solubles. Bioresoure Technology. 99(5):1373-1382.
Wang D, Bean S, McLaren J, Seib P, Madl R, Tuinstra M, Lenz M, Wu X and. Zhao R. 2008. Grain sorghum is a viable feedstock for ethanol production. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 35(5):313-320.
Wu X, Zhao R, Liu L, Bean S, Seib P, McLaren J, Madl R, Tuinstra M, Lenz M and Wang D. 2008. Effects of geographic location and irrigation on attributes and ethanol yields of selected grain sorghums. Cereal Chemistry 85(4):495-501.
Xu Y, Hanna M and Scott J. 2007. Hybrid hazelnut oil characteristics and its potential oleochemcial applications. Industrial Crops and Products. 26: 69-76.
Xu Y, Hanna M and Isom L. 2008. Green chemicals from renewable agricultural resources- a mini review. The Open Agriculture Journal. 2: 54-61.
Ye X, Liu L, Hayes D, Womac A, Hong K, and Sokhansanj S. 2008. Fast classification and compositional analysis of cornstover fractions using Fourier transform near-infrared techniques. Bioresource Technology. 99(15):7323-32.
Yu F, Deng S, Chen P, Liu Y, Wang Y, Olsen A, Kittelson D and Ruan R. 2007. Physical and chemical properties of bio-oils from microwave pyrolysis of corn stovers. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 136-140:957-970.
Yu F, Ruan R, Chen P, Deng S, Liu Y and Lin X. 2007. Liquefaction of corn cobs with supercritical water treatment. Transactions of ASABE. 50(1):175-180.
Yu F, Ruan R and Steele P. 2008. Consecutive reaction model for pyrolysis of corn cob. Transactions of ASABE. 51(3):1023-1028.
Zhuang J, Marchant M, Nokes S and Strobel H. 2007. Economic analysis of cellulase production methods for bioethanol. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(5):679-687.
Peer-reviewed Journal Publications for Oct. 2008-Sept 2009, including accepted and in press publications, as submitted by these participating stations: AL, IL, KS, MS, ND, NE, OK, SD
Acioli-Moura R, and Sun X. S. 2008. Thermal degradation and physical aging of poly(lactic acid) and its blends with starch. Polymer Engineering and Science. DOI 10.1002.pen.21019: 829-836.
Adhikari S, Fernando S, and Haryanto A. 2008. Hydrogen production from glycerin by steam reforming over nickel catalysts. Renewable Energy. 33: 10971100.
Adhikari S, Fernando S, To F, Bricka R, Steele P, and Haryanto A. 2008. Conversion of glycerol to hydrogen via a steam reforming process over nickel catalysts. Energy & Fuels. 22(2): 1220-1226.
Adhikari S, Fernando S, To F, Bricka R, Steele P and Haryanto, A. 2008. Conversion of glycerol to hydrogen via a steam reforming process over nickel catalysts, Energy & Fuels, 22: 1220-1226.
Adhikari S, Fernando S, and Haryanto A. 2008. Hydrogen production from glycerin by steam reforming over nickel catalysts. Renewable Energy. 33: 1097-1100.
Arora A, Dien B.S, Belyea R.L, Wang P, Singh V, Tumbleson M.E, and Rausch K.D. 2009. Thin stillage fractionation using ultrafiltration: resistance in series model. Bioprocessing Biosysystems Engineering. 32:225-233.
Beaver E. K, Klabunde B, Wang X, and Sun S. 2009. Lactic acid-magnesium oxide nanocomposites: how nanoparticle size and shape affect initial polymerization and the resulting properties of the prepolymer. New Journal of Chemistry. 33:1951-1959.
Bernhart M. and Fasina O. O. 2009. Physical properties and pyrolysis behavior of fractionated poultry litter. Transactions of ASABE. 52: 531-538.
Bernhart M. and Fasina O. O. 2009. Moisture effect on the storage, handling and flow properties of poultry litter. Waste Management. 29: 1392-1398.
Bhadra R, Muthukumarappan K. and Rosentrater K.A. 2009. Understanding and modeling flowability in DDGS. Cereal Chemistry. 86(2): 170-180.
Bhadra R, Rosentrater K.A., and Muthukumarappan K. 2009. Surface characteristics and flowability in distillers dried grain with solubles. Cereal Chemistry. 86(4): 410-420.
Chakraborty P, Gibbons W.R, and Muthukumarappan K. 2009. Conversion of volatile fatty acids into polyhydroxyalkanoate by Ralstonia eutropha. Journal of Applied Microbiology (In press).
Espinoza-Perez J.D, Wiesenborn D.P, Haagenson D, Ulven C.A. and Pryor S. 2009. Production and characterization of epoxidized canola oil. Transactions of ASABE. 52(4):1289-1297.
Fasina O.O. 2008. Physical properties of peanut hull pellets. Bioresource Technology. 99: 1259-1266.
Gibbons W.R. and Hughes S.R. 2009. Integrated biorefineries with engineered microbes and high-value co-products for profitable biofuels production. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology Plant. 45:218-228.
Hughes S.R, Gibbons W.R, and Kohl S. 2009. Chapter 4: Advanced biorefineries for production of fuel ethanol. In: Biomass to Biofuels, A. Vertes, N. Qureshi, H. Yukawa, and H. Blaschek (eds). John Wiley and Sons, England (In press).
Cannayen I, Pordesimo L.O, Batchelor W. D, Columbus E.P, and Methuku S. 2008. Shape identification and size distribution of particles from basic shape parameters using ImageJ. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 63:168-182.
Karunanithy C. and Muthukumarappan K. 2009. Influence of extruder temperature and screw speed on sugar recovery from corn stover through enzymatic hydrolysis while varying enzymes and their ratio. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-009-8757-y.
Kumar A, Eskridge K, Jones D.D, and Hanna M.A. 2009. Steam-air fluidized bed gasification of distillers grains: effects of steam to biomass ratio, equivalence ratio and gasification temperature. Bioresource Technology. 100(6):2062-2068.
Kumar A, Wang L, Yuris D, Jones D.D, and Hanna M.A. 2008. Thermogravimetric characterization of corn stover as gasification and pyrolysis feedstock. Biomass and Bioenergy. 32:460-467.
Kun F, Wang B, Sheng K, and Sun X.S. 2009. Properties and morphology of poly(lactic acid) / soy protein isolate blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 114(2): 754-759.
Kundiyana D, Wilkins M.R, Huhnke R.L, and Banat I.M. 2009. Effect of furfural addition on xylose utilization by Kluyveromyces marxianus IBMm4 under anaerobic and microaerobic conditions. Biological Eng. (in press).
Lee S.Y, Eskridge K.M, and Hanna M.A. 2009. Effects of extrusion variables on organoclay intercalation and properties of tapioca starch-poly(lactic acid) nanocomposite foams. International Polymer Processing. 24:59-66
Leguizamón C, Weller C.L, Schlegel V.L, and Carr T.P. 2009. Plant sterol and policosanol characterization of hexane extracts from grain sorghum, corn and their DDGS. Journal of American Oil Chemists Society. 6(7):707-716.
Lemuz C.R, Dien B.S, Singh V, McKinney J, Tumbleson M.E, and Rausch, K.D. 2009. Development of an ethanol yield procedure for dry grind corn processing. Cereal Chemistry. 86:355-360.
Li X, Li Y, Zhong Z, Wang D, Ratto J.A, Sheng K, and Sun X.S. 2009. Mechanical and water soaking properties of medium density fiberboard with wood fiber and soybean protein adhesive. Bioresources and Technology. 100(2009): 3556-3562.
Mo X, Hiromasa Y, Al-Rawi A, Warner M, Iwamoto T, Rahman T, Sun X.S, and Tomich J.M. 2008. Design of bio-based 11- residue adhesive peptides with different properties: Induced secondary structure in the absence of water. Biophysical Journal. 94: 1807-1817.
Pushpadass H.A, and Hanna M.A. 2009. Age-induced changes in the microstructure and selected properties of extruded starch films plasticized with glycerol and stearic acid. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (In Press).
Pushpadass H.A, Kumar A, Dumais J, Wehling R.L, Jackson D.S, and Hanna M.A. 2008. Macromolecular changes in extruded starch films plasticized with water, glycerol and stearic acid. Starch/Stärke. 61:256-266.
Pushpadass H.A, Marx D.B, and Hanna M.A. 2009. Effects of extrusion temperature and plasticizers on the physical and functional properties of starch films. Starch/Stärke. 60(10):527-538.
Pushpadass H.A, Marx D.B, Wehling R.L, and Hanna M.A. 2009. Extrusion and characterization of starch films. Cereal Chemistry. 86(1): 44-51.
Pushpadass H.A, Weber R.W, and Hanna M.A. 2008. Expansion, morphological, and mechanical properties of starch-polystyrene foams containing various additives. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 47(14): 4736-4742.
Ravindranath S.V, Uppugundla N, Lay J, Clausen E, Wilkins M, Ingraham R, West C, Wu Y, and Carrier D.J. 2009. Policosanol, ±-tocopherol and moisture content as a function of timing of harvest of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry. 57:3500-3505.
Shera J, and Sun X.S. 2009. Effect of peptide sequence on surface properties and self-assembly of an amphiphilic ph-responsive peptide. Biomacromolecules. 10(8): 2201-2206
Singh S.K, Kakani V.G, Brand D, Baldwin B, and Reddy K.R. 2008. Assessment of cold and heat-tolerance of winter-grown canola cultivars by pollen-based parameters. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 194: 225-236.
Srinivasan R, Yadav M.P, Belyea R.L, Rausch K.D, Pruiett L.E, Johnston D.B, Tumbleson M.E, and Singh V. 2008. Fiber separation from distillers dried grains with solubles using scaled up elutriation apparatus and use of fiber as a feedstock for corn fiber gum. Biol. Engr. 1:39-49.
Steele P.H, Mitchell B.K, Cooper J.E, and Arora S. Bundled slash: a potential new biomass resource for fuels and chemicals. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 148 (1):1-13. 2008.
Sun X.S, Wang D, Zhang L, Mo X, Zue L, and Boyle D. 2008 Morphology and phase separation of hydrophobic clusters of soy globular protein polymers. Macromolecular Bioscience. 8(4):295-303.
Suryawati L, Wilkins M.R, Bellmer D.D, Huhnke R.L, Maness N.O, and Banat I.M. 2009. Effect of hydrothermolysis process conditions on pretreated switchgrass composition and SSF ethanol yield using Kluyveromyces marxianus IBM4. Process Biochem. 44:540-545.
Suryawati L, Wilkins M.R, Bellmer D.D, Huhnke R.L, Maness N.O, and Banat I.M. 2008. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of Kanlow switchgrass pretreated by hydrothermolysis using Kluyveromyces marxianus IBM4. Biotechnology Bioengineering. 101:894-902.
Uppugundla N, Engelberth A, Vandhana Ravindranath S, Lay J, Clausen E, Lay M, Gidden J and Carrier DJ. (2009). Switchgrass water extracts: Extraction, separation and biological activity of rutin and quercitrin. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 57: (in press).
Vandhana Ravindranath S, Uppugundla N, Lay J, Clausen E, Wilkins M, Ingraham R, West C, Wu Y and Carrier DJ. (2009). Policosanol, ±-tocopherol and moisture content as a function of timing of harvest of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 57: 3500-3505.
Venkateshan K. and Sun X.S. 2009. Thermodynamic and microscopy studies of urea-soy protein composites, Polymer Preprints. 50(2): 71-72.
Vidal B.C. Jr, Rausch K.D, Tumbleson M.E, and Singh V. 2009a. Determining corn germ and pericarp residual starch by acid hydrolysis. Cereal Chemistry. 86:133-135.
Vidal B.C. Jr, Rausch K.D, Tumbleson M.E, and Singh V. 2009b. Protease treatment to improve ethanol fermentation in modified dry grind corn processes. Cereal Chemistry. 86:323-328.
Wang D, Sun X.S, Yang G, and Wang Y. 2009. Improved water resistance of soy protein isolate from neutral surface charge. Transactions of ASABE. 52(1):173-177.
Wang B, Sun, X.S, and Klabunde K. 2009. Poly(lactic acid)/multi-hydroxyl magnesium oxide nanocomposites prepared by melt compounding. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 3: 130-138.
Wang L, Weller C.L, Schlegel V.L, Carr TP, and Cuppett S.L. 2008. Supercritical CO2 extraction of lipids from grain sorghum dried distillers grains with solubles. Bioresoure Technology. 99(5):1373-1382.
Wang L, Hanna M.A, Weller C.L, and Jones D.D. 2009. Technical and economical analyses of combined heat and power generation from distillers grains and corn stover in ethanol plants. Energy Conservation and Management. 50:1704-1713.
Wang L, Kumar A, Weller C.L, Hanna M.A, and Jones D.D. 2009. Thermal degradation kinetics of distillers grains in nitrogen and air part a: recovery, utilization, and environmental effects. Energy Sources. 31(10):797-806.
Wang P, Johnston D.B, Rausch K.D, Schmidt S.J, Tumbleson M.E, and Singh, V. 2009. Effects of protease and urea on a granular starch hydrolyzing process for ethanol production. Cereal Chemistry. 86:319-322.
Wang Y, Tilley M, Bean S, Sun X.S, and Wang D. 2009. Comparison of methods for extracting sorghum proteins from distillers dried grains with solubles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57(18):8366-8372.
West T. P. 2009. Effect of yeast extract supplementation on curdlan production from condensed corn distillers solubles. Res. J. Microbiol. 4:202-207.
Widmer W, Narciso J, Grohmann K, and Wilkins M. 2009. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of orange processing waste to ethanol using Kluyveromyces marxianus. Biological Engineering (in press).
Wilhelmi A.J, Wiesenborn D,P, Gustafson C.R., and Pryor S.W. 2009. Models for fractionation of field peas to supplement corn ethanol, Applied Engineering in Agriculture (in press).
Wilkins M.R. 2009. Effect of orange peel oil on ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis. Biomass and Bioenergy. 33:538-541.
Wolf-Hall C.E, Gibbons W.R, and Bauer N.A. 2009. Development of a low-cost medium for production of nisin from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. W. J. Micr. Biotechnol (accepted 6/09). 10.1007/s11274-009-0102-7.
Xie G, and West T.P. 2009. Citric acid production by Aspergillus niger ATCC 9142 from a treated ethanol fermentation coproduct using solid-state fermentation. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 48:639-644.
Xu Y.X, Hanna M.A, and Josiah S.J. 2009. Evaluation of Nebraska hybrid hazelnuts: nut and kernel characteristics, proximate, oil and protein compositions . Industrial Crops and Products. Accepted.
Xu Y.X, and Hanna M.A. 2009. Synthesis and characterization of hazelnut oil-based biodiesel. Industrial Crops and Products. 29: 473-479.
Xu Y.X, Hanna M.A, and Isom L. 2008. Green chemicals from renewable agricultural biomass-a mini review. The Open Agriculture Journal. 2:54-61.
Yu F, Ruan R, and Steele P.H. 2008. Consecutive reaction model for the pyrolysis of corn cob. Transactions of ASABE. 51(3): 1023-1028. 2008.
Zhang L, and Sun X.S. 2008. Effects of sodium bisulfite on soybean glycinin. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56(23):11192-11197.
Zhao H, Zhang J, Sun X.S, and Hua D.H. 2008. Syntheses and properties of cross-linked polymers from functionalized triglycerides. Journal Applied Polymer Science. 110: 647-656.
Abbott J, Medina Bolivar F, Martin E, Engelberth A, Villagarcia H, Clausen E and Carrier DJ. Purification of resveratrol, arachidin-1 and arachidin-3 from hairy root cultures of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and determination of their antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity. Biotechnology Progress (in press)
Agus Haryanto, Sandun Fernando, Lester Pordesimo S. D. Filip To, Philip H. Steele and Sushil Adhikari, 2009. Hydrogen production through water gas shift reaction: thermodynamic equilibrium vs. experimental results over supported Ni catalysts. Energy & Fuels, Vol. 23 (6), pp 30973102.
Allen, T.D., M.E. Caldwell, P.A. Lawson, R.L. Huhnke and R.S. Tanner. 2010. Alkalibaculum bacchi gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel CO oxidizing, ethanol producing acetogen isolated from livestock-impacted soil. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.018507-0. (In press.)
Arora, A., Dien, B. S., Belyea, R. L., Singh, V., Tumbleson, M. E. and Rausch, K. D. 2010a. Heat transfer fouling characteristics of microfiltered thin stillage from the dry grind process. Bioresource Technology 101:6521-6527.
Arora, A., Dien, B. S., Belyea, R. L., Tumbleson, M. E., Singh, V. and Rausch, K. D. 2010b. Nutrient recovery from the dry grind process using sequential micro and ultrafiltration of thin stillage. Bioresource Technology 101:3859-3863.
Bellmer, D., R. Huhnke, R. Whiteley and C. Godsey. 2010. The untapped potential of sweet sorghum as a bioenergy feedstock. Biofuels. (In press).
Belyea, R. L., Rausch, K. D., Clevenger, T. E., Singh, V., Johnston, D. B. and Tumbleson, M. E. 2010. Sources of variation in composition of ddgs. Animal Feed Science and Technology in press, corrected proof.
Bernhart, M., Fasina, O.O., Fulton, J., Wood, W. 2010. Compaction of poultry litter. Bioresource Technology, 101: 234-239.
Bitra, V.S.P., A.R. Womac, Y.T. Yang, C. Igathinathane, P.I. Miu, N. Chevanan, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Knife mill operating factors effect on switchgrass particle size distributions. Bioresource Technology 100(21): 5176-5188.
Bitra, V.S.P., A.R. Womac, N. Chevanan, P.I. Miu, C. Igathinathane, S. Sokhansanj, D.R. Smith. 2009. Direct mechanical energy measures of hammer mill comminution of switchgrass, wheat straw, and corn stover and analysis of their particle size distributions. Powder Technology 193(1):32-45.
Bitra, V.S.P., A.R. Womac, C. Igathinathane, P.I. Miu, Y.T. Yang, D.R. Smith, N. Chevanan, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Direct measures of mechanical energy for knife mill size reduction of switchgrass, wheat straw, and corn stover. Bioresource Technology 100(24):6578- 6585.
Bitra, V.S.P., A.R. Womac, I. Cannayen, P.I. Miu, Y.T. Yang, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Comminution energy consumption of biomass in knife mill and its particle size characterization. Paper No. 095898, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Bitra, V.S.P., A.R. Womac, W.E. Hart, G.V. Melnichenko, T. Kraus, J. Hickman, and D. Acheson. 2010. Effect of field harvest method, timing, and storage on enzymatic hydrolysis of liquid AFEX pretreated switchgrass. Paper No. 1008845, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Bitra, V.S.P., A.R. Womac, Y.T. Yang, P.I. Miu, C. Igathinathane, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Mathematical model parameters for particle size spectra ranges of knife-milled corn stover. Biosystems Engineering 104(3):369-383
Bitra, V.S.P., S. Banu, P. Ramakrishna, G. Narender, A.R. Womac. 2010. Moisture dependent thermal properties of peanut pods, kernels, and shells. Biosystems Engineering 106:503- 512.
C. Igathinathane, A. R. Womac, S. Sokhansanj. 2010. Effect of angle of cut on corn stalks mechanical cutting strength and energy. Paper No. 1008644, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI
Chen, P., M. Min, Y. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Li, Q. Chen, C. Wang, Y. Wan, X. Wang, Y. Cheng, S. Deng, K. Hennessy, X. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, B. Martinez, R. Ruan. 2009. Review of biological and engineering aspects of algae to fuel approach. International Journal o Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2(4):1-30.
Cheng, L. and X.P. Ye*. 2009. A DRIFTS Study of Catalyzed Dehydration of Alcohols by Alumina-Supported Heteropoly Acid. Catalysis Letters, 130(1-2), 100-107.
Cheng, Y., S. Deng, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2009. Polylactic acid (PLA) synthesis and modifications: a review. Front. Chem. China 4(3):259-264
Cherney, J.H., Q.M. Ketterings, M.H. Davis, and D.J.R. Cherney. 2010. Split Application of Nitrogen vs. Dairy Manure on Temperate Perennial Grasses. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2010-0215-01-RS.
Chevanan, N., A.R. Womac, V.S.P. Bitra, C. Igathinathane, P.I. Miu, Y.T. Yang, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Bulk density and compaction behavior of knife mill chopped switchgrass, wheat straw and corn stover. Bioresource Technology 101(1):207-214.
Chevanan, N., A.R. Womac, V.S.P. Bitra, D.C. Yoder, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Flowability parameters for chopped switchgrass, wheat straw and corn stover. Powder Technology 193(1):79-81.
Espinoza-Perez, J.D., C.A. Ulven, D. Haagenson, D.P. Wiesenborn, Epoxidized high-oleic vegetable oils applied to composites, Transactions of the ASABE (in press).
Espinoza-Perez, J.D., D. Haagenson, S.W. Pryor , C.A. Ulven, and D.P. Wiesenborn,. 2009. Production and characterization of epoxidized canola oil. Trans ASABE 52(4):1289-1297.
Faga, B.A., M.R. Wilkins, I.M. Banat. 2010. Ethanol production through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of switchgrass using Saccharomyces cerevisiae D5A and thermotolerant Kluyveromyces marxianus IMB strains. Bioresource Technol. 101:2273-2279.
Geza, M., B.J. Barfield, R.L. Huhnke, A. Stoecker, D.E. Storm, and E.W. Stevens. 2009. Comparison of targeted replacement and vegetative filter strips for sediment control and cost effectiveness. J. Water Resources Planning and Management 135 (5):406-409.
Gopal Gautam, Sushil Adhikari and Sushil Bhavnani. Estimation of biomass synthesis gas composition using equilibrium modeling. Energy & Fuels . Energy & Fuels 24 (4), pp. 26922698 .
Haagenson, D., R. Brudvik, H. Lin, and D. Wiesenborn. High-throughput characterization of canola biodiesel cold flow properties, Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (in press).
Hassan, E.M., F. Yu, L.L. Ingram and P.H. Steele. 2009. The Potential Use of Whole-tree Biomass for Bio-oil Fuels. Energy Sources Part A. 31:1829-1839.
Hwang, S., F.M. Epplin, B. Lee, and R. Huhnke. 2009. A probabilistic estimate of the frequency of mowing and baling days available in Oklahoma USA for the harvest of switchgrass for use in biorefineries. Biomass and Bioenergy 33(8):1037-1045.
Igathinathane, C., A.R. Womac, S. Sokhansanj, S. Narayan. 2009. Size reduction of high- and low-moisture corn stalks by linear knife grid system. Biomass and Bioenergy 33(4):547-557.
Igathinathane, C., D. Skea, K. Day, J. MacDonald, T. Sauder, and A.R. Womac. 2009. The performance (quality) of size reduction of woody biomass. Paper No. 097475. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Igathinathane, C., L. O. Pordesimo, A. R. Womac, S. Sokhansanj. 2009. Hygroscopic moisture sorption kinetics modeling of corn stover and its fractions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(1):65-73.
Kaur, P., Rausch, K.D., Tumbleson, M.E. and Singh, V. 2009. Enzymatic and process technologies to increase corn dry grind slurry solids. Cereal Foods World 54:A21. AACC International. St. Paul, MN.
Kaur, P., Rausch, K.D., Tumbleson, M.E., and Singh, V. 2010. High solids fermentation using granular starch hydrolyzing enzymes in the corn dry grind process. Abstract. Corn Utilization and Technology Conf. National Corn Growers Association, St. Louis, MO.
Khullar, E., Sall, E.D., Rausch, K.D., Tumbleson, M.E. and Singh, V. 2009. Ethanol production from hard and soft endosperm corn types. Cereal Foods World 54:A21. AACC International. St. Paul, MN.
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Book Chapters
Hennessee, C.T., Li, Q.X. 2010. Chapter 18: Micrococcineae: Arthrobacter and Relatives. In: Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. K.N. Timmis, Ed-in-chief; T. McGenity, J.R. van der Meer, V. de Lorenzo (Eds.); Volume 3: Microbes and Communities Utilizing Hydrocarbons, Oils and Lipids; Part 1: The Microbes, Terry McGenity (Section Editor). Springer. pp 1853-1864. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77587-4_135
Karunanithy, C. and K. Muthukumarappan. 2011. Rheological characterization of biooils from pilot scale microwave pyrolysis process. Biofuel ISBN: 978-953-307-480-1. Dr Marco Aurelio Dos Santos Bernardes.
Karunanithy, C. and K. Muthukumarappan. 2011. Application of response surface methodology to optimize the alkali concentration, corn stover particle size and extruder parameters for maximum sugar recovery. Biofuel ISBN: 978-953-307-478-8. Editor: Marco Aurelio Dos Santos Bernardes.
Keum, Y. S.; Kim, J.-H.; Li, Q. X. 2010. Metabolomics in Pesticide Toxicology. In: Hayes Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (R. Krieger, ed.). 3rd ed. Academic Press, New York. pp 627-643
Muthukumarappan, K. and C. Karunanithy. 2011. Chapter on Extrusion Process Design in Handbook of Food Process Design edited by S. Rahman and J. Ahmed Willey-Blackwell (In press).
Qi, S and Li, Q. X. 2010. Proteomics in Pesticide Toxicology. In: Hayes Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (R. Krieger, ed.). 3rd ed. Academic Press, New York. pp 603-626
Singh, V., Johnston, D.B., Rausch, K.D. and Tumbleson, M.E. 2010. Improvements in corn to ethanol production technology using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In: Biomass to Biofuels: Strategies for Global Industries. p. 187-198. Vertes, A.A., Qureshi, N., Blaschek, H.P. and Yukawa, H. (eds.). Wiley and Sons, Inc., West Sussex, UK.
1. Ahn, B.J.; Kraft, S. and Sun, X.S. 2012. Solvent-free acid-catalyzed ring opening of epoxidized oleochemicals using stearates/stearic acid, and its applications, J Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 60: 2179-2189.
2. Ahn, B.K.; Kraft, S.; Wang, D. and Sun, X.S. 2011. Thermally Stable Transparent Pressure Sensitive Adhesives from Epoxidized and Dihydroxyl Soybean Oil, Biomacromolecules. 12, 1839-1843.
3. Ahn, B.K.; Sung, j.; Sun, X.S. 2011. Phosphate esters functionalized dihydroxyl soybean oil fackifier of pressure-sensitive adhesives, J of American Oil Chemistry. DOI 10.1007/s11746-011-1978-6.
4. Ahn, B.K.; Wang, H.; Robinson, S.; Shrestha, T.B.; Troyer, D.L; Bossmann, S. and Sun, X.S. 2012. Ring opening of epoxidized methyl oleate using novel acid functionalized iron nanoparticle catalyst, Green Chemistry. 14: 136-142.
5. Anderson, T.J., and Lamsal, B.P. 2011. Development of New Method for Extraction of ±-Zein from Corn Gluten Meal Using Different Solvents, Cereal Chemistry. 88(4): 356-362.
6. Anderson, T.J.; Paraman, I. and Lamsal, B.P. 2011. Two fraction extraction of ±-zein from DDGS and its characterization, Industrial Crops and Products. 37(1): 466-472.
7. Antunez, P.D.; Omary, M.B.; Rosentrater, K.A.; Pascall, M. and Winstone, L. 2011. Effect of an oxygen scavenger on the stability of preservative free flour tortillas. Journal of Food Science. DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2011.02470.x. Published online 02 Dec. 2011.
8. Ayadi, F.; Muthukumarappan, K.; Rosentrater, K.A. and Brown, M.L. 2011. Single screw extrusion processing of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)-based yellow perch (Perca flavenscens) feeds. Cereal Chemistry. 88(2): 179-188.
9. Ayadi, F.; Rosentrater, K.A.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Brown, M.L. 2011. Twin screw extrusion processing of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) feeds using various levels of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Cereal Chemistry. 88(4): 363-374.
10. Bauer, N. and Gibbons, W.R. 2012. Comparison of Cellulase Enzyme Dosages during Saccharification versus Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Kraft Pulp in a Submerged Bioreactor. Int. J. Agricul. Biol. Eng. 5: 35-42.
11. Bhadra, R.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Rosentrater, K.A.. Artificial neural network modeling of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) flowability with varying process and storage parameters. Cereal Chemistry. 88(5): 480-489.
12. Bhadra, R.; Muthukumarappan, K.; Rosentrater, K.A. and Kannadhason, S. 2011. Drying kinetics of distillers wet grains (DWG) under varying condensed distillers solubles (CDS) and temperature levels. Cereal Chemistry. 88(5): 451-458.
13. Bhadra, R.; Rosentrater, K.A.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Kannadhason, S. 2011. Drying characteristics of distillers wet grains under varying condensed distillers solubles and drying temperature levels. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 27(5): 777-786.
14. Bhandari, P.N. and Hanna, M.A. 2011. Carboxymethylation of cellulose using reactive extrusion Carbohydrate Polymer. 87(3): 2246-2254.
15. Bhandari, P.N. and Hanna, M.A. 2011. Continuous solvent-less extrusion process for producing sodium carboxymethyl starch suitable for disintegrant applications in solid dosage forms. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 50(22): 12784-12789.
16. Bhandari, P.N. and Hanna, M.A. 2011. Preparation of highly substituted carboxymethyl starch using a twin-screw extruder. Starch-Stärke. 63(12): 771-779.
17. Bhandari, P.N.; Jones, D.D. and Hanna, M.A. 2012. Comparison of physical, chemical and molecular properties of sodium starch glycolate prepared using reactive extrusion with those of VIVASTAR®P. Industrial Crops & Products. 41: 324-330.
18. Bitra, V.S.P.; Womac, A.R.; Yang, Y.T.; Miu, P.I.; Igathinathane, C.; Chevanan, N. and Sokhansanj, S. 2011. Characterization of wheat straw particle size distributions as affected by knife mill operating factors. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35(8): 3674-3686.
19. Borhan, M.S.; Capareda, S.C.; Mukhtar, S.; Faulkner, W.B.; McGee, R. and Parnell, C.B. 2012. Comparison of Seasonal Phenol and p-cresol Emissions from Ground Level Area Sources in a Dairy Operation in Central Texas. Journal of Air and Waste Management. JAWMA. Accepted for publication January 19, 2012.
20. Brar, J.S.; Singh, K.; Zondlo, J.; Wang, J. and Kumar, S. 2012. Co-gasification of coal and biomass- A review. International Journal of Forestry Research. Article ID 363058, doi:10.1155/2012/36305.
21. Brijwani, K.; Vadlani, P.V.; Hohn, K. and Maier, D.E. 2011. Experimental and theoretical analysis of a novel deep-bed solid-state bioreactor for cellulolytic enzymes production. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 58-59: 110-123.
22. Brown, D.; Shi, J. and Li, Y.B. 2012. Comparison of solid-State to liquid Anaerobic Digestion of lignocellulosic feedstocks for biogas production. Bioresource Technology. (In Press).
23. Byung-Jun, K.A.; Stenphen.; Wang, D. andSun, X.S. 2011. Thermally stable transparent pressure sensitive adhesives from epoxidized and dihydroxyl soybean oil. Biomacromolecules. 12: 1839-1843.
24. Capunitan, J. and Capareda, S.C. 2012. Assessing the Potential for Biofuel Production of Corn Stover Pyrolysis Using a Pressurized Batch reactor. Fuels. 95: 563-572.
25. Chakraborty, P.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W.R. 2012. PHA productivity and yield of Ralstonia eutropha when intermittently or continuously fed a mixture of volatile fatty acids. J Biomedicine and Biotechnology. (Accepted 7/2012).
26. Cheng, J.J. and Timilsina, R. 2011. Status and barriers of advanced biofuel technologies: A review. Renewable Energy. 36: 3541-3549.
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31. Dalton, D.A.; Murthy, G.S. and Strauss, S.H. 2012. Production of traditional and novel biopolymers in transgenic woody plants. Rec. Adv. Phytochem. (Accepted).
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34. Dien, B.S.; Wicklow, D.T.; Singh, V.; Moreau, R.A.; Winkler-Moser, J.K. and Cotta, M.A. 2012. Influence of Stenocarpella mydis infected corn on the composition of corn kernels and its conversion into ethanol. Cereal Chem. 89:15-23.
35. Eckard, A.D.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W. 2011. Pretreatment of extruded corn stover with polyethylene glycol to enhance enzymatic hydrolysis: optimization, kinetics, and mechanism of action. BioEnergy Research. 5: 424-438. DOI 10.1007/s12155-011-9162-2.
36. Eckard, A.D.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W. 2012. Analysis of Casein Biopolymers Adsorption to Lignocellulosic Biomass as a potential cellulase stabilizer. J. Biomedicine and Biotechnol. DOI:10.1155/2012/745181.
37. Eckard, A.D.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W. 2012. Enhanced bioethanol production from pretreated corn stover via multi-positive effect of casein micelles. Bioresource Technology. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.07.100.
38. Eckard, A.D.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W. 2012. Modeling of pretreatment condition of extrusion pretreated prairie cordgrass and corn stover with poly(oxyethylen)20 5 sorbitan monolaurate. Appl Biochem and Biotechnol. 166: DOI 10.1007/s12010-012-9698-4
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45. Gautam, G.; Adhikari, S.; Gopakumar, S.T.; Brodbeck, C.; Bhavnani, S. and Taylor, S. 2011. Tar analysis in syngas derived from pelletized biomass in a commercial stratified downdraft gasifier. BioResources. 6(4): 4652-4661.
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47. Geiger, M.; Gibbons, J.; West, T.; Hughes, S.R. and Gibbons, W.R. 2012. Evaluation of engineered Scheffersomyces stipitis strains for ethanol production. J. Lab. Automation. DOI:10.1177/2211068212452873.
48. Gopakumar, S.T.; Adhikari, S.; Gupta, R. and Fernando, S. 2011. Influence of Pyrolysis Operating Conditions on Bio-Oil Components: A Microscale Study in a Pyroprobe. Energy and Fuels. 25(3): 11911199.
49. Gutierrez-Wing, M.T.; Stevens, B.E.; Theegala, C.S.; Negulescu, I.I. and Rusch, K.A. 2011. Aerobic Biodegradation of Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in Compost. Environmental Engineering Science. 28: 477-488.
50. Haryanto,A.; Fernando,S.D.; Filip To, S.D.; Steele, P.; Pordesimo, L. and Adhikari, S. 2011. High temperature water gas shift reaction over nickel catalysts for hydrogen production: effect of supports, ghsv, metal loading, and dopant materials. J. Thermodynamics and Catalysis. 2(1): 106. doi:10.4172/2153-0645.1000106.
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52. Hohenshuh, W.; Ma, C.; Dalton, D.A. and Murthy, G.S. 2012. Development of protocols for determination of PHB in plant tissues. J. Bioproc. Eng. Biorefinery. (Accepted)
53. Hu, J.; Yu, F. and Lu, Y. 2012. Application of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Biomass to Liquid Conversion. Catalysts. 2: 303-326.
54. Hu, S. J.; Luo, X.L.; Wan, C.X. and Li, Y.B. 2012. Characterization of Crude Glycerol from Biodiesel Plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60: 5915-5921.
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61. Javers, J.; Gibbons, W. and Karunanithy, C. 2012. Polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Pseudomonas putida KT217 on a condensed corn solubles based medium fed with glycerol water or sunflower soapstock. Adv. Microbiol. (In press 6/2012)
62. Juneja, A.; Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2011. Analysis of biomass from CRP lands for ethanol production in Pacific Northwest US. J. Ren. Sust. Energy. 3: 063102; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3658399
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64. Karunanithy, C.; Karuppuchamy, V.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W.R. 2012. Selection of enzyme combination, dose and temperature for hydrolysis of soybean white flakes. Ind. Biotechnol. (Accepted 6/12).
65. Karunanithy, C.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W. 2012. Effect of extruder screw speed, temperature, and enzyme levels on sugar recovery from different biomasses. ISRN Biotechnology 2013: DOI:10.5402/2013/942810.
66. Karunanithy, C.; Muthukumarappan, K. and Gibbons, W.R. 2012. Extrusion pretreatment of pine wood chips. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. DOI 10.1007/s12010-012-9662-3.
67. Khanal, S.; Anex, R.P.; Gelder, B.K.; Dixon, P.; Caragea, P. 2012. Cropping pattern choice with proximity to ethanol production and animal feeding operations. Bioproducts & Biorefining (Biofpr). 6(4): 431-443.
68. Kim, H.; Parajuli, P.B.; Yu, F.; Columbus, E.P. and Batchelor, W.D. 2012. Economic Evaluation of Syngas Production: Model Development and Analysis. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(3): 1033-1045.
69. Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2011. Impact of pretreatment and downstream processing technologies on economics, energy and water use in cellulosic ethanol production. Biotechnol. Biofuels. 4: 27.
70. Kumar, D. and Murthy, G.S. 2012. Life cycle assessment of ethanol production from grass straws using various pretreatment processes. Intl. J. LCA.17: 388-401.
71. Kumar, D.; Juneja, A.; Hohenshuh, W. and Murthy, G.S. 2012. Study of chemical composition of lignocellulosic feedstocks from different sites of conservation reserve program lands. J. Ren. Sust. Energy. (Review submitted).
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85. Liu, K.; Atiyeh, H.K.; Tanner, R.S.; Wilkins, M.R. and Huhnke, R.L. 2012. Fermentative production of ethanol from syngas using novel moderately alkaliphilic strains of Alkalibaculum bacchi, Bioresource Technology. 104: 336-341.
86. Long, C. and Gibbons, W.R. 2012. Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Soybean Processing Intermediates for the Production of Ethanol and Concentration of Protein and Lipids. ISRN Microbiology (Accepted 8/2012).
87. Lu, Y.; Yu, F.; Hu, J. and Liu, J. 2012. Catalytic conversion of syngas to mixed alcohols over Zn-Mn promoted Cu-Fe based catalyst. Applied Catalysis A, General. 429430: 48-58.
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90. Min, M.; Hu, B.; Zhou, W.; Li, Y.; Chen, P. and Ruan, R. 2012. Mutual influence of light and CO2 on carbon sequestration via cultivating mixotrophic alga Auxenochlorella protothecoides UMN280 in an organic carbon-rich wastewater. Journal of Applied Phycology. 24(5):1099-1105.
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97. Murthy, G. S.; Johnston, D. B.; Rausch, K. D.; Tumbleson, M. E. and Singh, V. 2011. Starch hydrolysis modeling: Application to fuel ethanol production. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 34: 879-890.
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100. Naimi, L.J.; Sokhansanj, S.; Womac, A.R.; Bi, X.T.; Lim, C.J.; Igathinathane, C.; Lau, A.K.; Sowlati, T.; Melin, S.; Emami, M. and Afzal. M. 2011. Development of a population balance model to simulate fractionation of ground switchgrass. Transactions of the ASABE. 54(1): 219-227.
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